The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 24, 1900, Image 3

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    Told at a
Therefore glance at this; il means
satisfaction and monoy-saving to
you. -Any pair of our
$1,150, $2.00, $2.50, $3.00
Straw Hat Prices Halved.
niacninYent nrruy of neweBt styles. They
I IrviL- tiSi'r t h n 11 nver tinder the mw nrices.
A lino of Mon's 6am
mer Unilerweor; near
ly n,l sizes at
25c each.
hirts nrnl Drawcre.
A few of those odd
Suits left at
$3.85, 4.85, 5.85,
which 1b less than half
the original price.
A Between-Season's
Offering of
Summer Underwear.
To clean up some odds and ends
of Ladies' Vests, we offer you some
astonishing bargains. The goods are
all new only a few of a size.
Lotl. Ladies'- Hot-Weather .
Peelers 4C
Lot 2. Good 10c values 6C
Lot 3. Silk and Lisle Thread
Garments 13, 15, 17, 19c n .
values IOC
Lot 4. Extra Egyptian Lisle
Thread, 20, 23, 25 and 30c
garments IOC
Lot 5. Special values 35, 40, QK
45 and 50c garments &OC
Odds and Ends in Wash Fabrics.
In this lot there are values Q
running up to 35c; going at oC
When in the store, don't forget to look at our
The Coolest Shoes
for Summer.
Kentombcr, we are still offering
vou $1.00 for 75c in all purchases of
Tan Shoes.
Misses' Tan, button or 'lace;
sizes 1 1?, to 2
Child's Tan, button or lace; r
sizes G to 11 '.
Small sizes Ladies' Kid, T
button; 3, 3A, 4 $ 1 .OO
All Goods Marked
In Plain Figures.
The Dalles Daily Chfoniele,
Telephone A'o. J.
TTE5DAY - - - - JULY 24, 1900
At Andrew Keller's.
Ladies' tan oxfords sizes U to 5 only
90 cents ut the New York Cash Store.
Hoot beer, one dollar n dor. en at IVaso
& Mays' grocery department. j23 :Jt
The minor children of the late Sam
uel II. Douglas, of Watnlc, have been
put on thu government pension list for
?1G a month.
President McKinley hnB replied to
China, signifying his willingness to
mediate between the imperial govern
ment and the powers, on condition that
anarchy in the empire be suppressed
an J foreigners be given complete pro
tection. The sheriff this morning eold on exo
culion twelve acres of land In the Hood
Hiver valley, belonging to W. K. Wi
nane, to satisfy n claim of Mays & Crowe
for $1193.10 and $00 attorney's fees. The
property was knocked down to Muys &
Crone lur $50.
The child cf Deputy Sheriff Sexton,
tliat came near losing its life yesterday
drinking water in which fly paper
had been saturated, is still very sick
nnd keepii vomitirfg quite frequently.
The doctor hopes, however, that it will
ultimately recover.
Thomas WutBon, of Fossil, was strick
en with blindness while on top of his
windmill a fow davs ago. A neighbor
"v-u nun uown. He is 76 years old,
ami tlm exertion of climbing ladders
caused ii small hemorrhitge of the bratu.
It is thought he will regain his eight.
W. II, Morehouse, u Sherman coonty
Winer whose place is near Gordon
KWKe, had 1(10 ucres of giain and n new
-b inch horse-power separator destroyed
'y firi! yesterday. The fire originated
a hot box In the separator. The
K'ftiii had been insured three days before
l,v K. O. McCoy for $5 un acre. The
wator was not insured
Martin II. Ml, lr tvlin la ffitttvtuatnsl
J. 1'. Joles, of this city, nnd W. T.
011 "K ill Illui'Ur n.l.w.a In M,.ar,tol.
"'eh, arrived hero from the mines yes
lerday with nlmni tonnrt i. ,.i ..i.i
j.wvw nuiin ui ;utu
Wl . I A ""'Kul ftt-'couipanled the lot
vaiueu at f 86. The gold is do
T' " win, drench & Co. for shlpmeut
x- mm rrauolico mint.
An employe of the I'uul Mohr portage,
'0 came across the ilyer yesterday
with T1G in 8 pocketi wherewith to
n .BOlue nu,c,l". under the
WI of tt First street Oyprmn and was
"meved of every cent he had. On the
fellow's complaining to Marshal Hughe?,
that ofilcer invaded the woman's den
nnd recovered all the money save 25
A lawn social will lie given by the
young ladies of the Enworth League
next Wednesday evening at the Smith
French residence, on the corner of
Fourth and Union streets. Refresh
ments, consisting of ice cream and cake,
will be served, There will be instru
mental music.
Judge Stott, of Portland, arrived here
yesterday and left for ins home on the
noon train. The judge wbb looking
after evidence in favor of a Chinaman
who claims to have lived in The Dalles,
hut whom the authorities refuse to land
after uIb return from China upon hia
unsupported testimony that he is
W. H. Talcott writes to the Portland
weather bureau from Victor to say that
"the weather has been very warm
Harvesting is in progress. A great deal
of the fall wheat ib cut and stacked.
Spring grain is turning and will be
ready to cut by the time the fHll-grain
harvest is completed. Gardens do not
amount to much. Corn and potatoes
are looking flue."
One hundred and five men and offi
cers belonging to L troop, First cavalry,
with horses and equipments, passed
through town today on a special train
bound for Seattle. Another troop of
colored cavalry passed through in a sim
ilar manner for the same destination.
They are bound for China, and expect
to sail ubout next Saturday from Seattle
on the transport Meade.
Instead of a memorial service to
Minister Conger and his wife, their
daughter and their uiece, supposed to
have been murdered in China, it Is
proposed hy the people of Des Moines,
Iowa, if the family has escaped, to send
a largo party to Sun Francisco to wel
come them on their return to this
country. It is not unlikely that if
Major Conger lives and returns to the
United States, ho can go to the United
States senate.
The change from the American to the
European plati made a few days ago in
the Umatilla IIouco dining room is
meeting with the decided approval of
the many patrons of that popular
curaVHiisory, and, as a matter of course,
has resulted in people going there for
their meals that hardly ever went be
fore. The ureal attraction of the system
is that you can at all times get what
you di'fclro or order find can have a mcul
at any price that suits your appetite or
purse. j-1
Among tho campers at Trout Lake
from Tho Dalles are Mrs. I. P. Joles,
George Joles, Pearl Joles, JJIanche
Emerson, Professor Hlrgfeld Hiid family
and Mrs. John Filloon With Mrs. 111
loon are camped Miss Crooks and
brother, of Prinevillo. II. L. Pittock,
of the Portland Oregonlan, wife and
daughter are there, and camped with
them is Dr. Cox, a Portland dentist.
Bert Baldwin and Bert Barrett were
camped on the Peter Schmidt place, but
a squirrel the other campers say it was
a squirrel mode such a racket one
night that the lads thought it was a
cougar and have since slept in the Joles
wagon, near the latter's camp, at the
outlet. A new 24x30 hotel has been
built near the lake by Gouler Bros., and
that it is well patronized may be gath
ered from the fact that forty persons sat
down to the hotel (upper the other
Paul Kreft, an honored and respected
esident of this city, died at his home
on xentii street yesterday atternoon.
Mr. Kreft was born in Germany fifty
two years ago. He had been a resident
of The Dallee for nearly twenty years,
where he followed the trade of painter,
and for several years was senior mem
ber of the firm of Kreft & Co., which
was succeeded by the present firm of
D. W. Vause & Co. About 1891 he was
elected a councilman of the city, and on
tliA Heat), nl favnr Hlnphnrt wn9 plent.
t u........:i- 1 f.;i.. - : i
fed by the council to fill the enexpired c "J "'way
nu. j home to t'rinevilie
Some six years ago he lost a daughter,
John Karlen, of Bakeoven, is at the
Umatilla House.
W. Lord went on a business trip to
Portland this morning.
Thomas Farlow and wife arrived in
town today from Wamic.
Phil Knowles, of Fifteen Mile House,
Dufur, was in town today.
John McAlIster, of Glenwood, is regis
tered at the Umatilla House.
Walter Mclnnis has returned from a
three days' trip to Portland.
A. E. Scott and J. W. Proctor, of
Goldendale, were in town last night.
Professor C. L. Gilbert came up from
Hood River on the noon passenger.
D. W. Mann came np yesterday on o
short visit from his ranch near CollinB
Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Williams were
passengers on this morning's boat for
Cascade Locks.
John A. Wilson, a highly respected
resident of the Hood River valley, was
in town last night.
the end was anticipated , ,0 Stevenson on a ten days
both by himself nnd his camping trip.
alGne young girl of about 14 years, who
I 1 - l. .. ... .I - !,..
was uruggeu 10 ueam oy me ie.muy
horse that she was driving to a cart.
Those who knew Mr. Kreft well say the
loss of his daughter produced a shock
on the father lrotu which he never re
covered. It was a common saying
among his friends that he was never the
same man afterwards. For some two
years or more he suffered from heart
trouble, and
months ago
Paul Kreft was en honorable, kind
hearted man and a good citizen. He
leaves to mourn his loss the wife, to
whom he was married in 1878, and six
children, three boys and three girls, the
eldest ol whom is aged it years.
He was a member of tho Woodmen of
the World and held an insurance pojlcv
fu the order for $2000. The funeral ser
vices will be conducted by the Wood
men at Fraternity hall, commencing at
4 o'clock tomoirow afternoon. The re
mains will be laid to rest in the Odd
Fellows' cemetery.
I respectfully request of the council
men and ollicers of Dalles City that they
meet at Ihe recorder's ofllce tomorrov
ut.C.iuii. in. In order to attend in i
body tho fuueial of ex-Mayor unci e
Councilman Krelt as u mark ol o
rodpect to a faithful public ofilcer and
an honored nnd worthy citizen.
Ii. 11. Di'Kim, Mayor.
For Infanti and Children.
TIN KM You Hurt Always Bought
R. 71. Weber and Mrs. Blanche
Montgomery and son went on this morn
ing's boat to Cuscide Locke.
JamcE Harper nnd family and C. V.
Champlaiu returned yesterday evening
from n two weeks' outing at Trout Lake.
C. If. Dodd, of Portland, was a guest
of the Umatilla House last ntuht and
left on this morning's stage for Golden
dale. Silvey Kelsay. Chnrloy Hennner and
l Rex Wurd went on this mornnm's boat
fishing and
Bears the
Signature of
To Vura Hold in On Day.
Take Laxative Brotno Quinine Tab
lets. Ail druggists refund the money.
Mrs. Toomey, of the Columbia Hotel,
went to Collins Landing this morning
to make arrangements for an outing for
herself and children at that place.
Judge Bradshaw left today for Yam
hill county to accompany to her homo
bis little niece, Miss Littlefleld, who has
been visiting with him for n short time,
n (j. O. Hollar! nrrlvnil hern thU innrn.
ing from visiting his son in Spokane
and will leave in the morning to spend
three weeks with his fumilv at Ocean i
W. II. Moore, wife and son, Miss Rey-1
bum, Miss Thompson, Mrs. G. N. Hoi-1
ton and Mrs. A, K. ('out-ens, all of
Moro, left on this morning's bout for an ,
outing at Collins Springs. j
At three o'clock this morning, lo Dr.
and Mrs, G, 10. Sanders, a son. Mother
and child nio doing nicely.
ninnrul -Sol Ice. !
Notke is hereby given to all members
of Ml. Hood Camp, W. O. W,, No. V),
that owing to thu death of Neighbor
Paul Kinfl, you urn rtqncsted lo ho pres
ent a( our regular meeting toniwht at 8
p. in. to assist in makinc arrangements,
I etc., for the fuuerul, which will take
place tomorrow afternoon, unless other
wise ordered.
Yours In L. II. & 11.,
Consul Commander.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured hy Clarke
A Falk.
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought and which hn been
in use for over 30 years, has horno tho signature of
and has been made under his pcr-
y- sonal supervision since its infancy.
Allmtf no ono to decai vo Ton in tiiiH.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and "Just-as-good" arc hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Costorla is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant, lb
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its age is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Fevcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
The Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The KM You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Waplnitla School lteport.
Following is the report of the term of
school taueht in District No. 45, and
which closed July 13th:
Claude Davis 100 97
Rose Del co 100 95
Lena Dovne 95 90
OlIieDelco 98 95
Annie Delco 100 94
Gertrude Laughlin 100 97
Fred Lnughlin 1 00 98
Wayne Lewis 100 98
Win McD Lewis 97 90
Day Smith 94 90
Robert Tapp 100 98
Vincent Tapp 100 97
George Ward 97 95
Etta Ward 300 98
Names on the roll of honor, Wayne F
Lewis. Most improvement in studies,
Etta Ward. Excellent in scholarship,
Rohert Tapp.
M.kv W. Lkhik, Teacher.
See our west window for bargains in
ladies low Fhoes. The New York ChMi
Give the top
of your head the same chance to breathe
as you do your lungs.
plays i crowe
The first thing a physician does in i
caFu of iickness is to lool; about lornn
plnce of contamination, and it is attend
ed to with a linn hand to prevent con
tagion spreading.
Hut the tup of your head, no nn
thinks of that. It's nt blood heat, 98'.
and generates enough foul air in a hat
worn constantly for an hour to kill ten
men, ,
Keep ti.e air inside Hie hat from vet.
tiiw foul hy wearing Eld rod's Anti
septic Hat Pud. and natiiMi will )
the rtsl. The heat of the head vutaliKt'i
the antlbeptich and dhinfi i'laiiis in Un
pad, makiui: the impure air pure.
Price, 60 cents each.
For sale exclusively by
Pease & Mays
Tho only store ir
this city where the
Genuine Imported
Ware is sold
A little higher in
price, but outlasts
a dozen pieces of so
called cheap enam
eled ware.
Other wares look
ine has tho name
Stransky Steel
Ware on each piece.
Do not be deceived
First prize at 1C
International Eshi
bitions. Highest
award at Worlds
Columbian Exinbi
tion. Chicago. Pre
ferred by tho best
certified to by the
most famous chem
ists for purity and
durability it is
cheapest because.
Remember this
celebrated enam
eled ware is special
ly imported for and
sold in this city ex
clusively by us.
It does not ruat
nor absorb grease,
does not discolor
nor catch inside; is
in fruits or
will boil,
stew, roast
and hake
w i t h o u t
flavor of
o'o o lc o d
food and
will last
for years.
'.Of 0.
Wo cau
tion tho
Nasal CaiavrH ijulcldy j Mdn to trout
inont hy Kly'ii C'toniii Jtahn, which in njjivo
ahly aroinutio. It in received throiuih tho
noHtrilri, cleanses and heals tho yholo sur
face over which it dill'imcs ilnolf. l)rii(;git,lu
hell tho COo. hizoj Trial bizo hy mail, 10
cunts. 'JVbl it nnd you uro sure to continue,
tho treatment.
To Accoiuinodato thotu who aro partial
to thu iibu of atomizers hi applying lhjuuU
into tho nubul iiaiisaiioij'foi' ctiUvrhtil Iron
lilt, tho piopi'iutors prepare Cream llaliu in
liquid form, which will bo known as I'.ly's
Liquid C'roani Rului, l'rico iucludiii( tho
praying tuba i IGccutn. J)rti;(;mttf or by
mail. Tho liquid form embodies tliu nied.
iciual properties of the solid preparation. ,