The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 09, 1919, Page 21, Image 21

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Proposal of State Chamber of
Commerce Is Tor- Fund to
Be Given by Counties.
Balem, Oct .-The Balem Commercial
club, A its meeting Wednesday night,
adopted- a resolution indorsing the plan
of the BtateChamber -of Commerce for
advertising the resources of Oregon.
The plan contemplates the contribution
of $1000 toward an advertising fund by
each county court in the state. A com
mittee was also named to make a sur
vey on the housing: situation in Salem. 1
Salem; Oct .'The Hermena Steam
Motor company of Portland, capitalised
at $250,000, filed: articles, of 'Incorpora
tion with the state corporation depart
ment Wednesday.: The Incorporators are
John Hermans, Martin F, Moran. David
Griffin and Harry E. Wheeler.
' Articles were also filed by the follow
ing companies i. -,,
' Bums Machine. Works, Inc., Pendle
ton ; 25,0d0 ; W. J, Burns, Ina Burns
and H.' J,-Warner. -
.: Pacific Development company, As
toria; $360; Jacob Kesti, John Saarinen,
Thomas Drift, Abram Pekkala, Atto
Wlss. Mary Hlhnala, Mattt Peltonen,
Katrl , Sarrtnen, J. W, Konttas and K.
Balem. Oct 9. Cases have been set for
hearing by the publlo service commission
as follows;
October 10 Portland, hearing on ap
plication of city for extension' of St
Johns lien of P. R., I ec P. to new mu
nicipal docks. - ..v,
October 14 Oearhart, on application
for county road crossing over 8.,vF. 6 8.
October IB Philomath, telephone rates.
October 17 Kings Valley, on applica
tion for more adequate fencing of Valley
& Slletz railroad.
October 20 The Dalles, Great South
ern railway, cattle guards.
October 21 Prineville, Pilot Butte
telephone service.
Salem, Oct J. No funds are available
under the 1919 statutes for expense
money for the sheriff of Lake county,
according to an opinion prepared by As
sistant Attorney General Van Winkle
for T. a McKlnney, district attorney
of Lake county. Heretofore the sheriff
has been allowed not to exceed $500 per
year as , expense- money, in addition to
his $2500 yearly salary, but the last leg
islature, either intentionally or other
wise, failed to include the expense money
provision in the new law coveting Lake
county salaries. -
Two Appjy for Water
Salem. Oct 9. W. Terrell of Hood
River has filed with State Engineer
Percy A. Cupper an application cover
ing. the appropriation of water from In
dian' creek for irrigation purposes. An
application has also been filed by E. V.
Smith of Salem for the appropriation
Of water from Vitae springs for the irri.
Ration of amall, tract of land and the
development of power.
Letter Chases , i
Pornier Judge :
To Many Gamps
.... If George N. Davis, former judge
of : the . Multnomah county circuit
court at Portland," will make known
his whereabout Arthur S. t Benitoo,
cltfrk of the supreme court! will be
pleased to forward to him a copy
of as opinion In which he Is inter
ested, which has already chased him
through most of the army camps In
the United. States and France. The
letter containing the document was
mailed by Benson on November 12,
1911, and 'was returned Wednesday,
covered with postmarks and nota
tions indicating the Inability -of the
postal service to locate Davis; who
entered the service of Uncle Sam as
a major early in the war. ; )
and. Percy A. Cupper, state, engineer,
left Wednesday evening for Southern
Oregon, where they win check up on
the Grants 'Pass, Bedford, talent and
Gold Hill irrigation district. ; Brown
will also apeak before the state conven
tion of the W c, TvU. at Ashland to
night on law enforcement ' i
. "I
The two flagpoles which adorn either
wing of the state capitol building are
undergoing their first "dressing- up"
since they were placed five years ago.
Bernard Hill, an itinerant steeplejack,
has been engaged to do the work, put
ting two coats of aluminum paint on
the steel shafts. ', -
Judge TL It Butler of The Dalles, was
a state capitol visitor Wednesday, at
tending to business matters : and visit
ing with his brother, Chauncey Butler,
head of the motor vehicle registration
department in the. secretary of state's
George G. Brown, secretary of the
state land board, and Justice George H.
Burnett are in Eugene today! attending
the Grand Commandery, Knights Tem
plar, of which Brown is grand com
mander for Oregon. j
An aren dozen candidates all men
were here to take the regular bar ex
amination Tuesday and Wednesday.
Names of the successful candidates will
not be made public for several weeks.
Warren Belt secretary of jthe Wash
ington state board of control, was a
Btate capltoi vlBitor Wednesday, while
visiting with Justice Burnett of the Ore
gon supreme court and Judge Harry
Belt, of Dallas.
Oglesby Young, Portland Attorney, was
transacting business at the Btate capitol
Wednesday. -
. .
- O. M. Wilkins. president of the Port
land Automobile Dealers association,
was in the state capital Wednesday, on
business relative to- the operation of
the auto mechanics' act passed by the
last legislature, the enforcement of which
has been enjoined by Federal Judge
Bean of Portland. ,
C. E. Cochran of Portland, attorney
for the O-W. TL N. Co., accompanied
bg his father, Sam Cochran of LaGrande,
called on members of the publio service
commission Wednesday, while transact
ing business in Salem.
. J. M. Haddick, Portland attorney, was
a state capitol visitor on business before
the supreme?" court, Wednesday.
Claims Paid Total $3368,371
Salem, Oct 9. A total of $568,271.12
was disbursed by, the state Industrial ac
cident commission during the month, of
September, In the payment of compensa
. tion claims;- according to the report com
piled. The report shows a balance of
$1,178,211.98 in the hands of the com
mission on September 80.
State, Capttol Personals
Salem, Oct 9. In the case of Robert
Lee Boehmer vs. Julius Silvestone and
Seneca Fouts, which was up for argu
ment before the supreme, court Wednes
day, Silvestone and Fouts, Portland law
yers, acted as their own attorneys.
; George M. Brown, attorney general.
Morning Train i of .
Oregon Electric
Is to Be Heated
Salem, Oct 9. A sufficient supply of
heat U warm comfortably the cars on
the Oregon Electric train which leaves
Salem at 7:15 a. m. for Portland, la
promised by .A. J. Davidson, federal man
ager of the S., P. & S., in a letter re
ceived Wednesday by Chairman Buchtel
of the publio service commission. In a
letter, prompted by numerous complaiats.
Chairman Buchtel had called the at
tention Of the railroad officials to the
fact that this train Is patronized largely
by school children, whose health was
endangered by insufficient heat
(Copyright. 1919. Interns,
tioasl Feature gtrrios, inc.!
By Herriman
W A' 1 10, MrU!
!b4 Jf WVW (I AtftTG0TVQ)
'I - . g . ' v i
fcrnr " Ifji i Tt 'n 1 1 iir '"if"" 11 1 1 in mi
" ' t ' ssassBaBsBaaBisBaBBasB -.- ' ':'. "-:
Army Officers : Claim Publicity
k Would " Hamper. Them T in
v Cleaning Out Radicals. .
Chicago, Oct 9. t. N. S.) With
a rigid censorship on at Gary, Ind.,
where' 4000 United States soldiers
are enforcing martial law as the re
sult, of riots among' the idle steel
workers Sunday, details of the situa
tion in that city are not permitted to
be published. ; . '
' But it Is known that federal soldiers,
agents of the army Intelligence depart
ment and representatives of the United
States district attorney's office- are con
tinuing their fight against alleged radi
cals among the strikers ; tfaaxhey .made
several more raids on headquarters of
these, radicals . during : the night ; 'that
they arrested several persona and that
a general exodus of radicals from the
Calumet strike zone la la progress.
The army officers explained that pub
licity would hamper them in their task
of "cleaning out" the radicals who are
responsible for the trouble. .
' At the same time the officers made It
plain that the organized steel workers,
convinced that the troops were called to
preserve ' law and order and not to In
terfere with i the strike, were giving
valuable assistance in weeding out the
Mill operators In the Calumet district
which includes, among other cities, ast
Chicago. Indiana Harbor and Hammond,
report their employes returning to work
in numbers. Strike leaders, however,
deny this. . t
day ' when it " was announced that a
man had fired four shots at a military
patrol - on .. the outskirts - of the city.
None of the soldiers was hit
Patrol Fired Al ."-
Gary, IntL, Oct (L N. S.) The
first actual resistance to federal troops
since . their arrival here Monday was
reported at military headquarters to-
Tacoma Mayor
Snubs Johnson
Tacoma, Wash, Oct . iVL P.)
Mayor Crockett A.'RlddelI was conspic
ubus by his absence in Tacoma's recep
tion of Hu-am Johnson Wednesday. The
reception committee invited the mayor to
attend the breakfast given the visitor at
the Tacoma hotel, but the visitor de
clined emphatically. He refused. to have
any hand In the program.
New Bank for Vale Field
Salem. Oct! 9. Articles of Incorpora
tion were filed with Will H. Bennett
state . superintendent of banks, this
morning by the Farmers A Stockgrow-
ra bank of Vale. . The Institution is
to be capitalised at $50,000, with the
following Incorporators : M. ' G. Hope,
X. W. Hop - and . S. Humphrey. There
are already two national banks at Vale.
Gilbert Breaks Hand
Fighting Morriseyi
Bouf Ends in Draw
i.t , 4
. Bend. Oct 9. Despite a broken right
hand, Fred Gilbert., of Bend fought Lee
Morrisey of -4daho Falls to a -draw in
the main event of the Oregon State Fed
eration of Labor smoker Tuesday night
Gilbert broke his . hand in the sixth
round. Speck Wood of Bend won a deci
sion in the fifth round against Bert
Taylor of Portland. . 4,
Many Salem Homes
Again ; Without Gas
Salem, Oct J 9. Many : Salem homes
are again without gas for cooking pur-,
poses this week because of Inadequacy
of the present plant to meet the de
mand. Gas service " is being discon
tinued in those homes which have other
means of cooking and heating until the
emergency can be met The company
expects to have the new gas making
unit recently ordered installed by the
publio service commission, - in opera
tion by December . 1. , - ,
Eotarians : Complete
, Salem Organization
Sklem, Oct - 9. Orgsplzation. of Sa
lem's Rotary club was perfected at a
meeting Wednesday by the election Of
John W. Todd, superintendent of schools,
as president ; H. , 8. Giles., president of
the Phes company, vice president; Wil
liam Walton, cashier of the Ladd A
Bush bank, treasurer, and Fred D.
Thielson, secretary. Regular meetings
wi be held ' each Wednesday noon at
the Marlon hotel.
The Italian government will establish
experiment stations for the scientific
improvement of several lines of indus
try. .
Presence of Bear V
Gives Promises of
, Long, Severe Winter
rarkdale, -Oct v 9. The fifth beat of
the season, was shot -on Sunday in, the
wood west: of this city by Louis arkerr
which ' brings ; his individual, bag J thts
season up to three, ;rresenc of bears
is said to mean a aever winter. Thev
bear was a big black and weighed welt .
over $50 pounds. On the same day an
other hunter brought a cub bear out of
a tree .near Tony creek. t"
Haul Children In Schooner '"
Parkdale. Oct 9.-John - Laasen. "who
for several years has been awarded the
contract for carrying : the children, of
this , section to and from school, has
converted ' a large wagon for the
purpose. The children are delighted with
the - new school wagon.
'(Copyright, 181.. by IntarMtiooal Featan
Serrioe, lue.)
No Argument About This
SSg?f 1 ft"" iftfc 1q $s&. I GATvc) - '( PIPE ) L:1 e-ALX S3rt?j
-IBs-rfe) v 'if: w) T?
7-- . ' ' ' ' - . ' ' 11 ... I II I I .., I I II Ill I I I lit
(Copyrlsht, 1919. by International TmXan
8rriee. lac.)
No - Chance of Pleasing Shrimp
000 NEWS, 4600 NEWS,
cr VQltS in TriKaift
MTt OR. Kctr VAN
IN I All COUNT ft t,i
And He vuan in
WALK l j
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wets amy oativ
he com6 our,
And treat to
5O0E$y0R. SOME'
miN r.
6034. OlONr CHA HEARf-
A. MaaarACitraa i L.
w ' Trt nvw 1
that soowos josr
fir rLOOTlN AiD
i r.cT ii tun
J I ? A raTAOlM M lklrc&0
M . ' 1 rSP'. L mxi A
(Copyright, 1919. by International Feature
Service, Inc.),
And Hon I Out Three Ticlcets
' t AY M6K-THESE S 1 1 H'U-CET "YOU tfrBV . ' J ( YES IT'S AIL 12.1CHT 11 " - LgTS TAKE IW THE JJEtJ LI iooP evEKJluc. I UJ ' ' I
i vt.,mV J T " 'ILU. 1 mawx&i.r' EnZiE.S-? y0Utt?CHJL0SMt3r
i .......
(Copyright. 1919, by Internt
tional Featore Service. Inc.)
By J. E. Murphy
(Copyright, 1919. by latcraa
tional Feature Strric. lae.1
By Smnnerton
.XR-y KQUytTHgg 'E-i r . r ,". . " .' , "I 1. ('PACKAGE POR. M. JAC. - I jTHISS IVMKT IfaJFt. PCM tH I w G ) v v - "
f&ot6 Toon out a oo6&onT!i ftLuis mjom ?ipfakys e 9 Ti T '
j ) '
J'vi- u I3H1 ' kxf rfUf- , be pleased. ( $Pztezcnx) )i was oust smowimo.'. A . jr
-7 V; I TOf : rV irm mS3 I' (DoeVr othimk?) ( riAaj-iMO1' S m3 cones the necklace ) . -
9 CHICKEN V0N Vf IMPRESSION m.NOT - . r0 TXJi Jr V TT-r vy )
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