The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, August 15, 1920, Page 6, Image 6

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    vein This D ooBle Pa
Silverware 39c
Plain and fancy patterns in this good
durable silverware for camp; and beach.
: 3 Dessert spoons medium folks table spoons
soup t - spoons bouillon spoons medium
knives butter spreaders dessert forks
oyster forks. , !
nrr mM
in the "Bohn Syphon" Re
frigerator. Saves food ! Saves
ice! Here only. Make your
own terms in reason.
Meter A Frank's : Sixth Floor.
tfstice to tin
Tea Spoons 25c
Meler & Frank's : SUverw&re Store, Main Floor.
Y , J i nn '-'-mTr I f I "a
.'-J ,ri r
- (
I ; Wonderful Values in
Great1 Sale of Aim:
Betty Bright aluminum utensils at astonishingly low; prices.
1 . liiii.'-ila,1
Regular $3.50
Combination j
Kitchen Chair and
Step Ladder
Easily, converted from chair to
ladder or i vice versa. Made of hard
wood. Cm be folded and put!, away
when not : in use. 288 only, j; Save
a dollar on each one. ! i r j !
3 54 -quart Betty Bright ilumi
num lipped sauce pans as illustrated.
; 3 J-S -quart' aluminum
preserving kettle.
vl J -quart i Betty Bright
elect .aluminum rice or
boiler as illustrated.
to-quart Betty
Bright aluminum pre
serving kettles. ; , i
: $4.45 .
5 -quart paneled shape
Betty i Bright aluminum
tea kettle.
Anticipating a heavy demand we counsel early shopping;.
Meier & Frank's : Household Utilities Section, Basement.
S Joins in the "Sale With,, v.
Household Domestics
! V'- '' (for Less '. :j
That the values are tiptop everyone who is familiar with the Lower
Price Store's method of operation wjll knows. ' ;
Sheets, Pillow Cases, Comforters, Pillows
. Good quantities in somei; others real bargains for . the early shoppers, j
Muslin Sheets
v 300 at this exceptionally low price.; Of
good quality muslin with neat welded center
seams. . Size 72x90. " !
Feather Pillows
Regular $1.75 values. 4S0 of these pil
lows filled with clean live chicken t feathers
and covered with fancy art ticking. A pounds,
weight. I9x26-inch size. Each $1.19
Pillow Cases
39c - 1
50c values.: 1200 of these standard qual
ity muslin , pillow cases In 42x36-inco size.
. $3.98
Reeular 55.98 values save two dollars on
each one. 500 cotton comforters in 172x90
size. 4 pounds weight. Covered with ex
cellent silkolines and light weight cretonnes.
Hand knotted. . (-J- j
1000 New
Bed Spreads 25 Less
A prominent manufacturer's mill runs, wonaertui ja un ; spreads, crocnei pru,.
honeycomb spreads. Three-quarter and full size. Regularly Si.98 to $10 deduct 25.
16 Bars", Laundry
Soap 98c
Special offer to give these
high - grade P art land - made
soaps . a wider introduction.
Choice of White .Wonder, Van
Hoeter's Bleaching or Easy
Day soap at 16 bars 98c regu
larly $1.20. :
Citrus Powder, 4 large packages
for $1.10
Cleaning- Powder, Sunbrite, sift
ing tins, 85c dozen, 2 for 1 Sc
Ririso, washes with little labor,
85c dozen, 2 packages . 15c .
No Rub, regular 25c large pack
ages of this popular laundry help at
3 for 50c. package 18c
Telephone orders taken by ex
perienced! grocery saleswomen from
8 A.M. . , :
Meier & Frank's : Ninth Floor.
New Cretonnes
, 48c 4 "!-
Some about half price. Sooo yards of
new 36-inch Cretonnes in beautiful floral
and conventional patterns on mostly i dark
grounds. Also fancy ticks, reps, etc.
Marquisette, Scrim
25c ''!':
Some' about half price. 2500 yards 36
Jnch scrim and marquisette tn white, cream
and ecru, some with colored borders. Full
bolts also mill lengths of 2 .to 10 yards. ;
Towels and Tdwelings Reducedj
Some of the balance of a wonderful special purchase from one of America? foremost manu!
.facturers firsts and mm runs among these.
Turkish Towels
; ; "'. ;,39cv;; :!;;-". ;
Mill runs of ioc to 65c grades. 200 dozen
plain white Turkish towels in good large size;
Turkish Towels
Crash Toweling
Standard grades worth 3 S c to 40C yard.
2500 yards of toweling, including huck and
. crash, part linen ana nnen tinisn.
Huck Towels
3 for 50c
Fancy towels in bordered and " striped
effects, some with satin stripes, medallions,
: etc. Large, medium and small. : Now of
fered at about a third off regular prices at
39c, S9C. 79c, 98c. J1.29. ; . ;
. . - A " i Meier & Frank's : Lower Price Store, Basement Balcony.
Each reeular 2Sc values. L Huck
towels of a good weight and size. Colored
borders. Subject to slight imperfections.
i r r i.
1ft ,, ip CZ. .
r -
The Home Furnishing Sections launch this great August cooperative
event tomorrow as a new and powerful demonstration of the truth,
proved over and over again, that "It Always Pays to Shop at MEIER.-.
& FRANK'S where are "larger and finer assortments of standard nier '.j
chandise at lower prices than elsewhere. . "
Extraordinary Specials in
Curtains, Cretonne
s, Pillows
Practically all this good merchandise reduced for the first time.
Sale of Net Curtains
Four splendid groups:
$8.50 Curtains, pair. ........... .$6.35
$9.50 to $10 Curtains, pair. . . . . . .$7.15
$10.80 to $11.50 Curtains, pair. .$7.95
$12.50 to $14 Curtains, pair. $0.40
Bobbinet, filet net, Irish ToJnt and embroidered "curtains.
Really decorative and eminently suitable for the artistic home.
Curtains 12 Price
A few lots! of 1 and 2-pair curtains that sold regularly
frpm $16.00 to $26.00 now reduced to half price.
j Ruffled Swiss Curtains
- White ruffled swiss curtains:
$1.25 Curtains, pair .. . . .85
$3.60 to $4.50 Curtains, pair. .. .$2.75
Two speeial lots.
$4.25 Curtains
Pair $2.95
Plain marquisette curtains with
$4.25 Curtains
Pair $2.95 ,
Plain marquisette curtains with wide
Decidedly serviceable and good looking.
Advantageous "buy" for apartment-house
To $12 Yard
$1.50 $2.25
$3.00 $4.25
Plain sauare pillows and shirred; round
ones Covered, in a variety of fine fabrics 1
velvet, damask, reps, taffetas, silks.
The most desirable colors. Four extraor
dinary groups of these pillows made of
materials that cost as high as It2 yard
on sale at St.50. 2.25, S3 and 4.25 each.
2 Special Lots
$1.25 Cretonnes
Yard 79c
Splendid chintz effects in this1"
special lot.
95c to $1.50 Cretonnes
. Yard 67c
Bright, showy patterns, . particu
larly suitable for, the sun room.
' Meter ft Krank's : Seventh Moor. -
Sale of Table Cloths, Damask, Etc.
Women can easily see
$5.00 Table Cloths $4.00
Fine quality mercerized table cloths In circular , design, 2x2
yard siae. Also JS6.00 table cloths in 2x2J-yard size at $S.
Napkins to match, 2 tx21 -inch size, regularly 55.00,. doz. S4.50.
$3.00 Hemstitched Cloths $2.50 ,
Fine mercerized table cloths hemstitched in pretty floral designs. .
2x2-yard size. Good for general use. '
how fine the lvalues are.
$2.50 Table Damask, Yard $2.00
Table damask (linen-and-cotton mixed) in pretty floral de
signs. 70 Inches wide. Very serviceable and easily laundered.
- 60c Linen Crash, Yard 50a
Extra heavy kitchen crash suitable for hand towels, roller or
dish towels. Some have red borders, others all white.
Meier & Frank's: Second Floor, FlTUi street.
'mm ga
In Reason
All "ACORN" Gas Ranges Reduced
The Stove Department contributes its quota to the August
Sales in the form of this most unusual offering of a reduction
on every Acorn range. It is a well-known fact that for sta
bility of construction, durability and excellence of workman
ship, Acorn gas ranges far excel the ordinary. " -
Famous for Their Wonderful
' Baking Qualities
: Prices include ordinary installation. If
And rood bakincr is the most essential attribute of a satis
factory range. This superiority is due-to the Acorn scien
tific system of oven circulation. . In the wide assortment of
Acorn gas ranges included in this sale there is a size and
style to meet almost any requirement.
Regularly $65.00 to $150.00
Now $55.00 to. $125.00
desired make your own terms in reason: .
. Meier & Frank' : Sixth Floor, Flrtfc Street.
Royal Banquet ? c
49-lb. Sad:
Their superior baking qualities
commend thcste flours to the par
ticular home baker.
Crisco, best vegetable oil short
ening, the No. 0 cans f7Q
$2.65; the No. C cans tPX 4 U
book -i