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About The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948 | View Entire Issue (Jan. 11, 1892)
v F VOL. III. THE DALLES, OREGON, MONDAY, JANUARY 11, 1892. NO. 23. V PROFESSIONAL CABD3. WMe J. ROBERTS Civil Ekoineeh Gen eral engineering practice. Surveying and mapping; estimates and plans for irrigation, sewerage, water-worKs, railroads, Driagex, etc. Addreus: P. O. Box 107, The Danes, Or.-. WM. SAUNDERS AncnmscT. Plans and specifications furnished for dwellings, cnurcbes, business blocks, schools and factories. Charges moderate, satisfaction guaranteed. Of fice over French's bank, The-Dalles, Oregon. J. SUTHERLAND Fbllow of Tkikitt a iv:n i aiiu iiuruiucr ui me col lege of Physicians and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy sician and Burgeon. Oilice; rooms 3 and 4 Chap ond street. Office hours; ud 7 to 8 p. ra. . man diock. nesiuenee: jucige inornDurys eoc- 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to i DR. O.D. DO AN E PHYSICIAN AKD SUR GEON. Oflice; rooms 5 and 6 Chapman Block. Residence No. Fourth street, one tlock south of Conit House. Office hours 9 to 12 A. M., 2 to 5 and 7 to s P. M. 3. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. . fee in Schanuo's building, up stairs. Dailes, Oregon. Of The DSIDDALL Dentist. Gas given for the . painless extraction of teeth. Also teeth et on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of the Golden Tooth, Second Street. VR. THOMPSON A TTOUKET-at-law. Office . in Opera House Block, Washington Street, ine Ainiies, iregon T. P. KAYS. B. S. HUNTINGTON. H. 8. WILSON, XT AYS, HUNTINGTON & WILSON ATTOB- ;1 sets-at-law. Offices, French's block over r irs national Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. GEO. ATKINS. FRANK KRNIFES rvUFUR, W ATKINS MENEFEE ATTOB- L Nets-at-law Room No. 43, over Post umce Building, Entrance on W ashington Street The Dalles, Oregon. W H. WILSON Attobney-at-Law Rooms f.2 and 48, New Vogt Block , Second Street, i ne naiies, uregon. Still on Deek. Phoenix Like has Arisen From the Ashes! James White, The Restauranteur Has Opened the . 1 Baldwin Restaurant ON MAIN STREET . Where he will be glad to see any and. all of his old patrons. -Open day and Night. First "class meals twenty -five cents. - COLUMBIA CANDY FACTORY ; W. S. CRAMPrpprietdr. successor to Cram ft Corioi. Manufacturer of the finest French and Home Made O .A. 1ST JD X East of Portland. s -DEALER IX- Tropical Fruits, Nuts, Cigars and Tobacco. Oan furnish any of these goods at Wbolesals or Retail - - . -' 'In Every Style. ' 104 Second Street. The Dalles. Or. The Dalles Cigar FIRST., S'i'JiBET. FACTORY NO. 105. CICX A "R Q. of the e8t Brands JlVJx.XlO manufactured, and raers from all parts of the country filled on im anortesc notice. v The reputation of THE DALLES CI- AK nas become firmly established, and the demand for the home manufactured article is increasing every day., . A. ULRICH & SOnT FRENCH & CO., bankers; TRANSACT A GHNERALBANKINU BUSINESS Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. Sight Exchange and Telegraphic ' Transfers sold on New York, Chicago, St. Louis, San Francisco, Portland Oregon, Seattle Wash., and various points in Or egon and Washington. "'- Collections made at all points ou fav orable term. Faetopy JOHN PASHEK, pep i - Tailor, Next door to Wasco Sun. Madison's Latest System used in cutting garments, ana a nt guaranteed - each time.- Impairing and Cleaning - Neatly and Quickly Done. YOUR ATTENTION Is called to the faot that Glenn, Dealer in Glass, lime, Plaster, Cement and Building Material of all kinds. Carries the Finest Line of Picture To be found in the City. 72 LUashington Stteet. . ANEW Undertaking Establishment ! PRINZ & NITSCHEE. DEALERS IN Furniture and Carpets: We have added to our business a complete Undertaking Establishment, and as -we are in no way connected with the Undertakers' Trust our prices will be low accordingly.-; pvi - . i ;-i r ': s '' Remember our place on Second street, next to Moody's bank.. ( Hugh PIouiqiqqs -: DEALERS IN: ana Fancy Gfoceties. Hay Grain and Feed. Masonic Blqcl Corner Third and Court Streets, The Da!!es,QregCD THE DALLES, OREGON. Best Dollar a Day; House on thCoast! r ' First-Class Meals, 25 Cents. First Class Hotel in Every Respect. r ; " " - . None, but the Best of Yhite Help.Eraployed. wTrTkT-zi ill fff T r 1 1 f I I rr SITUATED AT THE Destined to be the Beet Manufaoturins Center in the Inland Empire. For Further Information Call at th Office of Tfltef state iDvestment Go., 0. D, TAYLOR. THE OAllfS. 72 WASHINGTON ST., PORTLAND. r. B. hood, sbig TIMES IN OHIO. Livery, Feed and Sale; -: '-. : Horses Bought an d Sold on Commission an d Money Advanced on Horses . ? Left for . Sale. OFFICE OF The Dalles and Goldendale Stage Line Stage Leaven The Dalles Everv Morning at 7:30 and Goldendale at 7 -.30. All freight must be lelt at R. B. Hood's oflico the eve ning before. R. B. HOOD, Opposite old Stand. Proprietor. The Dalles, Or. THE Dalles, Portland & Astoria NAVIGATION COMPANY'S flcgant Steamer HEGULtftTOH Will leave the foot of Court Street every morning at 7 A. M. for Portland and Way Points Connections Will be Made with the Fa9t Steamer DAIiliES GIT Y. At the Foot of the Cascade Locks. For Passenger or Freight Rates, Apply to Agent, or Purser on Board. Office northeast eorner of Court and Main street. r NOTICE. R. E. French has for sale a number of improved ranches and : unimproved, lands in the Grass Valley neighborhood in Sherman county. They will be sold very cheap and on reasonable terms.; Mr. French can locate settlers on' some good unsettled claims in the tame neigh borhood. 'His address is Grass ; Valley, Sherman county, Oregon.' . HEAD OF NAVIGATION. Best Selling Property of the Season in the Northwest. McKinley Inaugurated Today Amid a r': Grand Display. THE NEW - GOVERNOR'S VIEWS. The Mexican Revolution is Causing That Government Lots of Trouble. OBJECT TO HIDING OUTSIDE. The linkemeii in the Southern Pacific Ttrlkc Severe Storms in Europe Minor Mntf?n. Columbus, Jan. 11. William McKin- ley jr- inaugurated as governor of Ohio today, with the most imposing pag eantry in the state's bistoryr Notwithstanding the. severity of the weather, the city was crowded with peo ple from all parts of Ohio, and a large delegation from the neighboring etates was also in attendance. At noon, after a happy introduction speech by Governor Campbell, the chief justice of the supreme court adminis tered the oath of office to Major McKin ley.." He then delivered his inaugural address. The inaugural address of Gov ernor McKinleV' said, in regard to re districting the state, that it is intended to make the districts, so far as their re lation to the -political divisions of our people, so impartial that no further legislature will dare to disturb them un til a new census and new congressional appointment will iiinke a change imper ative,"","' ' T. Partisanship is not discouraged, bift is encouraged j all things" where the prin ciple is at Brake. But partisanship which would take from the people their joEt representation in case of congress ional redisricting by last legislature, is an abuee of power which the people are swift to rebuke. It will be your duty to reenfranchise citizens of Ohio who were disfranchised by the last legislature ger rymandering. " THE "MEXICAN REVOLUTION. It Is Giving; the Government All I : Wants to Attend to. Chicago,. .TanJ ll.-Private letters to the' associated' press from Monterey, Mexico, dated January 3rd, say : "The government is . keeping : the sharpest watch on the telegrams and letters to and from the ' United States, and evea on 1 newspapers,' to suppress all news about the Garza revolulion, and although the ' government , pretends . that the movement is of little account, and in some instances, direct against the Uni ted States, yet it is well known that the movement has taken formidable propor tions and threatens to extend. ' ' Though Garza is intelligent and brave, he is not the real leader of the move ment.. The leader is one of the most prominent men in the republic. WhatT aids, or rather what will aid the revoln tionists, is the general depression which reigns, and which makes itself felt inore and more every day. The prisons are full of people who were driven to crime by this .distress. . :' -' Object to Riding; on the Outside. ' ' Pohtxand, Jan. 11. The brakemen of the Southern Pacific struck this morn ing and refused to take out' the train." The strike was brought about by the re ceipt last -tiight of an order from headquarters that one brakeman hould remain outside or on top of every train.. Immediately upon receipt of the order a meeting of the brakemen was held and it was decided that they would walk out, ' unless the order was rescinded.- About two o'clock this afternoon the railroad officials secured a new ' crew ' and under police protection started out the Rose burg freight. The railroad officials' say that by tomorrow night they -will have new men to handle all the trains. : The brakeman are talking of making a" gen- era! appeal to the union to call a strike" ove ' the ' entire division- between here and. Ashland. : . The Iowa Legislature Meets Today. '. Dks Moines, Iowa, Jan. 11. The leg islature convened this afternoon at two o'clock.' : The house is republican . by four ' majority. The democrats have twenty five in the senate and the repub licans twenty-four, and 'the Independ ents, one'. -' - " .' 'Wasbinirton Xev. , Washisgtos, Jan. 1 1. The vice-president laid before the i?enat? today sev eral official and other documents, inclnd- ing one from the interior department,; asking for an appropriation of $150,000 j the Sioux Indians. -.- , . - - The senate judiciary' committee today decided to lay over without action until next " Friday, nomination of circuit judges." This was done at the request of Voorhees, whoIesires to enter a protest agaigst the confirmation of Wood. - Storm In Enrape. : - Losdos, Jan. 11. The severe enow atorm of last, week, continues through out the kingdom.;.-. Traffic is seriously interfered with. A dispatch' from Ya len'cia, Spain, says a violent storm, has caused much damage there.- At Tyrone, Ireland, a funeral pro cession became lost in the storm and the horses became exhausted and it was found necessary to abandon the hearse in a enow drift. 3eel Not Criminate Themselves. .. Washisgtox, Jan. 11. The United States supreme eourt today in the in terstate commerce cauol Carles, coun cilman, applicant, vs. Frank Hetohcock, marshal of the' United States district court, for the' northern district of Illi nois, decided that witnesses cannot be compelled to testify in any criminal cases wtiere the answers mijjht tend to criminate them in anv wav. More Judges I.Ike Him Needed. Denver, Jan. 11. Judge Rising this marning denied the motion of Dr. Grave's counsel for an arreet of judgment and sentenced the condemned man to be hanged within two weeks, beginning from Januarv 31. Got Tired of Ueing Mad. Rome, Jan. 11. It is Rgain stated that negotiations between Italy and the United States for the re-establishment of friendly relations are making good progress. . . ; ' '. ';"". Two Men Killed. ' Mobristown, Pa.. Jan. 11. A boiler in the pork-packing establishment of A. M. March, at Bridgeport," exploded this morning, wrecking, the building and killing two'inen. " : "'" ' ; The funeral of Admiral Kodgers. . WASHrsGTos, ' Ja. ll.The funeral services over the'' remains of -; admiral Rodgers' was held-r this ' morni tig:.."'' A number of prominent people w$re' pres ent1. ;" . ' A New Kegister Appointed. W a sHiKGTo jf , Jan. 11. The president today sent the senate the nomination of Ralph K; Nichols,' to be register of the land office at North Yakima, Washing- Death or Mrs. Undlejr. . New ' York, ' Jan. lr.-Urace: Field Lindley, eldest daughter of Cyrus W. Field, died this morning, after a linger ing illness. - - A ruu Hunt la Ohio. Leipsic, 0.,: Jan. 9. The greatest hunt ever undertaken in this state took place near here today, ; when eeventy men and fifty hounds turned out to run down two pumas, which have been prey ing on live-stock in the neighborhood. The beasts" were encountered early-in tka' a 9 awn Art m ' mnAh 4n "nM.K.. - C both hunters and hounds. The fieht was kept up till dark, and the "result was that seven hunters are dangerously injured, at; least two of them fatally, and nine of the hounds are dead. . The pumas aTe now surrounded in a swamp, and the fight will be renewed at dark. . i .' J Known In Chicago. Chicago, Jan. 9. Slaughter; the an archist under arrest in' England, is re membered here as having gone around the city before the Haymarket massacre giving lectures on '-Socialism." Police Inspector Sehaack says he left here im mediately after the Haymarket riot and was a , warm 1 friend . of Schwab and Fielden.' - -.. ,. . Three" Trainmen Killed.".'' . Little Roick, Jan. 0. A freight train jumped the track on the Little Rock. & Fort Smith railroad, near Reynolds spur, last night. - The engine and seven cars rolled' down a steep : embankment.': En gineer Brown,--Fireman -Freeman and Brakeman Kennedy were killed. The damage fo the railroad property will be about 16000... ..... .-. , ,.: . : ' - j The Wife of the Chief Told the' Story. Saxt Lake, U. T., Jan.. 9. The "gang of counterfeiters, which flooded the-city with spurious $5, $10 and $20 gold pieces during the holidays,' was bound-5 over to the grand jury today. The wife of the chief counterfeiter, in her evidence, de tailed the gang's operations. ' ... i; Portland "Wheat Market. - ' Pobtland, Or., Jan. 10. Wheat, valley 1.621.65; Walla Walla, 1.57 m.GO. - ' - - - - : ',--"': J '; ;.' - - t " "an Francisco Wheat Market. - Sax Fkaxcisco. Jan, 10. Wheat, buyer, season, 1.82. IT TIT I O TJT)T71lf CTATT i TDT W A J 1 lE(iuLlJl I A 1 Ll) That is What tHe.Evifleiice in the Balti more Case Shows. . .1 THE SAILORS WERE WARNED. The Bearing Sea Question In Xo Danger of Being Settled. G C1 . WOKI) FOll. KG A N. Captain Schley's Opinion ofl! is Conduct The Kesult' of aluma Hunt In Ohio. Vali.ejo, Cal., Jan. 9. Today was, the third of the investigation into the attack on the sailors of the Baltimore. Judge-Advocate Remy presided alone, District Attorney Garter being absent. Testimony was taken very rapidly, over twenty witnesses being examined. Nearly all the crew have now testified, and Monday tlite officers will probably take the stand. The case of the United States as stated by President Harrison in his message, lias" been absolutely proved. There can ' no longer be any doubt But that the mob was organized beforehand. Nearly every sailor was warned by at least one person, that the Baltimore men would be attacked at dark. The clerk of the bank where iney cnangeu tneir money warned some of them. An . Knglish sea captain stopped others on the street and warned them, and many others in all classes Jof society also gave warnings. As a result many of the sailors kept away from the low part of town and went to the fash ionable residence and business part, only to be followed and attacked by the mob. There were at least four different locali ties, some of them over a mile apart, where th& attack on the . sailors were . made simultaneously. The shameful part played by the Valparaiso police and soldiers becomes inose and more evident daily. Nearly every witness was abused and insulted by them, while the evi dence that they shot and killed Riggin is conclusive. As to the sobriety of the Baltimore men, Captain, Schley said to day !. -' -: ''' - "Eight out of ten of my sailors are not drinking men. They confine themselves almost entirely to beer and. such light drinks, and the liberty party was especi ally composed of men who bore reputa tions for sobriety." THE BIHRINT. SEA tISPUTE, Grt at' Britain Shows No Disponition t.. Hurry a Settlement. Wasiiington, Jan. 9. The Behring sea negotiations are not proceeding.: with the smoothness which wrould en courage the belief that before the next sealing season opens the rights of the -United States in the- northern ocean will be clearly defined. . No real olsta cles have been recently interposed, but the government is struggling with poor success to disturb the inertia of the Brit ish government and secure a forward movement on its part towards the begin ning of the long expected arbitration. It is two months now since the last defi nite proposals on the subject were ex changed. Secretary Blame had so far yielded to Minister Salisbury's request as to consent to a reference of the ques- - tions . under contention to a tribunal composed of seven persons. . One. of these arbitrators was to represent Can- -ada, one Great- Britain, two the United States, and the remaining three to be -selected from other nations. Up to this point everything progressed smoothly and uninterruptedly, but when it comes to an agreement upon three, neutral ar bitrators there was a hitch. Great Brit- ain could not be induced to submit anv " names of persons acceptable to her and has not up to this time. A WORD FOR EGAX. . ' ' ; Captain Schley Thinks lie Is Tie Itlght Man in the Kight I lace. Vallijo, Cal., Jan.9..-jCaptain Schley said today : - "When I went to Chili I waa prejudiced against Minister Egan, but I found him a qniet, intelligent, es timable gentleman, firm, yet not boister ous, and in every way determined to do his duty to the United States. His let ters, to the . Chilian government were diplomatic masterpieces," unanswerable iu logic, firm and decided.; a,nd v yet thoroughly polite and respectful. I soon concluded he was the right man in the right place. British Minister Ken nedy declared in' my presence that he had written to Lord Salisbury that Egan's conduct throughout had been dignified and commendable and that in him the United Stat s had a minister of whom any nation might well be proud." Weather Forecast. . San Fbakcisco, Jan. 11. Forecast for Washington - and Oregon; Fair fol-. lowed by rain in western portions. o