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About The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948 | View Entire Issue (Feb. 13, 1892)
The Dalles My Chronick Entered a the PoetotHee at The Dalles, Oregon, .. aecond-cUM matter. Local Advertising;. 10 Cents per line for first insertion, and 5 Cents per une lor eaoa ouDsequeni insertion. Special rates for long time notice. All local notices received later than 3 o'clock will appear tne following day. TIMX TABLKB. The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Hav. Co, The boata of The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navigation Co. will commence running on Mon day, Feb. 15th, and until further notice under the following schedule. Steamer "DALLES CITY" leaves PORTLAND at 6 A, M: Taatdkjt, Thursdays and Saturdays :' CASCADES at 10: SO A. M.: Msaaajri, Wednesday and Friday: : Steamer "EEGULATOfi" learea THI DALlISittA.M.; MatBdaya, Wedaesdays sad Fridays : CASCADES at 1 P. M.i Taasdaya, TnarsMaya and Saturdays: B. T. IATjdHllN, General Manager. Railroads. BAST BOUND. No. 2, Arrives 12:01 A. at. ' Departs 12:06 a. m. " 8, ' 12:30fcat;.i- . " 12 : 50 r. X. WBST BOUHD. No. 1, Arrive :25 A. K. Departs i :S0 a, if. " 7,..,-. v - o;wr, k. -cair.x. Two looat freights that'carrv passengers leave one for the west at 7 U0 a. at., and one for the ast at 9:15 A. at. - . V' STAGES. - ''' ' For Prlnerille, via. Bake Oven, leave dally except Sunday) at tt a. m. For Antelope, Mitchell, Canyon City, leave Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays, at 6 a. m. - For Dufur, Kingaley, Wamic, Wapinitia, Warm Springs ind Tygh Valley, leave dally (except Sunday) at 6 A. M. For Goldendale. Wash., leave every day of the week except Sunday at 8 A. at. Offices for all lines at the Umatilla House. . Post-OIDce. OFFICE HOURS. ' . General Delivrey Wlniluw. . . .'. . .8 a, m. to 7 p. m. Mnnoy Order . a. m. to 4 p. m. Sunday i I 9 a. m. to 10 a. m. causing or hails y trains going East 9 p. ro. and 11:4-5 a.'m. " " West...... 9 p. m. and 4:45p.m. ''Stage for Goldendale ...'... .7 :80 a. m. ." "'Prinevllle.-... 5:30 a. m. " "Dufur and Warm Springs . .5:X0a. m. " fLeaving for LyleAt Hartland. .5:30 a. to. ' ' " " Antelope 5:30 a.m. . Except Sunday. . tTri-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. " Monday Wednesday and Friday. SATURDAY, FEBRTJABY 13. 1892. 8. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE, WEATHER BUREAU. Thb Dalles, Or., Feb. 13, 1892. Pacific I Coast j BAR. Rela D.t'r of Wind State of Weather tive lime. Hum X. M. 29.86 40 M I West 8 P. M. I 29.90 1431 47 I Ipt Cloudy Maximum temperature, 46: minimum tem erature, 39. Height of River, 1 a. m 1.4 feet; . Change in past 24 hours 0.4 feet. Total precipitation from July 1st to date, 8.50; average precipitation from July 1st to date, 12.05; total deficiency from July 1st, 1891, to date, 3.55; Inches. WEATHER PROBABILITIES.'' San Francisco, Feb. 13, 1892. FAIR LfVeafher forecast till 8 p. ig. Kerkham. LOCAL BREVITIES. The Dispatch say b la grippe has lost its hold on Dufur. Frost ia about all out of the ground, Dd farmers are plowing about Dufur. . Dr. J. A. Gusepdorfer, of Arlington, is registered at the Umatilla house today. Th SlltntAnu owl n-.- TTvl1 panies have inaugurated a freight war. The noon train from Portland today brought three passengers for this city. Through passenger traffic is light. Twelve carloads of beef cattle were fed at the stock yards this morning and shipped to Portland. Abattiorat Trout dale. ' Mr. H. Glenn has purchased the old CVilumKia TJftfjkl li rA:n t : i i street and will build a large warehouse on it at an early day. The Dalles restaurant will very soon Jones has yesterday and today met with greater success than anticipated.' The Stone fish scow recently built on the beach in front of the city is in readi ness for the wheel which is being put together so as to receive the wire netting. The change of place for the road meeting from Tygh to Wamic, today, was because no place for .the meeting to be held could be found at Tygh, says the Dispatch. Reports from the stock ranges are very satisfactory as then has been no loss and stock has come . through, in fine con dition. The wool clip is expected to be" . very large and of fine, staple. The sun is making patches on its face nowadays, not an uncommon fad, any one can see the spots or patches by taking-a smoked glass, but these can be 'readily seen with the naked eye. E. B. McFarlarnd of the firm of Mc Farland & French of - this city was elected Vice-president of the Oregon National bank in Portland the other day. We congratulate Mr. McFarland .-on his success. Methodist services will be held in the brick school houce tomorrow as follows : - .i in . - . vwraiit iua.ui., preacning at II a, m., Sunday, school at 12:20. Announce ments ' concerning Kpworth League meetings will be made at the morning service. The steamer Regulator moved the Rockland wharf boat to its mooring ta- day. On Monday the steamer begins triweekly trips to tne Uascade Locks, connecting with the steamer Dalles Citv which will arrive in Portland about 4 . clock in the afternoon. Col.'Jas.' Kelley, long and favorably known as a resident of The Dalles, later United States senator from Oregon, and pne of the leading attorneys of the na tion, "Is reported ""as" failing In health rapidly. He has been .in Washington city for some time where he is at pres ent. The band concert last night, was an immense success, the court house was literally packed,- and; the enthusiasm which greeted ithe . performances throughout by the large andienoe, was rapturous. The band boys are very grateful for the good will of the people for their appreciation, and promise in the future to give them . something bet ter. ' . i Congregational church services to morrow (Sunday) in the court bouse as usual 'at 11 a. m. Sunday school at 12 :15. "Young people's society ot Chris tian Endeavor at 5 :3Q. Union services at 7 p. m. Preaching by Rev. W; C. Curtis pastor of' the Congregational church. Subject bonds on the best of men... ' "That ' was a somewhat peculiar and funny '"circumstance which happened yesterday ' when ex-Editor Middleton Biivd the Suit Publishing. Co.. . for waees. The' papers were 'serveoT bv the Sun Publishing Co.'s Secretary Sheriff Cates, upop the Sun Publishing Cov'a President Judge Bradshaw, who ruled' against the demurrer. ' ' - Hon. A. J. 'Dufur made the Ciikoxiclk office - pleasant visit this morning, dur ing which the topic of conversation turn ed upon the effort; or rather the lack of effort, as it is confined to sbu a few per sons, to secure funds "for a decent repre sentation at the Chicago World's Fair. The history of his efforts in 1876 should be read again now, showing what ought to stimulate Oregonians to duty. Mr. Smith French has just returned from a short trip into Sherman county. From him we learn that the' soil is in fine condition for , the plow and that there is great activity among the farmers. The fall or winter wheat is looking 'well, and from present appearances, promises a fine harvest. Mr. French speaks in glowing terms of what he saw in the prosperou8outlook of this and the adjoin ing county. ' The M.E. Church edifice is .rapidly nearing completion,' the windows have been placed in the basement, and in another week those in the auditorium and lecture room will be placed in their frames. It is expected that the finish ing touches will be done to the . base ment so as to admit of the society, hold ing services in it nex.t Sunday. The building is an ornament to the enter prise of the congregation and city. J. Hudsaker of White Salmon, has in cultivation forty acres or less. He has made 4000 pounds of bacon which will bring $500 ; 500 .pounds .of lard, will bring $62.50 ; has sold fresh pork amount ing to $75 ; $210 worth of beef ; 300 worth of dried fruit ; $250 worth of green fruit, and other little odds and ends, amounting to $135 making a total of $1532.50 from a cultivation of forts' acres; and the orchard is dnlv in its infancy. When all of our bench land is in fruit, as it should be, a nice little town at this point will be. the result.--(oWen-d&le Sentinel. . ' The cutting into the bow of the steam er Astorian, a few nights -since, is con strued by some as showing that the U. P. R. "system" are determined to con trol the Columbia if they have to sink their opponents steamers. -Hon. H. B. Parker, owner of the Astorian, is a hard hitter iu a contest like this, and is able to hold his own in the courts ' or else where. It is said that this collision with the R. R. Thompson cannot be shown as at all "purely accidental," when it comes to an investigation.-The Astorian may not be so easily got rid of as was her predecessor, the Clara Parker. The eccentricities of Vic. Trivett may never die out. Every "once in a while" something springs up to remind us of him and them. The latest is the China man's dream. Vic. in bis day, held that story as a club over the head of many an anti-Chinese. He advocated the coming of the Chinese, for, said he: ' "They come here to work, and there are now too many iellows here loafing about do ing nothing, trying to live off their wits ; they conje into competition with me ; and I tell you I am better pleased with the Chinese than with . them." Vic. always asserted, that if a white man or boy wilfully abused ; a Chinese, some awful punishment would come upon them for their action, and the fate of the packers who killed their Chinese passengers in 1860, was related with - a favorite relish on all occasions. Poor Vic. "With all thy faults" there are yet many who tenderly regard a me.nory for you. ...':' '. '. . v "There is an effort being made by the U. P. Company to get our merchants to sign a freight contract for the coming year, and thereby prevent all competi tion and opposition on the river. A number of merchants were talking the matter over this morning, and all were pronounced in their determination to sign no agreement to give all freight to any one company, especially the U. P. The experience of the past with that company is. no incentive to further ar rangements of. an exclusive character, and the scheme now . is to form a mer chants' protective' union and handle freight matters as a unit with an v car rier. It is a good scheme and should be attended to at once. Astoria Talk. Miss Laura B. Johnston and Mr. Louis S. .Frits were married in. Salem on Thursday. PvaaMdiag-a of be Bepaibltomn- Cvaaty Central Committee. The Dalles, Or.', Feb. 13, 1892. ' ' The republican county central com mittee met at the county court room at 10 o'clock a. in. and. was called to order by M.- T. Nolan, chairman. . - . , On motion' A. G Johnson was chosen, secretary. - . . The following preefnets were repre sented: ' DELEGATES pbesext, ' M. T. Nolan, chairman M osier S. D. Fisher West Dalles. - - - J. O. Mack East Dalles . . .Robt. Mays Columbia. .D.J. Cooper DesChutes . . . . : H. Rice Dufur. ........... .'. . . . . . W, H. H. Dufur Kineslev . . . F. C. Sexton Tygh. .C. J. VanDuyn by A", tj. Johnuon oak urove. .O. L. raquet Dy Wamack . . . -. . .E. N. Chandler On motion -the recommendations of the State-central committee were adopted as to date of holding primary elections and county convention, namely primary elections March 19st, and ' county con vention March 26, 1892. On motion com mittee was appointed by the chair con sisting of W. H. H. Dufur, S. D. Fisher, E. N. Chandler, H. Rice and A. G. Johnson to fix basis of representation to . county convention and to apportion del egates. A recess was then taken till half past one o'clock p. m. - The hour of adjournment having ar rived the 'meeting was called to order and The report of committee was read, and adopted as follows : ; Mr. Chairman: Your committee to j whom was referred the matter of appor tioning the delegates in the next repub-1 lican county convention having had the same, under consideration beg leave to submit the following report: ' We recommend that one delegate be allowed for each ' twenty votes cast for Binger Hermann in 1890 and one for each fraction,of ten votes or over and one from each precinct at large. . We further recommend that primaries "be held in each of the election precincts as now constituted. Upon this basis the representation will'be as follows towit : Precincts. , No. Delegates. Falls.... j. '.;.' ... 5 Hood River 4 Baldwin :...3 Mosier ..2 West Dalles . . . . :. '.".....'.... . . . .5 - Bigelow . .V; .7 Trivett 8 East Dalles . . . . . .7- Eight Mile. . . . .'. .; . : ..2 Columbia , , . 2 DesChutes. ............ Nansene .' Dufur ; . : . . r. . . . . : 5 ' Kingslev . .' : 3 ' Tygh Vallev 2 Wamack. '. :...v.. : . . .-. v. . . . . . . . .3 . Oak Grove ... . V.X .3 : Bake Oven , . . . . . . . . . . .,: .;"S" Antelope : . . . . .,. . . .5 , .. ' . Total. . .t . ' :73. . On motion a committee f consisting of. M. T. Nolan, Robert Mays , and J. O. Mack was appointed to name judges of primary, elections to be held in Dalles City under-the ' primary election law with leave to report at any time. AJTter due consideration the following named electors, were - recommended as suitable persons' to act as said judges and were duly ratified by the, centra committee. ; - ".- East Dalles Wm.-Tackuian, fl. W. Steel, B. F. Laughlin. Biglow C. J. Crandall, Win. Sylves ter, J. M. Huntington. Trivett E. L. Schmidt, W.J, Jeffries, C. L. Phillips. . ;. - West Dalles J. W. Marquis,. A. J. Anderson, Geo. W. Runyon. After considerable discussion it was recommended that primary elections be held in all precincts outside of Dalles City at 2 o'cloclf p. m.. March 19th, 1892 and in compliance with section, 4 of the priminary election' law in Dalles cijjy from 2 o'clock p. in. to 7 o'clock p. m. of said day. On motion the chairman was in structed to appoint committee-men for new precincts recently created. There appearing no further business, on motion the committee adjourned. M. T. Nolan, Chairman. Attest : . A."G. Johnson, Secretary. Miss Clara B. Story will instruct a limited number of pupils -in oil paint ing, water colors, crayon, charcoal and pastelle work and China painting. Studio, room 8, over Mclnernv's' dry goods store. 2-3-tf Cloeks and Clocks. Mr. Stacy Shown, with Byrne, Floyd & Co., corner Second and Union streets, has today-opened the largest assortment and finest line of clocks, ever displayed in this city, and at prices which defy competition. . There are clocks and clocks, as a bystander remarked, and you will say so also, when you call there. These are of the latest styles, from the pocket jumbo for $2.00, to. the finest marble mantle pieces. There are eight day clocks, elegant alarm clocks, marine clocks, . stand clocks, fine regulator clocks, etc., too numerous to mention. Call around and inspect . Mr. Shown's goods. . d-4-w-lt ChHdren Cry for Pitcher's Castoria. When 'Baby was alck, we gare her Caatoria. When aha was a Child, she cried for Castoria, When she became Miss, ahe clung to Caatoria, When ahe had Children, shs rare them Castoria Hot Clam Broth at J. O. Mack's after 8 p. m. Try it. Stf T1 8pak From Experience. .'JJ e know from experience in the use of Chamberlain's Cough Remedy "that it will prevent croup," says Messrs. Gad bfrry Wbrley,. Percy; -Iowa; They also add that the remedy has given great satisfaction in this vicinitv, and that they believe, it. to be the "test in? the market - for throat and , lung diseases. For sale by Blakeley & Houghton, drug gists.... ; y , - : ' ' . a : Bxamlnatfon of Teachers. ' Notice is hereby given that for the purpose of making an examination of all persons who ma v offer themselves as candidates for teachers of he schools of this county, the county school superin tendent tberof will hold a public exam ination at his' office in The Dalles, be ginning Wednesday, February 10th one o clock p. m. All te&chers eligible for State Certificates, State Diplomas and Life Diplomas must make application at the quarterly examinations. Dated this 1st day of February 1892. Tboy Shelley. County School Superintendent of Wasco County, Oregon. 2-1-2-12 La Grippe! V The tendency of this disease toward Eneumobia is what' makes it dangerous, a Grippe requires precisely the earne treatment as a severe cold. Chamber lain's Onrtf?r lpmaHv in 4m d w. . -J . 1. VACl 1VL . cures of severe., colds. This Remedy cuwmaiiy counieracta tne tenaencyof the disease to result in pneumonia, pro vided that. nrAnflV pota 1 totan w,AA J - X"- a. WUAVU W O V VIVA exposure when recovering front the at- atr nnl.,l il' vaiciui mijuiry aiuung ine many thousands who have 'used this remedy during the epidemics of the past two years has failed to discover a single case that has not recovered or that has re sulted in -TmAhmrtnia . A ma4. 1 . i-bim, w iCUb and $1 bottles for eale by Blakeley & iiuuguiun, uruggist8. Q4W Warner's Butter Reduced ta 75 cents per Roll. JOHN BOOTH. garner's- Butter Reduced to 75 cents per Roll. UOHN PASHEK, . t - Tailor, Next door to "Wasoo Sun. Madison's Latest System used in cutting garments, and a fit guaranteed each time. Repairing and Cleaning Neatly and Quickly Done. MRS. G. DAVIS . Has Opened the In the New Frame. Building on SECOND STREET, Next to the ' . ;" Diamond Flouring Mills. First Class Meals Furnished at all Hours, i Only White Help Employed. C.W.ADAMS, THE t AKflSTIC Boot and Shoemaker. Repairing a Specialty. 116 Cout St., The Dalles, Or. YOUR ATTEJiTIOH Is called to the fact that - Hugh Glenn, Dealer in Glass, Lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. .' . . . CmrTlmm the Fineat I1b of " Pictures inouMrig To be found in the City. 72 LUashington Street. DID YOU WE ARE AGENTS FOR THE Arpiid Stoves and Raiiges, Garland Stores and flanges, Jemell's Stoves and flanges, Universal .Staves and flanges. ' - - We are also agents for the Celebrated Boynton Fcamaee. flmmarrition and Loaded Shells, Ete. SnrilTAV PliUmBlHC R SPECIRUTV. ' MAIER & BENTON I. C. . JNiiekelsen -AGENT Estcy Kranich I Bact First School Books, Bibles, Blank Books, Music Books, Sheet Music, ; - ; Baby Carriages and Jewelry. THE DALLES, J O. WHOLESALE Finest Wines IvTQUOR 171 Second Street, Frenchs' Block,. ZllfJl. r3UTlT5t? a m "THE LEADERS " Office and Tartl uor. First ani Jefferson VALENTINES ! -LARGE ASSORTMENT AT- V E. Jacobseh & Co.'s, Book and Music btore, 162 Second Street, B1JIHB,R0UII&C0., . . Bntoawov to C. K. Daakan. Druggists and Chemists. , Tore .Dms ant Meflicines. : : Dispensing Physicians' Prescriptions a Specialty. Night Druggists always in Attendance. TBI DALLB4, . - OSIOON. KNG3a IX FOR- nn I an, (ilass ypiif lit Pianos, OREGON MACK, AND RETAIL and Liquors. The Dalles, Oregon IN- Sts. SOUTH SIDE of Railroad Tracfc VALENTINES ! - THE DALLES, OREGON. R. B. HOOD, Livery, Feed and Sale Horses Bought arid Sold on ' Cofhmission andMoney Advanced on Horses ,; , Left for Sale. . ? OFFICE. OF The Dalks and GoHendale Stags Ling - at 7:30 and Goldendale at 7;3t. All frelpht must be left at R. B. Hood's office the evc ' nlng before. . R. B. HOOD, Proprietor. Opposite old Stand. . The Dalles, Oj. Org Dealer