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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 31, 1920)
.THE OREGON r SUNDAY : JOURNAL; : PORTLAND, ,-. SUNDAY MORNING,-. OCTOBER 31, -1820. 5 TOWN TOPICS - Trawlers to U points of tat TJaiUd States or Droa aboujd take idnnUia of eaperteoeea In formation and aerriee offered (hrouxtl Tha Ota- con journal lnlormatio and Travel Bureau, in peraoaal ciurae of Doner . Kail lb. Railroad tickets ana ateaauhtp booainss imwat For ais exehaBte tatuad. aaformados firea reevrd iaf Paiiporu. . ' OOMINO KTENTS Multnomah Count? Sunday School aaeoala COTJ eonvantinn. klHinait 12. Waetarn Walnut ssaoctotloe. Portland. Wo saber 13 to X. Oraaxm Hut Bar aaaodaUoa. Portland. Mo Pacific International ' Liveatock " Expoertioo, t-cruancj, Knrabcf IS to 20. , Ice Cream ttuppl Men", convention, Porv 1an,t NniiM h.. t a ... art Oregon auto Rortieultural society, snauil loot! n a. Kim Da. Itoecmbar 2. S and . Oregon and Samtb Idaho JCoucatlonal anion. Tb LiaUaa, December 3 to . Oregon State Hotel Man, Eugene, December Warier WlnUr .how, Oregon Poultry and Pat Stock aaocudon. The Auditorium, Pon- Irnd, LacnbT 13 to 18. Blata Teaebara aaaociaUon. Portland, Deeem- -3. P. A., steta aaweiatloa. Portland. Decea- Retail Hardware and Implement dealers. Port aid, January 25 to 38. . Oregon Utail Merchants aaeociation, Meren .flcld. February. I'ecifio C'oaat Society of Ortbodootsti. Ftoni- Brotherhood of American Yeomen, rule ooa- "oreetere of A mar lea. grand eoort, Portland, May 32 to 23. . Military Order of tho Loyal Legion. PorLand. Ma; 10. . Knight of Columbm, aUta council, Portland. May SO; A. a U. W.. grand lodge. April, third TwcadAr. but Dental aocieta. 1821. Port Consolidation Don't think for a moment that Portland can win her hare of the great trade of the Orient unless the bis; whips of the world can coma to her docks. The channel must be deep at all tlmea of the year. Vote for port consolidation and Portland will take her proper place as one of the irreat world ports. Don't fait to vote 310 X Yes, vote 610 X Yes. Both measures are essential to the proper development of the port Paid Adv. by Oregon Port Development League, 1210 Oasco Building, L. W. Trimble Secre tnrv. Port Consolidation Don't forget, Mr. Voter, that Portlands reputation as a port depends upon a deep and wide channel to the sea. Port consolidation will enable you to dig it wide and deep. In order to carry out the plan of port development, don't fall to vote 310 X Yes, 610 X Yes, on the ballot next Tuesday. Both measures are es sential. Paid Adv, by Oregon Port De velopment League, 1210 Oasco Build ing, Im W. Trimble Secretary. " Dr. Daytoa, glasses, Swetland bldg. Adv. Free Leetare oi Chrlitlaa Science Sixth Church of Christ. Scientist, of Portland, announces a free lecture on Christian Science by William D. Kil- patrlck, C. S. B of Detroit, Mich. Mem ber of the board of lectureship of the mother church, the First Church of Christ, Alentist, in Boston, Mass., at the Municipal Auditorium, Tuesday evening, November 2, at 8 o'clock. Doors open at 7 :30. The public is cordially invited. Adv. Port Consolidation To vote for 310 X Yea and CIO X Yes on the bal lot Tuesday proves that you want Port land advanced to the front rank as a port and to become a contender for world trade. Vote both 310 X Yes, C10 X Yes. Both measures are essen tial to consolidation. Paid Adv. "by Ore gon Port Development League, 1210 Oasco Building, L. W. Trimble Sec re tary. Port Coaso' :on Portland cannot afford to let me channel to the sea shoal. It would mean stagnation. The channel from the harbor to the sea must be made and kept deep and wide. The only way to do this is to vote for port consolidation. Vote for both meas ures. Vote 310 X Yes. vote 510 X Yes. Paid Adv. by Oregon Port Develop ment. League, 1210 . Uasco Building, L. W. Trimble Secretary. Irish Hopeloi of Fair At the Irish laii an iijuciuiaii nan nwvcuiuci ax, la and 13, local Hibernians hope to raise enough funds to pay off the remaining debt on their hall. The largest Irish fair ever staged in Portland Is planned, according to John Farrell. chairman of the committee. The Knights of Colum bus will occupy one of the booths. The grand prize will be an electric washer. Manchester Is Trnstee Frank Man chester, who was appointed receiver in bankruptcy by tha federal court in the case or the C. H. S. company, an auto mobile firm, has been elected trustee In bankruptcy, according to a statement made Saturday to Federal Judge Wol verton. The court ordered that the re ceiver's report be filed and turned over to the referee In bankruptcy. Filling Station Robbed A Standard Oil filling station at EmersoU street and Albina avenue was robbed Friday night by a medium sized man wearing a tan raincoat and brown cap, J. P. Framer, the clerk, was closing the station for the night, when he was held up by the unmasked robber. The entire proceeds for the day's' business were taken. Prowler Gets 1344 A room prowler en - tered the home of Mrs. Clara Wagner, 10S Fourth street, Friday night, taking a purse containing 3344, "according to a report made 'to the police' this morn ing. Ruth Raddata reported that her room at 508 Alder street Was entered Friday night and a -karat diamond ring waa stolen. NnUoek Firm Fles Articles of Incor poration were filed Saturday with the Multnomah county clerk by the U. S. Automatio Nutlock company of Port land, showing the capitalization as $25, 000 and John A. Stubblefield, Leo Funk and William Kresslg as the Incorpor ators. . FearFear Is no longer an excuse "for neglecting teeth. We perform den tal operations painlessly with our nerve-blockln method. We construct beautiful sanitary bridge work and ar llstic artificial teeth. Hartley, Klesen dahl & Marshall, 307 Journal building. Adv. Pickens Will Speak At Lincoln high school auditorium Monday evening Wil liam Pickens, field secretary of the Na tional Association for the Advancement of Colored People, will speak on "Inter racial Cooperation." Pickens spoke hare last vear to a large mixed audl noa on "The Negro In the Light of the Wlmm Oret World War" and waa welcomed to tha state try Governor Olcotl and to the eity byp Mayor Baker. Pickens Is a graduate "PI Yale university- with hon or and has Addressed audiences all oyer the country. Mrs. .E. D. Cannady has charge of the program. Hood Blver Stage leaves St. Charles hotel dally at 8:16 a. m.. 10:30 a. m. and 2:45 p. m. Stage for Bridal Veil leaves 4 p. m. '-Leaves Hood. River for Portland at -1 :30 a. m., U a. m. and 2 :45 p. For further information! pnone tsnepnartrs Auto But Line, Inc Marshall 4331. Adv. Balem-Mill dry Stage Llae Connects O. K. train No. S Salem, arriva MU1 City 1 p. m. Also conn ecu O. E. train No. Salem,' arrive Mill City 7 p. m. Joseph H mm an, proprietor, Salem. Phona 44. Adv. Bagar at wholesale at Central Market ugar store. Pure cane, fine fruit or Derry sugar. 5 lbs. 0c. 10 lbs. $1.20. 100-lb. sack $lt:S8. Central Public mar ket. Fourth and .Yamhill streets. Adv. Chiiitensea 3aaeisg School classes postponed owing to death of Mr. M. Chrlstensen. All dancing classes and private lessons will be postponed until after Tuesday. AJv. . e. Comptometer and: Calenlator .Coarse. which is open to 32 students only, will be started at the Behnke-Walker Busi ness College, Monday, November 1. En roll now, Adv, Steamer Iralda " for 8t Helens and Rainier, dally at 2 :30 p. m., foot of Alder street. Sundays, St. Helens only, 1:30 p. m. Adv. Sedaa Demonstrator For Sale, cast new $2350. now $1300. Same as new. Call Bdwy. 4184,' Willamette Motors company, Broadway at Flanders. Adv. 1 Pnt Art In Artificial Teeth to make them look and feel natural. Dr. E. jC. Rossman, Plate Specialist, 309 Journal Building. Adv. Aatolsts See new Arlington Oarage, Tenth at Salmon. .Storage, washing, polishing. Day and night Main 7620. Patients of Sr. Marie Eqal will be takesncare of by. physician at room 6 La fayette, building. Phone Main 2928. Adv. For Attorney General No names on ballot When you vote write in X J. J. Johnson. Adv. Y. W. C. A. Bum mage Sale, November 1 to 6, 351 Oak St., bet. Bdwy. and Park. Adv. Dr. W. R. Cnffmaa moved to 903 Elec tric building. Phone Main 969. Adv. Dr. R. O. Hall has returned. 1208 Stevens building. Adv. Dr. . A. Soramer has returned. Adv. Safety Boxes, lc dally, 284 Oak. Adv. HERBERT GOBDOK FOR MAYOR Reports from every district In the city, excepting the north end, show rapidly growing Gordon-for-Mayor strength. ( Paid advertisement Gordon-for-Mayor club: Ralph Coan, pres.; C. C. Stout, secy.) Popular ing care depends the reliability of The majdrlty-of the watches we are here Select the Gift Watch Now BRACELET WATCHES presenting one of the largest selections ever displayed in this city. Finest makes most beautiful designs reliable time keepers. GRUEN, HAMILTON, HOWARD. ILLINOIS, and other famous-make watches that men can depend upon. We will reserve the watch yon choose now nntll later bnt cannot promise as good choosing later on as jon may enjoy now. Ad-a-Pearl Necklaces $7.58 $19 $li $ii to $190 Two to eight pearls strung on neck length gold chains the beginning of a real pearl necklace of value. Jaeger Bros. Jewelers SUrersmltki 181-13$ SIXTH ST. Oregoalan Binding niiiiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiMiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiigiiiiiiiiMii Who Can Tell just how great this year's demand- for personal engraved Christmas and New Year cards will be? No one knows, but that all previous records will be broken all are agreed. Judging from the number and character of our advance orders to date, we know that the public has dis covered in engraved Christmas cards the ideal remembrance. We -are justly proud of this year's new designs, and we know that such a selec tion has never before been given the peo ple of Portland for inspection. We urge you to make your selection and place your order for engraved t Holiday cards now, so as to insure an early delivery. visit our second floor tomorrow The J. K. Gill Co. Third and ,By A." 9. Cridgt ANCHORscounelL Security Benefit as sociation. Taeadayv night. November 23, will give It annual benefit ball at W. O. W. Temple. The dance last Tues day had several hundred on the floor in masks and waa a most successful affair. A membership contest la on with from 40 to 10 applications made at every regular meeting. T. C. Nlner is in charge of the membership campaign, aided by f. Motter,' L. L. Cook, Tyson Klnaell, E. ' J. Rowe. Frank Gates, Mrs. L. Ohiandorf, Mrs. M. Nlner. each at the head of a team of spirited contest ants. It Is hoped to have $e national presidents J. M. Klrkpatrlck. present at the joint initiation of a large class of candidates early In December. Multnomah camp. Woodmen of the World remitted over $7000 for the month of September as dues to the head camp at Denver. All benefit claims are paid from the general "treasury of the order. It is estimated that , the amount remit ted In January will be over $10,000. so rapidly is this tTiant of the west grow ing. It ha, now nearly 5000 members in Multnomah camp, and over 10,000 In Portland. f . a a a Lilly of the Yalley lodge. Fraternal Brotherhood, Is now meeting at Swiss hall, third and Jefferson streets, Thurs day evenings. It is one of a flourish ing number of local lodges of the order in the northwest, Cards of Thanks We wish to thank our kind friends and relatives for kindness shown during our late bereavement by the death of the late Walter S. McDonald. Mrs Mln- I to T 1 i . i . r i , me jncuunaiu aim muuier, jxxay o. Wagner and family. ' We sincerely thank our friends who kindly remembered us by their pres ence and floral tributes at the funeral of my husband, Edward Saub. We es pecially thank the United Artisans. Lib erty assembly No. 628, and the Port land Schwaben Verein. Minnie E. Saub and Family. We wish to express our thinks to wur relatives ana. i Menus ior me I iunu tributes sent, also for the sympathy ex tended us at the death of our father and brother. Special appreciation is given the Loyal order of Moose. Slgned) Mrs. R. W. Chapman, Mrs. Myrtle Wiese, M. E. and Charley Her shey. j v. We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors for the kindness shown us during our recent bereavement ' in the loss of our dear mother. Mrs. Julius Gumbert Mrs. S. Bliss, Mrs. S. Finkelstien. H. Elsbert M. Eisbert, Wil liam Eisbert We wish to thank our many friends and neighbors, also the T. M. A. and Musicians union, for the kindness shown us in our recent bereavement in the loss of our beloved husband and father, Anna Gumbert Harold Gumbert; We Advise Early Selection of the Christmas Gift WATCH demand for fine timepieces ex ceeds the supply this year. Watch crafts men cannot be hurried. Uoon their exact your watch and our reputation. secured for Christmas choosing Pearls to be added to Ad-a-Pearl necklaces are popular gift sugges tions ; complete assort ments here. t Alder Streets 11 mm T3E Sheiks of thtv A.1 0. U. W. is an organisation within the fraternity. It makes old men . young and young men happy, it was originated in Port land by D. C. Herrin,' Frank Payne And several others a few years ago and upon its presentation in full ceremonial before the supreme officers made a de cided -hit The Sheiks' degree has been formally adopted and is spreading from state to state and aiding in rejuvenat ing the A. O. TJ. W. as nothing ever, did before. On November S. at the supreme lodge session In Great Falls, Mont, the full ceremonial will be riven under the direction of D. C Herrin, grand master of Oregon, and a picked corps of men. A mosque of the order will be founded at that time. D. C. Herrin has ether things to bring before .the supreme lodge, however, and the main one is to ask that the supreme body gather In Portland in 1922 during Rose Festival week. Industry lodge, A. O. U. W., has appropriated $5000 to guarantee that 300 delegates and their families 'will be given the outing of their Jives if they come. A Sheiks' ceremonial will be given also that will be the latest thing in ceremonials at that date. The supreme lodge met in .Portland in 1902 and, while It was not given the re ception that was given the Elks, the Knights of Pythias and the Shrlners In the years to follow, that was because 1 A - . ' I aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaeaiaaeaaiaaai '' .ELECTION KlTyNS ' - s ' j n f ' s 'IR am Fifth at Alder the peopl of Portland had not learned how to receive tho crowds. Itjook the Lewis and Clark Exposition In 1905 to teach them that, ' However,4 the recep tion given was so cordial and the hos pitality so generous that the old timers stfll talk of Portland and want to come' back. No' town from Bangor,' Maine, to Los Angeles, Cat. has ever looked so fair or seemed so beautiful or extended Its hands so cordially as Portland in 1902. Therefore D. C. Herrin has no doubt of being able to secure the consent of the supreme lodge and the imperial mosque to come to Portland, and with $5000 In the treasury and the help of dtlsens and other societies, there Is no doubt that Industry lodge will not be permitted to be alone in Us welcome to leading citizens throughout the land who will come to Portland on the flow ery promises of D. C Herrin and expect to realize 100 per cent The Ancient Order of United Work njen is purely a fraternal beneficiary or der and It is coming back Into1 its own at a rapid rate throughout the United States under conservative and energetic management Its officers number among them many prominent dozens of the different states. The season In 1920 will not be a repetition of Shrlners' week for numbers, but It will be as cordially welcomed and given the freedom of the city, the Columbia river and the high way, with Mount Hood and the Wlllam- mette thrown in for good measures The members of Wood lawn lodge, I. O. CcryrSgbi 1920 Hart SchaS&er & Mars Ycnrll get favorable returns on these loth es YOU'LL begin to get returns the moment you buy them and con tinue to get them for a long time. . More wear than you Expected, more style, bigger values models and sizes for all men. See these $60 and $65 . Hart Schaffner & Marx Suits and Overcoats at $50 bl osen O. F, Monday flight will start another class of candidates with the initiatory degree and will proceed regardless of the election excitement, the price of prunes or the war in Poland, It is ex pected the class will number 15 or more. I van hoe homestead. Brotherhood of American Yeomen, gave its Halloween dance and card party Wednesday eve ning at W. O. W. hall. Tenth and Taylor streets. An excellent crowd was in at tendance and the evening was enjoyed by all. The pumpkin pie winners at cards were Mrs. Minnie X South and C Baumaa. On Wednesday. November 3. the regular business meeting will be held. Election and Installation of offi cer Is scheduled. mmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmmmummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmrmwmmmm SHIRTS TO ORDER JACOBS SHIRT GO. RaleigbSBIdg., 6th and Washington ESTABLISHED;-' Sine "Heck" was a pup 1888 i ' att & Go. Gasco Building r. DESKS WE IPKT '. 1 fnen yuu merely fcet a Why not select it with the same care as with your automobile BY ITS SERVICE AND REPUTATION. "EVERYTHING Just a Reminder W.e advise you to make your selec tion for Greeting Cards now to avoid disappointment. Prin ting Fifth and Oak Sts. .Increased Ocean Service PORTLAND and by tho San Francisco & Portland SS. Co. COMMENCING SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 6, 1920 The popular ocean service of the "Rose City" will be augmented by the addition of the finely equipped steamship "Alaska," and thg two will operate between the ports named on the following- schedule! I Arrive I Eaje" I j Leave Leave ) San San Arrive Arrive Portland Astoria Francisco Franclsco Astoria Portland Rose ' City . Oct, 28 Oct. 28 I Oct S6 I Nov. 1 j Nov. 3 I Nov. 1 . Alaska Nov. Nov. 8 NoV. S Rose City... Nov. Nov. Nov. S Nov. 11 Nov. 13 Nov. II Alaska Nov. 11 Nov. 11 Nov. 13 Nov. 16 Nov. Is Nov. 18 Rose City,.. Nov. 18 Nov. 1$ Nov. 18 Nov. 21 Nov. 23 Nov. 23 Alaska Nov. 21 Nov. 21 Nov. 23 Nov. 28 Nov. 28 Nov. 21 Rose City... Nov. 28 Nov. 28 Nov-28 ree. 1 Dec. 8 Deo. $ Alaska .. ... Dec. 1 Dec. 1 Dec. 3 Dec. 6 Dec- I Dec. . From each port every five days thereafter. PASSAGE FARES FlRSt CLAS 1 Third "" ' Class FROM TO Prom- Outside Inside enade Saloon Saloon (Males Deck Deck Deck Only) Portland ( I I I I " " Astoria )..... .San Francisco. 28.80 26.40 $24.00 $18.00 San Francisco. .. Astoria 28.80 26.40 24.00 18.00 San Francisco. .. Portland 28.80 26.40 24.00 18.00 . All fares Include berth and meals while at sea. '" Apply to any of our representatives to make your reservation. 1. E. O.MKK, City Passenger Agent, 701 Wells Fargo Building. Phone Broadway 4500. CONSOLIDATED TICKET OFFICE, Third and Washington Streets. Phone Main 3S30. C r. HETWOOD, Agent. Alnsworth Dock. Broadway 268. WM. McMURRAY, General Passenger Agent, Portland, Oregom Changes in Passenger Schedules On and After Sunday, October 31 Between Portland, Astoria, Seaside Train No. 29, heretofore leaving; Portland 8:30 A. M. for Astoria, Seaside and Ft. Stevens; and Train No. 32, arriving Portland 9:50 P. Al. from these points, will be withdrawn. Train No. 21 will leave Portland 8:15 A. M. Instead of 7:20 A."'-' M. Arrive Astoria 12:2Q P. M. and Seaside 1:25 P. M. Connec- "r tions to North Beach and Ft. Stevens. ' Train No. 24 will start from Seaside at 4:30 P. M., leave Astoria ' 5:35 P. M. instead of 4:00: arrive Portland 9:40 instead of 8:t0. Nos. 21 and 24 will carry observation buffet parlor cars. Other trains unchanged. . srlr A "t- f V" V aa axaVf v Vaf CoeuoltoWd Ticket Office , Nortk Bank Station. 9 9 . J uuy one, uo you desk? FOR THE OFFICE' Engraving Marshall 6080; Aut. 565-48. Between SAN FRANCISCO . 'Y aa t ' . Tkird and Washington StroeU l TmU and Hoyt Stroart ; . immim.t.w