The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 09, 1901, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
SATURDAY -""TAKOff 071901
Bearing the cold name of Ozcro
Lewis, i; lady of Marklcvillc, Ind.,
has outdone Carrie Nation. Carrie's
system of piiRmg saloons out of
business may be all right in Kansas,
but it won't wotk in other states.
Mrs. Lewis' scheme will work any
where and to perfection. The other
night old man O-zero Lewis forgot
to come home at the proper hour,
and so old lady O-zoro Lewis went
out looking for him. He was found
in a saloon seated at a table with a
number of other men drinking beer.
Now, Mrs. O-zero didn't grab an axe
and take a fall out of the ice box,
neither did she dynamite the mirror
behind the bar, but instead, walking
up to the man who gave her the
chilly name, she took him by the ear
and walking back to a good strong
chair, sat down with the old man
across her lap and there administered
a first-class spanking. Other women
were with her to see how the scheme
worked, and so pleased were they
that their husbands were led out of
the saloons by the ears.
There is much merit in this scheme.
It is far superior to Mrs. Nation's
idea, which is rude. That of Mrs.
Lewis is truly refined. Husbands
will not go to a saloon and drink
cheap beer if they expect any
moment the entrance of their wives,
who will, forthwith, in front of all
there assembled, spank them. Few
men like to be spanded by their
wives in public places. It is not so
much the pain as the humiliation.
Carrie does not strike at the root of
the evil. Mrs. Lewis does. Carrie
is too flighty in her ways. Mrs.
Lewts is cool, deliberate and modest.
For these reasons we believe that
Mrs. Lewis' scheme of closing
saloons should be approved and com
mended in every section. Baker
purses nnd over-ride the wishes of
the people who elect thom, but the
penalty invariably is certain political
The legislature passed a law mak
ing 112 pounds of oats a bushel in
stead of JIG, as heretofore, and a
valley paper of the lG-to-l-or-bust
persuasion characteristically says:
"This will enahle the farmer to get
more bushels to the acre and perhaps
a greater profit on his crop."
Question Alit oretl.
Yes, August Flower still has the larpest
sale of nny medicine in the civilized
world. Your mothers and grandmothers
never thought of using anything else for
indigestion and biliousness. Doctors
were scarce and they seldom heard of
appendicitis, nervous prostration or
heart failure, etc. They used August
Flower to clean out the system nnd stop
fermentation of undigested food, regu
late the action of the liver, stimulate the
nervous nnd organic action of the sys
tem, and that is all they took when feel
ing dull nnd bad with headache and
other aches. You only need a few doees
of Green'8 August Flower, in liquid
form, to make you satisfied there is
nothing serious the matter with you.
Get Greeu's prize almanac. Clarke &
Falk's. 1
It is with considerably more truth
than poetry that the Tillamook Head
light says; If the city of Portland
can't raise the money to establish
woolen mills we feel like passing
round the hat, for we have been
reading in the Portland newspapers
for the past four years about pros
pective woolen mills to be established
there. What's the trouble, anyway
cold feet? With all Portland's
boasted wealth and advantages, there
is a certain amount of mossbackism
there which retards its manufactur
ing growth. We get an attack of
jim-jams every time we read about
the proposed Portland woolen mills,
nnd with so much wool procrastina
tion we hardly know how people in
that city feel. It is plain to see that
those who want to make a manu
facturing city of Portland get plenty
of newspaper boosting, but very
little financial boosting from the
-very people who should help indus
tries start up.
.Notice is hereby given that the co
partnership formerly existing between
the undersigned, Frank H. Watts and
J. Insley Huston, as dealers in marble
and granite, at The Dalles, Oregon,
under the style or linn name of Watts'
Marble and Granite Works, is this day
dissolved by mutual consent, J. Insley
Huston disposing of his interests to
G. R. Baker. The said business will,
in the future, be carried on by Frank
H Watts ami G. R. Baker, under the
style and firm name of Watts' Marblo
and Granite Works, and will receive all
bills and pay all debts against said linn
of Watts & Huston.
Dated nt 'I lie Dalles the 5th day of
March, 19U1.
Frank H. Watts,
lw J. I.vsi.ey Huston.
Playet'. Out.
Dull Headache, Pains in various parts
of the bodv, Sinking at the pit of the
stomach, Loss of appetite, Feverishness,
Pimples or Sores are all positive evidon
ces of impure blood. No matter how it
became so it must be purified in order
to obtain good health. Acker's Blood
Elesir has nevei failed toenre Scrofulous
or Syphilitic poisons or any other blood
dieeases. It is certainly a wonderful
remedy and we sell every bottle on n
positive guarantee. Bldkeley, the drug
gist. Old Soldier' Kxperlence.
M. M. Austin, a civil war veteran, of
Winchester, Ind., writes: "My wife was
sick a long time in spite of good doc
tor's treatment, but was wholly cured
by Dr. King's New Life Pills, which
worked wonders for her health." They
always do. Try them. Only 2oc at G.
C. Biakeley's drug store.
The Uiiko.nici.e has made arrange
ments with the publishers of the New
York Tribune whereby we are able to
offer the Weekly Tribune, which alone
is $1.50 a year, and the twicea-week
Chronicle both papers for the price
of one, namely $1.50 a year. By the
same arrangement we can give the Tri
Weekly Tribune and the twice-a-week
Chronicle Avb papers a week for $2.
All subscriptions under these odors pay
able in advance. tf
After Little Joe has spent a month
or more, of the time he ought to
have spent at his post of duty in
Washington, in settiug up the pins
for the election of his beloved friend
Corbotl, it is positively cruel for the
Pendleton Tribune, a very bosom
cronie, as it were, of Little .loc, to
write as follows: "Much speculation
has been indulged in regarding the
subtle hand of Senator Simon in the
senatorial fight, and that he wus in
strumental in the defeat of Mr. Cor
bett is the opinion that is fast gaining
ground. That Senator Simon was
only a silent observer in tho fight
Bounds unreasonable. That he did
anything for Mr. Corbett is not
apparent. Then, what did ho do?"
The Granite Gom rips Representa
tive Barrett because, as it alleges, ho
ignored the almost unanimous wish
of bis constituents in voting for
H. W. Corbett in the late legislature.
The Gom says: "Legislative mem
bers can sometimes fatten their lank
Among the tens of thousands who have
used Chamberlain's Cough Remedy for
colds and la erippe during the past few
years, to our knowledge, not a single case
has resulted in pneumonia. Thos.
Whitfield & Co., 240 Wabash avenue,
Chicago, one of the most prominent re
eail druggists in that city, in speaking of
this, says: "We recommend Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy for la grippe in
many casee, as it not only gives prompt
and complete recovery, hut alBo counter
acts any tendency of la grippe to result
in pneumonia." For sale by Blakeley,
the drugirist.
liou't Hub It In,
Just wet the affected part freely with
Mysterious Pain Cure, a Scotch remedy,
and the pain is gone. Sold by Clarke &
See that you get the original DeWitt's
Witch Hazel Salvo when you ask for it.
The genuine is a certuin cure for pilee,
sores and skin diseases. Clarke & Falk'e
P. O. Pharmacy.
We offer for a limited period the
twice-a-week Ciikonici.k, price $1.50,
and the Weekly Oregonian, price $1.50,
both papers for $2 a year. Subscriptions
under this offer must be paid in ad
vance, f
Cocoanut Cream Hair Tonic will cure
dandruff and all ecalp diseases, Don't
neglect your hair. For sale at Frazer'e
bi her shop, sole agent. tf
Rooms to rent suitable for light house
keeping. Apply at this office. 123. lw
Oregon ,
Shot line
and union PaciIfic
'Salt l-nlte, Denver. Ft.
Worth, Omiilm, Kim
hum City, fit. Unils, Chi
curd nml the Knst.
livio i. m.
via llunt-
VliM ii. m.
vlu Hunt-
St. l'iml 'Wnlln Wnllh, to-viston.
Fast Mull, i wpnkaue.Walliice.I'ull
:i' . m. nni n, Minneapolis, St.
via Spo- I'lUll, lliiluth, Milwnu
kane. kee, Chicago ami East.
I .Salt Luke, Denver, Ft.
Worth, Omaha, Kan
sas City, SI. IjniU, Chi
ciiro and the East.
1 :0,'i p. m.
1.13 n. in.
:;X)n ui,
From I'ortlnutl.
8:00 p. m.
i (All tailing dates sub-'
jeci to enuiiRe ) (
For Sun I'muciseo, !
Sull every 5 ilujs.
MCKi p. in.
10:00 p. in.
(1:00 a.m.
Culumliln It Ivor.
To Astoria and Wuy- j
1:00 p. m.
r.oo p. m.
, Wlllniuntte Illver. ,
u l:S0p. m.
OrcRon City, Nowhere,' except
salcm, Independence, Sunday,
and Wny-IjiiidiiiRs.
6.00 u. m.
Corvallis anil Way-Landings.
AVIIIuliintte mill
Vanillin Klvurn.
I:.n i. m.
:):."o p. m,
Saturday, loreeon citv.Davtonund WodneMiay
:ooa.m. i -wny.-jindlng. ,
ilUOa. m.
Hinike ltlver.
T lurialmi
Hlparla to l.ewiston. htajlil'in!
Parties deslrlne to bo to Hemincr or
points on uoiumoiu houinern via inggs, snoum
take No. 2, leavlUB The Dalle nt l'J:23 p. m.
making direct connections at Hcppncr junction
and Biggs. Returning niH'Kiiigdirectcnnuectiou
ut Hcppner junction and lllggs with iNo. 1, ar
riving at The Dalles at 1:05 p. m,
For further particulars, call on or address
The Dalles, Oregon.
Undertaker and Embalmer
Cor. Third and Washington Sts.
All orders attended to promptly. Long
distance phone -133. Local, 102.
Anyone rending n sketch nnd Description ma'
quickly lucertalu our opinion free whether a' ,
Invention is prohnoly patentable. Commimlcr
Hon-strictly conllilcntlal. Handbook on Patents
leal tree, ui'iesi ngency lor Bccuring puiems.
Patents taken through Munn & Co. recelvu
without charge. In tho
ivreial notice,
Scientific American.
A handsomely llhutrated weekly. Largest clr.
filiation f any edentate Journal. Terms, (.1 a
years four months, 1. Hold by all newidealen.
MUNN & Co.30IBroadwa New York
Branch Offlco. (S3 Y Kc Washington. I). ('
NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. OrricE at Tub Dali,kh, Ok;.,;
Jan. 21,11)01. j
Notlco Is hereby Riven that the following
numed 1-eUlcr has filed notice of her Inten
tion to make li rial proof In support of her
claim, nnd that mild proof will be made be
fore the repiMer mid receiver at Tho Dulles,
Oref-on, on Wednet-day, March 0, 1!W1, viz:
Ailnllno '. Htmil,
one of tho helr.s nnd for the helm of Ruth ('en
evia tileel, dcreaked, of The Dalles, Oicgou, II,
K. No. I'JIO, for ho riK'J Keu 21, Tp 1 N, H la li,
She names tho following witnesses to prove
her continuous residence upon, and cultivation
of Kald laud, viz:
W. Cutis, John II. Cook, M. 11. Miller, James
.Slmomon,ull of Thu Dalles, Oregon.
J- Houbitr
feb. 2, I'JOI I
Nolico U hereby Riven that tho followlm;
named tettler has lllcl notice of IiIh Intention
to make Dual proof In support of his claim, mid
that said proof will bo mudo beforo v. II,
1'reshy, United Stuten CoinmUsioner for district
of WushinKtun, ut his ollice In (loldeiiduiu,
Wash., on Buturduy, April 1!), 1001, viz,;
Wllllum A. JtH,
11, E, No. 10051, lor lots , K, 0 and 10, section
15, township 2 north, ruiiKO 15 east, W. M,
Ho namex the following wltuesseH to prove
his continuous residence uuou and cultivation
of said laud, viz'
Andrew L. llunnell, (ieorue I., llunnell, Alby
M. Ilunncll nnd Miles Mulligan, all of Center
vllle P.O., UHshlDKton.
rnchJ W. It. DL'NllAH, lleiilstcr.
Notice Is hertliv lilveu that tho undershrued
has burn duly npiJOlutcil by thu county court of
Ihii Htato of Oreirou for Wasco county, adminis
tratrix of tho estate of John Diilrymplc.dccfasetl.
All Persons havinir claims aualnst said estate
uru hereby required to picscnt tho same to me,
proierly verified, m bylaw reipilred, at my resl
deuce on the Floyd ranch, five miles from
j-uueHi'ity, orm iiieomcooi iieimen oiiuiott,
within six mouths from the date hereof,
jjaieu mis -'it oay oi reoruary, inn
Administratrix of the estate ot John Dalrym
pie, deceased , fto'l
L. Lane,
Subscribe for Tim Giiuo.nici.-s,
Wagon and Carrlago Work.
Fish Brothors' Wagon.
hili.i .. j t.r.-. nu.n i rn
In talking of Chocolates please
remember tlmt we carry a full line of
LOWNEY'S, just opened, fresb from
the factory. In plain ilnd fancy boxeH
for CbristiriiB trade, and at priceu to
suit. Don't foruot tbat we urn head
quarters for the best on earth. Name
LOWNEY eettlea it.
Geo. C. Blakeley,
The Druggist.
Max A. Vout,
first Hational Bank.
A General Banking BueineeB transacted
Deposits received, subject to big lit
Draft or Check.
Collections made and proceeds promptlj
remitted on dav of collection.
Sipht and Telegraphic Exchange sold on
New l ork, ban rancisco anc Port
D. P. Thompson. Jno. 8. bousncK.
En. M. Wili.iamh, Gko. A. Lixnu.
H. M. Hkam..
Dryiup; iircparntions simply dovel
op dry catarrh; thoy dry up tho socrctiotiH,
which adhcro to the ineiiibrnno and decom
pose, causing n fiir nioro sorious troublo thou
tho ordinur v form of cuturrli. Avoid ull dry
ing iuhulauts, fumes, smokes and snuffa
ami uao that Nvliicli cieanHcs, sootucs aim
heals. Ely's Cream Uulm is such a remedy
and will euro catarrh or cold in tho head
easily and pleasantly. A trial aizo will bo
mnilcd for 10 cents. AH druggists sell tho
GOc. size. ElvUrothors, BO Warren Ht., N.Y.
Tho Unlm cures without pain, does not
irrituto or causo snoozing. It sprc&ds itself
over an irritated mid angry surfaco, reliev
ing immediately tlio pniiiiiu lnllammation.
With Ely's CJrcnm Halm you aro armed
against isasul Catarrh aim iiay i over.
Just What
Yoa Laant.
Iw'i ff),
New ideas in Wall Paper here. Such
wide variety as we are showing never be
fore graced a single stock. Real imita
tion ureton effects at ordinary prices.
Good papers at cheap paper prices.
Elegant designs, tasteful colorings, yours
for a small price, at our store on Third
street. Also a full line of house paints.
?i wlv4i?se' Third st
In All Its itaes there
should be cleunllncia.
Ely's Cream Balm
cleanresootu;:! and heal
the dlscaned membrane.
It cures catarrh and drlvea
away a cold lu the bead
Cream Balm Is placed Into the nostrils, sprtads
oyer the membrane and la absorbed. Itellef la lw
mediate and a cure follows. It la not drying does
9t produce sneezing. Large HUe, SO cents at Drug
gist or by mall; Trial HUe, 10 cents by mall.
H.V WtOTUKlti, 00 Warreu Street, New York.
I I f
Job Printers
m People
' National
Family jiewspape
To all old and now suhj-i-rihers payiiiK one year in advance wo ofl'er
Tri-Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $2.00.
Weekly Tribune and Semi-Weekly Chronicle for $1.50.
I'liblHhrcl Monday,
Wcilni'Mhiy nnd !" r I -ilny.
Is in rcnllty ii lino
mid frwh cvury-ntlicr-duy
Dally, kIvIiii; the
latest lii'Ws on ihiyH of
i-Mic, n lid rovurliiK
iicwh of (ho other :!.
It contaliiH nil iuiior
tun t forclf-u cnhlu
uowM which ni'nrH
in the Itally Trlhuiii!
of rauu' date, iiKo do
medic nnd lotciitu
rorro.sioiiili!ticc, short
Ntorlo. cU'ttaut half
tono illuHtratloiih, hu
iiuiroiiN Items, Indus
trial Information,
lushloii miles, iiericiil
tu nil matters, and
.'omiireheuslveiiiiil re
llahlti lliiaiiclal mid
market reports.
IU'Kiihir subi:rli
t ion iirli.e, $IM pur
Wu furnish It wltli
Semi Weakly ('hrnul.
cle for fj.wn pur year.
riihllslieil nnTlnir."
lay, a:id known for
nearly sixty years In
iery part of the Uni
ted Htati's iin n uutioii
al family nuwspii;r
of the highest clns,
for farmers mid villa
Iters. It contains nil
the most Important
Keneral news of the
liully Tribune up tu
thu hour of koIhk In
press; ,ip agricultural
ilepartiiient of the
highest order, has en
tertnluliiK reailliif-for
every member of the
fiimily.oldiiud yniuiK
market reports which
lire accepted asautli
orlty by farmers ami
uierciiantN, mid Ik
cleiiu, iip-tnil'ite, In
ti.'rustliiKUiid lustriic
Itc-tular subsctlp'
tlnii irieu, 71 per enr,
Wu furnhli it with
Keml-Wcekly C'lnulil
(de for Jl.WI per
Send all orders to Chronicle Publishing Co., The Dalles, Or
nun Tlnnifi
jiuiijriiu rhiiiiu; SBuinern Pacific Co
SOUTH and EAST via
Yellowstone Park Line.
to Tin: i:.8T.
Tin: only i)iiti:t:Ti,iNi: totiik yki.i.ow-
Shasta Route
Trains leave Tim DiiIIuh for I'ortlaiid nml '"'J
statloiiK nt 1:2.) a. in. and li p. m.
Union Depai, Fifth aod I sis
No. 2. , Kast mall for Tncomii.l
IKiittlc, Oiymplii.liray'N1
iiiiioiir nun ni ill li iieinl ,
'lioints, Hpokane, Mint-1
hind, II, (; I'ullinaii,
ii. ir , i?1,,'M,',mv' '-"wltton, Huf I
llilo A. il.'fiilollumpiiiliilnKeouii-1 fi;60 1. M,
try, Holenii, Mlnneapo-I
lis, Ht. l'aiil, Omaha,!
KlIlthllM (!ltl Ut l,.,,lu ,
UiIchko umt all polntKl
cast ami soutlnnst, ,
i ,j ... i
ii.-i piiiiiiu i. x press
for Taeomu mid heattlu
nml Intcniiedlatopoliith
U'avu I'ortlaud
" Albany . ......
Arrive Ashland
" miiiraiueiuo . ..,
" Han h'riinelsco
No. I.
lU'JO 1'. M.
No. .'I.
7;0O A. ii.
.. siaiiim 7:ii i ii
..lunioiim iu,-,rn)iw
..12::iim lli-'Mum
.. fiiOOpni I ;:i'i a in
,, 7:1a pin h.ljaui
Arrive OkiIoii .
Ilenvur ,
(,'hlciiKo ....
. ft: 15 ii m 11 isnm
, UiWiu iii !i;i)i"
T.-au iii " ntni"
, 7 ; lft ii in u.aiiim
I'llllllllin flruLdlnuu ...w, ..,
ilX!ni""Um ,k',",t ""''"
Uckcts, HlcepitiB-car rcKcrvatlous, cto.! call on or
ARiUtHiit (ieiioral rskenirer Aitent. a,M Murri
ou Htrcct.cor.ier Third. INirtlaud (iteou.
U insHiani
Arrive 1-os AiikuIcs ...
" Kl l'ao ... .
" Kort Wortli.. ..
" City of Mexico .
" Houston
" New OrlcaUN, ..
" WashliiKlou . .
" Nuw York
l'.VO i m
0:00 p in
'::) a m
'.i;.Vin in
, liUUll III
I'li'J.'lll 111
li: 12 a m
7:0) am
ipim iiu
i, :i) ii m
;t ;& u in
I :oO it in
o a p in
Ii IS II in
l'jiiiipm la-ni"1'
I'ulliimn mil Tourist curs on bulb ,fr,1!1""
i.halrcarH Haerameiilo to Oirdeu ami l:"'!f'
mill InnrUt ..uru t,. i 'i.i........ ill. ijmlu. New lir-
' If.niu ,,,i ie..ui.i.. n 1
(.'iiiiicdtliiK at Hail Kraiiclsco with
id ulit. ii...... ii i.. i.. r i
L. V. Uonif, I'roji'r.
First-Class in Every IJespeet
Oysters Served in any Style.
,iiiit.'i;iiiii; m nun rrmicisco wim
Nteiimslilp lines for Honolulu, Japan.
I'lillilililnus, (,'uutrnl mid Houtli Amwlcii.
Heu iiKciit Ht Tlui llallCN station, or ndiM"
(iuueral I'HNsciiKor Aiteut, rortlmi'li l,r
Notice No. 2
I to'aUViricrtiB Indebted to tho fi
of'E. J. Collln'B & Co. and fi. 1" Hf00"
19 call and tmlt tlielr ttccount or f;
tho cdse may lw, by the let of April
otherwise the auoountB will ho put w
the tiaiitlH oi our uolleotor.
W Hwond 8t.,Tlio Uflllea, Or.
ISubfiurlbe for Tim Oiiuonioi.k.