vein This D ooBle Pa p jr. Silverware 39c Plain and fancy patterns in this good durable silverware for camp; and beach. : 3 Dessert spoons medium folks table spoons soup t - spoons bouillon spoons medium knives butter spreaders dessert forks oyster forks. , ! nrr mM AlwaysCool in the "Bohn Syphon" Re frigerator. Saves food ! Saves ice! Here only. Make your own terms in reason. Meter A Frank's : Sixth Floor. tfstice to tin Tea Spoons 25c Meler & Frank's : SUverw&re Store, Main Floor. Y , J i nn '-'-mTr I f I "a i E ge .'-J ,ri r M. - ( I ; Wonderful Values in Great1 Sale of Aim: Betty Bright aluminum utensils at astonishingly low; prices. This e Mil iware 1 . liiii.'-ila,1 Regular $3.50 Combination j Kitchen Chair and Step Ladder $2.49 Easily, converted from chair to ladder or i vice versa. Made of hard wood. Cm be folded and put!, away when not : in use. 288 only, j; Save a dollar on each one. ! i r j ! S1.79 3 54 -quart Betty Bright ilumi num lipped sauce pans as illustrated. $1.79 ; 3 J-S -quart' aluminum preserving kettle. lipped $1.89 vl J -quart i Betty Bright elect .aluminum rice or boiler as illustrated. pan-milk $2.19 to-quart Betty Bright aluminum pre serving kettles. ; , i : $4.45 . 5 -quart paneled shape Betty i Bright aluminum tea kettle. Anticipating a heavy demand we counsel early shopping;. Meier & Frank's : Household Utilities Section, Basement. S Joins in the "Sale With,, v. Household Domestics ! V'- '' (for Less '. :j That the values are tiptop everyone who is familiar with the Lower Price Store's method of operation wjll knows. ' ; Sheets, Pillow Cases, Comforters, Pillows . Good quantities in somei; others real bargains for . the early shoppers, j Muslin Sheets v 300 at this exceptionally low price.; Of good quality muslin with neat welded center seams. . Size 72x90. " ! Feather Pillows $i.i9 Regular $1.75 values. 4S0 of these pil lows filled with clean live chicken t feathers and covered with fancy art ticking. A pounds, weight. I9x26-inch size. Each $1.19 Pillow Cases 39c - 1 50c values.: 1200 of these standard qual ity muslin , pillow cases In 42x36-inco size. Comforters . $3.98 Reeular 55.98 values save two dollars on each one. 500 cotton comforters in 172x90 size. 4 pounds weight. Covered with ex cellent silkolines and light weight cretonnes. Hand knotted. . (-J- j 1000 New Bed Spreads 25 Less A prominent manufacturer's mill runs, wonaertui ja un ; spreads, crocnei pru,. honeycomb spreads. Three-quarter and full size. Regularly Si.98 to $10 deduct 25. I 16 Bars", Laundry Soap 98c Special offer to give these high - grade P art land - made soaps . a wider introduction. Choice of White .Wonder, Van Hoeter's Bleaching or Easy Day soap at 16 bars 98c regu larly $1.20. : Citrus Powder, 4 large packages for $1.10 Cleaning- Powder, Sunbrite, sift ing tins, 85c dozen, 2 for 1 Sc Ririso, washes with little labor, 85c dozen, 2 packages . 15c . No Rub, regular 25c large pack ages of this popular laundry help at 3 for 50c. package 18c Telephone orders taken by ex perienced! grocery saleswomen from 8 A.M. . , : Meier & Frank's : Ninth Floor. New Cretonnes , 48c 4 "!- Some about half price. Sooo yards of new 36-inch Cretonnes in beautiful floral and conventional patterns on mostly i dark grounds. Also fancy ticks, reps, etc. Marquisette, Scrim 25c ''!': Some' about half price. 2500 yards 36 Jnch scrim and marquisette tn white, cream and ecru, some with colored borders. Full bolts also mill lengths of 2 .to 10 yards. ; Towels and Tdwelings Reducedj Some of the balance of a wonderful special purchase from one of America? foremost manu! .facturers firsts and mm runs among these. Turkish Towels ; ; "'. ;,39cv;; :!;;-". ; Mill runs of ioc to 65c grades. 200 dozen plain white Turkish towels in good large size; Turkish Towels Crash Toweling 23c Standard grades worth 3 S c to 40C yard. 2500 yards of toweling, including huck and . crash, part linen ana nnen tinisn. Huck Towels 3 for 50c Fancy towels in bordered and " striped effects, some with satin stripes, medallions, : etc. Large, medium and small. : Now of fered at about a third off regular prices at 39c, S9C. 79c, 98c. J1.29. ; . ; . . - A " i Meier & Frank's : Lower Price Store, Basement Balcony. Each reeular 2Sc values. L Huck towels of a good weight and size. Colored borders. Subject to slight imperfections. I''.' 3E i r r i. 1ft ,, ip CZ. . SEE ALSO BACK PAGE r - The Home Furnishing Sections launch this great August cooperative event tomorrow as a new and powerful demonstration of the truth, proved over and over again, that "It Always Pays to Shop at MEIER.-. & FRANK'S where are "larger and finer assortments of standard nier '.j chandise at lower prices than elsewhere. . " Extraordinary Specials in Curtains, Cretonne s, Pillows Practically all this good merchandise reduced for the first time. Sale of Net Curtains Four splendid groups: $8.50 Curtains, pair. ........... .$6.35 $9.50 to $10 Curtains, pair. . . . . . .$7.15 $10.80 to $11.50 Curtains, pair. .$7.95 $12.50 to $14 Curtains, pair. $0.40 Bobbinet, filet net, Irish ToJnt and embroidered "curtains. Really decorative and eminently suitable for the artistic home. Curtains 12 Price A few lots! of 1 and 2-pair curtains that sold regularly frpm $16.00 to $26.00 now reduced to half price. j Ruffled Swiss Curtains - White ruffled swiss curtains: $1.25 Curtains, pair .. . . .85 $3.60 to $4.50 Curtains, pair. .. .$2.75 Marquisette Curtains Two speeial lots. $4.25 Curtains Pair $2.95 Plain marquisette curtains with edge.! $4.25 Curtains Pair $2.95 , Plain marquisette curtains with wide insertion. Decidedly serviceable and good looking. Advantageous "buy" for apartment-house managers. To $12 Yard SOFAPILLOWS $1.50 $2.25 $3.00 $4.25 Plain sauare pillows and shirred; round ones Covered, in a variety of fine fabrics 1 velvet, damask, reps, taffetas, silks. The most desirable colors. Four extraor dinary groups of these pillows made of materials that cost as high as It2 yard on sale at St.50. 2.25, S3 and 4.25 each. 2 Special Lots Cretonnes $1.25 Cretonnes Yard 79c Splendid chintz effects in this1" special lot. 95c to $1.50 Cretonnes . Yard 67c Bright, showy patterns, . particu larly suitable for, the sun room. ' Meter ft Krank's : Seventh Moor. - Sale of Table Cloths, Damask, Etc. Women can easily see $5.00 Table Cloths $4.00 Fine quality mercerized table cloths In circular , design, 2x2 yard siae. Also JS6.00 table cloths in 2x2J-yard size at $S. Napkins to match, 2 tx21 -inch size, regularly 55.00,. doz. S4.50. $3.00 Hemstitched Cloths $2.50 , Fine mercerized table cloths hemstitched in pretty floral designs. . 2x2-yard size. Good for general use. ' how fine the lvalues are. $2.50 Table Damask, Yard $2.00 Table damask (linen-and-cotton mixed) in pretty floral de signs. 70 Inches wide. Very serviceable and easily laundered. - 60c Linen Crash, Yard 50a Extra heavy kitchen crash suitable for hand towels, roller or dish towels. Some have red borders, others all white. Meier & Frank's: Second Floor, FlTUi street. 'mm ga $10 to $25 Saved f Your Own Terms In Reason All "ACORN" Gas Ranges Reduced The Stove Department contributes its quota to the August Sales in the form of this most unusual offering of a reduction on every Acorn range. It is a well-known fact that for sta bility of construction, durability and excellence of workman ship, Acorn gas ranges far excel the ordinary. " - Famous for Their Wonderful ' Baking Qualities : Prices include ordinary installation. If And rood bakincr is the most essential attribute of a satis factory range. This superiority is due-to the Acorn scien tific system of oven circulation. . In the wide assortment of Acorn gas ranges included in this sale there is a size and style to meet almost any requirement. Regularly $65.00 to $150.00 Now $55.00 to. $125.00 desired make your own terms in reason: . . Meier & Frank' : Sixth Floor, Flrtfc Street. Royal Banquet ? c 49-lb. Sad: Their superior baking qualities commend thcste flours to the par ticular home baker. Crisco, best vegetable oil short ening, the No. 0 cans f7Q $2.65; the No. C cans tPX 4 U Eakir: pound Baking book -i r