The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, April 12, 1894, Image 4

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when you buy shoes or clothing?
JOon't you go to the place ( if you
can find it ) where they tell you that
you may wear the articles out, and
then, if you're not satisfied, they'll
refund the money?' Why not do
the same when you buy medicine?
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dis
covery is sold on that plan. It's
the only blood - purifier so certain
and effective that it can be guar
anteed to benefit of cure, in every
case, or you have your money back.
It's not like the ordinary spring
medicines or sarsaparillas. All the
year round, lit cleanses, builds up,
and invigorates the system. If
you're v bilious, run-down, or dys
peptic, or have any blood - taint,
nothing can equal it as a remedy.
The worst cases of Chronic
Catarrh in the Head, yield to
Dr. Sage's Catarrh Remedy.
So certain is it that its mak
ers offer $500 reward for an
incurable case.
Eatlly, Qnlclcty,
Permanently Restored.
and all the train of evils
from early errors or later
excesses, the results of
overwork, sickness,
worry, eta Full strength,
development and tons
given to very organ and
portion of the body
simple, natural methods.
Immediate Improvement
seen. Square impossible.
2,01)0 references. Book
explanation and proofs
mailed (sealed) free.
"The Regulator Line"
Tie Dalles, Portland ani Asteriaj
. Navigation Co.
FiBigHt ana Passouggr LiAQ
Through Daily Trips (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and . Port
land. Steamer Regulator leaves The
Dalles at 7 a. m., connecting at the Cas
cade Locks with Steamer Dalles City.
Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland
(Yamhill st. dock) at 6 a. m., connect
ing with Steamer Regulator for The
. ..?2.00
. .. 3.00
Round trip
Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
u4ll freight, except car lots,
-will be brought through, with
out delay at Cascades. .
Shipments for Portland received at
any time day or night. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
5 p. m. Live stock shipments solicted.
Call on or address,
General Agent.
O en eral Manager.
By virtue of an execution and order of sale
issued out of the Circuit Court of the State
t Oregon for Wasco Ounty, upon a decree and
judgment made, rendered and entered by said
court on the 6th day of March, 1804, in favor of
the plaintiff, in a suit wherein Louis Klinger
was plaintiff1 and A. Mowery, Isaac Mowery,
Joshua Mow" y, David Mowery, Maria Brady,
Catherine Williams, K. F. Gibonsand U Vander
pool were defendants, and to me directed and
delivered, commanding: me to levy upon and sell
all the lands mentioned and described in said
writ, and hereinafter described, I did on the loth
Jy of March, 1894, duly levy up n, and will sell
at public auction to the highest bidder for cash in
Jiand, on Monday,
x the letH day or April, 1804,
at 2 o'clock in the afternoon of said day, at th
front door of tbe Countv Court House in Dalles
City, in Wasco County, Oregon, all of the lands
iaa premises described In said writ and herein
described as follows, to-wit:
The southwest quarter (SWJ, of section twen
ty-aix 26), In township oneil) south ot range
. fourteen (14 art of Willamette meridian, con.
Saining 160 ao es, mor or less of land, situated in
Wascoe 'unty, Or, tog. ther with the tenements,
hereditaments and appurtenancea thereunto be
longing or in any wise appertaining, or so much
thereof as shall be sufficient t satisfy the sum
of $494, with inteiest thereon at the rate of 8 per
cent per annum since the 6th dny of Mutch,
1B94: Sou attorne 's fee and ttO.10 costs in said
suit, together with costs of mid writ nd accru
ing e-st. of sal-. T, A. WAKD,
. aucU714 Hheriff of Wasco County, Oregon.
Uated at Dalles City, Or., March 13, 1SD4.
There Are Occasion When It Ii Very
Much Relished by the Living:. .
From remote times the Mayas have
been accustomed to malic offering's to
the souls of the departed, particularly
a certain pie that they call "food for
the sotil," says Mrs. L.e Piiongem in
Popular Science Monthly. The crust
must be of yellow corn; the interior,
tender chicken and small pieces of
pork. These pies are wrapped in leaves
of the banana tree and baked under
ground between hot stones. 'When
done they are placed on the graves or
hung from trees close by. Sometimes,
after leaving them there for' an hour
or two, the living take home the pies
and enjoy them, saying that the soul9 ;
have already drawn from them an we
ethereal part of the substance.
-When among the ruins in the ancient
city of Chichen Itza, we happened to
be very hard pressed for food on All
Saints' day, as on many ' other occa
sions, and knowing that' the "feast of
the' dead" would be celebrated in a
not very distant village, we allowed
some of our men to go there and take
their chance of .enjoving a good meal.
In that they were most successful,
the natives being at all times exceed
ingly Jiospitable, and never failing to
invite those who . approach their home
to partake of whathey have. But the
men also thought oflis. We had early
taken to our hammocks, remembering
the saying: "Qui dort, dine" (He who
sleeps, eats).' About two o'clock in
the morning we were aroused by a
man only just returned from the vil
lage. He had . waited there till all
were asleep, then made his way to the
graveyard and gathered from a
tree a fine fruit in the shape of
a large pie. This he brought to us,
wisely arguing . that the - embodied
needed it more than the disembodied.
The dead man's food was still wrapped
in its banana leaf, and we were not
sorry to avail ourselves of this chance
-to breakfast at two o'clock in the
morning. No tender chicken was con
cealed within that particular crust,
only a pig's foot with a few stray
bristles on it, and a most lib eral dose
of red pepper, but hunger made it ex
c ellent.
Two Interpretations. -
A young farmer who had been con
verted at one of the revivals went be
fore the next conference and asked for
a license to be a preacher. '"I know I
am born to preach the word," said the
applicant, "for I have had three
visions, all the same, and it has made a
lasting impression on me." "What was
your vision?" asked a bishop. "Wal, J
saw a big, round, blue ring in the sky,
and inside in great gold letters, were
'P. C It meant 'Preach Christ,' and I
want to join the conference." The
argument was about to carry when an
old pastor stood up in the back part of
the hall , and said: "Young man, we
don't doubt your intentions, nor r o we
doubt you saw the vision with the
golden 'P. C.,' but I am of the opinion
that 'P. C meant 'Plow Corn.'" The
convert is still a farmer. Cincinnati
Times Star.- '
Guaranteed Cure.
' We authorize our advertised druggist
to sell Dr. King's New Discovery tir
Consumption, 'Coughs and Colds, upon
this condition. If yon are afflicted with
a 'Cough, Cold or any Lung, Throat or
Chest trouble, and will use this remedy
as directed, giving it a fair trial, and ex
perience no benefit,. yon may return the
bottle and have your money refunded.
We could not make this pfTer did we not
know that Dr. King's New Discovery
could be relied on. It never disappoints.
Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly's.
It is now claimed that the first wom
an to practice law in the courts of this
country was Miss Arabella A. Mans
field, of Mount Pleasant, la., who
passed a successful examination for
admission to the bar in ISO'.).
A. Leader. .
. Since its first introduction, electric
bitters has gained rapidly in popular
favor, until now it is clearly in the lead
among pure medicinal tonics and alter
atives containing nothing which per
mits its use as a beverage or intoxicant,
it is recognized as the best and purest
medicine for all ailments of stomach,
liver or kidneys. It will cure sick head
ache, indigestion, constipation ana drive
materia from the system. Satisfaction
guaranteed with each bottle or the
money will be refunded. Trice only 50c.
per bottle. Sold by Snipes & Kinersly.
Aethur Balfoxjk, the British polit
ical leader, occupies his leisure with
investigations of hypnotism and other
subiects of psychical research.
Those who never read the advertise
ments in ineir newpapers miss more
than they presume. Jonathan Kenison,
of Bolan, Worth Co.,. Iowa, who had
been troubled with rheumatism in his
back, arms and shoulders read an item
in his paper about how a prominent
German citizen of Fort Maddiaon had
been cured. He procured the same
medicine, and to use bis own words : "It
cured me right up." He also says a
neighbor and bis wife were both sick in
bed with rheumatism.. Their boy was
over to my house and eaid they were so
bad he had to do the cooking. . I told
him of Chamberlain's Paiu Balm and
how it bad cured me, be got a bottle
and it cured them up in a week. . 50 cent
bottles for pale by Blakely & Houghton,
druggists. ' ;. .
r City Warrntt. . .' . '
AH those holding city warrants of date
prior to September 1st, 1891, will be paid
on presentation at my office. , Interest
oq same ceases after this date.; '
' - . I.' I. BrRGET , ". . .
' v . - City Treasurer.
Thb Dalles, Of., Jau. 8, 1894.
Uaworth-, printer, 116 Court St.
tf ;
Ask your "dealer
Stove Polish.
for Meyican
They Are Carried as Alternate Cargoes in
,ii the Same Steamship Tanks.
About all the molasses which comes
from Cuba ' to the United States is
brought in toe same tanks in. steam
ships that ore use"d to carry petroleum
as a return cargo, says the New York
Tribune. The ships' tanks are about
sixteen feet deep and have a neck
seven feet deep. They are pumped
full of oil at Brooklyn or Philadelphia,
then taken to Havana, and the oil is
pumped out into the tanks of tho re
fining plants there. Molasses is
brought from the interior of the
island in huge hogsheads, which are
emptied into " the storage . tanks. ' A
suction pump drawing about ' ten
thousand gallons aa hour fills each
ship's tanks to within .about two feet
of the top, that amount of space being,
required for the expansion of the
molasses. It might be supposed that
the petroleum would have a bad effect
on the molasses, but it has been shown
that the contrary is the case, and as
nearly one-half the importation is
made into t rum and the balance re
fined into sugar a little oil is not of
much account. The tanks are cleaned
after the molasses has been pumped
out by turning in, a powerful steam jet,
which washes ' down the sides and
liquefies whatever molasses may be
left in the bottom of the tank, and the
suction pump finishes the work.. ...
A cargo of molasses, which formerly
required ten or twelve days, can now
be unloaded in forty-eight hours, while
the difference in the cost of handling,
to say nothing of the saving of time,
amounts to a large sum.
The first attempt at handling mo
lasses in bulk was made by the brig
Novelty in 1877. She was fitted with
a lining and her vihole hold was- used
without partitions. She made several
trips between Matanzas and Boston,
but was not successful as a dividend
earner. Since the present system of
dividing a vessel's hold into tanks was
devised and put in practice on steam
ers the , profits of the trade and the
steamship companies have largely in
creased.; A new plan for helping the students
of the freshman class at the Massachu
setts institute of technology . select
their courses has been agreed upon by
the faculty. Each student when he
enters is assigned to a certain pro
fessor, to whom he is to go for advice
on all points concerning his course of
studies at the institute.
Beware of Ointments for Catarrh that
Contain Mercury,
As mercury will surely destroy the sense
ot smell ana completely derange the
whole system when entering it through
the. mucous surfaces. Such articles
snouia never be used except on pre
scriptions from reputable physicians, as
the damage they will do is ten-fold to
the good you can possibly derive from
tbem. Hairs Catarrh Cure, manufac
tured by F. J. Cheney & Co., Toledo, O.,
contains no mercury, and is taken in
ternally, acting directly upon the blood
and mucous surfaces of the system. In
buying Hall's Catarrh Cure be sure you
get the genuine.- It is taken internally,
and made in Toledo, Uhio, by t. J
Cheney & Co.. Testimonials free.
tK? ."-old by druggists, price ioc. .per
per bottle.
There is a ..twin crystal of emerald,
in St. Petersburg seven inches long,
four broad and weighing four and ono
half pounds. ,
A recent discovery by aa old
phTslcian. Successful! used
monthly hy . thousand of
ladies. Is tho only perfectly
safe and reliable mcdlcino dis
covered. Bewaro of unprincipled drucsista who
offer inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for
Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take no substi
tute, or Inclose 81 and C cents in postage Sn letter
m'.l wo will scndVsealed, by rotnrn j.n:l. 5 'nil scaled
particulars In plain envelope, to Lidles only, 2
n tamps. Address Poni. Lily (lomiiany,
"So. 5 1"i?i-r TVtofifc. "--iviit. -Vich.
Solii in The Dalles by Snipes Kinersly.
Uoger Wii.i.iA-M8 came in the ship
Lyon to Nantasket, Boston, February
15, 1031. His sentence of banishment
was passed by the general court Oc
tober 19, 1G:!5. He died in April, 1683.
Our better halves say they could not
keep house without Chamberlain's
Cough Remedy. . It . is used in more
than half Xhe .homes in Leeds. Sims
Bros., Leeds, Iowa. This ehows the
esteem in which that remedy is held
where it- has been sold for years and is
well known. Mothers have learned
that there is nothing so good for colds,
croup and whooping cough, that it cores
these ailments quickly and permanently,
and that it is pleasant and safe for
children to take. 50 cent bottles for
salo by Blakely & Houghton, druggists.
To All Whom It May Concern :
- Notice is hereby given that the com
mon council of Dalles City will receive
sealed bids for the repairing -of the city
jail at the next regular meeting, to-wit:
April 3d, 1894, at 7:30 o'clock p. m.
Said, repairs to be made in accordance
with the plans and specifications thereof
heretofore prepared by C. J. Crandall.
No bid will be received unless the
same is accompanied by a good and
proper bond in the sum of one hundred
dollars, conditioned that the bidder will
accept the contract- in case the same is
awarded to him. .
The right to reject any and all bids is
herebv reserved.
Dated at Dalles City, Or., this ;26th
aayot March, 1894. '
Douglas- S. Dufub,
Recorder of Dalles City.
Notice is hereby given that the pay
ment of the assessments for the Lincoln
street sewer has been extended by the
Common council of Dalles city, to April
19th, 1884. All assessments not paid at
that time will be placed in the City
Marshal's hands for collection. ',
Douglas S. Dufuk,"
tlSth , Recorder of Dalles Citv.
jdsI- 0 Gil
: The Preacher Was Puzzled.
; .Mr. Moody received a revelation the
other night ' while he was walking
about the big ball in which he preaches
looking out for the unconverted with
whom to talk. - ,
Seeing a couple of young ladies down
in the audience he approached -them
and put the usual question to find
whether they were among the con
verted and elect. '
"O," promptly responded the younger
and prettier of the two, "we belong to
the choir. We're going back on the
platform in moment " .
' . The preacher gave a half smile, in
doubt whether membership in the choir
meant ' that necessarily they wore
saved, or whether their salvation was
not to be considered. Whatever the
conclusion of the revivalist was, he
shook hands with .the singers . and
walked off without receiving further
information. Washington News.
'" Mistaken Consumptives.
In the treatment of lung and bronchial
diseases the liver is often implicated to
such an extent that a hepathic remedy
becomes necessary in effecting a cure of
the lungs. In the treatment of -such
cases I prescribe Simmons Liver Regu
lator with entire satisfaction.
I. L. Stenenson, M. D.,Owensboro,'K3r.
. A novelty in waist-trimming is a
surplice-shaped cape collar. This is very
full over the shoulders, crosses . from
right to left down the front, and either
tucks in -under the left arm or is fas
tened with a rosette. - -
Backien'i Arinca salve.'
' The best salve in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevei
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes & Kin
ersly. ' '" ; '
To All.Whom It May Concern:
By order of the Common Council of
Dalles City, made and entered on the 3d
day of April, 1894, notice is hereby given
that said City Council is about to pro
ceed to order and make the improvement
of Eighth street in said city, as herein
after stated, and that the cost of such
improvement will be levied upon the
property adjacent thereto, and said im
provement will be made unless within
fourteen days from the final-publication
of this notice, the owners of two-thirds
of the property adjacent to said street
about to be improved shall file their re
monstrance against such improvement
as by charter provided. J. be improve
ment contemplated and about to be
made is as follows :
To improve Eighth street in gaid city
by building a sidewalk six feet wide on
the south side thereof from Pentland
street to Court street. Said sidewalk
shall be built,' constructed and erected
in accordance with the provisions of an
ordinance to define and establish the
width and manner of building sidewalks
in Dalles City, beine ordinance No. 270,
which passed the Common Council of
Dalles City May 10th, 1893. except as
otherwise hereinbefore specified.
Dated this 9th day of April, 1894.
Douglas 8. Dufub,
Recorder of Dalles Citv.
t33d .
Poison the " squirrels.
Snipes & Kinersly's.
Sure Shot at
A. WeSOlO. the Bnstnn Tsjlnr.
East End Second St., Tbe 1ii
Punts from 85 to SlO.
l'erfcct fit guaranteed. Spring and Bummer
Styles now in stock.
Hall for People's Party County Convention,
Notice is hereby given that in accordance with
instructions of the State Executive m ittee
of the People's Party of tho Staie of Oregon, this
call is issued to the vot' rs of each an i every .re
cinet in the county of Wasco, that th" piiniaries
of said nnrtv Arill bp held at thepol itiK I'litre in
XMteh precinct on bnturduy, April 11, i eionning
fit me uour ot 1 o-ciock r. al., ior tne purpose ot
electing delegates to the County Convent on, to
be held at the court bouse in The Dulles, on Fri
day, April 30, at 1 o'clock P. M. The ohject of
the County Convention will be the nomination
of a tull county ticket and to attend to ml other
business deemed necessary for the ' ter orgm
ization of the putty. The following is the basix
of representation for each precinct, in accord
ance with the vote cost for 8. H. H It for presi
dential elector at the November clee iou, 1S92:
Bigelow 10 Trevitt ... 8
East Dailea. . .
Vest Dalles 3
Mosier , . 2
Baldwin 2
Columbia. 3
Nansene. ....... 3
Kiugsley 4
Waniic 2
Bake Oven . 1
Fl!a 2
Eight Mile.. 1
Deschutes 3
Duftir 3
Tygh 1
Oak Grove 2
Autel pe. .... 2
Hood Hirer.
AU delegates to hare credentials prororly
signed. It is desirable thattall precincts he fully
represented. By order of' he'ountv Kxecutive
Committee. , - JOHN W. ELTON, hatrniuu.
8ETH MOEOAN, Sec etary.
ww Lniu.ii inuL mnrr3 r
prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to -M
DNN Ac CO., who have bad nearly fifty years
experience tn the patent business. Communica
tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In
formation concerning Patent and how to ob
tain tbem sent free. -Also a cataloaueof mechan
leal and scientific books sent free.
Patenta taken through Mann St Co. recelra
special notice in tbe Scientific Amerirnn, and
thus are brought widely before tbe public with
out cost to the inventor. This splendid paper,
issued weekly, elegantly Illustrated, has by far the
largest circulation of any scientific work in the
world. 83 a year Sample copies sent free.
Building Edition- monthly. tlu a year. Single
copies, .. cents. Every number contains beau
tiful plates, in colors, and photographs of new
bouses, with plans, enabling builders to show too -latent
designs and secure contracts. Address
MDBS & CO, Nzw Youk, 301 Bucuswir.
mi York Weekly Tribune
I n n Hf n
IE 0) ..' 17 '.. - ' era. ' ': a i .m1
When the Tram stops at THE
This laT(r and popular Honse docs tbe principal hotel business,
and is vrepared to-furnish tho Best Accommodations of any '-
House in the city, and at the low rate of -
Ji.oo per Day. - pirst Qass Teals, 25 Ceijts.
Office for all Stage Line lAavIns; The nalies for all
points In Eastern Oregon and Kasteru uuhlnctn.
. In this Hotel. . , . , ;
Corner of Front and Union Sta.
"There is a tide in tlie affairs of men uhich, taken at its Jtooa
leads on to fortune" -The
poet unquestionably had reference to the
-flu Sale
Who are selling these goods
Pipe WDIla, M
Shop on Third Street, next door west of Young ot Kusa
- Blacksmith Shop.
i. '
... Vw
Ruinous -Rat;es..
DALLES, get off en the South Side'
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
1 m
out at greatly-reduced rates.
Fiflro & Garnets