The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 19, 1894, Image 4

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that is the best place to keep the
huge, old-fashioned, pill. Just as
soon as you get it inside, it begins
to trouble you. "What's the use of
Buffering; with it, when you can
get more help . from Dr. Pierce's
Pleasant Pellets?
These tiny, sugar-coated granuleE
lp you permanent good. They act
mildly and naturally, and there's no
reaction afterward. " Constipation.
Indigestion, Bilious Attacks, and
all derangements of the liver, stom
ach, and bowels are prevented,
relieved, and permanently cured.
. They're the smallest, the easiest
to take, and the cheapest for
they're guaranteed to give satis
faction or your money, is re
turned. You pay only for the
good you get. Nothing else urged
by the dealer, though they may be
better for him to sell, can bo "just
as good" for you to buy.
Easily, Quickly,
Permanently Restored. '
and all the train of arils
from early errors or later
excesses, tie results of
overwork, sickness,
worry. etc Pull strength, '
development and tone
given to every organ and
gortlon of -the body.
Imple. natural method.
Immed late improvem en t
.seen, Falkire impossible..
2,000 references. Book,
explanation and proofs
The specific and universal opinions, condensed,
wo as xoiiows:
"You deserve (Teat praise, and the gratitude
nt the reading world that portion of it, at least,
that is fortunate enouph to read THE GREAT
DIVIDE. Having a field entirely its own, it is
intensely American in cast and character."
It is useless for us to say, the illustrative
features and typography are superb equal in
quality and unusualness to the fascinating and
uure contents that nil our columns.
TEN CENTS a copy; ONE DOLLAR a year.
Tour newsdealer has it, if not, send to -THE
GREAT DIVIDE, Denver, Col,
Bepnlilicaii Cointy Conventlos.
A Republican Convention for the County of
Wasco, state of Oregon, is called to meet in
Dulles City, in mid county, on Wednesduy, April
4th, 1893 at 10 o'clock A. M., for the purpose of
nnmiuaOuir candidates for the following county
offices: One County Commissioner, County
Cierk, County Sheriff, County Treasurer, Countv
Assessor, County Sc hool Superintendent, Countv
Coroner and County Surveyor; and hIso precinct
officers for the several precincts, and eight dele
gates to the State Convention, and to tiansact
such other business ns may properly come before
such convention. The convention vill. consist
of 67 delegates by the several precincts,
and the several precincts of the county will be
entitled to representation iu said convention as
follows: -
. Bigelow.. '. .6 Trcvitt 6
East Dalits. 6. "West Dulles 5
Mosier 2 Flls '..-.' 4
EastHoodKiver......3 West Hood fiiver 4
Baldwin 2 Eight Mile 2
Columbia 2 Deschutes.: 2
Xansene. . . ...'. 3 Dufur 4
Kingcley -. 8 Tygh ..:.2
W'smic . 3 Oak Grove ; . . . 2
Bake Oven 2 Antelope: 4
The same being one delegate at large from each
precinct and one delegate for every 25 votes, and
one for every fraction over one-half of 25 vote
cast for the Bepublican legislative ticket at the
election in June, 1892. . ..- . ,
Primaiies to elect the delegates in each of fho
several precincts will beheld on March 28, 1894.
In East Dalles rrecinct the polls will be located
at the Wasco Warehouse, and Frank. Xaughlin,
F. Creighton and D H. Roberta will act an judges
at said election; in Bigelow Precinct the polls
will be located at the office of Win. Michell, and
Chas. Cooper, C. J. Crandall and Tom Joles will
act as judges at said election; in Trevitt fjecinct
the polls will be located at the County Court
room in said precinct, and J. 8. Fish, C. E. Bay
ard ai d C. 1 Phillips wilt act as Judges f Said
election; in West Dulles Hrecinct the polls will
be located at the City Mills, and J. W. Marquis,
T. A. Hudson and A. A. Urquhart will act as
judges at said election. The polls in each of
aid four precincts will be kept open from 12
o'clock M. to 7 o'clock P. M. for the reception of
votes; the polls in each of the other precincts in
the county will be located at the usual place at
. the hour of 1 o'clock P. M., and will be conduct
ed in the usual manner -for holding primary
elections. B. 8. HUNTINGTON,
Chairman Bepublican County Committee.
- JUDi 8. FISH,
8ccretary Bepublican County Committee.
. feb-24-td
''' '" 1
A Parisian Swindler W ho Took Kovel
Mean of Balslnc; the Wind.
Gillet, a professional mendicant of
Faris, has the peculiar merit of being;
the orcranizer of a trick for raising
funds which was unknown, and un
dreamed of in the .philosophy of the
ablest representatives of the old Cour
des Miracles, - says a writer, in the
London Telegraph: . He pretended to
.hang himself from a tree seven times
during; the summer, and on each occa
sion he was cut down from his gibbet.
by Good Samaritans, who invariably
sent round the hat for him on the spot.
In some instances the rescuers' may
have been Gillet's confederates, but ac
cording to what can be gathered he
usually preferred to work alone. Having-
selected a fine day for his opera
tions, Gillet dressed himself carefully
and went to the woods of Boulogne or
Vincennes. He next made choice ol a
tree near where young children were
playing, and having put a noose round
his neck strung himself up. Then he
groaned and attracted the children,
who ran in alarm to their mothers or
nurses, until in a moment there was a
crowd around him. Men summoned to
the spot, and sometimes the women
who were called, extricated the 'artful
mendicant from his apparently peril
ous position. He was-extended on the
grass, -his hands were rubbed, cordials
were pressed to his lips and smell
ing bottles put under his nose.
When he revived the first question put
to him was naturally: Why did he
do it? Pointing to a pocket of his coat
he would say: "Here is a letter which
will explain all!" The document be
ing opened contained a communication
to the effect" that Gillet wanted to
bang himself of his own free will. His
desire to die was caused by destitution,
and he had not eaten for two days. . A
collection being made for the sufferer
he instantly regained the use of his
limbs, and before leaving his generous
sympathizers treated them to a brief
autobiographical sketch, which set
forth that he was a respectable young
man from the ' country who had been
stranded in Paris and could find no
work to'do. It is recorded that Gillet
performed this trick with great suc
cess between July and September, not
only in the woods about Paris, but
also in the park at Versailles and in
the forest of St. Germain. In the last
mentioned place he had the good for
tune to be cut down just as a generous
Paris banker was passing by, who gave
him a liberal donation. Gillet natur
ally took care to tie his hoose in a man
ner calculated to produce the effect
which he intended without imperiling
his life. In the winter, when the
woods are comparatively deserted, Gil
let adopted the old trick of pretending
to faint or to have an epileptic fit at
the corner of the street. His fraud
has at last been detected and charita-.
ble people have been warned against
his ' knavery, ' which has not only de
ceived ordinaty men and women but
also astute members of the police force.
The Coster Girl Never Elides Her Emo
tions, as Fine T-arlles Do. ,
It is an interesting sight to see the
real coster girl, not her stage present
ment, enjoying herself on a bank holi
day. First of all, she' is very smart ac
cording to her own ideas, which, to do
her justice, are original and not pale
copies of the West Knd ladies.
Iler hair, especially, engages her at
tention, and in this she prefers a dis
tinctive stylejf her own. The hair is
parted at each side, cut short and very
much curled and' crimped, and sur
mounted by' a large hat and ostrich
feathers coming well over the eyes, in
' some .cases almost hidiner them. She
is musical, too, and easily breaks into
singing and dancing.
It is sad to note this unsatisfied
longing to indulge in.rhythmical move
ment as exemplified in a slow, valse
danced by two of the same sex, or a
wild sort of jig partaking of the can
Can and 'the breakdown' shared in by
both men and women, says the London
Graphic A crowd of admiring and en
couraging bystanders gathers round
quickly, applauding or criticising in
their own peculiar manner. The belle
is arrayed in a brown dress with pink
bow at the neck, a large, green' velvet
hat and feathers, a large white shawl
and white gloves. She is as self-conscious
as the beauty of a Belgrave
Square hall, and dances with an enjoy
ment and an unction unknown , to the
languid lady. .
There is no sitting out here, ' no
useless dancing men, for both sexes
seem equally delighted to revolve with
each other. There is an evident love
of bright colors in the dress of boys
and girls, and there is a hearty, bois
terous flow of high spirits and of some
. what rough good-nature, -cotipled with
a laudable determination to be happy,
which is as refreshing as it is unforced.
fftrategry at a Trying Time.
The young husband was somewhat
surprised when his wife came into the
office. She opened the conversation at
once. ''.'
. "I want enough, money to go out of
town for a few days," she' said, "and
you will have to take your meals down
town for a few days."
"Why, what does this mean?"
; "It means just this: I got a messen
ger boy to come to the house for Mary
Ann to tell her that she was wanted at
her . aunt's, -and as soon as she. got
around' the corner 1 " shut up the house
and locked it and ran away. When she
comes back 'she : won't find .anyone
there.''" We don't owe her anything; so
it's all right, and I wanted to "discharge
her, but you know I never would, dare
to 1 ell her to gcS. and I knew you
wouldn't "dare, and' don't you think
your little wife knows pretty well how
to manage? Say yes, now, or I'll break
down and cry right here in the office."
Indianapolis "Journal.
The dancing" contest, which was to
take place at Armory hall Saturday,
night, will occur April 7th. Badges are
good for one soiree only..
' '. ."..'.-' , . James Smith.-.
Bed Ilalr Was Regarded, with Disfavor by
the .Romans.
Judging character by physical indi
cations was practiced by the ancients
as well as more occult, arts of divina
tion, the quality and color of hair be
ing especially a . subject of theory.
Straight, lank hair was regarded as in
dicative of pusillanimity and d coward
ice. Napoleon was only the exception
that proved the rule, for his hair was
as straight as an Indian's. Frizzly hair
was supposed to accompany coarseness
of nature and clumsiness of manner
The compromise between these twe
types was considered most desirable
that is, straight hair, ending in sof tli
turned rings. Achilles and Ajax Tela"
mon had this sort of hair and sucl
also were the locks of Timou, thi
misanthropic Athenian 1 In color au
burn or light brown hair was consid
ered the most, beautiful, as well cs in
dicative of intelligence, amiability in
dustry and extreme susceptibility t
the charms of the opposite sex. . Blact
hair was regarded with disfavor by tht
ltomans, but red was an object of ex
treme aversion, a prejudice carried tc
such an extreme that even donkeys
suffered from it, according to the prov
erb:" "As wicked as a red ass." Among
the Copts a red donkey was every year
sacrificed by hurling it from a high
wall. - - - -. .
Reduced to the Ranks. ,
Different ideas exist in England
from those prevalent in Germany with
regard to the attitude to be adopted by
soldiers toward escaping- prisoners.
Whereas Emperor William some time
ago aroused much unpleasant ' com
ment' by promoting a corporal who
had shot at and killed in a crowded
street an escaping prisoner, at Wool-
rich a sergeant and a corporal have
just been reduced to the ranks and
sentenced to a month's imprisonment
for having discharged their carbines,
without injury to anybody, in a public
thoroughfare at a deserter who had
broken away from them.
. Ten days loss of time on account of
sickness and a doctor bill to pay, is any
thing but pleasant for a man of a family
to contemplate, whether he ia a laborer,
mechanic, merchant or publisher. Jas.
0. Jones, publisher of the Leader,
Mexia, Texas, was sick in bed for ten
days with the grip during its prevalence
a year or two ago. Later in the season
he had a second attack. He says : "In
the latter case I; used Chamberlain's
Cough Eemedy with considersible suc
cess, I think, only being in bed a little
over two days. The.second attack X am
satisfied would have been equally as bad
as the first but for the use of the remedy.."
It should be borne in mind that, the grip
is much the same as a very severe cold
and requires precisely the same treat
merit. When you wish to cure a cold
! quickly and effectually give this, remedy
'atrial. .-2 and 60 cent -bottles for sale
j hy -Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
A Michigan wife was released be
cause the husband did not provide the
necessaries of life, saying "he would
not work his toenails off for any
woman." '
The experience of Geo. A." Apgar, of
German Valley, N. J., is well worth re
membering. He was troubled with
chronic diarrhoea and . doctored for five
months and was treated by four differ'
eut doctors without benefit. He then
began using Chamberlain's Colic, Chol
era and Diarrhoea Remedy, of which, one
bottle effected a complete cure. It is
for sale by Blakeley &. Houghton, drug
gists. :
A populab edition of the Grant Mem
oirs have been offered to the public.
It is a reprint of the subscription edi
tion printed in one volume, and sells for
one dollar and fifty cents.
A recent discovery by an old
physician. Succeisxfully wed
pnonthljt bjf thousands of
Ladies. Is .tho only perfectly
safe and reliable medicino dis
covered. Beware of unprincipled druggists who
offer Inferior medicines in place of this. Ask for
Cook's Cotton Root Compound, take no substi
tute, orfnclose $1 and 6 cents m postage in letter
and we will send, sealed, by return wait. Fullsealed,
particulars in plain envulope, to ladles only, 2
stamps. Address Pon. Lily Company. ..
Ko. 3 fisher Block. I"roIt. Mich.
Sold in The Dalles by Snipes Kinersly.
A Million Friends.
A friend in need , is a friend indeed
and not less than one million people
have found ' just such a m friend in Dr.
King's New Discovery for Consumption,
Coughs, and Colds. If you have never
used this Great Cough Medicine, one
trial will . convince you that it has
wonderful curative powers in all
diseases of Throat, Chest and Lungs.
Each bottle is guaranteed to do all that
is claimed or money will be refunded.
Trial bottles free at Snipes & Kinersly 's
drng store. Large "bottles 50c and $1:00.
- , .
: Jacksonville has two hotels which,
toge ther, cost over $5,000,000.
Louisville is the Falls City, from its
position at the falls of the Ohir
- Bucklen'a Arlncs Salve.
The best salve in the .world, for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all ekin eruptions, and posi
tively cures piles, or no pay required.
It is guaranteed 'to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded; . Price 25 cents
per box. : For sale by Snipes & Kinersly-
For Sale. . -.
A good milch cow, gentle and easy
milker, also horse, buggy and harness,
good family horBe and" a fine roadster.
Address C. J. Coatswoeth, -
lw . City.
The Passing .Stranger Always Invited In
and Taken Care Of.
the latch string hangs out" ex
pressed the hospitality of the southern
frontier in the days "before the war."
If a traveler rode up before . the fence
that separated the log cabin from tho
road he was : greeted by "'Light,
stranger, 'light!". Without this salu
tation no one dismounted, but-it was
rarely withheld. Mr. Williams, in his
recent book, "Sam Houston," thus de
scribes the impulse ..of' hospitality,
which made every traveler a guest
during the early settlement of Texas:
The traveler who rode up to the
front fence was instantly, invited to
alight. His .horse was staked out or
hobbled to feed on the prairie grass
and the visitor sat down to exchange
the news with His host. ' The coffee
mill- was set going,. if there were any of
the precious grains -in the house, and
the topper in the hollolog to grind
ing the corn. The venisorior bear meat
was put on the coals and the ashcake
baked. ,- . - J.- , :. ,- .: ., -
After the meal and the evening pipe
the visitor, stretched himself on a buf
falo robe on .the floor with the mem
bers of the family and slept the sleep
of health and fatigue. In the morning
the response to any inquiry as to the
charge was: "You can pay me by com
ing again." ' . -. ; . - ; ;
The story that , a certain hospitable
settler used to waylay travelers on the
road and compel them to visit him .at
the muzzle of a double-barreled shot
gun was only a humorous exaggeration
of the instinct for hospitality which
characterized the community.
The visitor was a living newspaper,
who brought the only news obtain
able, and was a welcome relief to the
monotony and loneliness of the wilder-
Mrs. Emily Thorne, who resides at
Toledo, Washington, says she has never
been able to procure any medicine for
rheumatism that relieves the pain so
quickly and effectually as Chamberlain's
Fain Balm and that she has also used it
for lame back with great success.' For
sale by Blakeley & Houghton, druggists.
The regular subscription price of the
Weekly Chronicle is $.1.50 and the
regular price of the Weekly. Oregonian
is $1.50. Any one, subscribing for The
Chronicle and paying for one year in
advance can get both The Chronicle
and Weekly Oregonian for $2 .00. All
old subscribers paving their Eubscrio
tions for one year 'in advance will be en
titled to the same, offer.
If you want any kind of garden' seeds.
grass seed or field, call . at H. H. Camp
bell's wiiere you can get. what you
want at reasonable rates. -Next door to
the postoffice.
"Tlie Regulator Line"
Tii3 Dalles, Portland and Astoria
Navigation Co.
Freignt ana Passengsr Line
-Through Tri-Weekly (Sundays ex
cepted) between The Dalles and . Pert
land. Steamer Regulator leaves .The
Danes at a. m., ; " .
Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays,
connecting at the' Cascade Locks with
Steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles
City leaves Portland (Yamhill at. dock)
at o a. m., ;
- Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur day,
connecting with Steamer Regulator for
The Dalles. . . ; - '..'.
Round trip. .
, Freight Rates Greatly Reduced.
'-14 11 freight, except car lots,
will ie brought through, with
out delay at Cascades.-
- Shipments for Portland received at
any time day ornight. Shipments for
way landings must be delivered before
op.-m. Liive stock shipments. sohcted
Call on or address,
Oeneral Agent.
- General Blanairer.
A WM tn i w. 1 1 WUL n infu3
prompt answer and an honest opinion, write to
MCSN Oc CO.. who have had nearly afty Tears'
experience tn the patent business. Communica
tions strictly confidential. A Handbook of In
formation conoeminfc Patents and how to ob
tain them sent free. Also a catalogue OX yywihan
ical and scientific books sent free.
: Patents taken tbroneh Mann & Co. receive
special notice in the Scientific American, and
tbus are brought widely before the public with- -out
cost to the inventor. This splendid paper,
lssned weekly, elegantly illustrated, has by far the
largest circulation of any scientino work In the
world." S3 a year. 6 ample copies sent free. '
. Bulldlns Edition, monthly, S2.50 a year. Single
copies, 25 cents. Every cumber contains beau
tiful plates, tn colors, and photographs of new
houses, with plans, enabling builders to show the
latest designs and secure contracts. Address
M.VXti & CO, Hew Youk, iixik Bboadwat.
Y- wc AT? TRgnc in
nheumatlsnif . -'::
Lumbago, Sciatica
Kidney Complaints.
Lame Back. &c
With Electro-Magnetic SUSPENSORY .
Latest Patent I liet Improvements I
W1T1 cure without medicine all Wnikw resulting from
OTer-tiutation of brain nerve forces t excesses or India. "
cretton, as nervous debility, sleeplessness, languor,
rheumatism, kidney, liver and bladder complaints,
lame back, lumbago, sciatica, all female complaints,
general ill health, etc. This electric Belt contains
rroaasrnd IaprftnmenU over all others. Current ia
Instantly felt by wearer or we forfeit $5,000.00, and
will cure all of the attore diseases or no pay. Thou.
Lnds have been cured by this marvelous invention
after all other remedies failed, and we give hundreds
of testimonials in this and every other state.
Our PewernU biprsve KLECTRIG 8TJbPF.S0RT. tfcd
frncutest boon ever offered weak men, rRKE -with all
BrlM. Unit u4 Vteomi 8trart SUlRiltTIKD la 60 t
8 darv sand for lllus'd Pamphlet, maijeq .pealed. Cine
Sow X7 Kirs Sfi-eet, JOKXlUAJkja OJ1E, '
Removed to corner Third and Washington
streets, Portland. Or. -1
. ; Is oalled to the fact that
Dealer in Glaaj, lime, Fiaesar, Cement
and Building Material of all binds.
.Carrie Cu finest Lin of .,-
To be loond in the City.
72 UXashington Street
rrjj TJ DaI1y Evening Chronicle la recognized
' I rl C as essentially the home paper lor the
Dalles Crty folks' IJ f I T? Thta is not a bad
reputation. Some fl U iVl C, 2,000 of our -best,
citizens watch the -columns of this T n DCD
daily for the spiciest local news; It rnr tK
succeeds in gleaning the field, and hence grows
In popularity and importance. ' Take It awhile,
you who don t ; try some of its premium offers.
Hugh Glenn,
Picture i Houlflinis,
FIRST CLHSS : v- ; :
f m m Jiff
" . WTien the Train slops at THE DALLES, get ctT oa; the Sooth Side
, - . ' ....I. AT THC
flElft GOLiUMBlfl HOTELt.
- . -0o. ; - .
-. This large and popular House 4 es the principal hotel business,
- ' and is prepared to furnish !:e Best Accommodations of any
: House in the city, and at the low rate of
- -. - ; ''""'.''
$1.00 per Day. -Z pirst Qass Ieals, 25 Cets.
Office for sill Stage tines leavinar Tlie Dalles for all
points In Eastern Oregon-and liasteril Wasriina-ton, -
la thit Hotel. . .".,.,
Corner of Front and Union Sts.
There is a tide in the affairs
- '..': leads on to fortune" v.
The poet, unquestionably had reference to the
- at crandall;
Who are selling. those, goods out at greatty-reduced rates.
' michj:lbach brick, -' ' . uxiok st.
on Third Street, next door west of Young & Kuss'
Blacksmith Shop. ' . '"' :
TUB StiifiliijreeiiloQss:
Having enlarged our Floral ;rdcn -and in
- - creased our already large collection of
POTTED PltflflTS, HOSES, &e,
' We irish to announce, in addition, to the
public, that we have made a specialty of
Pansy. Plants and Fopget-ffe-Hots,
Wlicn We Will Sell at Seasonable Prices..'.
' We also have A fine selection of Dahlia Bulbs,,
which lor beauty are unexcelled. We are pre
pared to furnish on short notiee Cut Flowers
for wedding parties, socials and funerals.
J. F. FORD, EvanpUst, .
Of Pes Moines, Iowa, writes nnder date ol
Jiaj-cn 2!, 1893:" ' '.
S. . Mkd. Mre. Co.,
' - .- Dafar, Oregon".- '
Oentlemen : - . ' ,' - '
On arriving borne last week, I found
all well and anxiously awaiting. Onr .
little girl, eight and one-half years old,
who had wasted away, to 38 pounds, is
now well,' strong and vigorous, and -well
fleshed np. S. B. Cough Cure has done
its work well. Both of the children like
it. Your 8- B. Cough Cure has cured
and kept away all hoarseness from me.
So give it to every one, with greetings
for all. "Wishing you prosperity, we are
Yours, Me. & Mas. J. F. Fokd.
If yon wish to feel fresh and cheerful, and ready
for the 8pring' work, cleanse ypur system with
the Headache and Liver Care, by taking two or
three doses each week.' . .
Sold nnde a positive guarantee,. .
50 cents per bottle by all drturgisff . - - -
I Caveats, and Trade-Marks obtained, and all Pat j
i ent business conducted for Moocaarc Fees."' J
f Otrn Omr. r nmiirf II s. Pirr nt o rncf i
, and we can secure patent in less time than those t
) remote from. Washington. ' i
' Send model, drawing or photo., with deserip.
, tion. . We advise, if patentable or not, free of J
' charge.-. Our fee not due till patent is secured. J
! A sisHlct. "How to Obtain patents." with J
Scost of same in the U. S, and foreign countries j
sent tree Address, - .- I
Ruinous" Rates.
T. T. NICHOLAS, Propr.
of men which, taken at its flood