The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 20, 1900, Image 3

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    Igs a Fact
Thnt tho hardest thine to do in business
now-n-days is to got n man to bolievo tho truth.
For Hi" :it few daya wo have been advertising
Strictly All-Wool Suits,
Made tip in tho vory latest style, for
Quo man protty nenrly nte ono leg off a pair
of pants from ono of these faults yeHterday, trying
to find cotton in them. He was so euro they must
be part cotton that ho pretty nearly choked to
death, nnd if it hadn't boon for a temperance lec
tirer from Kiuibbb. who pulled them out of his
throat with a cork sciew, which he happened to
liavn, we'd have one customer lees. Tiie man
says he'll believe what we tell him hereafter.
Come In
And let us show you the greatest line of
Sulfa In K'lttern Oregon; and remember we give
with every Mkii'h Suit a pair of those justly cele
brated "Nobngoknou Trouser Streiclera."
New Spring Stock opened, mak
ing tho largest and most complete
line of
ever shown in The Dalles. En lire! y
new styles of laces and embroideries,
combined with clusters and tuck
ings, makes tho new spring line the
prettiest ever shown.
If you have time, when in, look
through the stock. It's a pleasure
for us to show them.
Some Rare Bargains. .
121. Color, blues and grays. An
all-wool, perfect fit- rp&
ting suit mDiuU
155. Gray Suits, latest stylo cut
jackets; made in all-wool gray
camel's hair; extra ajp rA
strong lined; only.... $fiuU
154. Brown Covert, fancy colored
lining in jacket, strong porca
line lining in skirt; suit trim
med in black braid; fun nn
only mM
All Sizes, from 32 to 33.
These three lines of. Suits, bought
as bargains, and though low in price,
are well-made, attractive and serviceable.
All Goods Marked
In Plain Flerures.
The Dalles Daily Chronicle,
Telephone JVo. 1.
- A PHIL 20. 1900
HTVed In
htj lc by
Spring In m b at reduced price nt the
Cntn.,,1,;,. i ,.!.;,.,. i,nl.uu 'rii.i-
The regular Saturday night dance will
lie held tomorrow night at the Baldwin.
Tliu common council of Goldundale
has increased saloon licensee from $300
Tho Goldeudule Milling Company
shipped ii thoiiHBud birrels of flour to
Japan and Manila by tho last Bteniner
irom Tort land.
The Melvinley Club mot Inst night
nnd adjourned till Monday night. Ab
an election of ofiicera will then tuke
place, a full attendance is requested.
The steamer Iraldu, that was an
nounced to bo put on tho run between
lortland and The DalleB bb an opposi
tion boat, has been tied up on the
strength of a mortgage indebtedness of
eomo .f 900.
Klickitat county has only two men
eligible for school superintendent. The
preaent incumbent is ineligible because
lie has served two teroia. Onlv two re
main whose qualifications meet the
demands of I he law.
From the Goldondale Sentinal we
learn that the portage road people oil
the other side of tho rlycr are having a
'Ron road surveyed from the present
terminus oi the road to connect with
The Dalles and Goldeudale.
The registry law in this state provides
'or regifctration every two years, between
January and May. It follows theiefore
jhat there will be no other registration
'r tho coming presidential election.
The registration bookB cloeo May 16th.
County Surveyor Golt went to Mosier
morning to survey a now county
roil at that place which will give the
J'UUIIe access to tho railroad depot. JJe
was accompanied by A. A. Urquhart,
H. Taylor and Alex. Anderson us
Honors come thick and fast to Hood
"lyercitizenfl, says the Glacier. So far
M Iwiml from It has one candidate for
wgrojo, two for presidential elector.
"e delegate- to ft iiul (mini nnnv.tiittnn. 40-acro tract
1 1 ... -i i - - , ... . ,
e cuiulldutes for stato legislature, one IDftlles, -1 room liouBe, uarn, mi icm-r..,
UiIIob Comirlslou House will
(rehh milk at all time, on hand
nnty judge and ouo for county Ifcrchard of 300 troee, running wuier, rmiL'ti lor CaillO HUiact-m, iu
. . . .
no deliver It anywhere in the city at
"u ,0"o'ing prices : One quart, $2 per
jonth: three pints, 3 , two quarts, fl i
quarts $5.60; or earn 50 cents per
vw. Fresh butter every day. l&VJui
L- Hill has returned home froui a
protracted stay at the Last Chance mine
near Canyon City. Ho hnB been doing
development work for the most of tho
past winter and reports that the outlook
is very encouraging. E. B. Dnfur, A.
A. Jayne and Frank Menelee are inter
ested with Mr. Hill in the mine.
Tho Forest Grove Times is responsi
ble for the statement that the worship
pers of Bryan raised such a racket when
their Jobs visited them ncsntly that
windows were smashed a block away
from the .loss house and uiue-leiiths of
all the half-hatched chickens in the
neighborhood were kilted.
Ttie i'rosser Record says the hard
freeze of Saturday night week worked a
terrible havoc with the fruit in that
valley. The peach crop, which waB the
most promising ever known, has been
literally destroyed. All other varieties
have been greatly damaged and to eay
the loan the freeze has cost the Yakima
fruit growers many thousand dollars.
The postofllce receipts of Northwest
cities for the three last quarters of 1SJ9
und tin first quarter of 1900 aggregated
as follows: Butte, $62,542; Helena,
!f40,5!i0; Portland, $204,44-1; Seattle,
$153,053; Spokane, $92,144; Tacoma.
$02,051. It is to be seen that Portland
leads Seattle by over $50,000, which
gives an idea of the business between
the two towns.
Tammany contractors on the Croton
dam have a strlko on their hands, with
the usual concomitants of forcible oppo
sition to the employment of non-union
workmen; and, all the same as any
common, imperialiftic plutocrat of the
Mark Hanna brand, they have called
upon tho state militia to protect their
non-union workmen from the violence
of the strikers.
The new D. V. & A. N. steamer Ko
llance made n trip Wednesday from
Portland to the mouth of the Willamette,
a dletauce of over twelve miles, in forty
one minutes. She made the run back
in forty-seven minutes. This makes the
rate for the round trip nearly sixteen
and half miles au hour. The record,
under the circutnetauees, is one that no
boat on the river would be ashamed of.
Special reserve old government whis
key, recognized by the highest medical
authority In the land; especially recom
mended by the board of health of San
Francisco "for hospital use, also A. I.
O'Brien, M. 1)., captain and surgeon,
and Win. D. McCarthy, major and sur
geon U. S. urmy, as tho purest un-ulnU
ternted stimulant for convalescent, in
vallds and family use. Sold by Charles
Stubllog. aplL'O.dl.u
l"or Sale.
miles from Iho
bottom land fine for berries or Kanlen.
Price reasonable, terms easy. Call at
this ottlce. msi-uwimu
Latest designs for 1000 m wall paper.
Elegant stock to select from at H. Glenn
& Co.'s. aprlMw
V11 pap"erl Where? At Glenn's
paint and oil store. aprl7-lw
rnsnlnii 1'lny at St. Luci'd.
Scenes from the famous "Passion
Play," as presented once every ten
yeurs in tho little village of Oberam
mergnu, Bavaria, were reproduced at
St. Leo's church last night with the aid
of Edison's wonderful moving .pictures.
Tho Savior's life, from the very
moment the shepherds lirst saw the star
of Bethlehem and heard the joyful
tidings of the birth of Christ, until the
sublime finale when the Redeemer slow
ly ascended to heaven, was shown by a
series of photographic tableaux. The
Ecenes of Christ's triumphal entry into
Jerusalem, the raising of Lazerus from
the dead, the last supper, the trial and
condemnation, tho awful journey to
Calvary, and finally, the crucifixion of
the Messiah, wore all given on the
canvas. Tlie txprestious on tho faces of
the actors iu the great drama could be
distinctly seen, and everything in the
pictures, the costumes, scenery, etc.,
wese strictly accurate. The originator
of the drama, from which these views
were taken, hud twice been himself an
actor in the play as given by the
Bavarian peasants, and alter coming to
this country spent $125,000 In securing
costumes and scenery and necessary
paraphernalia for tho production.
The views weie made more interesting
by the lecturo which was given at inter
vals during the phiy. Taconia Ledger,
These movable picture views will be
produced at the Vogt opera house next
Wednesday and Thursday nights.
A Fairy Tale.
I. Hid to Kent,
The funeral of the lato Mrs. W. L.
Bradshaw took place this afternoon
from tho family residence. It was
very largely attended ami many were
unable to go out to the cemetery becanje
of the inability to procure vehicles. The
banks and business houses closed from
1 :30 to 4.
The services at tho house were con
ducted by Rev. I). V. Poling. His ad
dress was a tenderandimpressiveeulogy
ot the deceased. The musical selections
were all of Mrs. Bradshaw's choosing,
opening with "Lead Kindly Light" by
members of the Congregational choir
and Mr. O. J. Crandall ; followed, after
a scriptural selection and prayer, by tho
chant "Thy Will Bo Done," and, after
the address, uy ruocK oi Ages, sungui
tho special request of tho deceased, hy
Mrs. B. S. Huntington, Mrs. K. M.
Williams, Miss Cushing. Dr. O. D.
Doano and Mr. O. J. Crandall.
The coflln was surrounded by au im
mense wealth of floral tributes of many
beautiful designs, tha,t of themselves
bore silent but effective testimony to
tliu place tho departed hold in the hearts
of her acquaintances in the The Dalles.
Have you seen those "swell" shirts at
tho New York Cash Store? All styles,
Btlff und soft bossQins, just received.
Come early aid get your pick,
We have just what you want in soft
hats for spring, 'tho New York Cash
Yesterday evening's Telegram had a
blood curdling tale of the narrow escape
of the Regulator last Sunday from anni
hilation on tho huge boulders of the mad
cross-currents of the Three-Mile rapids.
Tho scare head will indicate sufficiently
the marvelous imaginative powpr of the
Telegram reporter. Hero it is :
"Steamer Regulator Had Narrr.w Es
c.ipe." "Laid Almost on Her Beam
Ends in Thrce-Mile Rapids" "She
Was Attempting to Take a Load of Rail
road Ties Above The Dalles for Portage
Railroad Became Unmanageable in
Swift Cross-Currents Nearly Crashed
Against Huge Boulders."
Then follows the tale of the steamer
becoming unmanageable and shifting
her cargo til! she careened over so far
"that four feet of tho guard rail was
forced under the water," and "heavy
sticks were thrown iu the way of the
crew so that it was impossible for them
for eomo minutes to offer any relief by
attempting to right the steamer," and
"the men in the hole wero driven from
their position," nnd "steam was allowed
to drop," and ' the boat lay helpless in
the mad current witli her rail under
water," when she finally, Eouiehow,
"partially righted herself" and struck
tliu back track.
Tho story is colored powerfullv. The
CiiHO.Nici.E has the veiy highest author
ity for saying that the Regulator was
never in danger for n moment, and
never for a moment was beyond the con
trol of the captain. That she rolled
heavily in the wild, cross-currents while
-turning around to come home, goes
without saying. All else, as told, is u
wiry tale.
Judge Fulton, of Sherman county, Is
in the city.
Attorney W. II. Wileon went to Hood
River this morning on legal business.
Harry J. Dunn, a business man of
Goldeudale, is at tho Umatiit Houso.
M. M. Morris and wife and Mrs. Rena
Morris, of Tygh, wero iu town last night.
A. S. Blowers, Republican candidato
for county judge, came up from Hood
River this morning.
W. W. Wilson, of tho Baldwin restau
rant, lias gone, to Portland to spend it
week wild lite sou.
Tho Kind You Havo Always Bought and which has been,
in use for over 30 years, has homo tho algnatnro of
and has hcon inrulo under his pcr-
IJy-z- Honnl supervision since its Infancy.
t-COCCfiil Allow no ono todecelvn von In this.
All Counterfeits, Imitations and " Just-as-prood" aro hut
Experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of
Infants and Children Expcrlcuco against Experiment
Castoria is a harmless substitute for Castor Oil, Pare
goric, Drops and Soothing Syrups. It is Pleasant. It
contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic
substance. Its ago is its guarantee. It destroys Worm
and allays Fovcrishness. It cures Diarrhoea and Wind
Colic. It relieves Teething Troubles, cures Constipation
and Flatulency. It assimilates tho Food, regulates the
Stomach and Bowels, giving healthy and natural sleep.
Tho Children's Panacea The Mother's Friend.
Bears the Signature of
The Kind You Have Always Bought
In Use For Over 30 Years.
Knows the merits of the
Many now features for 1900 which you e.mnot afford to overlook.
Complete Line of 41900" Sundries.
Tin; Hit ill o Old (5 nine.
T. 11. JoluiBton, of Dufnr, Kapnhlicai
candidato for etato eenutor, is rftneteioi
. IT .Ill It.
ai mo iJinaiuia iiouett. --. i
I Just arrived : new lot of neckwear
. ... for ent enien. L'lteat designs und colors.
The Oregon an says K edits tho news ... . Vi v,
'.,, , . n . Ho enro and eeo tliem at the New iotk
"eo aa to inako t full and accurate, " etc. !
The following is a sanipie:
All of tho amendments proposed by
the Oregon Senators to the Indian ap
propriation bill wero aareed to today
without any opposition, ami it it be.
lieved tbat'they will remain in the bill
alter the houso conferees have had u
febanno at it. Oregonian of April 7, 1900.
That our readers may seo how full and
accurate the above report was, we aive
Ibelow, in parallel columiiF, tho amend
'inents secured by tho "Oregon eena
'tors." Hero they arc:
Garden Hose
8ENATOU Ml'Bntlll'.'K
For tliu urcutlon
ot a ttlok lor-
mutory nt Clio-
muwa K0.C00
Kor waterworks
iiiiU tutvcrnvu
tyblciu ut Kin-
math HBcnoy . 8,500
Kor roiibtiuctlon
ot tiarii nt Klii-
mil th HKoncy.. 1,0 la
for electric Unlit-
inn nt Klitmutli
liKl'UCy. 3.C00
Kor jiort--lilo uv
mill lutimmn
Sknatou Simon's
oou ;
iat senator
slmon ollcrcil
Fen Hatty, of Wapinitla, is in th city
on his way home fioin a ohort sojourn ngeuey. . .
at the St. Martin springs. T()0 (flct t)
M.J. Anderson, of Dufur, editor of o amendments la of no cuiucqnotu'e, as
the Weed Exterminator and Cultivator;, probability Mr. Mcllrlde was
tactorv of that place, is In the city. ,, , ., , ,
...,, ,. , , , looking after tliis particular nuitter, and
Dr. H. J. 1. ttlelleld, nf Nmvberg, and j ,ie, , BC1,or e()mUor .,,, bt, m0t)
,f U,.1l.w !IU nrrl.l liuru llltulV tO LTUt U UlfOULftlt UUttllU tiUQVW
Wo havo laid in a
stock of Garden lioso and aro
carrying tho sanio brand of
Hose that wo havo boon carry
ing for tho last fivo years,
which is tho celebrated Mal-
to attend the funeral
Mrs. Hradfchaw.
of their sister, parallel Is to show that tho Oregouiaii
!"adds to and subtracts from," and
The following names are on the reg- j otherwiee clianifes the news, but not u
ister of the Umatilla House: Fred O. the interest of "truth and accutacy" as
Moore, Trout Lake; F. 11. Barnes, Hood u nU0lr.fl
Klver, O. 11. Uelcher, Moro j Mrs. A. It. I a aBBOrt8 .
Hyrketh and Maria Ubiirch, Itinueu : Hagley Bros., have purchased a
Mary Moore, Trout Iike; W. J. Hos- thrjuuhhred Jersey bull, registered
ford, Moro; Georgle Hull, Wuinic; T. K.
Urauuaii, uow uanyon,
Bubscrlbe for The Chronicle,
ttock. For particulars apply at root
deuce on Tenth street, noar the fair
grounds. Phone 385. 3 lino
teso Cross Brand. Wo carry
tho saino brand of lloso that
tho Dalles City Kiro Depart
ment has been using for tho
last twenty years. . The Mal
tese Cross Brand is without,
doubt tho best grade of lloso
on tho market. Call and got
our prices before buying.
IWaieF & Benton
Sole Agents.