The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, May 10, 1897, Image 1

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    Ulalks iHfc Cljcinuck
7 NO 103
Found the Town Deserted
on Their Arrival.
Coii'tantliir's Army Occupies All the
Defile's Through Which the Turk- j
lti Army Must l'as. !
Attcxs, May S. The Turks have ,
completely occupied ami burned Veles-'
tin. '
At. 7 o'clock Thursday evening, the I
defeat of the Greeks was complete and
tue pass to Yolo open to the Turks. The
searchiichts of the warships on the bay
fl-sUnc u the mountain sides were of
great a;stance to the retreatinp Greeks,
as Ury showed the roads. Over a dozen
cunn n were abandoned and captured
by the Turks. Two hundred wounded
fl .rs were broucht to Yolo. The cor-respjnk-nt
f the Associated Press is of
tLe vnion that many Greek soldiers
were 'eft on the field. It is impossible
t, es,. ite tae killed.
. .v: s received from the frontier at
" : t iiiternoon are that General
ski's shattered army was out in
tw . Tlte ieft winy retired to AJinyro.
W .'v.. K ft of the lisht wine came
t !ia'Y ' b-i'kcn at. d demoralized.
1 rt r r ss the mouiitai!.& was
P, L . 8 i US the prtli'C Wljicll re-
r ' ; ! u f..ii.'e uf base from Tyr
i: v ' V(1-..
i e .- a-.' i t!.e more recent panic
wu rt j uMi ;-.itr:o5t indescribable. On
L. I . !id Friday, the populace filled
t ' 'rje'. " Volo with their household
c X P up.its from surrounding vil
,c'i s i r. ere J the town and added io the
c . 'JricandRge became common.
F - . ' -.'rs were filled with refugees.
s f i ilaea carried fugitives to the
I 'r?;iondent of the Associated
pi- k ia , !j-l in getting on the last
f Oii this boat were 1S00 men,
v a I c.tildren, packed thick as
Tl e Associated Press renre-
f ' ' a:. :ed at Chulus and from that
- 'o Athens.
I revived from Domokos,
t c . .i j-i.irtfra of the Greek army, to-
y a- t,':.a Turkish cavalry in making
a t- ,i.. iice, approached within a
fr -i Djmokos, but retreated on
t.-c i j pr web of the Greeks, who follow
fij'.. Tu.kieh cavalry to the advance
"-' f the enemy's lines.
l'r e C jiiHantines forces occupy all
t i 1 . ti.iuugh which the Tuikish
t r- pass wheu they advance,
. v tiiose of Agor&nl and Tiainassi.
I e .n Habitants of Domokos are goiDg
tv .p .uteri-t.
I e ttdtrral in cammand of the Greek
hJ-Irjn at Yolo telegraphed today say
i"t' tLat the French and British consuls
at Y ,j, ate jiii panted by the command
os ,f the British, Italian and French
warships, had a conference at Yelestino
w'ti, hlUcm Pasha, the Turkish com
rnar.Jer. The latter promised to re
spect the inhabitants and property at
Yoo, provided the Greek, squadron
asrreed to refrain from hostilities and to
retire beyond range. The Greek ad
miral accepted these terms.
Ail Ijreigners at Yolo have embarked
for other ports and the town is now
Turkt. Knterecl Volo.
Yelestino, May 8. The Greeke have
evacuated Volo. Detachments of ma
rines have landed from British, Russian,
French, Austrian and German warships
to guard the town.
The foreign conpuU have arrived to
confer with Edheut Pasha, the Turkish
Ae this diepatch ia being eent, the
Turkish troops are entering Volo. The
Greeks who fled to Aloiyroe will join the
ain body of the Greek forces at
Laiussa, May 8. The reports that
the Turks have occupied Volo is con
firmed. The Turkish troops entered
that place thtb morning.
Oret?k. Opeu the rrlKOiis.
CxxhTAsuNoi'LE, May 8. Before
leaving Volo, the Greeks opened all the
The British aud other foreign consuls
Absolutely Pure.
Celebrated for its ereat lrnvenin? streuRth aud
heclthfulucs. Azures the food i:cnint nltim
and nil forms of adulteration common to the
cheap brands.
Koyai. Baking PowtiEr. Co. New York.
invited the Turkish commander to
occupy the town immediately, lnver
Bey and 10 battalions entered the town i
at 11 o'clock this morning. The Turks
have already established a system of
street patrol.
SinolcnEUi Utilised Ills Men.
Volo, May S. A stirring incident in
connection with the battle at Yelestino
has just been reported. Genera! Smo
lenki, with something of the magnetic
enthusiasm attributed to Starubouloff.
rode along the lines addressing the
soldiers and imploring tbetn to re
member the traditions of their raca un
til the sacred soil of Thessalv should be
saturated with their blood, if need be. i
It was like an inspiration. Both uni-j
formed soldiers and men with only
bandoliers filled with cartridges, the)
belt around their native attire, cheered
and gripped their rifles more firmly.
They gave a shout of deter nination and
indulged in a reckless, wild, but some
times searching shell tire. The Turks
fired volley after volley steadily on their
intrepid enemy. Then the Greeks left
the rheltered trenches and charged with
wiid shouts. The Tin its quivered for a
moment and retired in confusion to the
shelter of the mountain ridges. It was
a brilliant Greek succes.
The IJnst ISeiiii-cly for ItbeuiaatlMu.
From the Fairhaven (N Y.) Itegister.
Mr. James Rowland of this village,
state that for twenty-five years his wife
has been a sufferer from rheumatism.
A few nights ago ehe was in such pain
that she was nearly crazy. She sent
Mr. Rowland for the doctor, but he had
read of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and
instead of troing for the doctor he went
to the store and secured a bottle ot it.
His wife did not approve of Mr. Row
land's purchase at first, but neverthe
less applied the Balm thoroughly and in
an hour's time was able to go to sleep,
fehe now applies it whenever she feels an
ache or a pain and finds that it always
gives relief. He says that no medicine
which she had used ever did her as much
good. The 2o and 59 cent sizes for sale
by Blakeley & Houghton.
have Your Craiu.
Few realize that each squirrel de
stroys $1.50 worth of grain annually.
W'akelee's Squirrel and Gopher Exterm
inator is the most effective and econom
ical poisou known. Price reduced to 30
cents. For sale by M. Z. Donnell,
Agent. .
Cah In Your Checks.
All county warrants registered prior
to Dec. 1, 1892, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after May, 7,
1897. C. L. Phillim,
County Treasurer.
For Hale.
Yearling sheep (1000 head,) sound an.d
in prime condition. Price ?1.75. Ad
dress, J.M.Davis,
w-mllf Sherare Bridge, Oregon.
Subscribe for The Cukonicle.
Money -back means: we
lend you Schilling's Best
If you like it you buy it.
If you don't like it your
grocer pays you your money
A Schilling & Company u
San I'ranciKO M'
Greece Recalling; Her Troop From the
Athens, May S. lip. in. The gov
ernment has informed the ministers of
the powers verbally that following the
recall from Crete of Colonel Yassos, '2b
officers and two companies of troops, the
gradual withdrawal of troops from the
uland of Crete will take place. After a
brief stay, the powers will offer to me
diate between Greece and Turkey. The
powers will insist, however, that Greece
shall confide her interest unreservedly
to their hands. Negotiations have com
menced, and mediation is regarded as
The Shakers have made a discovery
which is destined to accomplish much
sood. Realizing that three-fourths ol
all of our sufferings arise from stomach
troubjes, that the country is literally
filled with people who cannot eat and
digest food, without subsequently suil'ur
tng pain and distress, and that ninny
are starving, wasting to mere skeletons,
because their food does them no good,
they have devoted much study and
thought to the subject, and the result is
this discovery of their Digestive Cordial.
A little book can be obtained from
ycur druggist that will point o.ut the
way of relief at once. An investigation
will cost nothing and will result in
much crood.
Laxol is the best medicine for chil
dren. Doctors recommend it in place oi
Castor Oil.
Turks Threnlcu Aita Christians.
Athens, May S. A dispatch from
Aita says Fuad Bey, the Turkish com
mander, through a Greek priest at Ann,
has issued a proclamation to the Chi is
tian population, ordering them to lay
down their arms, as otherwise their
villages would be burned. The environs
of Kauju, in Turkish territory, are
Old I'eoplo.
Old people who require medicine to
rpgulate the bowels and kidneys will
find tho true remedy in Electric Bitters.
This medicine does not stimulate and
contain8 no whisky nor other intoxicant,
but acts as a tonic and alternative. It
acts mildly on the stomach and oowels,
adding strength and uiving tone to the
organs, thereby aiding Nature in the
oerformance of the functions. Electric
Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old people find it just exact
ly what thoy need. Price 50 cents and
?1 00 per bottle at Blakeley & Hough
ton's Drug Store. 5
Vinsilk 111 Atlll lis,
Athens, May, 9. J. :S0 a. m. -Colonel
Vatsos has just arrived from Crete.
It is believed an armistico of a fort
night between Greece and Tut key will
be agreed upun.
liuclU'm'c AriuiM. sriMc).
The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, tores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblaine,
corne, and al! skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It is guaranteed to aive perfect (satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price -5 cents
per bos. Kor -ale by Blakeley and
Houghton, druggists.
18 I'ueea a Week. lKC Vurt u Year
It stands first among weekly" papers
in size, frequency of publication ami
freshness, variety and reliability of con
tents. It is practically a daily at the low
price o a weekly; and ltd vast list of
subscribers, extending to every state and
territory of the Union and foreign coun
tries, will vouch for the accuracy and
fairness of itn news columns.
It is splendidly illustrated, and among
Its special features are a fine humor
page, exhaustive market reports, all the
latest fashiona for women and a long
series of stories by the greatest living
American and English authors,
C'onan JJoylu, Jerome K. Jeroma,
Stanley Wejiimu, Mury K. Wilkin
Antliniiy Hope, Hret Jlarte,
Itramlfi- Multliewn, Ktc, ,
W'e offer this unequaled newspaperand
The Dalles Twice-a-Week Chronicle to
gether one year for .00, The regular
price of the two papers ie f3.00.
, ' No. 16'. M is a beautiful Prus
sian-Ulnu English Covert
Cioth Jacket-, designed as
aliovo cut. A strictly tai-Jor-mado
gnrmt'iit, strap
pi'il i-enm.-, nnd Mik-lined
throughout. Price, !;!.7o.
In order to reduce the above stocks, and also to introduce to our
A Former IllhinlturttH IUfJ UaiiKliv
Hi-ctf-iJic of a Comic One.
James Martin, a well-to-do fnrnior,
recently died, leavinjra v. ill by which he
disinherited his only daughter, Ihe re
sult of a disagreement about a valentine
50 years ago, says a J'a'lietville (Pn.)
special. It v; a few day a before St.
Valentine's day, 59 years n;?o, when the !
daughter usked her father for a now
drcBg. lie refused to buy it for her.
The. girl look her fatlu-r's refusal much ,
to heart. On St. Valentine's day Mr. I
Martin received n al. ntinc a.ldi e.-.c d '
to him in his daughter1:! handu riling
It was a o-oug'h caricature, n pre-, -'.t-ing
a miser counting- and yJoMin" o..'i
hi.s money. He at once took nis i.'avif; li
ter to ta.' k for v. hat !; n-1 a:: ii.
sult. She denied that : i: i't I'n cir-
tooii. There lived in the i c'k'-I u-iui d
anotlier fanner who had ti .'ati d it jmi-c.
living vith him bi utr.U.s . Mi'n'uV
daurhU r said that sli:' nrd thi:: p;u ' had
pureliased each n va!":M ,w and tlmt rdic
(SV'fA Martinj hnl l.-oujrht one entitled
"The JIour-K' rarnt-r," whil - the ot!;cr
fjirl h:. l pi:r' h;:' d the euritnt ur-.' ti
send to her uncle. In ai!''n injr
the cncveloptrs th" aleniine.s she Ktiid,
became rnixeil.
Hut !n Fplte of cxplanntlons Mr. Mar
tin would not believe his daughter, and
from that day he never spoke to hi r.
She fc-oon warriud and lived on ti farm
adjoining, and, although the old man
wan on the most familiar tenr.'i with
the husband and children, henevir no
tied her. lie died the other day, leav
ing nn estate valued at$J5,000.
Uy his will he left his widow $30,000
and to his son-in'lnw the remainder,
provided he survived his wife, the fium
t'h own daughter. If the son-in-law
died first, then the money was to be di
vided among his three children. To hie
daughter Mr. .Martin bequeathed "a
package to be found in his titinlf, tied
with a green ribbon anil sealed with
green wax." When, this was opened It
was found to be the unfortunate valen
tine that had caused the cstnngi'incnt
of the farmer from his daughter half n
century ago. X. V, Press.
Aerial Truvvl.
Prof. S. P. Langley Is reported assay
ing in a mvnt Interview, that, having
proved both theoretically and prac
tically t't-it machines can be made to
travel throvgh the air, if he Intel Ihe
time and r.:uuey to spend, he bellovnl
ho could l.nilte one "on a hcale such as
would demonstiate to the world that a
large passenger-carrying flylng-ma-(.hint!
can be a commercial as well as a
scientific success." -Youth's Companion.
This cut represents a leader in Sep
unite Skirts, made of all-uool Brocade-
nrilliuntiiu', lined throughout
with extra quality Mtstle; velveteen
bound; I vard sweep; most correct
stvle. A value at $-1 (J0.
Our Special Offer for
For the
Ileal litcM"U l I;stii'.
He was prc-.xiii;, but Mio IieKlt.iloJ
She had had eoni" experience and u.i
inclined to be cautious.
"You will b- mine!" he cxcluimcd.
"Say you w!ll couf.ent to make me th
hiaj);:ic.'.t of niovtnlfc!"
S' e f'iiought It nauii-lnd a g-.)od di '.
iih '.i it 'had been nieinoriiiwl from a low.
sti.iy, but who let that ibb.
"( an we afford to marry V" xhe askeil.
lie looked fctaXled.
"I'm Fure T (kit' hnr)W,"1it nnwcred.
"How Is your flathnr fixed Chitrago
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of an kinds.
Headquarters for Eolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, Twit md
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOTl 11 Oil V "''s ''ll,"r IH inanufactiircd cxprcpsly for family
l,v-,,LA AUU1' use; every Hack is uuaranteed to give HiUUfaeUoii.
We ecll our cooJh lower than any Iioiibo In the trade, and if you don't think so
call and yet our prices and be convinced.
Highest Prices Paid for Wheat, Barley and Oats.
Jtichly and durably bound in KuIIhIi Oloth, plain edueHj poi trait of tlm nu
tlior formiiiB the dtvign on comt; autouraph preface; iiianuUluwivt pre
eentation phut) in fcllvur, eold mill blnnj coutslniHB 000 pugeu und S2
fulbprtfo illustratioiiH v, ok
In half-Morocco, uiurlileedgi - -o
In full-Morocco, filt edye - 75
How to get
a pair of "Mascots"
No. 2709 A most stylish Dlack French
Diagonal Cloth Capo, nnd elaborately
trimmed in Soutiicho and Hercules
Hraids. I'rieo if 5.50.
the week.
customers the ".Mascot,"
We will give as a premium,
A Pair of " MASCOTS " FREE
with every Cape, Wepurnte Skiit, or .I-ick-'t
of a ".50 value or ovr, sold,
A w.iiccltiian hu-'g hi' tl- front
the ccUirg or e. ll;ir. ! -I I:':- froi:; t:
swingirg slu If on vhlch food 'trskr-pt.
A mouti.; jn trijK'd' from th" wall to th"
tire of the front v. hul, ule i!;, ! o-,.-Ing
thereby to rcaeh (!m .lr K. Tb
.hccl Hlnrtetl nni the rsoe i at r rally
rnu tywird the hlrbct i .-t,t of It. It
, was ttble t, stay -n t ' v' t':,- tire,
but eouldVt get t'.M'i."-1! i f.)nt!ioltl
' to jump to (lievwnll. Wh -'i I'mii'd next
I morning it was very much e-JuiiiBtcd,
though still running. The cyclometer
showed thai it bed traveled over 28
miles. Albnnv K. ri'f.i,
THIS t-'IKBT IIA'ITI.K 1 mi lutcrcslliiK utory
of lliu Kreut polttleal utrtlKKhi ol thW, lu taiwt
liiiiiorluiit i-voiitM unit tlio niiiiiy Uaiu-ii Involved;
u IhkIvuI lieutUonii llPmutiillfmii uk tittertti by
cinliifiit uxiumi'UU, InuliultliK tliu iirt taken by
Hen. W. J. ltryiin In iheMlvcr UKltiitlmi ilur tu
the iK'iiiocruilu Nntloinil t'onveiilloii. unit itur
lntf lliui-aiiipiilk'ii; tlio licet exiunik-K(.f liU wou
il'jibil onitory, tliu note wt-tttiy Inclilt-ntM of
hU iiuuouk tour, n I'liH'tut ttiviuwv o( tliu iHillliuitl
fttuiitlun, it illtcuMtoii u( tliu ulurttou riluru
iiml tliu ftiillic.iiici' tliurt'od unit tliu (uiuru
Kiblillltlu (if lll-metiillUm iu u lx)lltlcil Imue,
M. J WOODCOCK, Agonr, Wamlo, Or.