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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (March 21, 1915)
.a THE OREGON i SUNDAY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, SUNDAY MORNING, MARCH 21, 1915 That isilt. iislf ilfiii5f! ill lifiiili iPPiiili' I rl"' ffi' Ttt lm cvjv j , if I V?A w ."-Tv" C Away With Ml HI 5 '-V pi r s; i v. v;v;v.:.!.-.':'.-X'X-r'yv,' ,ri i "li' ill i fi i ! ,- , ; ' I - 4 v N r lf.fff'.,.l,jC. D t 1 ? '. .Tsr.-.-i m .s'c f 4 ?i ti''f 'v "' 1 ilMiHWk Vt'4 mi r i ::: - i n 'i- .'1-:; ' IV X '1 , 1 - . :.v 5 M.ttxvv-- . .v; : . . 5; ' ' 1 '1 1 Reducing Obesity of Bust and Shoulders. sis t ' ' I 4 W WMML ' ,.,h.ii,. TBI r ' rrm--fTrnam ",u 7 Undergoing a General Treatment for Fatness. The Mnscles of the Body Contract Sixty Times aMinnte. ENTJJUSIiY new imethod for trea tins ti besity--that of re lining In an "elec tric chiir" while the whole muscular system is exercised to fatiiue is at- ! racting' the ; atten tion of American phys idans. The! treat ment originated in the mind o. Dr. Nagel 6chmidt of Berlin, and obly six pf the chairs are in use on this side of thn Aflnnti Tho patient does not feel theTfatigue! because the will power has not beeii brougjit into play. The Nagelschmidt system ftr tafilng off fat bids fair to become jiuite popular ! among the stout "idle rich" who would? become the counterpart of the Greett athlet or the "per fect thirty-six," but wh have hiot the nerve or grit to go through the tortures of reduc ing. It would seem more pleaant to take an afternoon nap In a Nagelschmidt chair than to chase around golf links through the physical tortures pf a slum and then only with uncertain results. f . " or go gymna- Strenuous Wo A Made Easy. The Nagelschmidt cliair is Inclined to a comfortable position, and is fitted with very large contact surfaces 1 nsulated fropi each other. It is equipped with electrodes which fit the curves of the be d, perfectly;! and a switchboard distributes the peculiar cur rent, produced by the motor interrupter lo cated at the side, to these several electrodes by means of various : rheostats and the metronome." ' j j Any part of the body ; can b4 treated and reduced, while the balance of tie system re mains unaffected. ! j j After placing the pt.tient on the fat-re-! ducing chair the current is 'passed through! in the desired direction. All the muscles of j the body, so far as theyL are included in thel circuit, are contracted tegularjy with great! energy. At each contraction thi lower trunk muscles may raise weigjats of from forty to fifty pounds besides their own Weight. j All the muscles appear to be engaged in "strenuous work a thing whiejji the patient would not be able to accomplish by volun tary exertion without the most profound fatigue. If the apparatus Is adjusted prop-ii erly, according to Its aiaker, there will be! patient will even observe an increased de sire for physical exercise. The patient should not be subjected M the very beginning tcj a full , hour's treat ment ;with maximum energy says Dr. Nagl- schmidt, but during the first! few sessions the available muscular energy should be carefully estimated, and, beginning with fif teen-minute sessions, length of sixty minutes, should be attained gradually. In some extreme cases, In which the fat Is present in unusual! Quantities, jit may be necessary to start the patient with two treatments a day, one morning and evening. j ! i ''."'! i The regular treatment consists of i a series of ; twenty-five period of; four weeks. I ii ft MK. IT It JM ( - Jnnn nrtn dJJ T the normal session. sessions, covering j a In the great ma jority of cases, say physicians who are using ' the chair,! the one series has produced the desired effect. When a second series is nec essary a period of from one to four weeks is allowed to elapse between the two. j Lose Fat, Gain Strength. : Because, as they Bay, it reduces fat as well as develops the muscles, and at the same 'time does not cause mind fatigue or a strain on the heart, those physicians using the Nagelschmidt system contend it Is the only logical cure for excess weight. With a majority of the muscles of the body con-, t racting sixty times per .minute, or 3,600 ' times per session, theyj say it ; stands to rea son that a great amount of muscular work is being done, which necessarily results in a - tomed to after the treatment, and yet correspondingly increased metabolism. 1 Thus, "the female I patient before you," said Dr. Nagelschmidt in a lecture before the Berlin Medical Society, ."without chang ing her diet, has in the last six sessions had her weight reduced from 206 pounds and 4 ounces to 202 pounds&nd 2 ounces, or an average reduction of jabout 12 ounces per be attributed to losses by transpiration. since she did not perspire percpptihlyj. Be sides. -she drank about three Quarts of water . daily.. In another case Dr. Yeith of Nuremberg, for the sake of an experiment, had his pa tient eat much more than he was accua- three taken ascer- after thecessiqn xiot only, ncfatigue but thej eessioiij'i This reduction, Jxe saldL-cpuld pp weeks later no increase in weight had place. Dr. Veith - adds : "I have tained, as the result of a single session, an average loss of weightamountlng to six to thirteen, ounces, although at sessions a reduction of over two ppunds was obtained, and can show a reduction of weieht ud to thirty-one pounds li i JfiXoWXv -' r i l f Immmmwmmmm -mm ill 'r? LL 6io7is, cjases, say duced the of frotn - i Ibgical ure body sav it being d metabolism physicians who are contracting that where a chair treatment consists of a ring a period of four weeks. using the chair, second series desired effectj to four weeks is allowed to elapse using thi Nagelschmidt system for excess weight. sicians stands toil reason that M I lone, wmcn necessarily With a majority sixty times pet; minute, or 3,600 a great amount results in a t i . - Drs. Bergonie,. Naglschmidtj and all report Efficient fati-reducing treatriient without observiiig any special diet, butr add suitable!! diet was combined le weigbjt reduction with the treatnients was far . greiterl All operators agree that the weighi re- I ii I - M 1 i 1 - 'L 3 ' " iP71 II I . f twinty-five ses- the great majority of the onq series his pro- is necessary a period between the two contend it is the only of the mtiscles bf the times per session, they of muscular work is correspondingly increased duction becomes less at the later sessions. It should be borne In mind, they say, that the loss of weight ascertainable by' weighing Ls smaller -than the amount of fat removed; since new tauscle tisstie has formed. This, they contend, is the fact that very oftenJ while weight may be comparatively email, the clothing will become; very loose-fitting. For instance, -in a typical case, after three ses sions there was a loss in weight of a little more than two pounds and a, reduction in girth of three and one-half inches. In an other case, after six sessions, the weight " was reduced three pounds and two ounces and the girth measurement fourinches. The Nagelschmidt current is constant, without fluctuations, and also by the pecu liar form of its current-curve suppesses al most entirely; the unplesant feeling of ordi nary faradization. ' Stronger currents than heretofore may thus be employed without, discomfort to the patient. The woman shown on this page in the act of undergoing the Nagelschmidt treat-' , ment for obesity ha ( ried various methods ' for years in an effort to "get back to normal," as she put iti j . ! : "I first tried the method of rolling on the - floor"," she declared, "but found this irknoine. .. Then I turned my attention to physical cul ture. Pulling weights, punching the bag, : brisk walks and runs yes, and many other things that were actually torture for me failed to bring the desired effect : No1 Will Power Needed. "Next I tried dieting. My intentions were the very best but after a few days my will power ceased to stand by me in the crisis. Little by little I went back to eating the food I knew would keep me fat. : "Now f am reducing In weight without exercising my will power in" the least, and - without the tortures of physical culture or . the discomfiture of dieting. Really, I look forward to a treatment with pleasure. I can recline easily and comfortably in the 'electric chair,' and, if I care so, read a book or newspaper while I lose weight Or I can lay back and plan my shopping trip or a hundred other things, ; "After exercising in a gymnasium I al ways felt weak and tired. Not so now. I . get out , of the chair feelfng refreshed even more so than before; I take the treatment It is wonderful." - also been shown by " the loss in For Health: Make Sleep a m yfANY teople have poor health because blood suppitf, ana IV they do ncjt knov; how to ;maKe sieep from some six cause thewjare a businessJ Tl ie ythi ak that j the all-import int oupstio a is how many hours to sleep, whetlier it should be eight or filpe. The truth f the matter is that 'sthe houis count for little compared with: the way you rest There j ire men and women who only take five hsurs' 6leep and are well Othejrs nust have seven hours reg ular y .which Is the average for strong men and jvom;n. Tt ere are those jwho sleep eight hours and could use nine. Manv of these who take many hours of restfare little refreshed by It! It 1st be- "Sleep, dreams, may f from anyt cause the circulation Increases In activity wakeful ness is the result- besides being disturbed by be defective Ihl othejr re spects. It may be too j short tit may be too prolonged. It may not be deep enough, and it may be unrefreshing.1 You know people who get toT sleep with fall asleep naturally. difficulty. Others but at the end , of awake and cannot Others sleep, the yare disturbed jsleeping and not restlr As Dr. Bernhard Hollander, jan 'English authbrity c?n nervous j disorders, explains, thej primary i cause of sleep Is a need of rest on the part of .the brain cells from the iexerciie of theiij funcuons., waste a rehabilitation storej the brain During sleep, the brain has a diminished In mental being Iff use, . products accumulate during the day, land work has been abandoned. In this case period ! Is necessary to re- to its normal condition. sleep Is prevtented. feet on the cerebral worseC Business a few hours they are get by dreams mares of which they . have little memory. Again there are those tnat sleep the night through, buti refreshed by lethargic during the day. complain they aie so little it that thei are drowsy and overltvork are apt to remain to sleep again. but with an agitated brain, Worry ha a! and nlght- tbe btain cells. alive after . .i a like ef- cells, and if anything Jumping the Rope and Many Other v Such Violent Exercises Are 'Used by Corpulent- Women in the Hope Of Reducing but With LittlEffecL . i !