The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, February 27, 1893, Image 3

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The Dalles Daily Chronicle.
Entered a the Postoffice at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Weather Foreaaat.
Official forecast for twenty-four bottrt ending at
. 6,. n. tomorrow
Monday and Tuesday rain or snow
slightly, cooler. Pagcs.
MONDAY, FEB. 27,1893
Crispy Saying; sad Dolors of Local and
' General Import
If an 8 and ail i and an o and u.
With an z at the end epells "Su," '
And an e and a y and an e spell "1,"
Pray what In the. speller to dor
' Then If. also an s and an i and a sand an
h-e-d epell "cide, , . r.
TJhere la nothing left for the speller to do ;
But to go and commit Slouxeyeaighed. i
Demorest contest tomorrow nlgbt. j
Balem has a paid fire department.
Merchants are receiving their spring
fctoek of goods. . ..
i Of 700 bills introduced in .the 'last
legislature 203 passed.
Bee those beautiful samples of photos,
at Flowerday's, on Court street.
Eggs are rapidly declining in price,
another token that spring is coming. '
a snow storm oi considerable severity
is reported between Pendleton and Ar
lington. A lot of Bob White quails have been
hronght from the east and turned loose
in Yamhill county.
"Good morning, have you taken a
. kath?" will be the proper salutation
We learn that gardening has com
menced by some, . although . the ground
is too wet in most places.
Saltmarshe shipped two carloads, one
of sheep and one of cattle, to Cbas. But
ler, Port Townsend. yesterday.
According to the provisions of Senator
Weatherford's school bill. The Dalles
may now be entitled to ahigh Bchool
. This morning's" passenger train ar
rived about 8 o'clock, The train was
delayed, in the Blue mountains by enow.
We originate, oth ers imitate ; we
Jead,: others follow; our ads. are or
iginal; no chestnuts around Herrin,
gallery over the postoffice. '
Mr. W. II. ,Van.t DDer, theveterah
milkman, living three miles from town,
lias not missed a trip to town (Sundays
included) for over twenty-five years.
Crinolines are coming.. Adressmaker
in The Dalles announces that she will
make up a lot of them at once. The
press is mighty, but is powerless to pre
vent earthquakes or fashions.' i
The Columbian half dollar, which ran
only be purchased for one dollar, is
being extensively counterfeited. Fifty
cents worth of silver can be placed in
the coin, yet leave a larger profit than
was possible in any other counterfeits '
All quiet at the recorder's office today.
A sheep .herder, who had imbibed too
freely of the ardent, was put in the
cooler last night, but no charge was
made against him. His face had been
decorated with colored inks by some
practical jokers, so that it resembled a
crazy quilt.
A party from Tennessee, consisting of
O. E. Campbell, R. F. Campbell, Philip
Looney, M. Pearson, II. Looney and
Hugh Looney, arrived "yesterday, and
proceeded in a four-horse rig this morn
ing to Cherry creek, in the neighbor-
inru1 nf Burnt ranch. TIipw nrntinu In
engage extensively In the sheep business.
Tabby's - Kittens
1. 1. Burget has finished the census
enumeration of school children. His
report shows the present number to be
914 as against 865 last year, an increase-'
of 49, or about S per cent.
Senator Dod3on will very TiFelybe
come a back number in Baker county
politics. His vote against the portage
railroad bill was against the Interest of
his constituency, and was too plain a
case. La Grande Chronicle.
A Pomona mau had a house for sale
for three years at $1,800, and never had
so much as a nibble at the property.
He constructed a lawn about the house,
and did some painting, at a total ex
pense of $31. The place looked so much
improved,. that the effect was magical.
lie sold toe bouse ten days ago for
$2,050. He says that little lawn added
the extra price, to the property.
Tha Medal . Contest.
. Another Demorest medal contest
takes place tomorrow night at the court
house. 'These .entertainments are of a
high class and are awakening . wide
spread interest all over the country.
They should receive substantial encour
agement, as they are proving to be a
great educator and the end in view is
purely charitable. The- receipts will- be
used for the benefit of the free reading
room of The Dalles, an institution which
lessens dissipation and crime by remov
ing in a measure temptation, substitut
ing for cards and drink healthful litera
ture. The programme will be published
Remarkable, Indeed.
We published recently the remarkable
literary announcement of an edition, of
the Encyclopedia Britannica, for $20.00,
the genuine, illustrated, large type,
cloth bound work. A sample volume
can now be seen at this office; it is cer
tainly the most astonishing bargain ever
oflered in the book world. We propose
order a set, and if any of our friends
Lvrant to join us they can do so, and save
a little in trouble and expense. See the
advertisement elsewhere and come in
and see the book. There is an install
ment plan for securing the work on pay
ment of only five cents a day, or $1.00
every twenty days. ' . ,
Book Party.
On Saturday evening Miss Irene
Adams entertained her immediate
friends and relatives at her home with a
delightful book party. Some of the rep
resentations were very unique, for iu
ietanre. Thn TMnnt 'Rooiitv A3am Pola
Very Hard Cash, My Novel, Dante,
xwice loia lales, Catalogue, Bread and
Cheese, and Kisses. A prize, for the
one guessing the most books, a dainty
piece of decorated china, was won by
Mrs. W. Lord, after which a delicious
lunch was served. Every one agreed
that such an enjoyable evening would
not occur twice In a life time.
O.naraateed Care.
We authorize our advertised druggist
to sell Dr. King's New Discovery for
consumption, coughs and colds upon
this condition. " If you are afflicted with
a cough, cold , or any lung, throat or
chest trouble, and will use this remedy as
directed, giving it a fair trial, and ex
perience no benefit, you may return the
bottle and have your money refunded.
We could not make this offer did we not
know, that Dr. King's New Discovery
could be relied on. It never disappoints.
Trial bottles free at 8nipes and Kin
eraly'a drug store. Large size 50c and
$1.00. -
Grant Mays, of Antelope, arrived yea
Ray Logan Xreinrned to Portland this
morning. . - . -.,
Miss Grace Riddell left for Portland
yesterday. .
T. T. Driver, of Wamic, is in town for
a iew cave.
Truman Butler, purser of
lator, is reported quite ill.
W. C. AllowaYwebrto"Pen3Ieton Sat.
urday night and returned today.
Mr. James Parrish is very ill with
pneumonia, at his residence in Thomp
son's addition. '
A. S. Macallister is expected to arrive
from his ranch, where he has been win
tering with his family. -
Miss Cassie Wiley returned last night
to Monmouth, where she will resume
her duties in the school there.
V C. Brock, cashier of the Sherman
county bank, and wife arrived in The
Dalles Saturday, returning today. , " .-
L C. Garland, J. B.' Currant, Linus
Darland and M. A. Darlahd, prominent
citizens of Goldendale, were in the city
Mr. A. G. Johnston who has been at
tending the legislature at Salem, re
turned to his home in this city Saturday
on the 1 :05 passenger. - , .. ;
Mr. Saltman, of Burnt Ranch, is in
town. Stock doing well in ha vicinity.
Eight thousand bead of sheep were fed
at his place this winter, the 'loss only
amounting to some .twenty or twenty
five. Dr. Doane returned from a trip to
Wasco Saturday. He learned on inquiry
that the prospect for grain this year is
first-class, the apprehensions of the
farmers as to its being hurt during the
winter proving needless. The roads arc
dusty, on account of the recent chinooks.
" ' " ' ' ' . .'---(- 77, ?'
" ' UOTKL ARRIVALS. ' " t"
" Skibbe hotel J .E . Romus, Tygh
Ridge, A W Graham, Pocatello, J Akin,
DesChutes, Chas Roehnert, 10-Mile, J
E Barn urn, Wm Payette, Win Eichen
rotfi, Portland, Ed C Haupt, Umatilla.
Columbia hotel. Wju Peabody, Sher
man, Wash; A Wilson, Grants; PE
Roberto, J W Roberts, Pendleton; J W
Kistner, Lyle; W P Smith and wife,
Peter Hope, Hood River; A L Hoff,
Henry Readel, Blalocks ; H Wray, E P
James, Wm Duncan, Portland; E F
Williams, Johnnie Williams, Cascade
Locks. ' . ;
. lluclclen'a Arnica Satire.
The best salve iu the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fever
sores, tetter, chapped hands, chilblains,
corns, and all skin eruptions, and- posi
tively cures piles,' pay required.
It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfac
tion, or money refunded. Price 25 cents
per box. For sale by Snipes fe Kin
eraly. ...
Representative Hermann Saturday in
troduced a joint resolution providing
for authority for the Oregon National
Guard to purchase its supplies from the
United States arsenal and clothing de
pots at the usual cost price for like sup
plies to the regular army, and the secre
tary of war is directed to act on such
approved requisitions as ' may be made
to him., - -,
Mr. C. F. Davis, editor of the Bloom
field, Iowa, Farmer, .says: "I can re
commend Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
to all sufferers .with colds and croup. I
have used it in my family for the past two
years and have found it the beet I ever
used for the purposes for which it was
intended. -.50 cent bottles for sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, Druggists. .
For Sals or Trade. ,
For .Seattle, or other -city properly i n
Oregon or Washington a fine fruit and
stock ranch, close to this city, Post
office box 446. ,.
The Asylam.
The Dalles, Or., Feb. 27, 1893.
Editou Ciirosiclk :
On the 32d inst. you referred to Mr.
Irvine's place on Chenoweth creek as
bein; the proper place to locate the in
sane aylmn for Eastern Oregon. Hav
ing teen most of Eastern Oregon, I
certainly agree with yon as to its being
just the place to locate it, and so will
every one else that' is well acquainted
with Oregon east of the Cascade mount
ains ; and as for a healthiul climate,
convenience, pure water and location,
there certainly is no place in the dis
trict with all these advantages. Then
why should we not take steps at once to
secure the location of the asylum at this
place? As this matter is of great im
portance, I would like to have the ex
pression of the people at large, and as
soon as possible take' the necessary Bteps
to complete arrangements for its con
struction. Come, set your shoulder to
the wheel and give us a lift.
Eastern Orbgon.
A Cat Ranch.
Cats are in demand in Wallowa county.
A Prairie creek farmer went to Joseph
the other day and gathered up every cat
he could find in the town, irrespective
of age, color, sex; or general nativity.
He explained to the- wondering specta
tors of his collection, .that the squirrels
are beginning to appear, and that a herd
of cats on a ranch is a better invest
ment than poison Jin the determined war
that has to be made on Wallowa county's
pests. What a pity it is, after all, that
Jim Wardner didn't establish, that cat
ranch over on Puget Sound S '
Sank In a Quicksand.
A French coaatg-oardsman named
Mainvieille met his death in a re
markable manner on the Mediterra
nean coast, near the month of Aude
He was going his rounds with a com
rade when the latter, who was a few
steps behind, saw Mainvieille sink sud
denly into some quicksands. He went
down so rapidly that' he was unable to
sieze a stick held ont to him, and in a
few minutes had disappeared completely
from sight. "
The other man ran for assistance, but
it was found impossible to find even the
man's body, as the sea, which was very
rough, was throwing np sand in large
quantities on the spot. St.' James' Ga
A Battlefield Belle.
' A valuable battlefield relic was recent
ly found near the city. It is an eighteen
carat gold case watch, manufactured by
the Tobias Watch company, Liverpool,
the case being No. 8,868. It was plowed
np one day last week by Mr. Davis on
the old breastworks in Coke's district,
Cobb county. The case is heavy and
comparatively uninjured, but the rust
has completely eaten the hinges np. : The
covers were both found, but were sepa
rated from the .case. ; It is heavily jew
eled and was no donbt a very fine watch
The owner ia supposed to have been
killed. Atlanta Constitution.
The Poor They Have Not with Them,
. At the anion religious ' meeting at
Vanlue Thanksgiving day a1 collection
was taken for the relief of the poor and
needy. . This money was placed in the
hands of a committee of ladies, and now
they come forward and report that they
can find neither poor: nor needy in the
village or vicinity, and don't know what
to do with the funds. Cor. Pittsburg
Dispatch. '
A Cartons Orange Tree.
H. H. McClure has produced a curios
ity in the shape of an orange tree, which
in all probability ia not exceeded by
anything of its kind in this or any other
country. Mr. McClure calls it . bis
"World's Fair- Tree," and intends, if
possible, 'to place iton exhibition at
Chicago. - The tree ia budded with no
less than thirty-one different varieties of
citrus fruits, including lemons, shad
docks and most of the fine varieties of
oranges. The bads on the tree are only
two years old, yet many of them are
fruiting. Apopka (Fla.) Advertiser.
To win a bet of $1,000, Baron Paul de
Side, a young French nobleman, shipped
as a common sailor on the Red Star
steamer Noordland during her last trip
from Antwerp to New York. He says
he wouldn't try it again for ten times
the Bum, as he was very severely worked
during the vornw.
liriicw Wilkin' Luck.
A yMa of lumber fU over on florae
Wilkina, of Lnshtou Alills. on Friday,
and his fellow workmen thought be was
killed, but bo wis. extricated alive and
unhnrt, though nncoiwibiis. His first
words on recovering consciousness were.
"It's lucky for me that vr;isn't ' hard
wood." New York World.
A Urge Calla I.Ily.
Mrs. William Kelley, of Dyer Brook,
has a call a lily two years old which is
six feet high, with stalks eleven inches
in circumference whtrp they leave the
earth. If it isn't the largest in Aroostook
county, then its owner 1-Msn't Enow it
BauorMi.) CVnter-ial.
The Chinese generally in this and
'Other-uities Ui not regard, the exhibition
of their idols in museums with favor
and are annoyed at snch a diuplay of the
representations of their deities.
. A medical man says: "Be careful in
your dealings with horseradish. ; ' It irri
tates the stomach far moro than spice,
and an overdose will bring on an nn
pleasant senunrioti for rh'.yg.''
. An Estray Bay Stare
Came toiny place List fall a bay mare
about five years old, with small white
spot on right side, also white spot on
left !iip, star in the forehead, with some
dim brand on left shoulder, weight about
eight hundred pounds. i.Owner can have
the same by pro property and pay
ing coals. ,'. -V. J. KtixY,. 15-Mile creek.
There's a good deal of guarantee busi
ness in the store keeping of today. It's
too exceesive. Or too reluctant. Half
the time it means nothing. Words
only words. . '
This offer to refund the money, or to
pay a reward, is made under the hope
that you won't want your money back,
and that you won't claim the reward.
Of course.
So, whoever is honest in making it,
and work e not on his own reputation
alone, but through the local dealer,
whom you know, rnnst have simething
he has faith in back of the guarantee.
The business wouldn't stand a year
without it.
What is lacking is confidence. Back
of that, what is lacking is that clear
honesty which ie above the "average
Dr. Pierce's medicines are guaranteed
to accomplish what they are intended to
do, and their makers give the money
back ii the result isn't apparent.
- Doesn't it strike you that. a medicine
which the makers have so. much confi
dence in, is the medicine for yon.
Kataral Process for Mlllias; Gold.
A. new process of free-milling gold works
is in course of construction on the Lake of
the Woods," in the province of Ontario.
The mill and - experimental - adjuncts
have cost $35,000, It is designed to
treat ores by the same method that na
ture does, only it will perform, in 24
hours' work what nature requires ages
to accomplish. The parties, interested
positively refuse to discuss this method
in print.'pending the practical operation
of the mill, which will be commenced
in a few days, but Mr. Cowlea ventures
the .opinion that it will ' revolutionize
milling and unlock the gold in the re
fractory orea of America, thus com
pletely solving the greatest . problem
that has ever engrossed the attention of
miners and the general public. The
results of practical experiments will be
awaited with deep interest. ' .
. Best grades of oak, fir,' and slab cord
wood, at lowest market rates at Jos. T.
Peters & Co. (Office Second and Jeffer
son streets.)
Ten lota in North Dalles, 50 per cent,
less than company prices. ' -
Afeur vs. Qolumbia . JpIoteK
Best Dollar a Da,y Houtse on the Coast!
I ii oiviooo nicaioi ' awi vci i uii
First Class Hotel in Every Respect. ,
: . None hxt the Best of White Help Employed.
T. T.
Hay, Grain
Masonic Block. Comer Third and
The Only House in Town
. -Making a Specialty, of
Gents Furnishing Goods,
HICH gives us an opportunity to devote our entire time
to this particular line, j We have a lew remnants
in Fanc3 Underwear, Overshirts and
' Gloves, which we arc clos- ,
ing out cheap.
f !,(
Pushing canvasser of good address.
Liberal salary and expenses paid weekly.
Permanent position. Brown Bros. Co;
Nurserymeu, Portland, Oregon.
Stallion for Sale Cheap.
A fine thoroughbred, 0 year old stal
lion for sale cheap. For further particu
lars apply at this office.
srSH nil Ii Mol H
sv' f n e..i
MAper .Dome 5' ttt , "',yy
, v.i.i.iii 'KwiMt,:
Cures Conc;nK, Hoarseness, fcore Throat,
Croup promptly! reHeves Wnooplns; Cough
and Asthuia. Fr-r Cananmplion rt has no
rival: bas cared thousands where all others
J ailod; will CURB Toe If taken In time. Sold
by brag-gists on a vuarontee. For Lame Back
or Chew, use smLOH'M FL ASTER. 3 eta.
5 HI
Li 1 1 nu'c
jcsavvj ou.ctuxjra r l aw remeny ia fruamn
teed to cure you. PrioeftOcts. Injector free.
THs ColumDia PackingGo..
Fine Lard and Sausages.
Curersof tj BRAND
Dried Beef, Etc.
Masonic Building,
The Dalles. Or.
fliqholas, Prop.
p ass.
anfl Fancy Giocfifies,
and Feed.
Court Streets. The Dalies.Oregon.
Hats an d Caps.
TKOY Steam Laundry
i or irortiana., nas esxaDiisn
ed a branch office for laxin-
dry -work with Thos. McCoy
,at his barber shop, No. 110
; Second St., where all lann
dry bundles will be received
till Tuesday noon of each
week, and returned on Sat
.urday of the same week at