The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, May 16, 1916, Page 14, Image 14

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- -
dock at San Francisco to be equipped
with -a 'rudder of Ilk construction.
Wbn It has ben overhauled, both
ships will be on .the Flavel-Ban Fran
cisco run.
Refrigerator Steamer Ellhn Thomp
son Battered Up in Unimak Pass.
Seattle, Wash., May 16. (P. N. S.)
Survivor of an 11-day battle with Che
Ice of Berlnr sea, the refrigerator
tnutuhln Kllhu ThomDson is in dry-
Boilermakers Forced to Quit i Tc.atVo rrshIufi!
Her plates were damaged, her sides bat
tered and scraped.
The Ellhu Thompson left Belllngham
early In April for Port Moller with a
cargo of fresh meat and perishables.
Beyond Unimak pass the snip encoun
tered Ice. She was unable to reach
Port Moller. but discharged her cargo
at Dutch Harbor and returned to Se
attle. for repairs.
-Through Lack of Helpers,
Is Report.
' .sL.W'v. . :
I2iuaad Mors Torced Into Idleness!
Vea Organise Union! Work VaU
- ned at aKaay MUUons Tied Vp.
i San Francisco, May 18
Vhl!erthe Union Iron Works
as trying to reach an agreement with
rivet-heaters and passers who walked
5ut' yesterday demanding increase
vges, five hundred additional labof-
4 rsr known as "ooiter-ups struca.
irhey want their pay Increased from
42.21 to 12.75 and 12.00 a day.
T More than 1000 bollermakers had to
Mult work because of the lack of
laborers, rivet-heaters and passer boys,
f It is expected that the master me
chanics will strike Inside of a day.
rhla means that the Union Iron Works
is - now ' completely tied up. Sine
yesterday at least 3000 men have
lopped work, 2000 on strike and 1000
because of lack of assistants.
The- passer boys, rivet heaters and
laborers, will meet this afternoon to
organise two separate unions. At
present they are not organised.
. The Union Iron Works has upwards
of 125,000,000 worth of ships on Its
vays under construction, or contract
ed for.
. There are upwards of 6000 persons
employed, in the great plant. A pro
longed strike would seriously affect
San Francisco, it was admitted along
the waterfront
! The Standard OH. the Union Oil.
and other larire interests have been
roanoke Bearing goes on
Inspectors Take Evidence Behind
Closed Doors.
San Francisco, May 16. (U. P.)
Behind closed doors, the federal in
spectors of hulls and boilers today
heard evidence of the sinking of tho
North Pacific liner Roanoke with a
loss of 47 Uvea P. O. Huffaker, cus
toms inspector, who was on the
steamer while it loaded for its fatal
voyage, testified for an hour. .
Manuel Lopez, one of three sur
vivors, recalled to the stand, said that
.th auxiliary wireless plant was in
working order, but that the radio
operator was unable to reach it when
the Roanoke began tipping over. 11
developed that the liner was never out
of sight of land, on its whole final
From lewiston with a full cargo of
wheat and farm products, the steamer
J. N. Teal is due.
Stack have been Installed in the
steamer Kitsap II by Joseph Supple,
and it believed she will be ready
for a trial trip May 20.
The steamer Diamond O. was secured
to move the Japanese steamer Mayachi
Maru to Municipal dock No. 1. She
wilt mnvA Rffnln trt Rt .TnVinfl nr Af 1 1
relying upon the plant almost entirely InJcipal dock No. 3 before departing for
to build the ships which are now fpiiiet 'unund to load.
1q- such urgent demand. The demand
became so great and the profits so
large that the Union Iron Works re
f ently purchased and took over the
United Engineering works in Alameda,
on the Oakland estuary, where over
1000 men are now employed.
John X. McGregor, president of the
ccmpany, is in the east. In his ab
sence the plant is in charge of Vice
President Tynan.
i The, Union Iron Works are owned
by Charles M. Schwab, who is also
the owner of the Bethlehem Steel
Works, where the iron is manufac
tured for the ships that are built
Comyn, Jlfackall & Co., Land Huge
t . ; Order; Ships Purchased.
Seattle, Wash.. May 16. (P. N. S.)
"Contracts for the delivery within the
ext two. years of 100,000.000 feet of
f lumber from Pacific coast ports to the
orient. South America, South Africa and
Australia bays been entered Into by the
J8an Francisco shipping firm of Comyn,
fMackall & Co.. according to W. Leg
ale Comyn. who Is in Seattle. To handle
fthla huge lumber trade, Comyn, Mackall
j& Co. (have purchased, since February
jl, 13 vessels, at an aggregate expense
f $500,000.
V " Comyn Is In Seattle principally to at
tend to the transfer of th Chilean ship
Jounty of Linlithgow from Chilean to
jArnerlcan registry.. Comyn, Mackall &
o. have recently purchased the vessel.
Ths ship will load 2,000.000 feet of lum
ber at Mukllteo for Australia.
Puget 'sound to load
The barkentlne Echo, carrying 879,
633 feet of lumber for Melbourne, val
ued at 18355.44, was taken to Astoria
J. C. Alter, frost warning expert of
the weather bureau, has returned from
Medford, and will leave for CUeyenne,
Wyo., to take charge of the station
The dredger Willamette commenced
digging at the Northwest Steel com
pany plant. She 1 preparing the
ground for that company's new ship
building plant. Bids for construction
of machine shops will be opened to
Bringing passengers and freight
from San Francisco, the t earner Bear
er arrived at Ainsworth dock at 3:30
p. m
tNorthern Pacific Gets All Steel
d - ''I -: 8teering Apparatus.
I Jl The steamer Northern Pacific of the
' Great Northern Pacific Steamship com
; "pany left San Francisco for Flavel
( fhln morning, equipped with a new
; 'rudder.
i j The old style of rudder consisted
: a ateel frame, surrounding a wood
' (body, faced with steel plates. The
.few one Is all steel of the same design
; 4 Trouble with the one originally in
.place was constant because it was not
, . ufflcisntly strong to swing the enor
, 'rrvous ahip.
f The Great Northern will go Into dry-
Very Effective Method
v For Banishing Hairs
Sales and Charters.
San Francisco. May 16. The British
bark Louisa Craig has been chartered
to carry merchandise from San Fran
cisco to New Zealand, pt., by George
W. McNear, Inc.
The American bark Thrasher has
been chartered by George W. McNear,
inc., to carry case oil from San Fran
Cisco to Australia, pt.
The coast guard cutter Thetis, old
est in the service on this coast, has
been sold to W. and S. Job & Co. of
New Tork for 226,100. Three bids only
were sent in. Necessary repairs will
be made here and then the Thetis will
be taken to the Atlantic coast via the
canal. She will be used as a sealer off
New Foundland.
1 11 .
State Chairman of Progress
ive Party Issues Statement
Making Request.
Roosevelt Republican voters are
urged by T, B. Neuhausen, state chair
man of the Progressive party, to vote
for Senator Albert B. Cummins fori
president In the primary Friday.
Registered Progressives are urged
to vote for Roosevelt for president and
Hiram ,W. Johnson for vice president.
Progressives are urged to vote for
their candidates for delegates to tho
Progressive convention and for their
candidates for presidential elector at
the primary Friday.
Mr. Neuhausen in a statement to
Progressive voters says:
"As Colonel Roosevelt's name is not
printed on tho Republican ballot In
Oregon, he Is at an extreme . disad
vantage when it comes to the expres
sion of the preferential choice of the
Republicans of this state for 'candi
date for president. Experience shows
that It s almost impossible for voters
if write in a canaiaaie a name io iue
extent necessary to Insure hts choice.
The candidate whose name Is printed
on the ballot thus has an enormous ad
vantage. That being a recognized
fact, it has been deemed the best
course by Roosevelt supporters in the
Republican party in Oregon for them
to throw their support to Cummins in
the Republican primary, as a tribute
to Cummins' progressive record as a
champion of the people's rights."
Vi. v', S ' X i
.,111 ' IM
B. D.
B. D. Bigler, former assessor of
Multnomah county, who Is a candidate
for nomination on the Republican tick
et for state senator from Multnomah
Dredge Chinook Has
Again Started Work
Astoria, Or. May 16. The dredge
Chinook left for the mouth of the river
Monday, and as the weather promises
Nehalem, Am. m Westport 1 to be favorable, it is expected that the
eeneant. detailed te duty with ' organised ail-
litis, Illinois, wtth headqnwttcs in Cbicage.
Arny Xotas.) '' :
Boards of officers appointed to neat 9 s. a.
Jnae 6. to eoodnet exsmlnstioos ef candidates
for sdmlttloa to United States military acad
emy, will meet oa tho Pacific eoaat at th
Lettermaa seneral hospital. Presidio of Saa
rreneifco, and VaneoBTer Bai racks, Waaa. Kx
amtaatlona will be condaeted in aireordaoco
with inatnictions eontained in tbe ctreolar dat
ed June 5, 11)15, war department. -Sary
Ordeta. ;
Captain H. B. Wilson, detached from board
of Inspection and surrey on Hay 30th, to
connection wltb fitting out the Pennaylvaala
and In comma ad when commissioned .
lieutenant Commander W. 8. atlller, de
tached from the Delaware, to command the
Officers commissioned : Lientenant (Junior
grade) A. W. Leder from Jnne 8, 1915; A. T.
Clay, from May 7, 191S; K. P. A. Simpson,
from Jose 8. 1915; H. 0. Gates, from Jnne
8. 1915. Assistant Burgeons L. T. thrum, Paul
Kichmond Jr.. and John Harper, from April
10, 1916. Ensign J. C. Jones, detached from
the Louisiana to the Oklahoma,
Mavy Votes.
Upon being rellered of neutrality duty at
Ran Juana Porto Rico, by the Preston, the Jar.
Tis will proceed to the Boston yard for ra
pe Ira.
The Tacoma, now at the Portsmouth, N. II.,
yard, baa bees ordered to proceed to the Boa
ton yard for duty as reeeWlni hip.
The St. Loula, now at the Puget sound yard,
will leave about the. middle of July for Hono
lulu for nty as tender t. the third subma
rine. dtTislon. torpeoo flotilla. Pacific fleet,
and additional1 duty as statioa ship at Pearl
The commander in chief of the Atlantic i e
serre fleet has been directed t organise the
Missouri, Oblo and Wisconsin as the naral
acsdvmy practice squadron, with the Missouri
as flagship.
The Jouett, now at the Philadelphia yard,
has been ordered to proceed to New York to
rofcume neutrality duty.
The Tacoma has been placed In commission
la reserve at the nary yard at Portsmouth.
Four Are Killed in
Internment Camp
Austrlans at Xapuskaslag. Canada, At
tempt to Escape; Keport to General
Hughes Says 15 Were Wounded.
Ottawa. One, May 16. (I. N. S.)
Four Austrian prisoners of war were
killed and 15 wounded at the Kapusk-
asing, internment camp when the pris
oners revolted and attempted to es
cape. The report was received by Gen
eral Sam Hughes last night. There
are 2000 Austrlans and a few Germans
in the camp.
Effort Will Be", Made to Se
cure, for Him Nomination
for Congressman.
Sunta Monica, Am. Westport
At Neighboring Ports.
Astoria. May 16. Arrlred at 5:45 and loft
up at 8:15 a. m.. Bearer, from San Pedro, Tin
San Francisco. ArrlTed at 7 and left mi at
9:30 a. m., Nehalem, from San Francisco.
cattle. Mar 16 Shin St Kleholaa. from
Astoria for Jtushagak, was 215 mile from
Kushagak at 8 o'clock last night.
San Pedro. May 15. ArrlTed Willamette,
from Columbia river; Olympic, from Portland.
Balled Breakwater, from San Diego and way
porta, for Portland, yla way ports.
nmreaa. May is. (jailed at 11 a. m.. F. A.
Kllbiim. from San Diego and way porta, for
Portland, via Coos Bay.
Limerick. May 15. Arrived Norwegian
steamer Wascana, from Portland.
Seattle, Wash., May 16. ArrlTed gnokane,
8 E. Alaska, 8:44 a. m. ; President. Baa Fran
cisco. 1:80 a. m.; Kiku Maru. Manila, 11:30
a. m.
Sailed Alameda. S. W. Alaska, 9:80 a. n-;
St do Maru. Hongkong. 10 a. m.; TJ. 8. L. H.
T. Mansanlta, for cruise. 8:15 a. m.
Seattle. May 15. Arrived El Segundo. San
Ftanclaco, midnight: British steamer Ixloo,
VancouTer. B. C, 1:15 p. m.
Sailed Congress. San Francisco It p. m.;
Admiral Dewey, San Francisco. 5:10 p. m.;
Fulton. British Columbia ports, 11 a. m. ;
Prince Rupert, Prince Rupert, midnight.
Juneau. May 15. Railed Dolphin, aouth-
Douna, l a. m.
2:45 a. m
dredge will be able to put In not less
than 16 hours a day. Last Saturday the
Chinook pumped up and carried out to
sea 16,280 cubic yards, or approxi
mately 32,000 tons, of sand from the
channel across the bar at the mouth
of the river.
At the present time a strong current
Is running and In addition to the sand
which the dredge pumps Into her bunk
ers, she stirs up hundreds of tons that
are carried out by the tide and currents.
Seward Brought $800,000.
Seattle, "Wash.. May 16. (I. N. S.)
The steamship Seward, which was sold
Saturday to Proctor & Gamble of Cin
cinnati by the Alaska Steamship com
pany, brought $800,000, according to in
formation made public here today. She
was built by the Seattle Construction
& Drydock Co. in 1907 at a cost of
(250,000. The Alaska Steamship com
pany sold the vessel because she was
too large to operate conveniently In the
southwestern Alaska trade.
Principals Deny Sale.
Strenuous denials from both Captain
Nelson, operator of the Bteamer Ta
homa, and D. C. O'Rlelly, president of
The Dalles, Portland & Astoria Navi
gation company, were entered to the
story that the Tahoma had been pur
chased by the D. P. & A. N. company.
The rumor gained wide circulation on
the waterfront and along the Columbia
river where both lines serve.
j. - (Modes of today)
J At very "little cost any woman can rid
par face of batry growths If she will
pis tho delatone treatment This is
msuw vj i.juua; wavior wim a
little powdered delatone. This paste
is spread upon the hairy surface for 2
or S minutes, then rubbed off and the
skin waahed, when every trace of hair
will have vanished. No harm results
from this treatment, but care should
be used to buy real delatone. (Adv.)
Face and Body Covered with Blisters,
Started to Spread. Child Verju
Cross and uould Not bleep,
Arrivals Xay 16.
UMTS!. A mar lfai v sifasaa mA
"T. VBUV4UU nww,
passenger, and freight, from San franelaco
steamship company.
Marine Almanac.
Weather at RiTar's Mouth.
North Head, May 16. Condition of he
month of the rWer at noon smooth - wind
northwest. 18 miles; weather partly cloudy
with light fog.
Bun and Tides stay 17.
Sun rises, 4:36 a. m. Sun seta, 7:38 p. m.
Tides at Astoria.
High Water : Low Water :
7:04 a. m., l 2 feet
1:18 p. m., 7.2 feet 6:43 p. m.. a.1 fMt
The time bail on the U. 8. hydrograpole
office wsi dropped exactly at noon today
120th meridian urne. K'
Daily River Readings.
8:00 A. M.. 12frth Mrtrtl. n
"My niece saCered with Itching eczema
for nearly gix months, Her face and body
wer covered with blisters which broke
opsa and started to spread.
and as soon as one blister
opened a few days later more
eruptions would appear. Her
face was a fright to look at
and the child was very cross
aad could mot sleep nights.
-Then I osed - Catteura
Boas aad Ointment aad
after oslng two boxes of tho
CaHuura Ointmeat together
with the Outteora Soap she
was : entirely healed.
(Signed) Miss Theresa 84e-
' y. -2014 Cortland BU. Chicago, UL.
pet. 19. W15. . ;
5 ample , Each Free by Mail
With S2-p Skin Book on nqnest, Ad-
"rees post-card ffCatfewra. Dept. T
i '. i i i n M
c e t
h i-! 3 si I !
40 27.3 0.1 I 0.00 JWrr .
9 5 0.3 0.00 fjrT' B f9
25 14.9 -0.3 0.00 faf
0 23.9 0.4 0.00 W J
10 S.6 -0.8 0.00 if "Hf
:i is is:? ta v -s?
i x mmrm v. a asstflsw
Admiral Crana, southbound.
Wranrel. May 15-SaJWClty of Seattle. I lnon atock.
northbound, 6 a. m. ;
Ketchikan, May 19. Sailed Humboldt,
obthbound, 8 a. m.
Singapore, May 15. Arrtred Qtshn Mam,
from Seattle.
Limerick. May 15. ArrlTed Wascsna, from
Portland, Or.
Manila, May 13. Sailed Chicago Maru, Se
attle. Hongkong, May 16. ArrWed Ataka Mara,
Kara tsu. May IS. Sailed Bankokn Mam,
Honolulu. May 15. Sailed schooner Helena.
Puget sound.
Eagle Harbor, Msy IS. ArrlTed Ship Coun
ty of Unlithgow, from Mojtllones. thence Feb
ruary 2,
Tacoma. Msy 16, ArrlTed Honoralan, Vlad
lrostok, 10:30 a. m.
San rranclsco. May 16. Sailed at 11 a. m..
Northern Pacific, for FlaveL
San Francisco, May 16. ArrWed James A.
Moffstt. towing barge 93. Balboa, 1 a. m.;
Speedwell. Coos Bay, 8 a. in.; Multnomah. Los
Angeles, 8:30 a. m.; Pansy, Manila, 10:35
a. m.
Sailed Sea Rover, towing Brsklne M.
Phelps, Port San Lola. 9:30 a. m.; Capuln A.
F. Lucas, El Segundo. 10 a. m.; Speedwell,
San Diego, 10:30 a. m.
Seattle. May 15. ArrlTed Admiral Dewey,
Tacoma, 10 a. m.
Seattle, May 14. ArrlTed Ellhu Thorn perm.
Dutch Harbor, 4:40 p. m.: Yesaa Maru, Ma
nila. 10:30 a. m.; Redondo, S. E. Alaska, 6:80
a. m.; Arollne. Anacortes, 11 p. m.; Fulton,
British Columbia ports. 6 a. m. : U. S. 8. New
Orleans, from sound cruise, 6:45 p. m.
Sailed Admiral Watson, 8. W. Alaska, via
S. E. Alaska, 6 p. m.; Jefferson, S. E. Alas
ka. 0 a. m. Captain A. F. Lucas, San Fran
cisco, 8:15 p. m.; a torpedo boat destroyer,
sound cruise, 8 a. m.
San rranclsco, Cal,, May 15. ArrlTed Mu
kllteo, Los Angeles, 4:30 p. m.; Georgian, HUo,
10:30 n. m.
Sailed Klamath. Seattle. 10:50 a. m.: Rose
City. Loa Angeles, 11:20 a. m.; Japanese Bteam
er Nicniyo Maru, Seattle, 1:10 p. m.; Darge
Washtucna, In tow of tug Pioneer, Port Lud
low, 8 p. m. ; Yale Los Angeles. 4:10 p. m
Japanese steamer Koan Marn, Yokohama, 4:30
p. m.; Gorernor, Los Angeles, 4:20 p. m.;
Admlrsl Schley. Seattle, 4: JO p. m.; British
steamer King Malcolm, Portland, 6:40 p. m.;
Jim Butler, Santa Eonnlla, 7:40 p- "n-; Norwe
gian steamer Baja California, Tacoma 7:40
F. m.; Japanese steamer L'nkal Maru No. 8,
uget sound, 10 p. m. ; Brooklyn, Bandon,
10:20 p. m.
Balboa Arrived May 12, Eentncklan, from
Tocopllla, for Atlantic Range.
Seward, May 13. Sailed Admiral Evans,
southbound, 9:46 p. m.
CordoTa, May 14. Sailed Northwestern, Se
attle, direct, 11:30 p. m.
Juneau May 14. Sailed Alaska, west
bound. Dp. a; Humboldt, southbound. 8 a. m.
Ketcblksn, May 14. Sailed Alki, south
bound. 10 p. m. ; Spokane, soutboond, 4 a. m.:
City of Seattle, northbound. 5 p. m.; Dolphin,
northbound, 1 a. m. yesterday. ArrlTed
Northland, Seattle, 5 a. m.
Shanghai. May 12. ArrlTed Canada Maru,
SVattle, via ports.
Yokshatna. May 12. Sailed British steam
er Talthyblns, for Seattle; Japanese steamer
Kslfuku Maru. Seattle, yesterday.
Arica. May 12. ArrlTed Columbia, from
Puget sound.
Victoria, B. C May 1. Passed Frank H.
Buck, from Vaucourer, B. C, for Port Sta
Luis, midnight.
Port Angeles. May 14. Sailed Wm. H.
Murphy, west coast, rla San Pedro, noon.
Port Town send. May 15 Passed In British
steemer Ixton. for Seattle, 10:40 s. m.
Stock Increase Made.
New York, May 16. (U. P.) An in
crease In capitalization of the Pacific
Mail Steamship company from $1,000,
000 to $4,000,000 was authorized today,
at a special meeting of stockholders.
Twenty thousand shares of pre
ferred stock and 400,000- of com
mon are to be Issued. An im
mediate issuance of 17,000 in pre-
rerred ana 300,000 in common was
authorized. It is to be offered to tho
stockholders at $100 per share for
preferred and $5 per share for com-
t matllls ..
The Dalles
Eugene ...
Albany ...
Oregon City.....
Grain Carrier Safe.
News of the safe arrival at Limerick
of the Norwegian steamer Wascana,
carrylna; a huge grain cargo from this
port was received by the Merchants'
Exchange. At the same time came
word from San Francisco that Jthe
British steamer King Malcolm bad
sailed for this port to load grain. The
King Malcolm will probably be followed
by the British steamer Barotse.
& tUs
They polnt'out3 that McKeana showed
great political strength as a . candidate
for mayor la 1911, receiving more than
20,000 votes, that he Is a heavy tax
payer, and a man of ability and In
tegrity. They expect to arouse senti
ment in McKenna's behalf between
now and Friday sufficient to secure
him the nomination by the laborious
process of writing his name in on the
" 1 ' i ias N
Missing Boy May Be
In Hands of Gypsies
Reports that the missing Jlmmle
Glass who was stolen from his home
In Greeley, Pa., last Hay, was In the
custody of gypsies in Oregon were re
ferred to the police yesterday by Gov
ernor "Wlthycombe. George Palmer
Putnam, secretary of Governor Withy
combe, asked in a letter to Chief Clark
that gypsies In this locality be lnves
tirated. Gypsies who. stopped south of Ful
ton for two weeks, are now gone, and
police who visited them while here,
said child of four yearn, with
light hair and blue eyes, the descrip
tion of the Glass boy, was with them.
Reports that a child of that de
scription was with gypsies Mar Ore
gon. City, a montn ago were Invest!"' "
gated three weeks ago by the police
when the gypsies camped sot)th of ?""M
Sellwood. Tne child was not seen. ' x .
aa CTAttl A swU
xvflr uav. om"vu
irmyof Stomach
Led to Health By
Single Dose.
Washington to Decide.
San Francisco, May 16. (U. P.)
Inspector of Hulls and Boilers Guth
rie, who Is Investigating the Roanoke
disaster, declared today that when the
present inquiry is completed a report
will be sent to the secretary of com
merce in Washington, ending the mat
ter for the time being.
Army-Navy Orders
San Francisco, Cal., May 16. (P. N. 8.)
Army orders:
Brigadier General Henry A. Greene to Fort
Sam Houston, Texas, for temporary duty.
LeaTes of absence for four months on sur
geon's certificate of disability granted Cap
tain t Samuel M. De Loffre, medical corps.
These officers relteTed from duty at the
army war college May 81: Majors Robert L.
Hows and Melrla W. Howell, lltb caralry ;
Charles 8. Farafworth and James T. Moors,
ltth Infantry.
These medical leseMS corps officers ordered
to actlTe duty June 6: First Lieutenants Ben
H. Metcalfe, William H. 8eemann, 8. T. Har
ris, John F. Denton, J. Samuel White, John
M. Armstrong, Herbert 0. Lleser.
Captain Robert C. McDonald. M. C. to
Fort Sam Houston, Texas, for temporary duty.
First Lieutenants Irrlng M. Madison and
John N. Greely, signal corps, to Fort 8am
Houston, temporary duty.
Captain James N. Munro. quartermaster
oorpa, to Los Angelea, to inspect public ani
mals to be dellTered under contract.
First Lieutenant Charles K. Swarta, infan
try, detailed to signal corps. May 23, and to
Fort Sam Houston. Texas, temporary duty.
Captain James Bonayne, retired, with his
-t - 111
w t
It. McKefina.
An organized movement has been
started by the friends of C. L. Mc
Kenna to have his namewritten in on
the Democratic ballot as a candidate
for congressman from the Third dis
trict. A committee of Democrats,
with headquarters at 637 Pittock block,
has started the campaign to put Mc-
Kenna on the ballot and from now
until .Friday will leave no stone un
turned to accomplish their purpose.
A strong and general protest has
arisen among the Democrats of the
district against the candidacy of John
A. Jeffrey, whose record in the past is
obnoxious to that part of the Demo
cratic party In thedistrict who have
and do stand for good government.
Stomach Trouble causes a multitude
of ailments, and often results in Gall
Stones, Yellow Jaundice, Acute and
Chronio Indigestion, Appendicitis, Con
stipation, Auto-Intoxication, Gas Pres.
sure. Fear of Heart Disease, Cancer and
Ulcers of the Stomach and intestines,.
etc., etc. One dose of Mayr's Wonder
ful Remedy has proven successful In
thousands of cases of Stomach Trouble. I
This explains Us enormous sale. Has
been taken and la recommended by
Physicians, Justice of the Hupreroe
ministers. annera, tducutora. Mtchan.
lcs probaoiy our own neighbor.
To People Who Are
Under Normal Weight
Good Advice for Thin, Undeveloped Many owe their lives to Mayr a Wonder, 'i
.. j aw u, ful Remedy. Thousanda nay it haa ,
men ana Women Who Want saved them from the knlfo. Contain
to Put on Flesh.
no alcohol or hablt-lormlna: druea.
FREE booklet on Stomach Ailments.
j. uuusauus ot DeoDie tuner rrom ex-I Aaareaa lieo. m. uavr. Mr (h.,.-
'e thinness, weak nerves and ci.iAi.i,n n.tti.. nK.i ,
FWA'i?' XL?'. BfIl25,JieS5: of Mayr's Wonderful Remedy from The
sicul culture stunts and rub-on creams. wl Dru Company or any reliable
resign inemseivea to llie-iong BKin- I urus:isi. wnu wm ieiuiw juur money
niness ana tninK notning win make I lr it iaiis.
insra lai. im ineir case is not Hope
less, a recently discovered combina
tion of assimilative ageutu haa niaUe
rat grow aner years of thinness, and
It is also uneaualled. from re-I
porta, for repairing the waste of slrk
ness or faulty digestion and for
strengthening the nerves. This re
markable preparation is called Hargol.-
If Too Fat Get
More Fresh Air
edged merit
oee.n combined in
elements of acknowl-
To Keep the Face
Fresh, Clear, Youthful
George Tazwell, former municipal
judge, who ts a candidate for
county judge of Multnomah
county on the Republican ticket.
More Important than the cosmetic
care of the complexion is its physic?!
care. T keep tne race clean, zresn,
youthful there's nothing better than
common mercolized wax. It absorbs
the soiled or faded worn-out skin par
ticles. Cosmetics simply add unwhole
Bomeness to the complexion. That's
the difference. By all means, acquire
the mercolized wax habit. Ifs bo eay
to get an ounce of the wax at the drug
gist's, apply at night like cold cream
and wash it off next morning. There's
no detention Indoors, the old skin com
ing off so gradually no one suspects
you're using anything.. When In a week
or two the alluringly youthful, roselike
underskin is fully in view well, you
won't want, or need, a make-up com
Dlexlon after that. It must be appar
ent that this process means complete
ail curaneous Diemlsnes,
edaed merit nave c
this preparation, which is indorsed and
used bv prominent people everywhere
It Is absolutely harmless, inexpensive
and efficient.
A few weeks' systematic use of Sar-
gol should go far to produce flesh and
strength by correcting faults of diges
tion and by- supplying nourishing fats
to the blood. If not,- every druggist
who sells it is authorized to return the
fiurchase price. Increased nourishment
s obtained from the food eaten, and
the additional fats that thin people
need are thus provided. All leading;
druggists supply Sargol and say there
is a large aeraana lor it.
While this new preparation has from
reports given splendid results as a
nerve tonle and vitalised, its use is not
recommended to nervous people un
less they wish to gain at least 10
pounds of flesh. (Adv.)
riddance of
like freckles,
For obstinate wrinkles,
pimples, blotches and
face bath
made by dissolving an ounce of saxolite
in a half pint witch hazel, surpasses
massage cream and everything . else
for results. (Adv.)
Public Opinion Indorses
this family remedy by making its sale larger than that
of any other medicine in the world. The experience of
generations has proved its great value in the treatment
of indigestion, biliousness, headache and constipation.
relieve these troubles and prevent them from becoming aerious Ills by
promptly clearing' wastes and poisons out of the digestive system.
They strengthen the stomach, stimulate the liver and regulata the
bowels. Mild and harmless. A proven family remedy, unequalled
For Digestive Troubles
Largest Sale of Aay Medicine in. the World.
SoU OTaeywkare. la koaaa, 10c 25a .
(-J railing.
River Forecast
The wrrtamette river at Portland wfU fan
airauiiy ice me next two or tares days.
Steamers Due to Arrive. '
Name. From Date
Northern Pacific.... S. F May i;
Mimm int. T . . a. . v
n. a., at b. r Mar Zl
8.F. a It. A May 24
8. F.. C. B. A E. .Mar So
Steamers Due to Depart.
l?,Bf- .. For tats
nonneraractne.... 8. r. May 18
g? City aJ i"nCF.""aiay 3
Vi May 24
ear. ....... ........ S, F. a U, A....May 20
Steamers learlng Portland for gas rranetsee
'' "no me steamers Yale and Har
vard, tearing Ban Francisco Monday. Wednes
I5s imT "01 Saturday. ts Anrelva
as s-taj vs.
Vessels In Port.
r.ame. Berts.
J ? i. Ainsworth
. 1 - - ................. jww
Ecbo. Am. sen .......Astoria I
iBTsrlogle, Br. bk .....Stream!
MOV rvJAaSs...w.Vnnlr1paA Va, 4 '
Better take a
for that
Stop that
. with an easy to take Shoe Wafer
no bitter taste no after effects,
quick ' relief from chronio and
occasional headache. -i t
Kaes a box at Shas Wafers Tsaady far .
instant ass. Asa yor dnugist for Shaa.
west, rr
It is the Bright, Active, Clear-eyed, Healthy indi
vidual Who meets success, at work or at play, socially
or financially.
? Health is Life, Strength, Vitality, Ambition, the
ability, the desire to live, to enjoy, to accomplish.
Without health and strength in fullest measure you
may not hope to enjoy the fullest measure of success
in any undertaking. You cannot make the best of
conditions, and opportunities. If your mind, your
power of reasoning and concentration are dulled or in
active, to any extent, naturally you. are less capable to
the same extent to mike them perform is you would
have them to.
CADOMENE TABLETS represent a scientific combi
nation cf the most vital elements for building and
strengthening cell and tissue. Cadomene Tablets pro
duce buoyancy of spirit, a regaining of vitality and
endurance, renewed efficiency of body and mind.
Amazing and lasting improvement results from Cado-'
mene Tablets in chronic or recent cases of Nervous
ness or Failing Vitality. '
So, if you are a victim of overwork, worry, disease,
excesses or dissipation of the mental and physical
forces if you feel tired, weak, nervous, trembling,
and suffer with headaches, melancholy, pain in spine
and back of head, cold extremities, dreadful dreams
of direful disasters, a feeling of timidity and a general
Inability to act naturally at all times, if yon have "the
blues" and the pleasures of life are no longer enjoy
able, then you need Cadomene Tablets to brace and
build you up to put new ambiton, energy and.
strength into your system and reinforce and nourish
the bodily structures. Cadomene Tablets are sold on
a money-back-if-not-satisfied-guarantee, and if you are"
not pleased with results you get every cent of your
, money back. It belongs to you and we want you to
have it
Cadomene' Tablets help men out of the rut of
nervous discontent and ill-health, and restore to them
the capacity for more complete , enjoyment of the
pleasures of life. All druggists sell 3-graln Cadomene
Tablets la sealed tubes.
have catarrh,
deafness, or head noises go to
your drug-gist and get 1 ox. of
Parmint (double strength), take
this home, add to it & pint of
hot water' and 4 oz. of granu
lated sugar. Take 1 tablespoon
ful 4 times a day.
This will often bring; quick
relief from the distressing head
noises. Clogged nostrils should
open, breathing become easy and
the mucous stop dropping into
the throat.
It Is easy to make, tastes
pleasant and costs little. ILvery
one who has catarrh should give
this treatment a trial. You will
probably find it Is Just what you
need. (Adv.)
Be Moderate In Tonr Slet and Reduce
Your Weight. Take
Oil of. Xorein.
Lack of fresh air It Is said weakens
the oxygen carrying powor of the
blood, the liver becomes sluggish, fat
accumulates and the action of many
of the vital organs are hindered there
by. The heart action becomes weak,
work is an effort and the beauty of
tne figure is osiroyei.
rat put on bv indoor lire Is un
healthy and If nature la not assisted
in throwing it orr a serious case ot
obesity may result.
When you feel tnat you are getting
too stout, take the matter In hand at
once. Don t wait until your figure has
become a joke and your health ruined
through carrying around a burden of
unsightly and unhealthy fat.
Spend as much time as you possibly
can In the open air; breathe deeply,'
and get from l.auo-Uavls L)rug Co., or
any druggist a box of oil of koreln
capsules; take one after each meal and
One before retiring at night.
Weigh yourself every few days and
keep up the treatrnent until you are
down to normal. Oil of koreln Is ab
solutely harmless Is pleasant to take,
helps the digestion and even a few
days' treatment has been reported to
show a noticeable reduction in weight,
An absolutely harmless antacid in
all cases of fermentation and souring
and belching of food, gas, indigestion,
etc. A teaspoonful in a fourth of a
glass of hot water usually gives IN
STANT RELIEF. Sold by all drug
gists in either powder or tablet form
at 60 cents per bottle.
Breat Reive and Blood Tonie
. . Wo. 2
l ' . mm wa ivwi r
1 tjV
i ma- . a
Rheumatism, Inflammation of the Bladder or '
Enlarged Prostrate Glands. Blood Poison.
Diabetes. Structure. Cancer .
It Is no stimulant Reports from patient prove that Its effect- are rrmanent
rand lasting. In addition to the above M.I.S.T. No. 2 has cured many case of
diseases pronounced by physicians and specialists to be Paralysis, Locomotor
Ataxia. Spinal trouble end apparently incurable diseases of the nerve. ,-,
. M.LS.T. No. 2 has been on the market for over 85 years and thousands of
sufferers have written us they have been cured by its use. It is prescribed by.
manv physicians. It is pleasant to take and absolutelysafe. It never increases
or rlirninlibes the action of the heart If yon are suffering from any Chronio
Disease) yoa are urged to write to us no matter how many doctors or
medicines yon have tried without relief.
l5imiaHP That yoa may Judge the value of M.I.S.T. No. 2 for -li
liUL2.L. yourself, we willVAnd yoa a sample - FRCC.jsJYrits
as as saasTsstassTi confidentially, giving symptoms. '
r.1.lS.T. No. 2Ono Dollar per box
or Six Ooxos for Five Dollars
Address: THE I.1...S.T. CO Toledo, Ohto ,
- ' M. L S. T. NO. 2
' For sale in Portland by