The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, July 23, 1892, Image 3

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    C. P . STEPS E TT S,
.-.' -'., . ,'.; ,?.'.".,: 'J J '
t Everybody seems to be complaining of
But if you only stop and see the fine line .
of Gents' Furnishing Goods and Hats of
: You will find that he can save yon con
siderable money. '
Give biin a call and be convinced.
10! Second Street, - The Dalles, Or.
Boots. Shoes, Hat, tc. -
A Pull Line of the
Etc.. Ktc.
134 Second . St., next to Dalles National
, Bank," Dalles City, Oregon.
" 9 '" ' " - : ., -r y - - j - i " ' -"
The Dalles Daily Ctoniele.
Kutored .
the I'oatofllce at The Dalles, Oregon,
as second-class matter.
Local Advertising.
10 Cents per line for first insertion, and ;" Cents
nor lrue lor each subsequent insertion.
Special rates for long time notices.
All local notices received later than a o'clock
will appear the following day.
JULY 23, 1892
Mrs. Harris and family expect to go
to the beach next week.
B. Wolf has about 2,500 pelts of all
kinds and 250 bales of wool to ship.
Never strike a man when he's down, j
You'll find it much easier to kick him. .
San Francisco isn't afraid. She has
raised the quarantine against Victoria.
Down at Bonneville, during the night
of. the mosqnito season, every man is. a
Eider J. W. Jenkins and family go
into camp at Hood River Monday for a
weeks rest and recuperation. ( -
The Christian church services will be
held in the Court house tomorrow at
:$ p. m. Preaching by Elder J. W. Jen
kinB. The meeting of the steamers Dalles
- City and Regulator at Cascade locks
. next week will, be welcomed by. very
many people.
These are the days when a man . goes
home longing for ice-cream and peaches,
: and finds his wife making nice hot. tea
-and custard for him. .
The Antelope Herald, E. M. Shutt ed
itor, made its appearance on the 22d ;
neat and newsy. The Dalles is well rep
resented in its advertising columns. .
The pretty girl who stays in town dur
ing - the .summer months always , has
plenty of attention and her doorstep: , is
the regular altar around which the wor
shipers pay their devotions.
The earliest blossoms of the ' apricot
noticed in The Dalles by the writer
-early last spring, were on a;, tree in the
orchard of Mr. C. L. Schmidt. They
. were the first blossoms borne by the
tree. ' Now the tree is laden with the
;rich luscious fruit. . ' ' ' ' ' '' "
This market is well stocked with, pelts
and skins just now. Prices are : For
- choice sheep pelts, 12e; hides, 6 6c ;
deer skins, 25c per lb.; Coyotes; " 26c
each; beaver, $2,50$3.Q0: bear, from
kl im t tiA nn .u .
, l.Qp per tb; wool 12 to 16 cents. ,';
v .Beginning wih Aug. IstX will givei a,
valaable premium to every, person who
orders one dozen,.. -cabinet , pictures
Photos to be as good as the very best.
Premium .- pn exhibition- after Friday
next, oall and see them. Onlv crood
for a few days'. Hunt, the photographer
Prof.''!. Mitchell, -chiropodist- hag
located in &he Chapman block, room, 50,
where, he will skillfully . treat .corns,
-calloojp, in-growing toe-nails and bun
ions, without pain or subsequent sore
ness, umce Hours from 9:30 a. in. to
12:30 p, m. ; 2 to 5 p. m. ; 7 to 8:30..
m. "'Charges reasonable. ; - ;
quarterly meeting services of the
Methodist church tomorrow as follows
Lore feast at 10 p'clock. a. m. preaching
. at 11 a. m. and, 8 p. m.' by the presiding
elder, Rev.- R. C. Moter. The sacra
' ment of the Lord's supper at th night
meeting. ; Sunday school immediately
uiici uiuiuiug ocrvices. ah are cordv
ally invited. : . . . ,
Examine crar
It shows bow
r i ; -i ... .. i-1 TTaM t . Thfi
No excursion tomorrow by the Regula
tor. . Miss Addie Steel ha9 returned from
Puget sound.
The river is getting down to its proper
level pretty regularly. ; ;.
Mr. F. S. Gordon, C. E., of Wamic, is.
at the Umatilla house. ,
County Clerk Crosseu held a lively'
term of court this forenoon. .
School Superintendent Shelly is pre
paring for the coming county institute.
Deputy County Clerk Ed Martin has
returned to his stall in the Court house!
Auctioneer Crossen sold a pretty fair
horse at auction today for the munificent
sum of $21.
Judge Deady has sent : James Heater
to the Wasco county jail for selling
liquor to the Indians.
Numbers of skirt supporters are com
ing in the market. They are something
like little chips in the form of fleur-de
lis and other devices with chains and
riugs for the finger.
C. L. Phillips returned from Waaco
this a. in. - The installation ended with
a dance, and a merry good social reunion.
He saj-s he never eaw better material in
a small place for an active lodge of K. of
P. than they have in Wasco. -
W. K. Corson and Allie. Henderson
returned from Trout lake last night.
They left the ladies of the party at White
Salmon, Mrs. and, Miss Cassidy and
Miss Annie Henderson of Portland, and
Miss Jessie Welch, of The Dalles, where
they will remain until the next trip of
the Regulator. They had a fine outing
and caught hundred? of trout.
One of Robinson's circus men, speak
ing of the poor bouses which greet them
in Eastern Oregon and Washington
says v "I can't understand it. Are the
people losing interest in the entertain
ments? Surely it is not on. account of
the money market or the crops. Why,
crops!. -I hear people howling about the
shortage, of their crops.. Bless you, if
Ohio. Indiana, and Illinois farmers
could get such crops as . I have seen in
Eastern Washington and Oregon this
year they would soon think of going into
luxuriant retirement-. (The producers,
here must haya very extravagant ideas
about the fecundity of the toil."
Union .Pacific JBoats. : -
Astorian, A great deal of importance
has been attached by some to the state
ment made a few, days since ,.that. the
Ujnion Pacific ebntemplated ihe-jsale of
spmoof ijcsJjpatsy The statement was,
itjis 8ajd, based on the grounds that the
company .. baa decided to .get rid ; of its
old; boatjS. Hpw many of them will be
classed as old has not been learned, but
judgmg by the . report i that the R. R,
Thompson bad been offered for $10,000,
it would seem that all, wft possibly the
exception of the; T.i'j. Potter, .will be
ciagsmeci ... as superannuated. A state-.
tnent comes from"P6rtland Ihat Cap. J.
H. D.:Grayf of this city, ' -has been in
conference with Some of the powers that
De in u mon Jt'aciuc circles with a view
oi purcnaaing those of the steamers
that the; company has j Ld,ecided , to
part iWitln: but. no .agreement could, be
arrived at,1 the terms offered by the
Union Tacifie not i being quite liberal
.enough for the captain. It; was further
stated that Mr. Gray had been endeav
oring to enlist capital in Portland to en
gage in the renture, ;bnt with what sue
cess is not eated. There is likely to be
some excitement in steamboat circles on
the river if he should succeed.
School Shoes.
all ' d
GeachlnK Parties.
Two coaches for Cloud Cap Inn leave
The Dalles And Hood ; River this after
noon and tomorrow. The first is Hon.
M;' A. Moody's fine four horee coach,
conveying a party of eight persons:, Mrs,
Newman,. ..Mies Aumee. Newman, Miss
Bessie Lang, W. K. Smith, jr., and H. J.
Green of Portland, F. A, Joslyn and M.
A. Moody. They will stop at.. Herbert's
to night and arrive at the Inn tomorrow.
The second party consistsof Chief En
gineer Jud S. Fish.. Prof. F. J, Liscomb,
of South Bend, Ind., N. J. Sinnott, and
D. C. Ireland. They leave The Dalles
yia.U. P, R. R. and will be met at Hood
River by Eph Olinger, with a coach and
four and expect to lunch at the Inn to
morrow. About the drives, "more
anon," as the all year round corres
pondent would say, which somewhat de
pends upon the success of the present
Chronicle Snap Shots,
The voter who bets fls he votes s'ports
the nominee.
The curiositv-seeker now goes to a
third-class restaurant and calls for lemon
pie and a glass Of milk;
The romance of wedlock amounts to
very little after it is put into the dinner
pot with the greens, j . .
Man is a miserable grasshopper in
pantaloons entirely too. small for' him.
A hand-raised young man is always
much better than one brought up by
machinery.. ,
Man's pride is sufficiently strong to
keep his spine straight if his stomach
were not on the other side. -'
We look at great men through a
If the fussy fellows would keep quiet
and the quiet men would speak the
world would be managed a deal more
wisely. ;
It f not a rainy day for which women
save-money. They want all they can
get' Of it as Eoon aB the sun comes out to
invite them to go shopping.
Summary of the Spice ,lar.
? Pay as you go and don't
pay. : ' "' ',' ''
till you
Sausage and suspicious generally
-A bore sttally makes a big hole in a
busy day"?'; vv ';v!;V!. ,,-.;;: .
- The marr who puts a ten-dollar collar
on a ten.cet dog, -may think he is;
smart, but he'll never know enough to:
run a hotel.
-'-A candidate says he is in the hands of
his friends, but he finds before he is
done that the bands of his friends are in
him, and pretty deep, too. . .
'Never put off-until tomorrow what
can be done today, for they are liable to
attach your trunk for the amount and
make yoa shoulder the costs:
The only way the average , man can
express his disgust with lovely woman's
present habit of -wearing trail is by
stepping on it every chance he gets.
It is only when a man gets-his bill at
a seaside hotel where he aaeV his family
are etftyjng, and finds that he- is charged
more per daj' than he can earn per week
that he begi pat to appreciate a- longing
desire to, be back, in hie own little dining
room looking up to that dingy old motto
that says, "God bless our home."
.Onyx bracelets faceted in squares and
trimmed with gold is an old mourning,
fashion re-established.
'-X '
CaEuies, Frniis, Nuts, Soia Water,
Ice Cream, Tobacco aM Cigars.
first Class Syrups for Saloons and
Soda Fountains, Ete.
Second Street.
Next door to Wlneate's Hall
Are You Going Camping ?
If so ' buv vour outfit -from J ohn
Booth, the grocer, who makes
specialty. of putting up fine appetizing
A fine line of lunch - and picnic
goods just received. '
i HN BOOTH, The Grocer,
62 Second Street.
The Dalles and Sandy Bosd.
Now that navigation is so nearly re
sumed on the Columbia, we want to
push an inquiry : ' 'Who is responsible
for the destruction of The Dalles and
Saudy wagon road?" That wagon road
was built with the people's money, pro
cured from the proceeds of the sales of
swamp lands. After it was built the
state turned it over to the counties
through which it runs. . AVhen ; the
Union Pacific railway was built the road
was jn many ; places . ''turned over into
the river." In other words the railway
construction gangs did about as they
pleased with it mostly to ruin it ; prom
ising the authorities to make the road
good again. They have never dor.e so.
The road is now very much needed, and j
that it is restored at once. "A word, iQ
the wise is sufficient."
VanC6UV'cr Independent. Major Thom
as Humbug Handbury was sat down
on pretty hard last week, when the sec
retary of war approved the building of
two. bridges across the Willamette at
Portland, after his highness Thomas H.
had' reported adversely on the same.
This man has been a serious drawback
to the development of different portions
of Oregon and Washington, and but few
will regret to see him shorn of at least a
portion of his power..
Action Which Has Resulted In the Offl
cial ' Determination of the Rest
Kaking Powder. -
The act of Congress authorizing 'the
examination of the baking powders has
resulted' m a- most unprecedented com
pliment to- the - Royal Baking Powder.
The testa- were made in the Government
Laboratory at Washington, and the of
ficial report shows that the Royal is su
perior to all others in leavening strength
being over thirty per cent, above the
average. The report also' shows' the
purity of the Royal Powder and the
wholesomeness of its ingredients.
. This is probably the highest compli
ment of an official character ever paid to
a proprietary ": article, - though no more
than the great army of baking powder
consumers would expeet 'in behalf of
their old frieud and"favoritAv
The te8ult'of the ofificfal examination,
as t bus determined, will, of course, make
the "Royal" the standard for Govern
ment purchases.
Administrators Sale of Horses.-.
y In'.'.-pursuance of: ;an- order , of "the
county court. of Wasco countv, dated
July. 13th, 1892, 1 will sell aa a whole or
in lots, all the band ot mares, geldings
and colts, also one "Black btrancer
stallion, a fine horse and good breeder,
belonging to the estate of the late W..J.
Meins. These are good well bred
horses, many of them broke to work,
They;will be sold for .cash -or. apprftved
' J. C Meixs, Administrator,
of the Estate of W. J. Meinsi
7.2Sdwlm. - -
Mr. W. M. Terrv, who has been in the
drag business at Elkton, Ky., for the
past twelve years, says: "Chamber
lain's Cough Remedy gives better satis
faction than any other cough medicine I
have ever sold.". There, (to good reason
for this. No other -will : Cure a cold so
quickly'; iw other is- so certain a pre
ventive 'and cure for croup; no other
affords so much relief in cases of whoop
ing eongh. For sale by Blakeley &
Hooghton, druggists.- . , -dfcw
To et.
& nicely furnished .bedroom, with or
without board, apply at this office.
7 ,1-1 dim
' ni B
Mv entire
closed out at the above figure.
H. STONEMAN. . . "
Practical Shoemakers and Dealers in
- 214 Seooud
Only Exclusive Boot and Shoe House in the City .
. ; All Kinds ' of Footxvear Always on Hand,
Queer world!. Queer people! Here
are men and women by thousands suf
fering from all sorts of Ldiseases, bearing
all manners of pain, spending their ail
on physicians and "getting no better,
but rather worse," when " right at hand
there's a remedy which says it can help
them" because it's helped thousands like
them. .: "Another i.patentr.medicine ad
vertisement," you.say Ye8 but not of
the ordinary sort. .he;inedicirje is Dr.
Pierce's Golden Meical.-DiejEOyery, and
it's different from.t'ue ordinary tioslrums
in this : It does : what: '.&. ;ja$ais,to do,
or it costs you nothing Jk. TJUp w.aji tihfe:
You pay your druggt $l for bOUle.
You read the diektioBi, and yon follow
them.. Yon, jsfc 'better, or you don't.
Ifyouo.'YGu buv another 1)01116, and
pf,'nap8 another
If yon don't get bet
ter, vou net vour jnouey back. And tie
queer thing is that so many people are
willing to be sick "when the remedy's so
near at hand". . . '
Having on hand Ji large supply of ice
we are prepared to furnish our custom
ers with ice in any quantity at a reason
able rate. We guarantee we will supply
the demand without advancing prices
throughout the season. Leave orders at
C F. Lauer's store, Second street.
. 5-2tf Cates & Allison.
Steamer Regulator Jiotice.
On account of needed repairs the
Regulator will not make a trip on Sun
day Julv 25th.
7-18dfit . W. C Allaway, Agent.
City taxes for 1892 are now due and
payable within sixtv days, at the office
of the undersigned.
Kobdkn, Citv ireasurer.
Dai.lics City, July 6th, 1892.
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and
Diarrhoea Remedy can always be do
pended upon, it is pleasant to take and
will cure cramp, cholera morbus, dysen
tery and diarrhoea in their worst forms.
Every family should be provided .with
it. 25 and 50 cent-bottles for sale by
Blakeley & Houghton, druggists. - d&w
" T. A.' Van Norden, the' expert watch
repairei at No. 106 Second street, The
Dalles, appears to have a 'happy Knack
for holding the confidence of his patrons.
The secret ,-of course, is the usual one
skill in repairing even the most compli
cated watches, . ' , ' . .7-13-1 m
County Treasurer's Notice.
.. All countv warrants registered prior
to March 13, 1889, will be paid if pre
sented at my office r corner Third and
Washington streets. Interest ceases on
and after this date.
The Dalles, July 10, 1802. -.'"-
.William Miciikll,
'. 7.18tf -. Treasurer Wasco County, Or.
. , : ' ; -, Dissolution j 2V6tt-r. . j?-
Notice is hereby given that -the law
partnership heretofore existing between
E. B. Dufur, Georste Watkf ns nd Frank
Menefee, under the firm name and style
ft Y- r I' . 1 : Lir . l -t
-ui miuF, nituuua ot.intsiiviw in inia uay.
dissolved by mutual consent. George
Watkihs retirinsr ' froni- the firm, i All
persons knowing themselves indebted to
said firm will please call at once and pay
the Bame to Frank Mehofee.' and all per
sons having claims against said firm will-
present the same to huw lor; pavment.
Bosihesa wiir be eontjnaed'at the old of
fice,- under the firm name of Dufur &
Menefee. E. B. Drrva.
. ''...;' f r ,f Gkorce Watkins.
' "Fbask Menkfee.
Dated this 2Stli dav of June, 1892.
Instantaneous Portraits.
Block, The Dalles, Oregon.
stock will be
Ice Wagon.
The ice wagon of Cates & Allison is on
the streets every morning from 6. to 8
o'clock. Anv orders for ice left with
Will Vanbibber's express" or at the store
of Chas. Laner will be promptly at-,
tended to.. Cates Sc Aiaison
Campbell Bros Proprs
r . . : (sjccksois w,: w. s. craa.) .,;-; . -
- Manufacturers of the finest French nt - .. -..
Home Mad? -- ." .
astflf Portland. , i . t .
Tropical Frails, Nats, Cigars auJ foiacco.
Can furnish
or Retail
any of these goods at Whoiesala
In Every Style. :'
' . , -. ..I ' ' '
Ice Cream and Soda Water. "
104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or.
Jtiy Watch Work Warranted.
Jewelry Made to Order.
138 Second St., The Dalles. Or.' -
- Notice: Sale of City lrft.
Hoticc is hereby piven, that by authority of
Ordinance No. 'Jo3, .which1" passed CjhQ Common '
Council of Dalles.- City, June .'XitlMSi, entitled ,- '
"An Ordinanee entitlea n Urdtnanoe to provide
for the sale of certain lots belonging to Ualles
City," I will on Tuesday the 16U day of August,
18!i-j; sell alBDublic auction to the highest bidder, ' v
all of la- sullowmg described lo
lots situated- in Gates Addition
tS and pprts of
to Dalles City,
Seventy feet off from the south side of Lot No. '
1, Block 18: Seventy eet off from south side of -
Lot No. 12, Block No. IS; the south one-half of
Lots No. S, 4, 5 ana . in Block No. 18 ; Lots Nos.
2,3, 4,6,6,7,8,9 and 10. in Block' No. 19: and' '
lots Nob. 7, 8, 11 and 12, in Block No. 14 . :
. Theannrsised value of said lots and for Iesvf
than whioji they will, not be sold , i ti.xcd as
follows, to-wit: ' .
70fet off the south end of Lot No. 'l'.ln ' ' :f "
Block No. 18. . . f C25.0O
70 feet off the south end of Lot No. 2, in
Block No. IS . ....-,... 12&.00
The south one half of Lot No. 3, in Block '
The south one-half of Lot No. 4, iu Block
i, No. 18.T..-S;;..'.. ............ 10O.O
The south one-half of Lot No. 5, Block
No. is.. loo.oo
The south one-half of Lot. No 6, in Block
No.. 18 ;.; .Y.i 100.00
IiOts numbered 2, 8, 4. 5, 6, 7, 89 and 10, in ,
Block No. 19, and Lots numbered 7, 8,
11 and 12, in Block No. 14, each ap-
. praised at. ...... ........ 100 00
Each of said lots will be sold upon the lot.
respectively I and none of .them shall be sold for
a less Bum than the value as above stated..
. Cue-third of the price bid oh any- oi said lots
shall be paid at time of sale-one-third
on or before one year from date of sale, and one
third on or before two years from date of sale,
with interest at ' the rate of tea per cent, per
annum' Upon - deferred payment. payable
annually. , : . ' . ,
The sale wilt beglu'with the- Crt;lot'herein
above mentienetVut ten o'flixk a. ui. Aupust J6,
1892, and continue with each tot.' in the order as
herein named until all of. said lots shall be sold.
Sated this 11th day of July, 1892. : -
7.1S-8-13w Kecorder of Dalles City,