The Dalles daily chronicle. (The Dalles, Or.) 1890-1948, March 28, 1891, Page 4, Image 4

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akenness Is the Tuple and This Is
tka Text. "Nih Fluntnd s Vliieyitrtl,
ad He Drank of the Wine and Wu
Sew York, March 1. Dr. Tolinage
oontinued today the series of sermons he
commenced last Sunday on the "Tea
Plagues of New York and the Adjacent
Cities. " The plague, which he places
second on the list is intemperance, and on
that subject he discoursed this morning in
Use Academy of Music, Brooklyn, and this
evening in New York. At the close of the
anr-rice in the New York Academy of Music
Or. Talmage weDt over to the Union
Square Theatre, where bis son, Mr. Frank
Do Witt Talmage, was holding an over
low meeting, . and briefly addressed the
crowded house. .'. Both the New York ser--vioss
are under the auspices of The Chris
tian Herald, of which Dr. Talmage is editor.
The text of the doctor's sermon was -taken
from Genesis ix. 20, 21: "Noah planted a
Timeyard, and he drank of the wine and was
drank en."
This Noah did the best and the worst
thing for the world. He built an ark
against the deluge of water, but intro
duced a deluge against which the human
nee has ever since been trying to build an
ark the deluge of drunkenness. In my
text we bear Lis staggering steps. Shem
and Japbet tried to cover up the dis
grace, hut there he is, drunk on wine at a
time in the history of the world, when, to
ay the least, there was no lack of water,
inebriation, having entered the world, has
aot retreated. Abigail, the fair and heroic
wife, who saved the flocks of Nabal, her
husband, from confiscation by invaders,
goes home at night and finds him so intox
icated she cannot tell him the story of his
"marrow escape. Uriah came to see David,
mod David got him drunk and paved the
way tor the despoliation of a household
JEven the church bishops needed to be
charged to be sober and not given to too
much wine, and so familiar were people of
Bible times with the staggering and fall
Jog motion of the inebriate that Isaiah,
when he comes to describe the final dislo
cation of worlds, says, "The earth shall
reel to and fro like a drunkard."
Ever since apples and grapes and wheat
jrrew the world has beeu tempted to un
itealthful stimulants. But the intoxicants
' f the olden time were an innocent bever
age, a harmless orangeade, a quiet sirup, a
peaceful soda water as compared with the
liquids of modern inebriation, into which a
sadness, anda fury, and a gloom, and a fire,
. aad a suicide, and a retribution have mixed
and mingled. Fermentation was always
known, but it was not until a thonsand
"years after Christ that distillation was in
vented.' While we must confess that some
af the ancient arts have been lost, the
"Christian era is superior to all others in
The bad eminence of whisky and ruin and
frin. The modern drunk is a hundred fold
"worse than the ancient drank. Noah ia
his intoxication became imbecile, but the
victims of modern alcoholism have to
struggle with whole menageries of wild
beasts, and j angles of hissing serpents, and
-perditions of blaspheming demons.
An arch fiend arrived in our world, and
ha built an invisible caldron of tempta
tion. He built that caldron strong and
tout for all ages and all nations. First
he squeezed into the caldron the juices of
the forbidden fruit of Paradise. Then he
gathered for it a distillation from the har-
-vest fields and the orchards of the hemis
pheres. Then he poured into this caldron
capsicum and copperas and logwood and
deadly nightshade and assault and battery
and vitriol and opium and rum and mur--4er
and sulphuric acid and theft and pot
ash and cochineal and red carrots and pov
-erty and death and hops. But it was a dry
compound and it must be moistened, and
it must be liquefied, and so the arch fiend
poured into that caldron the tears of cent
mries of orphanage and widowhood, and
he poured in the blood of twenty thousand
And then the arch fiend took a shovel
that he had brought up from the furnaces
beneath, and he put that shovel into this
great caldron and began to stir, and the
-caldron began to heave and rock and boil
and sputter and hiss and smoke, and the
nations gathered around it with cups and
tankards and demijohns and kegs, and
there was enough for all, and the arch
aeod cried: "Aha! champion fiend am I!
Who has done more than I have for coffins
and graveyards and prisons and insane
asylums, and the populating of the lost
world t And when this caldron is emp
tied I'll fill it again and I'll stir it again,
and it will smoke again, and that smoke
will join another smoke, the smoke of a
torment that ascendeth for ever and ever.
1 drove fifty ships on the rocks of New
foundland, and the Skerries, and the
Goodwins. I have ruined more senators
than gather this winter in the national
councils. I have ruined more lords
than are now gathered in the house
of peers. The cup out of which I
crdinarily drink. is a bleached human
akull, and the upholstery of my palace is
o rich a criuisen, because it is dyed in hu-
man gore, and the mosaic of my floors is
made up of the bones of children dashed to
aeath by drunken parents, and my favorite
. music sweeter than Te Deum or triumph
al march my favorite music is the cry of
daughters turned out at midnight on the
street because father has come home from
the carousal, and the seven hundred voiced
shriek of the sinking steamer, because the
-captain was not himself when he put the
hip on the wrong course. Champion fiend
am II I have kindled more fires, I have
wrung out more agonies, I have stretched
out more midnight shadows, I have opened
more Golgothas, I have rolled more Jug
gernauts, I have damned more souls than
any other emissary of diabolisia. Cham
pion fiend am II"
Drunkenness is the greatest evil of this
motion, and it takes no logical process to
prove to this audience that a drunken na
tion cannot long be a free nation. J call
. your attention to the fact that drunken
' ness is not subsiding, certainly that it is
- mot at a standstill, but that it is on an on
ward march, and it is a double quick.
There is more rum swallowed in this conn
try, and of a worse kind, than was ever
. swallowed since the first distillery began
. its work of death. Where there was one
drunken home there are ten drunken
-homes. Where there was one drunkard's
x grave there are twenty drunkards' graves.
It is on the increase. Talk about crooked
whisky by which men mean the whisky
that does not pay the tax to government
I tell you all strong drink is crooked.
Crooked Otard, crooked Cognac, crooked
schnapps, crooked beer, crooked wine,
crooked whisky because it makes a man's
path crooked, and hia life crooked, and his
.death crooked, and his eternity crooked.
If I could gather all the armies of the
dead drunkard end have them come tc
resurrection, and tbu mid to t hat host ail
the armies of living drunkards, five aad
ten abrenst, and then if I could have yo;i
mouut a homo nnd ride along that line for
review, you would ride that horse until lie
dropped from exhaustion, and you would
mouut another horse and ride until he fell
from exhaustion, and you would take an
other and another, and you would ride
along hour after hour and day after day.
Great host, in regiments,' in brigades
Great armies of them. And then if you
hud voice stentorian enough to make them
all hear, and you could give the command,
"Forward, march!" their first tramp would
make the earth tremble. I do not care
which way you look in the community to
day the evil is increasing.
I call attention to the fact that there are
thousands of people born with a thirst for
strong drink a fact too often ignored.
Along some ancestral lines there runs the
river of temptation. There are children
whose swaddling clothes are torn off the
shroud of death. Many a father has made
a will of this sort: "In the name of God.
amen. I bequeath to my children my
honses and lands and estates; share and
share shall they alike. Hereto I affix tux
hand and seal in the presenceof witnesses."
And yet perhaps that very man has made
another will that the people have never
read, and that has not been proved in the
courts. That will put in writing would
read something like this: "In the name of
disease and appetite and death, amen. I
bequeath to my children my evil habits,
my tankards shall be theirs, my wine cup
shall be theirs, my destroyed reputation
shall be theirs. Share and share alike shall
they in the infamy. Hereto I affix my
hand and seal in the presence of all the ap
plaudlug harpies of helL"
From the multitude of those who have
the evil habit born with them this army is
being augmented. And I am sorry to say
that a great many of the drug stores are
abetting this evil, and alcohol is sold under
the name of bitters. It is bitters for this
and bitters for that and bitters for some
other thing, and good men deceived, not
knowing there is any thnalldom of alcohol
ism coining from that source, are going
down, and some day a man sits with the
bottle of black bitters on, his table, and the
cork flies out, and after it flies a fiend and
clutches the man by his throat and says:
"Ahal I have been after you for ten years.
I have got you now. Down with you!
down wit h you 1" Bitters! Ah! yes. They
make a man's family bitter and his home
bitter and his disposition bitter and his
death bitter and his hell bitter. Bitters!
A vast army, all the time increasing.
It seems to me it is about time for tiie
17,000,000 professors of religion in America
to take sides. It is going to be an out and
out battle with drunkenness and sobriety,
between heaven and hell, between God uad
the devil. Take sides before there is any
further national decadence; take sides be
fore your sons are sacrificed and the new
home of your daughter goes down under
the alcoholism of an imbruted husband.
Take sides while your voice, your pen,
your prayer, your vote may have any influ
ence in arresting the despoliation of this
nation. If the 17,000,000 professors of re
ligion should take sides on this subject il
would not be very long before the destiny
of this nation would be decided iu the right
Is drunkenness a state or national evil?
Does it belong to the north, or does it be
long to the south t Does it belong to the
east, or does it belong to the west Ah!
there is not an American river into which
its tears have not fallen and into which its
suicides have not plunged. What ruined
that southern plantation? every field a
fortune, the proprietor and his family once
the most affluent supporters' of summer
watering places. What threw that New
England farm into decay and turned the
roseate cheeks that bloomed at the foot of
the Green Mountains into the pallor of
despair? What has smitten every street
of every village, town and city of this con
tinent with a moral pestilence? Strong
To prove that this is a national evil I call
up two st ates iu opposite directions Maine
and Georgia. Lt them testify in regard
to this. State of Maine says, "It is so great
an evil up here we have anathematized it
as a state." State of Georgia says, "It is so
great an evil down here that ninety coun
ties of this state have made the sale of in
toxicating drink a criminality." So the
word comes up from all parts of the land.
Either drunkenness will be destroyed in
this country or the American government
will be destroyed. Drunkenness and free
institutions are coming into a death grap
Gather up the money that the working
classes have spent for rum during the hist
thirty years, and I will build for every
workingman a house, and lay out for him
a garden, and clothe his sons in broadcloth
and his daughters in Bilks, and stand at his
front door a prancing span of sorrels or
bays, and secure him a policy of life insur
ance so that the present home may be well
maintained after he is dead. The most per
sistent, most overpowering enemy of the
working classes - is intoxicating liquor. It
is the anarchist of the centuries, and ha?
boycotted and is now boycotting the body
and mind and soul of American labor. It
annually swindles industry out of a large
percentage of its earnings. It holds out
its blasting solicitations to the mechanic or
operative on his way to work, and at the
noon spell, and on his way home at even
tide. On Saturday, when the wages are
paid, it snatches a large part of the money
that might come to the family and sacri
fices it among the saloon keepers. Stand
the saloons of this country side by side,
and it is carefully estimated that they
would reach from New York to Chicago.
This evil is pouring its vitriolic and
damnable liquors down the throats of
hundreds of thousands of laborers, and
while the ordinary strikes are ruinous
both to employers and employes, I pro
claim a universal strike against strong
drink, which strike, if kept up, will be the
relief of the working classes and the salva
tion of the nation. I will undertake to say
that there is not a healthy laborer in the
United States who, within the next twenty
years, if he will refuse all intoxicating
beverages and be saving, may not become
a capitalist on a small scale.
Oh, how many are waiting to see if some
thing cannot be done for the stopping of
intemperance! Thousands of drunkards
waiting who cannot go ten minutes in any
direction without having the temptation
glaring before their eyes or appealing to
their nostrils, they fighting against it with
enfeebled will and diseased appetite, con
quering, then surrendering, conquering
again and surrendering again, and crying,
"How long. O Lord! how long before these
infamous solicitations shall be gone!''
And how many mothers are waiting to see
if this nationaLcurse cannot lift? Oh, is
that the boy who had the honest breath
who comes home with breath vitiated or
disguised? What a change! How quickly
those habits of early coming home have
been exchanged lor the rattling of the
night key. in the door long after the last
watchman has gone by and tried to see
that everything was closed up for the '
Oh! what a change for that young inau.
who we hud hoped would do something iu
merchandise or in artisanshin or in a pro
fession that would do honor to the family
name, long after mother's wrinkled hands
are folded from ' the last toil! .All that ex
changed for startled look when the door
bell rings, lest something has happened;
and the wish that, the scarlet fever twenty
years ago hod been fatal, for then he would
have gone directly to the bosom of his
Saviour. But alas! poor old soul, she has
lived to experience what Solomon said, "A
foolish son is a heaviness to his mother."
Oh! what a funeral it will be when that
boy is brought home dead! And how moth
er will sit there and say: "Is this my boy
that I used to fondle, and that I walked the
floor with iu the night when he was sick?
Is this the boy that I held to the baptismal
font for lNiptism? Is this the boy for
whom I toiled until the blood burst from
the tips of my fingers, that he :ruht have,
a good start and a good home? lord, why
hast thou let me live to see this - Can ft
be that these swollen hands, are the ones
that used to wander over my face wheu
rocking him to sleep? Can it be that this
swollen brow is that I once so rapturously
kissed? Poor boy! how tired he does look.
I wonder who struck him that blow across
the temples? I wonder if heutteredadyiui;
prayer? Wake up, my sou; don't you bear
me? wake up! Oh! he can't hear met
Dead! dead! dead! 'Oh, Absalom, my son.
my son, would God that I had died for thee,
oh, Absalom, my son, sou!' "
I am not much of a mathematician and
I cannot estimate it, but is there any one
here quick enough at figures to estimate
how mauy mothers there are waiting for
something to be done? Ay, there are many
wives waiting for domestic rescue. He
promised something different from thut
when, after the long acquaintance and the
careful scrutiny of character, the hand and
the heart were offered and accepted. What
a hell on earth a woman lives in who has a
drunken husband! O death, how lovely
thou art to her, and how soft and warm
thy skeleton hand! The sepulcher at mid
night in winter is a king's drawing room
compared with that woman's home. It is
not so much the blow on the head that
hurts as the blow on the heart. -
The rum fiend came to the door of that
beautiful home, and opened the door and
stood there and said: "I curse this dwelling
with an unreleuting curse. I curse that
father into a maniac, I curse that mother
into a pauper. I curse those sons into
vagabonds. I curse those daughters into
profligacy. Cursed be bread tray and
cradle. Cursed be couch and chair, and
family Bible with record of marriages and
births and deaths. Curse upon curse."
Oh, bow many wives are there waiting
to see if something cannot be done to
shake these frosts of the second death off
the orange blossoms! Yea, God is waiting,
the God who works through human in
strumentalities, waiting to see whether
this nation is going to overthrow this evil,
and if it refuse to do so God will wipe out
the nation as he did Phoenicia, as he did
Rome, as he did Thebes, as he did Babylon.
Ay, he is waiting to see what the church
of God will do. If the church does not do
its work, then he will wipe it out as he did
the church of Ephesus, church of Thya
tira, church of Sard is. The Protestant and
Roman Catholic churches today stand side
by side, with an impotent look, gazing on
this evil, which costs this country more
than a billion dollars a year to take care of
the 800,000 paupers, and the 815,000 crimi
nals, and the 30,000 idiots, and to bury the
75,000 drunkards. Protagoras boasted that
out of the sixty years of his life forty years
he had spent in ruining youth; but this
evil may make the more infamous boast
that all its life it has been ruining the
bodies, minds and souls of the human race.
Put on your spectacles and take a candle
and examine the platforms of the two lead
ing political parties of this country, and
Bee what they are doing for the arrest of
this evil and for the overthrow of this
abomination. Resolutions oh! yes, reso
lutions about Mormonism! It is safe to
attack that organized nastiness two thou
sand miles away. But not one resolution
against drunkenness, which would turn
this entire nation into one bestial Salt Lake
City. Resolutions against political cor
ruption, but not one word about drunken
ness, which would rot this nation from
scalp to heel. Resolutions about protec
tion against competition with foreign in
dustries, bnt not one word about protec
tion of family and church and nation
against the scalding, blasting, all consuin
ing, damning tariff of strong drink put
upon every financial, individual, spiritual,
moral, national interest. -
I look in another direction. The Church
of God is the grandest and most glorious
institution on earth. What has it in solid
phalanx accomplished for the overthrow
of drunkenness? Have its forces ever been
marshaled? No, not in this direction. Not
long ago a great ecclesiastical court assem
bled in New York, and resolutions arraign
ing strong drink were offered, and clergy
men with stroag drink on their tables and
strong drink in their cellars defeated the"
resolutions by threatening speeches. They
could not bear to give up their own lusts.
I tell this audience what many of you
may never have thought of, that today
not in the millennium, but today the
church holds the balance of power in
America; and if Christian people the
men and the women who profess to love
the Lord Jesus Christ and to love purity
and to be the sworn enemies of all unclean
ness and debauchery and sin if all such
would march side by side and shoulder to
shoulder, this evil would soon be over
thrown. Think of three hundred thou
sand churches and Sunday schools in
Christendom marching shoulder to shoul
der! How very short a time it would take
them to put down this evil, if all the
churches of God, transatlantic and cisat
lantic, were armed on this subject?
Young men of America, pass over into
the army of teetotalism. Whisky, good to
preserve corpses, ought never to turn you
into a corpse. Tens of thousands of young
men have been dragged out of respecta
bility, and out of purity, and out of good
character, and into darkness by this in
fernal stuff called strong drink. Do not
touch it! Do not touch it!
In the front door of our church in Brook
lyn, a few summers ago, this scene oc
curred: Sabbath morning a young man
was entering for divine worship. A friend
passing along the street said, "Joe, come
along with me; I am going down to Coney
Island and we'll have a gay Sunday."
"No," replied Joe; "I have started to go
here to church, and I am going to attend
service here." "Oh, Joe," his friend said,
"you can go to church any time! The da;
Is bright, and we'll go to Coney Island, and
we'll have a splendid time." The tempta
tion was too strong, and the twain weut ti
the beach, spent the day in drunkenhesi
and riot. The evening train started up
from Brighton. The young men were on
it. Joe, in his intoxication, when the train
was in full speed, tried to pass around from
one seat to another and fell and was
Under the lantern, as Joe lay bleeding
his life away on the grass, he said to bis
comrade: "John, that was a bud business,
your taking me away from church; it was
a very bad business. You ought not to
have done that, John. I want you to teil
the boys to-morrow when you see them
that rum and Sabbath breaking did thi.-i
for me. And John, while you are telling
them 1 will be in hell, and it will be your
fault." Is it not time for me to pull out
from the great organ of God's word, with
many banks of keys, the tremolo stop?
"Look not upon the wine when it is red,
when it moveth itself aright in the cup,
for at lost it biteth like a serpent and
stingeth like an adder."
Bnt this evil will be arrested. Bluchex
came up just before night and saved the
day at Waterloo. At 4 o'cloc-k in the after
noon it looked very badly for the LUiglish.
Generals Po i.soohj and I'ickton fallen.
Sabers broken, flags surrendered, Scots
Grays annihilated. Only forty-two men
left out of the German brigade. The En
glish army falling back aud falling back.
Napoleon rublied his hand-: together a:id
said: "Aha! aha! we'll te-u-h i hat iittle
Englishman a lesson. Ninety ch.-mc( out
of a hundred are in our fnvor. Magnifi
centt magnificent!" He eveu cent mes
sages t- Paris to sny he hud won the day.
But before sundown Blucber cam- up,
and he who bad been the conqueror oi
Austerlitz become the victim of Waterloo.
The uuine which hud shaken all Europe
and filled even America with apprehen
sion, that name went down, and Napoleon,
muddy and h.i tleas, and crazed with his dis
asters, was found feeling for the stirrup of
a horse, that he might mount and resume
the conflict.
Well, my friends, alcoholism is imperial,
and it is a conqueror, and there are good
people who say' the night of national over
throw is coming, and that it is almost
night. But before sundown the Conqueror
of earth and heaven will ride in on the
white horse, and ulcoholism, which h:is
had it.s A uster litz of triumph, shall have
its Waterloo of defeat. Alcoholism hav
ing lost its crown, the grizzly and cruel
breaker of human hearts, crazed with the
disaster, will be found .feeling in vain for
thestirrcpon which to remount its foaming
charger. "So, O Lord, let thine enemies
Pholas, the Shell Miner.
The pbolas, u small species of bivalve
shell having the remarkable faculty of
boring into the hardest rock, is one of the
greatest wonders known to the concbolo
gist. Great blocks of granite and marble
that have fallen overboard or been sunk in
foundered vessels have been found years
afterward completely honeycombed by
these curious little borers, they themselves
being imprisoned in the cavity, obtaining
their food from the water that flowed in
and out. Many explanations have been
givea as to the method by which they
bore into such extremely hard rocks. The
shell is known to contain aragonite, and
some Kuppose that constant friction ena
bles the shell to subdue the rock.
' Others, again, are of the opinion that
the shell .secretes some corrosive fluid
which dissolves the rock and enables the
creature to bore its hole. Some of the
most interesting samples of its work
known to the scientists may be seen in the
pillars of the Temple of Serapis, Italy.
There the land became submerged long
enough for the shell to do its curious work.
After a lapse of ages the land has now
risen, and the holes with their empty shell
are plainly to be seen, the marble pillars
oeing completely permeated by them.
These and other exhibitions of its work
have caused pholas to be called "the shell
miner," and, curiously enough, it is fur
nished with a lamp, a rich blue white light
that shines over the entire body. Some re
markable experiments have been made
with the shells of pholas. St. Louis Re
public. -Nothing- New Under the Sua.
When the phonograph was invented by
Mr. Edison we fancied that we had at last
disproved the old Scriptural saying. "Sure
ty," we sawi, -tne pnonograpn at least is
new." We imagined that nothing like it
had ever been dreamed of before. ' But
there is where we were wrong again.
Something almost exactly like it was in
vented when Edison was barely out of his
cradle, and more or less dim premonitions
of the modern marvel haunted the minds
of men centuries ago. In the year 1859 the
famous Abbe Migne read a paper before
the British association describing an in
strument called a "phonautograph," which
had but a short time before been invented
by a young Frenchman, M. E. L. Scott.
This instrument was still in the rough,
however, and the abbe went on to explain
that while it was fairly successful with
musical sounds, the human voice presented
certain difficulties. Nevertheless he had
little doubt .that eventually the phonau
tograph would register for future genera
tions not only the words but the very tones
of famous actors and orators. St. Louis
fosie for the Use of the Pmblio.
Librarian W. A. Bard well, of the Brook
lyn library, teMs me that the new music
department of that institution is very lilv
e rally patronized. The experiment of cir
culating music like ordinary books has
met with general approval, and few classes
of books, except fiction, are in such con
stant request.
The department now contains 1,100 vol
umes. It was materially strengthened
during the summer when Mr. Paul Tid
den, a well known musician of Brooklyn,
went to Europe in the interest of the Hbrary
and purchased over GOO volumes of classical
music. Mr. Bard well says that a large
part of the music is in constant circulation
among the members. It is all classical
music, and as some of the pieces are quite
expensive the pianists are not slow to take
advantage of their opportunities. Mr.
Bardwell has recently received numerous
letters from librarians in different parts of
the country asking for information with a
view to adding a similar department to
their respective institutions. New York
Telegram. . .
"The other night, just as Robinson was
getting down on his knees to propose to a
girl, his suspender parted."
"How unfortunate. I suppose Robin
son was in a terrible rage, wasn't he?"
"No, but the girl was." West Shore.
. Comment.
Aunt Jane (passing fashionably dressed
lady) Deary me! Where can that girl pos
sibly keep her pocket in that tight skirt?
Bessie Shedoosn't, I guess; there's room
for half a dozen, though, in those big
sleeves of hers. Harper's Bazar.
Great pictures, great books, great ac
tions, great souls, are, simple. A dozen
authors might be quoted to show how uni
form is the belief in the beauty of simplicity.
The Dalles
is here and has come to stay. It hopes
to win its way to public favor by ener
gy, industry and merit; and to this end
we ask that you give it a fair trial, and
if satisfied with its course a generous
support. '
The Daily
four pages of six columns each, will be
issued every evening, except Sunday,
and will be delivered in the city, or sent
by mail for the moderate sum of fifty
cents a month. '
Its Objects
will be to advertise the resources of the
city, and adjacent country, to assist in
developing our industries, in extending
and opening up new channels for our
trade, in securing an open river, and in
helping THE DALLES to take her prop
er position as the
Leading City of Eastern Oregon.
The paper, both daily and weekly, will
be independent in politics, and in its
criticism of political matters, as in its
handling of local affairs, it will be
We will endeavor to give all the lo
cal news, and we ask that your criticism
of our object and course, be formed from
the contents of the paper, and not from
rash assertions of outside parties.
For the benefit of our advertisers we
shall print the first issue about 2,000
copies for free distribution, and shall
print from time to time extra editions,
so that the paper will reach every citi
zen of "Wasco and adjacent counties.
sent to any address for $1.50 per year. ,
It will contain from four to six eight
column pages, and we shall endeavor
to make it the equal of the best. Ask
your Postmaster for a copy, or address, j
Office, N. W. Cor. Washington and Second Sts.