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About The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1893)
a!)c Hulks s!B MMflSMfislH ssfe? c 3 aHVBv Chronicle T ATT THE DALLES, OREGON, ERJDAY, JULY 21, 1893. NO. 30. BY Dalle, Oregon. TnrniH or Subscription te. nn , i ' ' " (in TIMK TAHLKN. Kullrnuilo. KAHT IIOUNI). i 11. 4.1 1". m. Depart 11 :) I". m l:u5r. m. " ' WKST IIOUNII. 1 3:05 a.m. Depart a:lu A. M A:-il v. u. " r. x JreiRlit that curry nnHctiKors leave mat ill 7'IW A . M, ,Him inn: iur uiu . A M STAUKS. lirWUe, vin. llakc Oven, leave dully lope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave r. KlncHluv. Wnuiiit. Wiminltiu. Warm mtl Tyuli Valley, louvc dully (except It A. M. cnilalc, Wash., leuve every dny of the it huniliiy ut a. m. r nil mien hi lliu rniaiiiin noune. KlUIFEHSlOSAl.. flllllPKI.!,-Attorns y-at-I.awOIHco rt Street, Tliu Dulles, Oregon. FHAKK MKNKFEK. , di MKNKKKK ATTORNEYS-AT--Klilllllh 42 1111(1 4.1. (IVUr 1'Oht llHiUdiiiK, Kutrance on WaHhlliRton Btreet .Oregon. ft'SsWNKTT, ATTOltNEy-AT-lW. Hchnntio s minaiiiK, "I1 suiini. in. .J "".MS.. - mm mm mm Of- The . B.H.HUNTINGTO!. H. H. WILSON. tlNTINUTON & WILSON ATTon- .at-law -OHlee. Kreuch'K block over inul linuk, ' i - Dulles. Oregon. 'WlIiHON Attoknkt-at-law Koomi :cnch & Co.'h hunk building, Second Dulles, Oregon. F.I.MAN niOM.KOPATHIC) 1'HTSICtAN ;Buuoson. (Jul I.n answered promptly. it, city or country, omoe r.o. aoana UIOCK. wu fiicsl 1. DOANK rHYBlCIAN AND SCR- Olliua: room 5 una c uiiapman sldunco H. K. curner flourt und u. hoc Hid door from the corner. 0 to 12 A, M., 2 to ti mill 7 to 8 P. M. .1.1. Dkntirt. Giih civen lor the Leah extraction of t'jeth. Also teeth aluminum plate. Hooma: men ol Tooth, Second Street. NOCIKTIEH. I LODUK. NO. 15. A. V. & A. M. Meets utflMatid third Monduv of each month at 7 IOYAI. AHC1I CHAl'TEIt NO. C Masonic Hull the third Wednesday th ut 7 1'. M. WOODMKN OK TIIK WORLD. Ciiiim No. 6'J. Meets Tuenda veven- (Week in Fraternity Hull, at.Ti.'W p. m. S. HCIIRNCK, President 11. M. 1IRALX Chlcr. First National Bank. ,'HE DALLES, - OREGON A General Banking Business transacted Deposits received, Biibjeet to Sight Draft or Check. Collections made and proceeds promptly remitted on day of collection. Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on New York, San Francisco and Portland. DIREOTOKS, D. I. Thompson. Jno. S. Sciiknck. En. M. Wim.iamh, Geo. A. Lucre. H. M. Bkali. FRENCH & CO., BANKERS. THAN8AOT A (iKNKRAMtANKINU BUSINESS 7KMA 1X)D0K,, I. O. O. F.-Meet MMr:rriduy cvonliiK at 7:31) o'clock, in K. , kafl; comer Second and Court HtrectH. r priiinert are wuieomu. ,Bec'y. H. A. HILLH.P.. ti. Kh SE .1111' LODGE. NO. S.. K. of 1'. Mceth Monday evonlmr at 7::(0 o'clock, in butlditiK, corner of Court mid Second ilournluc uiemtHirB are eonuuuy in- r K. of It. mid S. C. C. i' NO. 427. K. OK L.-MeetH in K. all the bccond and fourth WcducN- lnouth at 7:!I0 ji. m. CHRISTIAN TKMI'KRENCE N will moot every Friday afternoon me renuiiiK room. Ail are luvueti. Ice No. Ml. I. 0. (i. T.-Kegulnr IiieetltiifH Krldiiv at X i'. .. U. Allure Invited. an, C. T. H. C. Klkck, Se )DOE NO. 11. A. O. 0. W. Meets rnlty Hull, over Kellein, mi Second KUy eveulni;), at 7:SU, I'aiii. iritiir. I'MMM, KInuneler. M. W. rAI. KJMMITll I'OST, No. 8'.', U. A. U.-MectH rwtiuruuy at i; u., in the K. of I'. I K. MeetHnverySuuduy utteriHKin In . 01 1. llllll. 10 VKREIN MectH every Sundav Him; in the K, of 1'. Hull. M it ft iniv.i AiW) ni( t'ltviP III I l'. Hull the llrht and third Wednea- Bh mouth, ut 7::w v. U. TIIK UUIIKVIIKM. FERH OHURCU -Kev. Kather JIhonh. S rwttor. lxiw Man every Huniliiy ut liKh MUM ut luiilUA. M, VeMirHHt I.H CHURCH -Union Street, opinio ltur. KlI I) Hut, .Mir.. lii.Mi.r K..h.i,...u guy t It a. m. anil 7:lio p. si. Sunday ' h. bvuuliiK I'raviT on Kildav ut iAl'TIH'P fllliriwin i..... x ,. 'iwr Mr..v.v."-2yi'..v?.."'..?' zti... , . """K nvivivjn every nao-ii'."..''."".l0,,n- t 11 A. M Sablmth SSti ;.. MUT , momliiff m-rviceH. pnlon nervlccH n the court limiho ut Eid 17 r. . Humh.v ho , , V, UZ" S Dm truuKcrs cordially invited, toatit ?u"v. t. CHURCH Rev. ,1, WhikM'II lumtnr ervice, even-Sunday morul .Kat' Tm. .SoIhm.I nt li.'!'.'u o'clock v m. Hifivort ut C.,;tO p. m. I'rujur iiu" Iiik overv y oveiiluKut 7:!iO o'elool;. A c rillal u- is oxlended by both p.iHtor mid ,"'oVlu fiTIAN Clll'iU'lI -IIkv. J. W. Jknkinh Xor. J'rcaohlnK lu tliu ConitV-utli naJ y'luvllcd'""' 1,,lJ' Ut ''l !" Lutheran phurcli, Ninth Htreet, Key. A. ... .... v, wtwffiitii iij wury Letters of Credit issued available in he Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic n i.i V v u nu: ci i rmiHicTH num uii bh i urn, VIIlLilgU, CI, Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. Collections made nt all points on fav orable terms. THE DALLES Hational Bank, Of DALLES CITY, OR. President - - -Vice-President, - Cashier, - - - Z. F. Moody CiiAiti.ES Hilton M. A. Moody General Hanking Business Transacted, Sight Exchanges Sold on NEW YORK, SAN FRANCISCO, CHICAGO and PORTLAND, OR, Collections made on favoreble terms at nil accessible points. W. H. YOUNG, BiacKsrailU wap Slop General Blacksmithing and Work done promptly, and all work Guaranteed. Horse Shoeing a Speciality TIM Street, gp, Lietie'soluW, Moving! Andrew Velarde LS prepared to do any and all kinds of work in his lino ut reasonable ligures. IIus the largest house moving outfit in Eastern Oregon. Address P.O.Box 181.The Dalles S. L. YOUNG, : : JEWELER : : WatchcK und Jewelry repuired to order on fchort notice, mid nUlnfuctlon guaruutoed AT TUK Htore of I. V. Nlckelatxi, SA Ht. The lialle Chas. Allison, Peuler in OH CE Headquarters at Ohas. Lauer's. Hnvlmr liud n (Hie harvest of mi til ml ice the iniht in the world, 1 am jiiepinvd to furnlhh in nny iUuutlty mid nt bottom prlcen. CHAS. ALLISON. O. P. STEPHENS, BIfALKK IN Dry Goods P Qlothing Itootv, Hliotm, Hutu, Kto. Fancy Cjood,l fJotion,, Ktc, IClc, Ktu. Second St., The Dalles. NOVJ ooun KHOVl what a comfort it is to have ready at hand a remedy that never fails to relievo Constipation, and that, without pain or discomfort; and almost immediately cures head aches, and dispels every Bymptom of Dyspepsia. Such a remedy is found in Simmons Liver Regu lator not a sweetened compound to nausite, or an intoxicating beverage to cultivate an alcoholic appetite, but a medicine pleasant to the taste, and perfectly harmless when given to the smallest child. S. L. Pi. never disappoints. It possesses the virtues and perfec tions of a reliable remedy of the kind endorsed by eminent physicians. "It affords mo pleasure to add my testi mony to those you receive annually in reference to your vnlunblo medicine. 1 'onslder Simmons Liver Regulntor the bcst family medicine on tho market. I fluvo proscribed It with excellent results." V. V I'ark, SI. V., Tracy City, Term. "The Relator Line" The Dalles, Portlanfl and Astoria Navigation Co. THROUGH Freipnt anfl Passenger Line Through daily service (Sundays ex cepted) between The Dalles and Port- anu. bteamer Keguiator leaves ine Dalles at 7 a. m. connecting at Cascade Locks with steamer Dalles City. Steamer Dalles City leaves Portland (Yamhill street dock") nt 6 a. m. con necting with steamer Regulator for The Dalles. I'AHHENCKlt KATKlt. One way Kound trip. .2.00 . 3.00 Tickets on sale for Long Beach, Ocean Park, Tioga and Ilwaco. Raggage checked through. Freight Rates Greatly Reduced. Shipments for Portland received at any time day or night. Shipments for way landings must be delivered before 5 p. m. Live stock shipments solictcd. Call on or address, W. C. ALLAWAY, Oeneral Afoot. B. F. LAUGHLIIM, General Manager. THE DALLES. OREGON Fesh Paint I W. 0. GiLiiKiiT hereby hends IUh compliment to every frieud And enemy If he hut uny Ho they few or bo they muiiy. The time for pulntlnc nmv Iiuh come, And every ono desires a homo That looks froh und clean und now, Ah none but u good painter can do. 1'alntlnK, paperinir nntl kIhzIiik, too, Will make your old limine look quite uuw, He will take your work either way, liy tho Job or by the day, If you have work kIvo him n cull, Ho'll take your orders, largo or Miiull. Keniicctfully, W. C. GILBERT, 1'. 0. Uox No. S, Till j DALLES, OH. The St. Charles Hotel, PORTLAND, OREGON. This old, popular and reliablo house luia been entirely refurnished, and every room has been rcpaperod and repalntei and newly carpeted throughout. Tho house contains 170 rooms and is suppliet with every modern convenience, Rates reasonable. A good restaurant uttachec to the houso. Fror bus to and from all trains. C. W. KNOWLI2S, Prop. LEAGUED WITH SATAN Views of Mrs. Williams, the Noted Faith-Curist. SHE TALKS VERY POINTEDLY rhc Police and .Newspapers arc Roundly Scored About the Case of Anderson. (From The l'ortluml Tele?ram. The arrest of A. P. Anderson yesterday on a eharge of insanity, caused by his disobedience to a fancied command of God that he abstain from food for 40 days, which was delivered to himself and wife, and which thev had rieidly followed for 11 days, operated like a bomb thrown into the ranks of the be lievers in faith cure doctrines in this city, who follow the leadership of Mrs. George II. Williams. ' He agreed to report to Captain of Police Norden the decision of Mrs. Williams and himself, and made an en gagement to meet Captain Norden at the home of the latter at 6:30 last evening. A reporter called at Captain Norden's home at that hour to ascer tain through Anderson the decieisn of Mrs. Williams in the matter, as also what she might have said concerning the statement made to Anderson by Chief of Police Hunt and City Physi cian Wheeler to the effect that they proposed asking the grand jury to take steps to prevent a continuation of the practices growing out of her teachings. Anderson, however, had come and gone before the arrival of either Cap tain Norden or the reporter, having left word that Mrs. Williams would be pleased to sea the captain of police and impart to him in person any informa tion he desired. Accordingly the captain and reporter paid a visit to the residence of Judge Williams, where they were received cordially by Mrs. Williams, who sat on one of the side porches overlooking the beautiful grounds surrounding the house. At first she declined to talk in the presence of the reporter, but finally consented. GKE.VTKST P0WE11 IS THE CITV. "Praise God, the newspapers cannot harm me," she said; "I am the greatest power in the city of Portland today, and my work has only commenced. My power is nothing now to what it will be. For Ecven years I have dedicated myself, my time and my house to God and I am as near to him as any one is. 1 converse with him daily, as readily as I 'do with you now. She explained that the object of tho forty days of fasting was to cleanse the blood of its impurities. "It is a fact demonstrated by science," she said, "that the blood is filled with minute animals or microbes, which can bo seen witli the aid of a microscope. These animals were placed in the blood as a penalty for the sin of Adam, and it is only when tho blood is purged of them that the body can acquire the condition of Adam before he had sinned. This minute animal life cannot subsist on the food partaken by myself and my people during our fast, and tho blood polluted by them is supplanted by the blood of God. "It is onlv when my people are called upon by God to do so that they under take to fast, and then he sustains life fortfhem. They cannot die so longns they obey his commands. They live on the body and blood of Jesus Christ. At the end of their fasting they have no desire to sin. Their passions uro dead, Married people do not live together as man and wife, and unmarried people have no desire to marry. They are con tented. They are happy." I'KAM'K.S ULTIMATUM. Slam MiihI Comply With the Huiae Williin Tweiily-VHur Hours. London, July l!l. Advices confirm tho published statement that Franco has telegraphed her ultimatum to tho Siamese government to be complied with within twenty-four hours. Lo Figuro says.tho terms of tho ultimatum ate that Siam evaluate the loft bunk of the Me-Kong river, give guarantees for the faithful performance of treaty obli gations, and pay indemnity for outrages on tho French. As Franco is already in possession of the Lower Mo-Kong, she will control nearly the entire river if Siam iqiiccdes. This is a decided Dxlension of the French claims towaul the west, as the mountain range, heretofore the boundary of tho Fiench claims, lies far east of Mo Kong river. Tho present claims tako in the western bank of tho river, giving France both banks and the entire control of it for most of its lougth, practically com ing to tho border of British territory. Besides making the Mo Kong the limit of tho French possessions, Franco claims all the islands on the Mc Kong. I3HANOK IN WOOL TAltlKl'. Duty on OrtHln Grndes Lowered 1'er Cent. 100 Washington, July '20. An important change has been made by tho treasury department in the classification of wool that will lower the duty on some grades of that article Borne 100 per cent. Tho chango follows the conclusive evidence offered by wool importers that certain grades of high-class wool were practi cally analogous to grades classified lower in the wool schedule on tho McKinley bill. Hereafter the material known aB 149 and 150 flamantine skin wool and 179 Kassamatchia skin wool, second quality of first or highest class will be known as 396 and 397 Servian skin wool and 2S9 Kassamatchia skin wool second quality of the third class. The change in duty cannot be made clear to the lay men with tho language of the wool law, but the statement may be accepted as true that the duty is considerably lower in some cases, as nreviouslv stated nearly 100 per cent. This statement is made at the treasury department. Wool growers and importers will be in terested in the text of the cha.,ge as shown by the law. First-class wool is provided for in the tariff act as follows: "Duty upon all wools of tho first cla-s shall be eleven cents per pound." Wools of the third class are dutiable as fol lows "On all wools of third class and all camel's hair of the third class tho value whereof shall bo thirteen cents or less per pound, including charges, the duty shall be 32 per cent, ad valorem." IKNVKK'S KUN IS OVKK. Depositor Anxious to Put Their Money Hack. Dknveu, July 20. There will be no more bank failures here ; the panic wore itself out yesterday. There were scarcely a dozen depositors at the paying teller's windows of the remaining banks at the opening this morning, while at the re ceiving teller's window several strings of depositors, reaching nearly to the street, lined up, and money is going back into the bank vaults almost as fast as it went out the past three days. There may be a few commercial failures in the next few days as a result of the bank failures, but it is believed no bad ones. It is stated that the McNamara dry goods houso, which failed Monday, has settled with its principal creditors, and will re sume next Monday. Comptroller Kckels Will Aid Them. Washington, July 18. Comptroller Kckels sent a dispatch to the national bank examiner at Denver today in which he says: "I wish you would an nounce to the officers of the banks which have failed in Denver that it is my intention to lend them every aid possible looking toward a speedy re sumption on their part, and that I shall not only grant them sufficient time to enable them to collect such amounts as are speedily collectable, but to get to gether such amounts us will enable them to open on a small basis." The comptroller advises the citizens who have foolishly brought about the crisis by withdrawing their funds to do the best they can toward repairing the dam age by redepositiug. He authorizes tho examiner to employ assistance in col lecting money to tho end in view, and has ordered Examiner Mcllugh of Iowa to assist him. Speaking of tho mutter he said the failures were not the fault of the bank officials, but u foolish lack of confidence on the part of the deposit ors. In all such cases he would help the failed banks to resume. A Million J'rlfiulH. A friend in need is a friend indeed and not less than one million people have found just such a friend in Dr. King's Now Discovery for Consumption, Coughs, and Colds. If you have never used this Great Cough .Medicine, one trial will convince you that it lias wonderful curative powers in all diseases of Throat, Chest and Luui;s, li'iwili Imitlfilu .fiiurilliffi.wl In .In nil Hull is claimed or money will bo refunded. Trial bottles free at Snipes A Kinursly's drug store. Largo homes otic and f I ,W. Wanted. A girl to do gvjnejal housework. Good wages. Apply at this ollice, tf WAR CLOUD GROWS China Will Support Siam in Her Dispute, WHILE RUSSIA WILL All) FRANCE All the Great Powers Arc Liable to Become Involved The Bra zilian Insurgents. Tientsin, July 20. Information is re ceived here from Pekin to the effect that China has taken measures to sup port Siam as against France. Siam lias for many years paid tribute to China, but only as a matter of usage or conven ience, and it is now apparent that China is determined to assist the Siamese against French encroachments upon their territory. The interference of China will add a most interesting fea ture to the Franco-Siamese dispute, and will probably result in a modification of somo of the demands of Franco con tained in her ultimatum. ltusMlii Will Support France. Pauis, July 20. The statement is published that the Russian ambassador to France has given assurance to that couutry that Russia will support France on all points involved in the Siamese difficulty. It is further said the Rus sian fleet in Chinese waters is under orders to proceed to the Gulf of Siam for the purpose of supporting and protect ing the French residents of Siam. It is expected to arrive there soon. The Brazilian Insurgents. New York, July 20. The Herald'H correspondent at Montevideo telegraphs that the insurgent vessel Italia arrived there last night in charge of the Uru guayan gunboat General Rivera, which captured her near Maldonado, Uruguay. Colonel Pintos and 20 other revolution ists landed in Molendo before the Italia was captured. It is reported that Gen eral Saraiva is still besieging Yaguaron. A cablegram from Managua, Nicara gua, says that propositions of peace have been sent by special messenger to Leon, the seat of the revolution. Hopes are entertained that u settlement will be easily effected, as the conservatives have entirely lost ground. Provisional President Zavala has issued a manifesto calling upon all enguged In the revolu tion to rely upon him for complete for giveness for the past, and promising to provide security for them in the future. Both armies arc now at a standstill. No Work In Colorado. Denver, July 20, Tho closing down of the silver mines, smelters, reduction works, coal mines, railways and facto ries, has put tho laboring classes in a deplorable condition. It is estimated that there are 10,000 idle men in Denver and 20,000 in tho aide towns, half of whom are making their way hero to bo- como a public eharge. To avoid this the commercial bodies will ask the rail roads to make a $f rate to the Missouri river for this class, in tho expectation they will bo ahlo to got work on farms. It iH estimated Colorado, Utah, Mon tana and New Mexico merchants havo countermanded orders for goods In New York for over $12,000,000. Cnitn nf Oenuino Leprosy. GitAND FoitKN, N, D., July 20. A case ,f genuine leprosy has been discovered n Nelson county. Tho victim is O. H, Nelson, 29 vears old, who camo from Norway three years ago. Iliiclilon'4 A in ic u Halve, The best salve in the world for cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever sores, tettor, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, und all Rkin eruptions, and posi tively cures piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give penect satisfac tion, or nionoy refunded, I'rico 25 cents per box. For Halo by Snipes & Kin- ersly. Tako' Liver Regulator to improve tho apputito, to blrengthen the system, to stimulate tho liver, to clcanso tho skin of its yellowness, to romovo hoiiH and pimples and cause nmy life in the blood. Got your bathing pants from S. & N, Harris. Highest of all in Leavening Power. Latest U.S. Gov't Report. Powder 4