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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1916)
4 THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, : PORTLAND, TUESDAY,- MAY 30, 1916. FOR KXT IIOtfeES 12 virirramiBKXi - j ' : l 0onttBa '.; . . j 1 TR RENT -Irvtnfcton 7 room house, i lot r 100x100. garage choice rruit'neas ana entireties; 18 days' rent rree. (rMi,,H black from carllne. 797 TUla- ; Owner. 66 lth at. N. W. nook mt. Kant g268. 6 ROOM' upper flat, modern. Inquire l 7 ROOM modern, with garage, on on premises. 683 Hoyt near 21st at. corner Commercial and Blandina, . 6-ROOM unfurnished flat. $10: water r Jefferson high school. Without i Included. 20th and Sandv blvd. r L-i - , -rs ; I iroi; eiuor t room coiiage, ., ainu 5 room cottage, $10. Remodeled, gas, electricity, ' large front porch, yard. ' nil IM Vaughn. Take 23d or ft. car. KOH KKNT I rooiiiB. 8D tirand ave. N, Good neighborhood. Phone Kast C-2035; 112. , & lit 1 I V4 mndftrR houM emierete, base- r ment. 14 Milwaukle and Holgate f t.- Inquire i14 Holgate- Ht. j imftiki 1 1, i i.- aat td nur Ttrnuilnv liridire i 110. Woodlawn 1562. CORNER, modern. 6 rooms and sleep- j Ing porch. Tabor 2515. ' FURNITURIC FOR SALE 32 HOUSES FOR RENT Al)8.. of furniture for sale ai 4 pub " Ushed. In the Household Goods claas t tfleaMon when house is not for rent. FURNISH l'l HOUSES 3H 1RVJNGTON. part of furnished house. I , ( rooms; on car line; entire ground I floor; large yard; roses, etc. will be vacant June 1. Adults. Kast 4384 In t a.-m. or after S p. m. j b OR RENT on Portland HelKbta, from l June 15 to Hept. 1, completely fur- , nlshert f room biiiiiralow. Adults onlv. I Pitone Mar. 124.1. ' ! Trz ,..... ......, 7m S $20- Modern furnished cottage , rooms; large porch suitable, lo K C, I It D lor sleep- j Ing; shade trees, near river, 2 blocks i t to car; adults. 1305 K.'Uth st. , S. P. SHOPS. -Nice modem well afirnlahed cottages, 3 to 6 rooms. $10 iTFi'O. Call at 893 B,--z6ih St. 8 or phone Kast 3225. l-'URNISHKl i room house;, batlu, electric lights, etc.; 2 blocks to car; $12, Inquire 1352 Barrage st. . Rrrkf limidp lriniriltrlv f 1 1 rn i w tl prf "Xrvlngton distrh-t Reasonable rent, j STUKb! for rent, good location for sec K. 7788. 816 Clackamas st. I ond tian.l furniture. 145 KJllings- GOINO"away. a clean, dandy home in j grove, close to car. adults, reference. MV., 181 K. 69th st. N. MODHltlN 4 and 6 room houses, one unfurnished with garage. Owner, ; 1201 N. W. Bank bldg. 1128 BELMONT ST Furnished fi room nouse. gas, electricity, piano, .m. MODERN 4 room house on 37th St.; all V furnished. $10. Sellwood 1469. i ; APARTMENTS a ' ' yURNlSH Kit A N I UN FURNJSHEI i .,. toe (SiiiwaL Fifth and Columbia sts. Five minutes' walk to Meier Frank's store: Eood surroundings: I Strictly modern 2 and 2 room furnished In these classifications ' 5"lt8K rUi0Ji'"lde- WUh Kren0h-ONK good team of blacks, work sln- doors n'b8Jconie-. gle or double and sound and true; ?.WfALF-lJJk'lh.,, .Jl-s one ni'e single driver at low Drice raMAif,.i .t - . The Knickerbocker Apt. UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT, f Attractive 3 room fur. and unfur. bnodern apt. All new furniture, refer iences. Main 1320. lOtn and Harrison Wslkine distance jjMONTGOMEK Y APTS., 3d and Mont- f gomery. Modern brick building, all outside, furnished 2 -room apts.. private I viiciic, uuiuiiiaiiu eitvmui , aci v Jce, close in, tumnier rates $18 up. Wain 9466. "ilADDON HALL APARTMENTS' i Corner of 11th and Mail Sts. f UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. Two, 3 and 4 room apts., balcony, heat, private bath, phone, modern con veniences, walking ills. Mrshl. 116.1. I .,. . 0 ,,, D ' V,.,'.VA 8T-JA'.ARA Vf - 12th, a.n? Ta,ylc";- . 1 Modern, completely furnished apts. i r walking aistance. References. IWtlnnir. b,me of gullty. comfort nod eri- ' ...... r : : r 1 Ll-NCOl-N AI'ARl'ilKNTS 4 Cornish th ami, i.iNJco'r.M !! I room fuinlsned apts.. with private vath. phone, electric lightg and Meam yteat. iw to .-3. Main 1377, A-4152. NEWLY furnished 2 and 3 room apari- ! mentS. S I 7 Hill! : InrlllHInir "llirVita I BELKNAP APARTMENTS, 187 17th', j Wear Yamhill. PENROSE APTS.. N. W. cor. Belmont ! i and Qranri mvm haw irimlpm 1 ami jtwsming distance. ' Par .1 at Madfson I hn. ) L'nT, V. . t Modern I, 3 and 4 room famished yu i nirius. ciupe in. oy weeK or mon;n. ! TI1E DEZcXmDOUF I Z03 16TH ST. Marshall '2316. i Nice 6 room fur. and unfur. ant itlso g and 4 room fur, apts. Jj 69 N. i3d. One large 5 room apt., with private j porch. Apply at Apt. No. 4. :iusi reasonable 3 room furnished apt. in me .od liiii dlst.. private jhhone and bath. Leonce Apts., 186 N. id w$. Mar. 2250. cUin APTS.. a ana 'Hall Mou- apt. in the .oh H i A st i -ern brick bldg., 2 rooms, furnished, private Phone iu each apt.. $15 4fid up. fittrshall 4637. - turn OTETO - E. 7th and Taylor sts.. i and i room spts. : light free, private bath. ' T. RALBOA APIS. ' Large modern 2 and 3 room fur. and Unfur., brick bldg best service, walk Ing dls.; reasonable. 4J:i Harrison Hti SHEFFIELD 2d roauway ,I1'"RESH Jersey cow for sale. 5028 42d : t and 4 room fur. and unfur. ama . I &v. 8. E. Walking distance; at veiy reasouauU I FOR SALE Fresh tluernsev-Jersevs rnf. best ol service .Mam 25u6. , 'ynumr stock T I vS'LrZFX?' -OthandYi l,ui iimiK-u , urn un i-uii conveniences. ooors; modern CLEAN L 2, 3-R. furnished apts - walking distance, reasonable rates 28 Mill. JKOSENFELD (new), E. 14th and Stark. Brick. 3 and 4 rooms, furnished or wnfur.; outside rooms, private phone. JEFFERSON1AN APARTMENTS .. 614 Jefferson Three-room furnished -apartment; two beds, $16. Wb'lt'AL, 4iu .ii. rooi., apt private bath and phone, modem' SI week and up. Walking distance f week, z room apt., private . bath. Harrison Court. &ui and Har : rlwon; walking distance. THE Palace Apartments, Kast 3Tlh and Market; 2 and 4 rooms fur nlshcd; special rates for the summer. raM.NSoLA Afla.. C117u; concrete . bids. 2 and II room; hot and cold water, bat ha, phone, steam heat. 112 up. TUlXiH ARMS Apts.. I8th and Coucn! Pona A-1644, Main 25a: new brick MdaT.: t. 8, 4 rooma. modern apf. MAUJNOLIA APTb.. K ad ana HelmonT Modern 1 and 2 room apta., Ji.60 per weak up. Sleeping rooms. Eaat 2 12. MkUMls apta. 6t6 Jtiaranaii at. Moa- crn. i rlvata bath ami drtsm; r im a'ninir rates. ' HOUE FK1 ND. jf86 broad way s mou rn unfurnlaned apta.; large rooms. bet rvlce. walking ,"st Marah 14 1 u " r:inrinnatiCour.t 401 1?th modern OIllUl 1 11 la II apartments. Jiu to $20 ' AMiiKICAN and Marlborough, mod. 4, a ' rm. apta. Mar. 8360. M. 7616. a-2876. LUXOR APT8.. 324 13th at. Main siuX Furn. and unfur. 2. 8 4 room apt CAM Alt. ,04 Lejvejoy 2 and 3 room , apts., 15. 120, S27.60, Marshall 231 TWO room, large fufnlshed front apartments. Cheap rent. Mar. 3327. 1 ROOM t'urnislied aparltnen:. 487 . ; Taylor ' - FOR RENT FLATS 13 6 ROOM modern; $10. 514 Brooklyn. eiL xUqd. BKAtlTIFUL 6 room comer flat. 101 E, . lth st.; rent, jit. Phone Tabor 414. tOtKa?. 6 rooms. 880 - Blmont. Phone Tabor 2615. 13 . . pretty lower corner flat, unsur- paaaed location, accessible to busi- WEST SIDK. 4. 6 rooms. jut reno- vated, walking distance. -Sell, 1370. FURNISHED FLATS no j AIOOKRN, neatly furnished 5 rooma, lower flat, in Brooklyn; rent $16; also 3 rooms on 2d floor, $12.50. 805 ' Milwaukle st. . THOROUGHLY renovated. rooms, yard, porch. 1108 Woodward. Klch- mond oar. CLEAN, modern 5 room furnished flat. $12.50, including water. "2ibi Wil- ave'- MOOKRN 4 room, private porches, bath. oasement. 734 Milwaukle t. f none Sellwood 39. KL'KNIHHKD and unfurnished 5 room, up-to-date flats, sleeping porch. Walking distance. EaM, 3737. KIVK room furnished flat, $14 Water included. 20th and Sandy blvd. VhllY desirable lower flat. Nob Hill district : references. Mar'. 616a. KKWI.V furnished 3 room upstairs flat. $10. Kast 3154. 69 E. 22d st. SUMMER RESORTS KOH JULY Beautiful 6 rm. house on ridge near Breakers, Wash., full plumbing. Phone E. 6994. 5-ROOM furnished heated . upstairs flat, $1. 16 N. 23d st. Marshall 3799. - . , KURN1SHEI 4 room cottage, Sti'i for seai SKAS sew son, a I Keasme. (Jr. (all M. tSL'.i;?. IDE ." room furnished cottate. $50 season. Woodl'wn 2123. mornings STORKS AM) OFFICES 11 DRICK warehouse in South Porttani for rent, trackage, light and airy ! On paved street; reasonable. Journal I P-ihllshlng-Co. Rroadwav and Yamhill. r-rr.rrrrz: TTr,. : . i-r. -4i counter, shelling w'Mtii. near Ainma. gro 1193 eery, market; 5 living rooms. K. .Sherman. .PACIFIC .bakery, fuljy. equipped for rent, 3 40 Front, near Auditorium. FURNISHED office or desk room for ireni, cneap. Spalding hldg. WANTED TO RENT fcJMAbli fiirniwhed hous? must bo V, cheap. Address F. P., 1082 E. Alder. tOn.SKS, V KHI( LES, ETC. 18 FOR horses and veniclesH dogs and household pets and poultry, read the ads snder these resnertlv hpnrilnx The Journal leads nli other medium,! ltex. 799 Michigan. Take Mississippi car to Failing. 12d0 LBS. work horse, good condition. guaranteed true any place. $35. Call big white barn on K. Market between I'pion and Grand avs. Ask for stable man. ha go J worker''' Vs5 "cSn room in . li'.h ',,, , ra'A x(v a1' ,ro0"' ',"es ' d Hwthorne TEAAI. l.'ao lb. each, with 3 in. ranch H wagon and harness. $145.- Would sell separate. Mrs. Stewart 561 Rey riolds st. Phone Sell. 452. NEW 3 spring. 1U inch" Studebaker cerel wagon. Good for farmer. riiilk, vegetable or camping. Price $C5. r.itiM .mo i. 34 r. t,th St. t(U 1 Kry horse, weight 1300 n,H '- wil1 guarantee; price $75. Al- fr"d J- Eysle. Portland R. F. D. No. 2. He thany. - I 3 HEAD of good work horses, farm I wagon and double harness; eold for any reasonable offer. Woodstock car I t o ,'4th st. f blockw north to 54fh ave I FARM outfit, team of horses. 2400 lbs., farm Wairon and harness: will sell at 'a bargain. 1M67 E. Stark st. Trial al- ' lowed. FOR SALE, half price, 1 new 3 spring berry wagon, 1 top buggy, 1 camping wagon. 1 967 E. Stark st. 1100 WORK ma,re, harness, wagon, double work harness, reasonable or exchange. 33 East 22d. RUBBER tired topi buggy, spring wagon, farm hack; 2 sets single harness. Tabor 6028. 3610 66th st S F. l , . . . . ... . ... . . 302 Front u I nigs una sauuie norses ror Hire ! Main 30H0. DA1 hVfa,e.8 ?.nd animals hauled away ! frc-- Ca!l Woodlawn 20. Portland i n,-.H..rin c0 jGOOD work team, weight 2600. 787 E. 2tn st.. Woodstock car. DEAD horses and cattle taken free. Tabor 4203. LIVESTOCK 35 i'OH SALE, two fine recently fresh gentle milk cows. Enquire at gro cery at foot of Arthur st.. South Port- ! M I.L blood Jersey 4 ye for cash. C. Shaw. Vin 1 Oregon City car. Tel 69 years old. cheap lneyard Station. 69X Oak Grove. B A i mare. 1150 lbs., standard bred; speedy; will work or drive anywhere Trade for cows. 1594 Division st. SALE, retail dairy; close in, east side, 34 head; equipment, cash, balance trims, riace tor rent, r-vii, Journal GOOD young Polen China boar, 22 mo, oia. ror ju. it taken at once.' i :.i)or 4SB. CHOICE fine young gentle family or dairy. 4 and 5 gal. 33 east 22d. .iF. .,.Il?n milker; $85 BRUCE as dairy cows for sale on terms. Union Stock Yards. LARGE fresh cow. $70; familv cow. S40; 285 Front st. - COWS' for sale, at 1103 Simpson st. Seems as Though Mutt CeRTAiOICV WC WAINT To ) li OH OeTTOTHC CHICAGO L wtcn Tiorx but vl RC bROKC. IF OvieRCOrTS F70R SO COULDN'T BClV A PAIR OF ARC FOB REXT-FLAT8 . (Contlaaad) Z2ivKrMG Bird 1 VN I ARE NOW USE UT SSI v I ATRAIN ANfl TucwrJ V aZX )) TDTUtr It T f a " ' ' v-wi AiVV . x. r r v "wi ihiv i . v I ii -on j vri s -. n - - ?ni' POULTRY ANP PIGEONS 87 FOR KALK or trade for calckens, Bel ejw and Flemish rabbits, young and old; some fancy stock. E. Clevlnger, Route 1. Hillsdale. Or. . CHICKS. White Leghorns. 1000 today. Quality unequalled. Master Hatch ery. D. M. Holbrook. 415 Jessup St., Woodlawn ear. NINE R. I. Red hens, 26 chicks, 1 rooster, house and much netting. $16. 1559 E. 6th N. Phone Wood lawn 337. BUFF Orpington baby chicks, lac eac h. :With or without mothers. Sellwood 700. PHILO chicken coop and run suitable for small flock. Tabor 956. WHITE Leghorn baby chicks. 10c. 1534 E. 12th st. N. Wdln. 1485. BARRED Kock eggs VVtiin. 2397 DOfiS, JIRDS, PCTS, ETC. 46 PIT BULL puppies for sale, very rea sonable, from Ditch "Lady of Port land"; can be seen Tuesday and Wed nesday at The Lind hotel. 3d and Ash. AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 Fords Fords Fords Fords 1915 Ford touring, practically new speedometer, toolbox. Yale switch lock, lire holder and Hassler shock absorb ers. $395. 1915 Ford touring, finest condition, rpeedometer and cutout. $395. 1915 Ford roadster, like new, $375. 1914 Ford touring, finest condition, electric lights and seat covers, $325. 1914 Ford touring, shock absorbers and hand horn. J325. 1914 Ford roadster, oversize tires all around, $300. 1914 Ford delivery, steel panel bocv. Terms if desired and a yeai's free service on all minor adjustments.' Francis Motor Car Ex, E. 1199. E. 13th and Hawthorne av. Used Auto Snaps TERMS GIVEN. LARGE STOCK TO SELECT FROM. PRICES' FROM $300 UP. Also 10 passenger Hotel bus. Mitchell, Lewis & Staver Co, E. FIRST AND E. -MORRISON STS ' ,m- Est. 72, Kfl'lJ. Packard Large four door touring- car, good condition. $400 for quick sale. Call 705 COUCH BLDG. PARAGES $30 and up. Portable hou ses, chicken houses, wood is h d s. etc. M I 1 1 m a d Con struction Co. Main 1167. 544 Hood st. Sundays and evening. Woodlawn 3615. FORD ROADSTER in good shape, late model $325 STUDEBAKER "20" topring car. first class conJit ion .J. $225 STUDEBAKER "4." f914 model, electric starter and lights $475 OREGON MOTOR CAR CO. USED CAR DEPARTMENT. Studebaker TMstrib'rs. Pxrk and Davis. OVERLAND, electric starter aid lights $425 Studebaker. 6-cyl., late model.. . 77". Mitchell. 7 pass.. 6 cyl 325 Ford, late model, with electiic starter and lights 440 Trms if Desired. OAKLAND AUTO CO.. Main 414. 16th and Alder EVER-READY 1 ton truck; attachmt. $360; truck completel $776. Manuf'd in Portland. THA YER-SH AV KR-G ULLE Y MACHINE CO. 193 East Water St. Phone East i437. DOUBLE tread. puncture proof tires made from your old ones. Bring them In. Oregon Vulcanizing Co.. Wash at 18th. Burnside t Rroadwav. (335 Ruinsidei NEW 1916 FORD TOURING CAR BODIES. $75. BENJ. E. BOONE & CO., Main 3966. 514 Alder St. BUICK 6-pass.. 1912 overhauled, re painted, presto tank, electric horn; runs and looks like new. $385. Ca'.l A-5046. 751 G'.isan st Let Us Solve tour Spring Trouble. Guaranteed wasminoton carriaci Springs. Cor. o Union and Bel- 7rr?ScS37v- mont. E. 1305. A TSo Mfg. & Repalra. 3000 guarant'd springs in block, prices reduced. 34 N. 16th st. NO-GLARE AUTO LENS ED BRUNS CO.. 43 1st st., cor. Ash. Broadway 954. STUDEBAKER. $225. Touring car, in good shape, good tires. Covey Motor Car Co., 2 1st and W as h i ngton st. Main 6244. GET OUR PRICES ON PAINTING. BROADWAY AUTO PAINTING CO.. 31 Broadway North, near Burnside. 1911, 5 PASS. Overland, good condi tion, $195 cash. 304 Hoyt at. Call Russell. WILL trade my 1911 Cadillac for Ford Runabout or touring car; easy pay ments on balance. Main 4244. If It's scrap rubber or metals and you want the highest price, phone J. Leve. 1S? Columbia. Main 5198. BUICK 5 passenger overhauled and painted: very cheap. Wood. 4001. 1913 FORD. $285 cash by owner. 900 Montana ave. FOR SALE, 5 pass, auto, A-l condi tion. Be'.l Wildman. 619 Upshur. 1912 ROADSTER, lot and cash, later car. U-974. Journal for 1914 OVERLAND, 5 pass., A-l condi tion. $400. 526 E. Stephens. Wanted Jeff to Foot RAILROAD TARC Sip 15 EASV To 6T. for eAMPt.e thg VJEL.L WUAiT HoMArv TOE 5 MAyd OF. IT ? LOfMC BECN CoNe-ixeo tr ShocsI THAT SOZNCe SHOVES THATTTOeS WOW USCi HOMAIV FOOT AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES 44 (Continued) OUR USED CAR DEPARTMENT Offers the following bargain-: OVERLAND Six, 1915, 7 pass., fine family or rent ear $850 8TUDBBAKER 20, touring car 225 STITDEBAKER. electric. Al cor li tion; might consider some trade 400 CADILLAC Eight, a high grade car at snap; price 1350 PIERCE-ARROW "4R," 7 pass.. can't be heal for reliable service. CHALMERfc, light six. 5 pass.... AICO SIX: thi is some automo firn u 1 bile; you must see it to realiie tt8 value. DODGE, touring car. in first class condition, a good buy 650 ALSO MANY OTHERS NOT LfSTED. CALL AND INSPECT OUR USED CARS. COVEY MOTOR CAR CO. 21st and Washington. Main 624 1 CADILLAC MAXWELL "25" .. CHALMERS STEA RNS SCHACHT CADILLAC POPE HARTFORD . . . . 5 pass. ... 5 pass. . . . . 7 pass. , . . . 7 pass ... 5 pass. . . . .7 j?as. , . . .7 pass. ALSO WIN TONS Ranging in price from $150 up. Liberal terms. The Winton Co, 23d and Washington sts. 1915 DODGE touring, run only 2,00 miles. Stewart tire purftp. chains, brand new extra tire. $725. 1915 Dodge run only 4000 miles. $675. 1914 Studebaker touring, e'ectrte lights and starter, like new. $550. 1914 Buick touring, electric liRhts and starter. $575. 1913 Buick roadster, new tires and electric lights. $395. 1912 Cadillac 5 pass. $425. 1912 Studebaker 5 pass.. $275 Francis Motor Car Ex, E. 1199. E. 13th and Hawthorne ave. AUTOMOBILES WANTED. 78 THREE and one-half acres, between Spanaway Lake and American Lake, on Blvd.. connecting two lakes, in edge of Tacoma near Spanaway ca- Jlne; trade for good automobile. 401 Cor lett bldg. Phone Main 4435. HAVE city lot; want auto. Ford pre ferred. Call Broadway 1920. Ask for Kemp. AUTO wanted for clear corner lot. Might pay some cash difference. E-9H0. Journal. LOT 1, block 1. Franklin Square addi tion. Portland, trade for good auto. U-766 Journal. WANTED Ford: must be good; for3 room house and lot; difference. 78 E. 65th st. N. WILL trade patent right for state of Oregon for automobile. L-969, Jour nal. 40 ACRES, near Portland, to trade for auto or motorcycle. X-793. Journal. CASH paid fur used cars; money loaned on autos. 505 Alder. WANTED. ' pass, car for roadster and 1 ton truck. 'JO1 Panama bldg. FORD wanted ; spot cash. Must be bargain. 627 E. Main. WANT to buv a 5 pass. Ford Call Woodlawn 265 before Friday 9 a. m. AUTO truck wanted as part payment on house and lot. 736 AlMna ave. AUTOS FOR HIRE 52 FORD Go anywhere; reasonable. Woodlawn 3293. MOTORCYCLES-BICYCLES 55 1915 H. D. 3 speed twin, in first class condition, for sale very reasonable. Address Fred Becker. 847 E. Broad uay. city. 1914 TWIN EX.. 2 speed, equipped. Al condition; very reasonable. L. C. Hall. ,'90 K. 10th St. S. Bicycles motor ycles nought & sold. R. H. Rlocker. 1'f, Taylor, cor. 4th st $411 TWIN Merkel, equipped, good con dltion. L. C. Hall. 590 E. 10th st. S. HA RLE Y-DA VI DSON motor for sale, $50. East 3843. LA v -boats 04 EVINRUDE rowDoai and canoe mo tors, rowbeats, canoes, motorboats .- our beautiful motor boat and en gin" for $143.00. Evinruc? Motor Co. Moved to 211 Morrijon st. CABIN cruiser. 30 ft., 15-20 H. P. heavy duty motor, in fine condition, launched 1 year ago, D. A. (J. 167 Broadway, or 'hone Tabor 4182. FOR SALE New houseboat sacrifice, furnished or otherwise. 24 Oregon Yacht club. Oaks. Sellw. 2229. Marsh FOR SALE Houseboat, new, furnish ed, fine location, lights, city water. Phone B-1 447. T. DAN1ELSON Boat Shop. ft.Nebraska, Buitdin?. repairs, uest work low price. WANTED Houseboat to rent or buy on easy terms. X-782. Journal. ULINOS, ORGANS AND 34 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS DAINTY' bungalow 88-note player piano, was $585, now $425, pay $10 cash the balance like rent. Graves Music Co., 151 4th St.. near Morrison st. WANTED Edison recorder for pho nograph: also record shaving ma chine. G-979, Journal. HORNLESS phonograph, 1 doz. dou ble disc records. $6.50. U-761, Journal. FINe grafonola and records; must be sold before 1st of June; no reason able offer refused. 324 E. 9th St. WRITE today for "Bargain Piano List'' of 100 pianos. Graves Musi: Co.. 151 4th st., Portland. Or. VANAPHONE hornless phonograph, $12.50; satisfactory terms arranged. Webster, Tabor 6716. the Bill- f WHEN A TRAIN RUNS O0R ANY israi can't ( SEE OMAT ALL TWAT HAS TO DO VJITH GeTTlNC To Chicago PACT OP A HUMAN BeiNG; TMC RAILROAD most pav Pamagcs. - ' PIANOS,' ORGANS ANU , 34 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS tContlnnd) A RICH toned upright piano in small case, $95; Hardman upright piano, splendid condition, $125. Guild piano, $25: Kimball organ. J30; Christie up right. $85; Full size mahogany piano player, $225. Pay $5 cash and $1 per week. These Instruments are from our storage department. Graves Music Co.. 151 4th St.. near Morrison. iOU folks who use to piay the you folks who enjoy the old songs of long ago. can now nlav vour favorite selection on the wonderful reproduc- ir, I - . . I .. . III.. ; 1 . J125 and up. terms as low as $5 per month. Graves Music Co., 151 4th st.. near Morrison. BEFORE Durchasing see our Specials In Used Sy Piano Bargains. Few pianos mod'at?;:,- rri";1 GTTFg. AM STAKE STS. $10 will place an S-note manogany piano player in your home and per month will keep it there until pail tor, price $230, rolls and bench in cluded. Graves Music Co., 151 4th st. near Morrison st. ARTISTIC piano players in mahogany, walnut and oak cases from our stor age dept., priced from $125 to $230; pay $5 cash and $1 to $1.50 per week; bench and music rolls included. Graves Mu sic Co.. 151 4th St.. near Morrison. EASY monthly payments on the toi lowing pianos: Guild, $25, Hardman $195, Bradbury, rich tone. $180; Light, $90. Write for our bargain list. Graves Music Co., l."1 4th st., near Morrison si. COME in and inspect this snap, beauti ful S8-note plair piano, like new, priced at $290. tejp4i$10 cash and on easy mont hbikjl&. Graves Music Co., 151 4th sL.'S'ar .Morrison. HA VE your piano tunec, rt paired, ret in ished bv professionel cien. Satisfac tion guaranteed. Portland Piano Tuning. P.ep. ft Mle C. 246 Hawthorne K, 10,2. WILL rent lsA-uoie piano player with 25 rolls of music $4 per months, rent fan apply on pun-hase price. Graves Music -Co.. 151 4th st near Morrison st. BEAUTIFUL $600 mahogany Weber, almost new. Room 109, Villa St. Clara. 12th and Taylor. Calf evenings. U-295. Journal. OOOD wamut piano, player, lot of music rolls, bench and scarf, $1 25, pay $10 cash, $7 per month. Grave-i Music Co., 151 4th st., near Morrison st. AN elegant mahogany piano player, rft-usn rolls and bent 'n only $175. Easy trems. Graves -Music Co., 151 4th St., near Morrison. WILL sell mv 450 liobatt M. Cable piano for J125 cash. Cscd- 1 year. N-7r9. Journal. TVPKWRITKRS WE save you irom aJ to 75 on all,. makes of typewriters, send lor our Illustrated folder; retail department. W.HOLESALE TYPEWRITER CO., 32 1 Washington ft TYPEWRITERS for rem, 3 montns lor $5 and up; 6 montffs' rental applied on purchase price. Remington lypo writer Co.. 86 Broadway NEW, rebuilt. 2d bana. rentals, cut rates. P I'. C 'n . J.O Stark M HOT CORONA Typewriter, little used; ex cellent condition. Marshall tit) 1 . HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 05 KIMBALL piano and furniture for sale cheap. Parties leaving town. 104 East 1 1th s t., near Washing tern . A SNAP, furniture for 5 rooms for sale cheap; must sell, as am leaving citv. 120 K. 33d st. FURNITURE room house for sale. 3K4 Grand ave. FURNITURE of good condition. entire household. East 3157. FURNITURE of f rooms: will cheap. 787 E. 28th st. S. sell L.KOR SALE MIS( ELLANEOI S 19 MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS." "Type writers" and "Household Goods" are separate classifiications. All adver tisements of these goods are published under their respective classifications. Look them over. Electric Motors Bought, sold, rented and re paired. Walker Electric Works, 413 Burnside, cor. 10th. Broadway or A-5674. FOR SALE A few bushels of cholco Russet Burbank seed potatoes This seed was brought from Carbon dale, Colo., in 1915. Mike J. Keppingfer, Gervais, Or. 300,000 YARDS of sand and gravel for - sale or lease. Inquire at blacksmith shop, Wichita sta., Estacada line, 2 miles east of Sellwood car barns. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycies, launches or boats are separate classifications. A laree listing can be found under these different classifications. WANTED To fit your eyes so that you get all that's coming to you out of life: prices very reasonable. Staples the Jeweler. A GOOD threshing outfit, complete, for sale for 1-4 off cost for cash or would consider good auto. Ralph Han- Buxton. Or. REFRIGERATOR, bpx couch. brass bed and phonograph. Tabor 5716, Webster. FOR SALE Marble for cafeteria out fit at a bargain. Phone C12-J Van couver, Wrash PHONOGRAPHS. $5: records. 5 cents. Phonograph Record Exchange. 128 1st St.. near Alder. Main 4495. WAYNE gasoline pumps and oil stor age tanks. E. H. Rueppell Agt. 194 1st. Main 1221. $12.50 DROPHEAD sewing machine. with attachments. Call 152 Grand ave. MACHINERY bought, sold, repaired and exchanged. Northwest Lead & Mach. Co.. 311 Front st. Main 5492. SELLING out all kinds ladies' second hand suits, coats and dresses, $1 and up. 69 N. 10th st PARLOR pool and billiard table, al most new, "; size, $35. May trade. 1 E. Ifith st. BARBER'S 5 gal. tank and heater. Good order. $6. 1 E. 16th st. FOR SALE 150 sacks Fairbanks po tatoes. Call Main 6796. "Further more the R-AILROAD TRIES To SETTLE Thf ri aim ac QOICKLV AS P0S3IBIC. IN FACT A GOV IN TeNVER got his Toe cut off bv A TRAIN AND THEY GAUEv "n-JLSO. AT ONCC FOR SALE -MISCELLANEOUS 19 . i j . joygy ;w -'-, ALMOST ALA. UONK.,, - , Out of four cars ttis i U that left, WIRE ROPE. Second hand Plough Steel Cable at less than half price. 7500 fc 1 in. 6-strand plough steel. 000 ft. IH in. 6-strand plough steel. 1600 ft. 1 14 In. 6-strand plough stee . 5000 ft. 1 in. 6-strand plough steel. STANDARD CONSTRUCTION RIGHT LAY. Inspection preferred before ship ment. Prices quoted on requcs CHAIN CHAIN OF ALL GRADES We have a oig stock at the , old prices. F. B. MALLORY COMPANY. . 235-37 Pine St.. Portland, Or. FOR SAE Brand new caroom and pocket billiard tables with complete outrit. $115; second hand tables at reduced prices; bowling alley and bil liard supplies; easy payments. Cigar store, drug. delicatessen and soda fountain fixtures. THE BRUNSWICK BALKE COL LENDER CO.. 46-48 Fiftu. MACHINES of all inak-. twf, sold for less. No agents 5gJ employed. Machine rect r fcd $2 per mo. A-2G20, CCWL11K iMi.ii"0 Emporium. 190 3d st., near Taylor, rented. slectric motors soia ana 10 DROPHEAD Singer sewing ma chines, complete with attachments, In good order, JI7.50 whlie they last. East 2359, B-2307. E. It. Steen, 152 and ave.. near Belmont. SWAP COLUMN bWAP, hand mill to grind chicUeu feed, saddle, etc.; several wheelbur rows, tools, lawn roller; will trade lor chickens or sewing machine. 248 XII- lamook st.. near ancouver ave. PIANO tuning, repc.iring. refinlshins. for anything useful. Webster Tabor 57 I 6. WILL SWAP a good lot, clear, for horses, .,0,1:) Ins., dr. utile harness ami ram. wagon. Main 4'ivi. WANTED M IS( I'LL-VV EOl S 5 WE PAY cash lor y jui used furniture, carpets, ranges, etc. Gevurtz Furniture Co,, Inc. 185-187 First stieet. NEAR YAMHILL. .MARSHALL 5:iRl. PHONE East 7815 when you want to sell your furniture. We come at once and pay you the cash. M. R. Seater, 286 Grand ave. south of .Haw thorne. WANTED - Second hana furnituie, ranges and stoves. Best prices paid. Morgan Furniture Co.. 390 East Mor rison st. Phone East 2238. WANTED the people of Portland iu know 1 pay the highest casl-.-prices for household goods. Prompt attention. East 6707. N. M. Seator. 143 Russell st I W11L pay cash for your piano: play er, upright, grand or square. Both phones 1432. or call or. J. J. Foster, 151 4th st. HIGHEST cash prices ror diamonds. old gold, siver, platinum, watches. Kodaks, jewelry of all kinds. J. Golden, 17 'st st. NOTICE TO MOVERS. Wanted Staves, rockers, dressers, rugs, couches, chairs, tables, etc. We pay the price, x W. Fur. Ex. E. 636 . LEVIN Hardware and Furniture Co. We pay ;ish for your suit cases, trunks and handbags. Main 9072, A 7171. WANTED, watches and jewelry to re pair, 1st class work, guaranteed; charges reasonable. J. H. Miesncr, 391 10. Morrison. HIGHEST PRICES PAID For second hand furniture and house hold goods. 51 4 N. 3d sL Broadway !19. Uj Uieen trauma stamps. i;oo . w. bk. n:a. pays 0 3i UUO MORE for them than Sperry-Hutchlnson Co. SECOND hand clothing buyer. Meyer. the tailor, pavs b up for suits; shoes bought. Marshall 1229. 229 Madison. WE buy phonographs and records; also player piano music. 128 First St. Main 44TC. near Alder. WE REPAIR your watch for $1. no matter how badly broken. Bring this ad Howard Jewelry Co.. 93 H 6th st. WILL PAY CASH FOR SECON D-HAND H O U S E H O L D GOODS. PHONE MAIN 3232. A-2567. CASH for old gold, silver, platinum and high grade ore. II. M. Pickering, mfg. .jeweler. 218 Oregonian bldg. Alaska Bag & Junk Co. pays best prices, all kinds junk Main 4KS6. 235 Front. IX)ST AND FOUND 21 FOLLOWING articles were found on the cars of the Portland Railway Light and Power Co, and owners there of mav claim same at the First and Alder Street Station: Marshall 5100 A-6131: May 27 7 packages, 2 grips. 2 lunch boxes. 2r-oats, 1 box shoa pol ish. 1 pocket book, 3 umbrellas, 1 stove fixture, 1 account book, 1 pr. specta cles, 1 book, 1 book car tickets, 1 watch fob. 1 bdl. of wire, 1 scarf, 1 bdl of lumber. May 28 2 grips, S umbrellas, 5 packages; 1 hand bag, 1 pr. spectacles, 1 pin, 1 alarm clock, 1 pr. gloves, 1 straw hand bag, 1 suit box. 2 pKgs. dry goods, 2 baskets. 1 cornet, 1 book, 1 euit case, 1 Single clove. 1 raincoat iAST, between Alberta and Itnssel! sts., either on Williams ave. or Vancouver, small open faced Rents' pold watch, the monogrimi J. .1. W. engraved on back. Reward. J. J. Walter. Woodlawn 209. LOST Stindav evening, set of Elk's teeth marked "H. P. O. E. 228". Lib eral reward. Write P. O. box 33. Ku gene. Or. LOST, diamond stickpin with safely clasp. Finder please phone Main 542 Reward. LOST A small sold pin in shape of anchor, with heart set with pearls; 1 hone Main K803: reward. nEitstvuvS Loris I'R. scientific hand reader; best method. 240M. 6th St.. cor. Main. SCALP treatmentx and shampooing. 350 Yamhill, office No. 1, MAY IRWIN, facial and scalp treat ments. 2J1 Vfe Morrison, room 30. (Copyrlcht. 1916. by 11. C. Fisher.) (Trade Mark tteg. I. S. Patent Offlc.) N0VJ YOO Toe ON-THC UweN THC SHOOTS IT WILL CUT OFF VfjOR Toe. SC1ENCC SHOVU5 fOu DON'T NCED TOeS, THEN VdE LL COLLECT DAMAGES AND- 22 WHT pay big prices for ' glasses? I can fit your eyes with first quality lenses In a gold filled frame as low as $150. Chaa. W. Goodman, optometrist. zo Morrison. Main zi?4. OREGON HERNIA INSTITUTE. Rupture treated mechanically; adults. cnlidran. Trusses to suit your case. Johnston and Umbarzar. rupture spe cialists. 411 Alinky bldg. Main 8784. FEB VET & HANERUT, leading wig and toupe makera; finest stock hu man hair goods; hairdresstng, manicur ing, face and scalp treatment, comb ings to order. 147 Broadway. Main 546. TAKARA Hair Tonic, an antiseptic scalp cleanser, hair beautifler and dandruff remover: price 50c bottle. For sale by Portland Hotel Pharmacy. NERVOUSNESS, idmeases ol women and children cured. Dr. Margaret Haynle. licensed chiropractic physi cian. 517 Swetland bldg. No fake. DON'T use expensive corn remedies when you can get the sure thing "He moves it'' 15c plasters at the Clemen eon Druii Co.. 200 Morrison st. WILL care for children by the day, week or month, comfortable home, good board. Mrs. Nelfte Slavln, 11 70 Belmont st. ELECTRO-HYDROPATHIC Institute, 275 North 22d St. (Cor. of Overton). Scientific massage. Electric Cabinet Baths. Comfortable rooms. Mar. 277.V WILL Murdock A. Morrison 01 cape North, Cape Breton, communica'.e with his sister. No. 19 Faulkner street. Maiden, Mass. NEW life in electric and vibratory treatments. Facial, scalp and muni curing. 41 7-20 Northwestern Hank bldg NEW life in electric and vibratory treatments. Facial, scalp and man! curing. 4 17-20 North Wtste r n Bank bldg. DR. V. G K ET 'HUM Women's mala dies an acute diseases of men. Wash biilr., 4th ed Wash. Rm.441.,M ar. 44H SPIRITUALISM Rev. M. A. Price, cir cles Tups. 2 p. m.; Wed., Sun. 8 p. m. Reading daily. 292 Clay st. Mar. 39H0. STORED FREE, cold stor age vaults. Rummelln Fur .Co.. 415-7 Dekutti hlilg. HAVE your hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors, 40 0 D e k u m . M a r s hall 1 7 02 I OMrronultal'0" free. Main LdWyei 4993. 512 Selling bldg. BA1.M of Figs, remedy for diseases of aromen. 504 Davis st. Main 2393. SCIENTIFIC treatment for diseases of scalp. 163 Park st.. room 3 1 0 to 7 NOTICES 26 STA TE ok iiKKiiD.N - PROPOSALS KH SUP PLIER The orrgon Mate Board of Control will re. -e lie alel hide on June IS, IMS. at 2 p. in., for furnitililng auppllea to the niln Btute iiutltuti'wiK. (-oDHlMting of dry goodii, clothing. fiirulliing, grwerlea. aboen. hard ware, hroonm. dnij;s. paiuta, olla, atationery. crockery, pltiiubinii. etr., for the aemt-annual period ending Iieeetuber 31. lWlrt. Hpeeiflra tlona and ai heilulea will be fnrnlalied mioii application to tle aecretar.r at Salem, alxu n'Ui tbe ImlnMrlra and Manufacturers bu P'nu. Chamber ,,f Commerce, Portland, Oregon. Khi'M bid to lie accompanied by a eertlfld l.e,-k In the sum of 10 per cent of the whole amount of bid. parable to the Oregon State Hoard of Control, to be held aa a guarantee of the faithful performance of the contract. The board renerrea tbe right to reject any or all bills, or to accept any part of a bid It. H. GOOD1N, Secretary, OH TP. OS STATK RO A UP, Or CONTROr,. PROFESSIONAL AND BUSINESS DIRECTORY ACCORDION PLEATING AtroilIUON KMKK AND BOX I'LEATI N; ; HEMSTITCHING. BKAlIHNtl; BUTTON HOIKS, BI'TTUNS COVKKKI) KASTKIIN NOVKI.TY MID. CO.. H.'.M, Mil. B'WAY IjotNi. K. STEPHENS HeiuBtltihlng, accordion, aide and aunburat peatlng; Ixiuona coTerd; rod ponged. Scalloping. I'lltoclt blk. B way 10(i!). AGATE CTJTTEEB MFG. Jewelera. Dininouda oougbt and aold Watch repair it. Mlller a. S43VVaah M.1M74. AGRICUXTUHAI, IMPLEMENTS P. E. ESBENS1IAI1E implementa, veblclee and general fRrm auppllea. 214 Front. Port la ml. ANALYTICAL CHEMI8T AMD A8SAYEB G 1 1. UK H I - H A I.I, Co. Couch bldg. 10W 4th at. BLANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS at IIOLMAN. Inc., IOU 2d at Blank nook manuiaciurera: egenta for Jones Im proved Ixme Leaf Ledgers. See the new Eu reka Iaf. A-31M. Main 1M building contractors Geo, E, Mangas i&ii- cabinet work CABINET WORK, furniture repairing. Horace l. Jonea Jr.. (121, 23,1 a'. Main 8832. CARPET CLEANING from old carpeta, rag ruga, carpet cleaning. North men t Uug Co., 1R8 E. Btli. E. 3.'X0. B l'JSO. JOYCE BROS. Electric Cleaning Works Car pets rleaned and laid; refitting our ape-claltj. Eaat 440. B-11W3. l!o4 E. Hub st. north. l'E.M.VSl LAR Hug Work Rag rug andca, pet wearing. IMS Patton ave. Wdln 20X1, CHIROPRACTORS 1)R. McMAHON Curable eaaea, taking lime. 31 treatmenta, $1.V Worth f.VJ. Additional new offiees 20K-212 Marleay bldg.. 4th at Dr C. S. Tlgard 1H treat men Is. 10. Slo-511-M2 Northwest bldg. Msln 72IW. COAL AND WOOD DRY AND GREEN 16 IN, AND 4 FT. Ml LTNOMAH Fl'EL :o.. M. MAO; A 21 ID WHY pay $0 for eordwood when ym en yet good Inside blockwraxl at f:.50 a load; double load W in Bn w,Kid Billed with heavy In.V' a load: SO for double load. Heavy dry siah wood 3.:l a load. Broadway 2Xtft. A Vlnl NATIONAL H,EL CO. --EAST :"I4I SIabnad H cord delivered; dry block and alabwood sawed $:t..'iO load; good dry wre.-k-age. 3. A-l dry fir. 4 foot or sawed to order OLD growth fir wood, 14 to 0. iOeiTveredT Main 42K. NF.FR A FARR. dry fir, 4 ft. 14 W) to $5.25. Blookwood. 305 Water at. Main 45BB. A-4.47. .iLali J HOLD Voa TRrCiC AfSP SONSeT LItAlTED PERSONALS (Oon tinned) A1100I CQyT-ACTORg AKp BUIDEBS OfcKAK HUbKH. Uutrl UHitrcur. u ! wtk niw. CREDIT CXOTHIKO ""iw son Meu cloilnim; uio. ur weekly ,. i. vniinniiig to.. 4Q.1 Whlngttn. EDUCATIONAL DAMCIMO. Manchester HsihIuk Acmieui. s:, it t., bet. Stark and Oak. Kp.-, li,l ii,.. 4 nrW . ,""on 2' initiig. fuiii,.i, ,,.,,n " "" i-..r. rn.1(t)v n v HH. MU .... . ... . tlau Knday eve.. 1,0 -,1 M . t,.i,.,. WL IrKton mi.o start. j-,. . m, " u r. nr..i . in 11-11I11I. Sli:lin-1, tua. ...... ,t m..ini), .IHIII .l.ij. MPBIC BCHO0L8 AND TEACHERS . , in i.i-in 1 lollt, ti-m he, : ,1111,11 -....Ik . ' " " 'MIIK. A-llllll I .null , trxi t.'ini., ... . ... .--,-..,. I .,.1 1 mm, iimmiiin 1,1 TOUC 1 iii'iir liinor .i',l POPULAR MUSIC . .n-.v. biiuic in,, Kui 111,11, l,F Hi , ),, Jf 1. ltd, Dii.i- .i,i, .. t . i. - ii-ii,- liar - wa jui; uriuvuairaiioit aim iioot ii-t rrM. Imnrir TiwmK. nffHutiru tin rni'-in . ft,- 1 - Kiti-r lililg EYE. EAR, NOSE, THROAT. LUNGS speciullM. Mialerale price. i:,i, K. I'. Caseilay. SI7 Deknin; . fiu,-,i.. Dr :td .1 anh FIREJNBURAKCE PAl IFK i -i I i.s i-iiii i a ri: en ooly Oregon fire Innti i , I 1 1 v FLPFF RUGS AND RAG RUGS miff mm in,!,, iiiu iiiKrnin. l.i U--I-11. AXimna'.erk ,,u...,wH rniin-in. IML1. 1 1 allOT uera proinpi attenl Ion. 1 i . . 1 . -1 . WEST KRS I'l.t I I' Kl ,: en. oi t nion . N . Kiit f.Mc B14TS HATS CLEANED. BLEACH KD i-"'"''' . aeiiia t'anaui4 It i, i at i-Ii hih -i !!acbed lor. MrauB, fi-lta, ,"ior. Kmit i IfHJ witan. nr. 4th. NS tlti. ,1 ;;d. I'lion,- TOM i.AIMI.S. men a I ' ! 1 1 ti 1 1 1 i, (leaned. I , o beli. ,,i. reus, .in,-. i-orTiaiiii ' tean ins a. Hat Work-, l-oi'.j Walilnm.-,i LAWN MOWER GRINDINO EXI'l.K r In w nuiou it Kflmli r. L'ONUj Mb. o iitilliic ; natural Lajm Mum S.HJ LEATHER AND 6H0E FINDINGS I III'. BKKYMAN LEATHER CO. Oldehi firm It, n.iri lt est AkPttla 'Monarch an- I. 4 M. o e eat her. 3i!!i Urerett t MATTRES8ES Ol.l) ,nattreaM-a ami fi'tilhi-i- lieiU made Into artltarr fohling lorma. rvalhi-iM r'iiuva;ad. Fokllng M. Co.. .MKI Willlnma. K. .'.S74. NON-INTOXICATING BEVER AGES WKINHAKH'S Golden anil Amber Nectar Henry Welnliard plant. Eltlt and Burnalria) sta. Main 72. Phones - A-l 171 OPTICIANS DR. K. K. HI 'KG ESS. Eyesight Spi-i-liilinl. Riamlnulloii free. .'.V.'H WiialilrtgtiHj t. PAINTING AND DECORATING HIGH CLASS WORK at r.iiaoiiahle prices ROOKS. I'AINTKIt. KKN'ION Wdln. 1400 PRINTERS AND ENGRAVERS THE IVY PRESS. JOHN M. MANN, 3'J Stark st. Broadway 40s AHisS. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALoO Stenclla, '1'linle Cliei-ka. Briwa Hlgua, 1 A i im: COASl S I AMP W ORKS 231 Waahlnglon t. Mum 71o. A - If 7 10. SAFETY RAZORS HONED 8AKETV ramrB ahai pi-tn'il, ,'VOc per (locell. M.'i'j -I'l nil kinds. 20e and .I., near Morrlaou SHEET METAL WORKS REPAIRING lilt ami rat.l r ot-, Jarub Ixiall, TRANSFER AND STORAGE Oregon Transfer Co, EstHhlMie.l 1S70. Transfer and Korw ai'illuir Agenta, Htol e Free Trackage. Office aud aloiuge, 471 Gllsan st. 1.1th and Gllsim. Mtiln ,11). A llflfl AI.W AVS PICK ' THE HKH'I llllLSEMOLD GOODS SIT.CIALIS I S - Storage, Packing shipping and Moving. Horse or Auto Vail Mpei ial freight rales to all lnts. C. o. I'll K TRANSFER A STOIIAOE CO, S.I and I'loe Hroadivar TilMI. A-lHim ,i.i-i,. oir, i iA ,-i' i.u ' ... r iiiniiuis uwf era, puckers, storage; fireproof wareuoosaV irith etui Hoyt st. Main .,47. A -Sill. WATCHMAKERS WE CLEAN and adjust jour watch, 1. MENDELSOHN. JEWEI.EIt. Washington, between Slum and Uroadwae. I MANUFACTURERS lJOBBERS WHOLESALERS! DRY GOODS WHOLESALE a l-N I ' I I P liri,U IlllaV L , UlllrxtJIMJICI VjU, Third, corner Oak PAINT. OIL AND GLASS KASMI SSI.N Ai CO.. High Standard" palat N. K crner 2d and Taylor. M. 1771 A-ftMl PLUMBING SUPPLIES I'LL' M II I N G supplies, w holesale nrlcM. fitrk Darin Co 212 lid sE Main 707. SANITARY WIPING RAGS L. SHANK CO, I'HONK. MAIN. 79. WATER SUPPLY 8Y8TEMS KEEWANEK WATER SYSTEMS M D S-.etieer. AKcnt. lo:i W. I'ark tt. WOOD PIPE land woo, c I'l. co- i aepir am 'rn nenr 24lh and Y'rk Mal SIP WrORMATIOH coupon. If you want the name of a rellabU biiKlneH.s bouse deallni; in any lino of InK rraurta. hotels, railroads, ittim- hiiiii m r,rn. w 1 1 nil iirnn i , i i ,u uux . .A .. , i . . , .. i .... nai Intoi mutton Bureau. ' Information desired: .. Name. Addr By "Bud" Fishe