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About The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 22, 1891)
WE ARE ALL GLEANERS. fDfL TALMAGE'S SERMON ON THE MEETHWS OF BOAZ AND RUTH.. A Dimiina Especially Appropriate to the ' t !! of the Harvest Time It Includes mm strfcertetlnrt to All Regarding the Doty Me. ' tiLfcKwooD, Colo., Aug. A sermon, redolent with the breath of the vast har vest fields of the west, indicates that Dr. Talmae has found in the scenes through which $ baa been traveling and in his present surroundings, suggestions of Gos- pel leseons. His text is taken from - Ruth - fi, 3: "And she went and came and gleaned .in the field after the reapers; and her hap was to lighten a part of the field belong ing onto Boas, who was of the kindred of . Climelech." ' Within a few weeks i hare been in North .Carolina, Virginia, Pennsylvania, New "York, Ohio, Michigan, Canada, Indiana, 'Illinois, Kentucky, Missouri, and they are one great harvest field, and no season can be more enchanting in any country, than the season of harvest. The time that Ruth and Naomi arrive at Bethlehem is harvest time. It was the old custom when a -sheaf fell from a "load in the harvest field for the reapers to refuse to gather it np; that was to be left for the poor who might happen to come that way. If there were handfuls of grain scattered across the field after the main harvest, had been reaped, instead of raking it, as farmers do now, it was, by the custom of the land, left in its place, so that the poor coming along that way might glean it and get their bread. But, you say, "What is the use of all these harvest fields to Ruth and Naomi T Naomi is too old and feeble to go out and toil in the sun; and can you expect that Ruth, the young and the beautiful, should tan her cheeks and blister her hands in the harvest field f'L-. y Hoax owns a large farm, and he goes out to .see toe reapers gatner In the grain. Coming there, right behind the swarthy, Hun browned reapers, he beholds a beauti ful woman gleaning a woman more lit to bend to a harp or sit upon a throne than to stoop among the sheaves. Ah, that was an eventful dayt 1. LOVK AT FIRST SIGHT. It was love at first sight. Boaz forms an attachment for the womanly gleaner an attachment full of undying interest to the Church of God in all ages; while Ruth, with an ephab, or nearly a bushel of bar ley, goes home to Naomi to tell her the successes and adventures of the day. That Ruth, who left her native land of Moab in darkness, and journeyed through an un dying affection for her mother-in-law, is in the harvest field of. Boaz, is affianced to one of the best families in Judah, and be comes in after time the ancestress of Jesus Christ, the Lord of Glory 1 Out of so dark a night did there ever dawn so bright a morning? I learn in the first place from this sub ject how trouble develops character. It . raa bereavement, poverty and exile that ileveloped. Illustrated and announced to all ages the sublimity of Ruth's character. That is a very unfortunate man who has no trouble. It was sorrow that made John Banyan the better dreamer, and Dr. Young the better poet, and O'Connell the better orator, and Bishop Hall the better preach er, and Havelock the better soldier, and Kitto the better encyclopedist, and Ruth THE VALUE OF TROUBLE. 1 once asked an aged man in regard to his pastor, who was a very brilliant man, "Why is it that your pastor, so very bril liant, seems to have so little tenderness in his sermons!"' "Well," he replied, "the reason is our pastor has never had any . trouble. When misfortune comes upon him his style will be different." After awhile the Lord took a child out of that pastor's house, and though the preacher was just as brilliant as he was before, oh, the warmth, the tenderness of his discourses! The fact is that trouble is a great edu "cator. You see sometimes a musician sit down at an instrument, and his execution is cold and formal and' unfeeling. The reason is tbut all his life he has been pros pered. But let misfortune or bereavement come to that man, and he sits down at the instrument, and you discover the pathos in the first sweep of the keys. Misfortune and trials are great educators. A young doctor conies into a sickroom where there is a dying child. Perhaps he is very rough in his prescription, and very rough iu his manner, and rough in the feeling of the pulse, and rough iu his an swer to the mother's anxious question, but the years roll on and there has been one dead iu his own house, and now he comes into the sickroom, and with tearful eye he looks at the dying child and be says, "Oh, how this- reminds me of m Charlie!" Trouble, the great educator! Sorrow I see its touch in the grandest painting; hear its tremor in the sweetest song; I feel its power in the mightiest argument. Grecian mythology said that the foun tain of Hippocrene was struck out by the foot of the winged horse, Pegasus. I have often noticed in life that the brightest and most beautiful fountains of Christian com . fort and spiritual life have been strnck out by the irou shod hoof of disaster and ca lamity. I see Daniel's courage best by the flash of Nebuchadnezzar's furnace, I'see Paul's prowess best when I find him on - the foundering ship under the glare of t he lightniug iu the breakers of Melita. God crowns his children amid the howling of wild beasts and the chopping of blood splashed guillotine and the crackling fires of martyrdom. It took the persecutions of Marcus Aure lius to develop Polycarp and Justin Mar tyr. It took the pope's bull, and the cardi nal's curse, and the world's anathema to develop Martin Luther. It took all the hostilities against the Scotch Covenanters and the fury of Lord Claverhouse to de velop James Renwick, and Andrew Mel ville, and Hugh McKail, the glorious mar tyrs of Scotch history. It took tfca stormy sea, and the December blast, and the deso late New England coast, and the war whoop of savages to show forth the prowess of the Pilgrim fathers When amid the storms they sang. And the stars heard, and the sea: . And the sounding aisles of tbdim wood Rang to the anthems of the tree. It took all our past uational distresses, and it takes all our present national sor rows, to lift up our nation on that high career where it will march along after the foreign despotisms that have mocked and the tyrannies that have jeered shall be swept down under the omnipotent wrath of God, who bates oppression, and who, by the strength of his own red right arm, will make all men free. And so" it is individu ally, and in the family, and in the church, and in the world, that through darkness and storm and trouble men, women churches, nations, nro developed. . TIIK BEAUTY OF FRIENDSHIP. -" Again, I see in my text the beauty of un faltering friendship. 1 suppose there were plenty of friends for Naomi while she was in prosperity. But pf all her acquaint ances, how many were willing to trudge off with her toward Judea, when she had to make that lonely journey? One the heroine of my. text. One absolutely one. I suppose when Naomi's husband was liv ing, and they had plenty of money , and all things -went well, they had a great many callers.' ; But I suppose that after her hus band died, and her property went, and she got old and poor, she was" not troubled very much with callers. All the birds that sang in the bower while the sun shone have gone to their nests, now the night has fallen. Oh, these beautiful sunflowers that spread out their color in the morning hour! But they are always asleep when the sun goes down! Job had plenty of friends when he was the richest man in Uz; but when his property -went and the trials came, then there were none so much that pestered as Kliphaz the Temanite, and Bildad the Shuhite and Zophar the Naam athite. Life often . seems to be a mere game, where the successful player pulls down all the other men into his own lap. Let sus picions arise about a man's character, and he becomes like a bank in. a panic, and all the imputations rush on him and break sll ges, alt generations, have an interest in the fact that she was to become an an cestress of the Lord "Jesus Christ, and all nations and kingdoms must look at that one tittle incident with a thrill of unspeak able and eternal satisfaction.. So it! is in your history and in mine: events that you thought of no importance at all have been of very great moment. - That casual con versation, that accidental meeting-r-you did not think of it again for a long while; but how it changed all the current of your life! . . ..'".. - , I : . It seemed to be of no importance that Jubal invented rnde instruments of music, calling them barp and -organ, but they were the introduction of all the world's minstrelsy. And as you hear the vibra tion of a stringed, instrument, even after the fingers have been taken away from it, so all music now of lute and drum and cornet is only the long continued strains of Jubal's harp and Jubal's organ. It seemed to be a matter of very little importance that Tubal Cain learned the uses of copper and iron, but that rude foundry of ancient diiys has its echo in the rattle of Birming ham machiuery and the roar and bang of factories on the Merrimac, BEAUTY" OF FEMALE J3TDUSTRT. ' . Again,-1 see In my subject an illustration 1 of the beauty of female industry. Behold down in a day that character which in due I Ruth toiling, in the harvest field under the time would have had strength to defend itself. There are reputations that have been half a century in building which go down under some moral exposure, as a vast temple is consumed by the touch of a sulphurous match. ' A hog can uproot a century plant. , In this world, so full of heartlessnessand hypocrisy, how thrilling it is to find some friend as faithful in days of adversity as in days of prosperity 1 David had such a friend in Hushai; the- Jews had such a friend in Mordecai, who never forgot their cause; Paul had such a friend in Onesiph orus, who visited him in jail; Christ had such in the Marys, who adhered to him on the cross; Naomi had such a one in Ruth, who cried out, "Entreat me not to leave thee, or to return from following after thee; for whither thou goest, I will go; and where thou lodgest I will lodge; thy peo ple shall be my people, and thy God my God; where thou diest will I die, and there will I be buried: the Lord do so to me and more also, if aught but death part thee and me," - . FROM DAK KK ESS TO DAT. Again, I learn from this subject that paths which open in hardship and darkness often come out in places of joy. When Ruth started from Moab toward Jerusalem, to go along with her mother-in-law, I sup pose the people said: Oh, what a foolish creature to go away from her father's house, to go off with a poor old woman toward the land of Judea! They won't live to get across the desert. They will be drowned in the sea! or the jackals of the wilderness will destroy them." It was a very dark morning when Ruth started off with Naomi; but behold her in my text in the harvest field of Boaz, to be affianced to one of the lords of the land, and become one of the grandmothers of Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory. And so it often is that a path which starts very darkly ends very brightly. When you started out for heaven, oh! how dark was the hour of conviction how Sinai thundered and devils tormented and the darkness thickened! All the sins of your life pounced upon you, and it was the darkest hour you ever saw when you first found, out your sins. After awhile you went into the harvest field of God's mercy; you began to glean in the fields of divine promise, and you had more sheaves than you could carry as the-voice of God ad dressed you, saying, "Blessed is the man whose transgressions are forgiven and whose sins are covered." A very dark; starting in conviction, a very bright end ing in the pardon and the hope .and the triumph of the Gospel! . So, very often in our worldly business oi in our spiritual career we start off on a very dark path. We must go. The flesh may shrink - back, but there is a voice within, or a voice from above, saying, "You must go," and we have to drink the gall, and we have to carry the cross, and we have to traverse the desert, and we are pounded and flailed of misrepresentation and abuse, and we have to edge our way through ten thousand obstacles that have to be slain by our own right arm. We have to ford the river, we have to climb the mountain, we have to storm the castle, but, blessed be God, the day of rest and re ward will come. . On the tiptop of the captured battlemeDts we will shout the victory; if not in this world, then in that world where there is no gall to drink, no burdens to carry, no battles to fight. How do I kno7 it? Knew itt I know it because God says so "They shall hunger no more, neither thirst any more, neither shall the sun light on them, nor any heat, for the Lamb which is in the midst of the throne shall lead them to living fountains of water, and God shall wipe all tears from- their eyes." It was very hard .for Noah to endure the scoffing of the people in bis day, while he was trying to build the ark, and was every morning quizzed about his old boat that would never be of any practical use. But when the deluge came, and the tops of the mountains disappeared like the backs of sea monsters, and the elements, lashed np in fury, clapped their hands over a drowned world, then Noali in the ark rejoiced in his own safety and in the safety of his family, and looked out on the wreck of a ruined earth. THE SUFFERINGS OF JESCS. Christ, hounded of persecutors, denied a pillow, worse maltreated than the thieves on either side of the cross, human hate smacking its lips in satisfaction after it bad been draining his last drop of blood. the sheeted dead bursting from the sepul chers at his crucifixion. Tell me, O Geth semane and Golgotha! were there ever darker times than those? Like the boom ing of the midnight sea against the took, the surges of Christ's anguish beat against the gates of eternity, to be echoed back by all the thrones of heaven and all the dun geons of helL But the day of reward comes for Christ; all the pomp and dominion of this world are to be bung on his throne, uncrowned heads are to bow before him on whose head are many -crowns, and all the celestial worship is to come- up at bis feet like the humming of the forest, like the rushing of the waters, like the thundering of the seas, while all heaven, rising on their thrones, beat time with their scepters: "Hallelujah, 'for the Lord God omnipotent reignethl Hallelujah, the kingdoms of this world have become the kingdoms of our Lord Jesus Christ!" That sonar of love, now low and far. Ere long shall swell from star to star; That light, the breaking day which tips The golden spired Apocalypse. Again, I learn from my subject that events which seem to be most insignifi cant may be momentous. Can you imag ine anything more unimportant than the coming of a poor woman from Moab to Judea? Can you Imagine anything more trivial than the fact that this Ruth just happened to alight as they say just hap pened to alight on that field of Boaz? Yet hot sun, or at noon taking plain bread with the reapers, or eating the parched' corn which Boaz banded to her. The customs of society of course have changed, .and without the hardships and exposure to which Ruth was subjected, every intelli gent woman will find something to do. I know there is a sickly sentimentality on this subject. " In some- families there are persons of no practical service to the house hold or community, and though there are so many woes all around about them in t&e world they spend their time languish ing over a new. pattern or bursting into tears at midnight over the story of some lover who shot himself! They would not deign to look at Ruth carrying back the barley .on her way home to her mother-in-law, Naomi. ' . : . All this fastidiousness may seem to do very well while they are under the shelter of their father's house; but when the sharp winter of misfortune comes, what of these butterflies? . Persons under indulgent par entage may get upon themselves habits of indolence, but when they come out into practical life their soul will recoil with dis gust and chagrin. -.They will feel in their hearts what the pqet so severely satirized when he said; . - Folks are so awkward, things so impolite. They're elegantly pained from morn till night. Through, that gate of indolence how many men and women have -marched, use less .on . earth,, to . a . destroyed eternity! Spinola said to Sir Horace Vere: "Of what did your brother die?" "Of having nothing to . do," was the answer. - "Ahl" said Spinola, "that's enough to kill any gen eral of us." Oh, can it be possible in this world, where there is so much suffering to be alleviated, so much darkness to be en lightened, and so many burdens to be car ried, that there is any person who cannot find anything to do?". . ' THE BOAST OF MADAME DE BTAEL. Madame de Stael did a world of work in her time; and one day, while she was seated amid instruments- of music, all of which she had mastered, and amid manu script books which she had written some. one said to her, "How do you find time to attend to all of these things?" "Oh," she replied, "these are not the things I am proud of. My chief boost is in the fact that I have seventeen trades, by any one of which I could make a livelihood if neces sary." And if in secular spheres there is so much to be done, in spiritual work how vast the field! How many dying all around about us without one word of comfort! We want more Abigails, more Hannahs, more Rebeccas, more Marys, more Deb orahs consecrated body, mind," soul to the Lord who bought them. - Once more I learn from my subject the Value of gleaning. Ruth going into that harvest field might have said: "There is a straw and there is a straw, but what is a straw? I can-'t get any barley for myself or my mother-in-law out of these separate straws.". Not so said beautiful Ruth. She' gathered two straws and she put them to gether, and more straws until she got enough to make a sheaf. Putting that down she went and gathered more straws until she had another sheaf, and another and another and another, and then she brought them all together and she threshed them out, and she had an ephab of barley. uisb u bushel. Oh. that we might all be gleaners! ... THE STRAY PRIVILEGES COUNT. EI i h u- Burritt learned many things while toilins in a blacksmith's shop. Aber- crombie, the world renowned philosopher. was a physician in Scotland, and he got bis philosophy, or the chief partof it, while as a physician he was waiting for the door of the sick room to open, let how many there are in this day who say they are so busy they hare no time for mental or spiritual improvement; the great duties of lite cross the field like strong reapers and carry off all the hours, and there is only here and there a fragment left that is not worth gleaning. Ah, my friends, you could go into the busiest day and busiest week of your life and find golden oppor tunities, which gathered might at last make a whole sheaf for the Lord's garner. It is the stray opportunities and the stray privileges which taken up and bound to gether aud beaten out will at last fill you with much joy. There are a few moments left worth the gleaning. Now, Ruth, to the field 1 May each one have a measure fnll and running over! Oh, you gleaners, to the field! And if there be in ' your household an aged or a nick relative that is not strong enough to come forth and toil in this field, then let Hutb take home to feeble Naomi this sheaf of . gleaning, "He that goeth forth and wtepet h, bearing precious seed, shall doubt less come ' again with" rejoicing, bringing his sheaves with him." May the Lord God of Ruth and Naomi be our portion forever! The Atmosphere and Mainsprings. Tour mainspring is broke,'? was' the positive declaration of a jeweler to a young man as be entered and walked up to the counter,-meanwhile probing for his watch. The voodk man hadn't said a word, so it is easy to imagine that he was" astonished at naying tne cause oi nis Deing there tnus promptly and' positively foretold.' i - ."How aid you guess it t:r he 'asked when he recovered from his amazement. . ."Didn't guess it; I knew it," was the. jeweler's re ply "that is, i coulfl almost have sworn to 'it when I saw you feeling: for. your. watch. I guessed then that something was the matter! with that article, and hav ing guessed that I was ready. to bet twen ty-five dollars to one dollar that it was the mainspring that was - broke, and .' 1 11 tell you why: There's a certain. time of. the year when if I have two or three persons come to me with brofcen mainsprings 1 can make up my mind that I or thirty more of the same kind of custom ers within a very short time "Now, it's lust a week and a day ago that a man came to have a job of this kind done, and up to today I've had no less than twenty mainsprings to put in,' They break voluntarily; atmospheric condition has something to do with it. Now, I'll put a new spring in your watch which I guaran tee for a . year. It may last-two or three years, and, again, it may not last one day, or an hour. You can' they're liable to break any time, no matter of how good quality they are.: I've, bad new springs, break, right after I have put them iri.''-r-Buffolo Express. ' ' . " Tie Dalies Cfiionicle is here and has come to stay. It hopes to win its way to public favor by ener gy, industry and merit; and to this end we ask that you give it a fair trial, and e to me with broken mainsprings 1 1 v j. f - j . , , - - makeupmymind thatl'U have twenty II SatlSneCl With ltS CCHTSe B. SCGUGVOUS hirtv more of the same kind of custom-i . ' support. : "' '" " " Attacked by a Rabid Coyote. -Alvino Alaniz, a. Mexican ranchman of Rio Grande City, Tex., has undergone a fearful experience that will probably cost him his life. . He was riding after cattle, and camped at night by a little creek that runs through a tangle of mesquite. . He tethered his horse, cooked his supper, and was squatted by the fire smoking the in evitable cigarette, when a mad coyote sprang upon him from the dark. -: . " ; -The little beast, with every hair standing- on end and his jaws dropping loam, struck him full in th efface and fastened its. teeth in his nose. ward and. he sprawled at full length. Ha endeavored to defend - himself . with bis hands, but to no avail.. The. coyote snap ped his teeth through the skin fn a halt dozen places-, and the face of the. man was covered with blood. As he-.struggled to his feet, .frenzied with terror, his assailant disappeared. The ranchman reached Rio Grande City the next morning and was treated, but is extremely prostrated, and will probablv die of hydrophobia. : - Mad wolves and coyotes in southwestern Texas at this season are by no means un common. Three years ago G. C. Chamber lain, a son-in-law of the millionaire ranch man, Richard King, was attacked jwhile on norseDacK, by a maa won. lie went to Paris as fast as steam could take him, was treated . by Pasteur, and has not suffered any Inconvenience. Cor. Fort Worth Ga zette; - ' . . 7td, four pages of six columns each, will be issued every evening, excent sundav. V . ah an will be delivered in the city, or sent by mail for the moderate sum of fifty cents a month. Its Obi ects figures put lortn oy tne superintendent! n i ' i i of the census show that three-fourths of CITLLlClSm OI UOllLlCai Ilia LTtJrS, a IU districts where the . annual rainfall is be tween thirty and fifty inches. ' will bQ to advertise the resources of the an and, adjacent country, to assist in developing our industries, m extending and opening1 up new channels for our trade, in securing an open river, and in helping THE DALLES to take her prop er position as the Leadjitg City of Eastern Oregon. The paper, both daily and weekly, will be independent in politics, and in its its handling of local affairs, it will be JUST. FAIR AND IMPARTIAL We will endeavor to give all the lo cal news, and we ask that your criticism of our object and course, be formed from the contents of the paper, and not from rash assertions of outside parties. THE WEEKLY, sent to any address for $1.50 per year. It will contain from four to six eight column pages, and we shall endeavor to make it the equal of the best. Ask your Postmaster for a copy, or address. THE CHRONICLE PUB. CO. Office, N. W. Corv Washington and Second Sts. pimples. The old Idea of 40 years ago was that facial eruptions were due to a" blood" humor," for which they gave potash.. Thus all the old Sarsa- parillas contain potash, a moBt objectionable and drastic mineral, that instead of decreaaine. actually creates more eruptions. You have no ticed this when taking other Earsapartllas than Joy's. ' It Is however now known that the stom ach, the blood creating power, is the seat of all vitiating or cleansing, operations. . A stomach clogged by indigestion or constipation, vitiates tho blood, result pimples. A clean stomach and healthful digestion purifies it and they disappear. Thus Joy's Vegetable Sarsaparilla is compounded alter tho modern idea to regulate the bowels and tlmnlato the digestion. ' The effect is immediate and most satisfactory.- A short testimonial to contrast the action of the potash Sarsaparillas and Joy's moticm vegetable preparation. ' Mrs. C. D. Stuart, of dOO llar.vs St., S. F., writes: " I have for years hod ir.Ii!w -:."ni, I tried a popular Sarsaparilla bnt it ui.-l-..:.. r.uv;i more pimples to break out nn ll..a.-::i- that Joy's was alater prcpa-.ii'.iun r.uj aou-J OliTurcntly, I tried It and t:u3 pimples immediately :sa;pcared." Vegetable San ;apar.31a Largest bottle, most irwivo, uno price, For Sale by SNIPES & K1NERSLY. THE DAIXE8, OREGOV. . - Hardening Cast Iron. Some Chicagoans have lately been con ducting satisfactory experiments in hard ening cast iron by a new chemical process. Briefly described, the mode of procedure is as follows: The . iron i3 put in a furnace and heated to the$. proper temperature, when the chemicaNs put on tbe upper side and goes right throngh it. so that when cool the under side is as bard as the upper side, and when broken the iron is as hard inside as outside.'" . ' , ' Ko trouble is experienced in going through six inches, and the chemical can probably go through any reasonable thick ness. In Chicago it is being used for hard ening brick dies made of cast iron, where as heretofore brick dies were necessarily made of steel. ' This is a great saving, both in material and work. Another use is for shoes on. grips of cable cars. Jfew York Journal. - From Travancore conies a quaint plant called the "csrberus." which has a milky, poisonous jnice. The unripe fruit is used by the natives td destroy dogs, as its action causes their t?eth to loosen and fallout. A Necessity. The consumption of tea largely in creases every year in England, Russia, and the principal Euro pean tea-drinking , countries. Bnt it does not grow in America. And net alone that, hot thou sands of Europeans who leave Europe ardent lovers pf tea, upon arriving in the United States gradu ally discontinue its use, and finally. cease it altogether. .. .. . This state of things is due to the fact that the Americans think so much of business and so little of their palates that they permit China and Japan to ship them their cheapest and most worthless teas. Between the wealthy classes of China and Japan and the exacting and cultivated tea-drinkers of Europe, the finer teas find a ready, market ' The balance of the crop comes to America. Is there any wonder, then, that our taste for tea does not appreciate? 'In view of these facts, is there not an im mediate demand for the importation of a ' brand of tea that is guaranteed to be un eolored, unmanipnlated, and of absolute purltyT We think there is, and present Beech's Tea. Its purity is guaranteed In every respect. has, therefore, more in herent strength than the cheap teas yon have been drinking, f ally one third less being re quired for an Infusion. This you will dis cover thSn time yon make H. likewise,, the is delightful, being the natural fla vor of an unadulterated article. It is revela tion to tea-drinkers. Sold only in packages- oearing this mark: I d. pIIELgEW, -DEALER IN- SCHOOL BbOKS, STATIONERY ORGANS, PIANOS, V; . IVATCIIES, fEWELRY. Cor. Third and Washington Sts. SPES & RITOLY, Wholesale and Retail Dmiists. -DEALERS IN- n iL:i' v j n t rme imported, My west ana uuiuesue OIG-AES. s 'PureAs-Gftildhood: ' Price 60o per pound. For sale at . . '; Cleveland, Wash., ) Jane 19th, 1891.) 5. B. Medicine- Co. , : Gentlemen Yonr kind favor received. and in reply would say that I am more than pleased with the terms offered me on the last shipment of your medicines. There is nothing like them ever intro duced in this country, especially for La- grippe and kindred complaints. I have had no complaints so far, and everyone is ready with a word of praise for their virtues. Yours, etc., ' ' M. J. xlACKLET. PAINT Now is the time to paint your house and if you wish to get the best quality and a fine color use the .-'-;'-':. : Sherwin, Williams Cos Paint '''-. ' "' ' v .-. ' For those wishing to see the quality and color of the above paint we call their attention to the residence of S. L. Brooks, Judge Bennett, Bmitn rf encli ana otners painted by Paul Kreft. Snipes & Kinersly" are agents for the above paint for The Dalles. Or. W. H. NEABEACK, 7 PROPRIETOR OF THE Granger Feed Yard, THIRD STREET. (At Grimes' old place of business.) Honies- fed to Hay or Onts at the lowest possi ble prices. Good care given to animals left la my charge, ss I have ample stable room. Give me caU, tyid I i arawM NEABEACK. THE DALLES, OREGON.