The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 26, 1894, Image 4

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the poison m your blood,
however it may have
come or whatever shape
it. may be taking, is'
cleared,, away by Dr.
Pierce's Golden -Medical
Discovery. It's' a
remedy that rouses ev
ery organ into healthful
action, purines ana en-
riches the blood, and
r4j through it 'cleanses and
V-,sk . invirrnr!itii thn -whole
system. Salt-rliejuri,
Tetter, Eczema, Erysip
elas, Boils, Carbuncles,
, . , , -i j
jyiiargeci lianas, anu
the worst . Scrofulous
Sores and Swellings,
are perfectly and per-
IsHr "Unlike the ordinary
Spring medicines or aav
saparillas, the "Discov
ery" works equally well
at all seasons. All the
year round .and. in all
cases, it is guaranteed,
as no other blood medi
cine is. If it ever fails
to benefit or cure, you
have your money back.
You pay only for the
good you get.
Isn't it safe to say that no other
blood - purifier .can be ".just -as
If it were, wouldn't it be Bold so ?
By its mild, soothing, cleansing
and healing properties, Dr. Sage's
Catarrh Remedy perfectly and per
xnanently cures Catarrh in the Head.
Easily, Qaickly,.
Permanently Restored.
and all tbe train of arils
from early errors or later
excesses, tfee results of
overwork, sickness,
worry, etc Full strength,
development and tone
given to every organ and
portion of the body.
Simple, natnralnietbods.
Immediate Improvement
seen. Failure impossible.
2.0U0 references. Book,
explanation ana proofs
mailed, (sealed) tree.
"Tbe Regulator Line"
Tie DaDes, 'Portland anl Atferia
Navigation Co.
Frelont ana Passenser Line
Through Daily Trips (Sundavs ex
cepted) between The Dalles andP Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a.m., connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill et. dock) at 6 a. m., connect
ing with Steamer Regulator for The
One way .
Hound trip.
. :.2.oo
. 3.00
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
All freight,: except car lots,
ttnll be brought through, with
out delay at Cascades.
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted.
Call on or address, -
titeneral Acent.
' General Hauir. . ".
. ' Land Offick, The Dalles, Or.,
. ' March 10, 1894. j
Notice Is hereby Riven that the following
named settler has filed notice of her intention
to make final proof in support of her
claim, and that said proof will be made before
the register and receiver at The Dalles, Or., on
April 30, lim, viz. : , '
Mary M. Gordon,
Hd. No. 3200. for the BWV. Sen 39. Tn 4 s. w is '
She names the following witnesses to prove her
otuuiiuuui remoence upon, ana cultivation of,
aid land, vis. : .-
James Met lore, Milt McClure, 8. E. Farris.
8id Blackerby, all oi WspiuiUa, Or.
1425 JOHN W. LEWIS, EefrUter
V. S. Land Optics, The Dalles, Or.,
' . Feb. 17, 1894. )
Notice is hcrebv riven that the fnllnwtns
named settler has filed notice of his intention to
make final proof In support of his claim, and
that said proof will be made-before the Register
and Receiver at The Dalle?, Oregon, on Satur-
AHV, AJUU i?Ult Vli;
. Martin Iff. Watrrtnan,
Hd. No. S733 for the N'f NWJ, 8E KWJi, and
2h R4 Bee 27. Tp i N, R 14 E. . '
' He names the following witnesses to prove his
continuous residence upon and cultivation of
sua una, vrz :
, R. Gilbert, The Dalles, Or. , Albert Allen, Boyd,
Or. ; H. Gllptn, A. M Allen, The Dalles, Or. .
iebSi JOHN W. LEWIS.RegUter.
Jtrango Views Regarding the Na
ture .of Womankind. ;
A Philosopher Who Entertained the. Be-
tlief That Women Were Fascinated
by Blood, Cruelty and Anguish,
Experiments on the Senses.
Woman is a paradox and the mother;
of paradoxes, says the Boston Journal.
A carefnl study of the history of the
world will convince any man of judi
cial mind that Bayle did not go too far
7 perhaps did not go far enough
when he. observed, apropos of the
treatment of Arideus and Eurydice by
Olympias, "that if on one side women
are generally more tender than men
jt js certain on the Other that those
who are fired with a spirit of cruelty
and ambition go greater lengths than
nien in those two vices." Bayle did
ciot go far enough. For if in a savage
state tbe female warrior is most to be
dreaded by a foe, and if the female has
been and is first in scenes of bloody
worship and torture, so in popular up
risings., as in the French revolution
and in our day the commune, or in the
history of nihilism, or in police courts
where the question of maltreatment
of children is brought before the pub
lic, it is woman that plays the most
horrid part. ,
Philosophers of old argued concern
ing this paradox. They admitted the
tenderness, they knew of the sanguin
ary and ferocious possibilities bound
up with this tenderness. Some ascribed
the cause to hysteria, as did Demo
critus, the physician. Others, as de la
Mothe lc Vayer, argued on each side
and could not frame a final answer.
It was reserved for an Englishman,
who of all men had probably studied
most thoroughly the manners and cus
toms of humanity, barbarous and civ
ilized it, was reserved for Sir Richard
Burton to advance the theory that
even the love of woman for nursing
the sick at home and in hospital arose
from the J'ascina .ion exerted over her
by blood and cruelty and the' sight of
bodily or mental anguish. According
to this theory, Florence Nightingale,
the amazon of Dahomey, the. petro
leuse, and Ooneourt's Fanstin studying
the agony of Tjord Annandnle, stood
on the same platform. A monstrous
theory! I5ut history '. unfortunately
furnishes in support of it illustrations
from the earliest records to the chap
ter as yet unfinished. .
It is not at i all improbable that a
key to' this paradox is supplied by the
experiments of Profs. Nicholls and
Browne, who try to -demonstrate that
the senses arc less keen in woman
than in man. Thej' began with the
sense of smell. They took odoriferous
substances, such as garlic and prussic
acid. These were diluted in a growing
proportion, until in the last set there
was one, part of the test substance to
2.000,000 parts of water. Then forty
four men '.md thirty-qight women,
young and healthy, were, told to re
arrange these bottles, which had been
put in disorder, and bv the sense of
smell to ' arrange each set by itself
garlic with garlje, essence of cloves
with cloves. The women failed. They
could not distinguish the lemon be
yond 100.000 parts, while the men told
it at 250,000. The women could not
tracerussic acid beyond .the dilution
of 20,000 parts of one; the men, or near
ly all of them, distinguished it up to
100,000 parts.
It is argued that similar results must
follow from the experiments on the
perception of every other sense; that
woman does not require, as the male,
such keenness. And the conclusion
is drawn that "Xieety of the senses on
woman's part would be a grave disad
vantage to the race. It is her lot tc
perform without repugnance, and even
with pleasure, a thousand functions
against which man would revolt."
Here is a humane answer to the para
dox' of Burton.
But will women, if they first of all
agree to the paradox, be content with
the answer? Will they be willing to
remember that there is here no talk
considering intellectuality or morality?
Will they admit that '1?he senses be
long to the animal structure of hu
manity, and reasoning beings ;do not
dispute' that the. the superior
animal?" If they protest against this
position, pray wllat other answer can
they make to the Burton ian paradox?
Our better halves say they could- not
keep house without Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. It ia used , in more
than half the homes in Leeds. Sims
Bros., Leeds, Iowa. This shows the
esteem in which that remedy is held
where it has been sold for years and is
well known.- Mothers have learned
that there is nothing so good for colds,
croup and whooping cough, that it cures
these ailments quickly and permanently,
and that it is pleasant arid safe for
children to take. 50 cent bottles for
sale by Blakely..& Houghton, druggists.
Thkbb are one hundred and forty
three religious sects ' in the - United
States. '-....
"Smokixo not allowed" js one of the
rules'of the Peary Arctic extxvlitiori.
See the Worla'a Fair for Fifteen Gent.
Upon receipt of your address and fif
teen cents in postage stamps, w will
mail yon prepaid our souvenir portfolio
of. the world's Columbian exposition,
the regular price is fifty cents, but as we
want you to have one, we make the
price nominal. You will find it a work
o art and a thing to be prized. It con
tains full page views of the great build
ings, with descriptions of same, and is
executed -in. highest sty le'of art. If not
satisfied with it, after yoa get it, we will
refund the stamps and let yon keep the
book. Address
II. K. Bl'CKLEN & CO..
' ' " ' ' Chicago, 111,
Ask yonr dealer for Mexican Silver
Stove Polish. ,
The Motto Ought ' Really Not to Contain
i- More Than Klcbt Syllables.
" The art of composing the motto was
subjected to severe rules.' The "body"
and the "sour' were required to - be in
such -relation to each other that the
,4soul" should, invariably explain the
"body." The legend must be concise,
neatly -turned and. ingeniously sug
gestive like the "Desdichado" of the
disinherited knight in "Ivanhoe," says
the Year Round. '-'-- - i
. It had always to be applicable to the
person as well as to the material object
forming the "body," and .it must not
be drawn from things nnknown,'nor
must it bo too enigmatic or too facile, I
too humble, or above all, too arrogant.
Again, it was essential that the fig
ure fibou.M be agreeable to the eye and
its idea to the nitnd. Finally the de- !
vice was perfect only when the ''body" ;
was unique and the "soulj" or mottO;
in a language which Was not the
mother tongue Of him vho bore it. . .'
The motto ought not to contain
more than eight syllables. That of
our order Xf he Garter, "Iloni soit
qui mal y pense," contains only seven;
that of our kings, "Dieu 'et mon
droit," only four. The device of Leo
X. was a yoke with .''Suave" for the
motto--"The yoke of the Lord is
sweet." That, of Henry III., king of
France and Poland, two crowns on the
earth and one up above, -.vith the
motto: "Manet ultima coelo;" that
of Charles V., the pillars of Hercules,
and the legend, "'e plus ultra."
Devices went out of vogue in the
seventeenth' century,' and now survive
only in the ooats-of arms of the older
families, where the reader, if he be so
disposed, may study them at leisure
and examine how nearly they ap
proach the ideal embodied in the fore-J
going rules.
How's This!
We offer One Hundred Dollars Reward
for any case of Catarrh that cannot be
cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure.
F. J. CHENEY & CO. Props, Toledo, O.
We the undersigned have known F. J.
Cheney for the last 15 years, and believe
him -perfectly honorable in all business
transaction and financially able to carry
out any obligation made bv their firm.
West & Tkaux,- Wholesale Druggists,
loledo, U. '
Waijjing, Kin-nan & Marvin, Whole
sale JJrugprists, loledo,- O.
Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken intern
allv, acting directly upon the blood and
mucous surfaces of the-system. Price
75c. per bottle. Sold by all druggists
Testimonials fr'e.
The ' most elevated railroad 1 in the
world is the Lima & Oroya, in Peru.
It ascends to an . elevation of 15,840
feet above the sea. . -' ' '
It will be an agreeable surprise to
persons subject to -attacks of bilious
colic to learn that prompt relief may be
had by taking Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy, In
many instances the attacks may be pre
vented by taking this remedy as soon as
the tirst symptoms of the disease ap
pear; 25 and 50 cent bottles for sale by
Blnkely & Houghton. -
.Axjbodv can Jbe good and yet be
good for nothing.
Tuk man who agrees with us doesn't
come around' near often enough. '
. ISnelcleu'e Annca ealv. ,
The heat salve in the worid for cuts,
brui.'e6, sores, ulcers, Bait rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required
It ir- guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale ny Snipes & Kin
eraly '.
"Dodgers' tailor seems to be fond of
romances." - "How do you know?"
'Well, Dodgers is always making -up
some, new story to tell him when he
presents, his bill."
Ancient Treasures Manufactured In Bus.
sin and Freely Sod as Originals.
- The ingenious Russian peasantry
seem to have been developing with
rather restless rapidity a .taste for an
cient art, not with the view of enjoy
ing the possession of its treasures, but
of passing them off upon eager collect
ors. - It seems, from a recent statement
by M. Reinach, says the Illustrated
London News, that within the last fif
teen years a regular system of manu
facturing antiquities has been carried
on in certain villages in southern Rus
sia, especially in the governments of
Kherson.and Tau'ridn. . It is admitted
that the imitations are often as pood
as the originals might be supposing
any originals to exist for the modern
Russians of those parts seem to have
inherited a highly inventive faculty
from their G.rajt ancestors. 7 "
The ; objects are especially confined
to gold and silver ornaments, in which
the Crimea is generally said to have
been at one. time peculiarly rich. The
museum of Odessa has' not escaped im
position; and it is even whispered that
the antiquaries and archaeologists of
that city have on more than one occa
sion devoted the time of their meetings
to the discussion and admiration of ob
jects of very, doubtful origin. The re-;
markable thing about these forgeries,
apart from the'skill shown in working
in an antique style, is the knowl
edge of ancient Greek which the -forgers
display. In one case an inscrip
tion of. six hundred letters was intro
duced into an ornament, and no gram
matical or orthographical fault was
discovered by those by whom it was
examined. Terra cotta figures more or
less resembling those of Tanagra are
also produced in large numbers in
some distiicts of southern Russia, but
these are chiefly exported, while the
gold and silver objects are retained for
home consumption.
Mi Yoric Weekly Tribune
WTSJ T V . 1
A recent discovery by an old
physician. Succa&uEif tued
.monthly by thousands of
Ladle. Is the only perfectly
safe and reliable mcdlclno dis
covered. Beware of unprincipled drugs lets who
offer Inferior medicines In place of this. AsIc for
Cook's Cotton Root Compound. taJca no substi
tute, or Inclose $1 and 0 cents m postage In letter
and we wia send, sealed, by return ma'A. Full scaled
particulars Iri plain envolopa, to ladles only, 2
stamps. . Addresn Poo7. Lily Companiri -.
, ' Kn. r rJ;.;.or nine!?, rtrolVMlcb,
.Sold in The Dalles bv Snipes & Kinersly.
. Those who have taken Simmons Liver
Regulator declare that it sets the liver
in action and invigorates the system in
such a way as to destroy the caaving for
strong drink. ''"'"
A. Wflsriln, the Bostnn Tailor.
Kast End Second St., The Dalles. -
cuiTC Mine m noncD From 2o
ouno iiiHUL iu unutn
to mao.
Pants from 5 to S10. ...
Perfect fit gusrantefd. Spring and Summer
Styles now Jo stock.
J. F. FORD, Eyanelist,
Of- Des Moines, Iowa, writes under date ot
March 23, 1893: ;
S. B. Mbd. Mfg. Co., j
' Dufnr, Oregon. ',"
Gentlemen: ' - -
,- On arriving home last week, I found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Our
little girl, eight and one-half years old,
who had wasted away to 38 pounds, is
now well, strong and vigorous, and well
fleshed up. .8. B. Cough Cure has done
its work well. Both of the children like
it. Your S..B. Cough Care has cared
and kept away all hoarseness from me.
So give it to every one, with greetings
for all. Wishing you prosperity, we are
Yours, . Ma. & Mas. J. F. Fobo. -
.. If yon wish to feel fresh and cheerful, and read
for the Spring's work, cleanse yonr .system with
the Headache and Liver Cure, by taking two ot
three doses each week." . , "''."'..'-
Sold under a positive guarantee.
50 cents per bottle by all druggists.
-BE PR08PEROV8. v .
' ''How does it happen that the sun
sets in the west?" asked the teacher.
"It does it occidentally,'" replied Ben
ny Blivens, who was kept in half an
hour after schdol for his smartness.
Pittsburgh Telegraph. . - - . .
All Free. x
Those who have used Dr. King's JJew
Discovery know its value, and those who
have not, have how the opportunity to
try it free. Call on the advertised drug
gist and get a trial bottle, free. Send
your name and address to H. E. Bucklen
& Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of
Dr. King's New Life Pills' free, as well
as a copy of Guide to Health and House
hold Instructor, free. .All of which . is
guaranteed to do you good and cost yoa
nothing. -Sold bv Snipes & Kinersly.
Stockholders Meeting;. .
. Notice is hereby given that there . will
be a meeting of the stockholders of the
Wasco Independent A'ccademy, at the
accademy building, in Dalles City on
Thursday, May 10th, 1894, at 2 o'clock
p. m. for the purpose- of electing Bcven
directors, and transacting such other
business as may properly come before
said meeting.
By order of the president.
tmiOth " H. H. Riddell, Secy.
Haworth the printer, at home 116
Court St., Feb. 1st. , ..
Use Mexican Silver Stove Polish. .
Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat
ent business conducted for m'oocr ate Fees.
Our Opficc is Opposite U. S. Patent ornet
and we can secure patent ia less time than those
remote from Washington. -
Send model, drawing or photo., with descrip
tion. We advise, if patentable or not, free of
charge. Our fee not due till patent is secured.
a PupuLrr. "How to Obtain Patents." with
cost of same in the U. S. and foreign countries
sent tree Address,
The Rose Hill Greenhouse
Is still adding to its large stock
, of all kinds of
Greenhouse Plants,
And can furnish a choice selec- .
' tion. Also
Having enlarged onr Floral Garden, and in
creased our already large collection of
We with to announce. In addition, to the
public, that we have made a specialty of
Pansy Plants and Forget-jae-Kots,
WHICH We Will Sell at Seasonable Prices.'.
We slst have a fine selection of Dahlia Bulbs,
which for beauty are unexcelled. We are pre
pared to furnish on short notice Cot flowers
for wedding parties, socials and funerals.
w 1
0 P
1 H
m p
Reasonably , Ruinous Rates.
When the Train stops at THE DALLES, get ciTon the South Side
$1.00 per Day. - , pirst Qass Heals, 25 Ce?ts.
' . Office for all Stage lanes -xvins; Tlie alles for all
' points In Eastern Oregon and Kastern Washington,
In this Hotel.
Corner of Trent and Union BCs.
,T. T. NICHOLAS, Prbgr.
There is a tide in the affairs of men which, taken at its fiaoA
. ' ." TJ- J J" J. -'tt
The poet unquestionably had reference to the.
Plnsiii fr-flnf Slalp
7i FoMii! & Gnis
rnnMIMII t nil IT I " !!-
Who are selling those goods out at greatly-reduced rates.,
D. BU Ni E
Pip WorK, Tin
Bepaiis ana foni
'. ' -! "
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kns'
Blacksmith Shop.