The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, December 21, 1897, Image 4

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    Tt3 Dalles Daily Chre
Advertiftln Kates
One inch or less In Dully ;
Over two Inche and under four inches. . .
Over four inches and under twelve inches
Over twelve inches
,i so
. 1 oo
One inch or less, per inch . . . .-. . . ..Ifl 50
Over one inch and under four inohes., 2 00
Over four inches aud under twelve inches. .! 1 50
Over twelve inches ........... 1 00
V. H. Staats of Dufur is io the pity., ,
" E. U. Ragsdaleof Moro is al the.Dma
tilla. ' ...... .!.;;;;
' .. i . ' ! . ,-'
Cha9. Fraley uf Kingbley ia in the city
today. i , : :;
Milt Anderson of Dufur is. in town' to
day. , '..
Mrs. A. K. Dafur of Dufur is ia the
city today. 1 ' ...
James Cox ia' ia from his farm' near
Kinga'.ey today.. -.r-'j::; v .
G.'E. Pattbri of Antelope was in the
city yesterday., "-
Mr. J. Russell of Kingsley w as in the
city yesterday.1 ' '
Charles Tom of Bigga, made this office
a plea9aut call, today. ' ; ...
.Tames Knight was in from . his' place
on Tygh liidge last night. t" is . t.! ;
f " -
Dr. Powne of Tygh Valley was ;irji the
city on business yesterday. ; :. K-.,;(j J
Mike Morran, of the Centervi'le
neighborhood, is in the city todayr m
Johnnie Stevens, the proprietor of
the 15-Mile House at Dufur, is in the
cityi J
Mr. Amen of Tygh Ridge is in the
city J He reports about one inch of enow
in that section. fi V;- '
H! S. Turner, of the Dufur" "Dispatch,"
came up from Portland last night, and
is attending to matters of ' business : in
the city today.
Mrs, P. G. Dout wife .oJLJ?jrof. -Dout
who is with Harry Lieba at present, arrived-
from Chicago-- on the 3- -'clock
train this morning, and will remain in
the state during the winter for the bene
fitof be heallh.i Mrs.i Dout' is : one of
the finest lady opticians and. occulUts
west or the Mississippi . '
james eunc ana aaaetiter. ; Ames
came in from' their' home near Dftfnr
yesterday. This morning., Miss; JeDuc
left for Seattle, where she she will spend
the winter. , Mr," LeDac says while . the
roads are frozen' hard, they are 'rough
disagreeable to, : drive iover,, being
- but a little improvement over the muddy
condition in. ; sphich they were a. wceji
'll ' NEWS NOtES.'
A 2-year-old child waa. accidentally
burned to death near Oregon City last
night. .: V':-v: ( :i , ,'-
Six hundred reindeer have been cr-
dered iropi Nor way for ihe; AlaSti "JreTitt
The latest supposition concerning A.
B. .Ockerman, the Portland druggist,
who disappeared mysteriously from his
borne a few days ago, is that he has
left for Alaska. ,
' s ? . ' " " 4.1!
Ram or 8 have been afloat in all parte
of Whitman county for a week that an
effort would be made to lynch, the men
captured and accused of the murder of
Orville Hayden of Farmington.
e The Chilcoot Tram way and Transpor
tation Company - has completed its
power-house at Sheep Camp'. It is 30x
60 feet and cost .over. fCOOO. Five large
spools of. -inch steel cable weredelivr'
ered by the Rosalie.
Came to our 'place about August 1st,
last, a roan cow
Owner can have
charces. ' 1 -.-..
brand indistinct
same by paying ail
Moobb Bhos-.) -
Three Mile.
Don't be persuaded iuto buying lini
ments without repulationl , or merit
Chamberlain's Pain Balm costs no more,
and its merits have been proven by t
test of many years:. Such blotters aft the
following, from L. G. Bagley, Hiieneme,
Cal., are constantly .' being received:.
"The best remedy for- pain I have ever
used is Chamberlain's Pain, Balm, and I
say so after having used it in my family
for several years.'' ' It cures rheumatism
lame back, sprains and swellings. ,For
eale by Blakeley. & Houghton..,,. ;
Elnmiea of .Wheeling; 8y It Affeets
'-tli Vocal CKordsi' f
All the talk of the bicycle face having'
practically died out, the foes of the
wheel have now trotted out another'
(scarecrow, claiming that as- a result of
.wheeling women sref becoming -Joud
talkers,, with an "unpleasant Equality! of.
.voice. They assert that wheeling, es
pecially with the mouth open, has
detrimental effect on the vocal chords,
and when to this is added the strain to
which the voice is subjected in an effort
to keep , up a conversation .while cy
cling the danger seems something more
than a shadow. ' Some persons who
have made voice culture a life study
are inclined to fallto.with these views.
asserting that exercise- on the wheel is
Tesponsioie xor an apparent alteration
in the voices of women.) One vocal
.teacher says: '
"While bicycle riding people f re'
quenfly. fill thei Jungs jwitlrdust, and
this is. of course, 'injurious'.' Then the
exercise leaves, the system, crcliaiisteci
and unable to resist the bad effects of
.excessive .perspira.tion,., A severe, cold
is detrimental to the speaking voice,
and when these colds are frequent, as
they .are with bicyclists, they will ul
tmately -result to: perotancnt injury,
ai yomcn -vyouia -pot a, icv.- iniies
at a time aijd would teep their raouthfij
-closed there would be no dacg-er, but
I find that many of my pupils cannot
refrain- from overdoing- the sport. ; Pro
fessional women realize the harm that
bicycling' does to their voices, but they
say that they cannot bear; to give up
wheeling.' Calling' to one' another as
wheelwomeiji i reqxiently do cannot help
but strain the voice if persisted in."
, ! Another . vocal Instructor holds total
ly opposite view3. Said she: "I am
strongly in favor1 of cycling' for wom
en; It is a most healthful exercise, and
so cannot fail to be beneficial to the
singing. an( speaking, voice.. I do not
believe ' the old-fashioned ' theory of
things affecting the vocal chords direct
ly , Of cpursc .it' is possible, to strain
the voice, but I should think this most
unlikely when wheeling. The very tend
ency' of the wheel is to keep , the rider
quiet. If . riders should -call from one
to the other when Outdoors their speak
ing voice 'might 1)6 affected, but the
most strident, speakers re often, the
weetest singers. The soft, well-modulated
voice-, of; i the English girl does
not g' as many, brill'ant,examples
of the song bird .as the' less pleasant
and somewhat nasal tones of the Amer
ican.; Nine out ; of every' ten' successful
singers abroad to-day are Americans.
This is because the other girls are never
allowed to expand their lungs with the
Rameldelightful; freedom., v A good di
gestion is the first requisite toward
good singing. I should eay poor cooks
have more to- do with spoiling the voice
thorn all the wheels in Christendom. A
theory haa been advanced that the rapid
breaihjngecesea' wnenr riding the
wheeTls injurious; "This lis "wrongr, as
the vocal chords are completely pro1-
' tec ted when not in use." Philadelphia.
Press. '
ne way
..J .1.0
Round, trip
The Steamer ION F2 leaves The
Dal lev on Tuesdays, Thursdaye and Sat
urdays at 6:30 a. m.
Office in the iSaldvin Building, foot of
Tjnibh street. ' For freight rates eict cal 1
on or addrees . ,
. J. si BOOTH, Gen. Agt.,
, , The Dalles, Oregon.
hs.-j"''-, v
1 :-.-THE " -r-
MraV Opera ilouse
v '' '.'V-;. '; ('-.-. " -
tuu St VkL K it U M,S
. .Ticket of Leave I Man,.
Monday, Dec. 27th. "
Admission - r - 50 cents
" No extra charge fet teeerved seats: '
. Moravian View of death.
A Beanflfnl and Impressive Cmton
' - of the' MornrlaDi. . s..- t:
. Clifford. Howard contributes to th
Ladies'. Home Journal an, interesting
-atticle. upon the Moravians of Bethle
hem Pa., and theii religious eustomsa
"Upon the death of one of the com
gregation," he writes, "the event is an
rio'uncear""'ndr"'T&y"thfe"mbnofotiotlS; tmouxniul,..tolling. aL.jtiie Jbell, ; b-ut
by ' the " deep-breathing, ' melodious
: music of trombones; flayed in the opeH
belfry steepld Tof the , church r: by th
trombone ; choir.; and .as the. deep, sweet
notes of the familiar. hymtt.are borne
to the people below they -- reverently
drop their workrto' IIsten 'Hdrk!' they
whisper;-"the horns are blowing-; some
OTie ' has 'gone' hbmeM '1- 'GOne- home !4it
perhaps nothing' tribre' beautif-ully exj
emplifieis'" the' perf ect4 ihq'uesaonfng
faith, fit -these devput'people than that
expreesive" utterance, the sincerity of
w hich is." ever-demonstrated by the lack
of mourning t the pasicg away a
member of -.the i household, i how.eyer
dearly beloved;, so, true and heartfelt, is
the Moravian . belief that,. death is but
the. entrance .to a r brighter,' happier
home. The -trombones are also used at
the touching funeral -services held at
the grave; and amid their sad, yet in
spiring,' strains, the. departed one is laid
to his- eternal rest;:': On- all occasions;
whether of deah or-joy, the trombones
lend theix sweet solemnity in fitting
breath. From the steeple they herald
the festival day of each of the 'choirs,
and in' all ;' open-air 'services their mel
lifluous tones are ever present." . ' J;,
Four head of catttle of tlie following
deecrption : One black and white
spotted Pteer. 3 years old. ' One red and
white spotted steer, two years oid. One
red and white spotted cow, about 5 years
old. One last sprinz bull calf, red and
white ' spotted. .... ;. The. . first three are
marked with a swallow fork in the right
and" uoderbit in left ear; and all four arc
branded c The calf is not ear-marked.
Anyone who has.or' knows the where
abouts of, the above described cattle,
will confer la fpvor' on me by notifying
me, and I wril rjay all- expense connect
ed therewith, v -Jontf 5tegman.
decl9-4w 1 The Dalits, Or.
J. a(Ie-r
and Shoes
Iafle to Order.
. - A. Perfect iit guaranteed. : ,
. - ; , Repairing neajtly, done at i i.. ,
: ..; 8hort.notice.,5 1 ,-.,..;..,;, 1 Co
1';; .Union St. bat; 1st anl 2d i
BANKERS. ":' '.-
:.-1 (:..;-:' .u : -. ... -. :
Letters of Credit isBaed available in the
, !"-'; Eastern States'. " '
Sight Exchange and Telegraphic
Transfers sold on New ' York," Chicago,
St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore
gon, Seattle Wish',; and YvarlouB points
in Oreoa ah Waingtcti. , J ,
Collections made at all points on tav-
10 iO
For more than fifty-ix years ,'it has nev;er failed in
its -weekly visits to the homes ol farmers and -'"
villagers throughout "the United States.
" - ; ' '- ' 'v i v- ; . ' ' .'.; :'-
IT HAS faitpifuUyJaboredfof -their ' prosperity and liappi
6ess, for-the ampfoyeineTit of itheir business and h'bpQe
'interestsrpr..e.u&tion7'tortne elevation j of Ameri$a
manhood and ti ue' wbinanhood. I' I V
IT HAS told at the fireside interesting arid instructive
Stories of the doing'oCtiie world, the nation and states.
IT HAS ad-visei4lt$efirmer as""to the most approved meth
ods of cultivating and harvesting his cropland the
proper, time, to convert .thejm,. into the largest possible
: amount of money.-: .. ...,r..-) r...... ,.. ''. . ;, '
IT HAS led in all: matters
. larmers and villagers, and- for over half -a century has
.-I held their confidence-and esteem. " ! -
!.; and we furnish it with the Semi-Weekly Chronicle-'orie
year for $1.75,"cash in advaticef1' 7 ';: X
j 'J,' yj.- , su-viJ fi-i-i .i!,h! vfiiy -!-;. v(i)U . . I ; ; i . . .
ji , " We have just
'7"" aiimherliipinent-of-
'.n l 1 ri'f, .! i. ;i
I'.'t'.llft i-i '!.''-..'n'. .:r
, ri lit o.It -j sohvS! 16-t-yri-i
.And --oaiit mow-uply bufjicistpef si','; -. V X,;M!snistthe onlr Ait TighT stoves .61 '!
, with Outside, Tube
! "'i; ' 1!"..K", I-'.''.'!
an i. j., xo :sjij (13:
.iJ!)!H4X.'i tf.
t 5'.iod tts
;'.'' 1' a-!" a -c-.v;;:
Vm;-' --'-We
'.',' , . ---'-
Fir, Oak and
Maple Wood
' 1 "''- r .
To be sold, at the Lowest Market Rates. '
Phone 25.
OppCAVM; Williams & Co:;1 i'
' LWT.Or;-,mtPCIIKSl:j;!.ij,
To-Whom It Mat. Concebn : ; r
.. This is to certify that I- have appoint
ed the following' as'my 'deputies, to serve
till March 1:, 1898':"" :-'! flii
- -Zachary Taylor Antelope. v:i" - . . ,
Harry Cook; :Ridge wv.- , ' i tl .
, D..H. Roberts. The Dalles. ' . - ,
J. H. Sherar. Sherar's" Bridge, ' " !
; Frank Gabel, AVapinitia; . ' ''
-. -. ': t ' A.'S.-KOBBBTS,: .-,!
Rtock Inspector for Wasco Co., . ; ;
n24 6t .. Box 507, The Dalles.
Jtlary. litM01 l uiiON .permaiiently
i cared In 16 to35 days. Ton can be treated at
borne for suseoHoonndflrjuunBraiiritn.
ty.If yon prefer tocoma here we will con
tracttonaVrailrand fanuind hntlhtllH
Doebanrs, if we fail to core, if tou have taken met.
enry, iodide pota.hund etil have acbes and
pains, Mucons Patches in mouth. Sore Throat,
Pimples. Copper Colored fcpefcr, rfVcers on
any part of the body. Hair or Eyebrows falling
out. It is this Secondary BLOOD POISON
we Srnararatee to cure. We solicit tbomoft obsti
nate cases and chalice ee tlio world for a
eae we caainoteurw. . rhM direaaa has always
Da ffl ed theskillDfthe most eminent p hy si
eians.' 300,CrOO capital' bebicd .one naeoadK
tlonal pnnranty. Abeolate proofn sent seoieO on
Svppiicatiooj. Addnsa COOK' Kio'iVt KBT Cik.
. . ...... '1' .. . ...-.1 .. . LTI. . i - . . r r
- ...... ..... j i . i , . i ......... . j
pertaining to the -welfare, of.
received ;;-1'
- ':""tf"'.' I'd fcTfc.-' .-)..-.- ,t If
MS i
:lA"r Ofjff m') -r. '..1'"
draf. TSold "only by :' " r r
mays crqwe ;
! r.!o!?is yt
h'ave'stridtly First-Class ' --' '
v.'Ktlf.-j - .sr- .1,; A.fjU
. : . ; : . i
!.- ; .
j. Peters & Co.
t- t V ': ,
V" ; ' THE ' ALLES, OR
i.L:; J.Iifitl v .'.i'.f.i ::. ! ': ;(.. '"
jdtJLTR, 'i ''1-':M: ;
.' '"' Chickens Eireased to Order.-- ' .
' i;'i;:Protat Delivery to anypart -' - -."Ki5
i:of thecitvi':! rn;.'. .... tj:.-v'
Phone 12. ' Third and Washington 8t
' "r "'' Strayed: 1 : .'
t -vol.! .- is-' ' j .'.1;K ft-i'j ii'i --'v:.' -h :
..Strayed fromr Dufur, pr.,. about the
last .'ol July, two bay horses,' f about
1009 pounds weferiti both' geldings ';' onie
a light bay, branded fj'on tight hip; the,
ether a dark 'bely; branded HF Monnect
ed) on left BhotiWer r "Cnformation leaK
ing to tba recovery of either, or-both,, of
these 'horses'' will1 be 'rewarded' by WftQ
owner' J ' - :'J" tiiir. JoAm Evaksv -' 1
detll-lio-ii 'fi Columbus Wash, j
oiilio Hhvic-
' HI 1 1 1 1111 1 11 nil ! 1111 i 1111 1 1 linmil
TWO ;Ttanscontfesntal ROUTES !
Salt Lake
Minneapolis ; ; r Denver
St. Paul 1 i I ; Omaha
Chicago j Kansas City
Low Bates to all Eastern Cities
OCKAX 8TEAMKR8 Ltave , forUmnd
Kerv Vl-w Dsti for 1
i. : ; -. '-'1. Ij i t 1 i i
. , ... ' 1- c ... r
Steamers monthly -from Portland to
-Yokohama and a Hong Kong via North"-
ern Faciuc steamship (Jo., in connection
with O. K. & JS.' . ?
For fall detail call on d. R-A 0. Aeent n.
The Dalies, or address . r i
, " W',H: HORLBtJRT, Oen. Pass: Agt 5
,',,, - j-. -;tnV 0re0
T1MK CARD. " - I
No. 4, to Spokane and Great Northern arrives ,
at 5:25 p. m., leaves at 5:30 p. m No: 2, to Pendle
tou,' Baiter City and Culon eaoiUcrriTes at 12 : 45
a-m., departs at 1.2:50 a. m. . , .. , t
TS6 3, from ' Spokane and Great Northern, ar
rives at 920 a. m., departs at- 9 :25 a.m. No. 1,
from Baker- City and Dnioii- Pacific, arrives at
S:2t a. m., dpacti at a:30 a. m.. - -- . . ; ;
Nos. 28 and 24, moving east of The Dalles, will
cany passengers. No. 23, arrives at 6 p. m-
departs at l:4o p. m. . X :
Passengers for Heppner take No. 2, leaving'
here at li :50 p. m. ,
-o- THE -
SoutHern' Pacinc Cdmp'y.
Trains leave and are dne to arrive at Portland ,
press, Salem; Rose- '
burg( Ashland,: feaej j
6:00 P.M.
Franciseo, Moiavo, (
ixa AngeieSfCLi-aso, i
'New orleana' and!
C.-fin -' - :
8:30 A. M
I East ,.,w..i..- .1
Roseburg and way; vta-
- io p. ar
Sundays. '
f Via Woodbnrn for 1
J Mt Angel, SilvertoB, I
i West Scio, Browns-
" 'Dailr
. Sundays.
vuie.bpnngtteid ana -
, Natron ,.
tt.sq a. if. I ""i8: iayf
- :60 PJM.
' . .:, '. Dally (except Snnda)i
4:. n. -m.:! ' T.v. . . . Portland . . . Ar fi:25 a. m
7:80 p. m, ! jAi..McMianvlile..Lv. -5;50a, m.
8:30 p. m. " (Ar. .Independence..LV.) 4:n0a. m.
Daily. . t Daily, except Sunday, -i t -
.... Attached to all Through Trains,
Mi";:; . .t . .j. ii,-,- -: . -.r.u:j !-, j
. Direct connection at fcwn Francisco with Occi
dental and Oriental and Pacific mail- steamship
lines for JAP4-N and,(JHIiiAj Sailing datea-pn
aj plication. ' . ' '
. Kates and tickets to Eastern 'mints-' and En-
.rope. Also JAPAN, CHINA, HONOLULU and -
AUbiKAidA, can be obtained fronr -:'( c;.
; u.O ( ;'!,r,JnB.JURKLAND, Ticket Agent, j
Through Ticket Oflico, 14 Third street, where
through tickets to all points in the Eastern
States, Canada and iurope can be obtained at
lowest rates from
:iv ,i; n-ujB. KIRKLAND, Ticket Agent,
i All above trains arrive at and depart from
Grand Central Station. Fifth and Irving streeth
'"' "'''" Vamhill1 division. ' '"
Patsenger Depot, loot of Jeflersonstraet, '
' Leave for OSWEGO, daily; except Bn'ndWr, at
7:20 a. m.; 12:30, 1:55, 5:15, 6:25, 8:05 p. m.
(and 11:30 p. m. on Saturday only, and 9:00 a. m
aod a:SO jn m. on Sundavs only). , , Arrive at
Portland dally at "6:40 and 8:30 a m; and 1:35.
4:15, 6:20-and 7: 5 p.- m., (and 10:05 a. my 315
5:10 p. m. on Saudays onlyj. , .
-i L.' :-. ; , i ... i-; ;' 7 : i . (i
Ieave for Sheridan, week days, at 4:30 p. m
Arrive at Portland, 0:80 a. m. '- . -' ' ,
-:''i-'.' .- rl ----- ; ' ....
Leave for AIRLIE on Monday, Wednesday "and
Frtoay at 0:40 a. m; :Arriv -at Portland, Tuea
dav, Thursday and.Saturdai it 3:05 p. m.
"'Except Sunday. 'Except Saturday'.-' ''
" R. 'KOEHLER",' ' " ' ' ' O, H.! Irf ABKHAM; ' l. :
.-Manager. : r c Asst. S. Ft fc Pas&vAct!
: ',,-. -.f. .,.' ....;' ..;-.. '.;,.? 4 -1
':; f,';v rckERS'bF''0' "'. ;
'S ' l' ! ' ' MANUt"ACURER8 ol?1 '
:.. 'i .4-i:U .lU l.iiiljnilj f.t;?;--
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curersof BRAND 1
4 ! , :: - ' : n&iict:
r'-I- have: white e'ootted catfrabnt 2
years tild, iwitbotrtc taarfci pr-braFid. at
my farm..on.Cbenoweth0 creek, four
miles 'from; The" Dalles' Afaybhe " who
wtlt'pTovWpTb'peVti' an payiwjstr of 'ad
vertising? ohm hsrer tne saniej ij -.i A i r
.:;(. rl v(.'--'i;j:f.;.--;-(4 I.-i