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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 30, 1914)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL. PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 30, 1914. 2i ,.71 n irnnr n n rin MTIIHIII 1IL VLI II L II l IHU VL00LL0 ULLHU - FOR EUROPE LADEN TO FULLEST CAPACITY I Bark Urania and Steamer Ventura de Larringa Ready for Sea, 1AHEAT VALUE IS $382,908 Collector of Customs Kecelvss Instruc tions Henosforth Wot to Malta Pub llo SUp Manifests, nd it is believed will be sufficient to float the steamer. With the Shiver and Diamond O, as sisted for a time by the F. B. Jones, the Catalina was moved 40 feet yester day. She stuck again, however. Kiv ermen say that the first suction is the worst, however. and that with the ad ditional power to be applied this after noon she should float. It is thougnt that her stickin yesterday was caused by a bar forming where the current washed around her stern, ana it sne is not floated this afternoon the-dredg-er Columbia will be used to dig her out. . The Columbia finished cutting at! Reeder's Crossing, and will be brought to the drvdock to have her macninery ransferred to the new steel nun wmcn has been constructed. She will be . brought up tonight If she is not needed i at Columbia City. Bound for the United Kingdom with cargoes, of grain, the Norwegian bark Urania and the British steamer Ven tura de lrrlnga will call today, the value of their combined cargoes being $382,908. The Urania carries 98,097 nil Nhl Af WhMt whftA Via Vantni-a t de Larringa has on board-270,000 bush eis. , Captain Williams of the Ventura de Larringa was busy this morning secur ing a crew ,to take the pjace of the men who left the steamer and were paid off yesterday. Kearing they would lose thUjr' lives If they went to sea during these war times, 12 sailors demanded their v discharge and their pay. They were arrested on desertion chartres bu it was found that they were entitled to th'lr liberty and were discharged. The Ventura de Iarringa was dis patched by the Northern Grain & warehouse Co. for Strauss & Co. Dur Ing the late hours yesterday afternoon this company also received information that Strauss & Co. had taken charte to another sailing vessel, adding the British ship Kilrnony, a venue! of 163 tons net register, to their list. It was rumorod this morning that Strauss & Co.. had secured a second vessel but no confirmation had reached the local of rice this, morning. In an effort to protect shiDDers. th government has ordered the local cu torn house to exhibit for publication no more manifests, and Collector of Cus una llurke put this order into effect this morning. The--cargoes carried by me urania ana the Ventura de Larrin g, given here,-are therefore not off! clal, but are within a few bushels oi the correct figures. The Merchants' exchange this morn Ing received word ttiut the Norwegian nara ianazieia Had sailed from Val paraiso lor this port. The identity o ner cnanerer is not known. xrsr AitTExxx a. ALONG THE WATERFRONT Carrying-2,200.000 feet of lumber and 114,040 feet of piling for Balboa, the American steamer George W. Fen- wick sailed last night flying the W. R. Grace & Co.'s fla,fi. under time charter. The American schooner Inca finishes loading at Prescott for Urace & Co. tonight and will kiil for the A cargo of 1,000.000 feet of lumber left for San Francisco on the steamer Siskiyou, Captain Hanson, today. The Pert of Portland towooat uciua hama moved the Norwegian bark Urania into the stream from the Port land Flouring Mills dock this morn ing and will leave down with the ves sel tonight. The British ship Invercoe is to fin ish loading at the elevator dock today. The Norwegian bark Marosa is to go into the Portland Flouring Mills berth while the Queen Elizabeth is to come up from Linnton tomorrow. -. CCBSBSOSSB I -a I a. I m i I sis norssszo v. PASSSO XT TTP. BO TEST rSSSXXXSTXC. Beggar Could you spare me a pair of your old shoes, boss? The Judge You've already told one story of your alibi. Why do you wish to tell another? The Accused Cause I'm an expert second story man. All sky building tomorrow evening, i several prominent canaiaates ior me public suffrage next Tuesday will be present. Asks President's Aid, The Central Labor Council of Seattle has requested President Wilson to set tle the strike situation in Colorado. Mrs. Anguh Did you see the cata combs when In Europe? Mrs. Dart Mercy, you know how I hate cats'. . Midgley It costs ten times as much to 'get married now as it did ten years ago. Sowergy And it Isn't worth, a cent more, either. Levi Q. Burgess. Am. th..... W. F. Jewett, Am. sen King Cyrus, Am. scb Araoldos Vlnnen, tier, lb Gloh- . .Astoria . .Artorla .Astoria Marine Almanac. Weather at River's Mouth. North Head. October 0. Condition at the month of the river at 8 a. m., moderate; wind south 40 miles; weather, raining and foggy. Suns and Tides, October 31. Sun rises, :51 a. m. Sua sets, 4:59 p. ra. Steamers May Be Sold. San Francisco, Cal., Oct. 31. Re ports of the proposed purchase of the Kosmos line steamer Serapls, now, in terned here, have been renewed. The successful voyage of the liner Sacra mento, formerly the German steamer Alexandria, reported nearing Valpa raiso, her destination,, unmolested by the British, is expected to give Impetus to the purchase of German merchant men in American ports. Three Ger mans are now at Portland, and several others at San Francisco, San Pedro and Puget Bound. Tide at Astoria. High water. Low water. 11:10 a. m., 8.5 feet. I 5:19 a. m., 1.8 feet. 11:51 p. to.. 7.1 feet. 6:03 p. m.. 0.5 feet. Daily River Readings. STATIONS. S g J h.3 H S3 a 2 Lew In ton i4 372 O 0.04 Umatilla 25 4.0 0.2O.O0 Albany 2o 2.1 0.1 0.06 Salem , 20 1.3 0. 2 0.08 WllsonviUe 37 4.7 0 0.13 Portland ...1 15 3.4 0.10.03 TANKER IS KKADY FOR SLIDE Lyman Stewart Will Re Christened Tomorrow. Ban Francisco, Cal.. Oct. 30. Th giant tank steamer Lyman Stewart Is resting on the props awaiting christen ing tomorrow morning at the Union Iron works. The ceremony will be Im pressive. The Union Oil company, her owners,, have requested that final equipment be rushed as they are anxious to commission her. The Stew art measures 426 feet in length and has a capacity of 62,000 barrels. Her beam is 56 feet, depth of hold 31 feet, displacement 14,000 tons and her speed 11 knots. There were four passenger sailings for Portland today, the steamer Roan oke, carrying a fair list, and the steam ers Nortfoland, Multnomah and Celllo, sailing with only a few passengers. The cruiser Cleveland arrived today from Mexican waters and will guard the neutrality of San Francisco bay ports In place of the gunboat Annapo lis, which has been ordered to Mare Island. The Cleveland is expected to go into dry dock in three weeks and Admiral Pond Is arranging for a relief. The Japanese liner Shinyo Maru, " sailing tomorrow for Hongkong, carries 7000 tons of general freight, 100 first cabin, 80 second and 125 steerage pas sengers. The American steamer Neches, scheduled to sail for New York and Philadelphia today, will not be able to leave until tomorrow on account of the heavy cargo being loaded. Engineers Inspect Bar. Marshfield, Or., Oct. 30. Th govern ment engineers, who have arrived here, will at once start work on the bar to ascertain what benefit in deepening the water on the bar has been accomplished by the work of the government bar dredge Colonel P. S. Michie, which was recently taken t'o Columbia river. Oaft Arrives From Germany. New York, Oct. 30. The Swedish steamship Sagoland, first vessel to reach New York from a German port since war began, arrived from Emden. NEWS OF THE PORT THURSDAY'S NEWS BRIEFLY SKETCHED Happenings of Hainan Interest Occurring Throughout the WVorld After Yesterday's Issue Went to Press. (Rising. () Falling. River Forecast. The Willamette river at Portland will re main .nearly stationary Saturday and Sunday and rise slightly Monday. Arrived, October 30, At Neighboring Ports. Astoria, Or., Oct. 30. Arrived at midnight and left up at 3 a. in., str. Geo. W. Elder, from Eureka and Coos Bay. Left up at 6 a. m., str. W. f. Herrin. Seattle, Wash., Oct. 30. Arrived, str. Aden-a 1 Farragut, from Sun s'ranclseo; reports pissing a juare rigger off Columbia river yesterday. Valparaiso, Oct. 28. Sailed. Nor. bk. Llnd field for Portland. Astoria, Oct. 29. Arrived at 9:30 p. m., str. W. K. Herrlu, from Monterey. Vancouver, Oct. 29. Sailed at fl p. ra., Br. str. Merionethshire, for Portland. San Francisco, Oct. 20. Sailed at 8 p. m., str. Johan Paulsen; at midnight, str. J. B. Stetson, for Portland. Port San Luis, Oct. 28. Sailed, str. Olenm, for Portland. San Pedro, Oct. 29. Sailed, str. Portland, for San Francieco and Portland. Arrived, str. Beaver, from Portland. Victoria, Oct. 30. Passed. Br. str. Mer ionethshire, Vancouver, for Portland, 3 a. m.; ' luide, 4 a. m, Tutootsb Island, Oct. 30. Passed out. Am. str. Rainier, 6:30 a. m. ; Bee, 7 a. m.; Oliver . J. Olsen. 7:20 a. ra. Geo. W. Elder, Am. str., Cuptaln Lofstedt, ! urisiano, roruana, I a m.; am. sir. oania pLKM-ngers find freight. Coos Bay and Eureka, j Maria. Port San Lnls, 3:30 a. m.; Am. str. North Pacific William Chatham. Tacoma, 7 a. m. ; Sailed. William F. Herrin, Am str.. Captain Eng- Fr. bk. Notre Dame lTArvor, Queeostqwn, tor alls, bulk oil, from Miwuerey, Standard Oil. orders, cargo wheat, 9:45 a. in Port Townxeud. Wash., Oct. 30. Passed In, October 30. I. lir. str.. Ci fur United Kingdom, Denarted Ventura de Larringa, lir. str.. Captain Wll- litiuis, wheat, &. (to. Urania, Nor. bk.. Captain Jensen, wheat, for United Kingdom, Portland Flouring Mills. Siskiyou, Am. str.. Captain Hanson, lumber, fo.- San Pedro, Iant & BusseU. Steamships to Arrive. PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT. GERMAN SHIPS AT CAIjLAO Roanoke Paraiso Beaver (Juluauli Breakwater ... Geo. W. Elder. Yucatan Rose City Bear S. D. and way Nov. H. F. and way Nov. , S. P. and way Nov. , Alaska Nov, , Coos Bay Nov. , Eureka awl way... Nov. , S. V. and way.... Nov. . S. P. and way. . S. P. and way. 8 Nov. 8 Nov. 13 Am. str. Richmond, lor Seattle, 8:20 a. m.; Arrived, Am. sell. Helene, 23 days out of Honolulu, for Bellingham. Tacoma, Wash., Oct. 30. Arrived, Jap. str. Awa Uaru, Seattle; Am. str. Mary Olson, San Francisco, 8 a. m.; Am. str. Rosalie Mahoneya, Everett, 7 a. m. Seattle. Wash.. Oct. 29. Arrived. Am. str. Huuibolt, Alaska, 8:15 p. m.; Am. str. Ken tucktan, Portland, 4 p. .in. ; Am. str. Hi Ionian. i tacoma, :30 p. m.; Br. sn. inverciyoe, caiioa, ! u p. m. Sailed, Am. str. Montanan, New 1 ! York, 5:15 p. m. ' 3 ! Everett, Oct. 29. Sailed, AdE str. Oliver 3 Olson, Saa Pedro. 4 Tacoma, Oct. 29. Arrived, Jap. str. Chlca- 1 go Maru, 2a days from Hong Kong, 8 p. m. European War. It is announced that Turkey has commenced war on Russia, and a bom bardment has been announced from Theodossia, Crimea. German soldiers who have become exhausted by the long stay in the trenches have been sent home for a rest of a week or so, it is learned. j The Swedish steamship Ornen, bound from Portugal to Gothenburg, struck a mine Monday in the North sea and sank. Five members of the crew per ished. The Belgian parliament will be called into a session at Havre some time next month. A German steamship which had been converted into a cruiser has been sunk by a squadron of British torpedo boat destroyers. Te crew was saved. News from Rome, via London, says that the German crovga prince was wounded while leading his forces in an attack on Verdun. It is unofficially announced that Germany offered to- cede Mets and a portion of Alsace and Lorraine to France in consideration of the latter's breaking away from the allies, The offer was rejected, it is said. Kdoa, an important railroad station on the Salanga, " 990 miles from the coast of EquW$orlal West Africa, was captured by French and British colon ial forces, after & fierce battle in which the allies showed much bravery. The British war office denies the truth of reports from Berlin that a serious uprising against the British had occurred at Alexandria, Egypt. Germany, in retaliation upon Eng land will, it Is said, place every Eng lishman in Berlin under arrest. The names of the residents- are now being gathered in order that the men may be interned. In a casualty list printed October 24 to 27 it was shown that 23 British officers had been killed and 48 wound ed. Seventeen were reported as miss ing. Among the dead is the Honorable Henry Stanley Monck. captain of the Coldstream Guards. The report that 1200 Greek soldiers had been landed at Santi Quaranta, thus taking possession " of the southern port of Albania, giving con trol of the Corfu channel, has caused a stir at Rome. Italian circles do not believe that Great Britain and France will back Greece in the seisure of a part of Albania. The Persian minister at Fetrograa denies that there is any truth in tne report from Berlin that Persia and Turkey have formed an alliance. paid $3 for a job in the mountains. When he went to the depot to join a gang of laborers who were supposed to be going to the hills, he did not find them. The case against Mrs. Olive Hagen of San Jose, on trial at San Francisco for the murder of Crayton Putnam. may go to the jury before night. Mrs. Hagen suffered a nervous breakdown on the witness stand, and her condition was such that it was found necessary t6 postpone the trial. str. El FREIGHT ONLY. Daisy Gadsby ..S. F Alvurado S. F. llonoluian N. Y luwan N. Y. Thomas L. Wand. Alaska Pananinn N. x Nevadnn N. Y Isthmian N. Y Peniisylvanlan ... N. Y Uhioau N. Y Steamers Due to Depart. PASSENGERS AND FREIGHT. Kritish. Bark Inverclyde Brings Report From Pern. Seattle, Oct 30. Fifty-one days from Callacs Peru, in ballast, the Brit ish bark Ihverclyde, Captain James King, arrived in Seattle yesterday. Captain King reports that when he ailed from Callao. the German full rigged ahlp Maipe, the German four- rhasted bark Omega, the German Bteamer Amaals of the Kosmos line, and on other vessel of the Kosmos fleet, were Interned at that port on ac count of the European war. I Officers, of th British steamship Orcoma at Callao were having consid erable merriment over a Joke played on the Germans in port. The crew of the Britisher cut two enormous guns out of wood, and after painting them black, mounted them on deck, point ing in the direction of the German vessels. The craft flying the flag of .the kaiser, in fear of being sent to the bottom by shot and shell, did not venture from port. However, the ruse of the Orcoma became known when the authorities at Callao ordered all vessels in the har bor to dismount their guns. Under charter to the Albers Brothers Milling company, the Inverclyde will load a full cargo of wheat in Seattle for the United Kingdom. TOttBOATS PULL. ON L.INES Bteamer Catalina May Be Floated - Today. ' With the steamers Shaver, Sarah Dixon, Cascades and Diamond O strain ing at hausers attached to the Amer ican steamer Santa Catalina, it is ex pected that the big steamer will be floated from the beaoh at Columbia City at high tide this afternoon. An eight f.oot tide, 80 per cent effective at Columbia City, ia due this afternoon. Name From. Geo. W. Elder.... Eureka and way.. Bear S. P. and way.. Breakwater ......Coos Bay Roanoke S. j. and way . . Uuinault Alaska Beaver ........... S. P. and way.. lucatan S. D. and way.. Rose City S. F. and way... Paraiso. Am S. F , FREIGHT ONLY. Santa Catalina N. Y Yellowstone ...8. F. and way... Daisy Gadsb ... C. B. & S. F. ., Alverado -. C. B. & S. F. ... llonoluian i.N. Y Toomaa L. Wand. Alaska lowau N. Y Panaman N. Y Nevadan N. Y" Isthmian N. Y. Pennsylvanlan ... N. Y Obluan N. Y , Mosquito lieet Bailings, rmimj OIUSISW Ducenness. Oct. 29. Passed in Am Frank H. Buck, for Everett, 2 p. m. Port Wells, Oct. 29. Sailed, Am. str Seguudo, San Francisco, 4:do p. m. j San rrancisco, Oct. du. Arrived, Am. str. Nov. I ! Norwood, San Pedro, 5 a. m.; Am. str. Van Novl 3 i guard San Pedro, 2:10 a. m.; Am. str. Avalon, Nov 5 ' aild Corouado, San Pedro, 6 a. m. ; U. S. "Nov." 14 j cruiser Cleveland, Mexican waters, i a. m. ; Nov 14 I Am. str. Sierra, Honolulu, 7 a. m. ; Am. str. Nov is Willapa Grays Harbor, 7:30 a. m.; Am. str. .Nov' 24 i Celilo, Saa Diego, 8:10 a. m.; Am. str. Yale, Nov. 27 i sau Diego, 10 a. m. ; Am. sir. uovernor, aan Diego, li:i a. in. saaiea. Am. str. lvoanoae, Portland, 10:30 a. in.; Am. str. Vanguard, Eureka, 10:30 a. m.; Am. str. Celllo, Portland, 10:45 a. m. ; Am. str. Coronado, Grays Harbor, 10:45 a. m. ; Am. str. Multnomah, Portland, 11:45 a. m.; Am. str. F. A. Kilburn, Eureka, 12:15 p. ra. ; Am. str. Santa Barbara, Saa Pedro, 1:45 p. m. .Dec. 3 .Dec. 7 Dts.- . .Nov. 1 . . Nor. 2 . .Nov. 3 i . .Nov. 4 ! ..Nov. a' ...Nov. 7, . .Nov. 11 . .Nov. 12 ; ..Nov. 13 j ..Nov. 1 ! ..Nov. 2-1 . . . Nov. a ! ..Nov. 7 1 . . Nov. 9 ..Nov. lti M Irene Sue H. Elmore... Tillamook Newport & Toledo. .Nov. rtllauiook (Enterprise Oella Ihwaoeda . .. Bandon Waldport ....... Nestucca ....... Newport Berth. Prescott Stream .Oregon Dry dock .Irving Montgomery ...St. Helens Vessels la Port. Name Inca. Am. sch l-anla. Nor. bk " Solano. Am. str....' Desaix, Fr. sh. . Marosa, Nor. sh Santa Catalina, Am. str.. invercoe, or sn Elevator Gowanburn, Br. str Montgomery enturs de Larringa, Br. str Strefim Queeu Elisabeth. Br. sh I.lnntno Nehalem, Am. str Bainier Col. P. S. Mlchte. dredge '.Astoria Atlantic, Am. str Municipal Dock Navajo, Am, str Albers Temple E. Dorr, Am. str N. P. Lbr. Co. ear. DI-,.8U'- Ainaworth wo. v . r.iaer. Am. sir. ........ Wm. F. Herrin, Am. str.. Vessels Disengaged. Akutan, Am. str Alliance. Am. str , Berlin, Am. bk Chinook, C. 8. drede David Evans. Br. sch Dalbelr, Ger. bk olden Gate, Am. str.. Democrats Will Speak This Eve Br. C. J. Smith, A T. Flegel and others to Address Three Meetings on the East Side. Tonight at 8 o'clock public meetings .Nov. is will be held at the Rose City Park 'nv' 1 scno01- East Fifty-seventh and Thomp ' iw" i ; son streets, and at the Shaver school. Mississippi avenue ana morris otreei, and in the Metzger hall at Gresham. Dr. C. J. Smith, A. F. B'legel, Sheriff "Word, Lester Humphreys and Dr. A, K. Higgs will be the speakers at the Rose City Park school. At the Shaver school the speakers will be Dr. Smith, Mr. Flegel, Sheriff Word, Colonel Robert A. Miller and Elmer Lundburg. Governor West will speak tonight in Metzger hall, Gresham. This afternoon at 3 o'clock he will speak in Woodman hall, at University Park station, on the St, Johns car line. Pacific Coast. San Francisco reports that the war has given an impetus to Pacific coast trade in cereals and otner products. Smashing a big show window in the Herman Haas Hardware company at Weiser, Idaho, a burglar made away with revolvers and knives. James O. Young, aged 38, killed him self with a shotgun at Twin Falls, Idaho. He was jealous and despond ent because another man was paying attention to his 15-year-old wife. The jewelry store of Ross A, Day at Claremont, Cal., was robbed, the rob ber breaking the front window with an ax and taking a tray containing a dozen srold watches. Jay Brown, logger. Is In Jail at Sac ramento, Cal., for taking four shots at an employment agent. Brown had Eastern. It is announced from Chicago that, to date, foreign orders for tinned meats, clothing, trucks, harness and the like amount to between $7,000,000 and 8,000,000. British and French purchasing agents are in the field In Chicago and they have $3,000,000 in gold in banks for the purchase of supplies. William G. Bruce, secretary of th-i Massachusetts Manufacturing associ ation, is authority for the statement that knitting mills in that state are swamped with orders from Europe. Meat packers of Chicago learn, that opposing governments are watching each other closely in the matter of buying meat supplies. Battleships are cheaper than bat tles, declares George von L. Meyer, former secretary of the navy, at Bos ton. He urged a larger navy for the United States. Colorado produced seven crops this year which have a total value of more than $50,000,000. The crops are corn oats, wheat, hay, barley, apples and potatoes. Hay stands at the head of the list. Edward J. Sullivan of Denver and Miss Pazestella Creel of Mexico were married at El Paso, Texas. The bride is a niece of Enrique Creel, former Mexican ambassador to the United States. The death list at the Royalton coal and coke mine in Illinois as resuft of the explosion, now totals 59. Fifty two bodies have been recovered. Mrs. Sarah Rosenthal, bride of Ralph Rosenthal, was kidnaped ha'f an hour after her marriage and in At lantic City and was not returned to her anxious husband until the banquet which had been planned had been can celled. The Episcopal church pf America in convention at Baltimore1 went on rec ord in sympathy with national prohibition. J. F. Kennedy snd wife to C. G.- Sim mons, south 10 feet lot 18, Lcnora Place 250 Rose City Park association to Henry C. Rippey, lot 7, block 13, Beaumont.. 865 Harrison D. Kincaid and wile to the Oregon Home Builders, lot 4. block 24, city 100 Levi Uodln to Minnie A. Bleecker, lot 7. block 12. Laurelhurst 5,600 Title & Trust Co. to .w R. Theskston et al, lots 227, 228, Ascot scr 1,500 W. H. orcrit anil wife to M. 1. Jonn- eon, lots 13, 14. block 4, KUUngBworta avenue addition 10 M. T. Johnson and wife to Effie Day Murphy,, lots 13, 14, block 4, Killlugs worth avenue addition 10 W. 3. Redmond and wife to E. J. Gar- row, lots 7. 8. block 8. Laurelhnrst 1 Title & Trust Co. to F. I. Fuller, lots 14, 15, block 15. Arlington Heights 10 William Morglnson and wife to W. H. Nun. lots 1. 2, 13, 16, block 14, North Mount Tabor 50 Laura M. Ganimans to L. L. Giles, lot 3, block 4, South Fairlawn 10 BJvervlew Cemetery association to Delia Allen, lot 113, section 105, ssld ceme tery 123 George E. Misner ud wife to John H. Duke. 1 acre infection 6. townshiu 1 south raiiRe 1 east 1,000 Josle L. Stewart and husband to D. A. Dlnsmoor et si, lot 3, north 1 foot lot 4, block 6, Sweeney's addition 10 H. P. Disber and wife to Kobert J. Upton, lots 3. 4, 6, block 30, Fair port 10 Gladys Alma Willis and husbsnd to Alma H. Williams, lot 18, block 15. Williams avenue addition 10 Charles Cleveland and wife to C. N. Hamtnar, lot 9, block 1, Cleveland ad dition 100 Lillian J. DeKeater to Augusta Carr. lot 18, block 103, Rose City Park..... 10 Fred W. Fry and wife to J. S. Hauphiy, lot 10, block 8, Whit wood Court 75 J. H. Tipton Co. to C. V. OauU-nbein. lot 6, block 5, Murrayniead 10 Msgdalena Bigger and husband to H. F. Hot-Cher, 3)xlo3 feet of D. U of Gideon Tibbetts In section 11, town ship 1 south, range 1 east 10 T. V. Matson to A. E. Eastland, lots 30, 81, block 8, Fairport addition 10 Broker Arrested on Girl's Compidiiit John B. Goddard. broker and real estate dealer, was arrested yesterday afternoon upon a complaint signed by an 18-year-oid girl, in which she charges assault and battery.- According to the gir. she answered an advertisement for an office as sistant. X5oing to Goddard'a offioe. the girl says he asked her into a side office to talk over the employment. While in thre, she says, he attempted to kiss her, put hia arms around her waist and tore her clothing in the scuffle. The girl told her parents, who took the matter up with the de partment of safety for women. Godddrd this morning denied the girl's story, saying that other persons were? ir. the office and they would sup port his statements. The case will come up Monday at the afternoon session of the morals court. t Three years ago Goddard was con victed in the circuit court. Judge Campbell of Oregon City presiding, of annoying girls that came to his office. A sentence ranging from two to 20 years was Imposed, but it was sus pended. More Pensions Issued. Washington, Oct. 30. Pensions have been issued to the minors of Charles C. Caylor, Klmira, $12i Belle Keqyon, Portland, $12- . KRAZY KAT : CbpyrUbt. 1BI4. International News Secvleai Corn Comes Off as Easy as You Please! "Gets-If Being Used by Millions! It is the first time that a real, sure'as-f ate corn cure ha3 ever been discovered. "GETS-IT" is the new WHATLAB0R IS DOING Building Trades Likely to Start Off New Year in Good 'Shape. Executive. Postmaster General Burleson award ed a South Carolina firm a contract for annual supply of cotton wrapping twine, about 1,500,000 pounds, at 13 cents a pound. It is said that $20,000 will, be saved this year by substi tuting cotton for jute twine. President Wilson is enjoying the first rest he has had since entering the White House. He has postponed cabinet meetings and is seeing only a few callers each day. He spends most of his time golfing, automobiling and reading. The transport Hancock, which has on board a regiment cjf marines, has been ordered by the navy department to proceed at full speed from Do minican waters to Port au Prince, the rebel-held capital of Haiti, to guard lives of Americans and their prop erty. Several Big Jobs In View. Oscar W. Home, the representative of the bricklayers in the northwest. says that there are several large jobs in the building line coming forward rapidly in Oregon that will take up about all the bricklayers and many others of the building trades about January 1, 1915. Carpenters to Hold Socials. The members of carpenters No. 50, which meets every Tuesday at East Pine and Grand avenue in their own building, have resolved to hold a so-v cial every last Tuesday in each month through the season. Sad. General Good Time. The carpenters at Grand avenue and East Pine street last Tuesday had some good music, a little dancing and refereshments were served. Engineers Will Give Smoker. The Engineers, No. 87, will have a smoker and social evening at the LATE REAL ESTATE AND BUILDING NEWS ..Dec. 7 ..Dec. 11 ...Oct. 31 . . Nov. . .Nov. . Nov. , . Nov. . . Nov. . .Columbia WUlbrldge Gobi Gobi , .Astoria Astoria .Vlctoria-Dolohina .u. w. p. Mubie wale. Am. scb Astoria Virginia Am. sch Astoria 6t. Nicholas, Am. sh Astoria Hence, Am. sch Aatorla Kurt, Ger. sh Astoria Incne. Am. sch ....Astoria VOTE 316 X YES Paid advertisement: by, OC Turner, Enterprise, Or. IF YOU HAVE RHEUMATISM READ THIS! E. F. Davis, a St. Louis druKcrist. has discovered a cure for rheumatism which is truly wonderful. It is called Rheumatism No More, and has ef fected cures in thousands of so-called hopeless cases. So positive is the ac tion of- this remedy that an apprecia ble effect is felt from the first dose. It gets right into the blood, courses through the body, and by a process of neutralisation drives every particle of uric acid poison from the system. As it contains no salicylic acid, oil of wintergreen. ealicyate of soda, mor, phine, opium, nor any narcotic, it is not narmtui to tne general health. Actual statistics show that one bottle off Rheumatism-No More relieves any or dinary; cases, and that two are all that are required for the most obsti nate. If you suffer the horrible, nerve rackina- - nains or rheumatism, you should lose no time in getting a bottle or Kneuraatism no More. A few doses will show you that your case is cur able and that you can again enjoy the happiness and contentment of per fect health. The - price is $1.00 per Dottie. jror sale oy an jjruggists, iAl Opening of Bids Delayed. Bids for the construction of Athena's proposed $35,000 school building will not be opened on October 31, as planned. Instead contractors nave been allowed -an extension oi six days to get in their contracts and building will not close at the offices of Tourtellottee & Hummel in the Rothchild building until 4 o'clock of the afternoon of November 6. Plans and specifications can be se cured at the company's Pendleton branch office or here in Portland. The building will be two stories high, 78 by 128 feet, of brick construc tion, with a white pressed brick veneer and stone trimmings. There will be 10 large class rooms, together with a gymnasium and auditorium having a seating capacity of 500. os GoatjRhaaBatism. - p-ri. lmnbaco: pain in fheltcadj aeeand &nbsv Alldroccista. K. FbCOERA CO., Ino-. Aganta tor U. a, WO BeekmM Bfc, a jfisn 'mi mi frrra ssssssss Today's Happenings With the Builders, Architects, Contractors and Realty Brokers. John Hedstrom Lands Contract. Architect Earl A. Roberts yesterday awarded the contract for the construc tion of the proposed postoirice distrib uting station at the southeast corner of Fifth and Hoyt streets, to John Hedstrom of 756 Kerby street The building will be constructed ror the Pioneer Paint company of this city, which has leased it to the government for a term of years. The block will measure 100 by 100 feet, and will be of concrete construction. The esti mated cost is placed at $12,000. Work will beruhed. Heating Contract Awarded. The city commissioners have award ed the heatingcontraet in. connection with the construction ofj the city barn at Sixteenth and Jefferson streets tohe Oregon Heating com pany. The company's bid was $911. Building Permits. Bollsm Investment Co.. repair three story brick clubhouse, Fourth, between Davis and Everett; builder, M. Bourea; $25. R. L. Glisaa. repair two story frame dwell ing, 27 North Eleventh street, between Burn aide and Couch; builder, same; $150. : Mrs. P. Tierney, erect one story frame gar age, 1033 Hawthorne avenue, between Thirty fourth and Thirty-fifth; builder, C. 0. Rodg er; $100. K. T. Ixmg. erect One story frame garage, 487 East Fifty-third and Sherman; builder, Fred Anderson; $75. Helvin 1. Ballard, 264 East Twenty-fifth street, erect one story frame church; builder, Alec Squires; $18,000. ; Whaler Estate, First street, between: Oak nd Pine, repair one story building; builder, William Vaets; $130, i U Riser, repair two story frame dwelling. Flnft street, between Glbbs and Whit taker; builder, D. Gurlen; $125. Frank H. Mills, renalr two storv brick build ing. First street, between Main and Madison; builder, T. C. Iteieble; $75, H. C. Bucklr. renalr frame dwelling 3RS East Eighth street, corner Broadway ; build er, Thomas Flynn; $61:. Andrew Sherwood, erect chicken bouse, 296 East Sixty-ninth street. North. between Clackamas and Multnomah: builder, same; $50. Andrew Alexander, 'rpeair one story frame dwelling. East Sixty-third street, between Dav is and Ullsau; builder, game; $100. Mrs. Bertha M. Bailey, erect one story frame garage, 8il Capitol, between Shaver and Mason; builder. W. H. Ballev; $150. F. F. B rower, wreck ly, story fanie dwell ing, 252 Martllla street; wrecker, M. Snider. $50. Rogers, Hart and Gibson, agents, repair iniee tnarj ones Dunoing; jsast Washington, between Union and Grand; builder. Belcher Hardwood Floor Co.; $5o. Portland Iron Works, repair two story brick macnine snop, Aortnrup street, between Thlr teentb and Fourteenth; builder, John Bing ham; $500. Had the Lady Who Uses th World's Greatest corn ender. based on an entirely ntw principle. It is a new, different for mula, never successfully imitated. It Mlia&CS W I 1 1 .7. diiimci n ' 1 14 X i I - It ,0,11.11. rTwo drops do the work. You dou't bundle up your toe any more with sticky tape and plasters that press down on the poor corn ho more flesh eating salves that don?t "-stay put," no more hacking at corns with knives or razors, no more bleeding or danger o.f blood poison. No more limping around for days with sqre corns, no more corn pains. "'GETS-IT" Is now the biggest sell ing corn cure in the world. Use it on any hard or soft corn, wart, callous or bunion. Tonight's the night. "GETS-IT" is sold by druggists everywhere, 25 cents a bottle, or sent diroct by K. Lawrence & Co., Chicago. "GETS-IT" is sold in Portland by The Owl Drug Co. KeepYour Lungs Strong Thi3 advice is doubly important with the knowledge that Yry three min utes some one in the United States succumbs, to consumption and many refuse to realize they ar afflicted until it is too late. It is after colds or sickness, from overwork, confinine duties or when Found That Plant Juice! Beneral weakness exists that tubercu ... iii . r ... i lar germs thrive because the resistive Helped Her in tverv WaV 1 powers of the body are weakened. vniy iresn air, Hurismue una aouna nt rich blood that can hope to arrest their progress and the concentrated fats in Scott's Kmulsion furnish fuol for rich blood, and its rare nourish ment helps strengthen the lungs while it builds up the forces. If you work indoors, tire easily, feel languid or run down Scott's Emulsion is the most strengthening food medi cine known and is free from alcohol or stupefying drugs. Avoid substi- SEATTLEWOMAN SAYS 'TROUBLES ARE OVER' and Recommends It to All: Real Estate Transfers. Frank C. Sharkey to Josephine E. Sbar- aey, lot 3," block HO, Caruthers' addi tion 1 J. C. Elrod snd wife to W. I. Reynolds.. lot 5. block 4. Reynolds Elisabeth Crick to Oeorge Meade Shaver, lot 6, block 37, Rose City Park John H. Smith to Charlie (L Simmons, lot 11, block o, KosemaryTark 10 10 COO Mrs. William Kettler, who lives at the foot of Twenty-seventh street. Government wharf, Interbay in Seat tle, and 'whose husband is a watch man on the waterfront, said: "I cannot tell you how thankful I am that my attention was called to Plant Juice. I have suffered for the last seven years with rheumatism and ; tutes, kidney trouble. On account of my I 14-63 Scott & Bowne, Eloomfield.N.J.Ad nusbana s-work we live near the bay, and the dampness made it harder to find anything that would help me. I had tried bo many different treat- ments without getting any relief that 1 I did not have much hopes that Plant ! Juice would help me, but in a very j short time after I started taking it, it ; began relieving my rheumatic pains j and also to correct my kidney trouble. I It has also put my stomach into find condition. I now sleep well and digest my food properly. I feel that Plant Juice has helped me in every way." Many who suffer from rheumatism think it Is, caused from damp or cold weather. These conditions merely de velop rheumatism, but do not cause it. The cause of this most dreaded affliction goes deeper than that, the most common cause being weak or diseased kidneys that allow the uric acid to escape into the blood. Plant Juice clears the blood of all poisons, including the dreaded uric acid, and so cures rheumatism. It stimulates the torpid liver to action, corrects con stipation and biliousness. For sale at the Owl Drug company's stores. Adv. DANDRUFF ON SCALP Hffi FELL OUT Scalp Scaly. Pimples Small and Red. Would Fester Dry and Itch. Used Cuticura Soap and Oint- ment. Crust and Pimples Gone. New Growth df Hair. I , k . rzz 1 ii IS 1 JA 1 1 RILS OPENS IIP NOST ENDS COLDS OR , CLEARS HEAD, AT CATARRH ONC E Instantly Relieves Swollen. Inflamed any dm g store. This sweet, fra- Nose, Head. Throat You Breathe Freely Dull Headache Goes Nasty Discharge Stops. Try "Ely's Cream Balm." Get a small bottle anyway, just to try it Apply a little in the nostrils and instantly your clogged nose and stopped-up air passages of the head will .open; you will 'breathe freely; dullness . and. headache disappear. By morning! the catarrh. cold-in-head cattarhal sore throat will be gone. ; End such misery now! Get the small bottle of "Ely 'a Cream Balm" grant balm dissolves by, the heat of the nostrils; penetrates -and heals the inflamed, swollen membrane which lines the nose, head and throat; clears the air passages; stops nasty dis charges and a feeling of cleansing, soothing relief cornea immediately. Don't lay awake tonight struggling for breath, with head. stuffed; nostrils closed, hawking and blowing. Catarrh or a cold, with its running nose, foul mucous dropping into the throat, and raw dryness is dlsOeslng but truly needless. Put your faith Just once in "Ely's Cream Balm" and your cold or catarrh' wHl surely disappear. - P. O. Box 395. Berkeley, Calif. "My hair was dry and falling out and my scalp j scaly. At times there were ptmpies oa my scalp. The pimples' were small and red, would fester, dry and itch. My hair would grow a certain length and break off and fall out. Toe falling put was always preceded by the breaking out of the pimples and itch" ing. Dandruff scaled off my scalp and could be seen in my hair. . "I tried for some time but when I stopped its use my hair had the same dry brownish color, and the scalp was not healed. Then I covered the scalp with glycerine but the hair condition remained the same. I saw Cuticura Soap and Ointment adver tised in the newspaper so I wrote asking for a free sample. I applied the Ointment and let it remain bver night. In the morning I washed the scalp -thoroughly with Cuticura Soap and water. I then bought some Cuti cura Soap and Ointment from my druggist. I treated my scalp for nine months. Now the scaly crust and pimples are gone and I have a new growth of thick, dry, brown hair." (Signed) Mrs. E. K. Mcllvaine. Apr. 8. 1914. Samples Free by Mall It casta nothing to learn bow pure, tweet, effective and satisfying Cuticura Soap and Ointment are in the treatment of poor com plexions, red, rough hands,' itching scalps, dandruff, dry, thin and falling hair, because you need not buy them on til yon try them. Although sold everywhere, sample of each will be mailed free, with 32-p. Skin Book. Ad dress post-card "Cutknira, Dept. T, Boston." AS All. VEftV ' IT 15 FCol, WOULD 7tX1 V HAVE. CJ r ' A ffMSK,A;evE AST, f A .. A nVD H I i feAiAJ OP f0H0H IU OVEftJ VMS. ifl I 11 , . 1 -: $ 2 u lJLjLU 0 h MfilhJL Si OF SVC 5AAT?.4 VOKHIAK r MY fHW1 C V ) vvewi . mi-', : 'i',: it '4 j ... r . ill- ' - - - ; -v v- - - . . - ' - 3 . '- --: ; - .