The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 26, 1900, Image 1

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    I l)c Dn I! cg
NO. 423
Mlll.alily ti l,i,,l,y.
(i.kvki.ani, Ohio, Dec. L'.). Senator
lliuuiH WK8 Informed today of a ntate
intuit which i in circulation to tho effect
tlmt there whs n powerful lobby In favor
of the HulisidizinK of American shipping
at llin Philadelphia convention and in
"The only lobby of the kind that I
know anything about," wan the senator')
answer, "ib a lobby of foreign Htoamship
companion which it) trying to defeat the
hill. There wan no lobbying at l'hlla
(litlpliia at all. The mihsidy bill in a
wine meaHure, and there is no desire to
force it through congresH. We want it
to go through on its merits. It has
been three years in preparation, and
lias been amended twenty times. The
president in all his messages has urged
un necessity 01 some mien measure, and B,j.H 0f this Itoynl Cnre-"lt
it was mane a piatiK in me ni. i.oiiib i nioveil the pain in my cheat
platlorm arm the riiiliulelpma platform.
The details are left to congress to work
Kolllll'tl till (i I IH I'.
A startling incident, of uhich Mr.
John Oliver of Philadelphia, was the
subject, Is narrated by 1dm as follows:
"J was in u most dreadful condition. My
akin was almost yellow, eves Fiinken,
tongue coated, pain continually in back
and sldeB, no appetite gradually grow
ing weaker day by day. Three physi
cians had given me up. Fortunately, a
Iriend advised 'Klectric Hitters'; und to
my great joy und surprise, the first
bottle made a decided improvement.
continued their use for three weeks, and
am now a well man. I know they saved
my lift;, and robbed the grave of another
victim." No one should fail to try them.
Only 50c, guaranteed, at lllakeley's drue
etore. 5
Vl: In Oltlcacii.
Chicago, Dec. -4. Mayor Harrison,
and not Chief of Police Kipley, is de
clared responsible for the present condi
tion in Chicago by the central commit
tee of the Ministers' Association, which
met today to discuss the anti-vice cru
sade. The ministers' central committee
appointed a subcomniittee which will
meet Monday and form a vigilance com
mittee of fifteen representative laymen
for tiie purpose of making personal in
vestigation into the sources of lawless
ness and evil in the city.
Itryiin NmutH iritmj;.
LuAvr.NWOitTii, Kan., Pee. 2o. Will
iam J. Bryun, today, wiring from
"Please present greetings to my' po
litical friends of Leavenworth aifl
Kansns. The principles of democracy
still live, and the policies for which the
fusion forces fought will yet be vindi
cated. We can enter the 20th century
with the confident belief that the people
will soon return to the teachings of the
fathers and to the traditions of tiie re
public." A ThoUHRiift TongueN
Could not express the rapture of Annie
E. Springer, of 1125 Howard St., Phil
adelpHa, Pa., when she found that Dr.
King's New Dieeovery for Consumption
had completely cured her of a bucking
cough that for many years bud made
Hie a burden. All other remedies and
doctors could give her no help, but she
eopn re
in my chest and J can
now sleep soundly, something 1 can
tcarcely remember doing before. 1 feel
like sounding its praises throughout the
universe." So will every one who tries
Dr. King's New Discovery forany trouble
of the throat, cheat or lungs. Price 50c
uridyl. Trial bottle free at Iilnkeley's
drug store ; eyery bottle guaranteed. 5
Conjircssman Otcy's Remarkable Trib-
tite to the Virtues of Tobacco
Medical Testimony of Early Days
Some of the Curative Qualities.
DlHNiiliithui of Purtnei(.ll,
The partnership heretofore existing
between A. M. Stringer and T. S. Ken
nedy, under the style of The Dalles Dis
tillery Company, lias this day been die
solved by mutual consent, A. M. Stringer
retiring and T. S. Kennedy continuing
the business and paying all debts and
collecting all bills.
The Dalles, Dec. 10, 1000.
A. M. Stuingkk
dlO 2w T. S. Ken.vkhi.y.
To remove a troublesome corn or
bunion : First soak the corn or bunion
in warm water to soften it, then
down as closely as possible without draw
ing blood and apply Chamberlain's Pain
Halm twice daily; rubbing it vigorously
for five minutes at ench application. A
corn plaster Hhotild be worn for a few
duvs, to protect it from the shoe. As a
general liniment for sprains, bruises,
lameness and rheumatism, Pain Halm is
unequaled. For sule bv Hlakeley, the
Tiie three great mechanical toys of the
ago the speedway racing git;, 00 cents
clown, stubborn donkev and cart, -IS
cents; the African letter-carrier, 2.'! cts
For sale bv the New York Cash Stoie.
Washington-, I). C, Dec. 17. Peter
Johnston Otey's speech upon tobacco
ranks easily first of the oratorical efforts
made thus far in the present session of
congress. It was short and funny and
full of curious information. Mr. Otey
comes from the tobarco-growing section
oi Virginia. His home 19 in Lynchburg,
where tobacco factories and tobacco
warehouses are thick in the business
center, and where there is a marked odor
of tiie weed in the atmosphere the vear
round. Mr. Otey wante the ration of
soldiers and sailors of the United States
to include a liberal allowance of both
smoking and chewing tobacco. It was
in support of an amendment to this ef
fect when the army bill wa9 pending
that the notable speech given below was
delivered :
Dressed turkeys, geese, chickens, and
Hooth's eastern oysters at tiie Stadel-
Lincoln, Neb., to the livening Standard, i man Commission Co.'s.
1MB I I i I 'I t I
The Kind You Have Always Bought, and which lias heca
iu use for over 30 years, has horuo tho Hljfiiatnro of
and has bceu mado under bis per
Honul supervision since its infancy.
Allow no one to deceive you In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" are hut
Exporiuunts that triilo with and endanger tho health of
Inl'ttuts and Children Experience against Experiment.
What is CASTOR I A
Castoria is a harmless substitute lor Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Urops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
ojoutains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Nareotic
Mibstancc. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Foverishuess. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colie. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tbo
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy und natural sleep.
The Children's Pauacea-The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Mr. Otey. Mr. Chairman, it is custom
ary to refer to the fathers, in politics,
religion and business. We revere the
opinions of those who have gone before,
we near great men ot the paet as
witnesses. So in the matter of tobacco
I will not deviate from the time-honored
custom. From its earliest discovery
tobacco hue been considered a curative.
We speak of narcotic poison as if it
would kill on sight, and yet what is
known ub solanine in the potato is an
acrid narcotic poison, 12 grains of which
produces paralysis in a rabbit in two
houre. So Bays Dr. Emanuel Gardiner,
London, a practitioner of "physicke" in
1010, and Dr. John Neander, in Leyden,
1G2. Hariot you all kuow who Hariot
is (laughter) who joined Sir Walter
Raleigh, 15S4, wrote in 15SS a true re
port of the new found land of Virginia.
Speaking of the "Uppowoe," called
afterward tobacco, he said :
They use the leaves to take the fumes
or suibke thereof by sucking through
pipes into the stomach and head, from
whence it purged superfluous "fleams"
aud other gross humors; it opened the
pores and passages of the body, by which
meatiB the use thereof not only pre
serveth tiie body from obstructions,
whereby t heir bodies are notably pre
served in health and knows not many
urievous diseases wherewith all we in
England are ofttimea alTected.
This is one reason why we should abro
gate the anti-smoking rule in this house,
the fumes of tobacco thus neutralizing
the carbonic acid gas, which is heavier
than the air aud which is always ex
haled from the human system while
breathing, every ounce of which falling
trom these galleries is inhaled by us,
than which no deadlier poison could
enter our frames. (Applause.)
I hope 1 w ill not bo Interrupted by ap
plause, as I have only fifteen minutes.
Further on they say :
Since our return we have foynd many
rare and wonderful experiments of the
virtues of tobacco, of which the relation
would require a volume by itself. The
use of it bv so many men and women of
great calling and some learned physicians
is sumcient witness.
Fairholt says of course no member of
congress is unlamlliar wttn fair noil
It was to the sanitary effects of to
bacco that the honorable introduction in
Europe was due. Queens, kings and
cardinals bowed to the dictum of
physicians who seemed to look upon the
plant us a divine remeJy for most
disease i and so speedily propounded
cures for all that flesh is heir to from
various agplications, and it was christ
ened Iluba Panacea or Huba Santa.
(Laughter and applause. )
Old poetB note the curative virtues of
Spenser, In his "l'aerio Queene,"
whero ho makes Helphoebe include it us
In other medicinal herbs gathered by
Timius, says:
Into the woiuls henceforth w wont
To Mfk lor lii'iks tlmt mute him reined',.
Thru whether Itillvli.o tulmcro were
I lr lullim'llllMl lir I'lllv UOIIV.
Khc liiiniil nurt Immttht It toiler patient dear,
Who "II this wiiuo lay uieemiiK uut ins iioui
blood mar.
After this can anybody deny tobacco
rations to tho defender of our country,
our flag, our honor, both on land und
eea? (Long applause.)
Henry Unties his name la familiar
(laughter; In his curious volume, en
titled "Diet's Dry Dinner," 1799, treats
of the virtues of tobacco as a digestive
power, and says :
Fruit,, hcrl, flesh, fish, white ntitf, stilco,
sauce, nil,
Concoct all by tobacco cordial.
He adds :
Its fumes are good against "rumes,"
catarrhs, hoarseness, ache in head,
stomach, lungs and breast.
Gardiner (quoted before), in his "Trial
of Tobacco," speaking of a patient who
could hardly breathe and was given up
by other physicians, said :
Directed him to take tobacco in fume,
and little by little he recovered his
former strength. It is an unguent to
take away all pains of the gout.
Remain analyzed it. I will not insult
your intelligence by saying who Remain
was. ( Laughter. 1 Ten thousand parts
of tobacco cases contain :
Six oarts nicotine, one part nicotian-
ine, 'Mi parts butter extractur (bitter
extractive), 174 parts gum mixed with
malic acid, 20 7 parts of green resin,
twelve parts malate of ammonia, 4.S
parts sulphide of potash, 6.!! chloride of
potassium, 9.5 parte potassa which has
been combined with malic and nitric
acid, 16. 0 parts phosphate of lime, 24 2
parts iime which has been combined
with malic acid, 8.8 parts of silica, 490.9
parts of febiores or or ligneous matter,
8S.28 parts of water, traces of starch.
After this exposition, can you have it
in your hearts to refuse this boon to the
soldier who keeps your honor unsullied
and protects your homes from the ruth
less invader?
The analysis omitted a viscid slime
equally soluble in water aud alcohol and
precipitable from botli the subacetate of
lead ; also chlorophyl, a great pulverulent
matter, which dissolves in boiling water,
but precipitates in cold water; also a
beautiful orange-red dyestuff, soluble
only in acids, but it deflagrates in file.
(Long laughter and applause.) The
animated countenance, the furrowed
cheek, the trembling voice, the bending
frame, the silent tear of an old soldier
impart an interest and gives a touch to
his story that no pen can portray, no
eloquence imitate. His patriotism ex
pires only with hia life ; his soul is en
raptured with enthusiasm; his memory
is on the wink' and runs naeK with
lightning quickness to the battles fought
aud victories won, but lie will recall that
the ration of tobacco plucked from his
mind a rooted sorrow, razed out the
written troubles of tiie brain, and with
his sweet, oblivious antidote cleansed
the bosom of perilous stun" that weighed
upon his heart. (Long and continued
you have seen hundreds of your companions
waste away in mill and foundry with a persistent
coukIi. You have teen hundreds of them die with
Unit terrible (Uscum.-, Consumption. You have seen
wives left lieuniless, and children thrown upon
the mercies of the cold worijl, because the father
coiiKheil his life away. Tho air you breathe
everv day is full of sharp, metallic dut, which is
inhaled into the lungs and irritates their delicate
lluiut'. lu tho case ot glass blowers, the lierco
heat of tho molten glass forces tts way up tho
tul Into thu luiiK where it gradually breaks
down their delicate structure, inakint? eeiy cod
u daiiKer to life. You can't niton! to quit work
lug and are dally excised to this fatal dust anil
intense heat. What you and your friends need
is Acker's lCngllsh Itemcdy. This will make your
throat and lungs stioiig again. It will heal Iho
Irritation, brace up our strength, and ion need
never lose a day's work. 1 have noticed that in
some mills there me no cases of Consumption.
Thu leason Is that Acker's English Itwuedy Is
Used by tho men working there.
Sold at 23e Me. und 81 a bottle, throughout
thu United States and Canada ; und ll! England
ut Is. d., &. ad., 4s. Od. If you aro noi satlsi cd
ufter buying, return thu bottle to your druggist,
aud get your money back.
11V authuriv the above guarantee.
W U, uw.i-ii w LG J'wihhtm, Stw i'ord,
For oalo at Hlakeley 's Pharmacy.
of John Gottlieb
lu tho matter of thu csti'le
Wagenblast, deceaul
Notice is hi'ieby given that the undesigned,
the executor of the last will and testament of
John (iolfeh Vt ngelibUst, deceased, lias Hied
his Dun: account in the matter of salt! estate,
and tiie County Couit of the Mule of Oregon for
Wasco County has set Monday, thu 7th day of
January, PJOI, at tho hour of lu a m. of said day
ih tho (into for tho he.iriii! of tho said account
Uxocntor of tho last will of John liottlleb
Wiigeliuhut, deceased n'Jl-St
And Still Goods Left
Though Monday closed a busy Xmas
week, in which the stock of every de
partment were liberally drawn upon,
we open again today with a store ap
parently as full of goods as the day be
fore the rush began. Our stock of
Boys' and Children's Suits
is still the largest and most varied in
town. The quality of our goods, the
splendid make and finish with the
very reasonable prices attached makes
this the popular Boys' Clothing Store.
See our school suits at $2.50, $3.00,
$3.50 and $5.00. Every suit is war
ranted, which means money back if
not satisfactory,
3 to 8 years $2.0'0, $2.50, $3.00.
SPECIAL Black or blue all-wool
cheviot, per pair 50c
& Go.
Wines, Liquors Cigars
Family Orders will receive prompt attention.
Next tloor to First National 15ank.
Phone 234,
$i.oo per month.
Strictly first class local anil lone
distance telephone service within
your homo.
Lines do not cross-talk. Your con
versation will he kept a secret.
No cost for installing'.
You net the standard Ilniining
Lout' Distant Instrument.
Continuous day and nittht service.
Wo will accept your contract for
ten years and allow you to cancel
saino on niving us thirty days writ
ten notice,
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