The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 16, 1901, Image 4

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    From a
G. Am R. Man
"Mv attack of miller's Allium was very
bad. 'I was afraid to lie down at nislit for
fear ofsmuthorlm;. I eouldn'tgct my breath.
jfomatterit all the
doors and windows
in the house were
open, it !ccmcd u.-s
If there was no air
and that 1 must
purely smother to
death. Mr. V. 1$.
"I .ttm aP .l.t.. r.1...
JA'llpi K'k una tuj v-.
called tny attention
in town today
to Acker's English
3!emedy for Throat
and Luiir Trou
bles. 1 thought lit
tle of it but bought
nbnttleinthc hope
that it might help
men little. It pave
mo wonderful re
lief, andthetecond
bottle cured me.
comnletelv. My re
covery is permanent
W. H. Heisler arrivl
from Dufur.
II . C. Koopor is registered at the
Umatilla House from Antelope.
Ii. II. Klmr, it prominent cattleman of
the GnijB Valley country, was in town
County Clerk A. E". Lake returned
yesterday from a visit to his old home
lu the Winnie country.
George A. Young, who has been here
tor the past three or four days, left lor h
heme on the noon train.
Leo I'etorcon, publisher of the Port
land Commercial Review, arrived here
i on the noon train, accompanied by his
" llc -J tt I HI . . r.i .
t uou imiii ui me American nneoi tjom-
Union Employes at Mcliccsport Out on
a Strike First Conflict With the
New Combine.
I'lrrsnumi, Pa., April 15. Aa a result
of the dispute that for a week past has
involved the employes of tbu W. Doiveea
Miss lone Ruch, who has spent : tho ,any , at MuKeenpo't .about half of the
past six weeks with her sister, Mrs.! , . ' , ...
.lames Sutherland, at Spokane, returned "'en art' 0,1 R striko t0(lrt-v ,u,,i W
too, for ever since
.lames Sutherland, at Spokane, returned
home on this morning's train
Mr9. J.'B. Catron, wife of the warden
of the Walla Walla penitentiary, arrived
liavehothad the slightest return of mv old ere yesterday to attend the Ditter
enemy. 1 consider Acker's Knglish Remedy ' Schanno wedding; Mrs. Catron being a
cousin ot tne untie.
by long odds the best medicine in the world
lor hacking cougns, aMtima ami nronenitis.
It completely masters those stubborn dis
eases that nianv people wrongly suppose to
be incurable. If suflerers will just try a sin
pie bottle, it will prove every word I have
said, aud more too." (Signed.)
Jou.v 1). Elliott.
Commander John Megnruh l'ost, No. KW,
Portland, Mich.
Sold at 25c, 50c. and $1 a bottle, throughout
the United States and Canada: and in Kng
land, at Is. 2d., 'Jt. :5d., Is. 6d. If you are not
satisfied after buying, return tho bottle to
your druggist, and get your money back.
HV nuthnrtec Ihr. aiw iptamntef.
n: u. iooA'iv; & cv., i-ropnaon, xeto r0r.
For sale at BlakeleyV Pharmacy.
HICli I.lghl-.
A boy npver fools his parents; they
fool themselves.
Men wi.o can fry pancakes have an
idea they are accomplished cooks.
Other people's faults are transparent;
our own are comfortably opaque.
Cheerfulness makes the feast, but ap
petizing food makes the cheerfulness
In crying over spilled milk remember
that nearly everything has microbes in
it. v
The test of a good novel is public in
ability to wait until it comes out in
paper covers.
The Book of Life is treated like all
other, ho'iks ; we neglect is beauty lor
the fascination of the plot.
A woman's idea of economy is to buy
a frock one day and then go back early
the nest day and buy a hat.
We strike hatd to get bargains ai.d
then don't rppect them as we do the
things for which we are overcharged.
Chicago Herald.
I.efrUlaU ve Ulrk.
Salem, Or., April 15 Secretary of
State Dunbar has compiled a list of the
clerks employed tiy the last legislature
and the amounts paid to each. The
notice employed 52 clerks at a total cost
of $10,120, or an average of $'4 80 per day
each. The senate employed 41 clerks,
at a total cost of $0039 50, or an average
of fl 05 per day each. There were also
emoloved 40 mint clerks, at a total cost
of $5240 50, or an average of $3 28 per
day each. The total C03t for ull cleiks
was $22,000 for the session, or an average
of $5.50 per day for clerk hire.
Mrs. A. C. Palmer, who is in tho city
from Prineville, is the guest of Mrs. H.
A. Falk. Mrs. Palmer is on her way to
Portland, and will leave for that place
upon the arrival of her husband, who
will accompany her.
Mrs. Kittie Ann Meeks, widow of the
latF Lewis Meeks, of Mosier, is in town
looking after some land matters in
which she is interested. Airs. Meeks is
quite a vigorous woman for iter years.
She. was born in IS 17.
Mr. C. L. Anderson, of Portland, has
accepted a position with Sexton &
Walther. He is a competent plumber,
having been formerly employed bv the
Shaniko L-nid Townsite Company, and
cjmes highly recommended.
Fred W. Wilson left for Seattle yes
terday to act as best man at the wed
ding of iiiB friend, W. T. Dovell, of
Walla Walla, and Miss Ruth Allen,
which takes place tomorrow. Mr. Wil-
11 . I - C- I .1
son win remain in aeauie until me enu i
of the week. of the plant is badly crippled
Tbocauseof the trouble was the recent
discharge of seven men, who, the men
claim, were dismissed titcuueu they were
members of the newly organised lodge of
the Amalgamated Association. The
strike was ordered at a meeting of the
local lodge yesterday afternoon, nnd
went into ell'ectat 1 o'clock this morning.
All is quiet about the works today,
none of the discontented workmen loiter
ing about the mill, aud there is no pros
pect of trouble. The members ol the
employes about 800 men, nnd about half
of them are now out.
Theevent is looked upon as momentous
throughout the iron nnd steel trades of
the country, from the fact that it is the
llrst conflict between organized labor
and the new United StateB Steel Corpora
tion, and because of the aiiiionuced in
tention today of President l. T. Shatter,
the bend of the Amalgamated Association
of Iron, Steel & Tin Workers, to tie up
every plant of the new combine, oteul,
tin, tube, structural iron, wire and all,
if necessary, to win the light.
As to the chance that the men in all
the mills ol tho Trilled States steel cor
poration will he called on to come out,
no one connected with I Ins management
of any of the organized plants in the
new corporation will consent to be
quoted. The only underlying eompanicH
in the new corporation whose mills are
entirely independent of the Amalga
mated Association are tin Carnegie
interests and tho National Tube Com
pany. The mills of thu American Steel
Hoop Company, the American Tin Plate
Company and the Republic Iron A: Steel
Company are all organized, whib most
of those of the American Sheet
Steel Company and the National Steel
Company and a few of the National i
.. .COIiUjdBlA BREWEtiY..
Of the product of thin well-known brewery thu United Slates Health
Reports for June 28, 1000, siiya : "A more tmpoi lor brew never entered
the hihratory of the United Slates Health rcport.H. It, ih absolutely devoid
of the slightest trace of adulteration, but on the other hand is compiled of
the best of malt and choicest of hops. Itc tonic qualities are of the hh,.
est and it can be used with the greatest benefit and atlnfaetion by old ninl
young. Its use can conscientiously bo proscribed by the physicians with
the cersaintv that a better, purer or morn wholesome beverage could not
possibly be found."
firm say that they will continue the j Steel, American Steel & Wire and Amur
operation of their plants, and that ifiican Biidge plants work under the
they are troubled by the strikers at Mc- Amalgamated Association. Most of the
Keesport they will ship their material i American Steel it Wire plantH are con
elsewhere for manufacture. The mill . trolled by the rod-mill men.
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
I have re-opened this -well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer es.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneor Grocer.
The lieu Itemeity fur KlioumatiHin.
All who use Chamberlain's Pain Balm
for rheumatism are delighted with the
q'lick relief from pain which it affon's
When speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks,
of Trov, Ohio, say : "Some time ago I
bad a severe attack of rheumatiem in
my arm and ehoulder. I tried numerous
remedies but got no relief until I was
rfcommended ny Messrs. Geo. F. Parsons
& Co., druggists of this place, to try
Chamberlain's Pain Balm. Thoy recom
mended it so highly that I bought a
tattle. J wo won relieved of all pain. I
have since recommended this liniment
to many of my friends, who agree with
me it is the iiest remedy for inuecular
rheumatism in the market." For sale
by Blakeley, the druggist.
The partnership heretofore existing
between J. A. Carnaby and William
Summers, underthe style of Carnaby &
Summers, has this day been dissolved by
mutual consent, William Summers re-
tiring and J. A. Carnaby continuing the
business in his own name. The said J.
A. Carnaby will collect all debts due the
late firm and pay all obligations in
curred by it.
Dated April 1, 1901.
J. A. Caiinaiiv,
William Summkhs.
Tho Biggs hotel and store, both doing
a good, paying business. The receipts
of the hotel alone for March were $500.
For sale onlv on account of sickness in
the family. Apply to
la-lmd Jambs Hahi'iiam, Biggs.
Twelve head of work horses, plowr,
drill, wagon Nnd three sots of double
harness. Approved notes taken. Ap
ply to A, O. Kick,
2.if?ff, The Dalles.
Subscribe for Tuk Curonicls,
Clark & Falk are never closed Sunday.
Don't, forget this.
You will not have boils if von !,
Clarke & Falk's sure cure tot boils.
Clarke & Falk have on sale a full lino
of paint and artist's brushes.
A full line of Eastman tiling and sup
plies just received by Clarke & Falk.
Some desirable city property for ralo
or rent. For particulars call on Gibbons
oc Marden. alltf
We carry it complete line of Spatild-
ing's base balls, bats, masks, gloves, etc. I
See our window. Mays & Crowe. lltf
For fresh halibut, perch, herring,
razor clams, and all kinds of fish in
season, leave orders with J. A. Carnaby.
Quality and not quantity makee De
Witt's Little Early Kisers such valuable
little liver pills. Clarke & Falk's P. O.
For sprains, ewelliugs and lameness
there is nothing so good us Chamberlain's
Pain Balm. Try it. For sale by Blake
ley, the druggist.
We have a $17.50 "Pennant" bicycle,
as good, if not better, than any $19, $'20
or $'2o wheel, sold by others. See our
window. Mays & Crowe. all -tf
Why pay 81.75 per gallon for inferior
paints when you can buy James E
Patton's sun proof paints for $1.50 per
gallon, guaranteed for 5 years. Clark 5c
Falk, agents. ml
Skin troubles, cuts, burns, scalds and
chafinc quickly heal by the use of I)e
Witt's Witch Ha.el Salve. It is imitated.
Be sure ycu get DeWitt's. Clarke &
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Those famous little pills, DeWitt's
Little Early Risers will remove all im
purines irom your system, cleanse your
bowels, make them regular. Clarke &
Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
We offer for a limited period the
twice-a-week Ciuconiclk, price $1.50,
and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50,
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
under this otter must be paid in ad
vance. f
Spring coughs are specially dangerous
and unless cured at once, serious results
often follow. One Minute Cough Cure
acts like magic. It is not a common
mixture but is a high grade remedy.
Clarke & Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
You cannot enjoy perfect health, rosy
cheeks and sparkling eyes if your liver
is sluggish and your bowols clogged. De
Win's Little Early Risers cleanse the
whole ?yste.n. They never gripe. Clarke
& Falk's P. O. Pharmacy.
Cuutfltt u Orttailful Colli.
Marion Kooke, manager for T. M.
Thompson, a large importer of flue
millinery at 1058 Milwaukee Avenue,
Chicago, saya: "During the late severe
weather I caught a dreadful cold which
kept me awake at night and made me
unfit to attend my work during the day,
Oneof my milliners was taking Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy for a severe cold at
that time, which seemed In relieve her
o quickly that I bought some for myself.
It acted like magic and I began to im-
jjrove at once. I am now entirely woll
and feel verv pleased to acknowledge its
merits." for tale by uiakelev. the
Floral lotion will care wind chapping
and aunburn. Manufactured by Came
& Falk,
to on' 3'our r u nn Lure abroad. Mesides saving you a froijiliL
bill, we also save you from 15 lo 25 per cent, on each and
verv article purchased from us. Pe wise and consider our
low price otters.
Hook CnM' ;
Mitrhlv I'nIMied;
as low as SI 2.50.
o-piece Parlor
Suit ; fancy up
holstered ; as low
as .... S22.50.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds,
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot t-n kin
Heada narters for Rolled Grain, an kinde
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, XTJIl Sd
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle
ton Flour
Tb'iH Hour ih manufactured t!xpru3sly for family
use: everv Hack is guaranteed to give satisfaction.
I Wo sell our goods lower than any house m thu trade, mid if you don't think so
, call and got cur prices and be convinced.
! Highest Prices Paid, for Whja,t. Barley and Oats
nier; us low as. .$5. 75
S-piece Bedroom Suit; golden oak (in
ish; as low us $12.50
Latest stylo White
Heds ; as low us
Enameled Iron
Fine Polished Extension
Table; hard wood; as low
aa $4.50
Our great line of
Carpets, Linoleums,
Oil Cloths and
at correspondingly
low prices.
Str. Ftognlntor
Hti-nmurs of tho licKiitator l.luu will run us per Hit' lot-j
t-L'iiciluli- without notice.
I.v. 1MIU-N
lit 7 A. M.
fe'Tiiesiluy. . ..
I IIIIIMIll) . .
Hatnriliiy .
Arr. I'orllaiiil
at l::u I-. m.
tn 7 A. N.
. Muiiiliiy
Arr. iMlk'H
ii A l'. !.
Ship your
Regulator Line.
Str. Dallas City.
I.v. Dutk'H
lit 7 A. l.
Wi'diii'siliiy . ,
Arr. Portland
at l:'M v. i.
I i Pnrf tmiil .Ii
III 7 U) A II.
T.iftitl'it W
TliuiHliiy .J
Hutiirilny i
Arr. Palles
iil.i 1-. u. i
, Travel by the Htwimnrh of tho Uiimliitnr l.lno
ft runit tliu best kvrvluu inmlblv.
The Comimtiy will imiluiivor to nlve Uk jnit
For further Information address
l'orttaud Olllcc, Oak-Htreet Duck. W. C. ALLAWAY. Gon. Agt.
Golden Oak Side
Hoard . $9.50
Great Northern Furniture Co.,
Second Street, opposite Obarr House.
W$tife Lincoln Soxiuil Pills restore natural Htreiigtli and
&M$&m$W' H01"' They do "ot exu,lu or Btimulate. Tliey are a
a$Ps'J Tilggr perfeutly pure and certain nerve food, and everv tablet
" L Is Btandariiid to absolute nniforiiuiy. Use tbeni and
f i. V vou w " rej"ice ln etreiiKth, nerve vigor and inunly
I f v-J) f inaKiietisin.
I'rice, sfl.00 per box buy of your driuririat or Kent
I XT il l)y l,,a" on ''i'1 ()f i'rico' 1,1 Il I wrapper.
v-sw M. 55. Donnell, Afcent, The Dalles, Or.
Grandall & Bapget
fill kinds of undertakers Burial Shrouds
Funeral Supplies embalmers Ete.
The Dalles, Or.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
Advertise in The Chronicle,
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Citiiiiiin riiiinx :;;ii,
l.unic nut. KMM.
Next door to First National Hank.
Bay Stallion, 4 yoars old; height hands, weight 1050
pounda. Sirod by Zombro, 2:11, tho host sou of MoKin
noy, 2:1 H.
i-.irftl,B,,J' Br,,?a,iiia, by Boxwood, sou of Nutwood. Second dam, Uk
an 1? Tbirttun V MT S,8 !'ir. hy ku, Abdalla I , eon of Hamblen
Ian 10. Third dam, Prunella, by Alhambm, oon of Ma.iibrino Ohief 11.
UallDOr2SS Sx!ll,LTe UIS LB0L0M of 1001 Bt L' A- ll'ter'fl livery aUble,
uauee, Oregon. Terms for the Season, $20.
For further particulars eee
jti30.Uw4iuo PREn mstVTRT rrrtrietor.