The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, November 19, 1922, Page 53, Image 53

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    journal, rciiTLAUD sunday iichning, icovr::::
19, 19
cation te the puhlie servlo commission
Road to Be Closed
To Petting Parties
tntSraftUoaal lfS Sefrie)
trbana, Ohio, f?. 11 Ai sV result
of the charge that the highway has
ties, the eld Xlolyerdes read, near h it ,
may he dosed. The accfasatlon I ?
beeit lodged by 4 number af local ti:i
schSi Afr" A Joint - mseutif 'Chamf a.i
and tJnion county commissioners
consider the matter. The roid lies
partly Id both CdubUeA It M said the
by-road is little used and tnt l.lgh
hdge 66 both side 6t th hlghmay
afford a rare seclusion.
far authority te construct an overhead
crossins aeresd th tracks' of the Ore
gon-Washington railroad at Orodeh. in
' - - - - ,
Eigllsh Pfopcsa ft Uw flequff
ng That lUtst Car Driver,
"Be Physically fit. :
the eity ef Le, Grande, The estimated
ecet ef the trapesed structure is nvrft
as tsO,0C3. Th public service eom-
missien is asked te rrft!oa the cost
amstif th eevefal Interests.
become "a fndeVoiis for pttlnf par
Mew Model Arrives During Week
and Is Center of Interest for
Motoring"; Public,
- Lest week the Corey Motor Ca com
- fafiy added another model to Its line
good Maxwells. , ' v " ' 4 :t--
- Th4 saw arrival U the $ort tour
ing? ftaf. It wu rolled out of the frerfht
: car Tnesday and displayed for the first
time Wednesday morning Since that
-time Its rakish lines bars attracted
many, a motorist. : :
It Is an attractive Ur that gives
evidence of genuine ; artistry 1 er
design and appointment ae rll at
careftfl' consideration of the owner's
reqoirefaents. The body and hood are
painted Chester Hunt red. with run
ning gear and diss wheels' In black.
Xntjm-type head lamps and tie-rod,
' parting lamps, radiator and ' water
meter are all finished ta rail aickL
Outside door handles are also nickel
with black aluminum inlay. Aa lumi-
' nam bead runs around the hood at the
! eswi and lends a touch that rosnds sat
the Impression of completeness.,
The - Upholstery is genuine lotiff
grained! patent leather of high finish,
and the top, which Is extremely well
made, is olive-drab duck, two-ply, with
rasher thsert a new material recently
adopted by makers of Much hignetf
priced sport models. ;"
The equipment on the tpdrt tourifig
ear includes a spars cord tire, whiea
is Incased in an envelope-type 61lv
drab dock tirs cover, fitted With glove
- fasteners and nickel strap rtngi The
left, front fender Is specially designed
and counter-sunk to receiv the tube
Ntekeled spring bumpers of the best
duality are regular equipment. .. frent
and rear. There is also an attractive
nickeled water indicator in place of
the regular radiator cap. An interest
leg fact Is that this , Instrument is in
sured against loss or" theft for one
year.r ':.
To tap off everything, the sport tour
ing Is also regularly equipped with A
large trunk with dust cover. This i
mounted on a heavy nickeled . trunk
rack in the' rear, with - bright finish
aluminum trunk bars to protect the
body. - ..
The price of this model 1ft Portland
is $U6&,
Xbls la one of tbtfk5I models (sedaH) of Ujo ort six ttiv lives oars are now on display at the Korth-
; west Aato company. Fa Yogler, bead of the company; is frrxmd at the flew line, and trata the above)
pictttM H tfurb be- said that his prld6 is justified . ' . . " . r
i - ' ' i. i.- h-.-m . ,r,r.. ntfmt,-n
(Continued From Pace One)
reasonable and a good bargain when
bought from the owner proves to be a
liability by the time the-required re
pairs have been made td but the "car
in good running order,
No man. no matter now good a me
chanic he may be, can say that a used
ear is hi good condition unless it has
bees taken down and overhauled. The
average buyer Is unable to tell even
when such a process Is performed te
dauss tadat faiotottets ar fist ihstfhan
' Vfheh buying front a reliable dealer
the purchaser may be assured that the
car has beeft overhauled and that the
guarantee mads will be Uvea , up to.
Such firms, have th " frillies . and
backing needed to make good. ,
- One more word of warning" to the
prospective used ear buyers Don't ur
Cbsss a car as is. A classic is told of
a toah who went fata fc flyby-ghr
shop to bay - a car. ' The motor was
started dad SSttndSd good. .The est
was to be bought "as la." ; it wa
bought, but when the new owner at
tempted to dflvs out he found that the
transmission had been , renveved. Of
course sutfi easel af far trot when
buying as is" the best thing to do
Is-to expect the worst.' The purchase
er is net often disappointed either.
Cohen Sees a Big
Sales Year During
The "Coming Season
A hundred per cent increass lA Win
ter sales this year as Compared with
last is seen by Ed Cohen, general sales
manager of the OldemCbUe Cempany
of Oregon. Cohen, after a survey, of
the r automotive markets, asserts that
those manufacturers who utilize all
thir efforts W stimulate trad during
winter will enjoy a gfeaUy Increased
trade. . -
"Of sour there are always many
evsrenthuslastld reports issued by
triaritlfaetureTS," Cohen said. Trot f cart
conservatively stats that X believe Uif
manufacturer -will enjoy at least a 100
per cent increase la his sales this
winter over last-
Chang oil every S00 miles or drtv
inc. ;. ",5' . i " -' . s :- ., .
Method Used by Jewett factory J?Mr. "
to isompieie oytinaers 01
Engine Is Told.; r ;
There are four operations that con
stitute tfi toest known method of fin
ishing cylinder walls, says Harry Ly
ons of Cook & GUI. local Paigs and
Jewett dealers. This mors or less
technical matter of shop practice is of
real Interest to the motorist because it
is so vitally connected with tn effi
cient performance of his engine.
Even the layman understands what
It means to "hit on all six and he
appreciates the importance of each cyl
inder doing as much work as its teamv
mates. If he Is purchasing a ear
especially on costing less thatt $1000
be will be glad to know that the best
practice has been followed td prevent
a loss of compression or oil pumping,
x Two operations, one boring aha on
reaming, could turn out a cylinder wall
of approximate standards." Lyon said,
"but in building our Jewett C the fac
tory has gone the limit that the best
practice prescribes. , "We first take-a
rough and then a semi-finish cut from
lbs cylinder walls.. The cylinder block
then stands for a sufficient time to
relieve the strains set up in the metal
when cast. '1 ; '
"A third finish bora is then made
to remove any 'unevenness developing
in the cylinder block during the Inter
val after the second cut. The block
is then turned over to the cylinder
grinding machines, where th finest
Oregon's Accident ;
Kate Higher Than;
Nation's Average
Washington, N6y. l.-WASHINd-
Oreton's record for deaths la auto-
moblls accidents la a llttl higher than
the average, tor th' eoutitry accord
ing td reports of the census bureau.
For 1S21 the country wide average was
11.1 per 199,900 population. In Oregon
It Was 12.1. -
As in most states, there has teen
ra steady increase in -the rat of fa
talities. In Oregon it stood at S.9 la
Itlt, In 1919, 11 in 1920, th country
average for the sams years being 9.1,
9.4 and ,16.4. The neighbor stats of
Washington makes a still poorer show
ing, with 11.9 in 1918, 11 la 2919, 12J
in raw ana n.s in i2i. . ; -;
California has th champion killing
record. 24.4 to 100,009 in 1921, Next
come Connecticut with 15.5, New Tork
with 1S.4, New jersey with 14.9, and
Washington With 14.6. The lowest rates
are carried By Mississippi with 2.9,
Kentucky and South Carolina with ..
K4 ports are also riven for 11
with an average for 192a f 1&9 deaths
xor acn 100,000 people. The" Portland
rat'- is 14.2, Seattle I4y. Spokane 1IJ,
Oakland San Krancisco lAt Li
Angeles 27.1 New York 15.4, Denver
".Jfnuadeiphia 10.2. ; Kahsas City
niw wieans ibls. omaha-117.
Bait LU City 14.1. -t5-
Closed Bodies
Built by Hupmobile
Eei y tiing about this Hopmo
bOe Coapc adds to the sense of
comfort, security and dignity of
the passengers. " ?
We believe that no other closed
car, at any price, is better built.
Hnpmobile closed bodies are
constructed in Hopmobile's
They share in the same skillful
; engineeiing-the same soltan
that makes the HpmobUe chas
sis the splendid performer it is.
And, as the Hupmobile chassis
is really a ne car' chassis at a
lower price, so Hupmobile bodies
partake of all the elements which
make real closed car luxury end
beauty - : ' :
We will consider it a favor to
demonstrate the , closed, model
m which you are most inteicsrccL"
TPhone today. V
Auto Co.
A. B. Manley, President f :
11th and Oak at Burnside
. . . " j.--'-' - ...... . 1
Harry Monslajn, Sales H anasjer
Broadway 0217
! . -. :' . -r . . i - i ' i " - ,;. i. .,.-.,.' . v 1, . ..
emery Wheels put a glass like finish
on the cylinder walls, accurst to the
thousandth of an inch. Every Jewett
motor block goes through all these
operations before being sent td th
assembly floor where th bores of each
block re Carefully checked. These
Processes require tiro and. some Of
Them. eXDrt Workmanship, but they
ha?e a heavy bearing' o& the satisfac
tion th owner is going to get out of
and ott the economy of its
f'r taltertsl isMeel ' f-
tiOedon, Nv. H. HaavUf penalties
for motor toad hogs,
declaration of physical fitness to he
made hy every applicant for s df Iviaf
Ueense. ...... . . .'. .,-
These are the main rinta of fcin
for thd better protection bt all'rftad
hisefi which is td fed feteht4 W
SarllanUnt by the ministry of tfa-
iK'!at present enyofr can 'Ukd
iiMHiM. tvthrf he be blind.
deaf, dumb, paralysed 6r sufferlft
front any other Infh-mitr. r Vm quea
ttons are ashedv Th danger and ab
suadity of th existing system of ob
taining a license is illustrated y the
granttaw i a .license td a stdne-BIWd
e4-srvic inaft who eitned the usual
application. - - -' '
The tninitryf6f tramfptfrt ew V"
pnsea. oft the recommendation of ad'
partmental committee, that applicant
for licenses shall Mve to declare that
they are physically fit, and be liable to
hw oenaiues if thy saake a , feiee
- -- - -- nTvi f are i
. , ' , - m
Driving to the danger or njnry .of
the public T showing criminal Intertt
First offense, maximum flh t
and Suspension of license trabseqfcent
offenses, ,500 fin and suspension of
Ueense for six fnontns.
ittnftfc in Abtam a fresh neenfte
while existins? license - Is . sunsended
12 months imprisonment, without tne
option of a fliMwth court td have th
a i,Hntf hird labor. -
Other penalties for minor, Offenses
are also suggested - .
The ministry f tfaftsperi reperts
that the nuniher of motor licenses cur
Mn in h TTnited KInffdom on August
81. was tfS.9tS, and the amount re
ceived In payment fo? licenses .during
th var- wa. over . ua
number of ears in use was 314,769,
. i -- -i ' -1 -
Motor Death Toll .
Takes 83 Victims
In Course of Week
Eighty -three person-were killed and
sis iAiud in d590 automobile acci
dent in 21 large cities of the United
States durin the week ending mid
night November 10.
J. M.;Tuttle JoinsS
Cte. Sales Staff
J. IT. Tuttle, who for a number f
years was Oregon distributor and local
manager for the pouble Seal Ring
company, nas left that or eanlsatlon.
Closed his offices and taken a position
as assistant to gales Manager O. C
2otter of the Motor Equipment com
pany, located at Jio. 72 Broadway,
Tutu has a large acquaintance with
the garage and machine shop trad
In th Northwest and hie connection
with the Motor Equipment company is
looked upon with considerable Interest
In th trad.
The Motor Equipment company was
the eutgrowth of the original distribu
tion of Peerless" piston rings ta Fort
land in by W. H. Bane, who in
th spring of 1920 organised th Motor
Equipment company with himself and
O. tw Potter and which was later in
corporated with Prank Roehr a sec
retary. . .
Foreign Oars Must
Buy Oregon License
Salem. Or Nov. 18. fortfgn gew
ernmente nor other stated of th Union
are not exempt from the payment of
the Oregon motor license fee, accord
ing to Attorney General Van Winkle,
who has so advised Secretary of state
Koser. ' - - -
. 1
ClCT.USd . ........ 1
Lo. AmilM ........ B
Pbrtkiad, Oft 1
so .'.... ft. 9
KanM City ........ 2
Okteboth. City;. , .t.j
Km ink .44,.., IT"
Houston . ....;.
New Orlasns ........
AUsaU , ..........
tMtrait . j.
ffttttrais . . .....
WilkmbMte v. .
lajsred, Saata
11 i?
- 7 7
10 IS
12 U
it m
211 .
ST : -V
u It
19 e
IT 21
82 44
14 94
ae 21
Walla Walla Camp
S Gets Big Income
. Walla Walla. Wash- Not. H. The
local auto camping park, brourht t
this city fluting the tourist season
lust closed aonroximateiy 9108,000. ac
cording to estimates, of members of
the Tri-State Automobile club her. A
total, of 9000 cars stopped at the camp
ing park during th summer and it is
figured that th average expenditure
for each car is 912.
McGee Takes Trip
To San Francisco
- Claud McGee, boss ' of the local
branch of the Howard Ante company;
distributors of the Buick line, left last
week on a business trip to San Fraa
Cisco. McGee will be gone 10 days or
two weeks. He is coins; to motor both
waya -' . v ' '
Overhead Grossing
; Sought atOrodell
' Salem, Nov. lvTh stats highway
commission, county of Union and city
of La Grande, have Joined in an appli-
Do you realize that the fast, rch rolling" of
your motor means fuel wasted, wear and tear
on your motor, and lack, of performance?
A Rayfield Carburetor
and the additional economy win pay the bilL
PHONE BROAD5VAY 2933 t , : ; .
Mo? On' Dm
A ncv Stats a crcater Stote-re6nes!ihssIf c!iitnt
with ftn tddzd thrill fdr ettff tslUe .ad ft fiscinitiCH
txth for thoM vptd rid ftnd tiubts whd drive thAt
bcat d&tctipilbtl The TH? tuowtcd Ssua Is here
Nevef tm a Sditz is esif td h&ridle s ctxnfort&bU v&
der all conditions. Its composure on the road is supreme
Never was a-Stutz so swlftto powerful so flexible.
Gear shirting is t&dtebie Vibration even at the highest
speeds is imperceptible. .
Yod can have no conception ox what this netv Ctsts ?
tbs finest traditions of this famous line of thoroughbreds
Co a point of perfection fcever before approached. , :
And it tt preletU pncesl&mtt even than th pre
war leel-the new Stuti ii by sil tiddf the mott stril
ever offered by t!i3 codpiny 4- . .
See the new Scute today. iTest it thorou&hly- We will
leave it to your own judgment.
' s IndictampoiUt tndlda, U. S, A. ; :
These PhenomcnaUy Low Prices IW Prevail
4-1aa Coupe . s $540
e-Pass. 1 1 intsst . 440.
X7CO -' LTHilinsas XeS . IMI
Jt . s. rsaTsasesni . ,
. . . $140
14 3d
Autorcst Motor Salcrj Co.
10th and Salmon Sia. 1 :
' -. Phone Main S237 . I
all the nam
rpHE world's finest lubricants I' are. refined from the
' 1 famous Pennsylvania paraffin base crude.
In connection with lubricating . oils the name Pennsylvania
stands for quality, throughout the civilized world. U
In view of this fact it is not strange that some people khoald'attempt to
take advantage of the reputation established by Pennsylvania lubricant to
place on thesnarket inferior oils cheaply refined from Pennsylvania crude
to be sold on the reputation but in no way the' equal-o the srenuine product
At the present time there are a number of so-called "Pure," "100"
Pennsylvania oils on the market which are not of the quality that the
, r name PeMsylvaJua would imply. Oils of this
class are often too light in body to meet the
"" severe inurements of motor lubrication, or
mey..are maae or a Diend or a dark, poorly
filtered stock and run high in carbon forming
j impurities. . . -
V HyVis is a genuine Pennsylvania labricant
' in all the name implies. It is in the class of
oils that has made a reputation lor the name
"Pennsylvania." It is rich in lubrication and
highly filtered to remove all carbon forming
impurities. There is no guess work about
HyVis quality-for its tests, which are certi
: Ced on every drum, speak for themselves.
When you fl, get
the guine Insist on HyVis.
Bflary IHstrlbatsrs . ;