The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 15, 1901, Image 3

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Dry Goods
Advance salo of
Percales ....
Choice Spring Goods,
regular loo sellers,
and so marked;
for lhis week only,
VV. B. Corsets,
Special sale, this week,
Less 2 5 per ct.
Tygh Valley, Warner's
and Trout Lake,
50c per roll
for Throe Days only.
Van Camp's
Mock Turtle, Oxtail,
Chicken, Clam Chow
der, Bouillon ,V(igetal)le
Special qc,
This week only.
Broken Lot
Sale... .
of Ladies', Misses'
Children's Shoos.
Ladies' Welt. Button. ..$1.45
Ladies' Welt Button... 1.25
Ladies' Turn Sole, 2J-
to 4..
Spring Heel,
Button,- 2 to 5
Ladies' Spring Heel,
Lace, 3 to G 1 .00
Child's Kanii. Calf,
Button, 5 to 8 GO
Child's Goat Button,
5 to 8 53
Child's Coat Button.
9 to 12 G3
All Goods Marked
In Plain FlKiires
Hie Dalles Daily Chwmiele.
- . fish, istoi ,
G m served 1
ujsters k.. ;
1 A A- A -1 . . L'AtlM.un
h i M w ww a w a w
near that town and they are dcing well. hadn't slept a wink nor eaten a bite
"In the winter time," says the Sentinel, ' for ever so long and wae so weak that lie
"when Know is on the ground, tbeee could not leave his lied without assiet
birds get very tame, coming into harn j ance. Th scheme worked like a charm,
yards and feeding with the chickene; I The deputy's sympathies were deeply
The dangerous illness of the
Mark Twain thus refers to an institu
tion of recent growth in Botne eastern
cities: "The Daughters of the Royal
Crown there's an American idea for
you I God knows what specified form of
insanity it represents, it isn't softening
of the brain ; you cannot soften a thing
that doesn't exist. There are none eli
gible but the American descendants of
Charles II. How the fancy products of
that old harem still hold up."
A reader of the Atlanta Constitution
writes to the editor from Liberty county,
Georgia, as follows: "Desiring to em
bark in tie literary business, I will state
that I will swap one mule and two grown
hogs for a first-class bookcase containing
Byron's poems, linnyan's 'Pilgrim's
Progress,' Colonel Scott's novels, Mr.
Dickens' 'Latnpwick Papers' and a few
Guides to Literary Composition.' This
offer open for thirty days."
A High valley farmer drove into La
Grande one day last week. He had a
top box on his wagon, but over the edge
could be seen the heads of several sheep
end some young stock. As he drove on
ho was accosted by a swell city dude, who
thought lie would crack a joke on the
hay-seed, and sang out: "Say, Noah,
your ark seems to be pretty well crowd
ed today I" The farmer looked and un
concerned like replied: "Don't yon
worry ; I have reserved a place foi the
jackass, and you can step right in."
The city upstart looked like thirty cents,"
never squeaked, and the farmer drove
on. Cove Courier.
Congressman Cushman'a somewhat
caustic utterances on the Columbia river
bar recalls a question once asked by
Jerry Simpson of a southern legislator,
who wanted an appropriation for the
mouth of a stream called Fishing creek.
"May I ask the honorable gentleman a
question?" said the inquisitive .Jerry.
"Certainly, sir," was the reply. "la
the water deep enough on the bar at the
month of Fishing creek to enable the
fish to get over the bar without lighter
ing?" Jerry's question added somewhat
to the fame of that gentleman as a hu
morist, and also killed the appropria
tion for Fishing creek.
We do
Steam, hot water and furnace heating,
made and contracts taken for heating
old ijr new
Do not forget
That we operate a plumbing and tin shop, also a ma
chine repair shop in connection with our hardware
and Implement store. Repair work of all kinds done.
Given Away...
! and our fanners throw them a little feed moved
if they come to their fields during the
winter months."
Hon. K. K. Misener, of Mitchell, was
in town today on his way to Dawson
g ' City, where he expects to remain for the
' . . 1 r r .1.? . .
next coupie 01 veins u i iiuiy lum um
as he hopes they 'may. He will be ac
companied by a brother-in-law, who
will meet hini in Portland and who has
j Vanover, of Mitchell, also accompanies
Mr. Misener. The paity expects to sail
I from Seattle on the 15th.
The case of August Reese, admmistia
tor, against Wasco county, was given to
the jury at 10:30 last night. No agree
ment was reached till after 4 this morn
ing, when a sealed verdict was returned
in favor of the county. It is said that
the first ballot showed 11 to 1 in favor
of the county, but the single juror field
witness wan duly reported and the case
waB decided without any help from the
Merman Ciulnn One Vole line tUn
Man of the Sen Still Ilriln Ills
few days, returned today to his home in IK5'"''1" ,or ,ut' P''ntiir and Menefee &
Anii'Inrii. Wilson tor the ueienuant
All IVuM'ii Comity warrant m rtcl-trMl
tiHnt-tt. u.., .- I tKtl? ..-lit l.u iiulil
uii pr it.tion ut inr onu-. ini.irrt ! ,HrKe busineHS intereetsin Dawson
i mtf Hfter Niivfinlixr 11IOO.
Count' Trrunurrr.
School entertainment
At the Haldwin tonight.
Ailuiiession 15 eta ; refreshments 10 cts
Carl Peetz, one of Sherman county's
filiil farmers, wae in town today, s ,
.Murdoek .1. Finlavson, who Lbs been out lor uooui six hours oeioie yieimnjof tho legislature and of the
stopping at the European House for a P "u.ttU" rne'8 1,1 1 caeo VVL'ru ' "oore laws.
Special to Tin: Ciutoxici.uj
S.u.s.m, Feb. 15, 1901. The house this
morning paseed a bill that provides that
all changes in city charters shall be
made by the resident voters and not by
the legislature.
Also Watson's bili fixing the salary of
the sheriff' of Multnomah countv.
Also Bernard's bill providing that all
schools chartered by the state shall be
furnished with copies of the proceedings
Moro has a well-developed case of
smallpox in the person of the wife of
juorge Higgenbothum, the livery stable
keeper of that town.
A delayed train going west this after
noon carried two carloads of human
kids. It is suspected that they are an
eastern contribution to the Oregon or
plittii asylum.
Hie city sewer at the foot of Washing
ton Btreet caved in last night, making a
lre hole immediately south of the main
railroad track on FlrBt street and a lake
"I suwur water in the vicinity. As soon
the cave-in was discovered the mar
aud put men to work repairing the
I "imago.
Dr. Jaucs Sutherland, of Spokane,
ho with Mrs. Sutherland arrived here
euuplu of days ago from a month's
Hmrn in California, left for home this
"wiling. Mrs. Sutherland will remain
here with her parents lor a couple of
This afternoon Die circuit court took
l the case of J. J. lacker vs. the
. U. k N. Co. This is n caHO wherein
'f. Meeker seeks to recover damages
an accident received from a passing
Jreltfht train at tl railroad crossing be
,,J'V Urate's Point. Uu. ....... x. Ki..nii
"I'l-'-ar for l0 plaintifl'.
All men are equui the day they are
and thn iUy t,y Hre buried, but
Win"""' Vvho l,UH lrttl,t,tl wt A' Ml
"i Hams A Co.'h generally has a little
''h laid by. That reminds us that
IIwh a imie extra saving just at
I'-wwit on Ulim 250 ,,row Ft,durHH al
y . and several other bargain men
"wl In their ad. Red and be posted.
The (ioldendale Sentinel sayi there
" ,mra !oeye ol Chinese pheasants
George Crofton, of Crofton Prairie,
Klickitat county, died Monday at Cen
terville from the effects of la grippe. He
was born in the county of Rosecommon.
Ireland, sixty-two years ago last Octo
ber, and immigrated to America when
he was 20 years of age, settling in the
state of New York, coming to this coun
ty uud settling at Crofton Prairie In
July, 1873. He leaves a wife and two
daughters, who reside in New York state.
Mr. Crofton with a man well liked and
esteemed by all our people, and was a
good neighbor and citi.Hn. Sentinel.
Hearken, ye menue ami vomerine,
and come to ye Martha Washington
partie and hrynge your leano pencil iu
hatide. Several goodames vill go to and
froe to help ye folkes dbl acquainted
and to provide all ye gotlo people with
entertainment and vvitli somethynge to
eate. Come ye to ye Methodist church,
which is SHtto downm o Washington
streete, in ye towne in The Dalles, on ye
evening of ye 22nd day of ye 2nd month,
in ye year of our Lrd MDCCC.CI, being
ye first year of yd second reigne of his
Republican Ma;esy, Win, McKinley.
Admission 2't cents.
Watson's bill, known as the anti
free lunch hill, wbp defeated.
Smith, of Multnomah, introduced a
bill providing for reducing the salary of
the state printer to one-half what it is
at present.
The senate resolved to meet hereafter
every morning at 0 o'clock and every
evening at 7 i.'IO.
The measure relating to the election
of road supervisors was defeated. Also
Wehrung'd bill to reimburse Washing
ton county for taxes stolen from the
county treasurer.
The vote for United States senator re
sulted as fallows: Corbett .'12; Her
mann ISO; In tn an 25; Williams 1; Rob
ertson 1 ; absent 1.
A girl to do general housework. Must
be a good cook. Good wages for a
competent party,
jlo-H Mits. T. .1. Siii HKitT.
Tony Glovenni, 2 years old, was seized
and carried off by an immense gray
eagle recently while the child was in the
yard of his home in a Denver 6tiburb.
The child's screams brought, the father
and two other men to the door in time
to see the bird and the child disappear
over the bluff of the Piatt river. The
men gave chase and saw the eagle alight
on a small island covered with under
brush, half a mile from the child's home.
When the men arrived at the island the
bird attempted ' to rise again with the
boy, but his clothing caught in a bush,
and the eagle, seeing the men close at
hand with clubs, dropped his prey and
flew away. The boy ib not badly hurt.
The other day a stranger came to town
and was being shown about the lower
end of the island when, reaching ISroad
street and Exchange place, where a mon
ster sky-scraper is rearing its head, he
inquired: "What building is that?"
"Why don't you know?" replied the
guide. "Part of it's yours." "Mine?"
"Yes; you own $300,000 worth of it."
In Nassau street he saw another cloud
obstructor. "What building is that?"
he asked. "Yours ; your money built it,
and you own every brick in it." In
Broadway the same inquiry was made
about a third firmament support, ami a
similar reply was elicited "it belongs to
you and two others. ' The visitor turned
out to be a patent medicine proprietor
from a neigh borine state, who was look
ing upon some of his investments for
the first time.
The pie-biters of Belmont held their
weekly meeting at G. D. Woodworth's
last Friday evening, Bays the Hood River
Glacier. The proceedings of this society
aro baiil to be entertaining and of a high
intellectual nature. The members line
up at the supper table with their hands
tied behind their backs. The man or
woman who can devour two pieces of
pie the quickest gets the pri.e. When
they met at Gessliug's, not long ago, the
champion pie-hiter got a picture of a hog
With every Dollar's worth of goods purchased at our store
during January and February, we will give One
(Jhance on the following prizes:
FIRST PRIZE One Alnmmized Garland Steel
SECOND PRIZE One Rose Garland Cast Iron
Heating Stove.
THIRD PRIZE One set of Roger's Silver Plated
Knives and Forks.
FOURTH PRIZE One set of Carver's Knife, Fork
x and Steel.
FIFTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Kettle.
SIXTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Condenser
fee Pot.
SEVENTH PRIZE One Nickle Plated Tea Pot.
In addition to giving away these prizes we will
sell goods as low as the lowest, and will always
be ready to serve the trade in the best possible
way. We will positively not be undersold by
any one. Our prices are right.
nearly as woolly as a sheep, small
boned, with n small head and a short
snout, grazing well and fattening on a
verv little allowance of maize. Two or
three ears of corn given three times a
day make the usual fattening ration,
and he fattens quickly on that allow
ance. He if, with the cuino a cross
between a ram and a sow the kind of
pig preferred for the production of lard.
As for the hoof itself, it is made of one
solid piece with a smooth surface, rather
long and narrow, the end cut squarely
by wear." This is a domesticated ani
mal "there are no wild pigs in the
country." Rntchers' and Packers' Ga
zette. .
For infants and Children,
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Bears the
Signature of
Ill this city, this morning, February
15th, to Mr. and Mrs. George W. Rice,
a daughter.
Drop into Grant's cigar store anil see
his new line of pipes. fll-lt
The rose is red, the violet blue, sugar's
sweet and so are the valentines ut Men
efee ,c Parkins'. ll-Ilt
S'eo Menefee & Parkins' window for
the handsomest line of valentines ever
exhibited in The Dalles. ll-llt
Koulo Bros,, professional piano tuners,
are in tlio city for a few days only.
Leave orders at Nickelsen's and Mene
fee k Parkins' stores. 12-11 1
Valentine sale of hats, at prices cut to
the heart, at Miss Haven's. We are
closing out to make room for new
season's goods. Trimmed hats, street
hats, caps, baby bonnets and trimming
Don't vou know that Cocounut Cream j' itHI ')r '''a I"-''- Another I
Hair Tonic will save
children's hair? You
your and your ! method of the jiie-hiters to show thuir
cm get it for fit) ' accomplishments is to see who can bite
barber 1
tf :
other day.
through the most pies laid up in layers.
One man with u record oi biiliu through
thirteen, pies, attempted to im.iku it four-
sherifl'.thel teL.n b.Ueouie over-Jlnus rival inserted ,
rue depury, armed with a . M"yu-, n .., ' a t p,,te beiween the layers, and the
i and 75 cents a buttle at J''s
A well-known Jarmer in the Lower 1 sn., M,e agent.
Ml. . .. i .11 1 1 i. .1 . 1
riiieen ,iii neigiiuiiruooii woiKeu -.,!,.
il Hh .... ..i,...niv i.r.ri.r m.h An experienced young woman wants
guhpiKiia, went out to the farmer's place
to bring him here as a witunsH in the
Keese c.ijh against the county. The
farmer suspected that he would be
wanted and kept a sharp lookout. As
the deputy hoved in sight the farmer i
rushed to the house, undressed as quicK
as lightening and wrapping a clotli
around his head, crept into bed. In
trembling whispers the farmer told the
deputy that he wan "awfully sivk,"
Apply long
or pantry maul.
'phone 70SI.
( coanut Cream Hair Tonic will cure
daii.lrull'and all scalp diseases, Don't
ect your hair. For sale at Frazer's
r shop, soh agent. tf
rsous who can not take ordinary
find it it pleasure to take DeWitt's
Karly Hisers. They are the best
Our Store is the
Talk of the Town.
Popularity never ceaees with us.
ver pills ever made,
". (), Pharmacy.
Clarke A
champion was deft-tied
Mexico has quite a curious animal in Finest Stook
the form of a mule-footed hog. This , T .
slngle-hoofed animal is called chinngah. , and Lowest Pl'lCQS.
koto by the Indians, meaning pig-mule,
He Is regarded as far superior to the
razor-back uud not at all like him, "Tho
mule. footed hog's home is in the mount
ains. He Is a very small. legged block y
little Mlow ; black, or black and white,
Now York Sunday World 5c.
The Dalles Loading Clgur and T
bacco Horn.
How to Cure Croup.
Mr. 1. Gray, who lives near Amenia,
Duchess county, N. Y., says : "Chamber
lain's Couuh Remedy is the beEt medi
cine 1 have ever used. It is a fine
children's remedy for croup and never
fails to cure." When given as soon as
the child becomes hoaree, or even after
the croupy cough has developed, it will
prevent the attack. This should be
bo'ne in mind and a bottle of the Cough
Kemedy kept at hand ready for instant
use as soon as these symptoms appear.
For sale by HlBkeley, the druggist.
Your l''ar
Shows the state of your feelings and the
state of your health as well. Impure
blood makes itself apparent in a pale
and sallow complexion, Pimples uud
Skin Eruptions. If you are feeling
weak and worn out and do not have a
healthy appearance you should try
Acker's Blood Klisir. It cures all blood
diseases where cheap Sarsaparillas and
so called purifiers fail; knowing this we
sell every bottle on a positive guarantee.
Hlakeley, the druggist.
Reports show a greatly increased death
rate from throat and Iuiil' troubles, due
to tho prevalence of croup, pneumonia
and grippe. We advise tlie use of Ohm
Minute Cougti Cure in all of these
dilllcnlties. It is the only harmless
remedy that gives immediate results
Children like it. Clarke & Falk's P. 0.
Acker's Dyspepsia Tablets are sold on
a positive guarantee. Cures heart-burn,
raising of the food, distress after eating,
or any form of dyspepsia. One little
tablet gives immediate relief. L'5 cts.
and 50 cts. lllakeley, the druggist.
Hustling young man can make f GO per
mouth ami expenses, Purmaueu'' posi
tion. Kxperionco unnecessary, Writ
quick for particulars. Clark ( j. ,
Fourth and Locust Streets, Philadel
lipiu, Pa, ss-t.
Mrs. Hatlie Morris, stylish dress
making. Keister-Taylor square, taught
as in St. Louis and Chicago. All the
latest patterns. Above Pease & Mays'
store. j'Jo-'-'w
For fashionable dressmaking ami plain
sowing, call and see .Mis. S. F I hinder
son, :UIS Third street, in Mrs. Kddon's
house. jUMni
l.oxl or Mliili-ii,
my St. IJernurd dog. A liberal reward
will be paid for his return or for infor
III 'it that will lead to his leturu.
Ill- .vw'-lt Aeoi sr lltciin,i;ii.
I! 'member thai you don't have to be
bal i ; you can keep yum l.nlr by using
de aunt Cream Hair Tonic, To be
lud ,i hz-r'd n in r shop, tf