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About The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948 | View Entire Issue (July 21, 1891)
1 Vi. rl VOL.vII, THE DALLES, OREGON; TUESDAY, JULY' 21, 1891. NO. 30. i 1-ftr Th3 Dalles Daily Chronicle.; Publish l. ,Daliy, Sunday Excepted., ; , ' .;. . THE CrtEONICLE PUBLISHING CO. Hornet second and ' Washington Street, Dalles, Oregon. The Term of Subscription. taYtet. ... Per month, by carrier... . . ... ... . . . Single eopy ... 00 ... 60 6 TIHB TABLES. - - - Railroad. BAST BOUND. No. 2, Arrive. 12:45 a. n. Departs 12:66 a. u. 8, " 12: 15 F. K. '.' 12: 86 P. a. WBST BOUND. ; - Ka l, Arrives 4:40 A. 1 . H. Departs 4:60 a. V. : m. '- a:8rx. r'r-n 1,w. frolvhia that carrv nassenKers leave ne for the went at 7 :46 a. ., and one for the east at 8 A, . , -, .- . " ;'. 8TAOK8. ' ;'- - For Prlnevllle, via. Bake ,Oven, leave daily rnr Antelone. .MltcheU. Canyon City, leave unnI1a. Vatmariii v. arid Fridavs. at 6 A. M. For Duiur, Kingslev, Wamlc, waprniua, w arm Bprtnrs, and. -yglVanv,e;daiy .(except Foit&oldendalJ WasliW leave every da of the -week except Sunday at 8 A. M. Offices for all lines at the Umatilla Hpnae, . i - , i. c 1 1 ' i v . . - TostcOfBpe OFFICB BOOBS ' eeneral DcUvrey Window.. .....8a. rri. to .7 p. m., Money Order " 8 a. m. to 4 p.m. Sunday GD: " -: a. m. tolOa-mv VT T;' i; i ctosijro or mails By trains going EasO.'.. .9p. n. and 11:45 a.m. u Wert 9 p.m. and 4:45 p.m. " "PrlnevUte,. .. -V-. .v..! . i. 6:30 a. m,, - Duf ur ana wann springs. -.ow . uk ' t Leaving 'for Lyle A Hartland. .6:80 a. m. " " JAntelope.......,,I.6:30la.Bi, Except Bnnday. ... . Trl-weekly. Tuesday Thursday and Saturday. 7 . r. r ? Monday Wednesday .and jFrtday.t 1- TBI CHUKCHE8. FIRBT BAPTIST CHORCB-Rev.'o. I.,Ta.T iob, Pastor. 8ervices every Sabbath at 11 A. M. and 7:30 r. M. Sabbath School it12M, Prayer meeting every Thursday evening at 7 'clock. CubtIb, Pastor. . Servicesevery Sunday at 11 a. M. and 1 r. u. Bunday School after morning service, strangers conuauy idviuh. .vri? ,A rS' r E. CHURCH Rev. H. Bbown, ' Pastor. jnjLa eervnaea every ouiumj uus , log,, tmnaiv pcnuoi u u taivitatlon is extended by both pastor and people -- ' ' OT. PAUL'S CHURqHTJnion.Btreet, oppoKite k7 iniin. KCT.iUV.DUUtUQCjvwr. odww every Sunday at 11 a! M, and M.- Sunday. School 12:30 P.rl. Evening Prayer on Friday at CK eiBST Pastor. . Low Mass (every Bunday at HI gh . Mass. aC 1030 a. SOCIKTIS8. . .- rr . .. . ... 3 : . anium v Nn mn. tC. Joir 1. Starts In K A. of P. hall on finjand. fblrd .Sunday? aig rASCO LODGE. NO. 15. A. F. A A. M. Meets f n rat and third Mondav of each montttat 7. DALLES ROYAL ARCH CHAPTER. JiO. Meeta in Masonlo Hall the third .Wedpewlay el each montn at MODERN WOODMKN , OF -THE. rVOK4J, Mt. Hood CampNo. 89. Meet Tuesday even lag of each week in I. O. O. K. Hall, at 7.-30 r. if . Feilo' Washington. HoioarninK brothers are welcome. H. A:itts, 8ecly ; v r QCiBB, N. O. FRIENDSHIP LODGE, NO. K'. of P. Meets every Monday evening at 7:30 o'clock, in Schanno's building;, corner of (Court and Second streets. Bojouming rrtenibers are cordially in vited. Gbo. T. Thompson, D. W. Vausb, Sec'y. . . C. C. JtXTiWUUS I CHRliTIANT.., TEltPKEENCJE TV UNION will meet everv Friday afternoon at 8 o'clock at the reading room, A 11 are invited, i fTEMPLB LODGE NO. 3. A. O. TJ. W- Meets A at K. of P. Hall, Comer. Second and Court i etreets, inursaay avenings at 1 John Fnxoon, , W.. 8. Mters, Financier. - M. W, PROFESSIONAL CAKDS. TTTM. SAUJlDER8-tABCBiTKrrjPlHns and. TV specifications furnished for dwellings, ehnrches. business blocks, schools and factories. Charges moderate, , satisfaction , guars nloed DR. J. SUTHERLAND Fbllow of Tbimitt MediCKl College, and member of the Col lege of PhysiciMns and Surgeons, Ontario, Phy sician Slid Burgeon. ' OBree; rooms 3 and 4 Chap man block. Kesidence; Judge Thornbury's Sec ond street. Office hours;' 10 to 12 a. m., 2 to 4 and 7 to S p. m. r rf.-O D.; D O A N E PHYSICIAN -AND BUB J obon. OfHte; rooms & and 6 Chapman Block. Residence over McFarland & French's store.' - OBice hours 9 id 12 A. 2 to & and 7 to a r. M. - ! I n AS. BENNETT, ATTORNEY-AT-IAW. Of- flee in Bcbanno's building, up stairs. The Dalles, Oregou. . .; ; n -, ; - -. j D8IDDALL. Dkntipt. Gas given for the painless 'extraction of teeth. Also teeth set on flowed aluminum plate. Rooms: Sign of the Golden' Tooth, Second Street. " ; ' AS, THOMPSON Attobnkt-at-law. Office . In Opera House Biock, Washington Street, The Dalles, Oregon -: T. r. MAYS. 1 B. S. BUNTIKOTOK. R. si WILSON .' IfJlYS, HUNTINGTON WILSON ATTOB RL nbtsat-i.aW Ofncea, French's block over First National Bank, The Dalles, Oregon. E.B.DUFOB. 0BO.WATKINS. PBANK MENKFKB. DUPUR, WiAXKIN MKNEFEE ATTOB I wav4.AT-ij.vr Rooms Nos. 71, T3,;78nd 77, Vog Blyk,iiqcoiid qtrfvt, Dalles, prgonj 4 WH. WILSON ArroBNBY-AT-LAW Rooms 62 and 63, New Vogt Block, Second Street, The Dalles, Oregon. ." v: C V' v ' ' v Hi NEABEACK, " ; PBOPB1KTOB OF THE - TH IRD STREETH- Horses fed to Hay ocOataat the lowest possi- Dle prices. Good care given to animals left in BJ "HE WHO HESITATES IS LOST " --(. -i ' And anyone who hesitates to ' come and buy some of-the baiv. gains we are ofifering will always .ri I " ; V'; -' " : 4 - Why suffer with the heat' when .. ; you can uy those ,, ? ; Beautiful Pattern OF- So cheap, and keep cool, r ' VVe are offering a large line of, . ,:. ladies V -:: Cotton -: Undeiivear , . Lrj , . j , i f, ' I; : -; li'i :; ; . '. At scandalous LOW PRICJES as, we intend to close them out. " Call and Inspect, Them, We - also-, offer- inducements, in. Misses and' Ladies' waists and-Jerseys.- x- ; (jrapd Qearaijee Jaj e! -o- To, make room for our entire line of 'i..T'7r'.T "f ; , ... ... . . . . Situated at the Head of Navigation. Destined Best Mahdf actuMri Center t ' : ' - In. the Inland" Einpire.1 "v " .' v " . - . . Best Selling" Property of the Season .cC.t m the Northwest: : t (. 4! .o. ;Y':,;'.":.."., , . . . . For further; information call at the office of . Interstate Investment Go.,, Or . r: 72'Washington St., PORTLAND, Or O. D, 1 A Y,ljpii;';THE; V. E; GARRETSOM, All Watch WorKWarranted, Jewelry Made; to Order, , i j-13S.Snend 8k., Ialles. Or. :-. ,G-l?nn if , l emoyed ihis office.' and the office of the Electrio IiigMi do; to, ! 72 V:.. LtitlUIUy?'JifWtllrjl. SOLE AGENTFOR TUB' - .. i..---.. : J i M BlB. AW . am B m an .iti.;.ii ;.;t- -Whitei Goods,: new goods, we offer DRESS. GOODS f A. M & Co. to "be. DAIiBESrOr .c.j -r. i " D. P. Thompson'; S. Bchbnck,; H. M. Bball, rrouucuk . , , v ice-jrraaiaei. . .vasnier. First national Baoi THE DAI,LS. - - OOOBEr A'General TtaTnting Business transacteid j iepoeita receivea, euDject to bigjtit ' Draft or Check. Collectiona made and proceeds promptly Sight and Telegraphic Exchange sold on v r. Jewux W, &a jrarif law, wft ,"ort. lapd. T. .X. SpAekk -' Qo'Aa Libbk. FHHNCfl, CO, BANKERS. i .- i- TRANSACT A iGENERAL BANKING BU8INE88 Letters of Credit issued available in the Eastern States. - Sight Exchanga.. and,t Telegraphic Transfers sold on New York, Chfcago, St. Louis, San Francisco,' Portland Pregon,' Seattle Wash., and various points In-Ori Collections mad Mall Txunts. on iaiw. orable term-: - '-"V .-'v:1'- the southern; idoe: Unveiling: of; a Statute to Qeneral Stonewall Jackson at Lexington, ' i , Virginia,, Yesterday. , . , .' Tbe.- FitzsiromonsrHaU . Prize Fight -will Go O a A Defalti n g Treasurer Cap-1 ;;-.N tured in Mexico,' ' ' , V " Lexington, Va,, July 21. Tbifl i the thirtieth auntversary of the .first battle of lyianassas, and . Lexington,,' the quiet agncaltnral village in which was. spent the : liflune of tone wall ' "Jackson ,- the nipst pictaresqne figure of the Southern Confederacy,' is. brilliant with Ufa and eolrji, while ten thousand stra.hgeif assemhledj.within . its .environs to partici pate in the. exerci incident ,to the,: on- Veiling of a -monument eymbolio ol, re spect -and ; veneration felt far the 'great soldier. -' -,; - ' ' -' ' :'- ' ' The proceseion first': rnoYed tor1 the campuu.of the VYaaiingtou.snd. Lee Dn iyergity and halted at the platfonn, which was. handsomely decorated KeT Xr, 31-C. Hopkins, o:West Virginia, who. as chaplain of the 2d Virginia. regiment, was with Jackson in nearly all his fights, opened . th e ceremonies wit h prayer, .GnW-Wade Hampton , infjroduced the orators ot the day, Uen. Jubal-A. XMly and ppL Thomas- M.; Sumrner, who. read two poems.enti tied i' Stonewall Jackson's Way,"; and "Over the- River. " . i ' The procession re-formed as soon as the toroceeding8 at the stand were over,' and marcheil to tpe cemetery jn wbicb tne pt4fiuer . sjandjj.. Little. ' Jnlia'.. Jacksop Christian, from - an,, t leva ted; , pjatiorni. pulled the- cords which . sustained- the veil over the statue; and .exposed- it to View, while-the Rock - Bridge battery fired a" salute.' ' '" i 1 ... . ' "; The", weather: was fine, a fresh cool breeze tempering the, rays, of , the, eon Th streets .. and buildings , were apprp- pnatly ?ir decorated. , , Three beautiful arches extended over Main street.-: . Bsun- nerawith the names f;Jaflcson's differ tat-battlee printed on them swung with in, a hundred yards of each other ', across the ;line." of march.' pa one ; appears Jackson's noted jtelegram after the battle fc Me?Jtywcll r-"ti4 lefisedonx.ins with victory at- McDowells yesterday." Long- "streamers of - Confederate'- states flags, and battle flags set off w ith-na tional colors' decorated ' many houses, Lee's mausoleum ,wag covered with ever greejps. and cut flowers. . . "'i', ... ., The statue, stands:on an eminence in tbecenterfof ; the City -cemetery, onMain street; well set off with giant- treesi: .It is- of -bronze, heroic-size and . ; portrays Jackson-with uncovered head leaning on his 8word and left leg and; looking out ,ttpon,: the, field of battle,.. In... bisj right nana is a neia , glass , i ne. ngure is. in full uniform. The scabbard of the sword bears the letters'!!.. It-is a histor ical . fact.' as it was, modeled'! from Jack son's sword. The statue proper- meas ures eight' feet and surmounts a granite pedestal ten and a half feet high, , '.' -,ci -c.ABadljr Wrssked' Vesseli - 1 Monteeal,, July 21i The agents of the steamer Circe, ' ashore at . Anticosta Is land4", have 'received, a, dispatch, wbifih pnows . tnat . the., wreck. is. mucn .worse then at first supposed. Captain Jennings ajpd fiyeof j tfa crew.are drowned, i r,The. vessel is nlmost a complete wreck ' ' - i, ' If He Is Bsitapml life Are.. . t Washington Julyli It-is stated on reliable authority that Col. W. W. Dud ley will resign' as treasorer of the Repub lican ''-'National '-committee during the. meeting at Philadelphia on : the'29th Tlte'Xlabflltiea Kxcssd the. Assets. I BpsTOKv, July ; 2L The liAbilites. of the Pgganuh) ,Manufa?turipg cornpanv Conn., are three to four hundred; thou and dollars,: with assets at two .hundred thousand dollars. i ' ' -;". , ' " vVell What pf It.... r Cikcinnati, i. Jaly.i 21. i ExrOovernor Foraker and'i. Senator: Sherman had long private iconferehce today, the tenor of which is nnkiiown.-" ; V .H-L. i - V -j - - J". ti : 8Lnjra-eii.sodlticB. - . ' London, July 21.ReV..ChaSJBpnrgeon passed a restless night and is very''' much exaustedbifljrnprning. -H ' . . . - . : : r ..... . - .WeAtner. '.-.; " , San Francisco, July 1 Forecast, for Oregon : and,- lv8hington.: Fair., weath er., --' i ' j ."li ' , , . ' , V'-': v.' Chicago Wheat Market. ' - f Chicago, '. I1L Juy ,21-Close,t-r wbWit 8tedy,,.caab, j gepteniieT San, FranetacojarkeV 8ah Fkajioisco, -; Jftlyrt 21k.-. Wheat, buyer TO, after August first 1 JSSMf sea- LIGHT ' DAWNING FOK- ;IRELAm A 'Bill to 'be. Introduced Gl vine ' Ireland. The Same Itigbts as Scotland. LoiicoN.,' July 21. During a debate on the Irish estimates in the house of com mons, Balfour, chief secretary for Ire land, intimated that a local government bill , for Ireland, based broadly oh the same lines as the English and - Scotcji acts, will he introduced at , the -next ses sion, tie .asked whether, the bill, will have the support of the Irish members. Tj-M. Healy saidjit would receive their support. , . The Sitnatfon at Coat Creek. Knox V7LAK, July. 21, At Coal; Creek since -Bnnday night until this morning the telegraph . wires have been in the hands of the miners. Nothing has. been sent out except . such as ithey have al- lowett tbegbperator ty. send. .TJiifl morn ing there .are r amors of a. large military force,: coming to. . reinstate the,, convicts but no one. here knows the truth. iThere is great:; hatred,' felt : for,- Governor- Bu chanan u and, threats - are , openly, made that it will.iiot do.fpr him to return, here. To (improml With Creilltsrt. PHitABBiBjiiA, , Jly j 21, --The ap- praisement-of property, of the Sevill, Schofield & Son company, the great tex tile firm, shows the aesets- to be' $568,- 000, liabilities, 1929,000. Schofield oners creditors in settlement 25 cents on-the dollar xs ha pr 50 cents in unsecured de ferred payments, ' extended to thirty mon,thshj Final arrangements, completed within a few days. will be .' f , Stri the Fight, St. PauL, (July 21. Governor Mer- riam tills morning declined to inUxfeie in the prize fight between Fitzsimmons and Hall., He said, that it was the. duty of Che' municipal authorities to do so. He saidhe. would however issue, a. proc lamation and' request that the law be enforced.- - . The. Financial Situation, la Lisbon. Lisbon, July '21. Tb 'turrency ten sion is extreme. ; The premium, on pound sterling is now 15 per cent. - At a. meeting of ; five thousand,! workman in Braga, , it -was resolved to request, the govej nor to take, steps . to, '. prevent syec iilatiop in, .Erigliah gold to the detriment of Portuguese circulation,,'- -. An. Indian Senutor Tia of Heart- Ois- -.':- ease. . lARLEO.tiAH, ju. i;., July zl. hen a tor W. H. Ross died suddenly yesterday -of heart disease at Fort Gibson, The ' sen ator is a half breed 8 years of. age. He was educated at ; Princetown. He has held almost every office in the gift of the Cherokee nation from chief, down. ' What the- Governor of Tennessee. Said, to i, Governor of Georgia. . Nashville, July 21. A Coal Creek Spe cial report that .Governor Buchanan has called -on the Governor of Georgia for two companies of infantry and two of. .artil lery with gatling guns. ; A Kale It Would be Goad for Ansrloa to Follow. f. ' : :; :l - .: . '' . ' . :.- . ' St. Petebbcbo, July- 21. A ukase is being prepared thai all' foreigners doing business in .Russia who fail to -become naturalized ;' citizens ; within ,, five . years will be expelled from the country i . iope--Captured in Mexico. " ' City of Mexico, July 21. William H. Pope, the defaulting , state treasurer, of Tennessee has been arrested in this city and is held to await, the action, of the Tenessee authorities. - . - Forbidden to Celobrate. Berlin.- July 21. rThe police authori ties have forbidden the GueJplv clubain Hanover to .celebrate the battle, of Lan gensalza and other memories. . U. S. Teachers' Association. 1 Toronto, July 21 The National Edu cation' Association of the United States formallVj opeiied, this 'afternoon in the presence of about 60,000 people. - - . ARMING THE FBOSTIEE. Russian. Troops in Large Nnmbers on the Gallcian Border. , London,. July. 2Q.r Vienna . dispatches. slate that the government is informed of i fresh arrivals of Russian troops on the Galician borders in nuriibern far' beyond the ordinary, requirements of frontier duty.- It is also reported the Russian fortifications have been 'strengthened "and eqmpTJerwith"gun8 Of heavier can Der thanrtiipse ni.tuerto moentea.- n is presumed that the pretext for this extra' ordinary-.' milliard breeaution w'asi ftif- hisfie i ByJ, AusJ-tia . in a ugmen the military on the same iron tier with a view bf'j prevetitin, 'an invasion" of Russian Je we,"' I.tsthis'belhe'caSe, the St-Peters-burg goyernmient baa - been-, remarkably q tilck tq .take ad VRntg? of . Pfecadtipnr ry' measure,5 Va!lnStfy-Di ne feet of lite own decree',.' to concentrate -a. miljtafy force prf the! border; pi a.friebdlj co'nrjf ehiirel 'out of proportion to Its needs la.timesof peace. m-i-ACasnnjaelsAn J4to,-f The CBBCiaeiixr has received a large stqek of letter . heaSsbill, heads., 8e rtifthts: r-ariiH-'ftnit othar stock for com-, irciaVphntingrfIet,an4 tiUedi I TKOIIBLB IX SAMOA. Chief Mataafa Refuses to Obeyf th King's Otden. ' Mklbouhne, Jnlv 20. Advices from Samoa state, that Kiug Malietoa ordered Chief Mataafa to come to Apia. Mataafa refiised to obey the'o'rdeiV aeclarihg'; tie feared Malietoa would cause, him" to! . be arrested." . Crowds"" "of . "malcontents gathered arorind'-MataAfaV' and it1 was ' feared they, contemplated ; a .raid i npbn Apia, ine authorities consequently took vigorous measures to prevent" 'such a raid. The German gunboat Sperber Is assisting to maintain order.., The Ignited States, British and German consuls have issued a proclamation sustaining King Malietoa. - The n heaviness wti ich' ' "pre vailed was thereupon relieved.' and at last advices. Alataafu's - followers were paying taxes due to King Malietoa. San Diego,- July 19. Th men' held by the coroner's jury for assault on the sailors were , arraigned in ' the justice's court this morning and Instructed as to their'rights Attorneys for the defense will demand' a separate trial for each Jt the six prisoners, and this' point will be argued ; tomorrow.- , Captain Reiney, qf the cruiser Charleston, today authorita tively announced that the vessel'' would leave ' for' Redondif' -! Wednesday ,' staying there two days, ami then proceed to SaU Francisco. ' A "' Toong; JBarl'a Lseky ' Catch. London, July 20. It is stated that the late Duke of Bedford arranged to settle a dower of 5Q.000 upon his wife's cousin. Miss Rschl Guernoy. whose . betrothal to the voang Earl Dudley is announced. Miss Cxuerney's father is also a' wealthy mam and -the' earl ha imwle quite a ... ......... ....... . j ...... .p., w..v..e,u, v. : course the match is given out to: be one S of love pure and simple, a3 alliances be tween memliers of the haut noblesse alwavs are. - " "' - ' Death of a Young Graduate. JkWtHavkNv July, 20.- A .cable from London announces the death of William N.' Thatcher, wbo''a8t month: graduated with high honor from the ' academical department of Yale. He was a son of J udge Thatcher, -or the . woioraao su -preme court, and a nephew of. Professor Thatcher', of Yale.' " His. home' was at r-neDio. Died, In the, Hospital. New York, July 20. Edward Tasche reau, nephew of ; Cardinal - Taschereau and a' brother : of the chief justice of Quebec, died a.t. Roosevelt hospital this morning. His remains will be shipped to Quebec this afternoon. Edward Tas chereau was an ' attorney at law, "and came to be treated for rupture. - lie was 23 years of age. His wife attrnded him in, ajjrivate ward yitheJiosjMtal. 'f " - i An. Orangeman In Canada. ' Montkba July-20. Orangemen met yesterday to listen to an anniversary ser mon delivered, by Rey. J. Fniton. The speaker made a rapid attack on the Je suits and Premier Mercier. He declared that he had recently seen . emerge from the Jesuits' college in Montreal a thous and youths armed with muskets, and marched along the streets and urged the Orangemen to match these with a thous and Orange youths. Giving tti Jews a Chance. St. Pkteksbukg, July 20. The perse cution of the Jews has been somewhat relaxed. The decree for the expulsion of Jewish artisans from this city has been indefinitely postponed, a ud renewed orders have been sent to the press to re frain from publishing, articles likely .to excite animosity against the Jews. :' ; Another naval corps hats been added to the Bhu:k sea fleet. The building of four vessels for- this corps will be exped , ., ' :- - Cofldenee In the Sultan. London, July 20. A' correspondent telegraphs from Constantinople that the department of the Turkish public, debt has submitted. a echeuie for the.con vers ion' of the debts of the porte, ' which is likely to be accepted by the sultan. Sev eral attempts of this kind have recently been maoe,'but invariably with . the . re sult that the plans submitted failed to meet the approval of the sultan, whose action in the matter has had' the effect to inspire a degree of financial confi dence, in : the- government, which it has not enjoyed for many years. , .. Sugar Beets. The avesage yield of sugar from a tou of beets is ten per cent., or 200 lbs of re fined sugar; " -' ' " The average crop of beets per acre is twelve tons. - Average yield of refined sugar per acre, 2,400 lbs. - - Value of 'sugar produced from one acre of beets at 6 cents per.Bx. is $244 pins $72 bounty, is $3l6. . Cost of manufacturing twelve tons of . beet sugar from, one acre ia9 per ton, or d 108 per acre. . Net value of one acre of average beets, fl08. , . Cost of raising, beet sugar per.- acre, 3d; cost of raising 3,000 acres, $90,000. Three thousand acres of average beets will yield.a net return to the county in which they are grown, of $324,000. But if the highly improbable should happen, and if -Mr. Campbell should beat Major McKinley, how more solemn life- -Wpuld suddenly; become,, for ;those eminent a'nd tooW hopeful New Yorkers, Mesaet&i,. David i B, ; Hill, : and jtGrqver Cleveland IJartord Courant. Manv act as if they, believed .the horn of plenty was a glass of whiskey.' It takes some people a long- while to find out that poor health is not religion. She: .So you loved And lost, ,did you? f;-ffcuM-'mX pTsfinta; .JX, in? Tojrt. itv t.-.i'i '.";"'..