The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, August 31, 1901, Image 4

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    S. C. Evan i tit- free H vd P.ver.
C L Irelftnd of tbe More Observer, kl
t ; t toAftJ .
J. X. I'attieoc CUM :n trca. I'u.'or
this BMtSiMJ.
D. E Witt, of L1 I It Miog MMtMl
in the eitj t.-3v
Me Dora S e eet ii bona ffa ier
: Ocean Part
J bti T toe 51 priC ; -t
CMtfMy, It registered a: tbe I :.-.:. .
Mfl Jatnet r ftkefif a a : art
ot t:.e boat :s feofaiag lor I,r:.r.:
Harry a a. I a- Pat -ned : s
dju". . :.:.-.: . bit boiM : UCMI
Mre. Crtotft R i b ratamad .4: a f
: SB
U M n.ace. M4l a MM eie' In M
cc 94 of rVo "" e. ol '. It
per b 1ft MNri bobN IB ea at
the 1-L-od F.r Tfe BBrkMfdBfl
MK bosct tort cr:- .'ft:., ani ere
r ;f : -it.'. Cft1 . ft merc.ftt: .if
Daaraoa City, a t Tne apple
M ?" ' tfHj 4:. ; ft) : :e i ft'. rioe ; l . -jet
:! v..? .: !e K -t .: Ke
t - . 1
ea- n tj-- I :.e
II 55 box,
ttdMkid : .m
e: : r :r l ::.e re n at. ler I .
: -:: ( r M " c eft' ' ll
Ttie People's national Family Newspaper
eft e ' caca
CI . 4. ' w r pei
10. e .t. I " at
I rtt rati ia
Long Le . :
Root May .
tui af:rr:. 10,
Henry r came B : : -a
'.a? Bid ' and . : 1
bl Ir tl i er.i;etor..
Mti B Moodv and Me- Droc
are 1. .u.e a'A.L ':er t ebort :.:
Mr. nci Mr. K. W'.Vt.. l : :',: y nr ftit t-e fett r-; a ::-s:rt!
(a- .:et.': .a: r.::.! re: '. ve. I lalmarpai iiftroiB
. from wfttLt-.t-f trtj :. t . iai Land- f. ,,.. ., , . ut..., ncis ?1
ui' rv 1 : : r - ". e- i s . Tod t
... ..r.. e l ... .! . .t yt
j ".u.r last rvectog : is . r
. . : iors rvrr wi
ail laare bat todaj for the M Idiaaod
Sootbart t'ef T:.e ptR ileal trere
ralaad M I at 1 ialaodi aeai t thil
c.:y At. : :.-.: bar t. &g-e. Tte
:.::;:. r . t ni :-bafl
Lbroogboai tha Mii.e : .re.
ewiat tv rr.e r : r zz -re :
aa, w:ere tne) DaVf :er
:.e c.&r at) .:
; e y -.r :.a e.: :-ese dry ire :c
ftCCt.trr hr Mi : . 'v ii rantt tometl :. r
Hose, eaoic we tody iron Cef.e-v r f.v-: & : r ; - W"a haaa arbat
fttierr ;:.e :.iit baa rtatUag :-e - - ;..- :.e-.e ft ben il k-r: .t ivr.
tor'e n j IT bare tbt C:.t. : ;
iodic, i it;
-. : : f i' t ? a F-At-r tr-
;. -: P'lr-e 'v ". a : ::.e.
Mrs Doon
-i- , - j- -- ,.et vr r. & .
Mie Uar i.:.c -- c, .- : ri. oc. l e
i If.,- L" . . . . . .
t cue:- : ..-
tnrr. :. :. 1:. - .
TO .
If ' R Rti
roc rde .:-
t:' l today rot
I !i me Dor
BaOfl, '-a:... srrj't: .e: - LTYSepftia ; r: &e
? :.- - si i ta- .:. g - rf- foararjie Com baart-I Bra
' " ra noa of tbe food . diatreet after e:.r.c
. c rodtba ' aa 1 r.- , , -
v .r- : u. f uv:r-a. 1 . e ;tt e
Mr ar. I Mr T A B it
et: or. tbe ftfterno 10 :-a
b'-.ajr .:. P VV;
wl fai
.... I - vr immediate - -:
. cn
ftt ..
-ir -. : eir
fba : .. ea 0 0, Book, Be.-ce.
a afca the lr ..v
a .. sort! - ?-
Mil Barter!
- : - ::. zz
r :. a:. :.. ' err : t ...
F.-:;er. a:, j LOgetl rr tbej
Ca iiurnift to reenae tt;e:r
ju Coi?etaiij .
Mi Lena Euea de.nat.:-- I C A
Ltiea. pre i-t .: ::.t F.: .' r.
tu: t : rir: r.rier -a s ; ae-rnce- .:
".j'i; - . a: - at. i re-
:u--.:c on -je moon boat.
Mr, v. Barrii ftecoDpaiiie - :
aor, isur-te .'. ;ii..r:. i-...- :
ye-riv fro rx Ocear. f'art. Mr. Har
r:s an: M. A.nn e t ri.a '.- a :.
rraL Frar.;.-;; arr'.'. e: r- ec:.tua"
R. 1- 'jo'tnftc. "fh.' for e'O'iie time pa5
bfti baao smmu e .; ipe r: tbe .w
mer m.'tth tr::r, ti'.i eieter. Mrs T. J.
6ofers, : L.-1.4 :- retu-nec :
: n.i'L-.. .. probab:
. . I I . V a
tr .: e vt v. - ::-. - ur.- i lioneM
r'e'''. '::. Er.y .;. Since
ttet :.ave Deen eotireif cared of n.y 0 6
- 1 aiBt I raeommaod C arse
s Fa e . ?: art. a'-
H W :..:. Brj-arttfvi , Iti say?
W; Hftse re i.ea.ed
r. l
.0- DfWitt
C a-se & 1
Wt fe- I
: -r.r-r-a-rer
ra e;: ? : ne'p
Arcept nc :x!ta-r'Ziaxacv.
a ..t..: ;-er'od the
aoxicut, price ;.50.
'ecc-:.,at price $1 .."
L r UWt
rrn.oit : ert a:.:
the pa-: v
E.Cir lOO,
e;.-. Mr Mr-
lira. Frank John, a-.: lot
,r t.ave :eL atatiooad a:
mung xr- . : :. pr-
C reift 1 . r be
.a V. alia.
ur. mki na: ja: -
:. a." .- Difbl :- ma a : n a k - ricit
:t -ar. Fraoeiaeo. Tfi-y rr:,..r; a v-r-P
eaan: t-ip. Evidently tt.r barban
it- :. ' an. ' etrikere. for d'jetor i
O. LU- a ::. . .a'-'Ue.
Mi Joeie Spink err.', ba haati 'eac:.
in ::.e tan.:.;, of f frd "1 ..: a:
iiteaay. -A-urned r.ome T.'.urada-. .
After her rftcaUoo ebe tri.. to re-e-tne
bar Soti ic tne Arrtaiope icbool,
cb Dpem SepteiLoer 15 lb.
Iie. L K. IJietuftn, 0: At
t -r.ey I :.fiunL. of Portland in. on; tie
r. - rtaitini ItOppad over in Tne
I1 .e Tnur : ('rnjn n bie tray to
f r.'jme in Iienver. Wbii- r.ere :.e
wa tba true: of Mre. - B, Hartne.T.
f'ld M.iOlfr . ftxpvrilrliCr
V. M Aotio, ft civ!' war vereraL. of
W nebaatar, Ind., erritee My wilt
e :: . time :l epite of $000' doe-
tor'ft traatmaot bat wa trboUr cured
by Dr, Emz yea Life Pillft, arbict)
- rkad woocier for i.-r ne.:n." T:;e;.
a aafi -. Try -,.; -..ic at
C. biftfteiey druj; Mora.
In ca-ee of c !. or r rocf g--.e t:e
' one 1 ,e Mit :e Congn Cure. The,
re: e-y and f.a: e no fea-. The
ariil be all rigiit in little bUa. It
reT-r Jail. P,eant tC .e aVa r
Bftfft ue and ilmaat r.-:a:.:ar.e ,u .c
ftaet. Ciarke i ra!k P O Pnarma y.
I. lb a., l of tny bo are. . no ea:
at.-: riou con. piication u,u-:
''- -'-i t. I'eU'itt I.'tt.e
Ear i ---- . ramOVft tni denser.
'-. ; -'.-at.1 a-id efT-i ::-re. f'.a.-ka A'
Of tbe ce ebrfttev . stn- t. ia'.ton
Strict. 'inre ,icui 4 oai.r-
Vou ;;. not nave ro.i- ;: eon taae
C:ara- ft F "' 't'f r)ru fl llO'..
Olflbrd's Fotoe Never Fa::.e.
St: 'Her! riet .r Tkl C BSOatCLS.
Prof. Homer de Morrison
ear .:. .:v: t r :.t
Lt ; : at : :c u: . - : t- :' : :
-Weeklv TlibuAt azd Seri-Weekly Chrosicie for S2.00.
Werklv Tribtme ifid Ser-i-We-kly Chrcniclt tor SI. 50.
--Of.; ana :?
.;; te tl HftHb ft Cm
a:.w frek r; :.:.
7 Ball i .:. :
.,::-,". - ...; '
tart : cat.-,
nv t;ti aT'T-rar-i
:l tai iiiT frJbBM
I aaaki dt aaa
s -:. a r. c i : ::
f Be P 0
,.r iaia,
Taer'v :.-a': .' no.e- rar (f.nt :r.
-e tf-,t from HOC to 1400 potioda, All
i lae-beokvn, nc boon baakaa 10 ora.
Apfl IC :ra'iie bru'.nert Endmbi ,
Oanjaa. j H luie
M Te poattlVaij cure-- .-.i t Head
'"ie. ipdltTliOB and conetipat.oc.. A
l-..':.'.;: '.ert. drina. Eeaiove ft!.
arnptioD of tne ekin, producing perfect
:oni p lesiQfl or RftOMf refanQed. H cte
rrd U Blf, B.ake.ey. the drugiat.
A fai. iine aj h.m and sup--jliea
inftt received ty C'.ftrke A Falk.
Gifford'l Fotoe Never Fade
Toftpitoflrtoft itraH,
1 UK1 L a n p KVUU
Tn Brat eeatatft red -.. atr.- 1 n: (ni .
.: t..Ti-: -vr u, -.jr;i(,.; Tr.- trorht
1 eateai !.:'- 1 lait oj t.: m... HaetM i-t cat.
:.- Hi. a latf Oai .: Oft (RaMr ol II
n.: M- -r:. :. .. witkaol a '.if ' :..
- . '.!:nf hainaj.-nrirt UlftftTO :.'. :i, in art-rid
. 3; ;. biOdatl reoaiftfti tri
araud lella if taare to -ainrai, o 1 ikhiw
yir inrl enauie you to wiu tt.r aaetlou of
'i.t 1 1,1 a:r
eaii later tftoijbt. BMdiuaiutU ieeona AftT,
"ic HaI tv Um umt if bit eavaftled be
euttt, ebtoafc ftti't --'.ri iiwueabh ai
at-.- r:a trratmen! ,if tb of'
a!. ft . 'iai of Birtf. itliC !: ah
iteti ftnaatead a. Baea,
LuefttAa bj t laioa
Hottlaad AOS' -(To Kliu", Hnrrr
' V.i.rr.. :. acenltUi, '.aatr: b) ij II Ul Dill
lloi ttotoa iraaa tbe ftalBr aM-tllug Woriii 11.
..' oceall i.- mr cli tie.; -,to-rriuuioaftrd
bv ltlc-r l,- l?t.. I Mr a Kai
lon, ovaer ol tea aa o w..r- Tba avfaarti
- ftd a.,- i.incit pr- - bit lUtoaieap 1 rr-t
Ml'.- rRAN4 :- pabtlow
- -tlftaaaBt t" i" ftftaurftd to: i" ..:
lu. ..-I. : r . . n. tr,t n...y -rue. ttlif W .o a- -.
nKf -. b) iiol rj b "-otiaiid oasaittftl Tin
provat trial tbe lir of ine Oinfaaaion i u
Ibtftt auO ti.'. b ii !- (Aricir aa required tb r
novarlac tbi .: a a oa- CftUiornia in hi
1 10c lot tb putpumK u! aaatielng urcwoc ui juel
tJ:t'j: i'urlabC '
: . . -,r.' r:-.ti -.
aj. -. : r. :e- if.
t-.r-i'. r..aliv-
v'""..pvt;-aa"t ust -.
..: aoancia.
tr j-rart teprt
K-:rfta? an ha - -:
irt. J: I aa
V f:.r:.: II v 11
Seaal areeftlr hranl
cit foe - I i: - .-
nd all :rirr? :: Ohronicle Pu1
ltsnicg L :
rubiutiec u: l Barft'
it: 3.: ftr. wa ior
: c-.f ftUttj .- It
n ery part ; Mm Cat
M -tau- j hattaa
a. fair.-. .y nc-r-ar-r
r.-.r. et t iafte.
f f far- er ftftftl v.'.Ui
gen .: waitftliM aui
: : ;r.-'x-rtnt
c-riera : of tftc
aettarti-.ient ol tat
: :c: : 'rJ - ':. :.
tertal nine readii a I -re
mr-rcr- - : b
fatbiie.nid anti ouDf
market tvf tu a r.i-1
fteccaaai ftutb
or.ty br iariner? and
met) -act. and I
Le: Btla4atr. in-t-
-e-:.:.s a:i : ::.::-.
Ki-.;;r --.taer.T
t- r.-.t year
W fur-.::-:, it WitB
vtw. vt cefclr !l it tt:
.. fo 91.31 pat ! car
Tie I Or
" aV Fai aa "a. i ' a ' A ' i. 1 A ' 1a ta ! ft 1 1 A 1 At aTfTjft71 afTT" TA'ata aV'A'-A A "A
a . Kft i ..:
Wines, Liquors Cigars I
Family Orders will receive promDt attention,
l nadaa I'll, iie ft 3a
L..I.S li-t 1 !! 1 .
: F.-: yat. ca. Kant.
STitfiViTlTlT T..'.T.T.TJ,,
:.::. ta&ere fo" - a ye& .: -criptiooi
onder : .,rjcr n.uit jr pa.: ;n ad
vat-'je :
Tbe Coiliol t.t f. - n are notr open,
y. batata, tuts, lb finaat of cart-ping
frotiadl Ifanttac a Hereford, man
Bgan 'I .. !;r. B w BnaS-lD
C and fr. t :.v :: rn-eived a
loll Una of fvaab Vlo iat- and de
it span tbe earn-a ued by Mr. Lorick
.z z.i recet '. dem t.:a:.or. -: -.
t , r Rm :
Bra-room Bottafaoa Fede-a. itraat.
Apple to M-. M C - -ne. a."- 3t
F.jra'. lot n nn ebappinf
ana laobarn. MannfatAttrad bj C art:
: Faifc.
Clarke A Fa a :.avr raeeiaad a -ar.oad
I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also
all Kinds of Staple ar,d Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer.
y Purest Liquors for Family Use y
J. E. FALT & CO.,
Proprietors "The OlVl."
Delivered t any pari of tbe City.
Pbonai 51 L'ical.
-a Long Difttaoot.
173 Second Street, j
Of '.tie product of thie wei. -known brewery the United Statee Hea.ti.
BapOrM for June If. 1900, say: "A n,ore enpenor Orevt never emere.'
u.e labratory of :he !."niieii .aie Haaltli reporte. I' le abo.i:te. aevoid
of u.e ,,'. 'race of adu.:era:iuri. nut oo tne otiier iiaini ) composed of
tne beet of ma.t and Bboloatt of hope. I tunic qoalitiM are of tne blgb
fn'. und it can ie ua-d with thf ur-ate. tri-t:t and satiffti-tion be old nd
voting. Jt uae can ,-)nr BOliuQftljl DB prescribed by the pnyeician witn
'necereaintt tba: a oetter, purer or more a tioieaoine beverage cou id not
posftlbly be found."
RUBBER and Garden Hose,
Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers,
If you are in need of anything in our line, figure witt
r.r-. for it will pay you.
REPAIR SHOP. All rders entrusted to us
prompt attention.
Da it,
Job Printers.
fTTriTTtTtniTTrtunnjiitniti imimiyrtrniinTT ttttti frill t'liiimiiri ttTtin
After t ou tire of ueine BO OllBll kidnev eniediei
without any bener.t. nee L:ntroln Sexual P:i;atidbr
forever rid of those uull pains in your back. I'.carc
tha: old fogy idea of "pain in tbe kidney and tiare
a. your i.ladier and urinary trouble cur, ' and yonr
nigiite made restful i'V tt.e nt- of nat; . trreatett
ftftftifttftot Lincoln Sexual Pills.
Price, ei.i-1 per box buy ot your dreg!-: oreer.l
: v mai. on receir1' of price, in plain uranr,-!.
Frt Wayne. Inu.ana.
M. '.. Donnoll, Agent. Tne Paile.
All kinds of
Funeral Supplied
I Wasco
Grandall & Barget
The Dalles, Or.
Burial Shrouds
East Second Stree:. THE DALLES. OREGON
Wrtnse Milli Co.,
Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot u kin
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, til kind
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts , rttlWSfc
neaaquarters icr "Byers' Best" Pendle
a.-. T-l ,
ton Flour
fhis Fiour te manufactured exorBes.v for fam
MS, evrt aar-'k la IlllunnluJ ... ...... - - ' a' ' . ''
.. macKoUiiui. Hoi'.sejiioei- and Waeon-maker. . mott'8
Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies
I Aent tot taBWll a Co.'l hirxine. Tkrenliun and aaw atUia.
tSSBSSi lots. Cor Imt l Lanialii L TEE DALLES OE.
C tt-. (ill r il M afl . i iU r.r r . a. ., L. f . . . . . . . i . a. w. W
call and get oar Zno an0 yo 0011 1
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats
They oeercome Weak
n-, irreffuiarr-t
oruiaaiona. incrt-a--
or and baniab 'pai"
or menstruation " Tbee ar i in.- uavvwa' t rriri
womanbood . aiding deiopiucut of oauTiod body.
knowa rv-mede for women equals tbem. Cannot do barm-l
U-cornea a pleasure. Kl.UO I'KU iUiX HV MAIL.
by tlru-nraau. 1K. MOTTh ClaEM K?L " YCl!vaami, Ohio
For by Geo. C. h.akeley, Tb DalleB, Or