The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 09, 1898, Image 4

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Tbt Dalles Daily ChroI.
Both the method and Tcaults when
Syrup of Figs is taken; it is pleasant
nnd refreshing to the taste, and acta
gently yet promptly on the Kidneys,
Liver and Bowels, cleanses the sys
tem effectually, dispels colds, head
aches and fevers and cures habitual
constipation. Syrnp of Figs is the
only remedy of its kind ever pro
duced, pleasing to the taste and ac
ceptable to the stomach, prompt in
its action and trulv beneficial in its
effects, pronared only from the most
healthy and agreeabloBubstances, its These Pills are easy in action and are
many excellent qualities commend it particularly effective in the cure of.Con
to all and have made it the most stipation and Sick Headache. For M:
popular remedy known. laria and Liver troubles they have been
Syrup of Figs is for sale in 50 J proved invaluable. They are guaranteed
cent bottles by all leading drug- to be perfectly free from every deleter
gists. Any reliable druggist who ( ious substance and to be purely vegeta
may not have it on hand will pro- j ble. They do not weaken by their
uiuu ii prumpuy iui uii uuu uu
wishes to try it. Do not accept any
"Miss Bess Isenberg. the Victor school
mistress, is in the city today.
J. T. Neff, a member of the county
school board, is up from Hood River.
Mr., Sam Herren of Portland Was in
the city yesterday visiting old friends.
D. S. Van Hoy and son, merchants of
Goldeudale, are in The Dalles on busi
ness todav.
.Fred H. Shoemaker, an enterprising
young business man of Pendleton, is in
the city today.
Itache Fargher, the enterprising sheep
nd srrain raiser of Nansene neighbor
hood, is in the city.
C. G. Hickok and wife, formerly of
Cascade Locks, who at present live in
Portland, are in the city today meeting,
old friends.
Eobert Mays, jr., and wife left this
morning for their home at Antelope,
after a ten-days visit with relatives here
and in Portland.
Attorney Chester V. Dolph of Port
land, son of the late Senator Dolph, was
irtlie city yesterday, returning home on
ilie morning train today. 11
In this city, on Tuesday, Feb. 8th, to
the wife of J. Fortin, a son.
Came to my place Janvary 2,3d, a dark
bay mare, about 15 hands high, white
spot in face, one white1 hind'foot ; brand
ed A on left shoulder; shoe on left front
foot. Owner can have same by
.all charges.
ieb4 lm
T. Reynolds,
The Dalles, Or.
Trjops fur the North.
"Washington, Feb. 8. At a cabinet
meeting today it was decided to send
two companies of troopj to Dyea and
kaguav immediately for the purpose of
preserving order and protecting life and
To I'.ecelve l'rtnce Henry.
Tekino, Feb. 8. The teung-li-yamen
lias instructed the viceroy of Nanking to
receive Prince Henry of Prussia upon
the latter'e arrival at Shanghai.
You can't cure consumption but you
can avoid it and euro any other form of
tlirmt or lung trouble by the use of One
Minute Cough Cure. It cures quickly.
That's what you want. Snipes-Kiuers-ly
Drug Co.
Cuili In Your Check.
All eountv warrants registered prior
to Nov. 13, 1893, will be paid at my
otlice. Interest ceases after Jan. 15th,
1898. 0. L. Phillips,
County Treasurer.
Hn Itnlinla Hlrlko.
Nkw Yojik, Feb. 8. The first outbreak
of the rebellion in Nicaragua took place
today at Sail Juan del Sur.
CmUmiMM. cli- box t druwl
(tempi tree, addr Br. Ignu
:ltor br null
Co. roil, fa.
Ottico ovei Flnt Sit, liiuk. '
The Hurprlic of All.
Mr- James Jones, of the drug firm of
Jones & Son, Cowden, III., speaking of
Dr, King's Mew Discovery, says that last
winter his wife was attacked with La
Grippe, and her case prew eo serious
that physicians ot Covvden ami Pana
I could do nothing for her. It seemed to
Idqvelop into Hasty Consumption. Hav
ing Dr. Klnp's Now Discovery in store,
and sellini; lots of it, liu took a bottle
i home, and to the Mirprise of nil she be
I gan to get better from ilrst dose, and
j half dozen dollar bottles cured liar sound
and well. Dr. King's New Discovery
(or Consumption, Coughs mid Colds is
guaranteed to do this good work. Try it.
Free trial bottles at Dhikeley fe Hous
ton's drug store. 4
Three resolutions favorable to Cuban
independence were introduced in the
senate yesterday.
The covernment hns decided to send
two companies of infantry to Alaska to
preserve the peace and protect life and
property in the vicinity of Dyea and
Freu ruin
Send your address to H., E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a free sample
bs of Dr. King's New Life Pills. A
' trial will convince vou of their merits.
acuun, uiu oy giving, lone 10 sioinacn
and bowels greatly invigorate the sys
tem. 'Kegukir size 2oc. per box. Sold
by Blakeley & Houghton Druggists. (4)
Cliiiiulierltitn'a Coufli Itemed)'
Prove- IClleeUiul.
There are no better medicines on the
market than Chamberlain's. We have
used the Cough Remedy when all others
failed, and in every instance it proved
effectual. Almost daily we hear the
virtues of Chamberlain's remedies ex
tolled by those who have used them.
This is not an empty puff, paid for at so
much n line, but is voluntarily given in
good faith, in the hope chat suffering
humanity may try these remedies and,
like the writer, be benefited. From the
Glenville V'W. Va.) Pathfinder. For sale
by Blukeley & Houghton.
In a recent letter from Washington,
D. C, to an old friend, Major, G. A.
Studer, for twenty years United States
Consul at Singapore, says : "While at
Des Moines I becamo acqainted with u
linimeut known as Chamberlain's Pain
Balm, which I found excellent against
rheumatism as well as against soreness
of the throat and chest (giving me much
easier breathing. I had a touch of pneu
monia early this week, and two applica
tions' freely applied to the throat and
chest relieved me of it at once. I would
not be without it for anything." For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton.
Spray Your Trees.
All persons having fruit trees which
are infested with San Jose scale are ,
hereby notified to spray the same with
a solution of lime, sulphur an 1 salt with
in sixty days after tho date of this notice.
Emile Sciianno.
Commissioner for the fourth district.
A cough which seems to hang
on in spite of all the remedies which
you have applied certainly needs
energetic and sensible treatment.
For twenty-five years that stand
ard preparation of cod-liver oil,
has proved its effectiveness in cur
ing1 the trying affeotions of the
throat and lungs, and this is the
reason why; the cod-liver oil, par-1
tially digested, strengthens and
vitalizes the whole sys
tem; the hypophosphites
act as a tonic to the
mind and nerves, and the
glycerine soothes and
heals the irritation Can
you think of any combi-,
nation so effective as this? .
De mre you get SCOTT'S Emulsion. Sm that th
Cam and Cth arc on the wrapper.
oc. and 9i.oo, all druggiiti.
SCOTT & BOWNE, Chtmhu, Ntw York.
Physicians and Surgeons,
Special attention glvn to kurjrery.
Rooms 31 and 22, Tel. &M. 'Voxt lilock
The Young Man Thought She Wm i
He was very busy, no doubt, ponder
ing some deep subject. IlentrodiMiJonp
with his lint well over h's brow' and bin
eyes llxed upon the ground. He had
been accosted several times in the bloc!;
bv borgnrs nnd had his train nf thought
Interrupted by stopping1 tc lling them
a coin.
He wns vaguely aware that n figure
had stopped in front of him nnd he said,
rather testily:
"1 haven't any change."
The gasp of breath which caused him
to look up produced an exclamation
from his lordship. Standing before him
was n fairer vision than is usually be
held in Wall street. She was a very
charniiuc yountr woman, wenrinsr the'
very choicest of grass-cloth gowns,
under which gleamed n dark-ros:- silk.
She held her pretty parasol well away
from her fnce as she looked haughtily
nt him, and her cheeks grew crimson
under her veil, until they rivaled the
American Beauty rose she wore at her
He tried to apologize, but before he
could summon the proper words she
turned to u man near, who looked as if
ho would be willlnp to spend his life in
her service, and asked him the way to
her lawyer's oflice. She evidently wns
in n. part of New York new to her, and
there was not a messenger boy or po
liceman in sight.
With a glance of triumph at. the first
one he gave her thoneeessnry directions,
prolonging them as much as he dared
that he might look intc the beautiful
eyes upturned to his own.
He raised his hat when she said, with
a bewitching smile: "Thank you so
much," and disappeared in the crowd.
"Better look before you speak, old
fellow," he said to the other one.
They were both en route to the law
yers' club for luncheon, dnd though it
cost him a couple of bottles of wine to
keep the story quiet, it got out some
how, and one only bns to say, in a high,
mock feminine voice: "Kind rir, can
you tell me the wny " to tease that ris
ing younpr lavVvcr, who has mentally
i vowed to yean very carefully every on-
who approaches him in future before j
he takes it for granted ii is a beggar.
N. Y. Telegram.
The I.lttlo Man's Name Wus Not Itunilio,
Nor Did Ilo Hull from Sandusky.
All the passengers in tiie car noticed
that the big man on the left of the rear
door was looking fixedly at the hnir.ll
mnn opposite, and by and by the small
man himself noticed the same thing.
After an embarrassing interval of three
minutes he observed:
"Well, what is it?"
"Excuse me, sir," replied the big man;
"but your face seems familiar."
"Though I can't place it."
"Is vour name Rambo?"
"No, sir."
"I thought it was. Didn't you used
to live in Sandusky, O.?"
"No, sir; never was in Sandusky in
my life."
"Wasn't there in 1S90, eh?"
"No, sir."
'That's queer. Just the minute I got
sight of you 1 was sure you was Rambo,
of Sandusloy. H you are "
"But I'm not!" interrupted the small
man. "I never heard of Rambo and was
never in Sandusky.
"Woll, that settles it, I suppose," said
the big man, a., he looked out of the
window aud back again; "but if you
hadn't said so I should have continued
to think you were the man."
"And what of it?" retorted the fiinall
man, flushing up over it.
"Oh, nothing much. Tie eloped with
my wife from Sandusky in 1890, and I
heard they were living in Detroit. If
you were Iiambo I was going to ask
"If you'll get off the car I'll lick you
and Itambo and Dambo nnd Hoodoo
and all the rest of the gang put to
gether!" shouted the small man, as he
got, up and went out.
"No oh, no!" replied the big man.
"No, there is no call to fight. If you
are not Ilnmbo, I beg your pardon.
Your face had a familiar look, and I just
thought I'd ask if"
Hut the small man hopped off the car
nnd went his way, and the big man
heaved a sigh nnd looked ar.ound and
"I'm sorry I offended him, but 1
thought it was Itambo, and was going to
ask if Maria nnd had her teeth fixed and
her eyes straightened." Detroit Free
Had a bar cm tie Tongue. ,
Dr. l'arr had the largest notion
of hl own skill at whist and
tho smallest tolerance for a poor
opponent. A lady onco asked him
nt a card party how he fared.
"Prutty well, inadame," was the pleas
ing reply, which lie made loud enough
for his partner to hear, "considering
that I have three adversaries." On.un
otlier occasion ho was playing with Dr.
Warner, the rector of Uath, who hazard
ed n finesse which did not come off. In
a moment Pnrr unfilled upon him:
uu;k, saiu ne, -you nave an the oun-, enrd, Al. .Megnln said he presumed It
nlqg of a Uath sharper without Ids I was tome dog fancier, lie was greatly
skill." Tho next hand which Warner j surprised to see a lady come In, accoiu
held was a fine one, aud Parr's features imnied bv a hnndsome collie.
lussumeu meir natural placidity, in a
tone of condescension he drawled out,
with his usual lisp: "I acquit you of
trickery, Richard; would that I oould
of stupidity."
Deplorable Kranlt of ft of
llcrthii Mndo late t Nlffltt.
"My friend and I had secured two
lower berths opposite each other. Ho
wns not 'a smoker, so he concluded to
tumble. In, while I went, forward to the
smoking compartment for a cigar lie
fore I followed his example. Posfdbly
1 found the game of cards which was in
progress between the two commercial
travelers interesting, or else the cigar
was more Mothing than usual, but,
however it was, 1 rcmuincd longer than
I had intended.
"In the. meantime we had madcMistop
nnd taken on a couple of passengers,
an aged couple of dignified and aristo
cratic appearance. Hvery lower berth
was taken and over half of the. upjic!,
so the worthy pair were not jubilant,
over the prospect of climbing into an
upper berth, nnd their objections were
plainly audible o others than the por
ter. At last that sable gallant, driven
to his wits' end, came in to where 1 sat
placidly smoking, apparently uncon
scious of what had been going on in
the car. With a deprecating air he
approached and. asked me if 1 would ex
change my lower berth for an upper
in favor of the old people. 1 readily
assented, and the couple, grateful and
contented, immediately took posses
sion, and judging from the duo of dis
cordant vocal sounds which soon ema
nated from 'lower 10' they had fallen
into jieaceful slumber.
"In the meantime my friend, being a
heavy sleeper, was (uitr unconscious of
the change that had been made in the
arrangements. So, early in the morn
ing, he crawled out ord proceeded to
got his shoes from under the berth,
sitting upon the edge of the bed while
be leisurely drew on one shoe. Then
he began to think 1 had enjoyed myself
undisturbed quite long enough, and
commenced to shake the curtains and
call to me to get up. Meeting with no
response he concluded to make it more
effectual, so he calmly drew aside the
curtains, untieing nothing unusual in
the dim light, nnd gave several resound
ing slaps with the remaining shoe upon
the most obvious portion of the auiit
omv. At tho same time he called out:
'Come, aren't you overgoing to got. up'."
"For answer several feminine shrieks
rent the air, while two wrathful faces
rose up and confronted my friend, who
shrank back aghast. Even,- head
popped out between the curtains, my
own included, but quickly grasping the
situation, I sank back convulsed. In
the menntime the porter had appeared,
and in due course of time and with
ninny explanations succeeded iu paci
fying the aged couple." Rochester
Democrat and Chronicle.
Astounding HwlftneoM of Font Shown by
u Georffluiltnxor-lluck.
Col. Taylor Jenkins, who lives a few
miles north of Ulakely, is known
throughout that section as one of the
most truthful men in it. At least, so
says the Early County Times. Re
cently, while Mr. Jenkins was out
hunting. Ids dogs began lmrking nt
something in a large hollow log. It
was a wild hog. lie fool; the hog home
and dropped it in his cornfield. It is
there now. A few weeks ago Mr. Jen
kins went out to kill it, thinking he
could easily do to with his unerring
rifle, lie searched alxiiit till lit;
"jumped" it. Down a com row it wen
like lightning. He leveled his rifle and
"cut down" on it, but never touched a
hair. He "jumped" it again nnd shot
again, but no hog. Again and again
he "jumped" it and shot at it, with the
same result. He legnn to wonder what
could be tlio matter. Tin; corn row.i
were ns straight as moonshine vhisky
nnd his gun true iw thu third party to
Tom utson, yet hit it. he couldn't. To
shoot at the hog as it ran oft down the
corn rowH was just like shooting at it
standing, so far as getting a "leail on
It" was concerned. To make, sun; that
hu didn't "wobble" off the hog he put
up a small target nnd ' cracked down"
at it five times, then' took his ax and
chopped in and found five balls all iu
one hole in the middle of the. spot.
That settled it that the fault was not
in him or the gun, but the hog had out
run the bullets.
Tlmlr Curds Go Up with Tliomi of Tholr
It appears, from tin article in tho
Figaro by M. Paul Mcgnin, that in Lon
don nt the present time it is not only the
fashion for a lady to provide- her lap
dog with a little wardrobe and even n
handkerchief, but to have visiting cards
made for it, too. When a fushionnble
ludy pays a visit, taking iier lapdog with
her, she sends up the dog k card along
with her own.
M. Mcgnin fays ho was visiting the
editor of one of the leading sporting pa
pers in London, when the servant
brought lu two cards, one that of a lady
and thu other at; follows:
ms. rnivonTr.
Asked if ho knew the nanio on tho
M. Mcgnin went to a stationer's sbon
and ordered 100 cards for his little dog.
Ho was again surprled'Ui ilud that the
fltatloner had some ready printed, neat
ly packed in pretty little card cacn.
Ghickuns DrcJsed to Order.
Promt Delivery to any part
of tho city.
'Phone 12.
Third and Washington StH'
Patronize tlie
All kind of work. Wlilto Hlilrts ii Nprclulty.
Kiimlty work nt ruluoiil r.ilos, Wimli ciillontiil
iltul ilellvouxl free, Tuliiplioiin No. 111).
H. D. Parkins, Agti
EAST and SOUTH via
The Shasta Route
Southern Pacific Comp'y.
Trains leave ami are due to arrive nt Portland
ovi:i:i.ani) v.x-
pre"!,, ltoe-1
linrK, Ashland, Hae
raiiii'iito, OHden.San I
Francisco, .Mojnve, f
I.o.s Aliia'Ui,l!l I'umi,
New Orleans and
Kast J
'0:00 r. -M
;i:SU A. JI.
Ito-olmrK and way .sta
tions fVia Woodlinru fori
Mt.Anirel, Hllvcrtoil,
I'. M
. West Kdo
I I, Natron ..
West rem, llrowns-
ni;neiii ami
!":) A. M.
(Cor vail Is
ii mi way
;M V. M
INDin'KNDlINlJl-: I'ASsT.NtiKlt. Express train
Dally (except timidity).
1:00 p.m. rl.v. . . .Portland . ..Ar.)
H.'Stn, in
IllXIn, III.
;jlll. 111. A1 .MC.M111I1V1IIO .i.v.
S::a) p. m.
'Dally. (Dully, except btuiilay,
Attached to nil Through Trains.
Direct connection t San ItiiiicUco with Occt
dental and Oriental and I'acllic mall ntcamsttlt
lines for JAPAN and CHINA. SallliiK dates on
a) plication,
ltntes atiil tickets to Ka'lern points nnd Ku
roiie. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU ami
AUSTRALIA, can be olitnlned from
J. II. KIKKLAND, Ticket Agent.
Through Ticket Olllce, JTll Third street, where
through tickets to nil points in thu Kustern
Bute, Camilla and Kuriiim can be obtained at
lowest rates from
J. II. KIKKLAND. Ticket Aitent
All above trains arrive at and depart Irom
orami central siution. 1'iiin nun Irving streets
Pnttcngcr Dejmt, foot of Jertertou street.
U-nve for OSWEGO, dally, except Hlimlny, ill
r.M a. in.; nn.w, i:oa, t:j;j, nva, ";u.i in in
(and 11:.'X) p. in, on Batnrilny only, and 'J:W a. in
and :i.:;i) p. in. on KutidavH only). Arrive at
Portland dallv nt -ii:IO and s.:l) n in.; and lillfl,
l:l., fl-.'JO ami T.M p. m (and 10:0.") a. in, !II5
u.iu p. in. on fciiniluy.s only).
Leave for Sheridan, week days, at l:'M, in
Ariive nt Portland, 'y:: a, in.
Ia'avc for AIUI. IK on Monday, Wiilnodnv ami
Frl'inv at U: 10 a. in. Ariive at Portland, 'l'ues-
uav, iiuirsuay ami sauiruai ii:t:mp. in,
Kxcept Sunday. "Except Saturday.
i, II.
Asst. (i.
K. ib Pass. Agt
IK I'iikuh u Weak. 1511 l'lipem Yoai
It etanda firatainong "weeklv" papers
in nine, frequency of publication
freshness, varietv and reliability of cor.
tents. It is practically a dally at tho low
price o a weekly; and its vast lint of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union uud foreign coun
tries, will vouch for tho accuracy uud
faimesB of Its news columns.
It is splendidly Illustrated, and among
Its special features are a flue huinor
niigo, exhaiidtivo market reports, all the
latest fashion for women and a Inn
series of stories by the greatest living
American and English authors,
Coiiiiii Doyle, .loriiiiui K. .Ixroiue,
8tiinly Wiiyiuwii, Mnry K. U llklns
Anthony IIiiixj, llurtu,
Hritmlitr Miittlmvvi, Ktc,
Wo ofTer this unequaled uewspaperand
Tho Dulles Twice-a- Week Chronicle to.
getlior one year for .fti.00. The renular
price of tho two papers is $3,00.
Tfie coiumDia PacKinp Co.,
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curersof yr BRAND
TA'O Transcontinental ROUTES
' Srt HERN
St. Paul
Salt Lake
Kansas City
Low Rates' to all Eastern Cities
Bvurv Plvn I)v for
.Steamurs monthly from Portland to
Yokohama and Hong Kong via North
ern Pnclllc .Steamship Co., lu connection
with O. K. Si N. A (,'o. h ARcnt
Tliu Halle, or mldreiw
DODHON, CAItl.ILL A- C(l (Inn. Atits.,
North laclllc Hteiiinlili Co.
No. I, to Spokane and (Ireiit Northern arrived
at.'i -'.p. in., lenvi'N al .ri:.'Ui p. in. No, 'J, to Pendle.
Ion, linker City anil Union PaclllivirrlvcHiit 12:15
a in., departN at V1:U a. in.
No :i, from Hpolianu and Oreat Northern, nr.
rives nt ii'Ul a. in., depart nt Uiil u, in. No, 1,
Irom llakir City and Dnlni l'aCllln, nrrive.t at
:i:'.il a. in., dvpartH at ;i;:;n n. m.
"Not. Zaw '21, movlllK east of Tho Dalles, will
enny pas.eni;er!(. No. SI arrives nt fi p. in,,
departs at 1. fi p. in.
PaxoenxerK for Ileppner take No 'J, leavini;
here at UM p. m.
W, II. iltJUI.IIUUT, (len. I'ans. AkI
I'ortliind, OreKon
Sleeping Cars
Dining Cars
Sleeping Car
mil. ktii
()KAN1 lOlt
1IKI.KN.V un
Through Tiekets
1'ltll.AIIKl.l'lll A
Kor iiiforiimtloii, time carilH, miipN mill ticket,
ciil mi or write lo
W. C. ALLAWAY. Agent,
The DalleH, Oregon
A. 1). OIIAKLTOK. Asst. G. P. A.,
liM. MnrrlHuu Cor. Thlnl. I'ortlnud Oreuon
Dalles, Moro aod Antelope
ThroiiKh hy duyllKiit via (Irasii Vnllay, Kent
and Cross Ilollowii.
lltll'OI.AH AI.I.KN, Tim Dulles.
V. At. WUITKI.AW. Antelope..
KtiiKi'H leave Thu DiiIIvh Irom Uinatllla Hoiim!
at 7 ii. in,, also trom Autelono at 7!) a
Jlonday, Wednesday mid Kriday. Connisdlolis
iiiiiiiu in Aineiopu tor prinuvllle, Jlltchell aim
iHilntH huyonn. Clone ci nnectloiiK iiiuilUMtThu
Dalles with railways, triilua and boats.
Hlines from Atili.lot.n r.... rtli It.ilKiB I'll nd
clayb, '1 liiirKlays mid HaturduyH at 1 :ao p. in.
Dalles to Henchmen $1 00
do iloro l til
do (Irass Vullcy ', .'. '.' M
do Kent :iul
do Cross Hollows 4 H
Antelope to Cross Hollows I
no AUDI , 1! Il
do (Irass Valley ' :i
Id .Morn , ;iMJ
do Do.nhuees I t)
I" Dalles , , , ,., ;, UO
IN TIIK KABT KNI). In the. Colum
bia l eed ard, opprwlto BHltniHMhe'H
htockytmlH, where he Is rewlv to Uu
All Hinds of Harness Work.