The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 12, 1898, Image 3

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    Clearance Sale
'Very Much to tho Good.'
...reseept Bieyeles...
3 Big D.rives--3.
1898 Models are now ready for inspection.
Prices from $27.50 to $50.00.
One '1)5 Ladies' Cleve
land Wheel
Two '97 Eagle Wheels
One '90 Cleveland
Gent's Wheel
Lot No. i.
Twmtv-five pieces lj.j-inch, Fine Cambric; all new
patterns and fast edges; per yard 05c
New Ideas at every point.
The Wheel that sells at an honest price.
Lonsdale Muslin
For this week only, at 6
The Dalles Daily GtiFonieie.
18i)S ,
Girl n anted to work at
Wheels for rent at Leo
Kuropean I
Sclmnno'B old
The weather f jrecast for tonight and
Sunday i? rain and cooler.
Leave your orders for dressed chickens
at Dalles Commission Co. tnlO-tf
Scow load of drv Fir Wood just le-
wived a Maier it Benton's. tf
lioe Grimes shipped fifty head of hogs
to the t'nion Meat Co. today.
When you smoke the Hose Queen 5-
cent cigar vou j,et your money 't wort!).
The new Spanish minister to Wash-:
ill trv n nvniy
- i
There have bee n no v.icant houses
rent in .Moro, fchermuu county, lor tie
eral months.
I'eople w ho migrate in"prairie schoo
wi" are begnuing to pass through Moio
id Sherman couutv.
rive carloads of line beef cattle werti I
blri.fcd thiB week by W. Woods, of Bo
ker City, to the Portland yatds.
The United States has purchased the j
to warships now being built in Eng
land fur the Jiranliau government.
The Hmtkey Choynskl figiit which
came oil In Shu Krancisco last night. was
declared a draw in the eighth round.
Sharkey fuught foul.
There was quite a lot of sorghum
uletd near Oakview, in Luiu county,
list year, und several hundred dollars
"orth ol mini wuh niuih.
An ellort is being made to organize aX
lastball lengue in Kat-tern Oregon tiutt 1:1
"l include clubs from Raker Cit , Lif
Grande, Pundleton and Walla Walhi
Hirue Chicago minstrels are on their
"y to Duttsou Git v. in tho hope of
Hiking money by the barrel during th
tarntm.. 1... ! ! .1 . . 1 . 1 . 'J? me miners
TI.I8 mornin, an ,,BM cannon
pwd through the city on the freight.
" aB OU Its Wliv tn Knrl'llH. mill
" ' - - -
HI be a vhI,iu .u! i .i
There u! i . i . .i n I
f 'I'tiq Will ho nn curi'iruiu f thu f;nrhn
He .lir,.i.
fttat linu . .
11 rt ul MT i" "m". "l Ki.';Kt"
tomormu. . ' ,m,ut
"une preparing your gardens, re
ioter Mrs. A. O. Stubllng A Sou have
y roses, hardy plants and ehrub
2'h whTeli will add greatly to the ap
tnce of your home. m8 dlw-wlm
0er 150 guests were present at the
jter entertainment last evening.
"e program, consisted cf songs, red
"ooi and music, was rendered, two
who severed their connection
in, ..
Lot No. 2.
Twenty-five pieces 3'-inch Cambric Kmbroidencs ;
all different patterns? per yard 10c
Lot No.
Twenty-five pieces 5-inrh Cambric Embroideries;
beautiful pattern"; uood strong edges ; per yard 12J.c
w ith George's mitiBtrels, at 1 his place,
aiding. A splendid lunch, consisting of
cofTee, cake, sandwiches and other deli
casiee, was set, after which dancing was
indulged in until the early hour of
I All who take part in King Holabahoo-
j ia 11 ar requesteu to meet at ?cnanno s
hall this evening at 0 o'cJock, us Prof.
t Birgfeld will be present and wishes to
I full v arrange the musical part of the per-
Keep in mind the musical by Miss
Dorottiea Eliot and Miss Harriet Stev-
j ens nt the K. of P. hall Wednesday
j livening. This will probably be the
.last time Dalles people will have an
opportunity to hear Miss Kliot.
The Democrats. Silver Republicans
and PonulistB are holding their primai
lies at the usual place this afternoon.
We could not giie the names of the del
egates to the convention today, as the !
voting had not been concluded ut the
ti,,lt; of t0 ',rt'68
Today eighty-one head
one head oi une ueei
cattle, which
will average about 1200
pounds were delivered at the stock-,
, yards by Wihiam Davis and John West
of Wapinitia. The cattle are stall-fed
and as fine a bunch of cattle as anyone ,
could desire. They were purchased by
i Hoe Grimes for the Union Meat Co. of
! Portland. The price paid for them was ,
about four cents per pound, which will
j amount to a handsome sum. 1
I Rehearsals for the original musical
frttce comedy, "King Hallabohoola II,"
are progressing in good shape, and will !
be put on tho boards imuiediatelv after i
' I
.1... 1 ......... ..,..,.,. All it,., l.nva ri.
'taking a great deal of interest in the I
! m-rformance. and a marked improve- ;
n.ent can be teen at everv rehearsal. The I
performance is strictly original through-!
out, being dillerant in every respect '
fm, H.,, that has ever been put '
on in our city.
The Wimjuatt Literary Society in
connection with the High school, helii
an election of olllcers last evening in the
school building, with the following re
sult: President, Josio Jenkins; vice
president, Rudy (jtadlebaugh ; secretary,
I Clarence Gilbert. Jhe society paper
,"cu.u""t'1' J .
ii ftur .
rcnU 'iifnT'trnnin er 01 reciiauons 1
icmi ii..
, , ere rendered.
1( 1
KM f n . l.i,. a, 1 it 1 i II U U' II IID
' 1. ! I.. ... .... J Z
profitably, spent by every one
seventy-three members present.
i ...
rtriiiiniiii v. nnriiL l- uvii
Thursday Clarence Conklin, a younz
mini who was working at the Keiiy place ,
on l5.Mile, was kicked In the abdomen ;
.... i w '
,v )JOrfco and IiijureU severely. ies-
May ho was brought to the city ami ut. ;
1 Hollister called to attend the patient, ;
when it was found that ho had received j
Lerlous iiitemal injuries. Inflammation
of tho bowels has set In and tho case is
h vnrv serious one. Conkliti Is a young
man,' being about 23 yenrs of oge. and aeuto out :
he was robut and healthy, no win, in
all probability, recover.
To Cure Void in One ""X'
Take Laxative Jlromo Quinine Tab
lets. All druggists refund the money If
they fail to cure. 25c,
1-4C per yard.
Au lntt-rrstlng Letter Krmn .Ion.
Concerning .Mine, Ktc.
The following letter to Fletch Faulk
ner is from Joseph A. Wilson, who went
to Klondike with Will Langille when
the rush first began. Although it is of
, rather a private nature, still it contains
I many points of interest which Mr.
i Faulkner gives us permission to pub
Dawson, Nohthwkst Tekiutouy,)
January, 29, 189S. )"
F. Faulkneh, The Dalles, Or. :
Dear Snt: Have delayed writing in
i the hope that I could give you some
' ripfllliil ! nfnrmu t mil fnnr(irnintf fdanur
j, Unti, ,BBt fa creek clal71IS were
, ,-,00 feet and from rim to rim, and bench
! cajmB are joo feet. Now we have creek
ca:)S oqo feet, with half or everv odd
hundred reserved for the queen; bench
claims same as formerly. Each person
is limited to four claims. There is
hope i?) that the law will be changed.
That is what I have been waiting for;
but the Canadian mail has not arrived.
As a result of the present law everyone !
is staking all the claims they can, and j
are in hopes of selling out and getting'
out of the country. Recording fee for j
location is $15, and ai the end of a year
you must pay $100 to record again, and
in addition do three months work on
each claim. Assessment work now costs '
$1000 per claim.
Everything good, bad or worthless
within sixty miles ol here is located.
.uu.auu guuu-e. Kuuu , x-1
"lza po"-' : "ear creeK is gout, ue- j
!,.... VI. . IT.... I...- ....... I. io t
Mow iciuriu uuicu : iiuiiKer ureeii is
tun jv.iuiin luiuu . iiuiiaci Liven id i
spotted. There are practically no other
c" - eks that are at all developed except
Dominion, and that only on a lew claims,
Some of them are good. Dominion is
from Dawson. What I
0" b' epoUnd is that one claim is
. l 1 .1... .!!:..: 1..!
guuu mm iu aujummg Claim UM..iCOr. ,
I ouiuu inn ui jcucco iu iuji uui yiuu,-
f 000, and the next one to it will not pay
I working expenses.
Wages ur'i down 10 $1 per hour in
' ...... . I...... .iM I. ........ ..Ml ..n. (.fr tflllfl
most cases ; enly u lew are paying if 1 .uo
and $1,00. If 40,000 people come in
here next summer, wages will be down
toliftvcents.or less, per hour, and as
most everything costs about live times
. . . ..
nifiHt evervthliiL' costs about liv
as much here as outside, you will read-
that no one need come here look-
mg for work unless supplies are teuueed
In price, and, in my opinion, that is not ,
eveu probable. Not less than 1000 peo-1
,,0 mvo either gone outside or down
the river to Fort Yukon, where they
. . ....... . ........
coll(1 KOt gruh. J-ort i ukon is ,
,UeB from Dawson. Had they not
g0ne from hare, there would have been
someone hungry
before now. I will
quote you some store and other prices.
When the prices paid are above store
figures you caji easily tell that the stores
Flour, per sack $0 00 $100 00
Rice, per pound 25 1 00
Sugar, pound 'M 75
liacon, pound 40 1 00
Milk, per can 50 1 00
Dried fruits, pound,,.. 30 1 25
Other goods are in proportion. Reef
One '95 Eagle Cent's fcflfl
Wheel ?UU
One '97 Boy's Eagle rtnD
Wheel..... MO
One '97 Girl's Eagle &W
Wheel PUU
In order to make room for
our new slock, we are mak
ing the above
Low Prices.
and mutton $1 to $1.50 per pound;
moose and carabou, ditto.
And now I come to an eye opener:
Ten-quart pails, $7; sheet-iron camp
stoves, $50. Other things in that line,
ditto. Stove-pipe was $2 per joint while
it lasted. There is only one tin shop
here, and they sold 8000 joints of pipe,
and stoves in proportion. There etock
is exhausted. One of the firm went
outside to get stock. The Alaska Com
mercial Co. and the North American
Transportation & Trading Co. bring in
stock, but not enough to supply the de
mand. A tin Etore here would pay as
well as an Eldorado mine; but who
knows how many will be here within
six months.
Last summer packing cost 14 cent per
pound from Dyea to Lake Linderman
until the rush came; then it got up to
48 cent per pound.
Winter is the time to get ovsr to the
lakes from Dyea and Skagway. The
Skagway trail was forty miles of mud
last August. Dyea is much better in
summer and Skagway is the better in
winter. The White Pass on Skagway
jraj jg joqq re(J lower than the Chilcoot
It cos(, t0 iiveatthe restaurants. Fob
owin, jH tho b o faro t the Roval
KeBtttllrttnt . Co.reo or ,ea. r)0 ,.enta " -
be(jf 75 et9 piir cup . Uonpb-
.,, -r ... ...... ?r.
. ... ..,... .... 7s. ,.. .. .,..
1 1 lp. iiri uniri . 1 j 1 rr . I'M lib. 1 it 1 i:iil .
stewed fruit, 75 cts. ; hot cakes, $1.25 :
. . m , , ... rf)
,,oston hake(, bean?i $irj0. Hi,r,j:IlliS(
03. Btowed corn , 51 .r,0 ; soup (as it is),
n ; ,, ., Vil,. ...(.
seems to be some gold most everywhere,
and very rich in places. One man guts
rich and one hundred go broke. It is
like every other mining camp I have
ever known, except the country In cold.
Not this winter; but tho "oldest inhah-
itant t(;Ue ()(J th,8
the mildest win
ter ho ever saw. Latter part of Novem
ber, in the thirties; December 1st, 4S
below (coldest this season); only twice
below Ii0 since that date, then only fur a
Two blacksmith hhops here, and noth
ing to dc now. Running sleds in early
winter and rustling picks in summer In
their chief business, There are only a
few horses hero and it costs $15 to get
one shod. It costs $5 per hour for team
xi, district judge is hung up (no dogs
to .r,, tU) muil and mounted nol ice1
above here. Dame Rumor
H4ys t,at no one except it licensed pnu
J '
titlonur can appear as counsel. Like
Crosse & Rlackwcll, Englishmen seem
to have a monopoly In their line.
We have had no mail service since thu
middle of October, and then n private
party brought 4000 letters, but carried
no papers. Day, the U. S. mail carrier
to Circle City, threw up his contract,
Wo are not in Alaska by about eighty
miles as the river runs.
There are many chances here for one
to made money, provided he lias a con
science pliable to every touch of interest.
Johki'ii A. Vuno..
m r i i
J Bicycles oieaneu
and Repaired.
Wo have strictly First-Class
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood.
To "be sold at the Lowest Market Kates.
Phone 25.
Financial Statement of School District
No. 13, lor the Year.
The following report for school dis
trict No. 12 has been handed ua for pub
lication today bv George P. Morgan,
school clerk :
Whole amount nf school funds in the
hands of the district clerk at hegin
ntiiK of school year, March 1, 181(7 . . . .TO !K)
Amount received on (list, tax account
during year C.10S 12
Amount of money receivt'il of county
treasurer Irom county tchool fu:.d
ilti-lm. vph. 2,997 50
Amount received from county treasurer
Hum niuiiiimcnt of stale school
fund during year 1, ail 3d
Amount received by ruto bills during
year fi03 SO
Amount of school funds received from
all other sources during the year .... 55 20
Total amt. received during year . .
?ll,ti01 SJi
Amount paid out for leaelierH' wages
diulligyear I 7,950 00
Amount paid for rent cf school rooms
uutiug year ... 928 27
Amount paid out during year for re
pairs on schoolhouses and piemlses 271! 18
Amount pMid out during year for pur
chase of school furnl'uro 19 25
Amount paH for fuel and other net es
sary Incidentals during year .. 250 liO
Amount paid for district clerk's serv
ices duriiiu' year 350 00
Amount paid for Janitors, ele .. 7:1100
Amount paid for Insuraiicediiring year 120 00
Amount paid out for all other school
purposes during year Is2 05
Cash on hand in thodlstriet treasury at
end of school year, Peb. 2S, ls'.W. . 521 511
Total !1,(V,1 8S
District No. 12 was bunded during tho
year for $20,000 to take up tho floating
debt of thu dlstiict and to build a school
hoiiso. This money has been left in the
hfuidB of the county treasurer, to bo
drawn as needed. Warrants and inter
est amounting to $0974 !!5 have been paid
by the .treasurer, and tho following
amounts draswi on the building fund,
October 12, 1MI7
October 12, 1MI7
lieeember 7, 1YJ7
. :i,70S t7
. . ;l,('O0 (H)
1,0110 00
.Mis. Cray's note and Interest
VV, It, llrown, contracts and material
f 10,70.1 S7
3,070 00
(illfi 87
:i5 oo
2,1(18 87
71 liO
C. J. (.'moduli, on account
Hum ll t Kocber ....
Ijibor ...
Veiilllaling and healing apparatus, ',
Sylvester i: Flench
llalancu on hand, IVb. 2S, ib'.is ...
710 OCi
no 2o
Il.'.'OS 97
110,708 87
I'm f. limit, Optician.
The testing of eyes is not a matter of
guess work, nor by far only a matter of
trying on a pair of ready made glasses.
It is a science governed by principles
and conditions, which none hut a person
who has studied thu anatomy of the nyu
can understand. Prof. P. G. Dout un
derstands his business thoroughly. Call
and be convinced. He also does all
kinds of watch and jowelry repairing,
and will clean your Jtiwolry while you
wait. Two doors west of Keller's bake
ry. Yours to serve,
Dour Oituul A Jkwuliiv Co.
Whooping cough is thu most distress
inguiAlady; hut its duration can he cut
short by the use of One Minute Cough
Cure, which is also thu best known
remedy for croup and all lung and bron
chial trouble.
J. T. Peters & Co,
Ilest of All.
To cleanse the system in a gentle and
truly beneficial manner, when the?
springtime comes, use the true and per
fect remedy, Syrup of Figs. Buy the
genuine. Manufactured by the Califor
nia Fig Syrup Co., only, and for sale by
all druggists, at 50 cents per bottle.
IWano Tuning.
W. S. Geary, tho well-known piano
tuner, is In the city and will call upon
his customers. No other piano tuner
has authority to UBe his name in any
way. Orders left at either music store
will receive prompt attention.
Tallin anil Itiib Koyn--Cans fur tho Lltr
tie FolkH.
We call especial attention to some cs-
I trnnritintirv vnltioa in imiib nrn
being oil'ered to make imniudiate icora
for new goods :
Leather tains, soft crown, worth
75 cts., reduced to 23 cts.
Leather tarns, hooped crown,
worth 85 cents, reduced to 25 ctB.
Rob Roy, in crash or velvet, trim
med in feathers and ornaments,
worth 50 cts. and 75 cts., are be
ing oil'ered nt 25 cts.
Other styles, values from 20 cts, to $1,
are being closed out at 10 cts., 15 cts.
and 25 cts.
A. M. Williams & Co.
An Interesting Story is attrnctivout
all limes. No one can itllbid to let thu
evenings at homo be spent without good
reading matter in these days when good
books cost so little. Our stock ollern
sninn vnrv attractive, up-to-date and
standard literature which will intciest
I. G. Nickelscn
Book & music Company.
S E 22 13
A splendid assortment of Vege
table, Harden mid (iiass heeds in
Hulk. Keed Wheat, .Seed Oals,
Seed Hurley, Keed Heed liyo.
Oil Meal Cuko and Fertilizers,
lieu BlliiplleH, ICarly Itoso Pota
toes. Uleveu kinds ol llrst class
Keed Com, I'nullry and ICggs
bought and sold at
rhcup rash llroeery and Keed
Mime, Second and i'niou HU.