The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 28, 1900, Image 4

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    For Nearly Two Years
!e to Lay in Bed
' In my capacity .is druggist, in Huflnto, N. Y., 1 have the best opportunity
to judge of the merits of ninny different remedies. 1 am in close touch with the
sick, who come into my store 'for medicines, and most of them tell mc how they
are getting nloug. Ut nil tne Hun
dreds of preparations which 1 sell,
not a single one begins to give as
much satisfaction as Acker's Eng
lish Remedy for Coughs, Colds,
Bronchitis, Asthma, Pleurisy and
Consumption. I sell it on a dis- jpsr1?
tinct guarantee that it will cure, II li?
or the purchaser s money will be
returned. This is a perfectly safe
guarantee, because the remedy
ifoes cure. Nobody wants his
money returned. Its cures are
nothiiig short of marvelous. Take
the case of Mr. A. H. Gilbert, for
instance. He lives at No. 5 Carey
street, Uuffalo, N. Y. For more
than three years he had a bad
case of asthma, and had been un
able to lie down in bed for nearly
two years. He came to mv store
and asked me what to do. It said:
Take Acker's English Remedy.'
He said he had tried other reme
dies and didn't think this would
Jieln him. Hut he thinks differ
ently now. Three oottles fixed his asthma all right. Ho could sleep and eat
after taking them, as well as when a boy. He was cured several months ago,
nd is well yet, so I am certain his trouble is gone for good. You can write to
-Mr. Gilbert himself, if you doubt mv word. He will go further than me in prais
ing Acker's English Remedy." (Signed) S. B. Thorne, druggist, Buffalo, N.Y.
Sold at 25c, 30c. and $1 a bottle, throughout the United States and Canada;
and in England, at is. ad 2s. 3d., 4s. Cd. If you nrc not satisfied after buying,
return the'bottle to your druggist, and get your money back.
Wc auLhoruc Vicaboxr (ptarantce. II. 11. J100KK11 fc CO., l'rojtrielors, yew Yort.
.. . 9 MM" r
S. Dufur DlgulHe a Mont Almiril
Humor ly Tnklng Ni'iIIop of It.
The Heat lteiiieily for ltlieunintHui
Ail who use Chamberlain Pain Halm
for rheumatism are delighted with the
quick relief from pain which it affords
When speaking of this Mr. D. N. Sinks
of Trov, Ohio, save: "Some time ago I
had a seve attack of rheumatism in in
arm anu shoulder. I tried numerous
Emtok Chhonici.e:
I have I'eeii informed that a rumor is
being circulated to the effect that 1
should endeavor to induce the nest leg
islature to pass a law compelling the
uneewered towns of Oregon to adopt the remedies, but not no relief until I was
sanitary closet owned by the Oregon I recommended by Messrs Geo. F. Par
Sanitary Closet Company of The Dalles, sons & Co., druutttsts of this place, to
I presume this is circulated for the pur-' try Chamberlain's I 'a in Balm. They
pose of injuring the nominees for the I reconnnenned it bo highly that I bought
legislature on the Democratic ticket, J a bottle. I teas toon relieved of all pain
and especially my father, E. B. Dufur. , I have since recommended this lini
In the first place, I want to say that , ment to many of my friends, who agree
no such remark, nor anything that i with tne thnt it is the best remedv for
could he 0 construed, has ever been ! muscular rheumatism 111 the market."
made by me, and the party who has j For sale by BlaV eley & Houghton,
been instrununtal in circulating this'
, . , , ... . .1 Caught Dreadful Colli.
kind of rot either has done so through m
ignorance of the fact or because he, she ! rriMar!on Ko,oke' .'a"Ker fr T- M
or it is a willful prevaricator and the ; Jhonip.on, a large importer of line mi
truth is a stranger to ,'( method?. ,,ner-v at 16oS I''waukeo Avenue, Chi
tv .Q . ,i, .i.i... I cago, says: "uuring the late severe
of such a proposition, let us consider thei
following points
weather I caught a dreadful cold which
kept tne awake at night and made me
Tn f h r,r0, in0 n, .fi iiQi I nfit to attend my work during the day
has no power to prescribe laws for the 9n? ?f ,m ral l,n,or9 as takmg Chan,
regulation of sanitary measures in be.r 1,1,1 8 .Con 1 Heaie!,' for 0 .Beven
sanitary measures in
towns; this is a power which rests in
the discretion of the city and town au
thoritiei. N
Second. To think that eueli an insig
nificant person as I could induce the
legislature of this state to pass any law,
and especially a measure entirely ont
eide of the scope of the legislative
powers, is the height of folly and simply
Third Ttie legislature will probab'y
have something of more importance on
their hands than trying to pass sanitary
measures for cities, although they may
undertake to pass some sanitary meas
lire for purifying the present politics of
this state, and of course this Hort of ean
itation will no doubt meet with the ap
proval of all good citizene, except those
of the stripe hereinbefore referred to as
lie, bhe or it
I would like to know how lately this
he, she or it escaped from the insane
asylum, and under what hallucination
he is now laboring, as it has not yet re
covered from its late malady, nnd the
eafety of the public would demand its
reincarceration in the house furirrespon
elble and incurable fools.
Now, my dear he, she or it, I want to
eay that I would be pleased to meet you
in order to try and discover the genus
you sprang from; hut if I should be
denied that privilege, please remember
that the state of Oregon ie yet safe; that
I shall not have any such law passed, no
nittter who is elected ; and turther that
if I had any such scheme in hand,
.1.1 L - in . .
miuuiu mj mum wining 10 take my
cuances Inr success with the congress r f
the United States than with the time
honored legislature of the state of Ore
gon. Yours Truly
I). S. Duruit,
Mgr. Oregon Sanitary Closet Co.
The Dalles, April 28, 1O0O.
Woi-kliiy Night ami Iuy
The busiest and mightiest little thing
that ever was made is Dr. King's Now
Life Pills. Every pill is a sugar-coated
globule of health, that changes weakness
into strength, HstlesenesH into energy,
lirain-f.ig into mental power. They're
wonderful in bnilding up the health.
Only 25 cents per hoc. Sold by Blakeley
& Houghton. 3
DeWltt'u Witch llanl Salvo is un.
equalled for pllep, injuries and ekin
diseases. It is (he original Witch Hazol
Halve. Beware of all counterfeits.
cold at that time, which seemed to re
lieve her so quickly tiiat I bought some
for myself. It acted like magic and
began to improve at once. I am now
entirely well and feel very pleased to ac
knowledge its merits." For sale by
Blakeley & Houghton.
and healing
Ely's Cream Balm
Easy anil pleasint to
tne. Contains no In
jurious drug.
It liquidity absorbed,
(jives ltelief at once.
Heals and Protects llio Membrane, lteetorca tbe
Seiuea of Tajte and Smell. Large Size, 60 cents at
Dni-'jirts or liy mall ; Trial Size, 10 cents by mall.
ELY BUPTUEUS, 6a Warren Street, New York.
M. B. Smith, Butternut, Mich., says,
"DeWitt's Little Early Hisers are the
very lest pills I ever used for coHiveness,
liver and bowel troubles."
Wall paper! Where? At Glenn's
paint and oil store. aprl7-lw
For a Nice
Suit of Clothes.
f anting, Overcoatln-or t'ancj Vesting.
Clark & Talk are never clo3ud Sunday
Don't forget this.
Clarke & Fn'.k have un sale a full llnu
of paint and artist's brushes.
A full line of Eastman films and sup
plies just received by Clarke A Falk.
You will not have bolls if ynu take
Clarke A Falk's pure cure for boils.
Floral lotion will cure wind chapping
and sunburn. Manufactured by Clarke
& Falk.
Spring lamb at reduced price at the
Columbia Packing house. 'JO.t-lw
Ladies' stock collars, all colors, '2b
cents at the Now York Cash Store.
Wanted Any old thing, at Faulknei's
junk shop. Dalles 'phone No. "I I.
upr24 lw
A full line of ladies' neckwear just
received at the New York Cash Store.
21 a-1 w
New patent painters' and paper
hangers' suits at the N'ew York Cash
Paint your house with paints that are
fully guaranteed to last. Clarke & Falk
have them.
Ladies' bobinet ties, all full length,
L" cents, !!:i cents and I'm cents, at the
New York Cash Store. LMa-lw
Five thousand five-unllon oil cans at
five cents each wanted at Faulkner's
junk shop. Dalles 'phone No. 2N.
Lewis Ackerman. Goshen, Ind., says,
"DeWitt's Little Early Risers always
bring certain relief, cure my headache
and never gripe." They gentlv cleanse
and invigorate tlio bowels and liver.
Lust or Mtrayt-il
From the pasture on I he ranch back of
town, a chestnut sorrel mare, branded
with a blotched brand on left shoulder
and wuiidiing about 1000 pounds. She
has a strip on her face ami was clipped
this j ear. Had a recent wire cut on
right foot. A reasonable reward will be
paid for her return,
ltd&w C. E. Smith, The Dalles.
Catti in our ChncKa,
All couutv warrants registered prior
to June 3, 1890, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after February. 2,
1600. C. L. Pim.ui'8,'
Conntv Treasurer.
Fresh cracked Nebraska corn at the
Waecu warehouse. Finest kind of
chicken feed. mch25-u
"I used Kodol Dyspepsia Cure in my
family witli wonderful results. It gives
immediate relief, is pleasant to take and
is trnlv the dyspeptic's best friend,"
says E. Ilartgerink, Overisel. Mich.
Digests wiiai you eat. Cannot fail to
Clarke &. Falk's flavoring extracts are
the heat. Ask your grocer for them.
Kcrh I'nr Nulu.
Full blooded, barred Plymouth Hock
eggs, per setting $1 .00 and $1.50. For
particulars call on or address,
Saxdkiih Bhoh.
Bos G17. The Dalles, Or.
Sick Headache absolutely and porma
nently cured by using Moki Tea. t
pleasant herb drink. Cures constipation
and indigestion, makes you eat, sleep,
work and happy. Satisfaction guaranteed
or money back. 2.) cts. nnd 50 cte
Blakeley & Houghton Druggist?.
Ring up Faulkner, the junk man. he-
lore hauling your trash to the beach.
He buys old worn out rubber boots and
shoes, brass, copper, zinc, lead, Backs,
rags, etc. Dalles 'plane No. 2M.
apr21 lw
Clarke & Falk iiaye received a carload
of the celobrated James E. Put ton
strictly pure liquid paints
To Vurti n Cold In Oun Day.
Takn Luxntivn llrnmn Oninina Tah.
lets. All druggists refund the monev.
Be Biiro nnd examine our stock of wall
paper thoroughly before buying elio-
whore, as wo have the latest shipment
made to this city, now ready for inspec
tion at II. Glenn A Co.'s. a!7-lw
.11 (lien for Hule.
One span of miilee, C years old. for
sale. Weight, caeh about 1000 nonnds.
For particulars address
M. K. MoLi'on.
3. 11.1m Four miles east of Kineslev.
Kllldlr rail and examine mv trxlr nf Im.
nor tul and I) uentli! Woolnm. A dun hwii in
select from.
fiulU made from the lowest nrices to the lush.
eat grade.
J. A. Eberle
Dyspepsia Cure.
Digests what you eat.
f&r? strengthening and recon
Btructlnff tho exhausted dlKentlve or
tans. It la the latest dlacnvArpiiHinoaf.
ant and tonic. No othor preparation
can approach It In efficiency, it In
tantly relieves and permanently cures
Dyspepsia, Indigestion, Heartburn!
Flatulence, Sour Stomach, Nausea
iilotber results of mperfectdliMtioiL
Yellowstone Park Line.
to Tin: i:ast.
No. '.
Union Depot, rtfUtand I sts .muuvk.
Fast mull for Tiicoinii.i
Scuttle, Olyiiipln, (irnyS
iiiiroor 111111 miiuii iiciui
ioliit, apiikiiiio, Uo!-'
lllllll, It. C, I'lllllllHII,
.Mil-cow, U'wIhIiiii, Unl
it. l." A.M. (rtliilliuaiiiiiliiliiKCoiiii'
try, Ik'U'iin. MIiimi'iiim).
Us, St. I'nlil, O11111I111,
Kuiimi City, St. luili,
CIiIi'iiko mil! nil lilnt
No I. i';nt unit .oiitlirnt.
I'unet Snuiiil Kxiiri'.ss
11. SO 1'. M. for Tiinmiii 11111I Soattli)
unit luteriiiitllnto xitiit
No. I
,ri;.M 1'. M.
No. ;:.
1'iillnmn llrst rlns mill tonrltt slfOiK-m to
Mlimi'MIHills, St. raiiluml illoiirl river kiIiiIh
witliout rlmiiiU'.
Vustllmleil trains, t'tilon ileiot cntmcftlnub
In all )irliiclinl t'ltk".
HiiKV.'iat' ehix'kiil to tlcitllliiltim i)( tickets,
Kor liHiiilMimely lllitstiiite(lile..eilitlvi'iiiiittor,
tlekets, sloeiiltiK cnr re.-ervntloiis, etc., eall 1111 or
Asslitunt (ieiieral l'ue!nter AKent,'J.V MnrrlMir.
Street, roruer Tlilr , I'orllaml, Ori'Kim.
SOUTH and EAST via
Souinern Pacific Go
Shasta Route
Triilii!. leave The Dalles (or Portland mill way
stations at 1 ! 11. in. ami .'I p. 111.
U-ave I'lirtlaml
" Albany
Arrive Asliluml . . ..
" Sacramento
" han hruiielsco
... h:)nm
r.':no a m
... . U:.ln m
o:i) in
7:1 i in
7:fi 111
It :.) it m
a m
h:I'i a m
Arrive Ogilnii
" I leaver
" KiiiuahCltv
" Clile.n;o ....
. . f: 1.1 11 m
.. 'J:Mlu in
7 til 11 ill
. .. 7: Ion 111
Arrive Ii- AiiRelei. t:S0 i 111
' Kl l'ao ii:(D i in
" Kort Worth i'i::iiiii
City of Mexico Ui.Vi 11 111
" Iliuiston I:i1iiiii
" New Orleans . . n.i'uim
" WiiihliiKtoii il: TJ 11 111
" New York lu.13 p m
11. I'm 111
y:i"in m
7 .'.'." a in
u:: it m
7.(1)11 111
n mi , in
n 111
'J.AI a 111
I'.nin in
0.25 1 1 III
ii li a in
l'."l:i p 111
I'lillnmn ami Tmirist vati on hoth Inilni.
Chair ears Sacramento tn Ox'lcu anil 1U I'aso,
and touiM ran to ChlcaKD, St Imls, Now Or-
ivmi.s ami a.inuiKtoii'
Comuftltiif at San Kranclvco with overal
.iteainship lines for Honolulu, Japan, China,
riiinppiiic.1, i.eiiiriu anil miiiiii Aliietlea.
See fluent at The Dalles .nation, or uililrt m
dencral l'atiiKer Axcnt, 1'orthunl, Or
W p. ni,
10:10 p. rn
K p. m.
8 p. rn.
10 p. m.
fi n. m.
Kx. Sunday
timk i-cii j;iur.K.
Kkom Iullks.
Salt I.nkr, Denver. Kt.1
Worth, Ornaliu, Kiin
m City, St. Imls,
CIiIcmko mid Kast. I
Walla Wnlla, Hpokane,
Minneapolis. St. 1'aul,
1 ,1 1 1. (i. 1,..
' it 1 11 t ,,, a , 1 m iiiikcv,!
Chicago mid Kant, via
KfML'iiiu.Hlfd Hiittlltit..'
ton; 11U011II poln In iii
WushiiiKton and Knit
cm OrcKon.
. Mill
Kkom I'oktland.
Ocean Hlemnshlps.
Kor han Krancltcn
April '.T, May'.', 7, X.
Columbia Kv, Steamers.
1o Ahtokia and Wity
OrcKim City, NuwIatk,
balem tt Way I-aud'a.
p rn
Kx press
1:00 a. 111
4 p. m.
i p. in.
l:?t) 11. m.
Kx. Sunday
7 a. rn. iWrr iiuim. t .
... , -" r. A,,J J AM
ilics.uiur. 1IIU. ItlVRKL t.Ml.11
, "'W' l, ;ity, Daytmi, mid Krl
and Wiiy.iiidlns. 1
:W) i. in.
rne..'Ihiir,l'orthind to Corvallls,
Mini nay-uuidliiKs.
unil Sat.
I.v Hlparliii
l.Wtt. 111.
, HtlAKK UtVKIl.
itlparlu to Iwlston.
p. m.
Mini. Weil
and Krlilny
s::io a, in,
at Ifeuniiurluiiet (in hihI 111.,,, .un. ii..
riving at ,0 Dalles at li:ii)p. ' """
''"''.''II I'Mrtlculiiri. tall on O. it. & n Cn".
xentTliu Dalle, or addiVs" 1
(. W. II. 111JU,IIIJRT,
Rememlmr tliu Now York CubIi Kloro
la tcllinK tho latest tliinKa in ludlos'
neckwenr a tlio lowest iirlcoe. fjeo win
(low UiepLiy, 2la-l
Ueo Clark u A Falk'a qtilniriu linir tonic
to keep tlantlrull lrom the hend.
It '
Job Pfintet8,
,TIIIIIMIIIflItIlItTllltltltTtirTTIllIllllfflttVlII t&fm
Wholesale and Retail
Wines, Liquors and Cigars.
Agen rthe Greate American Liquor
YpllnwQtnnp Snnr Mach Whickov
WHISKEY frnm .7f tn fti.(H) jwr millon. (4 tt) 15 yearH old.i
IMPORTED 00GHA0 from 7.(I0 to I1S.M10 per "buUuii. (11 to ill years-old
n I T TTlnTlWT 1 TlT i lITiTtin I All nr . it irv . ft - . . . 1 . "
i Aijif wnn a nitAniH t.H iriiiii ..-'o in iii.tfii iter l'uiiiiii. (4 m 1 1 vnri na-
flT.WPTA PTr.T? nn ilr.mi.lit mill Vitl Itl.itr biiiI, Itm.r In Mlb
linporieti aiu mill rortur.
Wasnn WarRhnnsR Cnmnanv
m wb w m m wmm w w wm w
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain otpiikin
Headauarters for Rolled Grain, all kinds
Headquarters for Bran. Shorts, ""mux run
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendlfr
t.OTl lloiTT TIiIb Floor hi miuiufttctnred ixprosaly for Wj
v-Mi. .. . ngrv ...i, i. ,., ..L.(i to i-ive eatlilwwi
unit iinmln 1........ t f .1.. . I.. .1 If . .IntiH thtnlM
" r " ....... m ii j iiunou t , h .. u . . u. .. "
imici nuu iw uoiivinceu.
Highest Prioes Paid for Whoat, Barley and Oata.
$i.oo per month.
Ktriutly flrat class local and Iouk
(llHlanco teleptionu service within
yonr liome.
Lines tlo nut cross-talk, Your.con
vursation will he kept a secret.
No cost for itistallliiK.
You utit tlio standard Ilunning
Long Distant Instrument.
Continuous day and night ervice.
Wo will accept your contract for
ten yearsfand ullow yon to can eel
same on giving us thirty days writ
ten notice,
i boiuK udvocalod by nil parties regardless of race, coI'oru?j
viuiin voudiiiiiii ol servitude. UtHMHiliuer we iur - ,
mors Kind when thoy buy or Pure Prepared ralnte. W
HiiIhIi and glojs to its work that is admired by U.
Paints, Oils, Glass, Picture and Room Moldings
Be sure and inspect our stock of Wall lVl'ur
uesignf lor ll'OO on JJlBplay.
Washington Slroet,
between tjecond and Third.
H. GLENN & 00.