The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 02, 1921, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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Established 1890 Tho Dalles, Ore.
Published Every Evening Except Sunday
by the Chronicle Publishing company Inc
Ben R. Lit fin
Alvtn It. Bucklln
-General Manager
Entered In The Dalies postofflce as
United Press and United News Service
Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations
One year. In advance $5.00
Biz months, In advance 13.00
One month -
One year. In advanve $5.00
Blx months, In advance $2.50
One month 60
One year. In advance
In ordering change of address, sub
scriber should always give old as well
aa new address.
Telephone Main 111
Subscribers to the Chronicle are guar
anteed service. Prompt' and regular de
livery of every subscriber's paper Is the
aim oi mo circulation department, ino
Chronicle carriers aro required to put
the papers on the porch or wherever th
subscriber wishes tho paper delivered.
People who live in glass houses
should undress in the basement. This
serves to Introduce the thought that
we laugh 'at ridiculous practices In
others, yet go serenely along ignoring
them in our own affairs.
Personal adornment is an instinct
deep rooted in all life. The animals
of the fields preen themselves and
seek in every way possible to keep
their feathers or (heir fur or 'their
hair beautiful.
But the doslre to be beautiful Is
not confined to the lower animals.
Humans have tho Instinct in rare de
gree. Sometimes it is prevertod. The
women of the South Soa islands and
. the men too, loop rings in their noses
and their ears and thosi who wish to
appear especially allu. hg put sticks
in their ears and noses. A most gro
tesque effect is thus obtained.
The poor savages think themselves
most beautiful and we laugh at them
contemptuously, saying tho poor
heathens know no better than to bo
liovo that spoiling their appearance
gives them beauty.
Among many tribes of the earth
tattooing la pructlced. The man or
the woman who has the most paterni
lndellibly written into his or her skin
is considered the most houutlful.
They think themselves beautiful
and wo laugh ut thorn contemptuously,
saying the poor HUVftgeB know no bet
tor than to bollovo that spoiling their
uppearnnco gives them beauty.
Coming right down to facta, it
seems sacrilegious to deface the form
and features God has given His poo
pie. Wo are trying, It would seem, to
improve on tho handiwork of tho Al
mighty. There Is nothing so boautirul
as tho human form. Artists anil lov
ers of beauty sense this ami offer
statues und pulntlngu of nude studies
bocuuBo they embraco tho lust word
in highest beauty,
'Nothing ever devised by man Is us
wonderful or us beautiful as the an
num form. All Inventions have their
counterpart in tho human body and
beauty of body has inspired some of
tho greatest literature of all ages. De
sire for beauty Ima mude men in all
climes do mlruculous things to show
the women they loved that they were
(It to be given a feminine smile.
Yes, wo laugh at the poor savages
who disfigure themselves seeking
beauty. However, practices us Idiotic
and as foolish among ourselves we
condone or ignore. Uiughtor for the
oiie, praise of a kind tor tho other.
Some American women, prompted
oy the desire to bo beautiful seek to
Improve on nature, They daub rouge
on their lips. Thuy do not know that
a red blooded man Is nauseated by
thlh vile paint. What art can Improve
on ruby red lips, soft us rose petals,
wnrm as tropic night.
Indeed, recently, women In quest
ot beauty huvu done scandulou
things to their eyebrows. While wo
are on the matter ot eyebrows, It la
well to remark that some mea have
been sprouting eyebrows on their up
per lips. This, too, has come about iu
the quest for beauty.
Women today aren't content with
their own couiplailona. They mutt
buy coaaplexloas ay the box at the
. drug store, They think they can Im
prove on nature They may, through
, observ,ns ,the rulea of hea,th- c,ear
up tneir complexions ana mus aau 10
their beauty, but they can't do much
by daubing on a cover to hide the im
Oh, yes, powder in reason is all
rlgnt But t 8houldnt be used in thick
I layers and it shouldn't be so powerful
ly scented as to neutralize an onion
or a moonshine breath.
Then there's the matter of hair
Some women these days have come to
the conclusion that they can improve
on nature and thus acquire a certain
beauty. They don't' like the color of
their hair. So they hie themselves
out and procure dye stuffs and honnn
and set about making nature appear
as she isn't.
It is quite common for girls to
change the color of their hair now as
often as they change their style of
We wonder if the savages of the Pa,
cific isles who mutilate themselves in
quest of beauty wouldn't laugh up
roarously and long at the attempts of
civilized women to win beauty by try
ing to improve on nature by paint and
powder and dyes.
At any rate our women have no li
cense to laugh at the poor dwellers on
Pacific isles for adorning their noses
and ears with sticks and rings.
People who live in glass houses
should undress In the basement.
Waplnitia, April 1.
Editor, The Chronicle: Just a let
ter to show appreciation for the "fly
ing squadron" of The Dalles.
The delegation of business men who
flooded the county with encourage
ment and good cheer on their whirl
wind trip of this week, took Waplnitia
plains by storm. After their arrival at
'Waplnitia they clrcum-uutomoblled
the plains, visiting the headquarters
of the Waplnitia Irrigation company
and inspecting portions of the canal
distribution system. Thence they vis
ited various farms and returned to
the school house ut 4 o'clock, where
a representative body of live wires
and club directors awaited their com
ing. In a few minutes all the old time
doubts und prejudices were subdued
by the big guns, shot by President H.
S. Hice and Secretary E. P. Van
Schoick, loaded with facts.
The now, acceptable medium of ex
change Introduced by T, H. West und
L. Bnrnitm, is cooperation, which will
unlock the flood-gates of Wasco coun
ty's treasuros. John G. Odell, district
manuger of the Tum-A-Lum Lumber
company, used "Dimension Stuff," in
laying the foundation for tho enlarg
ed organization. N. A. Bonn, of tho
titadelman-Bonn Hardware company,
pointed up tho structure with the well
tempered steel of confidence und un
derstanding. Responsive addresses wore deliver
ed by J. 8. iBrown, president of tho
AVnpinltla Plains Commercial Club,
und J. 1. West, K. E. Miller and others,
urging endorsement of the now cham
ber. It is like seating a hungry man
ut a freo dinner to offer tho county
at largo one half to two-thirds of the
directors of the Wasco county organ
ization. Since The Dulles has volun
tarily assumed the $5000 popular sub
scription budget, and boiuo 400 mem
bers out of the BOO objoctlve have
now responded from The Dalles, all
possible fear of ulterior or selfish mo
tives must needs vanish from the out
lying points. The saving of The
Dulles-California highway and its
early construction Is a major oxamplo
of the neod and usefulness ot a
strong county organization, to cope
with county and later-county prob
On Saturday, April 2, at the regutar
commercial club meeting, a diroctor
will be named to represent Waplnitia
Plains Commercial Club.
N. O. HHDIN feecy.
Byos tested, glasses fitted. Dr. Gen,
V, Newhouie. u
Telephone main 5021,
Brown's Dufur Stag Time Table
Two round trips dully. Leave ftaiik
hotel, 9. u, in. and 4 p. m. Leave
Dufur 7:30 a. . and 1 p. tu. tt
Typing and ttenegrepfty
itone at reasonable rules. Koina A
Fleck. Office Hotel Dalles. Eeal
aence phone red 533$. tf
We're here to civs yen tkt swd of
tervloe, help and adviee that aaakea
mend. Th Dalles Natterjf eoeapaav,
Wlllard Bent Ice.
FOR RENT One furnished room,
116 West Third.
FOR RENT Two furnished house
keeping rooms, 51S Fulton street
Phone black 1491. 2
FOR RENT Furnished housekeep
ing suites. Telephone black 2301.
520 East Third street.
FOR RENT Three furnished house
keeping rooms. Adults only. 100:
Alvord street. Telephone red 45G1. 5
FOR RENT Furnished sleeping
rooms, with bath. Also housekeep
ing rooms. 421 East First. 4
FOR RENT Five room house, two
acres of ground. Thompson's addi
tion. Inquire 905 Bluff. 2
FOR RENT 3 unfurnished rooms, up
stairs. Three lots for gardening.
Telephone main 4341. 6
FOR RENT Housekeeping rooms
and sleeping room. 506 East Fourth
street. Call evening, black 6592. 4
FOR RENT Nicely furnished house
keeping rooms with sleeping porch,
no children. 323 West Ninth. Tele
phone black 1811. 4
FOR RENT Eight room furnished
house, sleeping porch, piano, elec
tric range. Telephone main 1631 or
red 1972. ' 7
FOR RENT Ford light delivery with
driver. Light hauling and baggage
transfer. Telephone black 4661, or
black 411. Frank Culllna. A21
FOR SAJLE Grape plantB. Call 30F13.
FOR SALE Cook stove. Call 722 East
Third. b
FOR SALE Wireless apparatus of
all kinds. Bogue & Miller, Tresco
agents. Telephone red 3542. S
FOR SAiLE Residence property and
vacant lots. Inquire 618 Clay street.
FOR SALE .;nbbPr;e and tomato
plants .and lettuce. Jewell Green
houses. FOR SALE Twelve White Leghorn
hens and roosters. Cheap. L, Davis.
1123 I street
FOR SALE 19(18 Buick light six
New tires. Just repainted. $800. A
bargain. Call red 1331. 4
FOR SALE Second growth oak
wood, delivered at $10 cord. Call
red 1331.
FOR SALE Lawn mower with grass
catcher. Good condition. $6.00. 405
Fulton street. 2
FOR SALE Thoroughbred White
Leghorn day old chicks. Book or
ders now for April 14 delivery.
Telephone 33F2. 4
FOR SALE Five-room plastered
house, in good condition. One lot
and fruit trees. Call black 6262 or
call at 312 West Thirteenth. 7
FOIt SALE Dry oak wood; old cak.
$11.50. Second growth. $12.60. Deliv
ered. Call 30F22, after 6 p. m. tf
FOR SALE Hatching eggs from
heavy laying White Leghorns; $1.60
per sotting; $6 per 108. Wtetterson
Pallet Farm, telephone red 6361. 7
POR SALE 4arge and small farm
and orchard tracts. Reasonable
prices, good terms. W. C. Hanna,
Dufur, Ore. 18tf.
13100 Six-room bungalow, Kelly ave
nue, two lots, fruit, garage.
$4000 Eight-room modern house, on
' Fourth street, assessments paid,
7500 Double bungalow, each his
five rooms, bath, fireplace, and two
porches. Best ot material and work
manship. Close in, good terras,
1800 New four room bungalow, ga
rage, Race street, terms.
$45Q0-rStrlctly modern new five room
bungalow, good residence section.
75x100 lot, some terms.
Many other good buys la first class
city property, A large listing In
Wheat, Dairy, Fruit and Stock
ranches, It Is impossible to adver
tise all of the good bargains that
we have for sale. Call and tell us
what kind of place you have in
' mind, more than likely we nave It.
40S Washington
Main S31. S
FOR SALE Rose comb brown leg
horn and rose comb White Wyan
dotte eggs for setting. $1.25 per
setting. Telephone red 4401. A3
FOR SALE Horses. I have a number
of good horses for sale cheap.
Read's Feed store, east end of Sec
ond street, telephone black 6211.
FOR SALE The Dufur Orchard com
pany proposes to sell approximately
2000 acres of its apple plantings at
Dufur, Oregon. The acreage offered
is fully planted te seven and eight
year old trees in prime condition,
but the selling price will be based
on agricultural value only. This sale
Is for financing purposes and the
actual value as orchard property is
ignored. The property will be sold
at wheat land value. Will cut in
tracts of 80 acres and up. W. C.
Hanna, Dufur, Ore., authorized
agent. 26tf
vVANTED To self, rent and repair
sewing machines -and typewriters.
Hemstitching done. W. A. Coryea. 5
WANTED TO iKHNT Room for two
gentlemen. Write A. B. 420, Chron
icle. 4
wanted ijaicimming and painting
by day or hour. Call mornings or
evening red 3961. 4
WANTED Clean cotton rags at The
Chronicle office, five cents per
pound. tf
WANTED Yard cleaning, garden
work, prunning. L. A. Mathews, 502
West Eighth, street, telephone red
3651. 2tf
WANTED Steam traction engine,
16 h. p. or larger. Must be in
first class mechanical condition
and a .bargain. Address Box 75,
Dee, Oregon. 2
POUND On Dutch Flat road, black
fur neckpiece. Owner may identify
at Chronicle office and pay for ad. 4
LOST Child's tortoise shell bow
glasses, in black case. Finder
please call red 5231, 5
L08T Fraternity pin in shape of
white crosB set with pearls. Find
er please notify R. E. Lovett, care
Dalles Hotel. 5
ture and piano moving. Freight
hauled and general express busi
ness. Telephones: Stand, red 101;
residence black 1362. J. E. Henzle.
hkmstitumusu ricoi euging. airs.
L. M. Boothby, 308 Washington
Btreet. Telephone main 6681. tf
We have to otter the following nur
sery stock ail grown at Hood
River. Royal anne cherries apricots
Italian prunes, Delicious and Win
ter Banana apples also all var
ieties for the home orchard. Write
for prices, Ideal Fruit and Nurs
ery Co.. Hood River. Ap. 5
PIANOS TUNiOD And repaired, ac
tion regulating and refinlsnlng.
Player actions a specialty. Work
guaranteed. S. A. Dockstader, Cor
son Music store. 320 Fast 8econd
street. Telephone mala 101. tf
School of Dancing
Latest ballroom and
Children's dances.
218 Eaat Third Main 3061. A14
White Truck Lin
Commencing April 4, 121.
Freight and express between The
Dalles and Wasco, Moro and all way
points. Leave The Dalles, 9 a. m.
daily except Sunday. Leave Moro,
1:30 p. ra. Leave Wasco, 3:30 p. m.
D. M, Pierce, proprietor. Telephone
black 1642 or main 471. tf
Bvget-Mtfii Co
Funeral Directors
Mam MM. Niskt
444, Main U81
General real estate, insurance, and
loans. 1001 EaBt Second street. Tele
phone main 1671. 28tf
Orders taken for cut flowers and
potted plants for the Jewell Green
Black 3171 302 Union street. AS
Expert Piano Tuner
322 West SixtL street Residence
Phone nuMn 4201. tf
Specialty of infants' wear. ' 'Child
ren's clothing. Women's house dress
and underwear.
302 Union streot. Black 3171. AS
Mrs. Victor Marden
Accredited Teacher
for beginners.
New class March 16.
523 West Fourth. Phone black 6481. tt
vocal teacher. Telephone black 1402.
Peoples Transfer Co.
Furniture and Piano Moving
Stand at Glenn's Paint Store Main 3721
Residence Phone Red 1811
Wasco The Dalles Dufur
Bert Thomas, Assistant Manager
Licensed Cmbalmers. Established 1887
Woman Attendant
Mrs. M. J. Wlllerton
Telephone Red 17S1
Motor Equipment
Hours 9:00 to 8:00 Sundaya
17-18 Vogt Blk Over Crosby's
Contracting Bricklayers and Plasterers
All kinds of Tile and Cement Work. Fireplace Work a Specialty.
Estimates furnlahsd free of charge. All Work Guaranteed.
Telephone Main 8481 or Call at Gates Block
Put a stamp on a letter and you'll see that
it sticks. It has the quality of glue that makes
it perform its purpose.
and STICK TO IT with a bulldog grip, live up
to your intentions to save.
A postage stamp sticks, why can't you? '
i Paid on Savings Accowits
Citizens National Bank
p. j.
Dr. . JL Xeuter, Vlre-Pree.
M. & Onmm, CaaMar
J. P. Tweek. Aaat Cashier.
Whitney Repair Shop
70S East Second St.
Scandinavian-American Assur
ance Corporation, Ltd.
of Chrlstlanla, Norway, on the Slat day of
December, 1920. mad to the Insurance
commissioner of the state of Oregon, pur
auant to law:
Amount of capital stock paid
up $ 400,000.00
Net premiums received during .
the year $4,353,601.5$
Interest, dividend and renta
received daring the year.... li4,2S0.88
Income from other source! re
ceived during the year
Home office 1,821.198.81
l'roflt on securities 11.697.11
Total Income $8,000,027.33
Net losses paid during the year,
Including adjustment exp. . .$2,968,697.08
Commissions and salaries paid
during the year
Taxes, licenses and fees paid
during the year 108,816.83
Amount of all other expendi
tures . 1.004,067.48
Total expendlturea $5,850,880.66
Value of stocks and bonds
owned (market value) $2,714,383.04
Loans on mortgages and col
lateral, etc 25.000.00
Cash In banks and on hand... 1,129,099.96
Premiums In course of collec
tion' written since Septem
ber 30, 1920 S41.S10.S7
Interest and renta due and ac-.
crued 41.480.54
Losses due from revenues..!.. 7,038.09
Total admitted assets $4,255,479.00
Gross claims for losses unpaid. $1,998,566.43
Amount of unearned premiums
on all outstanding risks... 1,465.890.44
All other liabilities 105,000,00
Total liabilities, exclusive of
capital stock ot $400.000.00.. 3.669,456.87
Surplus 686.022.7S
Total .$4,255,479.60
Business In Oregon for the Year.
Net premiums received during
the year ...$ 48,819.13
Losses paid during the year.... 32,589.56
Losses incurred during the year 38.744,56
F. H. and C. R. Osborn, U. S. managers.
Statutory resident attorney for service1'
H. B. Tlckner, Board of Trade bide.,- PorU
tteq. Or.
Day Red 381
NightRed 892
J. H. Harper, Black 2152
Cut Flowers
Eyesight Specialist
and Evenings by Appointment
Drug ttort Phone Black 1111
Mala S181
Artaar Seufert
Dr. J. A. Hester
nr. B. C. OUaec
H. L. Kaek
I O. Mart
J. J. Vest Dalles