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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 24, 1921)
THE OREGON DAILY JOU ItNAL. PORTLAND, OREGON THURSDAY, MARCH Zlt 1ZZU DOUGHTY IS FOUND GUILTY OF THEFT II DFS1 05.000 BONDS Toronto, Ont., March 24. (U. P.)' John C. Doughty was found guilty today of stealing $105,000 In Victory bonds from the estate of Ambrose Small,, millionaire theatrical man, who has been missing more than a year. Doughty was Small's secretary and disappeared at the time the mil lionaire did. He was arrested later la the state of Oregon. . ' The Jury was ? out one hour and thirty minutes. Defense counsel imme diately aeked for a stated rase and ar gument will be heard on April 4. The charge of conspiring to kidnap Hmall has been laid over to the May sessions. Admits Worthless i; Checks Passed on Portland Houses Astoria, March 24. W. R. Cobb, 65, admitted morphine addict and bad check man, was arrested Wednesday following a 19-hour chase. Cobb admit ted to the sheriff that he had cashed five or six bad checks in Astoria, one in Knappa and five or six in-Portland last fall. When arrested he was about to take the evening train from Clifton toward Portland. In Astoria, Cobb said, ; he had used the names of Danvers, Jenkins and Cobb. , He said he has been a railroad man and that he has a wife and fam ily residing In Falibridge, Wash, Cobb told the ' authorities that he had been arrested in Portland for having drugs and for passing , bad checks, but that sentence ws suspended when his moth er, whose address he refused to give, made good the worthless paper. , ; . Doughnuts Cheaper JBut Hole Unchanged Salem. Or., March 24. A reduction In the price of doughnuts with no corre sponding increase in the size of the hole was announced by local bakers Wednes day, following the reduction in the price of flour. Bread has also taken a tumble, the former 10-cent loaf now retailing at 9 cents, while its big brother, the 15-cent loaf, now commands only 13 cents. Chance to Buy Ewes : : Given Doudas Bovs Halsey. Or.,' March 24. C. H. David con, is shipping from his flock of 75 registered Cotswold sheep, to A. K. Street of Roseburg, Douglas county club leader, five ewes, each having twin lambs, which are to be sold to Douglas county boys. The boys will give notes to the bank for $30 to pay for each ewe and two lambs. Past Performance Bespeaks , Success for Community Chest i. ; By Eric V. Haoser . ... ' 'With the fine spirit of cooperative support and generous giving that has characterised our previous local and national campaigns for the relief of suf fering and distress, Portland's Community inesi, wmcn is a combination or a grouping together of various local philanthropies supported by voluntary contributions, can be made the most efficient medium for extending real charity where it Is most urgently needed with the smallest amount of expense or duplication of. effort. In working and building for. the success of our Com munity Chest, the citizens of Portland ars creating an in stitution which will redound to their credit and generosity in extending comfort and aid to the suffering and needy .In our midst. In the most thoroughly practical manner. . The Community Chest wilL not only administer the funds on a careful and scientific basis, but will also afford a vast number of people, who are anxious and willing to subscribe for charity when properly presented to them, an opportunity to contribute to the relief of their less fortu nate neighbors with a confidence that the motive and pur Dose of their subscription will be conscientiously fulfilled. Let us all get behind this splendid movement and make it typical of the Portland spirit of kindness and generosity. Photo br DsTte.. 'HAVE A HEART' IS RELIEF SLOGAN (Continued from Par On) deavors to build them up physically and morally, fit them for positions and make them - law-abiding and self-supporting citizens. . In 1920 cared for 7300 men, a daily average of 45 ; gave 2920 free meals and 2565 free beds. - Pisgah Heme Colony. Scappoose For the care of homeless men. Cared for 32 to 1920. I . : B0I8 WILL ASSIST Two thousand boys and girls recruited from the public schools in all sections of the city.- under the auspices of the public welfare bureau, will give a spectacular demonstration on behalf of the Commu nity Chest campaign in . the downtown business - section - Saturday , forenoon. The army of youngsters will march through the streets shouting the Commu nity chest slogans, singing the Commu nity Chest songs and bearlng"banners ad vertising the big financial undertaking; and after the procession, through the streets, which will be led by a band, the little marchers will assemble on the post office terrace. In front of the Community Chest and 'join in singing songs under the direction of Walter Jenkins, the community song leader. ' Newsboy! Sent to Detention Home i Following Fight Mathew Maznisky, a newsboy with a stand , at Third ' and Morrison streets, objected so strenuously to having his corner rights violated by another news boy that he eventually landed in the de tention home, Wednesday a newcomer showed up on JMathew's', corner and started to dispose of his papers. Mathew objected and after a short tussle suc ceeded in tearing up the papers of the newcomer. Patrolman Bender interfered in the controversy and Mathew was taken before the juvenile court, where he was reprimanded and released. , The newcomer i again started to "sell papers . upon the street corner ' and Mathew forgot the court's reprimand and again tried to wreak his venge ance upon the Interloper, Patrolman Bender again came to the younger boy's assistance and took Mathew back to the court. The Juvenile court sent him to the detention home for discipline. : Plans Are Filed With Building Department For Catholic Church Plans for a new office for the Roman Catholic Church of the Assumption were filed this morning with the city build Ing department by Jacobberger & Smith, architects. The structure will be lo cated on Smith ' avenue, between Bu- channan and Burr streets, adjacent to the Catholic school conducted by , the Servite Fathers. The building will have grounds dimensions of 118 by 40 feet There was also filed with the building department . today by the Willamette Iron St Steel company plans for the con crete, footings it proposes to construct on property . at the foot of Sherlock street, at a cost of 38000, preliminary to the erection of shop . structures 300 by 460 feet. - , Multnomah County Farm Bureau to Meet At the Library Friday An all day session of the Multnomah County Farm bureau will be held Fri day in the Central library hall, begin ning at 10 o'clock. During the morning session, at which K. B. Faville will be the principal Speaker, committees will be appointed and a report given ; on the recent farm bureau membership drive., -u.;.,- " ' i "' f.v'" George; Mansfield f will be the prin cipal speaker of the afternoon sessions during which a program, of work for the county, bureau will be mapped out. Lorenzo E . Dole Case i ' Goes Over to April ; Trial of - Lorenzo E. Dole, i who is charged with eettlng fire to the national forest in Southern Oregon, was post- Did You Read Last Nigh t 's Papers ? If so, you have heard of the unusual and remarkable lie Sale ; held to mark the recent enlarging of our big Third and Morrison St. Store Today, Friday and Saturday This sale is to take place at this store only. A,nd 4 glance at the bargains below, which are only a very fewthere are more than 300 like bargains will convince you that not a single person in Portland can afford to stay away (lurfng these days. '-. . j.;- , . . ' 1 ' . HERE ARE SOME VALUES THAT ARE UNEQUALED SI. 50 Monarch Bath Spray and PI S1.50 Bath Brush; the 2 for. . . DAOJL S2.0a Wearever 2 -quart Hot Water Bot- tie and $2.00 Wearever Foun- J0 V i tain Syringe, the 2 for only. . . VilL' 50c Djer Kiss Rouge, 2 pack-, C - " ages for tjLjL 50c Tubes, Chlora Dental Tooth CTI ............... urc Paate, 2 for 75c Whit linen , Cr.h Stationery and 75c ' Package of " Envelopes to PTJ match for ...i........ ....... DC SI. 00 Gillette Safety Razor Blades, 35c Ricks ec Iter's Shaving Cream and " 50c Shaving Lotion, all t three for QJ 40c Ivory Manicure Instrument, A "1 2-for 41C Easter Dinner Special ! i 6uJllira Assorted Cream Wafers, the two for Saturday Only OlC Coupons issued for Ice Cream Special at th is : store redeemable Sunday at anr of our stores. A Free Souvenir will be given with each purc&ae to every man and woman Free Ice Cream Sandwiches to all children. Northern Pacific Irvington Perkins Hotel Pharmacy , 1 Pharmacy - Pharmacy Third & Morrison E. 15th & Broadway Fifth & Washington poned thla morning by Federal Judge Bean from March 29 to April 25, at the request bf Dolt. The defendant ap peared In court Tuesday and asked to nave an attorney appointed, but . the court denied his request when he learned Dole la the owner of two farms. 'Dole bas sow obtained counsel and the post ponement was given to allow his at torney to prepare hia case. Marriage Licenses Oregon City. March 24. Mrs. Mabel Matlock of Clackamas and Harold E. Ross of Portland and Martha McLarty of West Linn and Forest Dale Smith of Portland were issued licenses to wed by the county clerk Wednesday. . Do you know why ii s ioas tod To seal In the) delicious Hurley tobacco flavor. SC80KE CIGARETTE ( Doors Open 8 A. M. Doors Close 6 P. M. . ALOES STHEET AT WST PARE Present this COUPON Friday or Saturday, March 2& or 26, end secure . ts EXTKA 8. A H tl " GREEN TRADING STAMPS .with first 41 ot your purchase and doable tarns with the bal ance of purchase. Bo Kodak Department YOU TAKE A KODAK ' . : and add to the interest and pleasure of the trip. - Photographic Department, Main Floor, to the right of Main Entrance. Come in and seethem. -' . y , Derelopinc Printing ' , Enlaryinc ALL WORK GUARANTEED , i. Leather Department . Large Assortment of Ladies' New Hand Bags - - Regular. $9.00; special .'. $6.75 Tooled Leather Party Boxes . ; Regular 1 6.00; special .'. . . .$4.50 Regular 9.00; special ...... . ....... $6.25 Regular 10.00; special .$7.50 Regular t 8.00 Traveling Bags. Genuine Cowhide. Special... .$6.75 Genuine Cowhide Suit Case. Regular 18.00. Special...... $11,75 . . Shopping Bags H' OFF Boston Bags ...... .. ......... H OFT .-v;i "LIKLY" $20.00 Trareling Bag. Genuine Cowhide. Leather Lined. Special $14.75 ; Come! See , Our Mark Cross Leather Easter Novelties A fine large assortment from which to make your selection. ! 'Passion" Coming Next I . - k . 1 Rubber Departiiient 4.00 3 quart Red Rubber Seamless Combination Hot-Water Bottle and ' Fountain Syringe, complete with three fittings' and five foot tubing. s-Extra special. -.$1.98 3.50 3-quart Seamless Fountain Syringe, complete with three fit tings and 5 feet tubing. Extra special -$1.79 $2.00 2-quart Seamless Hot-Water Bottle. Extra special. .... .79c Perfume Department Lillian Russell's Own Toilet Preparatione ALL FOR Vz OFF Mary Face Powder, Bourjois,' Paris, Regular Soc;' special. . Pro-phy-lac-tic Pen-e-tra-tor Hair Brush. Regular t.5o. 2.00 Bar Imported Castile Soap. Special . Ladies' Fiberlold White Ivory Comb. Regular it.00; special, .. .20c . . . SOc $129 5Dc Djer Kiss . . As The Petals Mennen's Talcum Powder -. 25c ...... 25c 19c Williams' .... Listerine Talc 18c ...16c HIND'S HONEY AND ALMOND CREAM - i 39c AND 79c - . . - - 1 r. . .. . : - V - ORIENTAL CREAM -I 65c AND $1.35 v I y k-; Miolena Toilet Article Demonstrated Cold Cream i :. - : v ; . S0c Freckle Cream (double strength)........ O Face Powder ......75c Liquid Face Powder ....TSOc Depilatory . ..... . . . . . .$1.00 i Nail Glow 25c Nikk Marr Toilet Articles Demonstrated Velvet Balm ............ 50c Velvet Cream 50c Face Dressing ...... ...... 50c Velvet. Rouge 25c and...50c Gray Hair Restorer...... $1.25 Neo-Plastique , $2.50 Stationery Ward's Boston Linen, finest fabric. Regular 1.25 for. , .72c Admiration Lawn, white j'gilt edged. Regular 1.00 for. C9e Coyle & Gilmore's Raylawn, gilt dedge. Regular 1.00, for..... .67c Homeopathic Remedies Pallets, Tinctures, Tablets, Powders, Triturations Ask for New Homeopathic Guide Mezzanine Floor. Elastic Hosiery Knit on our own looms, of the best materials obtain able. : : . - v Second Ploor. DOWNSTAIRS: Easter Sweets at Special Prices Assorted Easter Eggs, l pound. ................. ......... .29c Assorted Easter Eggs, 1 pound ; .39c Chocolate Cream Eggs, each 5cand 10c EASTER BASKETS AND BOXES RABBITS, SPECIAL 15c EACH Chocolate Chips Chocolate Peanut Clusters..,..., Assorted Chocolate Creams. . . . . . . .1 LB. 39c EASTER GREETING CARDS EASTER EGG DYES Make Over Your Old Straw Hat Use" . 'dY-IT - - ---- - - - - COLORITE JETUM - - - , - HAT BRJTE Make over and change the color of the garment with Diamond, Putnam, Sunset, Tintex, Rit, Aladdin, Twink, Rainbow, 1 Easy, Butterfly TinU, or Perfection DYES PENN SAFETY RAZOR, SPECIAL 49c SHERWIN-WILIAMS PRODUCTS I i Family Paint This Is i .very durable product, with a large covering capacity. Special regular colors, per PSX ss .... COUPON gallon ...$2.85 White, per gallon . . , . . $2.95 Special Floor Varnish in Quart Cans Only $1.00 . Floor-Lac FREE Offer Another ' chance 'to try out this excellent varnish stain at -a very small cost. P CUTLERY 1 7-inch Shears, special ..... 69c ! 6-inch Shears, special.'.. .49c 4-inch Shears, special. . .49c 3-inch Shears, special. . .37c Alarm Clock Special $1.39 Pocket Knives Reduced - ' U TO H OFF ELECTRIC STOVES Special $2.85 $9.85 $10.65 0 Nam. Add Town. 0 This coupon and 10c entitles bearer to M pint can of Floor Ue and one Varnish Brush. ( Only one of each to each tmrehaser.V f t ELECTRIC IRONS Special $5.95 $6.35 ELECTRIC PADS Regular 11.00 at $8.35 Regular 12.50 at 4$9.65 WALLACE LAMPS Special $2.65 3 V 9 D -A Nation-Wide Inatitution 312 Stores The New" Spring Blouses T $2-9S D LOUSES of distinction such as you- woijld wish for made in many models, both regular and overblouses from all-silk Pongee, Mignonette and Georgette. ait 111 Fourth Street, Just North of Wash in g ton We Never Hold a Sale L. o rrcacrr7rv7 I for today Mfr" jyTtV AND FRIDAY St2XSJ3CJo ONLY "PLEASURE SEEKERS 99 with ELAINE HAMMERSTEIN proves that marrying a man to reform him does not ' always work out but something had to be done when she found out that he needed reforming after they were'married. "Dabbling in Art" Sennett Comedy Liberty Events in Motion Marie Chapman Macdonald Violinist KEATES and Our Mammoth ORGAN