S. C. Evan i tit- free H vd P.ver. C L Irelftnd of tbe More Observer, kl t ; t toAftJ . J. X. I'attieoc CUM :n trca. I'u.'or this BMtSiMJ. D. E Witt, of L1 I It Miog MMtMl in the eitj t.-3v Me Dora S e eet ii bona ffa ier : Ocean Part J bti T toe 51 priC ; -t CMtfMy, It registered a: tbe I :.-.:. . Mfl Jatnet r ftkefif a a : art ot t:.e boat :s feofaiag lor I,r:.r.: Harry a a. I a- Pat -ned : s dju". . :.:.-.: . bit boiM : UCMI Mre. Crtotft R i b ratamad .4: a f H A C : SB U M n.ace. M4l a MM eie' In M cc 94 of rVo "" e. ol '. It per b 1ft MNri bobN IB ea at the 1-L-od F.r Tfe BBrkMfdBfl MK bosct tort cr:- .'ft:., ani ere r ;f : -it.'. Cft1 . ft merc.ftt: .if Daaraoa City, a t Tne apple M ?" ' tfHj 4:. ; ft) : :e i ft'. rioe ; l . -jet :! v..? .: !e K -t .: Ke t - . 1 ea- n tj-- I :.e II 55 box, ttdMkid : .m e: : r :r l ::.e re n at. ler I . : -:: ( r M " c eft' ' ll AN UNPRECEDENTED OFFER Ttie People's national Family Newspaper eft e ' caca CI . 4. ' w r pei 10. e .t. I " at : I rtt rati ia Long Le . : Root May . tui af:rr:. 10, Henry r came B : : -a '.a? Bid ' and . : 1 bl Ir tl i er.i;etor.. Mti B Moodv and Me- Droc are 1. .u.e a'A.L ':er t ebort :.: Mr. nci Mr. K. W'.Vt.. l : :',: y nr ftit t-e fett T.ee r-; a ::-s:rt! (a- .:et.': .a: r.::.! re: '. ve. I lalmarpai iiftroiB . from wfttLt-.t-f trtj :. t . iai Land- f. ,,.. ., , . ut..., ncis ?1 ui' rv 1 : : r - ". e- i s . Tod t ... ..r.. e l ... .! . .t yt j ".u.r last rvectog : is . r . . : iors rvrr wi tataet ail laare bat todaj for the M Idiaaod Sootbart t'ef T:.e ptR ileal trere ralaad M I at 1 ialaodi aeai t thil c.:y At. : :.-.: bar t. &g-e. Tte :.::;:. r . t ni :-bafl Lbroogboai tha Mii.e : .re. ewiat tv rr.e r : r zz -re : r.. aa, w:ere tne) DaVf :er itie e-a.-i.er. y- :.e c.&r at) .: ; e y -.r :.a e.: :-ese dry ire :c ftCCt.trr hr Mi : . 'v ii rantt tometl :. r Hose, eaoic we tody iron Cef.e-v r f.v-: & : r ; - W"a haaa arbat fttierr ;:.e :.iit baa rtatUag :-e - - ;..- :.e-.e ft ben il k-r: .t ivr. tor'e n o:t.er. j IT bare tbt C:.t. : ; iodic, i it; -. : : f i' t ? a F-At-r tr- ;. -: P'lr-e 'v ". a : ::.e. Mrs Doon -i- , - j- -- ,.et vr r. & . Mie Uar i.:.c -- c, .- : ri. oc. l e i If.,- L" . . . . . . t cue:- : ..- tnrr. :. :. 1:. - . TO . If ' R Rti roc rde .:- t:' l today rot I !i me Dor pTtbiaoi BaOfl, '-a:... srrj't: .e: - LTYSepftia ; r: &e ? :.- - si i ta- .:. g - rf- foararjie Com baart-I Bra ' " ra noa of tbe food . diatreet after e:.r.c . c rodtba ' aa 1 r.- , , - v .r- : u. f uv:r-a. 1 . e ;tt e Mr ar. I Mr T A B it et: or. tbe ftfterno 10 :-a b'-.ajr .:. P .-:.ar.t. VV; a; wl fai .... I - vr immediate - -: . cn ftt .. -ir -. : eir fba : .. ea 0 0, Book, Be.-ce. a afca the lr ..v a .. sort! - ?- Mil Barter! - : - ::. zz r :. a:. :.. ' err : t ... F.-:;er. a:, j LOgetl rr tbej Ca iiurnift to reenae tt;e:r ju Coi?etaiij . Mi Lena Euea de.nat.:-- I C A Ltiea. pre i-t .: ::.t F.: .' r. tu: t : rir: r.rier -a s ; ae-rnce- .: ".j'i; - . a: - at. i re- :u--.:c on -je moon boat. Mr, v. Barrii ftecoDpaiiie - : aor, isur-te .'. ;ii..r:. i-...- : ye-riv fro rx Ocear. f'art. Mr. Har r:s an: M. A.nn e t ri.a '.- a :. rraL Frar.;.-;; arr'.'. e: r- ec:.tua" tia'n.. R. 1- 'jo'tnftc. "fh.' for e'O'iie time pa5 bfti baao smmu e .; ipe r: tbe .w mer m.'tth tr::r, ti'.i eieter. Mrs T. J. 6ofers, : L.-1.4 :- retu-nec : : n.i'L-.. I.ca .. probab: . . I I . V a tr .: e vt v. - ::-. - ur.- i lioneM r'e'''. '::. Er.y .;. Since ttet :.ave Deen eotireif cared of n.y 0 6 - 1 aiBt I raeommaod ::.eu.. C arse s Fa e . ?: art. a'- -V. H W :..:. Brj-arttfvi , Iti say? W;-.cl Hftse re i.ea.ed r. l .0- DfWitt C a-se & 1 Wt fe- I : -r.r-r-a-rer ft: e ra e;: ? : ne'p Arcept nc :x!ta-r'Ziaxacv. a ..t..: ;-er'od the aoxicut, price ;.50. 'ecc-:.,at price $1 .." L r UWt rrn.oit : ert P.ee. a:.: the pa-: v E.Cir lOO, e;.-. Mr Mr- lira. Frank John, a-.: lot ,r t.ave :eL atatiooad a: mung xr- . : :. pr- C reift 1 . r be ta .a V. alia. ur. mki na: ja: - :. a." .- Difbl :- ma a : n a k - ricit :t -ar. Fraoeiaeo. Tfi-y rr:,..r; a v-r-P eaan: t-ip. Evidently tt.r barban it- :. ' an. ' etrikere. for d'jetor i O. LU- a ::. . .a'-'Ue. Mi Joeie Spink err.', ba haati 'eac:. in ::.e tan.:.;, of f frd "1 ..: a: iiteaay. -A-urned r.ome T.'.urada-. . After her rftcaUoo ebe tri.. retr.ru to re-e-tne bar Soti ic tne Arrtaiope icbool, cb Dpem SepteiLoer 15 lb. Iie. L K. IJietuftn, brotr.er 0: At t -r.ey I :.fiunL. of Portland in. on; tie r. - rtaitini ItOppad over in Tne I1 .e Tnur : ('rnjn n bie tray to f r.'jme in Iienver. Wbii- r.ere :.e wa tba true: of Mre. - B, Hartne.T. f'ld M.iOlfr . ftxpvrilrliCr V. M Aotio, ft civ!' war vereraL. of W nebaatar, Ind., erritee My wilt e :: . time :l epite of $000' doe- tor'ft traatmaot bat wa trboUr cured by Dr, Emz yea Life Pillft, arbict) - rkad woocier for i.-r ne.:n." T:;e;. a aafi -. Try tl.eu.. -,.; -..ic at C. biftfteiey druj; Mora. In ca-ee of c !. or r rocf g--.e t:e ' one 1 ,e Mit :e Congn Cure. The, re: e-y and f.a: e no fea-. The ariil be all rigiit in little bUa. It reT-r Jail. P,eant tC .e aVa r Bftfft ue and ilmaat r.-:a:.:ar.e ,u .c ftaet. Ciarke i ra!k P O Pnarma y. I. lb a., l of tny bo are. . no ea: at.-: riou con. piication u,u-: ''- -'-i t. I'eU'itt I.'tt.e Ear i ---- . ramOVft tni denser. '-. ; -'.-at.1 a-id efT-i ::-re. f'.a.-ka A P:.a-ii.ar-' Of tbe ce ebrfttev . stn- t. ia'.ton Strict. 'inre ,icui 4 oai.r- Vou ;;. not nave ro.i- ;: eon taae C:ara- ft F "' 't'f r)ru fl llO'.. Olflbrd's Fotoe Never Fa::.e. St: 'Her! riet .r Tkl C BSOatCLS. Prof. Homer de Morrison ear .:. .:v: t r :.t Lt ; : at : :c u: . - : t- :' : : -Weeklv TlibuAt azd Seri-Weekly Chrosicie for S2.00. Werklv Tribtme ifid Ser-i-We-kly Chrcniclt tor SI. 50. NEW YORK --Of.; ana :? .;; te tl HftHb ft Cm a:.w frek r; :.:. 7 Ball i .:. : .,::-,". - ...; ' tart : cat.-, nv t;ti aT'T-rar-i :l tai iiiT frJbBM I aaaki dt aaa s -:. a r. c i : :: TRI-WEEKLY f Be P 0 ,.r iaia, Taer'v :.-a': .' no.e- rar (f.nt :r. -e tf-,t from HOC to 1400 potioda, All i lae-beokvn, nc boon baakaa 10 ora. Apfl IC :ra'iie bru'.nert Endmbi , Oanjaa. j H luie M Te poattlVaij cure-- .-.i t Head '"ie. ipdltTliOB and conetipat.oc.. A l-..':.'.;: '.ert. drina. Eeaiove ft!. arnptioD of tne ekin, producing perfect :oni p lesiQfl or RftOMf refanQed. H cte rrd U Blf, B.ake.ey. the drugiat. A fai. iine aj E-:u.ai h.m and sup--jliea inftt received ty C'.ftrke A Falk. Gifford'l Fotoe Never Fade Toftpitoflrtoft itraH, 1 UK1 L a n p KVUU Tn Brat eeatatft red -.. atr.- 1 n: (ni . .: t..Ti-: -vr u, -.jr;i(,.; Tr.- trorht 1 eateai !.:'- 1 lait oj t.: m... HaetM i-t cat. :.- Hi. a latf Oai .: Oft (RaMr ol II n.: M- -r:. :. .. witkaol a '.if ' :.. - . '.!:nf hainaj.-nrirt UlftftTO :.'. :i, in art-rid . 3; ;. biOdatl reoaiftfti tri araud lella if taare to -ainrai, o 1 ikhiw yir inrl enauie you to wiu tt.r aaetlou of 'i.t 1 1,1 a:r eaii later tftoijbt. BMdiuaiutU ieeona AftT, "ic HaI tv Um umt if bit eavaftled be euttt, ebtoafc ftti't --'.ri iiwueabh ai at-.- r:a trratmen! ,if tb of' a!. ft . 'iai of Birtf. itliC !: ah iteti ftnaatead a. Baea, LuefttAa bj t laioa Hottlaad AOS' -(To Kliu", Hnrrr ' V.i.rr.. :. acenltUi, '.aatr: b) ij II Ul Dill lloi ttotoa iraaa tbe ftalBr aM-tllug Woriii 11. ..' oceall ..in. i.- mr cli tie.; -,to-rriuuioaftrd bv ltlc-r l,- l?t.. I Mr a Kai lon, ovaer ol tea aa o w..r- Tba avfaarti - ftd a.,- i.incit pr- - bit lUtoaieap 1 rr-t Ml'.- rRAN4 :- pabtlow - -tlftaaaBt t" i" ftftaurftd to: i" ..: lu. ..-I. : r . . n. tr,t n...y -rue. ttlif W .o a- -. nKf -. b) iiol rj b "-otiaiid oasaittftl Tin provat trial tbe lir of ine Oinfaaaion i u Ibtftt auO ti.'. b ii !- (Aricir aa required tb r novarlac tbi .: a a oa- CftUiornia in hi 1 10c lot tb putpumK u! aaatielng urcwoc ui juel tJ:t'j: i'urlabC 'ireftuu.an TRIBUNE : . . -,r.' r:-.ti -. aj. -. : r. :e- if. t-.r-i'. r..aliv- v'""..pvt;-aa"t ust -. ..: aoancia. tr j-rart teprt K-:rfta? an ha - -: irt. J: I aa -er V f:.r:.: II v 11 Seaal areeftlr hranl cit foe - I i: - .- NEW YORK WEEKLY TRIBUNE. nd all :rirr? :: Ohronicle Pu1 ltsnicg L : rubiutiec u: l Barft' it: 3.: ftr. wa ior : c-.f ftUttj .- It n ery part ; Mm Cat M -tau- j hattaa a. fair.-. .y nc-r-ar-r r.-.r. et t iafte. f f far- er ftftftl v.'.Ui gen .: waitftliM aui : : ;r.-'x-rtnt c-riera : of tftc aettarti-.ient ol tat : :c: : 'rJ - ':. :. tertal nine readii a I -re mr-rcr- - : b fatbiie.nid anti ouDf market tvf tu a r.i-1 fteccaaai ftutb or.ty br iariner? and met) -act. and I Le: Btla4atr. in-t- -e-:.:.s a:i : ::.::-. Ki-.;;r --.taer.T t- r.-.t year W fur-.::-:, it WitB vtw. vt cefclr !l it tt: .. fo 91.31 pat ! car Tie I Or " aV Fai aa "a. i ' a ' A ' i. 1 A ' 1a ta ! ft 1 1 A 1 At aTfTjft71 afTT" TA'ata aV'A'-A A "A C. J. STUBLING, a . Kft i ..: Wines, Liquors Cigars I Family Orders will receive promDt attention, Xexl l nadaa I'll, iie ft 3a L..I.S li-t 1 !! 1 . : F.-: yat. ca. Kant. THE DALLES, OREGON. STitfiViTlTlT T..'.T.T.TJ,, :.::. ta&ere fo" - a ye& .: -criptiooi onder : .,rjcr n.uit jr pa.: ;n ad vat-'je : Tbe Coiliol t.t f. - n are notr open, y. batata, tuts, lb finaat of cart-ping frotiadl Ifanttac a Hereford, man Bgan 'I .. !;r. B w BnaS-lD C and fr. t :.v :: rn-eived a loll Una of fvaab Vlo iat- and de it span tbe earn-a ued by Mr. Lorick .z z.i recet '. dem t.:a:.or. -: -. t , r Rm : Bra-room Bottafaoa Fede-a. itraat. Apple to M-. M C - -ne. a."- 3t F.jra'. lot n nn ebappinf ana laobarn. MannfatAttrad bj C art: : Faifc. Clarke A Fa a :.avr raeeiaad a -ar.oad PIONEER BAKERY. I hare re-opened this well-known Bakery, and am now prepared to supply every body with Bread. Pies and Cakes. Also all Kinds of Staple ar,d Fancy Grocer es. GEORGE RUCH Pioneer Grocer. y Purest Liquors for Family Use y J. E. FALT & CO., Proprietors "The OlVl." Delivered t any pari of tbe City. Pbonai 51 L'ical. -a Long Difttaoot. 173 Second Street, j 0 0 THE CELEBRATED .. .GOItUHBlA BREWERY.. AUGUST BUCHLER. Prop. Of '.tie product of thie wei. -known brewery the United Statee Hea.ti. BapOrM for June If. 1900, say: "A n,ore enpenor Orevt never emere.' u.e labratory of :he !."niieii .aie Haaltli reporte. I' le abo.i:te. aevoid of u.e ,,T.tf-'. 'race of adu.:era:iuri. nut oo tne otiier iiaini ) composed of tne beet of ma.t and Bboloatt of hope. I tunic qoalitiM are of tne blgb fn'. und it can ie ua-d with thf ur-ate. tri-t:t and satiffti-tion be old nd voting. Jt uae can ,-)nr BOliuQftljl DB prescribed by the pnyeician witn 'necereaintt tba: a oetter, purer or more a tioieaoine beverage cou id not posftlbly be found." WINDMILLS, PUMPS and PIPE, RUBBER and Garden Hose, Lawn Mowers, Sprinklers, If you are in need of anything in our line, figure witt r.r-. for it will pay you. We i a PLUMBING. TIN and BICYCLE REPAIR SHOP. All rders entrusted to us prompt attention. SEXTON i WALTHER, THE DALLES, - - - OREGON. i is The Da it, Or. The Chronicle, Job Printers. i t fTTriTTtTtniTTrtunnjiitniti imimiyrtrniinTT ttttti frill t'liiimiiri ttTtin YOUR KIDNEYS. After t ou tire of ueine BO OllBll kidnev eniediei without any bener.t. nee L:ntroln Sexual P:i;atidbr forever rid of those uull pains in your back. I'.carc tha: old fogy idea of "pain in tbe kidney and tiare a. your i.ladier and urinary trouble cur, ' and yonr nigiite made restful i'V tt.e nt- of nat; . trreatett ftftftifttftot Lincoln Sexual Pills. Price, ei.i-1 per box buy ot your dreg!-: oreer.l : v mai. on receir1' of price, in plain uranr,-!. LINCOLN PROPRIETARY Frt Wayne. Inu.ana. M. '.. Donnoll, Agent. Tne Paile. DEALER.- IN All kinds of Funeral Supplied I Wasco Grandall & Barget UNDERTAKERS tfi EMBALMERS The Dalles, Or. Robes, Burial Shrouds Etc. East Second Stree:. THE DALLES. OREGON 0 4v.-ft-ftv Wrtnse Milli Co., Headquarters for Seed Grain of all kinds. Headquarters for Feed Grain ot u kin Headquarters for Rolled Grain, til kind Headquarters for Bran, Shorts , rttlWSfc neaaquarters icr "Byers' Best" Pendle a.-. T-l , ton Flour fhis Fiour te manufactured exorBes.v for fam MS, evrt aar-'k la IlllunnluJ ... ...... - - ' a' ' . '' F- S. GUNNING, .. macKoUiiui. Hoi'.sejiioei- and Waeon-maker. . mott'8 - Iron, Steel. Wheels, Axles, Springs and Blacksmith Supplies I Aent tot taBWll a Co.'l hirxine. Tkrenliun and aaw atUia. tSSBSSi lots. Cor Imt l Lanialii L TEE DALLES OE. C tt-. (ill r il M afl . i iU r.r r . a. ., L. f . . . . . . . i . a. w. W call and get oar Zno an0 yo 0011 1 Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats They oeercome Weak n-, irreffuiarr-t oruiaaiona. incrt-a-- or and baniab 'pai" PENNYROYAL PILLS or menstruation " Tbee ar i in.- uavvwa' t rriri womanbood . aiding deiopiucut of oauTiod body. knowa rv-mede for women equals tbem. Cannot do barm-l U-cornea a pleasure. Kl.UO I'KU iUiX HV MAIL. by tlru-nraau. 1K. MOTTh ClaEM K?L " YCl!vaami, Ohio For ..ie by Geo. C. h.akeley, Tb DalleB, Or