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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 30, 1916)
THE OREGON : DAILY JOURNAL PORTLAND TUESDAY . 30. 1916. ' W J 1 - JUDGE M'CREDIE SAYS BEAVERS ARE HITTING. CANT BE KEPT DOWN BRINGING UP FATHER CnnrnthtrA hf latn-nniVmal Nnra swrte. Rftrtwl r-l Stfitn Patent rff By Geortre McManus 'A. WE are come To R140LETTO VOO IDIOT - RIOLETTO 1AN OPERr - 1 VliH MCO DONTUt4DEReTAHD AN INTtRPRF-nri tKMMd HE PEAKi ITALIAN BETTER THAM ENCUaH- WE'LL TAKE Tc ,HT- t WE HAD AM INTJERcifeFVote . TWAT CA TELL U? N EN5LlH I - - WrWT THEY AfXE SNUNd ; HIM M-ON J Do"fOU N ITALIAN - , NEVER rvuND WE'LL ,Q N A TAYl - L THINK HfLL M BE HOME- I KlN!lT ONE OP THEM IN A ''Will Begin to Climb When' . Club Reaches Home," De ; , Clares Owner of the Team, MIHUTB "AGAIN IN HIS OFFICE CHAIR Returns Trom Mud Baths In Happy '' Mood and Oats a Jolt When Ha ;. , 8s tta Papers. r J i I ' firm i w i f r l t A I 1 3 1 jt 'tfc lf & & y& Is III This Week's Baseball Serial. At Han KranclKo tfan Kran- : Cisco vs. Oakland. (Oakland home lea n At Los Angeles Portland vs. IsO Angeles. At Salt Lake Vernon vs. Salt Lake. if $ Judge McCredle hns returned from tha mud bubbles and Is firmly en- eonaod In hla mammoth office chair. when the Beavers arc off on one of tlielr trips. - Having born a dozen miles or so from the Oak Itlilxe poHtnfrice. ....j bcrr '. of the dully doings of the Heavers; the Judge returned In a pretty jmppy nmfia, en or wnicn was spoiled "When he perused the dally doings of lila hirelings. -i Xsokak Zld Bacomaa Anxious. One of the first to greet the ex-jurat was Charles Holocher, the Keokuk who wants to know what Is to be- ome of him. The Judge tried to land a Job for Holly In the Northwestern league, hut all the clubs are filled there ow and do not want to break their combination. Waivers have been Junked for Holly and If secured he will Si-lther be relcused or allowed to return to one of the eastern leagues of lower lasslflca'.ion. There is considerable doubt In the Urge's mind as to whether it woul(fbe policy to cut loose" from a promising youngster like llo'loclier and keep Bill Speas, who hasn t been hitting his weight ho far this season. The Judga (fears that the Toledo terror has lost ij.lg batting eye. Spokana Deal Probably Off. It now seems likely iliut there will b no deal with .Spokane exchanging Oscar Theunder llarstad for Kenneth Williams, as Hut to Is Kadually crawl ing up on the Northwestern league leaders and ManuRir Nick Williams Wants hla namesake's bludgeon In the emergency. I'resident Karr of the ln tfdlans also Is not In favor of a trade. If Williams comes to the Beavers it will be at the end of the Northwestern league season. The Judge figures that the Beavers get the worst at ti e breaks in luck at Los Angeles in the Vernon series and figures they will close up a little of tba gap on the Angels this week, lie points to the loss of so many games fuy one run ana tne loss oc- a two-nit gam Sunday, afternoon as proof of Utile. f"Most of the boys are hitting now, and you can't keep down a hitting team," said his honor. "I believe that we will begin to climb when the club Caches home. The lace reminds me a while lot like the race of 1913, when we., didn't start going until June." uuble Header Todav. f Los Angeles. May 29. (P. N. S.) JThe Angels linvo arrived here for a two weeks' stay. They will play the "Beavers an eight game merles this week. Starting with a double header today. Open Mr IloxltiK TonlKlit. New York. May .in. (I. N. S. ) Open air boxing will tie inaugurated at Washington Park tonight when Young Aheam and Zulu Kid step Into tha ring to engage in u 10 rounl battle with the gloves. Albert Ba doud, the Frenchman, will meet Italian Joo .Clans. Budond .styles himself champion of the world. Grover Cleveland Alexander of the Philadelphia f gj 1 Nationals one of the 1 m '"'f greatest pitchers in the ST J game today. Last year jf. leading pitcher of the ll I National League, pitch- ing 49 full games. Jtk 1 m There's stamina as JggsO vw mW Of COUTtO ho tiK. DTinhs i Aif Etenumd the genuine by full name I t r - tucnin ericouraije substitution. I l-j The CocA-CotA Co. isCf 5 -Atisnt, &jf Jz; , - i -. ii .rfi"'' s. , , if ? .j.-Prt",- RITCHIE AND J. CARROLL MEET STRANGE TURNS Two Boxers Now in Portland Traveled Rocky Road to Heights, There are surely some strange turns In the boxing game. As proof of this one has only to point to the interlocking careers of Willie Ritchie, former lightweight champion of the world, who Is now on the road to the welterweight cham pionship, and Jimmy Carroll, former bubblewelght champion or the world and now of the veteran featherweights of the country. Both Ritchie and Carroll aren Port land preparing for bouts with prom ising Portland rivals, the former to meet Ralph Omnia n June. 6 and the latter to box Billy Mascot next Friday i.ight. Ritchie Carroll's Spa: ring Partner. Six years ago Ritchie was Carroll's chief sparring partner and trainer, under a salary; Carroll received a sal ary for putting Ritchie in shape for the first 20-round match of his life, that with Matty Baldwin, August 2'. 1911. When Charley Ilurvey brought Owen Moran to this country along about 1910, he also brought the English ban tam champion, Sammy Kellar. Kellar i-ame out to San Francisco to fight Ca-roll. and the latter employed Ritchie to take care of him as chief sparring partner and conditioner. Wil lie was not then known outside of the bay district. Last 10-Bound Bout In Prlaoo. The battle between Kellar and Car roll was the last 10-round bout in San Francisco. After the Jeffries-Johnson fiasco in Reno, the number of rounds in San Francisco was reduced from 20 to 10. Afterwards it was raised to 20 rounds in San Francisco, and these were limited by the supervisors to one a month. Then the game was knocked in the head entirely, except for the four-round game. Carroll, by t:ie way, won a decision over the Harvey importation and then he went east for a year. Back in 193,-7, when Ritchie was a featherweight, it used to be the Josh or the ring followers of San Francisco, how Willie challenged the winner of every bout that Carroll engagea in. However, Willie was not good enough or well known enough at that time, to get any attention from the promoters. It was when Willi i grew to be a lightweight that lie began outpointing his rival f our-rounders and got the chance to try Champion Ad Wolgast out in a four-round baUle, and later to relieve the tltleholderr of his bout. No vember 28. 1912. on e. foul committed ly the Michigan Wildcat in the six teenth round. Bltchla Has Amassed a Portune. Since he relieved Wolgast of the title, Ritchie haB amassed a fortune, said by some to be $126,000. He paid Jl0,00u for un apartment house In San Francisco and has made other shrewd investments. Carroll's 108-pound championship was won in the days when the fly weights were not getting much money fot their services, and as a result he couldn't coin it into lot of money. However, Jimmy is not, by any means, in the "piker" class. Ha has a com fortable balance In the bank and la well on tha road toward his goal a law yer's sheepskin. Ritchie, too', has been studying law in Columbia university. New York. A AMERICAN LEAGUE GAMES Hrowns and Tigers Break Even. ST LOL' 18. I DETROIT. AK. H. O. A. I Alt. H. O. A. .Johnson. ks l'..bin.. f . . . NflT.l b. . Mi Hit. if. . I'rmt.2l. .. 2 olRush.ns. 1 1 2 1 1 4 0 2 0 12 0 1 O 0 2 16 0 1 3 5 12 2 O 0 2 liVltt.:jb 1 OH'obh.ef. ... f n, Vea.-lUf . . . 5 0; Helhufln.rf. iHlll'U8.ll. Aiitin.:th. Spvereiii.c. ri Welliuau.n a 1 Young. 2b. . . 4 ;t 1 StaliHge.i. . 4 O 1 It'iin'iigh'm.D 1 Knlmid.p. . . O O O O KavHnmigta t O O 0 Dnbu.-. . . 110 0 (Fuller... 0 0 0 0 Totiiln.. 3T 14 27 & Total . . 36 9 27 15 Balled for Cunningham Ip aerenth. "Katteil ror Ho land In nlnta. Ran for Uubuo in ninth. St. Loula O .1 O 1 O 4 0 0 0 8 Detroit 0 0OO1O0O 12 Runs -Shottnn. Johnson. Pratt, Austin 2, Serereiii o. Vising, Stanage. Errors Aunt In. Hpilmmin, Knrna. Vounc. Two base hits Sever!. I, Wellnian. Young. Three base hit -Austin, stolen bases Jobnson. Young, Ful ler. Sacrifice tilts Shotton, Miller. Weil tnan. Flit base on errors St. Louis 2. De troit 1. Bases on halls Off Weilman 2. off ( uunlngbam a. Hit by pitcher Serereid by Cunningham. Sererelil by Roland. Struck out By Vfellman 2, by Cunningham 1, by Bo land 1. taipires Dineen aud Chill. Second game: R. H. E. St. I.ouis 6 10 6 Detroit 17 18 2 Called, end eighth Inning, allow St. Louis to catch train. Batteries Plank, Crandall, Fincher and Severoid; Dubuc and Stanage. Red Sox 3, Yankees O. BOSTON. I NEW YORK. AB. H. O. A. AB. H.O. A . Hooper.rt ..12 0Gilh ooly.rf 4 O 1 O Mi lly.2b 3 0 3 . . . 3 14 0 1.e ts,if . . . 5 1 0 0!(Jedeon.2b. . 4 0 8 3 Mobllt' 3 2 15 2 Bauman.3b. 4 0 3 1 Walker. rf. :t 0 3 3 18 0 liarduer..".b. :t 1 0 5, Boone. as. . . 3 0 13 3 0 I 4Higb.lf 2 O 3 0 Tbotnaxno. ?. 2 1 21 Walters. e. . 2 0 4 2 Maj.p 3 1 2 2!L'aliwll.p. 3 10 3 Totals.. 31 8 27 211 Totals. .. 28 8 27 13 New York 0 0 o 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Boafn 1 l 00 1 000 03 Runs McNally. Thomas 2. Two base hits Thorns. Ciililweil. Home run Thomas Stolen base--McNally. Sacrifice hit Walker! Sacrifice fly--MeNIIy. Double play Mc Nally to Hoblitiel. Rases, on ballls Off Caldwell n off Mays 3. Stnicck out By Calile!l :;. t niplres -- O'l.oughlin and Owens. Athletics Tie the Senators. PHII.AKKI.PHIA. I WASHINGTON-. AB. H.o. A. AB. H.O A. . 1 2 0 Morgan. 2b. . 3 I '. 1 Poster.: lib... 3 2 0 0Miln.rf 2 16 tMJamleson.rf 3 o -J H; . . 1 12 1 (Shank. If . . . 4 1 4 1 4 1 I 0Henrr . 2 0 O Alnsmlth.i- 3 0 3 4 2 n 0 o o Pbk.:!b . . s hani:."-. . I.aJole.2b. . Walhh.rr. . OliiriiiE.lf.. Sbfchiiu.p. Niib'tfB.p. . Mj ers.p. . . 4 2 o 3 0 2 3 t I 3 1 14 3 2 1 1 J 1 2 1 1 0 0 4 l ! o 0 2 O O 01 3 0 0 10 (I 0 o i 3 O II 1 O 0 0 Ol Ayres. p . . . . Itlce.p. lonns-.n.p. . . o 0 i n Moelli-r. . . I 1 (i o Barber... 0 0 0 o Tot d 8 27 12 Tot N IS Batted for Ainsmlth in ninth. Kau for Jobmon l ulntb. Wssblngton 0 o 0 0 0 3 0 0 2 - 5 I l.lladelphla 20 o 00003 v Iluus Witt, I'l.k 2. S'nink 2. Koiter, V.lan, Judge, Moeller. Barber. r.nori Walsh. Nabors. Iu base hl.s Shanks. (Hd ring. Three base ult--8.i-b.aric. Stolen bares SirunL. Koster. v-irlf i,-e hits McBrlde. .Iiiuib-son. Double iilars Ic Inuls to Witt le to Mclnuls. Fote- to M .Init(re. Walfh to 8i-,iang. Bases on balls Off Ayres I. off Sbe-hau 5. off Ul.-e -J off Nwbors 3. Myers 1. Hit by piN-her S-'bang by Johnson. Struck out Ry Sheehan 1, by Nabora 2. by Myers 1. bv Johnson I I'm. ptres Nalllu and Evxrs. STANDING OF THE TEAMS North western League. Won. Lost. Pet. Spokane 17 13 ..-..;7 Butie ).-, u ..vhj Vatn-oiiTer IT, ir, vo Si'ttle ir, 17 ,'tHB Jreat Kails.... 13 Ki 4n TaeoDia 13 10 4a American Association. liOuljfille 23 13 MX) Minneapolis IS 13 .r81 Columbus Hi 12 ,r,71 Imliaiianolis 17 14 ..VI8 Kansas City Hi 17 .4S". Toledo 1.: Hi us St. I'aul 12 IS '.4o Milwaukee 12 24 3:!3 Western League. Oes Moluea in i-j .si:i Lincoln la 12 .1113 Wichita IS V! .is 1 Ouiaha 17 h Topeka ir, Hi .hjh lieuTer 13 17 8t. Josenli 12 l: .3S7 Sioux city 10 1(1 .3(3 National acuc. Woo. Ist. IV t. Brooklyn lit 11 .c-.a New York 19 1:; .5'J4 I hllndelphia 19 1. .500 Cincinnati , 19 21 .47S Boston 1 7 .4(!8 Cblcajro 17 21 .44; I lltaburt; Hi -.-t St. Loula Ill 22 .421 Am art can Laigua. ' Won; Ixst. IV t. ' Washington 24 12' .fl!7 Ck-telaud ..... 23 14 ' .V2 New York 1 It -Alt! KuDton . It It . ..Vl chb-ago ......! Il - , .:! Detroit ... 21 , . .4-"2 ItUadelpbla 13 21 .SS2 SU Loula , W : 33 jstili DOUBLE TENNIS OF TOM AND MAC HAS PASSED OUT Bundy Too Busy to Go East and Team Is Thereby Broken. Los Angeles, May 30. (P. N. S.) The Old McLoughlin and Bundy doubles combination has passed out. In all probability the tennis world will no longer hear of the achievements of "Tom" and "Maury" as a team. "Maury and I will continue to play together until we are defeated' said Bundy a few years ago. Defeat came last summerat the hands of Johnston and Griffin. Bundy is head over heels in business cares and worries, and will be unable to go east this summer. Mc Loughlin Is not at all certain that he will play in the east, and after six years of "team work" Bundy and Mc Loughlin will follow different paths from now on, so far as lawn tenuis is concerned. The announcement of the break-up of the old team came from the lips of Mc Loughlin himself. "1 have been prac ticing both singles and doubles during the past few weeks, and will increase my hour of practice from now on. My plans are indefinite as yet, and I am not even sure that I will play in the Pacific, coast doubles in July," said McLoughlin. "I have been in correspondence with friends in San Francisco, and there is a bare possibility of my hooking up with someone like Johnny Strachan and playing in the Pacific states doubles. Whether I do secure another partner tn doubles or not, I may go east, but even that has not been positively de cided upon as yet. I hope to go, and will do my best Tf I do." Bundy's decision not to go east this summer eliminates the possibility of Mrs. Bundy (May Sutton) making the trip, according to McLoughlin. and it is also very doubtful whether her sis ter, Miss Florence Sutton, will go. MORNING GAME RESULTS National Ijeague. Philadelphia, May 30. (V. P.) The long winning streak of the New York Giants was broken today when Al Demaree. Giant castoff, held Mc Graw's men to one run while th- Phillies were tallying .five. The game was srftreless until the eighth, when the Phillies landed on Perrltt and put five runs across. The Giants attempted to stage a batting rally in the ninth but it proved abort ive. Score: R. H. E New York 1 6 1 Philadelphia 5 " 1 Ratteries Perrltt and Rariden; De maree and Burns, Killifer. At Brooklyn 11. H. K. Boston ' .8 ii Brooklyn ' . fi '.' Batteries Tyler and Gowdv ; Dell, Maniuar and Meyers. At Pittsburg Cincinnati vs. Pitts burg; morning game postponed; rain. American League. At New York R. It. K Philadelphia 3 New York 7 5 2 Batteries Crowell. Myers and Murphy; Fisher and Nunamaker. At Detroit Chicago . -. Letroit . .. R. H. E. 7 1 3 2 Scott 3 1 Batteries- -Williams, Russell, and Schalk; Hamilton and Stanage. At Boston Morning game R.H. E. Washington 3 14 1 Boston 4 11 0 Batteries Harper, Dumont, Ayers, Shaw, Rice and Henry, Ainsmith; Shore, Foster and Cady. MINOR BASEBALL Union Printer' Baaaball Zg-aa. Won. Jyost. Pet. Oreironlan 3 1 .750 Journal 2 1 .6B7 Labor Press 1 2 '.333 Telegram 1 : -250 In a fast, well played game yester day afternoon on the grounds at East Twelfth and Davts streets. Jhe .'onrnal team handet' th- Telegram pla; ers an 11 to j drubbtnn. Pitcher Cook f the witinern was master of the Bituatlon from the start and at no time did he show any mignh of weakening. Peters, the Journal s new catcher, showed up in good form. Livingston pl.iyed a great game al short for the Journal. Winter and Henderson formed th ; bat tery for the Telegram. The Peninsula Grays defeated the Maccabees Sunday on the Crystal Lake grounds, il ,to 2. Heinie Wellr, be sides pitchir.g Rood ball for tho win ners, was a star a, the bat, getng a home run. a three-bagger and two singles. Hoss and Garrett formed the battery for tr.e Maccabees. The Oak Grove bail team was de feated by the Peninsula Monarchs Sun day, 9 to 8, after an 11-inning battle. Arnold pitched for the Monarchs. The Peninsula MiJgcts defeated the Columbia University Juniors, 9 to 1. Batteries: Midgets Gray and I.T.ptlc: Juniors Derbin and General. Call Woodland 1174 for games with, the Midgets, composed of players under 13 years old. The Vancouver Lifes-taffs rieleated tha Piedmont Maroons Kundav . tn All runs were scored in th 4iinthJun St, according to the local pro- 1 inning. cirwin pitcaca zor yie win A ners and Karl Crow for the Mfioons. Crow struck out IS batters. Goldendale, Wash., May The Ooldendale tire department team yes terday annexed the second game of the three games Decoration Day series with White Salmon.'? to A triple and a single after two men wi:e out in the ninth inning resulted in the win ning. Kreps tied the score for White Salmon in the ninth inning with a home run over the left field fence. Purdy Staack, pitcher for the Glen wood team, did the twirling for Golden-dale. . Kalama, Wash.. Ms;- 20. The Pio neer, Wash., team was defeated by the locals Sunday, 11 to 9. Hill an l 'iirby formed the battery for the winners. The Knights and Ladies of Security baseball team defeated the Errol Heights team yesterday, 5 to 3. The feature of the game was the pitching of King for the winners, who struck out 18 batters and allowed four hits. Hood River, Or., May 30. Manager Driscoll's aggregation of down-town baseball players defeated the Hood River Heights team Sunday by a score of 5 to 3. The two teams are playing a series of five-games. Eacn team has one game of the series thus far. The Union Pacific baseball team de feated the fast Tono, Wash., aggre gation Sunday by the score of 8 to 7, a five run rally In the ninth, giving the Portland team Its victory. A great one-handed catch by Grimm robbed the Tono team of a chance to tie the score in the last half of the ninth. The batting of McAllen and Gibbons featured the game. The bat teries are: Tono-Schmutz and Mc Donald. L P. Williams and McAllen. NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES Cincinnati 6, Pittsburg 1. CINCINNATI. I PITTSRl RO. AR. H.O. A AB. H. 0. A Opoh.Sb. 3 0 3 Carey. cf 4 0 1 n Neale.rf... 4 Chase. If... Wlngo.e. . . 4 2 2 0 Johnston. lb. 3 1 S O 'Gibson 1 1 4 41 Wagner. 9 . . 4 1 1 o Hluc.imnn.rt 4 O 10 i 0 o 0 1 8 1 1 0 0 1 1 7 1 6 l 0 1 4 1 3 n 0 o. 1 o 27 13 Griffith. rf. 4 Moiiwits.ib 3 o 12 o'SebnitE.::b.. 2 Herzog.2b.. 4 13 2 Balrd.if 3 Louden. 2b. . 2 1 .. ii Knabe.2b. . . 2 0 U 3 Wilson. c 2 IJacobs.p. . . . 3 Mitchell. p. 4 Totals ...".3 10 27 1 21 TuUla ...23 ; Ratted for Johnstou In ninth. Cincinnati 00001 00 4 fi Pittsburg 0 0001000 0 1 Runs Grob 2, Chase, Herzog, lyouden. Mil chill. Srhultl. Error Baird. Three base Ml Neale. Sacrifice hltn Neale. MuUuitc. Schultz. Sacrifice flv Wilson. Stolen base Herzog. Bases on balb- Off Mitchell 1. off Jacobs 2. Struck out Py Milrhi-ll hy Jcobs 2. Umpires Harrison and Rlgler. Brooklyn 3, Phillies 2. BROOKLYN. PHILADELPHIA. AB. H.O. A. AB. H.O. A. Mrerscf... 5 2 3 o' 4 0 2 naubert.lh. 3 0 10 1 Ntehoff.2b. . 3 111 Johnston. rf 4 3 1 0'Stock.3h 4 1 1 Wheat. If.. 4 2 2 LCraTath.rf. 3 0 0 0 Mowrev.3b. 4 1 3 2 2 0 8 n fntsbaw.2b 4 0 1 2 Cooper. cf. . . 4 1 2 4 n 1 3 Ta'kcrt.lf . . 4 1 V n MeTers.r... 4 o e 2 Kllllfer.c. . . 3 t II 4 I hone, p.. 3 l 0 HKIxey.p 3 0 n 2 Good 1 n 0 fi .( 1-0 o n Totals ..36 8 27 12i Tolsls . . ?M 4 27 14 Rutted for Killifer in ninth. Batted for Klxcy in ninth. Rrooklvn 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 O 3 Philadelphia ..1 0 o i 0 0 0 1 - 2 Huns Myers '2. Wheat. Nlehoff. Whilted. Errors Cutshaw 2. o'.Mara 2. Bsncroft. Me hoff. Wbitted. "l.o, base hits - Wheat. Pa--kert. Three base nit Johnston. Sacrifice hits Daubert. Whittiri. Ioiihle play Mill fe- to Bancroft. Bases on bnlls Off Cheney 2. off Kltev I. Hit by pitcher Cravath by Chenev. Struck out -By Cheney 6. by Rtxey 7 Wild pitch Cbenej . Lmpirea Klcm and Lmsllo. At Chicago St. Louis-Chicago game postponed, rain. Mathewson Wins for Giants. NEW YORK. AB. H. 0. A. BOSTON. AB. H. O. A. Bnrns.lf... 4 2 2 OMir'n'llf.m 3 0 1 4 R'berts'n.rf 4 0 0 10 12 lioyl.2b. . . 4 2 4;tver.2b .. 1 3 2 4 10 0 . 3 1 t v 4 14.'. Connolly. If . 3 O 2 O 3 o IS 1 1 3 1 11 1 M'K'nie.ob 4 1 0 1 1Smltb.3b. . . 3 0 1 2 Rairden.c. 4 0 2 1 1 Williolt.rf. 3 0 2 1 Matbew'u.p 3 0 1 TIlKjwily.e. . . A I IRndoIpb.p. 2 10 2 IComptou. . 1 0 0 Total.. 34 7 27 191 Totals 20 4 27 10 Batted for Rudolpb In ninth. New York 1 00 o 0002 03 Boston 0OO0 OOOO 00 Runs Burns 2, Robertou. Errors loyle, rietcbcr, Kgsn. Smith. (Jou lv. Two base hit Ooyle. Uouble plays -Merkle to Kletcber to Merkli. IKjyle . Kletcber to Merkkv Wilhoit to Konptchy. Mhthewson to Merkle. Kgan to Kvera to Konetcby Ift on basPs New Y..rk d. Boston 2. First base on errors Sew York 1, Boston 2. Bases on twllo Off Rudolph 2. Struck out By Mathewson 2. by liu dolpl, 6. W'lld pitch Rudolph. Umpires--l' Day and bason Stanford Meets Hartard Today. Cambridge. Mass., May 30 ( t; P.) The hardest test the Stanford tennis team, Herbert Hahn and Van Dyke Johns, has yet encountered on east ern tour waa expected this afternoon when Harvard's racquet stars ar; met. R. Norrls Williams, former nutiona' champion, will bs one of the Crimson representatives. Last Steal Is Fatal. Chicago, May 30. (U. r.l Billy Rossman, aged 6, stole home, out was struck dead as he crossed ths plate when his brjther, Dedrich, aged 11, try ing for a home run. hit Billy with his bat just above the heart. Willie Hoppfe to Box June 9. Sa DJego. Cal., May 30. (U. P.) Willie JHoppe, eoant lour round light weight champion, is scheduled to box Battling Nick, a San Diego boy, , here - 1 woters, toiay, f . " r- W. H. S. Girls' Tennis Team Looks Strong fudging from the spirit shown hy the players, the Washington high school is to be represented In the annual Interscholastic Tennis tourna ment by a etrong team. Miss Annette Hurwltt, manager of the team, is de lighted with ths showing that her players are making and she has hopes of winning high honors in the tourney, the exact date of which has not been determined. Among the girls, who are trying for positions on ,the Wash ington team are Harriett Johnson, former school champion, Alice Bpll man, Savilla Carey, champion of Sell wood Park, Zon Sella Smith and Helen 4'ate. The Washington high is the only school that will award letters to its girls tennis team. leonard-Dundee Go June 7. New York, May 30. (1. JN S.) Benny Leonard will engage Johnny Dundee, the west side 'fighter, in 10 rounds at Madison Square Garden on June 7. This ma:ch has been pendin for three weeks or more The winner of June 7 may be matched to fight Freddie Welsh for the world's Cham pionship, if the shifty Welshman can be induced to engage a really worthy opponent. Men's Tailor-Made Suits 4 A high-grade tailor-made suit at a popular price is our specialty. We have just received a new shipment of very high-class American and European woolens. A Large Variety to Select From At $28.00 We invite you, one and all, to inspect this display. Drop in today at your convenience and let us show you these woolens, mostly suitable for all-year round wear. Portland Tailoring Co. 322 Morrison Street Portland Hotel Building Henry W. Jacobson, Manager CONSOLATION QRTHE LORN ARRA BELLA AND I GOT AS FAR AS FIGURING OUT HOW MUCH THE FURNITURE WOULD COST WHEN SHE CHANGED HER. MIND. INSTEAD OF GETTING MAD rND ARGUING WITH HER, I SAT DOWN AND SMOKE-DA NORTHWESTERN LEAGUE At Great Falls: R. II. E. Butte i 8 3 Great Falls 3 7 7 Batteries Great Falls, Kngle and Huworth; Butte, McGinnity anj All man. At Seattle: R. II. E. Vancouver 2 8 o Seattle 1 2 0 Batteries Vancouver, Hood and Cheek; Seattle, Mclvor and Cadman. Spokane-Tacoma, game postponed; wet grounds. American Association. Louisville 2, Indianapolis 1; ten In nings. Minneapolis S, St. Paul 9. Toledo-Columbus, rain. No other games scheduled. Portland Yorngster Rel eased. John Telford, former Washington high school twirler, has been released by Manager Russ Hall of the Tacoma Northwestern league team. Chance After J. Smith. Los Angeles. May 30. (P. N. S.) Manager Frank Chance of the Angels telegraphed James Callahan, manager of the Pittsburi: club, asking his pric for James Smith, the shortstop. VALUABLE I Jy sb&&& k COUPON iNrv f t J&4Z I t Columbia Wallops Franklin Tossers By lic.Hling Frnnklin liiih schm.l yen terihtv. i; if, 2, on Multnomah field Columbia university took further hold on the Intersi'liolastic pennant Nlles and boley pitched for I'olumt'la, and Brow n mid Reynolds for Franklin. Lincoln and Jefferson will pljy to morrow afternoon on Multnomah field. Wben writing or calling on advertlsera -a. plea ( Adr.1 leas n.entlon the Journal. AT TRACTION EXTRAOR DINARY JIMMY CARROLL of Ban rraaolaoo BILLY M&COTT Champion WortbwsMl Joe GORMAN v.. Ch.i. DAVISON Oakland (118 lbs.) Seattle Valley TRAMBITAS v.. Romeo HA GEN (158 lbs.) Billy NELSON v. Jack WAGNER (135 lbs.) Billy RYAN v.. Sammy GORDON (105 lbs.) JACK QUANT. BETXXSS '. ADMISSION 50c. $1, $1.50, $2 Boxl Tickets on Sal Sol Bt.Uler'i, Broadway! ax Btarx; men's, oxn at star. rr W. A. C. All - Star Boxing TEAT U RIB O Willie Ritchie s. Ralph Gruman TUESDAY Evxuriiro. June 6th POSTX.AITO Ice Hippodiome PU1CES SI. 82. $3. Seats Now on Sale at Si Rich's eTII AXTD WASKIWOTOir U1 1