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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (May 23, 1916)
THE OREGON 1 DAILY ' JOURNAL, v PORTLAND, TUESDAY, MAY 23, .1916. ;:ei GLIGENCE CIAIID IN SUIT TO COLLECT FOR FIRE DAMAGES .'- ':; , i i- -i ,m - - Lewis Investment Co, De fendant in Action of North west Door Company, 3150,000 SUM DEMANDED 2fadaa Alleged to av Set Kr to ". Dbrl Without Penult Trom t -' th City Authorities? . Charring that the milling plant or the Northwest Door company waa de stroyed by fir through the negli gence of the Lewis Investment com pany,' the f!rt named company-today began suit In Judge Gatens' court against the Lewis Investment company to collect 1150,000, which is declared to be the value of the property de stroyed, j ,VTh Northwest Door company's 'plant In I Albina was destroyed June J, 1114. It is asserted that the mill caught fire from flying embers from the property of the Lewis Investment company. A warehouse and dock owned by the jLewJg Investment company, which were near the door company's plant. Wer destroyed by fire In March. 19H. A large quantity of wheat was In the warehouse and at the dock at the time, in May. the plaintiff avers, the Lewis Investment company set fire to the de bris on Its property to clean up th premises and continued such fires over ,th protest of the plaintiff. It Is .alleged that the fires were started without a permit from the city author ities. Li At the time of the Northwest Door company's fire the company was car . rying 1(0,000 Insurance In a dozen or more companies. A majority of the companies Joined in the suit as plain tiffs, while the others were named as defendants. The Lewis Investment company y denies Its responsibility for tha flra which destroyed the plaintiffs property. JACOB ELOCH WILL FILED Estate Is, Valued at $00,000 Is Left to the Widow. ; Ail of the estate of the lateJacob Bloch, including both real and personal property, was left by him in his will to his wife, Ernestine Bloch, as shown by tha will which was filed with tho county court today. The estate is valued at $60,000. It is . provided that after Mrs. Block-' life tune, the property Is to go to their daughter, Celene. It is also requested that the survivor of thi two shall make provision for con tributing to the support of the Jewish Orphans home in San Francisco and all the Jewish charities in Portland. Slchel, M. Pleischner and M. . Abrama were appointed appraisers. Isaac L. Whit was appointed admin istrator. I i Effort to Settle Out of Court.. ; . Efforts are being made to settle the case, agajnst A. J. Burns, who. with rnn&n, is unaer Indictment for larceny In conectlon with a scheme to transmute base metal info gold. An Vtrsement is being arranged along; this Una: Burns is to plead guilty to sim- pi larceny and receive a fine of $100. He la to repay the victims, George ; Wesson $200, and Harry Turner $150. Judge Morrow today instructed Boon 'Cason, who is attorney for Burns and Brennan, to get Turner's consent to , tha agreement In writing. Case Is Being Argued. District Attorney Walter H. Evans went- to Salem today to argue before th supreme court the ease appealed to test th constitutionality of the stat ute known as the Chinese egg law. ,Th case is that of the state vs. J. c. ;: Jacobson, who was arrested on a 'Charge of selling Impor.ted eggs with out properly branding them as such. A fine of $100 was Imposed in the dis trict court. . The law provides that all Imported eg-gs and products manufac tured from the eggs must be properly labeled. Attorney Will Receive Fee. ,"-s Th suit brought by H. C. Hazzard, a Kan Francisco lawyer, to oust Mrs Edith F. Qoode as administratrix of th estate of H. W. Goode haa been dropped and th charges male by Bas tard hav been withdrawn as the re ult of an arremnt wbreby Mrs. Qoode consents to pay if QfJf iJ u i W t " v ' ;Vi yi) 1 "' 1 i t- iff f - ! The Theatre Beautiful Sixth at Washington Haward' $1200 attorney's fee. Th agreement was approved by County Judge; CUetdn., . . f - v ' lieavea for San Francisco. ' ' Gearge T. Brandt, against whom an indictment was returned charging him with obtaining; money under false pre tenses, left today with his bride for San Francisco, where his father has found a Job for htm- in the shipbuild ing yard. He is 23 years old. H attempted to- pass a check, for $47.50 to which he had forged the name of Percy Geo.' Alien. " School Principal on Trial. L. D. Roberts, principal of th Hol man school, Is being triad this after noon before District Jung Dayton on a charge of assault and battery on Myer Brown, 10 years old. , Tha charge against the school principal Is the re sult of punishment administered to the boy a week ago Thursday. Shaffer Is Paroled. Walter Shaffer today pleaded guilty to the larceny of personal property be longing to Charles Stonehouse and wa sentenced and paroled by Judge Mor row. The sentence was eight months in Jail. Pattimore .Arrested in Idaho. A. C. Pattimore. who has been in dicted on a charge of larceny by bailee, ha .been arrested In Lewlston, Idaho, and? Chief Deputy Sherirf R. W. Thompson will leave tonight to get him. ""v T TO SMOKE OUT WILY He Says No Candidate Will Be Named Who Has. Not Announced His Position, New Tork. May 23. (V. P.l Poli- tlclana today regarded Colonel Theo dore Roosevelt's speech to the delega tion or regular Republicans offering him their support an open bid for the G. O. P. nnmlnatlnn Th.n -o attempt to smoke out justice Hughes jn me coionei a declaration that no man woiill h nnmin.rn k. " "M.ui.itu l jr L 1 1 n CUII- ventlon unless he announced his posi tion on Americanism and preparedness. Roosevelt's soeech prepared and his attitude apparently deliberately assumed. With regard to Americanism and preparedness, ne saia: "Any man at this time of crisl who Is not aggressively, openly and spe cifically for these principles. i8 sginst them; and every patriotic man bnould treat our public servants on this basis." The delegation was headed by George von L. Meyer, former secretary of the navy, who said that the Roosevelt Re publican committee an organisation with memberships .m $0 states, haa been formed for the purpose of work ing for Theodore Roosevelt in the con vention. In . his reply, the colonel named over the principles which he favored, and said: "They are the Drlnoinles ganlzing to support, and with all my heart I welcome such a support." No Contest in Sonth Dakota. - Pierre, S. D., May 23. (U. P.) South Dakota voters balloted today in the presidential preference primary. There was no contest, however, with Wilson in the Democratic ranks and Cummins in the Republican being the only candidates. Missouri for .Hughes. St. Louis, Mo., May 28. (U. P.) That sentiment for Justice Charles E. Hughes is strong; in Missouri was evi dent today when the Republican dele gation to th national convention in Chicago next month met here. Hadley Is Defeated. St. Louis. Mo., May 23. (U. P.) Herbert S. Hadley, former governor of Missouri, lost all hopes of heading the Missouri delegation to the national convention and using that office to help his vice - presidential aspirations today when Otto Stlfel beat him out by a vote of 20 to 1. Says T. R. Will Get It. Topeka, Kans., May J8. (U. P.) Henry Allen, temporary chairman of the Progressiva state organization, told the Kansas convention today that Theodore Roosevelt would b nomi nated in th Chicago convention after a vain attempt to nominate other candidates. COLONEL DOES BFS JUSTICE HUGHES COLUMBIA STUDY OF WOODEN ROOF ORE . MENACE WILL BE UNDERTAKEN Fire Marshal Stevens Says That 1 20 Men Are Assigned to the Work, SUPERVISORS ARE NAMED Districts of City Will Be Carefully In spect! Li Campaign, Whioa Win Begin at Once, Fire Marshal Stevens announced this morning that th 120 men of the Port land fir department assigned to the work of fire protection are to begin. immediately an exhaustive study of th question of wooden roofs. , At the school for assistant fir mar shals the men of th districts them selves elected their supervisors, as follows: First district, headed by Bat talion Chief Holden, Lieutenant 8. E. Moeaer; second district headed by Bat talion Chief Young. Captain James Dlllan; third district, headed by As sistant Chief Engineer Laudenklos, Captain Charles F. Neale; and fourth district. Tieaded by Fire Marshal Stev en. Captain Edward Orenfell. Tna upervlor will work with th assistant fir marshal in their dis tricts, and will meet each week with the fire marshal, th arson souad. Captain W. R. Kerrigan of the repair squad, and W. S. Creech, clerk of the nr oureau. To Be Given Contract. Th Montague-O'Reillv con-man v nh. mitted the lowest bid for paving East Ollsan street from East Seventy-fifth to East Eighty-seventh street and will be awarded tha contract. Th. mm. parly's bid is $89,245.84, a figure about SA700 less than th city engineers es timate. Portland Must Pay. ' City Attorney La Rocke has ruled that the city of Portland will have to pay back a ,sum of $2140 borrowed by the city of Linnton before its annexa tion to Portland. The Bank of Linn ton holda a note for the amount. The money was borrowed 'to use in erecting a city hall at Linnton several years ago. Japanese Growing Pearls. San Francisco, Cal.. May 23. (U. P.) G. Naminohlra, agent for a Japanese concern, was busy today extracting pearls from dozens of oyatera shipped her from Japan. Th gems were "cul ture pearls" which Japanese cause to develop in oystera by injecting in them a secret fluid. Schwab Given Concert Hall. Bethlehem, Pa., May 23. (I. N. 8.) Charles M. Schwab announced today a gift to Bethlehem in the form of a $100,000 concert hall, which will be large enough to seat 2S0O persons. MAN SAYS HE SAW STRANGER WITH RISTMAN ( Continued i Tom Pa ire One) short time later, Ristman, his machine and tha stranger were gone. Johnson now fixes the time' at about 7 o'clock. Turner, who also saw a stranger the same night talking with Ristman, Is not as positive in his statements as to Thompson's Identity as is Johnson. Neither is Engle, who Is said to hav seen Ristman In his machine accom panied by a stranger stop at a gasoline filling station in South Portland th same day. According to Sheriff Reeves, how ever, both of these two men say that Thompson bears a strong resemblance to the stranger they say they saw with Ristman. Syes Puszl Two Men. "All of th men who have seen Thompson and who saw the stranger with Ristman seem to pay more at tention to the eyes of Thompson than anything else," said Sheriff Reeves. "There appears to he something about his eyes which gives them th im pression that Thompson and the stranger are one and the same man. "Johnson, who says he is m or ail certain that Thompson is the man. Is very careful In his statements. He Wants to give Thompson every bene Should a Womah Happily (JJ) Married Confess a Misstep ff Made in Her Youth O See the Bi Dramatic Feature t Mf Sister Keystone Comedy M?fefPfe fit of a doubt, and even after It saw Tnorapson he took hi time about say ing that h was morally certain' that Thompson was the man he Sad sesn last Monday nlghfcS With th statement of Johnson, Sher iff Reevesnow aays that th circum stantial evidence against Thompson is greatly strengthened. Ha points to the bloody shirt found near th seen of the murder and th undershirt taken from Thompson's horn last Saturday afternoon as forming another link in th chain against Thompson. Spots on Bhlrt Compared. The nndershlrt taken from the home was being washed by Mrs. Jim Thomp son, with whom Bennett Thompson had been living. Th woman 1 tha formeY wife of Bennett Thompson's brother. This undershirt had several peculiar looking spots on th sleeves and on the back, and according to- th officers resembled blood spots. An examina tion was made of the shirt by Bertillon Expert Hunter, but the spots could not be positively identified a being blood spots. Sheriff Reeves says that h has com pared th blood spots on th outside shirt with the odd looking pot on the undershirt, and that they are at out in corresponding positions. "As near as I can Judge, or th oth ers who have seen th two shirts, can determine, th blood Boots on th out aid shirt ar In th same position as the spots on th undershirt. "The undershirt was ' placed inside the outside shirt and then the two were examined carefully. There ar spots on th back of both 'shirts and spots on th sleeve. ' A thorough "blood test" is to be mad of the undershirt, however, to de termine whether or not the spot on the garment ar blood spots. Statements Ar accorded. Th statements of Johnson, Turner and Engle were taken down in the presence of District Attorney Tongue and Sheriff Reeves or Washington county. Deputy Sheriff Phillips, who took the men to Hillsboro, stayed out of the room when the examination was made, "I anted to b sure that no state ment were made that any coercing waa done, or that, as far a I was con cerned that there would be no grounds for auch statements," said Phillips. "I figured that Thompson should have every chance, and, for this reason, pur pooely otayed away when the men scrutinized Thompson and later made their statements to Mr. Tongue "I Bbw know, however, what took place. Johnson, Turner and Engle were taken into the jail in which half a dozen men are confined. They were told to pick out the man they had seen or the man who resembled th man they had seen talking with "Frenchy" (Ristman). Thompson was th man they picked out of the little crowd of prisoners. Johnson, Turner and Engle came back to Portland this afternoon with Deputy Sheriff Phillips. Thompson Xamalna Cool. Sheriff Reeves, who saw the three men scrutinize Thompson, says that the suspect took the scrutiny very coolly. "He was very cool," said Reeves, "and had nothing to say. He doesn't talk to us at all now." Roscoe Hurst, Thompson's attorney, steadfastly contends that Thompson is not the man who murdered Mrs. Jen nings, and who is responsible for Rist. man being missing. Hurst had a long talk with Thompson yesterday after noon, going to Hillsboro for that pur pose. "They have the wrong man." said Hurst today. "Thompson Is perfectly willing to stay in Jail this week and let the officers do what they can. At the end of ttuwt time, unless something is oone, l snail start proceedings to get Thompson out of Jail." Speeders Are Given Heavy Sentences Charles Mgoa of Ore sham Zs to Serve 30 Say in. Jail; M. A. Stoa and S. A. Bowman to Serve 10 Bays Zaofa. Pleading guilty to a charge of speeding 45 miles an -hour and not denying the assertion of Motorcycle Patrolman H. A. Bales that he was going 67 miles an hour, Charles Fig one, 19-year-old son of a rancher Jiear uresnam, was seni to tne city jail by Municipal Judge Langguth this morn ing for 30 days. M. A. Stone and D. A. Bowman. salesmen for a local printing house, were committed to Jail for 10 days eacn on cnarges or driving an auto mobile while intoxicated. Naval Commander Transferred. Washington, May 28. (I, N. B.) Secretary of th Nayy Daniels today announced that Commander .Q. E. Bradshaw had been detached from command of th cruiser West Virginia, now stationed at Puget aound, and as signed to command of the cruiser San Diego, Bessie Barriscale Plays the Lead, Supported by Wm. Desmond e Only ROSEBURG STRONGLY OF TO BIG TIMBER TRACT Bond Issue of $300,060 to Finance Kendall Project Is Favored by Voters, Roselburg, Or., May 23. The election held Monday for the purpose of amend ing the charter to permit Issuing of bonds in the sum of $300,000 for the construction of a railroad to Rock Creek in the timber district east of Roseburg, carried by a vote of 651 to 94. A bond issue voted a year ago for the same purpose was declared void by the Oregon supreme court onv ac count of irregularities' In the contract with S. A. Kendall of Pittsburg, who promoted the proposition and who has been given the contract to build the road. Before leaving for th east some week ago, Mr. Kendall said work on the road would be started by June 15, providing the charter amendment passed. It is expected now that work will be under way in less than a month. Medford Voting Today. Medford, Or., May 23. Medford is voting today on a proposition to Issue $300,000 bonds for the Blue Ledge mining district railroad. The fight has grown bitter in the laat few days. Opponents circulated literature In an attempt to divert public attention to other Issues. Business men and women are almost a unit for the bonds. Developments Involving mill ions in expenditures are held in abey ance pending popular vote. The out come is regarded by some as doubtful. There Is mora activity and xcitemeat than over the county election Friday. HAWLEY PLANS TO BATTLE FOR 40-40 DIVISION (Continued From Page One) speaker's eye. Sinnott .lo haa In mfnd other amendments which sre neeled to perfect the bill from his standpoint. Sinnott expects to-address the House at some length on the general featurta of the legislation. Approving the measure in principle, he will endeavor to show that the public lands commit tee is mistaken in Its report In saying that Oregon has been given extremely liberal treatment. This he is expected to do by analyzing the bill with refer ence to the sums set aside for Oregon schools and roads, and with reference to the timber sale and homestead pro visions that tend to defer the dateof actual entry and date of taxation. Under the plan of consideration agreed upon by the leaders. It is ex pected that practically a full day will be allowed for debate. Th house probably will meet at 11 o'clock, and under the rules, two hours will-be al lowed for general debate. Durlnst this time remarks on the general features of the bill will be offered. Chairman Ferris probably wl.l moke the opcnlns statement, and several members put side of Oregon are expected to be heard. Lenroot of Wisconsin will like ly control the time on th Republican side, as he is the ranking member of the committee. After the general debate comes the reading of the bill by sections, when amendments may be offered and voted upon. This la done in committee of the whole, in which there is no oppor tunity for a record vote, but in which a count by tellers may be had on any closely contested point. It is understood that tha bill is to be disposed of in the one day. Debate on amendments, confined to five minutes for each speaker, may thus run on until a late hour rn the afternoon, and It Is thought unlikely that a finsl vote on the bill will be reached before 5 or 6 o clock. It is unlikely, also, that the bill will be materially' changed from the form In which It if reported by the committee, although it will be under a broadside of amendments In the afternoon. LUMBER MILLS OF EASTERN OREGON WIN JOINT RATE FIGHT Washington, May 23. Eastern Ore gon lumber mills won an Important victory today In the decision by the Interstate commerce commission that they are entitled to through routes and Joint rate to eastern markets over the Union Pacifio system and the northern lines. The commission did not allow all that was asked, but fixes a small differential in favor of mills In the Spokane group.' The commission declares the new rates shal) not exeeed the rates from Spokane by more than 6 cents to points west of the Dakotas, por over 2 cents on shipments to Minneapolis. The Oregon-Washington railroad an nounced its willingness to establish the Joint .rates, the Northern Pacific and .Great Northern refusing because they wished to reserve thojgarkets on their lines for mills on theirIines. The commission says it cannot approve such policy. The commission gives the railroads to September 1 to confoVm to the ruling. The, question of the gate way used is left to the railroads them selves. .Teal and McCulloch represent ed tha eastern Oregon Interests. SECRETARY M'ADOO CANNOT COME TO SEE OPENING OF HIGHWAY FAVOR ROAD Washington, May 23. Secretary Lansing of the state department and Secretary of the Treasury McAdoo have added their regreta to those re ceived from other members of the cabinets by Senator Chamberlain in re sponse to his invitation to them to pay Portland a visit at the time th Columbia river highway is dedicated. Secretary Lansing ..said that affairs pressing1 upon hi attention make it impossible for him to. go ar from Washington. -. Secretary McAdoo states that while he cannot coma to Portland next month, he does expect to see Oregon later on. Hi letter says: "Mrs. McAdoo and I deeply appre ciate your very cordial invitation to attend- th dedication of the Columbia rive highway on Jnn ?, and it Is with deep regret that wa are obliged to tell you that wa will cot be able to ac cept. ...j find upon my ! return, from South America such a great accumu lation of matter here, and the 'pres sure f public affairs continues o constant and so pressing, that It will ' :.' . . 1 ,- ' be Impossible for m togo to Portland" early In June, ;s. - ' . "I hope, however, to 'mak a tria to Oregon at soma later data, and In th meantime X shall ask you ao do m tha favor of conveying to the people ot your great state my earnest congratu lations and admiration In connection with the completion of the historio and beautiful Columbia rivr high way." , v? . Oregon's Fame) Defended. Washington, May 23. A email flurry wag caused In th national convention of the Sons of the American F.evolu-j tlon at Newark, N. J., by the charge of on of .th eastern telegates that western states have lowered the stand ard of Americanism and eltisenship in th Interest of immigration by ct ant ing voting privileges to the foreign born on their flr papers. E. D. Baldwin, who, with Bruce Mo Camant, represented th Oregon branch: proceeded to "nail thia by pointing out that at the 1914 leotlon th people of Oregon amended their constitution to require second paper a a qualifica tion for voting, this being on of three propositions approved at that election. when a mass of ether measureo were defeated. A Washington delegate made tha re-J proor complete by declaring that his state had always required aeconff pa pers from those recognized as voters. Manufacturers pf Walla Walla. Washington. May 28. A federal can sue of manufactures for Walla Walla, Wash., shows 47 establishments, with 455 persona engaged, a payrol of $109, 000, capital invested of 12.426,000 and output valued at $2,015,000. Theatre Manager Arrested. Lester Fountain manager of the Hippodrome theatre, was served with a warrant last night charging viola tion of the fire marshal's ordinance In allowing persons to stand In the the atre aisles. The case will be heard be fore Municipal Judge Arthur Langguth this afternoon. Fountain was released on his own, recognisance. Girl Shows Some Improvement. " Lilla McBain, the 6-year-old girl who was seriously injured when struck by- an automobile at East Twenty-second and Oregon streets, Sunday even ing, was slightly improved at th Good Samaritan hospital today. Th little girl's skull was fractured In the acci dent, and she had only partially re gained consciousness this morning. PRESENTS Special Children's Programme - Official Moving Pictures 6500 School Children May WilHamni Fairmuuiinni Battle of Hearts Majestic Novelty Trio New in Portland Should First Fmi Their Way to Hotel Cornelius &ATZS SX AStD tf.v a W. Oornaltaa, . ' X. B. II, lSAaagas, rark and Aider, rortlaad. Or. Why Shamed by Blotchy Slon If you ar a sufferer from Eczema or hnsigbtly pimply skin, you knowjust what It means to hav that hnmUUting, back ward feeling about meeting strangers and oftentimes friends. Many a time you have looked into the mirror and wished that your kin would be like other people that you know, "without a blemish." This wish can. be yours for the asking. If jou will go to th druggist and procure a bottle of D. D. IX, th greatest of ail skin remedies apply it according to directions, in a short time year skin will baa soft as velvet. Come m aad ask for a bottle today en or money -back guarantee. Ask also about V. V. D. Soap, that keeps th skin healthy, .elD). WMSBBBBBBBBSBSBJBBSBBBBBBBSSl f! BfBlflTj p k Owl Broa Co. -.' . SMdmor Pros; OBREGON IS TH WITH ARMY OF ABOUT 30,000 MEN Number of Troops Is Vastly . More Than Necessary and Outnumbers .Americans, FORCE BRINGS ARTILLERY AsrUon Mad Xiald Ouas JTot Heeded Za Bandit Oha Score Soldiers Will X Brat to Brownsville. Washington, May 23. (U. P.) Thirty thousand Mexican troops. 20,00o mora than General Obregon promised to have distributed, are marching northward from Saltillo, Durango and elsewhere, according to state depart ment information today. - Official indicated that the number of troops in the main body was astly more than needed for ;the pursuit of bandits. How far north the Mexicans hav come wa not stated. Oeneral Travlno, In command, 1 re ported to have artillery. It la re garded that field gun ar not needed in the intended work of hunting out laws. If the estimate Of hla forces is correct, th Mexican troops outnumber the Americans in Mexico. More Troops for Brownsville. Ban 'Antonio, Texas, May 23. (1. N. B.) Major General Frederick Punston i preparing to order the Second and Fourth regiments of the Texas mllitU to patrol the Brownsville district. The Big Bend line is S90 miles long and h haa Insufficient troops to prop erly patrol this distance. General Funston is anxious for Washington to assigin more coast guards border serv ice. General Funston today denied a re port that he had recommended court martial for lie militiamen who had re fused to become part of the federal organisation. He said he merely asked COMING NOR Festival xenxnse MULTNOMAH FIELD Also . In Pathe News Special Principal Eastern Cities" - VIA CALIFORNIA On sale daily : June 1st to Sept. 30th, 1916. Stopovers allowed Return limits : 90 days from date of sale not to exceed Oct. 31, 1910. "To ttart right U to end righe . THE SHASTA ROUTE is the right way to atari 1 Attractions SEE - Mt Shasta Shasta Springs Mt. Lassen San Francisco ". Los Angeles Yosemite Valley Southern California Beaches Panama-California Exposition LIMITED TRAINS on all Southern Pacific routes OODEN ROUTEV TO rent of ttelteds." SUNSET ROUTE "Throngli Story land." KL. PASO ROUTE Th roat of th lowest altitudes." Information at Oity Ticket Office, ooraer th and Oak Sta Vnioa Depot, or East Morrison St. Station 7ons Broadway 8760 A-704 ' John M. Scott, aaal Vasagr Agent SOUTHERN PACIFIC LINES Secretary of War Baker to mak dispo sition of them, inasmuch as th stat organiiatlon was ' being aborbd. " - Rancers Ask Help. . , El Paso, Texas, May 23. (I. jr. S.) stating Aixtcan bandits wer ap Broaching Lobo. eight miles north of the border, Texas rangers todav tele phoned to Marathon asking for help." according to advices received here. ' Only eight troopers now patroi th Lobo district. Reinforcement ably will bewsent from Valentine, north 01 UODO. i It wa expected here that Colonel Sibley and Major Langhome. whose' forces returned recently from a dash. into Mexico in pursuit of bandit. would go to Marathon. Trooper Held for Murder. Kl Paso, Texas, May 23. (V. P.)-. Triwnr Rahart il. Dvnr of tronn Ti ' Sixth cavalry. Is in the guardhouse at Fort Bliss, today, charged with th murder of Trooper Hanamy of th same troop. Both men suffered great deal from the strain of hard riding with llttla water and Short rations during the trip from Dublan to Columbus. They quar reled during the march over a cam of cards. Dyer shot Hanamy. He' Will BOOn be ronrmarM.lul VI I m frltutM tiPll.v. that M l .1 4w tK1! V ma (Mtvaiiuui WIIUvUi. armyihave deranged him mentally, fe,- rondlttons in Mexico Deplorable. Washington, May 23. (U. P.) -Th underlvtnir elemonta ,.r n money. Industry ahd food are in a dei pioraoje conauion in Mexico, American consuls reported to Wasliinston today." Thelr statetnents gave the adminlstra tion a severe shock when laid hefor the president and his cabinet. The re-r port pictured cases of absolute Ktarva-' tlon in Mexico. 4 Clothing Workers Strike. Boston, Mass., May 23. (I. N. S.) ' demanding higher wages and shorter hours, 2600 clothing workers struck here today. BOX OmOI BOW OFBW. C3t VHllr RMta fur- tha ( ' 'TT D!avolo." Great performance by Port- lartrl Dnura artnlal tnn Ilu U th..l,a Thursday night. May 26, Saturday niaiinee. May it. j'opuiar prices. "3 NOTICE To School Teachers You can secure Special Tickets at 5c for all your pupils by phoning Majestic Theatre Marshall 234 Vitagraph Comedy Rates from Portland Id en rout ..) i