The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 14, 1898, Image 4

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    .awttwi aiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiaiam.
Both the method and results when
Srrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
and refreshing to the taste, and acts
gently vet promptly on the Kidneys,
Xiver and Bowels, cleanses the sys-
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cares habitual
constipation. Syrap of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro- j
lnced, pleasing to the taste and ac- j
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
Its action and truly beneficial in its j
effects, prepared only from the most j
healthy and agreeable substances, its '
manv excellent qualities commend it '
to all and have made it the most
popular remedy known.
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50
cent bottles by all leading drug
gists. Any reliable druggist who
may not have it on hand will pro
cure it promptly for any one who
-wishes to try it. Do not accept any
U)uisui. nr. hew ronx. itr.
The Dalles Daily Chrniids.
L. Morie, of Hood Riv;r, is in the
W. M. Eadeo, of Long Creek, is at the
Umatilla House.
Mie; May Beali and Pearl Williams
returned to Portland by boat today.
Di. F. C. Brosias. of Hood River, ar
rived on the boat last evening for a short
I ft ST.
I Judge Mays returned from Portland
last evening, where he lias been for a
i few days.
Miss Etta Story left on last night'i
train for Olei, where she will spend a
week with Miss Lillian Saell.
Mrs. Minnie Gleason and her two
cnlldr-n returned to Portland today,
after spending a day or two with her
father, Win. Waggecinan.
Tuesday night Mra. Mark Long re
ceived news of the death of one of her
nicei in Gervais, Marion connty, and
left yesterday to be present at the fuu
eral. K. M. Ogden, agent for the Equitable
Life lusurance Compauy. arrived ic the
ciy lest evening and w ill spend a few
days attending to business connected
vmb his company.
Tlie Proportion Lai-Kent In the United
States end Smallest In Germany.
There are iu the United States, rough
ly speaking. school teachers,
sir.d of this r.vmber 120,009 are men and ,
2-J0.000 are women. In other words,!
Lhere are nearly twice as many female
sxa male teachers, and the disparity is ,
increasing year by year. According '
to the last cfSciuI census of Prussia,
"there were r.,000 school teachers in the.
ldngdom, of whom 0,000 were women
-r.nd 59,000 men. It is evident, therefore, i
that the Prussian preference is for male
teachers. In all Germany there are, (
including the government, church and
private schools. 13S.O0O teachers, and.
the number of pupils is nearly 10,000,
There are 140.COO teachers in,
France, of whom 05,030 are men and
Tli.OOO ere women, the number of each I
"being subject to about the same ratio'
of increase. There ure. it is supposed,
nbout 100,000 teachers in Great Britain,
but authentic figures are lacking,
irunlrul It:
IS a man does you an ill turn he will
never forgive you for it.
If a man re-leases a piece of property
Jie tabes a fresh grip on it.
Tf people didn't have hobbies the
irorld would soon cease to revolve.
If a roan once uses porous plasters he
is apt to become much attached to
i hem.
If hope assumes the guise of an cas
r Txmuet h springs eternal in the fe
inale breast.
If It is necessary to write to anyone
rou don't care two cent fo'r, use a postal
If we listen to the troubles of other
-people it sometimes makes us better
-satisfied with our own.
If two souli find Ihey ban. but a
single thought it is 'useless to waste
anytime contemplating matrimony.
11 a mn marries a womam because
be ltae more sense than he has, he is
juttcx allowed to lose aljrhtof the fact.
-rHlcMg Evefuajr Xaws.
rMei aad rarol mm U Mala A eo too 'a.
The CSory Told nnd Drtlrved In Aula
Minor nud Cpntrr.l Aiiin.
The Indian IMohainincfnns heard that
the caliph hed triumphed over the in
fidel and the new went to the heeds of
the Mohammedans of Delhi anil Oudh,!
just as r.ow it hat, pone to the heaths of,
the tribesmen of the frontier. In Loth;
it tirred them, rcraruless cf all;
consequences, to strike a n ow tor the,
faith. The descriptions that have been j
piven of the Greet- war to the frontiers-1
men are probably not unlike those of J
the Crimea that were piven all over the f
Mohammedan world. The sultan, it J
was said, was attacked by the Russian
does. Tot carina to dcircan himself
by Hphiinp them in person
his slaves, the French and
to drive them from his borders. This
act the sultan's Christian slaves faith-
fully performed and for their loyalty
he showed them some favor. But the
caliph, the shadow of God. not to the
tools he used, war- due to destruction of
the accursed Russians.
That was the story told throughout
Asia Miner. North Africa and Central ,
Asia, and piously believed. Doubtless
the Afridis and the men of all the val-
eys and desert from Quctta toClutral
hare heard similar extravaErniiees in re-.
irard to the Grtek campaicn. The
Greeks, they were doubtless told, are!
ns rnuen sironccr ana oraver man me;
Britis-h as the British are stronger and
braver than the IJencralese. yet these .
invincible warriors fled before the sul
tan. London Spectator.
The VIp DrnKRlat.
Youth I would er like a bottle of
some er pood hair restorer.
Druggist Want it for your mu?1
tacbe, I suppose?
"Er yes."
"I guess it's hair originator you
want." Chicago Evening News.
Drldesrrooiu Loses His ChoTvlnrr To.
lmcra nnd tiic iTrncbcr Proiits. j
The ministerial story teller was spin-
ning another yarn about his cxperi.
ences at otner people s vcoilizign. sr.ya
the Marquette (Mich.) Mining Journal.
"I think the largest lee I ever received,"
he said, "resulted from my receiving
the strangest one. My services were
secured to penorm me ceremony tor:
i jjuug tuiijnc oui ui luc nwiuuw iijxes instantly with cold water.
families of my parish. It was a church ' '
wedding and a very swell affair indeed.. Smoke the popular brands Prize
At the conclusion of the ceremony the! jiedai. Guarantee and Rose Qaeen
groom handed me a small envelope cigarc-laanufactured bv S. F. Fouts.
which I supposed contained my fee. i " it
Of course. 1 did not open it until I got j , ...
home. Imagine my surprise when I Dr- Shackelford has removed ins office
found, not money, but a liberal chew ofj to room 14, ogt block, over the post-fine-cut
tobacco. My good sense told j office. ml7 2ra
me that it was not intended as an in-1
suit, so I awaited developments. i La Plata Sheep Dip, uroven by every
"A fortnight later, when the newly- j test to be the best non-poisonous fluid
marneucoupie nau reiurneutromtneir,
wedding tour, the groom called on nc )
made explanations. It seems that he
was addicted to the use of tobacco and
had placed a little in an envelope for
his needs right after the ceremony. He
had placed my fee in a similar envelope
ind in the confusion of the ceremony
and the hasty start on his journey had
nixed the two. Ey way of reparation
3e then placed in my hand another en
velope containing $100."
Cain In loot Cbeck.
AH conntv warrants registered prior
to Jan. 3, 1S94, will be paid at my
nfficp. Tntpreat ceases after iflrch.
189S. C. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer.
PhygiciailS SLU(l SlU'eeOllS,
Bj)eclal atteatlon g'.vea to surjery.
Ko0I3S 2l and Tcl. vt Block
la curing torturing, disfigurifig,
awnlliatiag humors of the Skis
Scalp, aad Blood when all e!ss falls.
old Ihroajlwal the woild. Prlct, Ccticvu, 3ci
tOMT, 2Sci fiuoiTixT, Uk. and IL PontK Viva
AMD CZM.iL. Cotr tcl Prcpt tftO.
mr" How t Can Zitrj DJS-nri:: Ssr.rr,- fist.
xlt hJunuxsM. h wma u w rmk Vi.
i 1
Whn wmilr! flwsenhe onlv V
tonics and bitters for a weak, $
puny child ? Its muscles and
nerves are so thoroughly cx-
hattsted that they cannot be
whipped into activity. The
cnua needs looa ; a oiooa-
:car minseu.w , . ,,, .,..- JR
thellnplish.. and musck-buildtnj food.
A Qwfr'f''c FTlllllain
of Cod-Liver Oil is all of this,
and you Still have a tonic in S(
the hypophosphitcs of lime , -7 i '
ms. uyjwjuiBiimiM v new shapes and new materials, from
and soda to act with the food. poia to shell.
For thjn and delicate children Sj The latest and most popular combs
there is no remedy superior a are small, of shell amber, and hnnd
l 1, Um -n.T4 Tf m.,. somely decorated with finely cut steel.
to It in the world. It means Sorne;irnes the t.el is mt'rAv a nar.
growth- strength, plumpness 3 row band of steel ; again it is ara-
and Comfort to them. Be Sure j besque, or pointed, or rounded, or a se-
you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. ' rics of fleur-de-lis or clover leaves. The
t variety is limitless, and as they are ex
50c and ti.oo, -11 druggist. Wi pensive and not very easily copied in
crnTT A nnU"T fThimitt. Kw Vn.W Wl n tipnrt-r pnmK thpv nrf nnk!rlnrif1
E.erybody reads The Chkolxjce,
Try Scbllllnir". Best ca and 1.hII:is powjar
When yon smoke the Rose Q-ieen 5
cent cigar von get vour money's worth.
' tf
Postum Cerlal Food Coffee at Com
mission & Groretv Co.'s. If
DeWitt's Little Early Risers,
The frmou li t!c oill.
, . . . ,:n i.i.
i sweets, oranges and lemons at Commis
sion & Grocery Co.'s.
! Sheepmen, Attention:
Clarke & Falk have eecurod the
BRfncv for the La pata 5heep
dip m the world; guaranteed to cure
,tc,f wre tbroa,( Hce and hoof.rot.
! Ciarke & Falk, agents, The Dalles.
Sheepmen, call at Clarke & Falk'e
and get prices on the La Plata Sheep
Dip. It is non-poisonouB, mixes iu
ttautly with cold water, and it is an in
fallible cure for ecab, hoof rot, lice and
ticks. 1 tf
For Ie.
One lot, No. 7, block 7, Bigelow'e Ad
dition. Cheap for cash. Apply to or
address Mux. R J. Wilso.v,
mch30-lw Telephone 118.
n-m-Te PinpI-, PtTsit
BilionjnMs Ponfx theBlood,
Cure rUch nd Uhmd,,,
A mowmrat of the )oweli each day U
T- cr li "? wi" m" "mpl rr!. or foil mx for
c. ba.d br draiju. DR. B0SAMK0 CO. Phil. Pa.
Thousands of suffererj from grippe
have been restored to health by One
Minute Cough Cure. It quickly cures
coughs, colds, bronetiitic, pneumonia,
irritiDe. asthma, end all throat and Iude
' dieeabes. Snipee-Kinerely Drug Co.
Two lots, Nos. 11 and 12, in block 14,
Gates Addition, The Dalles, Oregon.
For particulars address the undersigned.
M. E. Fl'ilKMAEV,
19-4 w Box 176, Golduidale, Wash.
The Dalles. Or., April 8, '93.)
Notice is hereby (liven that the ap
proved tdat of survey of Township 12
South, Range 0 East of the Willamette
Meridian, Oregon, has been received at
this office biiI will be officially filed in
this ctllce on Saturdav, the 25t'h day of
May, 1893, at 10 o'clock a. m.
J.h F. Mooi:e, Register.
W. H. Uior.s, Recifiver.
"A word to the wise ie eutficitni" and
a word trom the wise should be suf
ficient, but you ask, who are the wise?
Those who know. The oft repeated ex
perience of trustworthy persons may be
taken for knowledge. Mr. W. M, Terry
eays Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
gives better satisfaction than any other
in the market. He has been in the drag
buaineet at Elklon, Ky., for twelve
years ; has sold hundreds of bottles of
this remedy and nearly all other cough
medicines manufactured, which shows
conclusively that Cbamberlsin's is the
most satisfactory to tbe people, and is
the best. For aale by Blakelsy &
Thcr Are Slmlc In CcHtlr Shell ami
Amber for Women of Wrnltti.
Despite the fact that small sldecombs
for the hnlr come in such cheap
imitations at present, and are so uni
versally worn as to be positively com
mon, they are an absolute necessity
for the prevailing mode of hnir dress
ing". It is impossible to maintain the
bread effect at the side, which is do
ricrucur to-dav without the aid of these
Hi ', combs, and though a fashionable wom
an cries out against a fashion which
can be so easily copied by her less fa
orcd sisters, from a money point of
view, she has no alternative but tone
, cept the si
l5t jnncccs-i
the side comb, though in such a
t sueh a price as to render
ible to the woman whose
pocket-book is not well filled.
The large jewelry stores, whose pa- j
trons are among the J-our Hundred,
have showcases filled with these beau-
tiful little combs, and importers and
manufacturers are constantly devising
j very chic.
I The matron or maiden possessing n
t stock of unset gems has her combs of
pold or silver set with precious stones.
and many women who art Known to be
the owners of beautiful jewe!s and who
w culd never be susppctt d r.f wearing an
imitation gem buy the ulmcst perfect
counterparts of their real grms, which
are shewn in the shops, in order to pre
serve thtir more expensive combs.
They urge in explanation that the
combs are so apt to fall out of the soft,
fluffy rolls of hair.
Archer combs just at present seem to
be more in favor than the darker shell,
especially for a woman with moder
atc'y.light or real blond hair. The most
up-to-date ones are studded with col
ored stones for evening wear, and if
carefully chosen to harmonize or con
trast with the color of the hair these
brilliant ornaments are very becom
ing. Chicago Tribune. Xot "Itnrelilt."
Those who have accepted the incon
sistant nam-- of Welsh rabbit for toasted
cheese on the assumption that it was a
corruption of Welsh "rarebit," will have
to reiise their view. According to a
writer in Mac.Miilan's Magazine. "Welsh
rabbi is a genuine slang term, belong
ing to a large group which describe in
the same humorous way the special dish
or product of a peculiar district. 1'or
example: An Essex lion is a calf;, a
Fieldane duel: is a baked sheep's head;
Glasgow magistrates, or Norfolk
capons, arc red herring; Irish apricots
or Mucster plums ure potatoes; Grave
send sweetmeats are shrimps."
Oli! SlniiK Revived.
Slang is sledom new. "Xot so worse"
flourished brirkly for a few months and
has already fallen into well-deserved
oblivion. Doubtless it seemed new for
a time. Vet a letter written by a bril
liant English magnzinist, Samuel Phil
lips, in 1S-1J. published for the first time
in Mrs. Oliphant's history of the house
of Blackwood, contains this sentence:
"One hundred pounds for a
tvork! Xot so worse!"
One Minute Cough Cure, cures
Thdt l what It vris m-de for.
At the Diamond Mills,
Good milling wheat. The hipbept price
paid. mcbl6-tf.
Harry Liebe,
Wa tchmaker4 Jeweler
All work promptly attended to,
and warranted.
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain. u kinds.
Headquarters for Bran Shorts, Tmltlu
Headquarters for "Byers1 Best" Pendle
ton PlOUP Th,B FJour " mnBfrtored txpretely for family
' ue: every Back it goaraateed to give eatiefactlon.
We tell our goods lower tbtn any boute Is tbe trade, and if you don't tuink to
call and get our price and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for What, Barlej and Oats.
and Farmers
Keep mi draught the celebrated
COU'MltlA HI.E'5, ncbtwul
rdced the beat tt-r In The Dalle?,
nt thi muni jirlcc. '"iimc In, try
lt ntiU be ro-vli.isil. Abo the
Kinot brand of Vlae, Liquors
imct Cisim.
of all Kl!i;H nluurg on hand.
Patronize the
All klniof work. White ih'rt n fportnlty.
Family work nt reJuceU r U". WitMi collrcled
and dellvcleJ free, Telephone No. till.
H. D. Parkins, Agt,
Dalles, Moi'O aoi Antelope
Through T SyHs!it
cud Cr5 HoUowh.
via Valley, Kent
C. M. WHITE LAW, Antrl,;.e.
Surcs leave The Dalle lroai Cnuitilla House
at 7 a. in., nlM from Antelope at 7:30 a. m. every
Monday, Wednesday and 1 rldnr. Connection at Antcloi for J'rkifvllle, Mitchell nnd
iKil:itfc beyond. Clow c niiectioun made at "I he
Dalles with railway, trnlnt mid boat'.
Slacc from Anteloiie reiicb The Duller. Tuev
days, Thurday and saturdcrt n". 1 :S) . in.
Dalles, to Deschutes II (
do Moro. . ... 1 50
do Grass Valley. 2 25
do Kent 3 00
do Cross Hnllowi. .. 4 AO
Antelope to Cross Hollows 1 AO
do Kent 2 10
do Grass Valley 3 CO
do Moro
do Desrhuecs
do Dalles 5 00
Regulator Line
Tie Dalles. Portland ni Astoria
Navigation Co.'
. j strs. Regulator Dalles City
The Dalles, Hood Klver, Cascade Locke and l'orl
land dally, -Te..t nuuday.
Are Ton going (
If so, tavc money nnd enjoy a txjntitiful tripos
tbe Columbia. The ue-t-bouud train arrives at
Tbe Dalles in ample- time for pusst-rims to tale
the steamer, arriving in Portland in time for the
outgoing riuuthern and Northern trnlns; East,
bound passengers arriving lu The Duties iu time
to take the East-bound train.
For further information upply to
J, N. HARNEY, Agent,
Oak etrovt Dock. Portland, Oregon,
Or V C. ALLAWAY, cien. Agt.,
The Dalles, Uregou
i u
i N
! S
i Pullman
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
!T. I' A Hi"
Through Tiekets
' VOliK
! For Information, time card, maps and tickets,
cal m or write to
W. C. AL1.AWAY. Agent.
Tbe Dallif , Oregon
A. D. CHAKLTOX. Aed. G. P. A.,
las. Jlorrlsoa Cor. Third, IVrtlHud Orecau
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
or THE
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave and are due to errtvc nt 1'ortlau
ress. baleui. Kose-
nr, AsuiHiiu, tac-
lid. Sac-1 1
6.00 I . J.. i Kt.nclgWi MojHvt.,
j 1j Atigelea.EI f'aso, j ':
1 I Sew orleatis and
l I East J ;
, ivueuur nuu itii nw
i f Via Wtwdburu for
i I Mt.Aucel, Bllrertcm,
. ini seio, aimvin- i
ville,iriugtteld aud g
' iNatrou J
17:30 A. M.
) stations
ud war)
:50 I. M
l.VDEl'ENDL'NTE PASSEXGEIt. Express train
Ju!lr (except Sunday).
1:50 p. is. tl.v. . Portland .. Ar. S i'-a. m
i 1'. ra. . ..Moiititiniie. .i.r. s ,hb,k
p. m.
tAr .in
4 a. ru
Daily. (Daily, ciccpt fcuudy.
Attached to all Through Trains.
Direct connection at ian J-ranclsco with Occi
dental aud Uriental and Paclflc lanll steuiusblp
lilies .'or JAPAN and CHINA. BallhiS dates oil
.ates htid tickets to Eastern points and Eu-
nn. Also JAPAN. CHINA.
HONOLl'LU alio
AL oTKALIA, can t obtained Iroia
J. 11. JCIP.KEAND, Ticket AfeuL
Through Ticket OBtcc, 1SJ Third stmt, where
through tickets to all points 111 tbe Eastern
states, Canada and Europe can be obtained at
lowest rates trom
J. II. KIKKLAND, Ticket Aircnt.
AH above train arrive nt and depart lri
Grand Central btatlon, KHth and Irving streets
Passenger Depot, loot of JcHcrsoii street,
Leave for OSWEGO, dally, except Suuday, at
.Mb. in.; 12:80, 1;55, 6:1S, C:".J, "iM p. n.
fand ll:.n) p. m. on Saturday only, aud 9 00 a. in
and 3:30 p. m. oti Bundaya only). Arrive at
Portland dally at CM0 and b;30 a in., uudl:.
4:16, c:i aud 7:55 p. ra., (and 10:05 a. in , 3
a:iu p. m. on butidaya only;.
U-avc for Sheridan, week day, tl:30p. to
Arrive ut Portland, j:30 a. iu.
Leave for AIKLIE on Monday, Wednesday and
Kri'lav nt 9:40 a. in Arrive at Portland, Tue-
dor, Thursday nud Snturda) it 3:05 p. in.
'Except Sunday. Except Saturday,
(i, H.
Asst. G,
V. cV Pats. Ast
18 a 1Tck. 186 Paper a Year
It Hande flrtt aiuong weekly" i8Je
in eise, frequency of publication
freebnest, variety and reliability of cor.
tente. It ie practically a daily Rt the low
price o a weekly ; and its vaet net oi
BubBcribera, extending to every state ana
territory of tbe Union and foreign coon
triee, will voucb for the accuracy ana
fairnees of iti new colunma.
It it splendidly illustrated, aud among
iti special features are a tine liuiuor
page, exhaustive market reports, all tue
latest fashion for women and a on
series of stories by the greatest liwng
American and English authors,
AutfauDjr Mo, r Hart,
rss4r Mattkwf. Ktc.
We offer this anequaled newspaper and
The Dalle. Twice-a-Week C hronfcto o
gether one year for 0. The rexUlM
price of the two papers i 3.W,