The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 23, 1900, Image 2

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    The Dalles Daily Chronicle.1
or ohii.
V Ith ."mm- I iii'H''li'il Addition mil '
Fimv AiiuIiikIvn in tin- f
for Vlcr-l'reililent--
(If -Vi'ii York,
Tin: Citnoxicu: wonders if
I "tilve Mr. Lord C'ioui't- tliy I in ml
J child," commanded Iter mother, stern
; ly, "ami place a scat "tor him by tin
I lire.'"
titmice pulled one of the chairs near
I er to the eliimney breast and then re
j turned to her tptiltintr frame, nt whiel
the i -vhf liad heen working when the inter
parents and guardians of The Dalles) 'TZZl ,,T demanded M,
Younu people of both sexes, who ,o Meredith.
on Sunday excursions to llonneville, i
really dream of the orgies that some'
of them participate in. If this paper
told the half of what comes to its j
cars of these Sunday carousals iti
J ii ti ice turned and ineed the thret
bravel. though her voice trembled i!
h'ttle a.s she replied:
"1 will not shake his hand."
"Yoieks! Here's a kettle of fish:' j
rjaenlatcd the commissary. "Whnt' '
".lauiee. do as thou art told, or L'i i
to thy room." ordered her mother.
The irirl opened her lip as if about
i to protest, out eoiirnue failed her. am
the sober judgment of persons whoj she hurriedly left the parlor, and. ll
have reluctant! v witnessed some ofj ins; to her chamber, she threw hersell
" . , , i ou her bed and wept out her sense of
these drunken aim beastly exhibitions, wrol,p ,m htl. ,,iHow.
that strangers who have also wit- "nomine it." she sobbed. "I'm not
rinsed tlinni mint thiol.- Tho Hnllee i coins,' to be the first American irirl tc
is a community of
make every self-respecting
tn The Dalles blush for!
Eunice it to sav that it is
The Constitution, an itinerant
democratic journal published at
Walla Walla, calls on the Chronicle
for 'a few explanations" about
Spokane bank clearances. 2Zo ex
planations arc needed. Here they
are lor me ursi six motutis 01 ici'u, i
the last year of democratic rule, and j
the first half of 1900, with William '
MeKinley in the White House:
1S!M. 1IU0.
.. 51.963.MO
1 ,,
,.:; i
. . iyK0,lr-J
Want any more .figures down there
in Walla Walla? Jf ou do, com
pare the record of bank deposits in
youi own town today with that of
July, 189(1 and do your own ex
plaining. Spokane Chronicle.
I marry nn l-.nirii.-li lord. 1 don t care
drunkards arm , uimt they n.. Mommy want, it, am.
J so does dadda, and now it's up to his
lordship vo yet me. Imt. oiisbudikins, I
vow I'll not set the petrs for posterity
in this nn-Aiuerieanir.injr lntsiues's. so
there," and .lattice, chuckling softly ti
herself, stilled her sobs once more in
the pillow.
rW a".B
1 P
r ,, , - M t FT O t A TCP
Thi- wch-ktiown hicwerv if now lnrnititi 'it the best Herr nnil 1'ortcr
iit ( tti!' Cit-T.tde.". Tl. Intent appliance.- for the itmiufiicturo of, until
healthful Hccr huvii lu'cii introdinvd, and only the flrst-clasu article will
be placed ou the market. d
East Second Street, THE DALLES, OREGON.
.March .
June ...
?;,0l7 Hit
a 1 1. vis
Our esteemed Bryanite contem
porary says "the nomination of
IJrynn and Stevenson gives general
satisfaction to the democrats, popu
lists and silver republicans of this
vicinity." The refetence to silver
republicans will do for foreign con
sumption but if the immortal soul of
our esteemed contemporary were at
stake it could not name three Bryan
ite free silver republicans in all
"Wasco countv.
The Wlte Mtved it.
The story is troini; the rounds that
when J'uilyard Kipling had written
"The Kece.-sionnl." which the editor of
the London Times declared to be tin
jrrcatest poem written in the nine
teenth century, and which the whole
world lias tveeived as one of the great
est pieces of work in our time, he ua
so dupressed liy its shortcomings that
he threw the first rou'h copy into tin
wnste paper basket, lint Mrs. Kipling
has learned her husband pretty well,
and so she re-cued it. Hut for Mrs.
Kiplinsr we should have had no "Ueces
sionni:" Many a .'rent deed that lias
lifted humanity upward has been nour
ished and saved from defeat by the
watchful and loving sympathy of Home
unknown member of the home part
nership, j
Curried Ulce. j
Hoil one cupful of thoroughly
washed rice in two eupftils of boiling: .
salted water, lioil for ten minutes and i
strain. Add a teaspooiiful of curry !
powder that has been rubbed smooth ,
in cold water, lioil the riee thus sea-
soned in :i cupful of stock until ten- j
der. Straiu. place in the center of a
platter, cover with tiie liquor and
sprinkle w ith chopped parsley. X. V. ;
Prevented by Warm Shampoos with Cctictka Soap, fol
lowed by light dressings of Cuticuka, purest of emollient
Skin Cures. This treatment at once stops falling hair,
clears the scalp of crusts, scales, and dandruff, soothes irri
tated, itching surf aces, stimulates the hair follicles, supplies
the roots with energy and nourishment, and makes the
hair grow on a clean, wholesome scalp, when all else fails.
Complete External and Intornal Treatment for Every Humor, SI.25,
con-l.-'tiiiir of Citici'iia Sou- C?.it), to cleanse the t-Mn o( crii-Unml mmIcs mill r-nfluii
the thickened cuticle, Ctmrrnv Ointment (Sue.), to liistniitlv all.iv Hrliing, irritation, and
iiilliiinniatlon.iinil Hnnthe and heal, anil CfricuttA Kixii.vknt . 3"e... to cool unit cleanse
the hlood. A -tuple sot Is often piiMrletit to cure the mint torturing. ili-llrtirlnp xkln, n-.ilp,
ami blood humor-, nulius Iteirmirs, mill lrrltntliuni, with lo ol hair, when the bust ih si
elans ami all other remedies full.' sold throughout the world. I'onTli Dnuo ani( iii.m.
COIU'., I'ropg., llostoli. " How to l'reorve, I'ufv lle;uitn the Hair, Hand- A -Skin, "tret .
I have 2'e-opened this well-known Bakery,
and am now prepared to supply every
body with Bread, Pies and Cakes. Also
all kinds of Staple and Fancy Grocer gs.
GEORGE RUCH, Pioneer Grocer.
? Uf L
Sfsf U
ouse Company
A Difficult Problem.
It is anions the most ditlicnlt prob-j
lema of natural science for one to become
expert in Euvornl lines. J. K. Adcox & I
Co., by their combination, hnve over.
come thif dillicnlty in n practical mail- '
ncr. .1, K, AdcoK is nn expert watch- ;
maker and is ;ood on jawoiry, optical;
work and encravinc. '.. hiiu Theo. H. ;
Lichc is an expert optician and is ood j
on watch repairing, jewelry work uad i
unirriiviny. lhetr price is ns low as con
eistent with pood workmanship. They
are prepured to do ail work in tl oiV
several linos, on short notice. Work
sent bv mail or express will receive
prompt attention. Si''n. "Ui; Hed
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain ot ?ii km
Headquarters for .Rolled Grain, ail kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, ISlS
Headquarters for "Byers Best" Pendle-
tOn FlOUr. Tllia I''('"r ,fl i!Uifuctured lixprtJBBly for 'arallj
I soil our fjoodB lower than any house in the- tradti, utid.if yon duu't think eo
I call and L't our prices and lie convinced.
! Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
pnd sunburn. Manufactured by Carke
"Vc have had many ritliculous
things in American politics but
nothing quite so absolutely ritlicu
lous as a act of able-bodied American !
citizens working themselves into a 1
frenzy over tin imaginary spook that
thej' Lave dubbed imperialism, and
with which they think to scare sen-.
sible people into voting for the most
absolute political dictator American ,
politics has known since the days of
Andrew Jackson.
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
Sight Exchange and Telegraphi',
Traneferb sold on New York, Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
con, Seuttlo Wash,, and various points i
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at ail points on fr.7
o rabbi tuna'-.
Dm 0s
B. Orossen.& Co., Props.
S7 Second Street
C. F- Stephens
.Dealer In.
Dry Goods, Clothing,
Gents' Furnishings.
A patent boiler-plate ed'uoual
cs.ii.K .1... n In e tl.A II
jjuuij; iiic iuuiitisui iuu jiiyan. jP
ite press savs: "Bryan aud a rc-!S.
public or McKinley and an empire.:;"
Which shall it be?" That isn't tlie i 5
aitemntive Tin: Ciiiionici.k. liguiesj.
out. AVe would put it: "Uryan undib
free soup, free silver, free trade andj
froft ririt ri, Alr.t.'l,ln, .wl llirt 1...
times the country litis ever known."
Hoots, ShrK'S. lints, Cniis, IS'otlniii.
for V, I DoiiRliis Shoe.
L. Lane.
The Colfax Gazette thinks that "if j?
democratic deserters were shot, tlie (?,
party would have to lay in u great '
supply of guns and ammunition tliis 'fi'
...AND... J
Horsesoer I!
1 ' lif!!- J--DallGS' Jj
Wagon and Carriage Werk.
Fish Brothers' Wagon.
Third and Merfiii, Piioue 159
"In time of pence prepare for war."
That was the "militarism" of-the
man whom Ameiicans justly honor
03 the father of tils country. "
r.,rkl ;
AB.. j
.Or. t !
Just What
You uaant.
$1.00 per month.
Stiietly liret clasu local nn.l Ion','
dialntiL'o telophonu service within
your home.
Line? do not cro'P-laM:. Your con
vursution will h- kept a Hi-ernt.
, No eoat for installini;.
You wl the Ptandard HunniiiK
Lonu' DiBtant Instrument.
Continuous day and niidit uervlce.
Wo will accept your contract for
tun years and allow you lo cancel
Hanio on niviiif us thirty (lavs writ
ton notico.
GHfls. mM
HllllllMM'l. I'lllll,
J.illlc Kiln a! Ii'llinj,' of their do
incAlie fiMinoiny. "Oh. ycj., mamma l.s
wry kind to ii. Kir timt w ink,.
mxUiver oil without eryinjr she Klvrt
iif. a M-niy i-aidi." ' 0
"And what do you do with Hie
p'im, V" nked the aunt.
".Mnuiiiiy bii,b some more oil with
t, .nnil IH lie i:n.
and Farmeps
Ktopa on driiUKlit ttio cuiebralcil
(JOl.l'MHIA IIKi;il, ncknow:
editwl tho lidit b;r In The Dulles,
tit ttiotmiiHl jirice. Comuiii. try
It anil tic fimvliiceil. Abu tho
Flntit bmiulii ol Wines, Muor
and ClKurs.
of all Kinds ulwnyn on hand,
New ideas in Wall Panttr here. Sifnl,
( wide variety as we are showing never be
. fore traced a Biriflo stoi-k. Heal imita.
lion ereton elfeutB at ordinary prices.
jOood papers af cheap paper prices.
I Elegant deaiKtiR, tasteful colorinun, vours
f for a email price, at our store on Third
iHtreet. Also a full line of house paints.
;D. W. VAUSE, Third St.
K'tanja Pfmi.le.. Pr,ent
rjllliiiijn, t'uilly thr Wood,
i .iro llcAiUcho nl D.umu. ,
V?. 5 'i lv S M"' mJ1 Ii, ut full bni tit
tioWiidra1,-gi;u!.Ul BQSAMHO CO PWli Pi
II. M. JlKAI.I.,
t. Angel College and Seminary,
Conducted by the Benedictine Fathers.
Located IU milee smith uf l'.irtlund on one of the most healthful and attractivo
HpotSi of the illamette alley. The ideal place for your boys. 1'roparatory,
Classical, Commercial and Scientific Course. .MuhIc a Hpecialty.
For particulars apply to the President. julylS ocllS
I to Good. Dressers....
'BS i
M vv,i, .';X":" o;llAH,Ll,.u:i,t,llion 10 "'I 1" inspect. the fifttuplesof
ml tmn Tiiuo'" 0KOWX TAILOUISO CO., ChleaKo' famous Cus-
f Suits to Measure, $8.75 up.
l-it, wurkmanshlp and entire satisfaction t'Urtrftnleed.
w JOHN PASHEK, Merchant Tailor, Agent. J
aw "if
fffy , ,. r i WMH.JIHSI i icm,u v,u. uau
OKic.i m er French & Co.'n Hank
w'l'i'ii- 10 wrne one
V i '"" " on ('i iieiml wiiwiwjm aiiiim.i'1 mnuiHTu.v
' iwaplnirdw' f THE DALLBH, OHEUON.
C. S. Smith,
,IUHtlllQT0H ,-jU -Mi II iu fiMXmWA
First National Bank.
A General Banking Business transacted
DepositB received, subject to Bight
Draft or Check.
.Collections wade and proceeds proinptl
i ,.RnJtted on dav of nolleetlon.
;8lght andelegraphic Exchange aold oa
Wkw Tork, flan Franciaco aad ort-
i i ; ii mvomtdi l to J n ,i
to. M. Wwuii!,9W&YWSlP
u i ' i h vidh M.iMfiVf , Jin aiiijtia
OallCFl Mat. Bunk. HaoiianLii .i.,.'i
Stop and see them. Tho boat Sowing
Mnohino on tho markot for tho least
prioo. Ji'or cash or on time. : : :
! The Jaoobsen Book & Music Co.