The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 05, 1900, Image 3

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    "Get Thee
Behind Me;"
Tlint'a wlint thie week enys to Inst whnt May
..ft Tit.. .hIAIi. i 1.1. 1 1. .. .
to April- i miKiiijr uiiiik I mil will
month jiiHt past did not navo inucii reputation to
inun mh it will bo romoinljorod chiefly for Its own
rni r'lcloiis weather ni.d OUIt OWN GREAT I1AK
n. It. vs. Ilor clouds hud lint ONE SILVER LIN-
INO, and
Now wo greot May on tho Ilomoric principle:
"Wolcnmu tho coming, speed tho parting RiioHt;"
nnil iia tlio mild oyed maid troops over tho eastern
hill, wo Biiluto her thusly :
For this Week.
ncs from -1 to 14
A quantity of Roys'
Odd Knee Pants;
T?rV fVllR "NAT A filt A quantity of Boys'
JJ 01 LlllO VV CGJV. 2.pieco guitB (Bome
nru dHilitly tlnmnpud, including soveral odd suits;;
nil sizes; juat tho thing for rough wear.. ..79c each
For this Week.
in Hid world to their discredit, save the absence of a
few important sizes; regular values range from $1.50
to $3 00 $1.35
For this Week, t&l
For this Week, tiX
TTnv f VnQ A quantity of VenHis'
UI U11& VV CCA. 0(J(J LangTroiiserH.
ni-L'8 10 to 20 years $1.05
For this Week X'ffilo
to lay in a stock of Hoys' Wearables at positively Icbb
than manufacturers' cost. No trouble to show goods.
il Sale
8 li
Every quality of Towels, from the lOo lino up,
will be included in this
One Day's sale-Saturday Qaiy
KM Towels.
10c Pure Linen, 10s34 sKc
15c Linen Iluck, 15x30 jc
17c " Crash, 17x35 mc
'-'Oc " Iluck, 18x30 17c
25c " Crash, 18x40 2!c
25c " Pure Linen Knotted Fringe. .. 21c
35c " Plain Border Huck, 18x42 28c
40c " Huck, hemstitched, 20x42 33c
All other Towels reduced in like proportion.
Not exclusively for bicycling but for all
Bummer suits.
The finish and colors of theso poods are
made to imitate of wool goods and are verv
serviceable 15c and 20c
Plain striped or barred, ono of tin bast skirt
ings for woarlng and washing qnnlitice. . . .
12o, 15c, 20c and 25c
PIQUES, on account of their extra weight,
are the favorites for Oregon weather. Plain
Cord Brocaded Effects 20c to 35c per yaid
We have ready-made Skirts of Crai-h, Co
verts and Piques, plain or braided. .. .25c to i3
Is the prevailing shape for Men's,
"Women's and Children's Shoos.
Wo offer you this week tho
real thing in
Men's brown willow calf,laco..$4.00
" black volour " " .. 4.00
" vici " .. 3.00
" brown " " " .. 3.00
Ladies' brown or black kid,
lace, Queen Qualit', specials 3.00
Ladies' kid, lace, cloth or kid
top 2.00
Ladies' kid, lace, patent leath
er tip and trimmed 1.75
Children's Rough Rider Shoes
are also the Real Thing.
Misses' kid, button or lace,
m to 2's $2.00
Child's kid, button or lace,
8$ to ll's 1.50
Special This Week!
Ladies kid, button, square or coin
toe $1.65.
All Goods Marked
In Plain FlRures.
Telephone No. 1.
MAY 5, 1H00
ii aw m w n m
At Andrew Keller's.
i mi w in (i iv oi inu late minor iiunuiev
I at her residence in this city.
anted- A gli 1 to do general house
Apply to Mrs. II. Kuck. 3 3t
anted A girl to do general houso-
Apply at the residence of Mrs.
. . II all..
uri . ivh. in.
ceneo to wed was issuud today to
es M. Kieor uml Kittle McCuistin,
ootl liivur.
u nance regularly given by rroi.
vig Saturday night has been poet
(I fur tonight.
e Agriculturist announces the 11
of the wife of William Mulligan, of
1 (lllfit litlla
3t Aii Elk charm. A liberal re-
Uill Ii,. i.t.l I... H. ......... l tl.n
"... iu flllll UI fallU lUblllll UI WIU
to thin nfllnn. !tm ft K
e lioder for the scouring mill has
ed and been act in place and mo
aro building the brick work around
S. Olieattam was arrested last night
runkeimess. After sleeping off IiIb
ucli tho recorder mulcted him in a
1 .V'
.!,... ii . .. ....
-'v lur iiid pnai vigils
iglit bar koeper for Dan Baker,
accopted a similar position at the
u. uicxereon, of Antelope, brought
town yesterday two carloads of fino
norfceii, which ho shipped today to
UollUtur was called here today
Portland to visit Jolin Oaroy, en-
r ni ii... da..i.i I t i l
- . iu uui;kiiim lurry uuu, whu
t his residencu iti this city.
vullny, if anybody can mako ft
in .art fin Ir nut cni'Q
uir I lit-
Mi Yunclcle. II nrnaiutrniiu farmm nf
itat county, uaus a traction engine
"is plowing. The machine drags
Kng plows that turn fourteen feet
1 1 very trip.
!!. K. Stewart, of Goldendule, has
tctlon of oyor 30,000 perfect Indian
liouls, besides soveral thousand
I L i: nitna (i 1 1 .. 1 l 1
- .....u uu lurKu nuu nrc uui
ii in i ... i i
'iiiiiitii evnos.
nnv ii'i i.- t i ii.. i
umii;, wnu nun ucuii living
Dalles since he told out his
ihbi fall , has bought another band
"Tl IiIb family to the ranch near
aiiuy, Sherman county.
'wens editor thus philosophies;
hard for a married man to arrive
Ientlfle conclusion in reference
to why a 4-months-old baby should be
so much heavier at 1 o'clock a. m. than
itB mother used to be at precisely the
same hour."
The ever-gentlemanly Fen Batty, w ho
has been hotel clerk and night clerk in
this city since the memory of man run
neth not to the contrary, is now night
clerk at tho Perkius Hotel, Portlund.
Dr. Jones, of Portland, arrived here
on the noon passenger today and he and
Dr. Shackelford performed au operation
on Lloyd Lunghlin, the twelve-year-old
eon of B. F. and .Mrs. Laughlin, for ap
pendicitis this afternoon.
Tho types made The Ciiiionici.e say
yeeterday that Mrs. Frank Chrisinan
was ill in a Portland hospital. We are
pleased to say this is a mistake. She
was there some time ago, but is now at
home and in good health
John McAllister, a weJKknown sheep
man of Klickitat coun says tho shear
ing of between tfenty and thirty
thousand head of irneep will soon com
mence in the country northwest of
Onlleri(lnln aifd tho wool will all be
hauled to TbC Dalles. -J
Amos Koot, of Mosier, was in town
today. Mr. Root, who is largely inter
ested in the fruit busineee, says there
will bo an abundance of all kinds of
fruit in the Mosier country this year.
Whatever thinning out the frosts may
have done to early fruit tho result has
been more of a benefit than an iiijury.
Chief Joseph iB a shrewd Indian.
When aeked why ho wonted school
houses on his reservation, but no;
churches, his leply was: "I fear the
ministers would teach my peoplo to1
quarrel about God. We quarrel about
men sometimes, but we never quarrel
about the great Spirit whom we worshjj
A grand moonlight excursion will be
given by the D. C. & A. O. band on the
fast and commodious steamer ueguiaior
on Thursday evening, May 10th, at 8:30
sharp. Everything will be done to
make this a very pleasant evening on
tho grand old Columbia. Tickets, 50
cents. To bo had at all the business
houses and of the band members. G-td
Watermelon Rediugtou was in town
last week, and here is the record of on
impression that struck him, which he re
cords in tho Heppnor Gazette : "Peo
ple who thought that tho new town of
Shaniko was going to absorb Tho Dalles
ought to take a look at the new store of
Mays & Crowe. There isn't a more
complete haidworo am! implement con
cern in all Oregon."
Alex. McLood, while waiting ycotor
pay for the funeral proceselon of Mrs.
Askew to start for the cemetery, con
eluded to give Ills horse a little exercise
by a short drive over towards the slto
of tho old garrison stables. Arriving at
a wet place near Ninth street, his horse
mired to tho belly, and in the effort to
got him out tho buggy shafts were
smashed. Alex came out of the scrape
decorated with mud from head to heels.
A communication was received from
Miss Mary F. Denton today announcing
that she would not bo able to keep her
engagement with the ladles of tho Con-
gtegational church and lecture here on
Japan next Monday evening. Miss
Denton, however, will be here some
time in the near futare and due notice
of the time will be given.
The steamer Albany was taken back
to Portland this afternoon, as the Paul
Mohr company have abandoned all
notion of being able to use her at the
present stage of water. The company
will probably have their rails and ties
brought here by the Regulator company
and will have them landed near the
North Dalles planing mill, where others
were landed a few days ago.
The water commissioners met last
night to hear the report of the commit
tee appointed to confer with P. L.
Kretzsr, relative to the cost of boring
for artcBian water aboye the reservoir.
Mr. Kretzsr was present and informed
tiie board that his price would be $3.25
a foot for any depth. No contract was
entered into, but a co.nmittee will meet
on the grounds at 10 o'clock tomorrow
and determine on the site for the well in
the event of the board's conclusion to
have the boring done. The commission
era will meet again Monday uight and,
in all piobability, make a final deter
mination of the matter.
The sale of the retail business of
Charles Stnbling to Chas. Michelbach
and Jas. Fait, after having almost been
completed, has fallen through. Mr.
Stubling's wholeeale business has grown
to such proportions that it alone was
sufficient to occupy his whole attention,
and hence he concluded to dispose of the
retail and move the wholesale stock to
another building. But now that the
sale has been declared off for good, both
branches of the business will be con
ducted as heretofore at the old etand,
where, it need not bo said, customers
are always assured of good treatment,
a hearty welcome, and the best of every
thing in Ills line the market affords.
The little minstrels, who gave such a
very excelUnt and successful perform
ance In the city two weeks ago, will re
peat the program tonight at the Bald
win opera house. And it will not be a
repetition either, for the management,
Mies Hazel Waud, assures the expectant
public that the program lias all been re
cast and an entirely now set of comic
songs, sido-Bplittiiig jokes and fin de sieclc
gags added to tho original captivating
repertoire. Tho last performance of
theso little folks was amazingly success,
fill, financially and otherwise, and there
cannot bo a doubt in the world that
tonight'B performance will be equally
satisfactory. Seyeral who attended tho
performance of two weeks ago assure
tho writer that they often paid ten
times tho price of admission to sou a far
worse fhow. All tho profits of tonight's
entertainment will be given to some
cliarltabln or educational object, not yet
determined on. The price of admission
is 10 and 15 cents Doors opeii at 7 :110;
performance to commenco at 8:30.
Furnished house, with five or six
rooms and bath, for the cummer. Apply
at thie ofDce. 5m-3t
Mrs. Nettie Askew, who was buried
here yesterday, was the daughter of
Coroner W. H. Butts. She wbb born in
Portland thirty-two years ago and mar
lied in tills city twelve years ago to
William Askew. Two fine boyB of 0 and
8 years blessed the union and, with the
husband and father, survive her. When
only a girl tho mother of Mrs. Aikew
died, leaving six children, of which Net
tie was the eldest, while the youngest
was almost a etiild in arms. How well
Nettie performed the part of a mother
to Jier threa little sisters and two
brothers is only known to themselves
and to the widowed father, who shared
with tier the cares and anxieties inci
dent to watching the expanding child
hood of his motherless little onee. And
even after she had married and gone to
live on the Sound her every letter to her
brothers and sisters was full of mother
ly anxiety and advice.
Mrs. Askew had been in bad health
for irany mouths. The immediate
eause of deatli was lung trouble, con
tracted from a cold caught at a time
when her weakened system was not
able to lesist its evil effecte.
She was laid to rest yesterday beside
her mother and in the presence of a
large and sorrowing number of friends
ar.d kindred, who had known and loved
her as it is the lot of few to be known
and loved;
Open Air Hand Concert.
At the opon air concert to bo given by
the D. C. & A, C. band at Washington
and Second street on Wednesday even
ing, May 9th, at 8:30 o'clock, the follow
ing program will bo rendered:
The Charlatan Mnrcu Sound
Overture Klvul I'tttee
Whittling Kufus , Cany Mills
Wullzs-VUtoiis of ParudUe C. !!'. Ucnnet
Cuke Wulk Ah-baina I'.oso J. O. I.UWcoal
Helena Wtiltzs . . 1'itlee
Serenade I'lcnsnnt 1) teams Jlipley
Will us- Pleasant Memories . ., .,...yllarnhoute
F. A. IJi.o.iin, Director.
For Infants and Children.
The Kind You Have Always Bought
Boars the
Signature of
Owing to the retireiiKiit of Frank
Chrismau from tho fiini of Chrisman
Bros,, and 1 1 i a intention to leavn the
state as soon as possible, all debts due
the firm must be paid immediately. All
having cUtms against the firm will
p'ease present them at thu market for
A thoroughly competent girl to do
general house work in a small family,
The best of wages will be paid, and no
ono not thoroughly capable need 'apply.
Call at The Ciiuonici.e ofllco. m2 3t
Yon will not have boils if you take
(J la ike & talk's sure cure lor bolls,
Tho Kind You Have Always Bought, and which has been,
in uso for over 30 years, has horac tho signature of
and has been made under his ncr-
sonal supervision sinco its infancy.
'"COCCitw Allow tin nnrt ti dnnolvn trnn In fhltt.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-good" aro but
Experiments that trillo with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Experience against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worms
and allays Fcvcrishncss. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates the Food, regulates tho
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep
Tho Children's Panacea Tho Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Special Sale
...Steel Ranges it Coot Stoves...
To reduce our largo stock we will
sell Stoves and Steel Bangcs at
Greatly Reduced Prices
for a short time only. See our
.goods and get our prices. . . .
A. A a A
AH persons using city water for irri
gation on arid after May 1,1930, and
until September let, inclusive, will be
charged the following rates per month :
For every lot 50x100 feet, $1.50; for
every half lot or fraction thereof, 75
cent?, and no rebate will bo allowtd to
persons leaving tho city unless written
notice is served on the superintendent
of tho water works to turn off the water.
Above the bluff water may be used for
irrigating from 0 to 8 a. in, and from 6
to 8 p. in. on t ho odd days of the month,
and below tho blufl during tho same
hours on (he evon days of the month.
Theeo rules must be strictly complied
with, and any deviation therefrom will
subject tho violator to the penalty of
having the water shut off, and in older
to net it turned on nun In he must pay a
tee of one dollar. Pel son a willfully
wasting water, or allowing it to run con
tinuously through their closets or lava
tories, or allowing water to run after
irrigation hours, will suffer the same
penalty as above stated.
liy order of thu water commission.
J, 11. CltOSSKN, Stipt.
Tho Dalles, Or., May 1, 1000. 0
Clarko & Fa lk liaye received it carload
of the celobrated James E. Patton
strictly puro liquid paints
Olrl Wanted,
A ulrl is wanted to do general house,
work. Apply at this office. inl-lt
Latest designs for 1070 in wall paper.
Klegant stock to select from at II. Glenn
& Co.'e, iiprl7-lw
Garden Hose
Wo have laid in a largo
stock of CI aiden Hoso and aro
carrying the sanio brand of
Hoso that we havobeon carry
ing for the last fivo years,
which is tho colobratod Mal
tose Cross Brand. Wo carry
I tho same- brand of Hoso that
i . , ,
tho Dulles Uity J1 ire Depart
ment has been using for tho
last twenty years. The Mul
teso Cross Brand is without
doubt tho host grade of lToso
on tho marlcot. Call and got.
our prices before buying.
fdaief & Benton
Sole Agents.
Get your wheel overhauled at Mays
& 'Crowe's. 30-4t
Coaster brakes are the greatest im
provement of the year on bicycles; eavo
ono half tho pedaling. Have one put
on your old wheel at Mays & Crowu'a
i bike shop. 30a-U