The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 02, 1897, Image 2

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    The Dalles My Chronicle.
The only Republican Vaily Seutpapei
Wasco Countu.
ASTERS OFFICE 230 to 234 Temple
Court, S. Y. Citu. E. KATZ. Agent.
the shaded lamps threw n soft light
over the rich oriental furnishings.
Schcherczade was seated on a divan,
carelessly sending a delicate thread
of smoke from behind her rosebud
1 lips, and at the same time drawing
the fragrant vapor into her highly
bred though somewhat retrousse. ,
nasal orcan. Ilaroun. the miehtv,
scheheuezahkV last, that had crossed his nether limbs and was
the sultax. resting the fullness of his biking suit
To the .i. o. r. ir. Ion his royal heels. A chibouque.
"When Haronn Al Ivaschid. the most loaded with the fragrant tobacco of
glorious of all the illustrious sultans Teheran, was in front of him. and he.
mentioned in the semi-sacred pages .' too, was burning a few pipes to his
of the Zip-Koran; the grandest of all j idol.
the caliphs, whose illustrious deeds j "2sow then. Zade. old girl." said
are preserved in the archives or the he, "give us that story. And in or
Uagdad publiD museum and rendered der that my subjects may have no
immortal in traditiou. "When he. I ; doubt but that 1 shall make the pun
say, after one thousand and one con-; ishment fit the crime, have the grand
secutive nichts had fallen asleep as vizier sent in.'
Scheherezade told some new slorv of i beinc: seated, and
love, drawn with the vivid coloring contest having been
natural to the warm-blooded danih-
This functionary
the nature of tl e
ex pinned to
, him, Scheherezade blew out a clor.d
ters of Araby the blest, and painted of cigarette smoke that had been cir
in all the glowing imagery of the dilating through the upper ttory of
Orient. "When he awoke on the ' her system, and half reclining on the
moiuinc of the 10(2d dav. there ; divan, beean:
B! FEST vlth a b'P 3 Blackwolt's Genuine BnllL
r Utirliam Is In n class by Itself. You will find ono k
E coupon inside cacli two ounce bag, and two con- k
jH pons inside each Tour ounce bat of
H Bnyabnortlilscelebrntedtobncconndrer.dtheconpon JKf
H 7bJcbglveall3tQfvuluableprcicntsui:dbowtoretthuin2V
i Wflltlt PAPER! i
' j
Just Received
You Get
the Profit
L Klfe .ts, Jobber
anu jYiiuuiciucn ay tJuyin?Qi
rect from the manufacturer.
Eolls of Wall Taper,
best patterns. The
beautiful colors.
New Invoice
of Paints and Oils. Any
color or brand supplied.
-vJ Iv
; Snipcs-Kmersly Drug Co.;
Buys a cood BOYS'SITT at C. F. Steph-
lntermecuate prices up to .4.ou.
were deep circles of blue under each
of his illustrious eyes, and his general
appearance indicated that his royal
nibs was a-weary of life. The an
cient chronicles from which I glean
this tale say that he intimated to the
tale-teller. Scheherezade. that he de
sired a new bill.
"By may halidom '." he exclaimed,
as he sat up in his couch and extend
ed one rich brown shank over its ;ide
until his great toe tapped nervously
the genuine Turkish rug. "I am a
weary of love. The winds from
Kattiay, or the c'clones of Kansas,
have to'ed these main days with the
whiskers of those old stories. They
need a barber; in fact, all the bar
bers of Bagdad who have played so
important parts in your silly stories
would be emplo'ed for a year in re
moving their chin-beards. They are
as stale as the caseiu of Limburs. and
Concluded in ou n'xt issue.
?3r dttM-
75 cts-
Ladies' Cloaks.
Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea
ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The
best Black Diagonal for $12.00.
An elecant assortment of
1.90 stylet just received,
a partot which may be
seen in show window.
No belter v. heel made than the
i 00 t
Acme oicycie
Built in our own factory by
skilled workmen, usin the best
material and the mo. t improved
machinery. IVa fiavs r.c 'agar'i
Sold direct from factor to
rider, full v warrarr.ed. Si.'-. '
anywhere for examintic.'
waive Fon
', Our interesting OSc:
Acme Cycio Co., Elkhart, ind.
Letters of Credit issued available in the
Eastern States.
"Ho Reffuator M
Remember, all these goods are latest made, warm, serv
iceable and fashionable, and at prices never before ap
proached in The Dalles.
Sicht Exchange and Teleern
Transfers sold on New York. Chic
i St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Ore-
con, Seattle ash., and various points
in Oregon and Washington.
Collections made at all points on fav
orable terms.
fir The Dalles. Portland ad AdA
Navigation Co.
ELY'S CREAM BAXM Is a poMtlvecure.
Apply into the nostrils. It is quickly absorbed. 60
cent at Drazdsts or br mail ; samples 10c. br ma!!.
ELY BROTIIEl'S, EG" Warren St.. N'ew York City.
The man who eats because he is hun
: gry is, thus far, on the level with the.
'brutes. The man who stops eating the i TH E CELEBRATED
' moment his hunger is appeased is the j
' wise man. Mature needs no more fond j
i than he calls for. Continued excess j
! brings about indigestion or dyspepsia, j
j with loss oi nesn, strength, sleep, am
bition and mental power, and an ac
CUines and Cigars.
01 m sa
on draught
and In Dottles.
. : ; , l .-, . i . l : . . r r. '
iuiuixuiiiuuii; s wiwu"-jcnmuiati0n 0f aches, nains and
Cease, we command thee, thy maud-1 dangerous local maladies.
lin babblings of love! Quit whisper-j The stomach now can do nothing
ins throueh vour turban, anfl offend j aione- We ull!St appeal to some artific-
no longer our auricular drum with I ,a"-v d'-'e!ted iood wh!ch ca" also diSest
, .... , other foocis. That is to sav, we must
the asinine inanities of love lorn use the ShBber Disie.tivt; cr(liaK Tht!
damsels and male mental jaekassi ; effect is prompt and cheering. The
with diseased brains, and hallucina- i chronic pain and distress ceases,
tions ascribed to their hearts, bin Appetite presently revives. Flesh and
nrishm from toroul livers. Give us ! vir -raduBl!-v eomes back, and the
n 1 snflt-rer recovers. But he must be care-
a rest, or jrive us something new fulinfuiure. a triai bott'.e for 10 cents.
It has been nearly three years now
since I besan neglectina my vow. , LaxoI is the best medicine for chil-
. . , i . i 1 dren. Dcciors recommend it in place of
and melhmks it is time to order in 1
. . . i Castor Oil.
the bowstring, liestir your stumps,
or by the Peffeiian beard of the
prophet I will give you the sack to
some purpose; I am tired of the
comcd v of affection and disgusted
Anheuser-Busch Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic
beverage, unecjualed as a tonic.
MST! Freisll anu pawn
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
St. Paul
Low Rates to all Eastern Cities
Until further notice, the
Steamer Regulator will leave
;The Dalles on Mondays, "Wed
nesdays and Fridavs at 7:30
Kansas City a. m., and will leave Portland
Inn Tnpsrlnvc Thnvsrlnvs and
. j - 1-
Omaha i
atnrdavs at C:30 a. rn.
Fur ale or Iradu.
A desirable rjnch of 1G0 acres, within
lour mile; of D.Ules City, with one span
mares, harness, wagons, plows and other
nronertv. Fine fruit land mid iilnm.
with the farce of love. Trot us out : dlince o water- WiU trnde or Dalles
some opera bouffe, so to speak, as it ; City property. Inquire of
were, and bring on the ballet. Give A. S. Mac Allistei:,
us something new." So saving he : Reil1 Eetate and Insrance Apent.
. , , , ." . , " " ; Cnnoxicu: office, The Dalles, Or.
closed hts illustrious and most raag-
nificent mouth with a snap, and not a
soft snap either.
As Scheherezade watched him with
her gazelle-like eyes, plunge first one
jnahogany-colored shank and then
liucKleu'c Arincu nulve.
The best ealve in the world for euta, .
bruises, sores, ulcerE, ealt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped handE, chilblains,
corns, and al! akin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pav required
Wasco Warehouse Company
Headquarters for Seed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Feed Grain of ail kinds.
Headquarters for Rolled Grain, ail kinds.
Headquarters for Bran, Shorts, mllfeed
Headquarters for "Byers' Best" Pendle-
tOH FlOTir 'our 19 manufactured expressly for familv
, j. U6e. every eack ie guaranteed to give' satisfaction.
I We sell our goods lower than any house in the trade, and if you don't think so
call and get our prices and be convinced.
' Highest Prices Paid for Wheat. Barley and Oats.
OCEAX STKAMKKS heave J'urtliuiil
Eerv rive lavh for
j One way . , .
. liound trip ,
Frei Rates Greatly educed.
For full details call on O. I'. & Co. b Agent
Tea Dalles, or Hddrefc
W. H. liCIU.BUr.T, Gen. Pass. Act C.L n , , . .
I'ortlnnd. Oreon ! Shipments for Portland received ji
E. M'NEII.L President uud Mnna er ! any time. ShipmentB for way landinfi
N'w sriieduie 1 Jnuet be delivered before 5 p. m.
Train So. 1 arrives at Tlie Dalles 4 :-15 I etock sbipmente Eolicited. For ratesoJ
a. m., and leaves i :50 a. m. ' on or addre"
Train No. 12 arrives at The Dalles 10:15 ' W. C. ALLAWAY
p. m., and leaves 10:20 p. m. ,
Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles 11 :55 . t",neral Aul nK
p. m., and west-bound triiin No. 7 leaves ' THE DALLES. - OREGUN
ut 1 p. m.
Train 23 and 24 will carrv p&ssenpers
between The Dalles and Umatilla, lenv. ;
i inp ine unnee at i p. :u. daily and ar-
riviiic ih ine uaues l p. in. clailv, con
nectinjr with train Nop. 8 and '7 froir
Portland. E. E. Lvtle ,
nnotlior into the abysmal depths of 11 is guaranteed to uive periect p.atisfac
per box. t-or sale ny
Houghton, drucciats.
o cents
Blakeley and
his red-flannel bloomers, she realized
that the old man was mad clean
through. Seheherezade was; an up.
to-date gill, however. and had proved
that she was onto her job. So she
turned on her pillow and before his
''serene highness" could recover his
serenity, a gentle snore with n cies
cendo movement, announced to him
that the lady was afraid neither of
his bluff nor a royal Hush.
An hour later as the caliph, dis
guised in a clean turban and new
bloomers, was slumming in the white
chapel districts of J5agdad, Schelie
rezade emerged
frefah as n daisy and calm as n conn- This vault is made of six pieces of mar-
try courtship, "I'll do the old man up We which can be firmly fastened to.
J , ' , , ' gethei with cement, thus making them
to the queen s taste, and thatni own, nlrand water tight.
175 Second Street,
The Dalles, Oregon
VST Country and Mail Orders will receive prompt attention.
JLm. comini,
Marble Burial Vaults
a Perfect Protection from Water and ' "There is a tide in the affairsjf men which, taken at its flooa
Dampness. Preserves the Uodv bv Ex- , "V . , "
cludinc the Air. leads on to fortune.
It jiossebses every merit claimed fori
the moat expensive vaults, viz: absolute j
security and durability, thus making a
permanent and 'imperishable restinirl
from her boudoir, place for the dead. 1
tonight," she murmured.
The shades of night had again set- K (jnCS Cemete WlM
In! rn lifirrloi Mir ttronfc ivorr HfirLr
lor the contract with the electric
light company was ''busted," and
only here and there the gleam ot n
Mr. Comini has on hand a large sup
ply ot lirst-cluee Marble, to be used in
Monuments, etc. Prices lower than in
to fo
The poet unciuestionablv had reference to the
Closing Out Sale of Furniture and Carpets
Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates
Job Pointing at This Office.
Collections made and proceeds promptly
remitted on day of collection. y TTMTT.NT
bight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on J-llJLl!i, OJllJXLJllX X
ew York, San Franeibco and port-
First National Bank.
A General Banking Bueineee transacted
DepoBite received, subject to Sight
umi or unecc.
? p;.t"?""ok. S. Schexck. I
iiU. M. iLLiAMs, Geo. A. Lieue.
H. M. Beau.. i
Notice of Sheriffs Sale.
I. F. Dallies, IMalntlU",
fuvcirof ii u ntlir n....i.,J. .T,":.. . ' .'. J.hJ7
f. M. Iifcnto.iunu sell iuilicleiit il S ' , i t ,d . .
Picture Moulding.
HI. G- Hj IB 1ST
u,i 'i,r.i w'-?j11'11 oi iiidon thifci n
rn, j cim oil tlie IKtli (lav of M urnh. IMit to.... '
April, lfc7 nt tliccuurttioutc door In Duilel'ltv 'L11"11""!
) .U4C.( "'". Orticon. I will sell a.Tml m ... ?.' W
nun, to ine ii L'l.ikt i.iirt,.. ;.. r-.v.-rrr ""v '
t,.r ... tl .1 .
i in ovuiiuu lb. J l
much thereof hi, ii
uin mill uccruliiK costi!.
MC27.U Bherllfof 'county; 0Ilt
.??' .. whi be iuffici t to ; 'Lis
T. J. 11KIVEH,
fo (.'(mill.' l.
moiement ol llio boncli " " ,1m licit u
Miih. Tb. pllU .upply wht J beLS,r V,5Sli wM
For 8le. .
Yearling eheep (1000 bead,) sounds
in prime condition. Price fl.8.
drebe, J. M. W
w-mltf Slierars Bridge, OiefP'