The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, April 13, 1918, Page 14, Image 14

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f .-
n "brothers' Say" ill Ire to Write tetters to the Absent brothers at the Jfront
Many Portland Churches Will
' Make Announcement of Meet
ihg Places for the People. '
(Ends Second gear
Pastors and Young People's Lead
ers Express Enthusiasm Over
"-' Plan to Remember Soldiers.
I .. j ..
Prominent Church Leaders Will
Be Among the Speakers;
Suppers Tendered. .
ge?as"Sone through (Eye of Jeedle"
. R k m m m m a
(Evangelist ptes Jted Strange Career
UNOAY, April 21. Is "Brother's
Day," the newest day In
churchdom. It IS to be a day
on which letters shalWbe writ
ten the absent brothers In
service of the country. The church
lias a day for mothers, a father's day
and a children's day, and the present
sacrifices of the brave soldier boys st
the front has suggested the Inaugura
tion of "Brother1 Day." Leaders In
young people's work throughout the city
- have given hearty Indorsement of the
new church day, and In many Portland
churches announcement will be made
tomorrow of special gatherings to be
-7ld the following Sunday. At these
special meetings those present will not
jcrome for, personal entertainment, but
iter, write letters to the brave men In the
, rmy and navy, both at home and
' broad.
" '.It Is not the purpose of "Brother's
' Day" to limit the letters to boys who
.have gone to the church, but to every
man -or boy who lived within the radius
. f 'the church before he answered the
call of his country. The- committees in
charge of each gathering will be ex
pected to secure the names of all the
men who have joined the army or navy
In the neighborhood of the church, and
those who do not have special friends
to write to will be asked to tell the hews
of the city and neighborhood to the
soldier or sailor.
Fred J. Schnell, secretary of the
Portland district, Kpworth league, Har
ley K. Ilallgren of the Baptist Young
People's union and Ward Koblnson of
the Multnomah County Christian En
deavor union, expressed great Interest In
the new day. All three are bending
their errorta to make the day a success
: in their organisations. One of the leaders
In young people's work said : "On Sun
: day afternoons and evenings I have
noticed great numbers of young folks
searching for pleasure, and It certainly
would be nothing less than patriotism
; for them to forego a little pleasure and
'write a few lines of cheer to those who
nays offered their all for the cause of
" freedom."
. When Portland pastors were told of
..', the -new endeavor, ail expressed highest
appreciation and promised hearty co
i operation to make the day a great suc
cess. Rev. J. J. Staub of the Sunnyside
Congregational expressed great enthu-
slaam when he heard the announcement.
and stated, "I am certainly In favor of
It. When Sunnyside Congregational as
aembles I am sure that no one In our
neighborhood who has gone to war will i
lack a letter from home."
i Dr. A. A. Morrison of Trinity Epls
copal church, thought the new day a
timely day for the church and stated
! that a committee of men In his church
"'would see that all arrangements were
; made so that none of Trinity's boys
lacked a letter. Dr. Morrison was hot
certain whether the meeting would
be held In a private home or whether
1 would be held In the parish house.
t.The young people of First Congrega
tional church will be asked by their
paator, Dr. Hugh Pedley, to meet
Sunday, April 21, at a place to be
selected later, where they will write
to the boys of their church who are
now with the army or navy.
iltev. Harry E. Tucker of Tillamook
-wrote The Journal as follows : "The
First Christian church of this place
Will observe the third Sunday In April
aa Brother"a Day.' We deem this a
. splendid time to boost the boys over
. the top and also to write them encouraging-
letters. It ought to have' the
, heartiest kind of cooperation from
very loyal American. We cannot dd
too much. '
Portland clergy and offlcera In young
people's societies are asked to send the
. announcements of their meetings to The
Journal no later than Thursday noon
OI next weeK, so complete announce
ment or all the meetings In the city
- can do maae.
Hev. Alexander Beers, who has fin
ished second year as First Free
Methodist's pastor.
KeV. Alexander Beers, pastor of the
First Freei Methodist church. East Ninth
and Mill streets, will complete Sunday
his aecond8;year as pastor of this church.
At' a l&rtt meeting of the society held
Wednesday night, many expressions of
appreciation were shown, and there was
an urgentj; requesthat Rev. Mr. Beers
be returned. The appointments for the
Oregon conference will be made by
Bishop Wjalter A. Sellew, who presides
at the Oregon conference to be held in"
Portland ihiB coming week. The church
has had H substantial gain In member
ship, and i the financial reports show a
gain of more than 32 per cent in the
various departments of the church's
Fitting Program Will Be Ren
dered and Members Will
Enjoy a Social Hour.
The annual meeting of the Portland
association of Congregational churches
will be held In the First Congregational
church Monday and Tuesday, April 15
and 16. Among th speakers are: Dr.
C. H. Patton, secretary of the American
board; Dr. W. W. Scudder of the Na
tional council and Miss Mariam Wood
berry of the home missionary society.
Lodging and breakfast will be provided
free for all out of town delegates. The
suppers on Monday and Tuesday will
be free to all delegates but to others a
charge of 35 cents will be made. There
are 18 churches In Portland In the con
ference and five in cities up the valley.
The program Is as follows :
2 :30 Devotional service. Rev. M. L.
Hutton, Hood River ; Organization and
business ; Reports, from churches ; "The
Every Member Drive," Rev. W. W. Scud
der, Boston, Mass., associate secretary
Congregational National Council ; Dis
cussion led bjr. Rev. A. J. Sullens.
6 Fellowship supper.
7 :30 Praise service ; "The War and
the New Era," Rev. Cornelius H. Pat-
ton. Boston, Mass., corresponding sec
retary American board of commissioners
for foreign mtsslons ; "The War and the
New Woman," Miss Miriam Wood berry.
New York city, secretary National Wom
en s Home Missionary society.
9 a. m. Devotions, Rev. Jacob Spool
man, Rainier.
9:15 a. m. Business; "The Tercenten
ary Program," Rev. W. W. Scudder, Bos
ton, Mass. : Discussion led by Rev. A. C.
Moses, Portland ; "Evangelism," Rev. J.
J. Staub, Portland ; Discussion led by
Rev. Warren Morse. Portland.
2 p. m. "Recruiting and Training,"
Rev. C. H. Patton, Boston. Mass.; Dis
cussion led by Rev. J. H. Matthews, dis
trict secretary, C. E. S. ; "Stewardship,"
Rev. W. W. Scudder, Boston, Mass. ; Dis
cussion led by Rev! Edward Constant ;
Woman's Hour, Mrs. Eleanor Palmer,
presiding ; Devotions, Mrs. J. J. Hand
saker ! Business and Reports ; Address
by Miss Miriam Wood berry ; Discussion.
6:15 p. m. Fellowship dinner. Five
minute addresses on "Men and Mil
lions." Rev. W. W. Scudder, presiding.
7 :45 p. m. Praise service ; "Our Italian
Neighbors," Miss Miriam "Woodberry ;
"Africa," Illustrated address by Rev.
C. H. Patton.
' "Big Jack" Tyler Is a rich man's son
who, having "gone through the eye of
a needle," Is now trying to get into
heaven. He hopes to take with him
all the hosts of mankind who might not
find the road without his guidance.
Tyler is now an evangelist, though
for 40 years he traveled over the world
on the brakebeams, in the stoke-hold.
before the mast, and not seldom In the
patrol wagon. He has been In Jails all
over the world, Australia, Brazil,
Mexico, England and France.
Ten years ago, however, he was con
verted at the Macaulay mission and has
struggled to "come back."
"Big Jack" claims to be the last of
the "old sports" of New lork city.
When his father died and left him all
his fortune he oiurured in Wall street
until he went broke again. Then It
was up and down, acrosa and over.
Tyler has since talked to thousands
of audiences and draws lessons of
virtue from his own' poignant past.
Sunday he will address audiences
the Kenllworth Presbyterian church
in the morning and the Millard avenue
Presbyterian church in the evening.
Tvler Is now 71 years old, but has
an arm like a pugilist.
Book of Revelation
Theme of Pastor
The series of sermons on the book of
Revelation being preached by Rev. E. D.
Hornschuch at the rrirst Evangelical
church. East Sixth and Market streets,
will be continued ai 11 o'clock Sunday
morning1, the thirteenth chapter being
In the evening at 7:30 a missionary
program will be rendered, consisting of
vocal and Instrumental musical num
bers, an address -by Mrs. J. H. Wells,
former missionary to Corea, in native
costume, and a play entitled "A Dream
With a Mission," given by members of
the Delta Alpha class.
Characters: Mrs. Eugene Van Nice, a
lady of social position, Wlnnifred Peter
son ; Miss Cordelia Wright, a member of
the Church Missionary society, Florence
Druschel ; Chin Lan, a Chinese girl. Vera
Tufford ; Chundra Lela. a Hlndo widow.
Convention Scheduled .for April
22-24 Inclusive; Fine
3To!iHake Address
Communion Service
Sunday in Trinity
Services at Trinity Episcopal will
begin in the morning with the celebra
tion of the Holy communion in the
chapel. Nineteenth and Everett streets.
at 8 o'clock. There will be morning
prayer and sermon by the rector. Dr. A
A. Morrison at 11 r'clock; Subject of
the sermon Is: "Who Are God's Chosen
People V The text Is from the words
of St. Peter, Acts 10-84, "Of, a truth I
perceive that God is nq respector of
persons." The subject Is particularly
significant at this time when America's
enemies have annouhced by the mouth
of their representatives that they have
been chosen of God to impress His will
upon the rest of mankind.
Evensong, with short address by the
rector, will begin at 8 o'clock.
There will be a meet In a: of the Good
ruriora ; ununara xeia. a ninag wmuw, . - - -
Luella Harris; Gusta Olafsson, Finnish Fellowship society pi cedlng the evening
Yested Choirs From Episcopal
Churches Will March in '
Endeavorers of the Christian churches
of Portland district are looking forward
to the big patriotic. Christian Endeavor
rally . of Christian churches to be held
at the Rodney Avenue Christian
church, Friday evening, April 19. County
Endeavor; president. Miss Faye Steln
metz ; Clarence Sprague of the T. M. C.
A. army i camp at Vancouver, Wash.,
and several other speakers are to ad
dress the young people.
A fine program is promised to be fol
lowed by a social hour in the church
parlors. ! Endeavorers are being urged
to bring their parents and friends that
they may see the things the Portland
Endeavorers are doing.
National Prohibition
Will Be Discussed
"The Outlook of National Prohibition
will be the theme of the address of Dr.
George N. Taylor of the Anti-Saloon
league at Rodney Avenue Christian
church Sunday evening at 8 o'clock.
There will be a community song service
tea Dy me targe chorus.
"Worth of Prayer"
Topic for Sunday
"The Worth of Prayer" will be the
subject of Dr. Stansfteld's sermon at
First Methodist church Sunday morn
ing. The sermon will be a candid dis
cussion of the philosophy and power of
prayer In the actualities of human ex
perience. ;
In the evening the sermon will be on
the subject, "The Value of a High Pur
pose, for the Individual, the Family, the
Nation." j This will be preceded by the
popular ! congregational sing begin
ning promptly at 7 :30 and continuing
for 20 minutes in which the quartet,
vested choir and congregation of patri
otic and religious songs and hymns.
Sermon Will Be
Lesson of Courage
"Wishing for the Day", will be the
theme of Dr. Pence's sermon at West
minster church. East Seventeenth and
Schuyler streets, Sunday morning at
10:30. It will picture a tempestous
night, the rigging of the Roman grain
ship gone, the cargo lightered, hope died
out. The pastor will show what dl
vine providence can do and waits to
do. Tbjff sermon is to be a lesson for
the hour; a lesson of courage and con
fidence for Americans. At night "The
Night Cmeth" will be the theme.
Dr. Boyd Gives
Sunday Subjects
At the First Presbyterian church Dr.
John H. Boyd will preach both morning
and evening. In the morning at 10 :30
Dr. Boyd will give the first of a series
of two sermons which he has had In
mind for a long time to deliver. These
are on the general subject of "Man's
Search for God" and will deal with the
condition of the minds of men in this
crisis and their desire for God. The
first one of this series to be given Sun
day1 morning will be on the subject,
What God Expects of Man."
The second one of the series will be
given on April 21, and will be entitled.
The Ethical Interpretation of Religion."
Sunday evening at 7 :30 Dr. Boyd will
continue his sermons on war subjects.
The title will be "The Egotism of Germany."
Patriotic Service
At Lents Church
eirl. Esther Grone : Beulah Blossom,
colored girl, Edna Koecher ; Mrs.
Stephen Bright, wire of a home mis
sionary. Elinor Peterson ; Dr. Rebecca
Glean, Sylvia De Temple ; Llzltte. maid,
Alice Saunders. Under direction of Mrs.
O. Yates Jr.
Dr. Youngson Will
Speak Sunday Night
"The Great Commoner" Is the theme
of Dr. W. W. Youngson, district super
intendent of the M. E. church, for a
sermon Sunday evening at Central M.
E. church, Vancouver avenue and Fargo
street. Rev. A. A. Heist will preach at
the morning services. The pastor, Rev.
C. C. Rarick, Is on his way to New York
city to represent the Fifteenth general
conference district at the annual ses
sion of the book committee.
Sunday week Miss DeWitt of the In
dustrial center in South Portland, will
speak at the morning service and Dr.
Joshua Stansfield of First church will
speak in the evening, giving his great
sermon on the "Second Coming of Christ
and the End of the World." Sunday,
April 28, Dr. Robert E. Smith of Sun
nyside church, will preach in the morn
ing service and Rev. F. M. Jasper of the
Lents church will speak In the evening.
St. Louis Speaker ,to Be Heard
Dr. Hi. Caradine of St. Louis will
speak at the Central Free Methodist
church Sunday evening. In the evening
the pastor will speak. This will be the
last service before the conference ses
sion. which will be held at Alberts.
church commencing April 17, with Bishop
ouuen presiding.
It la only where the true provisions of this newer process are
not understood that there is any doubt of the sanctity, the true
dignity and lasting peace of disposition by this mode.
The phase, which assures an everlasting home for the remains
creates the greatest appeal and Is responsible for the universal ,
adoption of Crematfort In large cities of the United States -and
the world.
(With flow-era budding everywhere and Its park b'reak
Ing Into Us rich Summer greenery, a visit to the Crema
torium today will give you an idea of the real beauty of
thia Institution.) : , J
The Lents Evangelical church will add
another patriotic service to her service
of last Sunday. Last Sunday the Lents
people beautifully decorated their
church with flowers, the national col
ors, displaying the portraits of Wash
ington, Lincoln and Wilson. Rev. N.
Strupp preached the sermon, holding his
audience interested for 45 minutes. The
Lents people requested him to finish
the sermon this coming Sunday at 11 a.
m., which he consented to do.
Pastor Will Repeat
Sermon by Request
By special request at the First Chris
tian church Sunday morning the'pastor.
Rev. Harold H. Grlffls, will repeat the
sermon which he preached recently on
"The Gospel of Blood." In the evening
Rev. Grlffls will speak on the topic
"Through the Wilderness of Time."
Thia church, along with the other
Christian churches of Multnomah county.
Is planning for a great war emergency
drive to be made at the first of May.
The effort will be a part of the con
certed action of the Disciples of Christ
of America to raise two and one half
millions of dollars to save their schools
and hospitals and orphanages from men
acing deficits caused by war conditions.
service at 7 o'clock In the parish house
Nineteenth and Davis streets, to which
all young people a. cordially Invited,
especially uniformed men. Tea Is al
ways served and a pleasant hour Is en
joyed by all who attend.
Dr. Hinson Will
Reply to a Critic
Sunday morning at the East Side Bap
tlst. Dr. Hlnson's subject will be "The
Ideal Church of 'a r-ool." The sermon
will have something to say about the
recent declaration of the president at
the Northern Baptist convention. Dr
Hinson will argue that his statement re
garding the present drive of the Huna
and the complexion of an Ideal church
are alike to be discredited.
At night Dr. Hinson will discuss The
Four Judgments." and the varied phases
of the fact of Judgment will be empha
sized, and, according to the scripture.
placed in their rightful relation to each
The Sunday school commences at 9 :S0
In which there are classes for all and
at which all will1 be made welcome,
The young people hold their. meeting
at 6 :30 and Invite all young people to
Experience at Front
Will Be Described
Dr. Hugh Pedley of First Con
gregational Church to Speak
on the Subject.
Will Conclude Sermpn Series
Rev. Clinton C. Bell, pastor of Alberta
United Brethren church. Twenty-seventh
and Sumner streets, will conclude, next
Sunday, at 11 a. m., his ten sermons on
"Our Lord's Return."
These sermons have awakened a con
slderable Interest, and at the request of
the congregation, Mr. Bell Is considering
their publication.
At the Sunday evening Open Fornm
Dr. Harold C. Bean will speak of "Ex
penences at tne Front. He nas re
cently returned from France. The
Forum meets at 7 :45 In the chapel of
the Church of Our Father, entrance on
Broadway between Yamhill and Taylor.
In the emornlng at 11 the pastor. Rev.
W. G. Eliot Jr., will deliver the second
sermon In a series, "New Kings for
Old." The subject will be "Socialism
Is Dead, Long Live Socialism."
Sermon Subjeets Sunday
Rev. R. W. Rogers, pastor of Calvary
Presbyterian church, has chosen these
topics for his Sunday sermons : Morn
ing. "Are We Too Later' Evening.
"The Secret of Winning An Uphill
Boston Leader to Talk
Dr. Cornelius H. Patton of Boston.
Mass., will speak at the Atkinson Mem
orlal Congregational church Sunday
evening? at 7:45 o'clock. Dr. Patton
recently made extensive travels In
, Africa.
The seventeenth annual session of the i
Willamette Baptiat association, which
embraces the Portland Baptist churches
and the upper and lower Columbia dis
tricts, will be held with the, Astoria
Baptist church of which Rev. R. F.
Jameson is pastor. The convention will
be held April 22 to 24. Each church
may be represented by the pastor and
four delegates and one additional dele
gate for every 100 members. Entertain
ment and breakfast, will be provided by n , . .,..- ,
h. .nlvt.minr ri.i.M iviiHtM mtv Df' J. J. Staub, who mill take proml-
go to Astoria either by the North Bank j nent part in annual Congregational
railroad, leaving at 8 :10 a. m. and :15 conference next week. ,
p. m.. or by boat from tne Aiaer street
wharf at 7 a. m. In order to secure en
tertainment from the church, the dele
gates should write to Pastor Jameson of
their Intention to attend the convention.
The program follows:
3 t. m. Sons: and nrayer service. ReT.
R. F. Jameson ; appointment of commlt-
'. 3 :30 Annual sermon. Rev. A. B.
Waltz. 5 :30 Report of committee on
program. 7 :30 Devotion.! and song
pervice. Rev. R. F. Jameson. 7:4.
Conference. Professor C. P. Coe. Mc-
Minnvllle. presiding. The essential of a
reasonable local program of rellclous
education. Discussion by appointed
leaders from the floor bv Mrs. R. F.
.Tameson. Dr. H. P. Bloxham. Rev. A.
iJiwrence Black. Prof. C. P. Coe. 8 45
Address. "The Lavman's Challenge to
the Church," Rev. T. Stephenson.
8 a. m. Praver. Rev. J. K. Thomas.
Report of committee on enrollment. Re
port on assoclatlonal missions and field
work. Rev. A. J. Ware. Report of
woman's foreign associations! secretary-
Mrs, j. E. stepnenson. Report or
woman s home associations! director.
Mrs. O. C. Wright 10:45 Conference.
Rev. O. C. Wris-ht presiding. Address.
"What I Have Seen of Home Mission
Needs." Miss E. M. McDowell: "Me-
Minnville College." President L. W.
Rilev, MoMlnnville: "Devotional Bible
Study." Rev. H. T. Cash. 2 p. m.
Praise service. Rev. A. B. Waltz. A
church constituency list. Rev. C. F.
Mleir nnesldrng : discussion bv appoint
ed leaders from the floor. 3 Conference
on benevolence. Rev. W. T. Milliken pre
siding : discussion by appointed leaders
and from the floor. Address, "The Com
prehensive Effect of the War on Forelai
Missions." President L. W. Rllev. Mo
Mlnnville collec-e. 7 :30 p. m. Testimony
service. Rev. E. A. Smith. "A Local
Church In the Foreign FleM," Mrs.
George Campbell. China. 8:80 Doc
trinal sermon. Rev. W. B. Hinson. D. D.
9 a. ro. Prayer service. Rev. J. B.
Murphy. Reports of committees. 8:45
"Local Problems of Evangelism," Rev.
W. A. Waldo. Ph. D.. preeiding ; discus
sion by appointed leaders and from the
floor. Address on "Home Missions."
Miss Nina Burch. Bible- study. Rev. H.
T. Cash. 2 n. m. Prayer. Rev. T.
Broomfield. Report of committee on
resolutions. Discussion by appointed
leaders and from the floor. Rev. J. D.
Sprlngton presiding, "The Church Evan-
felixlng and Developing Its Young Life."
:45 Conference, Rev. W. O. Handler
? residing. "Local Problems of Finance.
:30 Song service. Rev. R. F. Jameson.
"Work Of the Baptist War Cbmmlnrinn
What Is Being Done and What Is Want
ed." Rev. C. A. Wooddy, D. D. Ad
dress. "Christ's Provision For the Mul
titudes." Rev. W. A. Waldo, Ph. D.
April 21.
ARCHING In procession with
their teachers and the clergy,
the children of the Kptm-opal
Sunday schools in the city
will unite In a service at St.
Pro-Cathedral on Sunday,
when their KaMer offering
will be presented. Vested choirs from
the various schools will be Included .In
the procesKlon. and processional croaes.
banners and flairs will t carried. Th
children will meet at the academy at 3
p. m. and the service at the church will
be held at 4 p. m. The child making the
largest offering Inach school will make
the presentation for that school. These
offerings represent money earned and
saved by the children during Lent and
involved many acta of self-denial. The
united offering will be devoted to the
general missionary work of the church
at home and abroad.
The relations between the United
States and Great. Britain are now on
a new footing. For many years there
has been growing friendliness, but now
there la the strongest kind of alliance,
an alliance cemented by the blood ahed
In a common cause. That cause is the
cause of Freedom. Of all American
names, ihat of Lincoln stands preemi
nent aa the representative of Liberty.
Of all modern British names, there is
none more identified with democratic
Institution's than that of Lloyd George.
April 14. which falls on Sunday next,
la the anniversary of the martyrdom of
Lincoln, and at the evening service Dr.
Hugh Pedley of the First Congrega
tional church will, in his service on
Sunday night, on "Lincoln and Lloyd
George." bring together the two men
and their relation to the momentous Is
sues of the present hour.
The musical service will be appro
priate, consisting' of the playing of a
combination of national airs by the
organist, Luclen E. Becker, the singing
of "The Recessional." by Mr. Montgom
ery : the Veteran Quartet under the
leadership of Mr. Parvin will sing
"Somewhere in France" and "The Flag
Without a Stain." The "Battle Hymn
of the Republic" wtll be sung as a quar
tet and chorus. The public Is cordially
Pastor Will Draw
Lesson From War
Free Methodists to
Meet in Conference
Next Wednesday the twenty-third an
nual Oregon conference of the Free
Methodist church wtll convene at the
Alberta Free Methodist church. East
Thirtieth and Wygant streets. This oc
casion haa been looked forward te by a
great many who have anticipated a most
profitable conference.
Bishop Walter A. Kellew of New York
will preside and will perhaps deliver
several addresses. He is a forcible
speaker and a great treat Is in store for
those who hear him. Rev. Mr. Harring
ton, pastor of the entertaining church,
along with many ardent supporters, has
labored to finish the building fr thin
conference. The building was atarted
about t-o years ago. On Sunday. April
21. the church will be dedicated with ap
propriate services. Thia Sunday morn
ing Rev. I. M. Cathey will preach and
In the evening Pastor Harrington wtll
occupy the pulpit.
Sermons Drawing
Marked Attention
An Interesting and beneficial series of
meetings is being held at the First
United Brethren church by Rev. J. H.
Patterson of Ohio. His sermons and
addresses the past week have been clear
Interpretations of Bible doctrines and
discussions on practical Christian life,
He will Continue these meetings for at
least another week every evening at 8
o'clock. All are welcome to come and
hear him. He la a full blooded Irishman
and full of wit and humor and he
preaches a gospel of joy and winsome
"Are war and righteousness reconcil
able? What wlW Christianity gain from
the success of allied and American arms
against the Germans In the present con
flict?" The questlona will be asked and
answered by Dr. Robert H. MIIHgan at
Rose City Park Presbyterian church
next Sunday morning. Ills subject will
be "The Use of Force," and he hopea
that the discussion will be helpful to
those who have difficulty In reconciling
their Instincts of patriotism and the rev
erences of their faith. At the Sunday
evening service Dr. Milllgan's aubject
will be "The Joy of Jesus." the sec
ond of a seriea on "The Manhood of the
Will Start Sermon Seriea
Dean McColllter will give the sermon
at the 11 o'clock service Sunday at St.
Stephens Pro-Cathedral. In the evening
he execta to begin ,a course of ad
dresses on "The Resurrection Appear
ance of Our Lord."
The nurses of the Good Samaritan
hoepltal will hold their graduation exer
cises' at the Pro-Cathedral Wednesday
ivenlng. May 15.
Duly of (he Churrh
The Sunday evening services at the
Sunnyside Congregational church will
put special emphasis on the duty of the
church to be alert and awake to her
opportunity. Patriotic music will be
sung by the choir and the best motion
pictures available will portray In a vivid
manner the progress of the work done
by our nation In the enormous conflict.
;lSellwood Car to
Fourteenth and By bee
9 to 5
Second Sunday After Easter
Uniform S. S. Lesson
"Je'S Requires Confession and Loyalty."
Mrk :!-.
Golden telt: "If any man wonlrt eotne rter
me. let him dny himself and take up his cross
and follow me. Man :B4.
Young People's Topic
BatrtM Union: "How- to Enjoy Sunday."
Isaiah 68:6-14.
Christian Endeayor: "How to Enjoy Sunday.
Isaiah B8:614.
Junior C. E. : "Hallowed Be Thy Name."
Luke 11 :3;. Pa. 89:5-7
Kpworth laue: "Facttona In League Lite.
I Cor. 8:1-10.
Tiv White Temple 1 2th and Taylor rt.
Rot. William A. Waldo. 11. "Christian Sympa
thy Portland s Greatest Need." 7:30. "Christ
at the Door."
Kit Side Eat 20th and Ankeny ats. Rev.
W. B. Hinson. 11. 7:45.
Third Knott and Vancrmyer ay. Bay
Webly J. Beeyen. 11, "PTacUsine the Welcome
of JeiraV 7:45, "The Marks of Jerua."
ArleU Rer. V. Garnet Handley. 11. "The
Prayer of Faith Shall Rave Him That Is Sick."
7:30. "A Sore Finaer." by a woman evangelist.
J Grace Montaytlla Bey. H. T. Caah. 11.
"God's t'se of Broken Things." 8, preaching
by Bey. T). C. Graham, returned missionary from v
Hin'u. . uma. ,
Swedish 15th and Hoyt 9:30. 7:30.
Highland E. 6th and Alberta Rey. Charles
F. Meier. 11. 7:45. patriotic service, cnyeiling
ot 42-star service flag.
"St. Peters Lents B. T. Beutgea. S.
10:80. 7:80.
Pro-Cathedral 16th and Davis Rev. S. T.
OHara. . 7:16. :30. :45. 11. T:45.
; 8t- Lawrence Sri and Sherman Bay. J. C. 6. 8:60. 10:30. 7:10.
St. Patricks 10th and Sevier Rev. XL P.
Murphy 8. 10:30. 7:80.
St. Francis E. 1 lth and Oak Rev. 3. H
Black. 6. 8. 0. 10:80. 7:60.
Immaculate Heart of Mary Williams ave. and
Stanton Rev. W. A. Daly. 6. 8. . 11, 7:30.
Holy Rosary E. 8d and Clackamas Rev.
S Olson. 6, 7. 8, . 11. 7:30.
St. Boa s. ssa ana JLiameaa iiev. j.
O'Farrell. 8. 10:80. 4.
St. Andrews E. 0th sod Alberts) Rev. J.
Kieman. 8.10:30.7:80.
The Madeleine S. 24 th aad SiskiyoQ Rev.
George F. Thompson. 7:30. 0, 11.
Ascension E. Tsmhill ami K. 76tn Francis
ran Fathers. 8.. 10:80. 7:30.
. Blessed Sacrament Maryland ave. and Blan
flena Rev. F. W. Black. 8. 10:80. 7:30.
Holy Cioaa 774 Bowdola Bav. C Barmoad.
8. 10:80. 7:80. '
St. Ignatius 8220 43d at. S. . Jesuit
rather. 6:80. 8,10:80.4. !
St. Stephens (2d and E. TaylorRev. War
ren A. Waitt. . 8:80. 10:80. 7:30.
L Holy Redeemer Portland bird, and Taacoavat
ave. Rev. F. H. Miller. 4. 8. 10:80. 7 .30.
t St. Phillip Karl (PauUat Fathers) E. 16th
end Hickory Rev. W. i. Cart wncht. -7:80.
10:80. - . .
St. Clements S. Smith ave. and Newton '
Servita Fathers. 6. 8. 10(30, 7:80.
Sacred Heart E. 11th and Center Bar. G.
Rob!. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Agatha E. lftth and Miller Rev. 3.
Ccmmlnsky. 8. 10:3U. 7:30.
St. Stanislaus (Polish) Maryland ave. and
Failing Rev. F. Matthew. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St Joseph (German) 15th and Couch Bev.
B. Durrer. 8. 10:30. 7:80.
St. Michael (Italian) 4th and Mill Bar. M.
Balestra. 8. 10:30. 7:30.
St. Clares Capital Hill Franciscan Fathers.
7:80. :15.
St. Charles 38d and Alberta Bar. G. Snl-
derborn. 7, 8:80, 7:30.
All Saints E. 80th and GUsan Bev. Father
William Cronin. 8. 10:30.
First Park and Columbia Bev. Harold H.
Griffis. It. "The Gospel of Blood." 7:45,
"Through the Wilderness of Time.
East Bide E. 12th and Taylor Bev. R. H.
Sawyer. 11. 7:30.
Montavilla E. 76th and Hoyt Rev. J. W.
Jenkins. 11. 8. ,
Bodney Avenue Bodney and Knott Rev. I
J. F. Ghormley. 11. "Meeting the World's
Needs. 8. Dr. George N. Taylor of the Anti
Ksloon league on "The Outlook of National Pro
hibition." AToodlawn Seventh and Liberty. Joseph D.
Boyd. 11. 7:30.
Christian Science
lesson aubject. "Are Sin. Disease and Death
First 19th and Everett. 11. o.
Second E. 8th and Holladay. 11, 8.
Third E. 12th and Salmon. 11. 8.
Fourth Vancouver ave. and Emerson. 11,8.
Fifth 62d at. and 42d ave. and 8. E. 11.
UixUi Maaosiio 'I'tmple, W. tark and TamhiU.
11. 8.. "
St. Johns Holbrook block. 11.
First Park and Madison. Dr. Hugh Pedley.
10:80. "Joy, Passing and Permanent." 7:4ft.
Atkinson Memorial E. 20th and Everett
Rev. Warren Morse. 11, preaching bjr Dr. Cor
nelius H. Patton of Boston. 7:46, "The Menace
to the World's Freedom."
SuMkrnde E. S2d and Taylor Rev. J. J.
Staub. 11. preaching by Rev. W. W. Scudder,
D. D., of New York. 7:45, illustrated sermon.
"The Church's Share in the World Struggle."
Highland E. Oth and Prescott Kv. Ed
ward Constant. 11, preaching by Misa Marian
Woodberry of New York. 8. patriotic service
and rally.
Trtnlty Iff and Everett Bev. A. A. Mor
rison. 11. 8. .
Pro-Cathedral of St Stephen the Martyr
1 gth and Clay Bt. Bev. W. T. Sumner, bishop.
Very Bev. X H. MeCeUlster, deaa. Sundays:
7:46 a. as.. 11. 7:46 p. as.: church school. 6:48
a as : week days: Wednesday 7:80 a. aa.. Fri
day 0:80 a. as.; Holy day. 7:80. v
St. Davids E. 12th and Be'mont Bev.
Thomas Jenkins, rector. 7:30. 8 .80, 11, 7:30.
8t Marks 21s aad Marshall Rev. i. EL
H. Binapeoa. rector. Rev. J. i. Hattoa. aaso
ciata rector. 11. T:46.
St. Andrews Berelord aC, Portsmouth
Archdeacon Chambers la charge. 9. 7 .80 a. am.
Grace Memorial Weidler and E. 17th N.
Rev. Oswald W. Taylor. 8. 11.
Good Shepherd Tanconver and Graham
Bev. John Dawson. 11. 7 70.
St. Michaels and All Saints - - E. 43d and
Broadway Bev. T. F. Bowcn. rear. 8. 10.
11 and 5.
Church of Our Savior 60th ave. and 41t
at. S. E- Archdeacon Chambers In charge. 11.
Bishop Morris Memorial Good Samaritan
hospital Rev. Frederic K. Howard. 7, 7:45.
bt Paula Woodmera Ret. Oswald W. Tay
lor. 4.
All Saints 25th and Savtcr Bev. Frederic
K. Howard. 11.
St. Johns Comer K. 15th and Harney. Sell
wood Archdeacon Chambers in charge. Jl,
7:80. ,
St. Matthew Corbett and Bancroft. Bav. W.
A. M. Breck. vicar. 11.
Kvanejelleat AssoctathM
First English E. Orh and Market Bev. E.
D. Hornschuch. 11. 7:30.
Free Metric .1st
Central 65th and E. Flander Rev. XT. !
i Coffee. 1 1 . preaching by Dr. B. Caradine of
St. Ixuis. 7:80. by pastor.
First E. Vtb and Mill Rev. Alexander
Beers. 11. "Speed i'p Protestantism." 7:30.
special rally. .
Congregation Beth Drael 1 2th and Mala
Rabbi Jonah B. Wis. Sabbath services Frirlav
at 8 p. m. Saturday 10:80 a. m. Sunday, lv.
IB roruand academy bldg.. 18th and Mont
gomery. Religious school. Uible clsssse at
Central library, second and fourth Wednesdays.
Congregation Ahavla Sholosa Park and Clay
sta. Rabbi R. Abrahamsoa.
St James. English Wert Park and Jeffar
son Rev. William Evan Brinkham. 11. 8.
Our Saviors E. 10th and Grant Bev. M.
A. Christenaen. 10:10. 11:15. services in Nor
wegian. St. Pauls E. 12th and Clinton Bev. A.
Krause. 10:30. 7:30.
Trinity Lutheran Williams and Graham.
10:16. 7:30. "The Lord Our Righteousness."
Bethel Norwegian Wygant and Bodney.
Bev. B. A. Borrevik. 11. 7:30.
Methodist Eplscowai
Central Vancouver ave. and Fargo st. Rev.
C. C. Rarick. 11. 7:80.
Centenary E. th and Pine Bar. T. W.
11. 7:80.
Clinton Kelly Bev. E. B. Lock hart. 11.
First 12th and Taylor Rev. Joshua Stane
field. 10:30. "The Worth of Prayer." 7:80.
"Value of a High Purpose for the Individual,
the Family and the Nation."
First Norwegian Daman 18th sad Hoyt
Rev. Eliaa GJerding. 8.
Vancouver Ave. Norwegian Danish Bev. Eliaa
Gjerding. 11.-
Lincoln Rev. E. B. Lockhart. 7:80.
University Park Rev. J. T. AbbeU. 11.
Wilbur Mnltnonsah hotel Bev. W. T. Kerb
10:80, preaching by Bev. Guy Fitch Phetpa.
' St Johns LeevrU and Syracuse Rev. J. H.
Irrine. 11. T:45. .
District aupenntendeat. Rev. WUliasa Walhvee
M. K. Church South
First rnlon ave. and Multnosnah at- Bev.
James T. French. 11. 8.
First 12th and Alder sts. Bev. John B.
Boyd. 10:80. "What God Experts of Man."
7:80. "Ethical Interpretation of Religion."
Central East 13th and Pine sta. Rev. Ar
thur F. Bishop. 11. "Christ. Our Passover"
7:80. "Christ and the Will of God."
Westminster1 E. 17 th and Hnhuvter sta.
Dr. Edward Pence. 10:80. "Wishing for the
Day." 7:80. "The Night Cometh."
Calvary llfh and Clay st Rev. R. W.
Rogers. 11. 7:30.
Fourth Kir.t and Glbbs Ma Bev. H. O.
Hanson. 10:80, "Restoring the Soul." 7:80.
"In View of the Present World Hatred. How
Shall We Pray?"
Hope Rev. F. E. Dorris. 1 1 . "The Broken
Light of Experience." 7.45, "Explanation and
Mt. Tabor E. 66th and Belmont sta Rev.
Ward McHenry. 1 1 . "The (Gospel of Love in a
World of Hate." 8. stereopticoo lecture. "The
Ruined Cathedrals of France." official pictures
secured by the government.
- Piedmont Clevehsnd and Jarrett sta Rev.
A. U llntrhi-on. 11. 7:80.
Row City Park E. 4 5th and Hancock Dr.
Robert H. MUligan. 11. 7:80.
Mizpah Rev. R. W. Farauhar. 11. 7 4 5.
Forber Graham and Gantenbein. Rev.
William McLeod. 11. 7 :30.
KenUworth E. 84th and Gladstone. Rev.
Taul E. Ratsch. 11. preaching by John Tyler
of New York.
Seventh Oa aeventleta
Note Regular services c Ous derseanlaatior
are held ea Saturday.
Central EL II to and Everett L. K. Dick
son, pastor. 11:16.
Tabernacle West Sid. K. of P. hall. Uta
and Alder. 11.7:48.
Montavilla E. 80th aad E. Everett Elder
S, F. Realty 11.
Lenta 04tb at. aad 68th are. Elder D. 3.
CMtwood. 11.
St. John Central i
Elder A. IL Folaenberg.
Mt Tabor E. 00th aad Belmont Elder W.
I. HilgerC 11.
Albiner (German! Skidaaora and MsHory
Minister, A- A. Meyer. A. U. Schweitzer, local
eldeT. 11:16.
Scandinavian Ogdea haE. Maxsksritmt aad
haver. 11.
Salvation Aran?
Corps So. 1 243 Ash si Ensign Frank
Genge. 11. 3:15, 8.
Corps No.' 4 12 1st at. Ensign N. H.
Lorengea. 11. 8:16. 6.
Swedish Corps saw Barvsrid.
Society 331 Jefferson Rev.
11. "Forgiving Seventy
New Church
William R.
Times Seven."
Church of Our Father Broad ay and TamhUL
Bev. W. O. Eliot Jr. 1 1. "Sodalxeaa Is Dead: Long
Live Socialism I" 7:45. Dr. Harotd C Beam oa
Experiemwa at the Front."
First l uted Bmhresi E. 15th and E. Mor
rison. 11, "The Militant Church." s. "Soul
Christian and Missionary Alliance K. th
sad Clay Bev. John E. Few... 11, 7.46.
. " r ' .
- - ' V
First Presbyterian Church
12th and Alder Sts.
D. D Pastor
16:86, A. M.
7:46 P. M.
A War Hermon '
A Reeeptios for
Holdlera After the
Evening; Service.
331 M
Guy Fitch Phelps
Methodist Episcopal
RET. W. T. KERR. D. D Paator
Is the
Assembly Hall
Multnomah Hotel
Tralaee Itsrae la Cher a ef the
Jlsrsery Briar the Calldrea
. 16:16 A. M. Sersaoa
"The Worth of
12: It P. M AasdAr School sad '
7:16 P. M. Sermoa
"Value of a High
Purpose for the
Individual, Family,
!. the Nation"
Cearrearatlesal 81 a r Betiaa at T:S6
i r. M. Sharp Patriotic
R!lg-loaa fcoaefa aad Hyasat
j - - COKE M
Get la If Tea Css
First Congregational
Park aad Sfadiaoa Streets
Aetlar Paster.
16:16 A. M.
"Joy, Passing
Special Eveslsv Service
"Lloyd George and
Abraham Lincoln"
Tea Shoald Hesr This Address
It Will Be Worth While
Laelea E. Beeher. Orraalat aad
Choir Director
Come aad Worship With r
Everybody Welcome
A Message of Hope in the
Hour of Stress
Pahll Leetsre by 1
Sunday. April 14
s r. .
Ehtt 6th aa East Alder