The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, November 20, 1896, Image 2

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The Dalles Dafly Choniele,
The only Republican Daily Newspapet n
Wasco County.
- NOV. 20. 1896
EASTERN OFFICE 230 to 234 Temple
Court, N. Y. City. E. KATZ, Agent.
TVe firmly believe that inside of
twelve years the liquor question will
be the issue in the presidential cam
paign.' We do not believe it will
come through the Prohibition party,
cither, but that one or the other of
the old parties, most likely the Re
publicans, will take it up and force it
to the front. Even now the ques
tion is causing considerable comment
in places where it has generally been
ignored, and in our exchanges we
note occasionally a sentiment hardly
Tecognized by those who give it ex
pression, bearing out the assertion
we have made. The question is one
as old almost as the race. We can
follow it back to Lot's time, or fur
ther, and the pages of profane his
tory arc filled with it. Bacchus with
bis champagne drunks, and Silenus
paralyzed on stale beer, or stronger
alcoholic mixtures, are examples
taken from the Grecian mythology,
while every nation of ivhich we have
a history has something concerning
those who liked a swig at the old
demijohn. The sacred volumes of
every religion propound against it;
the Bible, the Alcoran, the Zende-
vestas, all point to liquor as an injury
to the race. But in spite of this, man
will have it.
With the Mohammedan it is made
a crime to drink wine, punished by
being prevented entering into Para
dise; yet your noble Turk is a genu
ine lusLer. The blue laws of Maine
absolutely prohibit its sale; but it
can be found in perhaps not every
hotel, but certainly plentifully
enough. Sweden and North Caro
lina have tried going into the business;
but that does not stop it.
The general custom has Jbeen, and
is, to license it, and thus gain a reve
Due for allowing to be carried on
openly what it cannot prevent pri
vately. The teachings of religion
are against its use, but on the other
hand, the poet apotheosizes it as the
avatar of Pleasure. "Fill high the
bowl with Samian wine," sina-s By
ron. "Man being reasonable must
get drunk; the best of life is but in
toxication," sings another bard, and
the great mass of the populace take
kindly to poetry in this case.
The Prohibitionist wants the use
of liquor stopped, but he is small in
number, even though strong in faith
Opposed to him is the greater masses,
who object to the abuse, but not the
use. These show faith, but little
wisdonifor if the abuse could by an-
means be dissevered from the use,
there would be no liquor question.
In just what shape it is to be
brought before the people as a polit
ical question cannot be foictold, but
as an observer of the signs of the
times, we predict that it will be so
brought forward. Anent all this
discussion, we heaid a gentleman the
Other day discussing this very ques
tion. Wc might add that he is not
a Prohibitionist,-, and his idea was
certainly unique. He thinks the is
sue will come in the shape of taking
the internal revenue off the manu
facture of alcohol, and the doing
away witli license of all kinds. This
would put whiskey in the market at ten to twenty cents per gallon,
and in our friend's opinion, it would
then be so cheap that no one would
drink it. Beer would also be very
, che-ip and would drive out all other
stimulants, and at the same time fall
into disuse itself. '
We do not pretend to say what
effect any law mny have on the ques
tion, but we do insist that it is to be
the- next political issue. 'Al! such
la ws a i we have made, all such laws
as tiny civilized country has ever
made, have proved futile towards
stopping the liquor traffic. Whether
the generations coming are wiser
than the generations past remains to
be seen. Jn the meanwhile we might
add that the present system of li
censes, however unsatisfactory it may
be, is about the best so far devised.
Do not allow the matter of devel
oping our coal fields to go to sleep.
Agitate the question, talk about, en
courage it, make it go. It means
untold millions for The Dalles if a
good vein rT coal is discovered, and
we cannot ' afford to let the question
rest. If we have ihe coal let us dem
onstrate it. If we have it not, let us
remove the hope from our minds,
and devote our attention to some
thing else.
It seems almost impossible to real
ize that the Columbia is open to
navigation. The only way to get it
thoroughly impressed on j'our mind
is to board one of the D. P. & A. N.
Co.'s steamers and make the round
trip to Portland. When you come
up through the locks you know it is
Bad Himself Shipped In a Box In Order tm
Peat the Railway.
Four or five years ago one of the most
celebrated of European prodigies was
the Pplish dwarf, nermann Zeitung, at
one time one of the chief attractions at
the Folies Bergere, says the New York
world. Latterly Zeitunp has been lib
tie in the public eye, or rather was un
til the other day, when he started in tc
carry out an interesting exploit which
very nearly succeeded.
He had himself fastened up in a box
addressed to a larpre importing house
at Madrid snd labeled: "Fragile. With
care. "Top." Iloles had been made in
this box for breathing purposes and
one of its sides was so constructed that
it could be opened from within to give
the little dwarf a way of getting out
unnoticed when he reached his destina
tion. The box was fitted up with a
cushion seat and an abundant supply
of provisions was placed within it. .
The' start was made at Vienna, where
Zeitung had been living for soma time,
and after the dwarf had placed him
self inside and fastened himself in two
lusty porter j carried him oCt to ta'j sta
tion, having been paid bjforehaad a
fee of sixty conts eauh. They gavo the
box in charge to the stationinaster to
be shipped to Madrid by express.
According to Zeitung, the journey
was .an uninteresting one and with
out incident, but when he got to the
Spanish capital his troubles began.
The Madrid stationinaster evidently
had a poor knowledge as to the fragil
ity of glass, for he turned the box over
and over, and at last came . to the con
clusion that its contents ought to be in
vestigated. His aids, therefore, opened
it and dragged out the dwarf more dead
than alive from the shaking he had re
ceived. It would have puzzled a man
less full of expedients how to further
punish Zeitung, but the stationinaster
solved the problem by having him ar
rested for trying to swindle the rail
road companies ont of their fares.
The dwarfs defense -was that he was
traveling in this manner on a bet of
three thousand francs, the terras of
the wager being that he was to get to
Madrid without a cent in his poc-ket.
Three hundred francs, however, were
found concealed in his shoes. The real
reason for his traveling in this remark
able manner was that ho might save
railroad fare and also get a good adver
tisement for the engagement in Madrid,
for which he was billed.
Leave orders at The Dalles Commis
sion Co.'s store for dressed chickens.
Telephones 128 and 255. Ring 'em
np. Bll-dlm
Marsh and Jolea will give a turkey
and pigeon shoot the day before Thanks
giving and on Thanksgiving day.
Furnished room for rent, with board
if desired. Address Mre. C. Adams,
Jackson street." novl2-6t
Take your watches, clocks and jewelry
repairing to Clark, the East End jeweler.
and is the result of cold and
sudden climatic changes.
For your Protection
we positively state that this
remedy does not contain
mercury or any other injur
ions drag. -
Ely's Cream Bairn
is acknowledged to be the most thorough cure for
Nasnl Catarrh, Cold in -Head and Hay Fever of all
remedies. It opens and cleanses the nasal passages,
allays tain and inflammation, heals the sores, pro-,
tccts the membrane from colds, restores the senses
of taste and smelL Price BOc at Omista or by mail.
KLY. BROTHERS, 6S Warren Street, New York.
' Offlre next door to the First National Bank,
The Dulles, Oregon. novl9
Good Times
Now is the time to lay in 3'our Fall and Winter
Supplies before they go higher. We have a good
stock of Hay, Grain and Feed, Flour arid Groceries,
Seed Wheat, Oats and Rye.
Garden and Grass Seeds in Bulk.
Now is the time to put in Fall Seeds. Experi
ence has demonstrated that fall plonting is the best
for most things. We have a good supply of Fertil
izers for exhausted and worn-out gardens, lawns, or
chards, fec.
Fresh Butter, Hams, Bacon and Lard. Eggs,
Chickens, Turkeys, Ducks and Geese bought and
sold. Goods sold at Bedrock Prices for Cash. Free
and prompt delivery.
Corner Second and Union
Tbe Ideal Panacea.
James L. Francis, Alderman, Chicago,
says: "I regard Dr. King's New Dis
covery as an Ideal Panacea for coughe,
colds and Lang Complaints, having used
it in my family for the last five years,
to the exclusion of physician's prescrip
tions or other preparations."
Eev. John Bnrgns, Keokuk, Iowa
writes: "I have been a Minister of the
Methodist Episcopal chnrch for 50 years
or more, and have never fonnd anything
so beneficia', or that gave me such speedy
relief as Dr. King's New Diecovery."
Try this Ideal Congh Remedy now. Trial
bottles free at Blake ley & Houghton's,
Drng Store.
Ca&h In Ifonr Checks.
AH county warrants registered prior
to Jnly 11, 1892, will be paid at my
office. Interest ceases after Oct. 2(J
1896. C. L. Phillips,
Connty Treasnrer. -
Money loaned on personal security, or
real estate near the city. Inquire of
Joel G. Koontz. nov!8-dlm
Hot clam broth every day at noon at
Ad Kellar's. ' tf
Clark, the East End jeweler, makes a
specialty of fine watch repairing. Call
and see him.
Subscribe for The Chronicle.
"The Regulator Line"
The Dalles, PortM aifl Astoria
Navigation Co.
FtBigit ana Passenger Line
The company's elegant steames give
daily service (Sundays excepted) between
The Dalles and Portland.
Steamer "Regulator" leaves The Dalles
on Monday, Wednesday and Friday 'at
7:30 a. m., arriving in Portland atop,
m. Returning leaves Oak-street dok
on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday , at
6 :30 a. m., arriving in The Dalles at
5 p. m.
Steamer "Dalles - City" . leaves The
Dalles on Tuesday, Thursday and Sutur
day at 7 :30 a. m., arriving in Portland
at 5 p. m. Returning leaves Oak-tet
dock on Monday, Wednesday and Friday
at 6:30 a. m., arriving in Tbe Dalles at
5 p. m.
One way f 2 00
Round trip , . 3 00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. .
Shipments for : Portland . received at
any time. Shipments for way landings
must be delivered before 5 p.m. Live
stock shipments solicited. For rates call
on or address
General Agent-
Beesidence, Tenth and Liberty Streets
Choice of Transcontinental Routes
St. Paul
Kansas City
Low Rates to air Eastern Cities.
OCEAN 8TK A M Kits Leave Portland
Hverv Five Itays fur -
For full details call onO. S & Co. s Agent
Tha Dalles, or xddrehs
W, H. HDRLBUKT. Gen. Pass. Art
Portland, OregOD
K. M KEILL President aud Manmcer.
New Schedule.
Train No. 1 at rives at The Dalles 4 :50
a. m., ai'd leaves 4 :o5 a. ni.
Train No. 2 arrive at The Dalles 10 :4
p. in., and leaves 10:45 p. m.
Train No. 8 arrives at The Dalles Tl :55
p. m., and nest-boand train No. 7 leaves
at 1 :10 p. m.
Train 23 and 24 will carrv passengers
Detween l he LI it lies and Umatilla, leav
ing ins Danes at i p. m. dally and ar
riving at The Dalles 1 p. m. ilaiiv. con
necting with train No. g and 7 front
1'ortland. E. K. Lytle.
and Headstones.
Before going elsewhere, call on
L. C0M1NI, The Dalles, Or.,
For a Tombstone. Warranted
to stand for all lime, regardless
of wind or weather.
American Market
74 Second Street.
Fruit, Produce,
Butter, Eggs.
The Glades Ranch,
nre Brefl
J 5.-y Cattle
Of the St Lnmbert, ommasslo and To'mentor
raine. inree 1 nolce Bulls for Bale orient,
so some Choice Cows slid Heifer for sale.
Pn-e Bred Poland China H gs.
Whlie Plymouth Kock Chickens.
A'Mress: ilKS. A. R. BYBKETT, Prop.
jj iS-w3in White Salmon, Wash.
A Itlitct -UTrsie. One PS!1 for a. Iose.
movement of tbe bowels ach day is neceanarr for
health. Thnre pills supply what the system lacks to
f ake it reenlar. They cure Headache, brighten the
yes, nd clear tbe Coropieikta bet ter than cosmetics,
bey neither pripe nor sicken. To connnce ycra. we
anil mail fuunpln free, or fnll hox for "xs. Sold every-
22 fjif llij
ym liver
i lk FILLS
I ,M
pj -.
Full Aesortment of
Boots and Shoes. Don't fail
to examine our new stock,
which we personally selected
in New York City and Phila
delphia. We guarantee the
lowest prices in town.
Vogt Block.
IWflliT IiIQUOftS,
CClines and Cigafs
Anh.euser-Busch. Malt Nutrine, a non-alcoholic
bevei age, unequaled a a tonic.
75 cts-
Ladies' Cloaks.
Remember, all these goods are latest made, warm, serv
iceable and fashionable, and at prices never before ap
proached in The Dalles.
Leave your orders for
Dressed Chickens, Fish,
Fine Dairy Butter, Eggs,
Fruits and Vegetables of all kinds,
Corner Second and Washington Sts.
"There is a tide in the affairs of men which, 'taken at its flood
' leads on to fortune"
The poet unquestionably had reference to the
Closing Out Sale of Farnitare and Carpets
Who are selling those goods out at greatly-r,educed rates
Kill or catch those Flies
Only 5c a Double Sheet at
Donnell's Drugstore.
H. Herbring.
- BUSCH and
BEER 2SddEuSo&.
Buys a good BOYS'SUIT at C. F. Steph
ens.' Intermediate prices up to $4.50.
Is all C. F. Stephens asks for a servicea
ble suit of MEN'S CLOTHING. The
best Black Diagonal for $12.00.
An elegant assortment of
1896 styles ju9t received,
a par.t ot which may be
seen in show window.