The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 23, 1899, Image 3

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We quote from our Ad. of Friday, May 18th.
''Keep your eye on this space for the coming week, as we'propose to give you
something novel for the boys in the way of Suits for their summer outing."
Our promises are not like pie crust easily broken. We have a novel scheme,
and to the average boy it reads like a fairy tale, for the thought of owning a real
Not a make shift or toy, without any effort or expense on his part, is sufficient
to cause any boy to use all his persuasive powers to induce his parents or guardian
to .clothe him in the best the land affords at the lowest possible price and have a
A Real Watch Thrown in.
which cannot fail to attract tourists to
this line as the one where grand ecenery
may be found.
A private letter received from Spokane
this morning tells of the death of Mrs.
Annie M. Funk at that, place Sunday
morning of cerebral meningitis. Dalles
people will remember Mrs. Funk 'as
beine the wife of one of the Funk Bros,
who were merchants in this city a few
years since, being proprietors of the
New York Cash store.- She had been ill
bat two weeks, the trouble beginning
with the ear drums and extending to
the brain. Her body was taken ' to
Weston for burial. Mrs. Funk was 24
yeais of age. With some who are n t
familiar with the names of the two
Mrs. Funk, there may be a question as
to which of the two ladies it is. She
w ill probably be remembered as the
tall brunette, the sister-in-law being
short and light complexioned. Her
friends here will learn of her death with
deep regret.
All Join Hl h the G. A. It, In
- mtmberlug Oar Dead Heroes.
SuitS in Vestee, Sailor or Double Breasted
For the little fellows we offer knee
styles at
$2 50, $3.00, $3.25, $3.50, $3.75 and $4.00.
For the boys who wear long trousers we offer a variety of styles at
$4.00, $4.50, $5.00, $5.50 ,$6.00, $6.50, $7.00 and $7.50
...PER SUBY...
"Watches will be seen in Furnishing' Goods Window.
We invite every boy to come in and examine these watches.
AH Goods Maiked
in Plain Figures.
Headqarters, J.W.Neemith Post, No 32
Department of OregonG. A. B.
The Dalles, Ore., May 23, 1899.
General Orders No. 1.
The neual memorial service on May
30 :h will be conducted by It hie post. All
mpmbers of the pest are expected to
aid as much as possible! that the day
may be suitably ob3erren, and nothing
left undone which may snow our respect
for, and remembrance of our comrades,
who are our advance guard in the silent
bivouac, to which we I are all on the
All citizens of The Dilles and vicinity
are requested to join in the exercises.
Friends . and relativefe of our gallant
young volunteers nofcv fighting under
the old flag, are especially invited to
take part with us, that their fallen
heroes be also fully remembered.
Members of the polt will meet in their
hall at 7 o'clock Snnflay evening, May
28th, and march to tiie Episcopal church
to attend services tftere. On May 30th
the post will assemble at 12:15 p. m.
sharp. All soldiers and sailors of 1861
to 1865; and all returned veterans of
the Spanish war, are invited to join us
in the march to the cemetery. ,
The Dalies Commercial. Club Concert
Co. "D" Third Regiment, O. N.G.,
Captain G. E. Bartell.
Jas. W. Nesmith Post and all veterans.
Womans Relief Corps.
Clergy and citizens in carriages.
R. L. Aiken,
J. G. Mkins, Sen. Vice Com.
, Adjutant.
dwelling place to return to..
When court opened this morning at
9 o'clock, J. S. Fisher, a German, re
siding at Hood River, was made a citi
zen of the United States, John Lentz
and Peter Kopke appearing as his
The petit jury was excused at noon
today until 9 o'clock tomorrow morning.
A "Divine" Tramp.
For Woodmen of the World Excursion.
We have heard of tramps, who being
left to finish a meal in the kitchen
while the housekeeper went about her
duties, were thoughtful enough to leave
on the plate a piece of paper on which
was written, "I thank you but yester
day was the first time our attention has
been called to one who was so unappre-
ciative as to help himself and then in
flict on his benefactors spring poetry
like the following:
An humble, way-worn tramp
Came along by Jones' camp,
And finding Jones not at borne,
Took possession all alone.
Feeling just a little hungry,
And, as usual out of money,
Helped himself to toast, eo fine.
And rested with contented mind.
If at home you do not stay, .
When again I come this way,
Be it clear or cloudy day,
I'll get my lunch without the pay.
The worst feature of the affair was
that we have since learned that the
aforesaid tramp was none other than
one of our prominent divines. This
tramp question is Eurely assuming a
serious aspect.
Try Yerta Buena Bitters, the best
tonic. For sale at all first-class bare.
C. J. Stubling, agent, . The Dalles.
The O. R. & N. C . ill make a round
trip rate tor the alwvr. excursion of $3.30
The Da'les to Portland and return, good
going on May 30; h. Tickets good for
return on all regular passengtr trains
unti' June 2nd. Jas Ireland,
m23 30 Agent.
By Attending the Reunion in 'Portland
This Month.'
The Dalles Daily Gftfoniele,
MAY 23, ISid
Telephone iVo. 1.
All Changes in Advertisements must
be handed in before io o'clock A. M., as
no changes will be accepted in the aft
ernoon. This rule will be positive.
The Dalles, January io, 1899.
The river has started again on her up
ward march. . '.
Soon we'll have to abbreviate the
year 1900, and some don't know how it
is going to be done. As usual, we sup
pose, using the last two figures '00, and
call "naughty-naught.'.',
A few days ago C. L. Phillips was so
unfortunate as to lose -a watch charm,
consisting of an Elk's tooth and other
emblems. - He would be very grateful if
the finder will return it to him and re
ceive a reward, as he values it highly.
At a special council meeting held last
evening, an ordinance was passed im--poBtng
a license on tent exhibitions,
including dog shows, horse shows and
theatrical performances.. -The license
was placed at $25 for each performance.
Tomorrow is the date set for the wool
growers' convention, which will convene
at 10 o'clock in the Commercial club
parlors. An interesting meeting is ex
pected as questions of utmost import
ance will be discussed. All should be
interested and attend. . .;.
E. Y. Jadd, of the Pendleton Woolen
Mills, is in town today, having arrived
on yesterday afternoon's train. J. M.
Russell is also among the wool buyers
in the city. -Very little wool has so far
changed bands, two clips of which we
bave heard going at 11 c?bt.
AEEiettd by the eociety, Mrs. Harris
is making speciif efforts to arrange an
exceptionally attractive program for the
"Evening with German Authors and
Composers," and some of the best vocal
ists in our city will sing familiar German
airs. Readings and tableaux will also
be given.
The bowlers of The Dalles club are
getting into ehape to meet the Astorians
next Friday. - The team is doing great
work and. taking . their scores against
Illihee as a guide, nobody will be sur
prised if some records aro smashed in
this contest. Oregonian. As a matter
of fact our team has ' been slack in
practicing ; but we'il get there just the
same. . . :
The O. R. & N. has offered a one-fare
round trip rate (which will be ninety
cents) to those who desire- to make - the
trip to Hood River next Sunday to wit
ness the ball game, provided thirty or
more persons take advantage of it. A
cir will be furnished to leave here on
the freight train, which is scheduled for
8:30 a. m., and returning leave Hood
River at 4:45.
.Among the brightest of Stanford's!
graduates this year will, be found a
Dalles boy, Forrest Fisher. Several of
his friends here have received invita
tions to be present at the commence
ment exercises which began on the 19th
and will end on Wednesday of this week.
Forrest has pursued his studies with an
energy, which if followed "in the after
pursuits of life will surely mean Bnccess.
The Rev. R. M. Hayes, - who has been
pastor of the Presbyterian church in La
Grande for the past five years, has ac
cepted a call from the. church' at The
Dalles. He and his family will move to
1 The -Dalles about June 1 Telegram.
This mast be another instance in which
The Dalles stands for Dallas. Perhaps
the Telegram realizes we are. in need of
all the ministers that can be obtained
and therefore sends ns another without
consulting uf. ; ;! k ....
The water commissioners met - in
special session last night and among
other things ordered that new water
mams be placed in as follows : From
the west intersection of Third and
Fourth streets' to Marden'a property, a
4-inch main. From the corner of Sixth
and Washington, a 4-inch main. A
committee was aleo appointed to ascer
tain the need of extending the main from
Second and. Taylor streets east about
350 feet. , : '
Two Castle Rock boys have struck a
plan for making money, which to them
seems a veritable Klondike; Two weeks
ago they started out from that place for
Umatilla, taking with them pack horses
and arming themselves with shovels and
necessary arms for subduing the wary
coyote. On reaching the end of their
journey they found they had captured
sixty-five coyotes, for which scalps they
will receive $2 a piece, so the boys con
sider their plan a paying one and in
tend to try again.
Invitations were today received by
Dalles friends to attend the marriage' of
Miss Rose Bloch and .Mr. Cecil Hyman
Bauer, which will take place in Portland
on Tuesday evening, June 6th, at 8
o'clock, in Temple Beth Israel. During
the few days which Miss Bloch spent in'
The Dalles last fall, she not only suc
ceeded in charming us with her beauti
ful voice, but her cheerful, social man
ner made for ber many friends, who will
join with her Portland friends in wish
ing her a happy married life. .
The D. P. & A. N. Co. has not only
been of inestimable benefit to The Dalles
and surrounding country in a direct way,
but - through the advertisement given
the line of steamers, the Colombia river
alley has also received much advertis
ing and benefit it would otherwise never
have obtained. The Chronicle job de
partment has just pi in ted a -pamphlet
descriptive of the .. scenery along - the
river, which, if we do say it ourselves,
is a piece of work any office of far better
facilities might well be proud to pat its
imprint on. '. It is. composed -of cats oi
all tbe beautiful spots along the river,
and descriptive matter is interspersed
with them. They make - very pretty
souvenirs, as well as an advertisement
Many Dalles people are anxious to
aid the monument fund, and the move
ment now in hand by the Woodmen is a
splendid opportunity for all to assist in
this grand work. . .
A reunion' has been arranged to be
held in Portland on Ma 30th and 31st
and June let and 2nd.. A fine program
has been planned for the 30tb, which
will be participated in by the G. A. R.,
O.-'N.' G., and in -fact everybody in
Portland. .-'; .'. .
On the 31st there will be exemplifica
tion of the amplified work of tbe order at
the tabernacle, and in the evening there
will be a memorial concert at the O. N
G. armory, also different addresses, in
cluding a memorial oration by Governor
Geer; admission 25 and 50 cents. On
June 1st and 2nd there will be enter
fainments given at Cordray's, to which
the admission will be 25, 50 and 75 cents.
Our people are to be given the best of
chances to attend these exercises, the
Dalles City having been engaged to take
an excursion to Portland on the 30th,
leaving here at 4 o'clock a.m. and ar
riving at 10:30, and the round trip will
cost but $2.
Bow They Are Courtlnfr.
If matters continue to be dispatched
with such rapidity as has already char
acterized them," this term of court will
surely be a short one. - Following are
some of the findings of the grand jury,
In the case of the State vs. J. Anbin,
charged with obtaining money under
false pretense, the grand jury found not
a true bill. This is the case where tbe
accused was said to have disposed of his
scrip in payment of witness fees in the
Brogan case, to two separate parties.
In tbe case charging R. Cbaviz with a
like offense, the finding was the came.
Not a true bill was also the finding of
the grand jury in the case of the State
vs. Wo. Dann, charged with feloniously
entering a dwelling on Snipes' place
twelve miles below ; the city- r .
, All of the defendants named were dis
charged from the custody of the county.
and Cbaviz and Anbin will return to
Antelope. As far as can be learned
Dann is a transient, having no particular
IJChase 1 5anborH
Chase SansorM
J Chase aJanborn 1
...jlierl Beaton.
Sole agents for this brand ot Coffee.
A Wonderful Discovery.
Well, I have been thinking of purchas
ing one for some time. Wife, don't let
me forget to call tomorrow at
170 Second Street, The Dalles.
The great Mexican hair vigor, manu
factured, by Mrs. Dora A. Dreyer, can
now be had in this city. Mrs. Dreyer is
prepared to treat all diseases of tie scalp,
and ladies wishing home treatment may
leave their address with Chas. Frazer.
Carmelite is on sale at Mr. Fraser's bar
ber shop and Blakeley & Houghton's
drug store. See display on Friday and
Saturday at Blakeley & Houehton'e
window . m4-lm
How About Your Title?
f RE YOU SURE it is all right ? Remember it is the
W RECORD that governs. It is our business to
I search the records and show what they contain in
relation to land titles. If you contemplate buying lain!
or loaning money on real estate seenrity, take no msn'a
word, but insist upon knowing what the record shows
regarding the title. An Abstract is as essential as a
deed. Insist on having it. We have the only set of
Abstract Books in the County. All work promptly ex
ecuted and satisfaction guaranteed. It you have prop
erty to insure, give ns a call. We are agents for four of
the best fire insurance companies in the world. If you
have property for sale, list it with us and we'll Suda
buyer. .......'."
J, M. Huntington &, Co.
Phone 81.
2d St., opposite A. M. Williams & Co.
For uniformity in baking, perfection in roasting, immensity
in water beating, greatness in fuel saving, simplicity of con
struction, ease of management, cleanliness in use, strength in
parts, certainty of no repair bills, make the best authoiities
unanimous in their declarations that the
Is the very best on earth. Sold exclusively by