The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, June 22, 1916, Page 11, Image 11

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(174TH DAT Of M16.)
Coming Event. "
Quarterly aMilon of PortUnd Chamber of
Commerce; Juue 23, 8 p. ni.
Salem rciuiUm will l ueia ai iM wu.
JnJj i.
Uaaicipal PrkJbod eoncerta beglu Suadar,
July .
ClTlo and mil! tax celebration of Xndapeod
Bi Day, Jul 7 4.
Stat Dental Aiaoclttlon annual meeting,
North Pacitle Dcutal College. July 0, 6, 7
Ml a.
Oregon MaTal ill lit U annual crulee. July 19-
letentate ronveotloa of real aetata Bica. te
be held Id PorUeud, July 17, IS, 1.
Grand Taaiple, Ptulan tMetare of Oregon,
tret here July 2S-2U.
CoDTotluu of Knlguta of Pytbla and Pyth
ian Slaters will be belt! la Portland aaguut
Twenty. third annua! ontlug of Uaaamaa la
Tiiree aiders. Augiwfc 6-20.
Today' Forecast.
Portland and ylclnlty Tonight and ri1ay
pertly cloudy and occaiionally threatening;
wlnda muetlv northerly.'
Oregon 'IVnlght and Friday fair, except
partly cloudy and oeeatloiiatly threatening
northweet portion; wiuda moet.y northerly.
Washington Tonight aud Friday probably
fair eaat; uueottieii, probably sbowerat weat
portion; warmer tonight extrt-me east portion;
Tu.oa moat i aoutheriy.
Idaho Fair tonight und Friday.
' W'eatlier Conditions.
A large low pressure area orerlltt the
Plains states and a blKh nretsure area of con-
alderable magnitude la central over the Lake
region. Kbnwers and thunderstorms bare oc
curred In the Great Bait Iake Basin, upper
Missouri and upper Mississippi Talieys, tin in no
ma. Tennessee Middle Atlantic and New Kng-
Biia lilies. ii is wurujer iu ewieiw
i Nebraska, Iowa aud Missouri, while elsewbera
the ti.-mperalure cosrige lut ueen smuii ami
Conditions are fatorsble for generally fair
weather In this dlxtrlrt tunlgut and rriilay ex
cept In western Warbingtuu, u-bero H will be
upwttled and showery. It will be warmer to
night In extreme eajtrrn Washington.
KUWAlil) A. I! B A LS, Foiecai-ter.
s s
4,0 k a
6 B
It bt
Baker, Or I 3 2
2 04 3ft 0
tl f.S 42 0
2 7 -A 12 .20
H f6 f.4 12 li
4 92 B4 . . . . 0
8 till M 10 .12
2 m M .... 0
0 S( K2 10 0
2 80 W 0
4- 4 i US I .
2 74 M .V
2 ' S8 US CHI
2 M BO I 01
4 4 42 0
8 :w
0 88 76 f!2
2 JI B2 20
4- 2 r,o 0
12 Oo OH 0
0 i 4S 0
4 t!2 4H 20
I 0 M) 2
1 Kt 51 0
' 2 I 0 54 12
2 60 44 O
2 I til 54 IS 0
2 4S 40 42
2 84 fid 0
2 70 5J o
4 HO 54 ... . 0
2 60 42 0
2 BS 44 20 .10
4 02 62 ... . 0
0 54 4 ' 0
4 52 4S I 12 .11
2 6.1 42 0
I 4 ftt i 54 ! 10
l.olte, idabo 41
. Boston. lUt... (12
blcago. - 111 t
DetiTcr, Colo....
Pes Molne. la.
Freano, Cal
(iu)reston, Texas
liTre. Mmt ....
Helena. Mont. . .
Kumloope. K. C.
KuoxTllle, Tenu.
lewtston, Iduhr,
Mtrshleld, Or..
Mikttoula, Muiit.
New Orleans, l.u.
New York. N.V.
N. Head. Wn..
N. Platte. Neb.
N. Yakima. Wn.
Pittsburg. Ta...
Pocatello, Idaho
I'ortlanil, Or. . .
Rapid City. S. V.
Koseliiirg, Or. . .
Kt. Paul. Minn..
Halt I-ak. lltab
Kan Hlfgo. CuK .
Ban Francisco...
Seattle, W'aah. .
Bpokane. Wash,
h. Current aa.
Ttcoiua, Wash.
TLtooob I W'n.
Triangle I., B.C.
Walla Wllu...
Wi.fctiliiglou, li.C
Wind Telocitlea of leaa than 10 miles an hour
aifd amount of precipitation of less than .01
of iu Inch are not published hereon.
The Journal Travel CJaide
. of I'orilaud and Oregon.
Columbia Blvar Highway America's moat
wocOerful scenic road lor vehicles. No araja
exreeding ft per real. Hardsurface ruadway
raat wacerfetle and mouulslns through tbe
tart of tbe Cascade range. 8ee the Gorge of
the Columbia, Sbepperd's Dell, Crown Point,
Latourelle. Bridal Veil. Mist. Wshkeeua, Malt.
'oou.aO. Hursetai: anil otber watrrfalla, ttua-
, Devllla flan oatcberles. Oneuota Ooigs, Ben
son Para. and Wlnsuiah Plaoacles. East from
Portland via Base Line, Hanoy or section
Line roada. Individuals do well to make ar-
rafjfeujrnls ihruugba reapooainie agency.
Trip up Columbia river by boat, or uua way
h. Uit and return bv auUx
Coonoil Crest. Overlooking ctty. 1100 feet
high, view unequaleU of Colombia and Wil
lamette rivers, Tualatin and WUlainelte val
lea; Cascade and Coast raugea;1 mow peak
volouy of Cascade (north to east on, clear
oav.t. Including Mr. Haluler. 14.4U feet; Ut.
Mt Helens, feiU7 feet; Mt. Adams. 12.UU7 feet;
Mt. ilood, 11. 0 feet; - Mt. Jefferauo. lu.62
farks, Washington, tread of Washington
street. Flowers, ahruba snd treee: children's
playgloniida; soo, noteworthy pieces t.r vculp
ture, "Coming of the White Man," by tier
man Atklua McNeill. "Bacajawea," Indlsu
woman who guided Lewis aud Clark, by Alice
Cooper. Ten mlrrtitea' walk. Peulnula, suukeu
ruae gardena, coutalolng more than 700 varlo
ttea: playgronnda and model catauiunlry boaie.
Iblna aud Ainenortb avenues. Laurelburst,
avast Oak and Tblny-nlDtU. Mt, Tabor, bead
f Hawthorne avenue. Macleay, Cornell road;
nature left untouched; prluieval fuie.t. lld
can j on.
forestry Building. Iwla and Ctark Eipoal
i!oo grouuda. coatalna 1.000,000 fet vf luin
ber, muaeuui of forest products. Visitors wel
' cutne from 8 s. m. to 6 p. iu. "W" car ua
Morriaon atreeU
Boulevards. Colombia and Willamette, en
circling peninsula, excellent views of harbor,
blpplug and Industries; Terwillleer. south on
Blxtb: Falrmount, eaat of, and Hkyilne. west
of Council Crest. Columbia Hlver htghwsy. see
Pnblio Institutions. City hall and historical
muaeuui. Fifth snd Mudlson; county coort
houae. Fourth anil Sling; Central library.
Tenth and Yauihiil; Art muaeuni. Fifth, near
Yamhill: ciiatuuia house, l'ark aaJ Broadway:
ceutral postorflce. Fifth and Morrison; V. il.
C. A., Sixth and Taylor; Y. W. C. A .. Broad
way and Taylor.
Exhibits Oregon reeources, fish and gams.
'Oregon building. Fifth end Oak; hlatorlcal,
Oregon Historical society. 207 Second street;
museum, city ball; lumber Industry, Forestry
building. .
Harbor Features West snd esst side nubile
jArk. ntnfrkr tu-tu t lanritn tttn nf
boa thou se for river tours, shipping, modern
bridges, Broadway. Railroad and Hawthorne.
Panoramic view of city from Willamette.
Mng" ami f oruana ueignta. council Crest.
Mt. Tabor. (. f riiwn.tnvn Aimfvttitm 1 n.. I ,
tn. .Yeon building, Nisrthwestern National
. fsrtk building, Meier & Frsnk'a.
Worthy uf NotKe. kldnlre fountain. First
tnd Aukeoy by ullu H Warner, orescmea by
'; ttepben SkMmore. Thompson fountain, pre
. seoted by Uavld P. Tlioiupeon. Flaaa bxa-k.
- ourtb and (Salmon: Soldlerv" monument.
j'Lowuadale sauare. Fourth and Taylot.
Chinatown to noun Fouith and Secoad
Modern high and arade schools; school gar
aaus ; , rose hedges.
"Seeing I'ortiand," sutomobl'.ea.
"Beelug I'ortiand." trolley cars.
Trip tbtoutth lumber mills.
Typical bouie acvtloua Portland Heights.
. Nob Hill, lrvlucton.
Mount llood trip North side: Dflve not
. SK-ua ins cuiuubis river bigbwsy (sea ahova
, to ilood Ulver and then up through Hoy
niver vauey to aiuuut Hood kelae. iisoo le-e
tlcn cit ,,n I., llttA r ,. In HlHUl
' cuadllione Ideal for muuutaln; views glorious;
. roada good. (Jr. take train to Hood K-'ver:
thenre by aotomoblle daily to ("bind f... inn
. 0 by Uod lllver Valley railroad to Parkdals
, ana srsge rrnm tnero. ,
South Bide AOtomoMla ntmrm Veni
1 Portia ud to tavveromeat Camp. Bhododandroa
Tavern, Welcbaa, Arra Wanna Or take sub
''. arbaa slsctrls traliu t boring statloa a ad
'. '. swage.
' - nubnrbao trips Via P. L. P Co.:
Call Bun park, 80 'Oils; Katgeada park, 84
, sj.llea, flsblug and mountalj trails; Cauetrsh
, Park. 10 miles, overiooxmg wtllamatts; Co
' lumbla beach, and Vancouver line, ntrhine:
v "The Oaks park on Willamette: Vancouver aad
" ouarters: Wllbolt Durlnra. on Willamette Val.
, ky Houtheru; Willamette Falia and t'reroa
Vlty, l& miles south.
Vis Bontbera f adtlc Tualatin snd Yaa.blll
alleys, loop.
Via Oregon Electrlo WlllsmetU valley, Ba
, . lem and F.ogano.
' VU O-W. H- V. Bonneville, flak ht
r .: srles, plcaie grounds. Boo River, riaradt
j iocks. psraueiiug 'oinmols river highway
Via Hear ateomere Co Willamette to ore.
. foa City and Salem; up Columbia ft The
Areredlted to Collearee Kaet and Wees, ttraaiaiar ud
friaaary Departieenta. Send for Illustrated oaiaioSs)
: j-nacipati mmrj s.Mraey, a a,
tacatiox os nnmu sroscaxBEas
W'han going away for the summer or en
your reaction, hav The Journal follow yoa
at the regular rata of 15 cents a week; or
the following ageuta will supply yoa at the
regular city rates:
liar View, Or. P. C. BoMeott
Bay City, Or. Mr. J. OMcClore.
Bsyoeean. Or. Edward B. Cook.
f'annoa Beach, Eeola, Or. f. W. Crone.
Carsan. Wasir. Carl B. Smitb and 6b!p
berd'a alprioca.
Garibaldi. jr D. C, Elite.
Oearbart. or. E. U. Waterfaooae.
Long Beach. W tab. Milton Harris (aU
points on bescb).
Manhattan Reach, Or. Mrs. O. I. HoatoB,
Manssnlta Beaeb, Or. G. B. tinaot.
Neab-kab-ala Brach TobI Anderses.
Newport. Or. O. P. Shoemaker.
Oeeen Park. Waab. Mi. too Harris.
Rockawar Beach, Or W. B. Derlne.
St. Martin' a bpriugi. Wash. Mrs. H . M.
Braslde. Or. Maoley Abbott (all points
on the beach t.
?esTiew. Wash. Milton Harris.
Tillamook. Or. Leo Morrison.
Wllbolt Spring.. -Or t. W. McLeraa.
Dalles; down Colombia to Astoria and month
of Columbia rWer, termoqa Astor eipe-l'Moii.
belmoo csnnorlM, salmoa flsblog. Jettlaa, forts.
Via North Bank road eituria. Oeirbart,
Braalde. beach bathing.
Crater lake, via Buntbern Pacific. Med ford
and auto stage, or els oregm Trunk or o-W.
It. & N.. Beod and o.o itsgr.
Csvea of Josephine. la Soutaero Pad7 and
Ocean resorts etde. Cieartart. Newport,
THIamok. Marsh field.
Detcbotes canyon and Taatral Oregon, via
O-W. U. & N. or 8.. P. 3.
Wallowa eallcr. Lake Joseph and Ka:a Cap
ln O-W. B. N.
Pendleton Ronnd-Up, Hot Springs, lU.tera
Oregon. tU O-W. B. N.
MisceliaxMoua: Ltahiug. bunting. rating
Resorts Oceaa: Oearbart. Seaside Long
Bescb. Newport. Cannon Beach. Bayoeaa.
Tillamook, Mountain: Cloud Can Inn. int
ernment Lamp. Mount lund l.odse. Hho'iden
dron Tavern. Welches. Arrs Wsuna. The Eyria.
Jewstt Farm. Springs: Wllbolt ttbipherd's,
Uot Lake.
Washington . a.oooTer and military oost:
Mt. Adams. Mt. St. illlens. Ice cseas; long
bescb recorta.
For further nformat!-m. rates and roofee.
ee Oorary B. Smith. Travel Burean lit
Third, corner Waabington. t.r Journal Traral
l.iir'HU. Ilrtudwar u.l Yamb'lL
Death of J Harlow, L. Harlow,
who died at the age of 63 years, at
hia home, 824 East Taylor street, yes
terday mornUijr, was one of the beat
known and active sawmill men on the
Pacific coast. He was a native of
England, and came to Portland In 18S6,
and had been a marine engineer be
fore that. For the past 10 years he
had been? Identified with the North
Pacific Lumber company. Before that
h- was with the Simpson Lumber
fomnanv of South Bend. Wash, and
the Northwestern Lumber company of
Grays Harbor. Mr. Harlow went to
Japan to settle up an estate or nis
father some 14 months ago, and upon
his return was taken sick with
Brlght's disease. He Is survived by a
widow and four children. Frank, Ray,
Robert and Grace Harlow. Funeral
arrangements will be announced by
the Edward Holman company.
School Hold Exorcise. St. Ignatius
high school, on Powell Valley road,
and St. Agatha's parish in Sellwood,
held their closing exercises Tuesday
night. After a short program di
plomas from the St. Ignatius schooi
were given the following: Miss Anna
McMahan Miss Ethel Buckley and
Miss Catherine Sweeney. Those re
ceiving diplomas from St. Agatha's
school were: Kathryn Hayes. Elfrlda
Fallert, Loretta Flroeien, Edna Green,
Anna Sottoyia, Marie Hebers and Nar
cissus Broeren.
Tbo Parker-Jordan Co., 165 First
st.has made assignment of their
stock of ladles' and children's fur
nishings, dry goodn and notions to the
Adjustment Bureau of the Portland
Association of Credit Men, for the
benefit of their creditors, who will
sell out the stock at wholesale rates
during the next 10 days. We give 3
& II. green trading stamps. (Adv.)
Teacher Are Invited. Teachers
spending the summer In Portland ar
invited to join an informal class fot
the study of literature for children.
The class will meet with Miss Wood.
the school librarian. In the school de
partment of the Central library at
10:30 Tuesday and Friday mcrnlngg
from June 27 until July 28.
Thomaa Hislop Injured. Thomas
Hislop, 615 Belmont street, a promi
nent business man, was painfully in
jured Tuesday afternoon In an ele
vator accident in the Railway Ex
change building. He dropped 15 feet
to the bottom of the elevator shaft.
landing in five feet of water. Em
ployes of the building rescued him.
Big Sasot Every Saturday Eveslnr,
Becker's hall, Corbett on Columbia high
way; SI couple, supper extra. Finest
equipped ballroom ,on the coast; best
music. No improper dancing allowed.
Stage leaves St. Charles hotel Saturday
8:15 p. m., returning after dance.
Round trip, $1. (Adv.)
Steamers to '-e Dallsg from Alder
trcet dock are running on regular
schedule. State of Washington leaves
midnight dally except Sunday; Dalles
City up Tuesday, Thursday and Sat
urday. 7 a. m. Main 914. (Adv.)
DTaw Economic Topic. Mrs. Mary
Hanford Ford will speak at library
hall this evening at 8 o'clock on the
New Economics." Colonel C. E. S.
Wood will introduce the speaker.
Steamer Jsstia Hartta for Camas,
Washougal and way landings, daily ex
cept Sunday. Leaves Washington
Street dock at t p. m. (Adv.)
Auto Skid Into Car, An automo
bile driven by Gertrude Weisensee, a
14 year old girl residing at 850 Grand
i j Combined With Unexcelled Cuisine and Service
Are the Features That Make
I "Ye Oregon Grille" W&,6
I So Popular K v e ry Even in g Fr om 6:30 to 8:30 and J jkVff)
YE OBEGrOW GKXXU3 is the only restaurant I Ji
3 In Portlcnd where dancing Is permitted during J f'lV
1 dinner and after supper. Specie.? arrangements lij
can be made for afternoon teas and dance parties.
"y Oregon Grille"
Broadway at Stark ' A !h A
At w B- iarlmore S f 1 1 I It-
avenue, skidded Into a Broadway 'car
at "Union Javenua and Broadway about
1 o'clock last evening when the brakes
of the machine refused to hold The
car ' was In charge .of Motorman
Thompson and Conductor Rocer. Th
automobile wait considerably damaged
hut no one was Injured. '
Funeral of &. ". Beldln. The fu
neral of Leander Walker Beldin will
be held at the Holman chapel. Third
and Salmon streets, tomorrow at t
p. m. He died at hia home, 4128 filxty
fifth street southeast, on June 21, at
the age of 72, after a residence in
Oregon of 18 year. Mr. Beldin was
born In Gerard, Erie county. Pa., was
married in Illinois In 1875, and came
to this coast some 30 years ago, and
engaged in house painting and decor
ating work, finally settling in Port
land. He Is survived by a widow, Mrs.
Hattle V. B. Beldin, and two sops, I
W. Beldin and Fred Grand Beldin.
mneral of X. JC StUs. Kenneth R.
Stllz, who died at the home of his pa
rents, Mr. an Mrs. 'William F. Stllz.
1089 Thurman street, yesterday, was
29 years of age and for the past three
years had represented the Collier Pub
lishing company in this city. He was
born In Indianapolis, Ind., and came to
Portland In 1913. The funeral will be
held in the chapel of J. P. Flnley &
Son tomorrow, Friday, at 10 a. m., and
private services will be at th Port
land crematorium.
Trash Contains) Explosive. Som b
mysterious explosive contained in
trash used to start a fire in tbe borne
of Fred W. German, Portland real es
tate man, at 716" Upper drive, blew a
hole through the top of the stove and
caused considerable alarm in the Ger
man household the other morning.
Several fine slivers of -steel were
blown in the face of Francis German,
Mr. German's 11-year-old son, who wag
in the room. Damage caused by the
explosion was negligible, however.
Choral Society Is Conoart. The Al
berta Choral society held a well at
tended concert at the Vernon school
auditorium, East Twenty-second north
and Wygant streets, last night, led oy
J. B. Matthews. A. E. Gillett of New
York, Mrs. H. N. Wade and others
sang. The program was much appre
ciated. The choral singers were all
local residents and had been in train
ing for several weeks under Mr.
Boys Will Establish Camp, Forty
six boys are expected to be in the
party that leaves early Monday morn
ing for the Y. M. C. A. summer, camp
at Spirit Lake. This will be the larg
est initial excursion In the sevane&ra
that the Portland association has
maintained a camp in the Columbia
national forest. The camp will last
nine weeks. Most of the boys expect
to stay a month or more in the woods.
Death of Mrs. Berdan. Mrs. Sarah
J. GUlan Berdan, widow of thelate
W. S. Berdan. died at her home, 203
Twelfth street, in the Villa St. Clara
apartments, this morning. She was a
native of New York city and had re
sided in Portland for the past 18 years.
r unerai arrangements will be an
nounced by J. P. Finley & Son, Mont
gomery and Fifth streets.
Tomorrow Jm Tag Day. The A. M
E. church. Larrabee and McMillen
streets, appeals to the people of Fort
land to help it tomorrow. That Is the
date of the Tag day granted It by the
city counciL
Coffee Day Saturday. Our 40c bulk
coffee 25c: limit, 4 lbs. We deliver.
Phone early. Main or A-1893. Martin
Marks Coffee Co.. 252 3d st. (Adv.)
Player Piano $175. $2 weekly.
Graves Music Co;, 151 4th St. (Adv.)
Bailey Oatsert atvailable for charter
for evenings. 180 Burnsld. B'way 1617.
Summer School Books. Second hand,
soia at wyianas, 170 Fifth street Ad.
IKultnoxna'a Hotel TttrUsA Baths con
tlnue. M-:n nights and morning.
Tprigbt Piano $150. Pay SI weekly.
uraves music Co.. 161 4th. (Adv.)
Dx. Baynes. Optician, Morgan bid. Ad.
Man Would-Have
Bulldogs Banished
J. PrankUa McDonald writes XiSttsr
to Chief of Police Complaining of
Pets That Seem to Take to wt"
Bulldogs running at large on the
east side have so annoyed J. Frank
lin McDonald, of 362 Third street.
that he appealed to Chief of Police
Clark yesterday for an allieviation of
the nuisance.
Three times In the ladt three
months, reports Mr. McDonald, he
has been beset by a very large, white
and ferocious bulldog at Thirty-ninth
and Burnside streets.
Then one day last week, while
walking past 112 East Sixty-fifth
stret, north, another dog of the same
stripe rushed out with ambition to
chew him up, but the housewife at
that address called tte dog off.
Free Lectures on Home Eco
Special lecture on Friday of this
week on yeast forming and bread mak
lng, class to start at 9 a. m. Lectures
each day at 2:30 p. m., Northwestern
Electric company s "Cook bv Wire
store, 104 Tenth street, between Wash
ington and Stark streets. Plitock
When writing or calling en sdTertlsers, please
mention me jemrnsi. (aot. )
1'Oregon First" Plea
Wins Enlistment of
Pendleton Recruits
Pendleton. Or., June 22. 4t
Four companies of the Idaho
militia from Lewiston, Coeur
d'Alene, Sandpoint and Grange-
ville, passed through Pendleton
last evening en route to Boise Ut
where mobollzation is taking
place. '
They stopped here an hour
and left a sergeant to recruit
from among Pendletonltes.
Within a few minutes the of-
flee had more than 20 lined it
up, buj, before he could, get
them signed, Herbert McGinn,
former corporal In the Oregon
guard appeared and announced if
he was getting recruits for a
cavalary company to be organ-
lsed here.
With the slogan "Pendleton
Men for a Pendleton Company," H
he effectively spiked the Idaho
officer's guns, getting 20 addi- He
tional signers; jt
War With Mexico
Would Stop Strike
Trainmen Will Help Country and Post
pone Grievances If Crisis Is Beached
In Border Situation, Is Statement
Philadelphia, June 22: (L N. S.) In
the event of war with Mexico all talk
of a railroad strike will disappear and
the 450,000 freight trainmen of the
country now agitating the question
NEW Houston Hotel
4 blocks from Union Station. Under
new management. All newly deco
rated. Every convenience.
Special Bates by Week or Month.
Rates 75c. II. $1.60 per day.
A Moderate-Priceo Hotel ot atertw
Hotel Clifford
Morrison BU Bear Grand Are,
vmr it; wiiji srA egJiSk
TheGoodThingsof Life j
efVsshssTOA-SeaT '&
Superior Flour, SpecialPrice
208-21O THIRD
One and One-Half Blocks
Restaurants and Hotels.
Special Mail Order Service Write For Monthly Price Lint
To Points of Supreme Interest Along the
Columbia River Highway
At Low Round-Trip Fares Via
O. W. R. R. & N.
Present excellent opportunities for enjoying the out-of-doors amid the
wonderful scenery of the Columbia River Gorge
A. M. P. M. Sundays Only P.
7:50 1:00 Lv. .Union Station. .Ar. 8
8:43 1:54 Rooster Rock 6
8:47 1:58 Latoufell .......6
8:54 2:02 Bridal Veil 6
- 9:02 2:10.. . Multnomah Falls ... 6
9:08 2:17
9:15 2:22
9:25 2:32
9:35 2:42....
10:00 3:00 Ar
will turn In and help the nation im
mediately, according to H. A. Enochs,
secretary of the Brotherhood of Rail
way Trainmen of the Pennsylvania
lines east of Pittsburg.
Knochs said there was no question
about the patriotism of the railroad
"We are for the country first of aiV
he said. "If It comes to an Issue the
men will postpone their personal griev
ances and turn In for the good of the
Stilt Is Postponed.
Suit In Judge Davis' court in which
Gladys 3arringer. administratrix of
cPittoc 3aa
JS6c QVasAtngton-J? Ore.
Suit Reductions
$15.00 $17.50 $22.50 $29.50 $38.75
Come to those who plan
not to the careless,
who go along, here or
there, heedless and in
different, and then
blame Fate if they stum
ble into a mud puddle.
Don't buy a sack of Flour
without being sure it is
and tnen blame cruel
Fate because their bread
biscuits aren't fit to
- $1.30
South of the Public Market Wholesaler to Private Families,
SfflidSay Excursions
M. P. M.
Oneonta 6
Dodsoti 6
Bonneville 6
Cascade Locks ....6
Wyeth Lv. $
Tickets at Sunday fares, good on train leaving Union Station
11 :20 P. M. Saturdays. For-further information ask the
Washington at Third A-6121, Broadway 4500
the estate of Cecil A. Barrtnger. was
suing the Southern Pacific company
for 17500 for the loss of her husband,
who was Killed when the 8. P. west
side electric train struck an automo
bile bus nar Oalbralth staUsn, was
indefinitely postponed.
Saturday, Jua S4V.
Special train for the Loyal Order of
Moose will leave Union station via
Southern Pacific at 2:20 p. m. Satur
day, June 24, for Salem. Round trip
on this train St. Tickets may be ob
tained from the secretary of the L. O.
O. M. at the lodge rooms. (Adv.)
ass as ae ej
cfeoFtcz n cC,
S24 Cl$ind&& e3)iApaj
of these stunning new Blouses, in
superb quality crepe de chine,
Georgettes, voiles, etc. They rep
resent the perfection of style, re
finement. Blouses which are cre
ating real reputation.
t3.50, $4.95, $5.75, $6.50
7.50, S8.50, S9.00, $10,
S13.50 to $18.50
Guarantees Quality
and Perfection in
A splendid Coffee, constant
ly growing in favor, and the
most satisfying to the great
majority of drinkers of high
grade coffee. Regular price
35c per pound.
Per Lb.
or 3 lbs, for $1.00
Column 1, Sunday only
Column 2, Sat.-Mon.
Portland to
Latourell 1.00 1.25
Bridal Veil 1.00 1.25
Mult Falls 1.00 1.50
Oneonta 1.10 1.50
Bonneville 1.25 1.50
Cas. Locks 1.35 1.75
Wyeth' .. .1.60 2.20
Red Hot Special
This Larcre Grafonola Jewel
with records, needles, etc. This machine has a double mbtor,
12-inch turntable, full cover, No. 6 reproducer, etcj 1 These
machines on this offer are the sock ordered for trie Xmas
trade of 1915. Don't hesitate, but hear it.
This Grafonola ESrDi!$3$'90
$4.00 Down and $4.00 Per Moiith;
July Records on Sale Today
Columbia PJ
429 -43 1 Waahington
Regular Train
Leaves I'ortiand
Arrives Portland
Slightly higher to Bayocean, Neah-Kah-N'ie, Clajssid Ridge
and Manzanita. j j
Ask at Gty Ticket Office, Comer Sixth and Oak St.,
East Morrison Street Station
John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent'
Ihonr amid
lateir but ffmtev
The New York Night Express on the Baltimore &
Ohio, formerly leaving Chicago at 9 p. m. ilou? leaves
at 10:t5 p. nx, arriving at Waahington land New
York at same hours as before. i j
It carries a drawing-room sleeping car from Chicago i
. to Akroi a very desirable new feature, j I
Through travelers from St. Paul, Minneapolis, Omaha, Denver, j
Des Moines, Kansas City and the Pacific Coast, arriving la 1
the evening, may now make direct connections. j j
The Night Train to Whe!inff now The Baltimore A Oblo U'th short
leaves at 10JO p. m. insteat of 9M lit from Chicago to Wahlritt"
and 10 tniimtaa. lngtonTBalrimore and Philadelphia
Tha IntartUU Spadal at a. without change of aiffklod. Liberal
m. and the Chicago-New York atopover privileges ei route.
Limited at 5:45 p. m. maintain their nmm toorii raws to New
excellent schedules and saperb, York,. Boston and tjm Jersey V neat
equipment of Pullman drawing-room resorts. For complete schedules and
and compartment cars end obser- full information caffi n br writs to ,
valoung librarrc w R pREST. P,
1iua 236S.ClaASqChicago,in.
All trsfn 1mt Oraad CratrmI Station, Tlftb Ave. aad Kerttoea jSt,CMeafS
Tidte OmeMi 236 Soath Oark Street gad AH principal boUU. Arsa Central v
Statloa, alee 63rd Sueet Stetioa. I I
All trains via WASHINGTON, with liberal stopovers ,
Baltimore & Ohio
"Oar Passengers Art Oar Gaesti'f
for June $38.90
E '
GranhoDhone Co.
St. Portland, Ore.
Health and Pleasure
combined on a trip to the beac. iBath
ing, dancing, boating, golf o tennis.
J Fishing is good in the Salmon berry and
' Nehalem rivers. j
to I !
Tillamook County Beaches
Effective Saturday, July 24th
Portland 1 :40 P. M. Daily
Arrive f
Portland 10:45 P. Mi Daily
7:45 A. M, Daily 1
6:00 P. M. Daily
the Garibaldi Beaches
$3.00 Week-End Tickets.l
'i .
J ,
1 ,
A .