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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 29, 1914)
THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, THURSDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 29, 1914. 18 6 ' - r SITUATIONS AlAUS'.- j j continued) HARK working, ifcltable man or 40 with family to support wants a ' tdy Job at once, but wlU take work of any klBil. In expenencea i vv cret work,' teamster and Knows rlty Well, A-1017. the YOUNO'mun clerking in country store wiHhps to make a change; five years efrtem-e; tin give reference and cash bond If required; if you need me pleaae answer at once. Box 41, Brock- way Uiv WlTlfift KntrllKhman. 33 -year of age, who lost everything on the BteamerJ Bant Catallaa, wants nomeximig v Immediately; Is an experienced fireman for steam hollers, or machinist; will tin work of nv kind. M. 717. A-1517. ABLE bodied German, &u yea who has a faii!lyof 8 hildi fears oio. ildren, the once, experienced In carpenter .w,orK and has all toola; will do any thins, but wanta a steady Job- M, tit; A-)bli. EXPERIENCED Janitor wants yflsi tlon at once. Will take work' of any ' kind. Ha worked around wholesale house. Best f references. ,M,ar- hall Sl7 or A-1517. , . 5TnjUK man olf the Hanta Catallna -,. lot everything, wants work at once. Much ln need Experienced fireman . L und mac-hrniiit, but will do anything. :'3 Main 717 A-1.V17. J FURNISHED ROOMS WEST SIDE (Continued 9 FOR RENT HOUSES 12 mv MnrSLiUEIKIV' FRANK'S FREE RKHTAL without charge AND INFORMATION BUREAU, reeiater of fur Tenth Floor. Temporary Annex. n!ifhi rooms i Comolete and rella&le list of all va liLtiVfS Ivm.i , houses, flats, apartments and hundred in all bungalows In the city; make ue of parts of the this service when you desire; thla doe city, at the Y. M. C. A., also t-iote in , Btore yQu wUJ fJnd ug wUUn and the Awsocflatlon bldg. ; i ready at all times to help ypu In locat- THE ALBION HOTEL, ' inr. Newcomers in Portland will find 3d and Salmon. - this service especially valuable. Real 212V. Rooms $1.75 hot week up: steam beat, estate men and owners of private prop- APARTMEXTS - -'- 4f !7fri71CfGULH it1h?n ITWITDVTQ1Il1n ' HORSES, VEHICLES, ETC 18 HOUSEHOLD GOODS for SALE 63 CContiime) Continued) CContnmed) THE Union Transfer Stables are re placing with auto trucks and have the followins for sale at very low i prices: , Six large ara.ii teams, uiwuj Five single horses and mares, all THE new-Alter brick apartment build ing at corner 21st and Overton sts., will be com Dieted this week. Each apartment will contain 6 rooms, In-1 cludinir nnA tnmhinatinn rnnm con- I vertibie into a sleeping porch, sewing Jf- tMtn. nt hltr matched mules or. P'y room. The main entrance, is i A r - s ,Tw harness, also lan mirh Vaxh Inarlmrnt Hat. I . - ------ llr. "Ies and bridle-s All the glass mirror; hardwood floors nrough- . t t ,, nd have good FURNITURE Before buying second hand goods, see what you can do here on new goods for cash. Get posted. William Gadsby, 1st and Washington. TYPEWRITERS GILL'S REBUILT TYPEWRITERS. Underwoods. Remingtons, L. C. Smith, Oliver, Smith Premier, Royal, etc.. $15 and ud: terms. A cents for . vi"." ! v,ov. m the "Corona" fofdW tvoewriterT Tvni- put, beam ceilings, fireplace,with as- - are eentle Call Union Trans- writer desks, tables and chairs. The J uesioH gas log. built-in nuneis, mo j -j,w tu u, ct w am k.. win jo.. 3d ana Alder sts. and cold water, free bath, phone i ,.rty are invited to list their unoccu-1 i ' JPj i ln ao,we,J 1 N HOTEL 269 -4 fith st -New ped apartments. flaU and houses at ?fn' Pif ch,esV etc ick bldDrand ewfurnishfngs, j &ieri Franks free rental bureau. 'ceraiTeerefrc OiK WINTER' BUSINESS. We want to l-r your land cheap and. thop' vour'rord wood. 'iZi Cham ber, nl Cuiiunen c bldg. Marshall 6370. ' y. KETCH AM. $2.00 a week up. S'almon. THORUi ulllV ixptr"thed stfam drill rami, or concrete worker.-must find" employment. Tan milk and Uo do afly kind of work. Ma!r -717, 'A- 1617. EX f'ERI'EN'CEI) elevator man, 25 years old. -ho has al worked ort farm df-Hlres steady iriplo.Vment; lias wife but no children; references. Black 583. or A-1517 , ' Jl-II'LP; aKei man. experienced in j JjA KGE parlor steam diillliig. I o K iiuartipw mliii.h. oiw farm work, (esir.'i poit i.n - which in tea.dv,. but will take. odd joba. Mail) 717. A-liH. ' . KYAN brick hot and cold water, steam heat, private or public bath HOTEL BOMA1NE, 147 2d St. ! Uul. firm-nnf hnilrilnfir hut Mild . OlA. IOOI1 cold water, steam heat, $3.50 week up. 931 BUCKINGHAM hotel. 20 ih and Wash ington; -jew, fireproof, brick, every moderr convenience: $10 month tft ' HOTEL ARTHUR, lltb near Morrison. Transient- andperinanent, rooms w:t all modern cbnvtiiuences. $17.50 mo; up. $3.00 WEEK up. absolutely the latest modern- comforts. Hotel Grant, 451 Wa-th. . -Cheaper by'mogth. ACKLEY HOTEL Cor. 12th a.nd Stark $2.50 w:k up. Private biith $4 up. f'lean outaldo rooms, nodern brick big buncalow and garage. Belmont. I2o. 8 room bungalow, thoroughly mod ern. 688 J2. 43d 1.. J2&. 4 room cottage, modern, E. Stanton, $10. 5 room new cottage, 1506 $la. ' 8 room modern house. 688 E. 41st St. I N.. $25. COLUMBIA REALTY INVESTMENT COMPANY, Main R36S. 617 Board of Trade bldg. ugniy moo E. 74th and e 18th St., WEST BIDE PRIVATE" TAVOZTZ CLEAN, cheerful, iioinelike rooms .fiirntsh'orl xrne. front room. suitable -forv-1. or more good location. I .SMALL house, 3HH Salmon. - ' : electti 186 NT 18th st., near Johnson, 8 rooms; 63 'Johnson st. cor. 18th, 9 rooms arfl Sleeping jorch; 871 Kelly st., near 1 1 iainf s, i rooms; 588 1st St., near 70 j Sherman, 7 rooms; 590 1st St., near Mierman, 8 rooms, all modern houses, flionp Sellwo,bd.Jt40. fy ciuhs itivi at Hnvt sts. We are rv jl'Vt- th. lnnrl show is beiner held. ' Auction Sale nerteI?oim' v,2Plete,Wlth ffM ! four short blocks from the" Armory, WE save you from 50 to 75 per cent on . ' wcMa.ft.a OUW,YT:, fc,w, . of horses, vehicles and harness at Co lumbia stables, 392 Front, every Thurs day at 2:30. We sell on a commission basis. Satisfaction guaranteed both buyer and seller. If you want to sell. front range, .' I . h. A mi well furnished r rooms, bath, phone, electric lights, j a 112 Broadway, cor. FRONT water, sonable. room, fre lights. tath,. gas. Phone Marshall 1769. .Itca 151 17th st.. . sJeping porch, bath, lighfij!; laundry tray. linoleu-i!. good car service; adults;-$11, including water; call 1504 E. Glisaji. ' FOK.KENT SunnytMe modern 6 room bungalow, fireplace, furnace, screens, corner lot, garage';' price $25; phone Main 2970. ; ELDE.K1.Y man. imneKt; and industri ous, want. i jHiiitor or insi.le work of any kind, wii.ere ..atr wrii sniau n'uwti in n e.d of work'. M. 717. bia st NICE furnished room . . i r . r . . .i . . i i i room with separate J-'U-' "om nrauern coiiage, iiaruwoua )Hi - V ol .i.w iloo-rs. handse-me lawn. Union tor $... . .- Cplui.w avi. N . Apl,iy Briloe curry.-,800 Union em, cheap. 2852. cloe in. ; mod- 154 N.'lWh st. Marshall VA'RN IH Eft hikI finisher by trade ''mtfut- get work itnniediately ; -iias fpnr small children in need; will talte Cimmiri day latrf.r. Main il.i, A-1517. 475 .Morrison, newly furnished, large . r Rmall front rooms, all conven- also housekeeping. 1.1.-.-iTlTI'TI.-. luxn wfih fflmilv must have work,, can fIhhIi or clear land, farming or driving learn;-, will do pick and shovel work. A-l17, Majn117.. .MAN with "fanitly To support must get . orn kind of . work t once, day ia "bor or anything'; references. Main 717; A-I617. J Vvi N1' w.m Wanm position as" night clerk, in small hotel in . or out. of town, will ruriiisli W-80. Journal. ' c LLUEtM.l umii, liimd naliir.-d and i'e y " liable, wants. ---board anl ro'om .in ex chaiige for liKht s..iicei. Main 77:!5 ' r A-i:.u. - - '? S TItONO liny' I -wunts- work. Jlandy at most anything and will " do ony " kind f worU. Main 717, A " "1517. - . ONE or two rooms in beautiful home; -hot water, heated, running water it room; also shower. ' fi55 Everett st. $-J0-7 JtOOM house. 1?!)6 Union ave. north. Hot aiT'l cold water,- bath,. gas, car stops in front. -Jruiuirc 1303 Union avf. -. . COZ Y, - lMJinelike, s room, cot-tage, gas. electric lights. lawn; roses, -walking distance. 628 E. Madison., Owner next door. . PLEASANT rooms, good board. young men; reasonable.; St.; references. - . two MOUERN house, S; room's and-.Bleepln porcn. . walking ovstance to center or pnona 7Uat trving j Citj ! ci0ge to school and cars. i-.ast 4!i'H. .4 LARGE, light, airy room suitable for one or two; 414, Market "sty cor. 11th. WHEN you answer tiiese -Wain Ads, mention The Journal. . FURNISHED ItOOMS EAST SIDE FOR RENT 6,roonj house, 31'E. 28th st. S. Key at next door north. Price $20. - " ' v " MODERN 5 aid 6 room houses., freshly tinted, furnace. ec. $16.50 and $18. yvooqiawn ivi. 99.5. istn sr. JN. Melcliffe Court East Urn anrf Mnrrinnn. ODDOSlte east side public library, 4 story brick building, automatic elevator, 2 and 3 rooms, all outstae, with every moaeru convenience; rates very reasonable; beautiful view; walking distance. Kitchen is extra large ref rl srerators and enameled norcelnin eas range with glass door in bake oven. One cham ber has steel combination lock, safe for your valuables. Four large clothes closets, modern leitrir fixtures, glass door knobs, nice la r ire. lawn (when i brine vour horses to our auction, finished,); vacuum cleaner, steam heat, , you want to buy, attend thia sale. not ana cold water, janitor service a"u maid's 'room in basement included. If you are looking for the best at very reasonable rates, ' see the apartments, compare them with others at double the rent, 10 minutes on carline to 6th and Morrison sts. References re quired. Phone for appointment or res ervations to Insurance Service Co., 518 Morgan bldg. Main 89 or Main 3194, at the apartment. " all makes of typewriters. Send for : our illustrated folder; retail depart ! ment. WHOLESALE TYPEWRITER i CO., 321 Washington st. SWAP COLUMN CCo&flnued) 25 SWAP 67 thoroughbred R. I. Red bens for heavy horse. M. Ogden, Jen nlngs Lodge. WILL trade 6 acre tract for auto. Joe' Bicycle Repair Shop, 266 Taylor st. Main 8747. PERSONAL (Conttnnad) 22 PHONOGRAPH for Eastman post card camera. Woodlawn 2644. TIMBER claim to exchange for any good business. Box 426, city. YOU can rent visible typewriters 3 months for $4; convenient at home, delivered and all rent applied on pur chase. Main 6273, or A-4441. 244 Stark. TYPEWRITERS for rent. 3 months for $5 and up; 6 months' rental ap- to 8 years i i,lle'' on purchase price. Remingtor sound and ! Typewriter Company, 8fi Broadway. WANTED Team horses, 5 old. weight 2500 to 2600. true. Phone Tabor 4750. j NEW, reouilt 2nd hand, rentals, cut FOR SALE: On team of horeses, $40. I lJti iSiSSlAVhl-JL. W ANTKlmSCKL 5 WANTED The people of Portland to know that I pay highest cash price for second hand household goods. No amount of furniture too large or too small to consider. Prompt attention. N. M. Seater. 143 Russell st. East 6707. Take W. W. car to 875 E. 28th st. LIYTSSTOCK 35 on.Ai.fci API., Z4U1 ana aoiuiiuv. COME anil se ,oi,,i . au floors .1 OJJii ana tee , ' 1 O, hi. 1 1. 1 iiioiicu , . front veranda, sleeping porch, water heat, phone, all outside rooms, new and modern. Also 3 room apt. just fur nished new, west side, ,V car, on Mor rison st. 1 25 HEAD good dairy cows, Durhams, Guernseys and Holsteins, 4 to 6 gal lons a day, all young cows: special price on bunch. Take Woodstock car to 59th ave, walk 4 blocks west. J. L. Mayberry. THREE fresh cows, 1 Durham-Jersey, milking 22 qts. per day, 5 per cent test; others milking 4 to 4 V gallons per day. 14 S3 Macadam St., Fulton car foot of Idaho. FPU SALE MISCELLANEOUS 19 HESSIAN Grocery, staple and fancy groceries, hardware, tinware, school supplies. Orders taken and promptly delivered to all parts city, why pat ronize public markets when you can buy for less from thj retailer? Bar gains in land and city property. If not right We make it right. W. A. Hes sian, prop.. 1193 Hawthorne ave.. Ta bor 981 or B-2549. MONTGOMERY APARTMENTS- 3d and Montgomery: brick builTling, us about all breeds dairy cows. Geo. R. Mokel Cow Co.. 607 Commercial block. Main 6120. FRESH cow and tieifer calf 4 weeks old; 5 gallons rich milk day; 619 E. John st.. St. Johns. F'iNE lot in Vancouver to trade for rows. J.' McGregor. 1016 N. .lersey st.. St. Johns. strictlv moaein. furnished 2-rooni apartments, bath, phone, automatic 1 KVERAL good cows, $40 to $60. 'J'11- HOUSEHOLD GOODS AND SECOND, HAND STOVES. 2 counters, 2 shelvings, 2 standing desks, 2 filing cabinets, letter press, refrigerator, small scales, ranges, 50 heaters, 2 dressers, 2 phonographs, 1 common barber chair, bath tub, iron beds, tables, chairs. 112 Union ave., next postof fice. LEVIN HARDWARE & FURNITURE CO.. 221 Front St., buya 2d hand fur niture, carpets stoves, ranges, hard ware or tools of any kind. Call A-7174 Or Main 9072. Our buyer calls promptly. "NOTICE TO MOVERS." We want to buy $1000 worth of sec ond hand furniture and pay ail the cash it is worth. Williams Ave. Fur niture Exchange. East 636. MEN and women, those Buffering from every curable disease or habit, treat ed and cured by the laStest natural healing method, including radium, electricity, heat, light, baths, manipu lation, adjustments . and inassitge; no operations, no medicine, free consulta tion. Dr. P. E. Lewis, -fcuecessor Dr. W. E. Mallory. Naturopath. Rothchiid bldg. jt to 12 THE GLOBE STORE WANTS SECOND HAND CLOTHING. And everything. Highest prices paid. Main 2080. 285 1st, near Jefferson. CALL u- E. 6620. M. R. Seater. to sell your furniture. Prompt attention, highest cash prices. 368-374 Hawthorne BE WISE Get more for your -second hand furniture bv selling It to Ford Auction Co., 211 1st. Main 8951. 'LADIES Aete for. Antiko Mixture No. tr-jetter tnan pills for female Ola." A quick, afe and aure regulator, easy to use, works like magic, without harm, plain or inter ference with wojik. Price $2. Double atrength $5.00. For sale bv Helton ' Drug CO., 222 Morrison, near first, a LOST articles are easily identified If you have your name staSriped. in gold letters on your handbags?; wook covjr umbrella, music roll, bfodac, purse, pocketbooks. TheRoycSoft Bindery, 165 Fourth st., tSi V. qerjiier tb and Morrison. FOR best prices on your household goods call Secord, East 4 23 8. C.A.-tt paid for uiamonds. Elby Co., r,2p Lumber Ex. bldg.. 2d and Stark. HIGHEST price paid for rifles, shot guns, cameras. Hochfeld. 44 Ms N. 3d. elevator; walking distance. 10 $27, including lights. Main 9466. bercular tested. W. car. f20 E. :d st. v. LAM BROOK APA UTAlEN 1 o". 2 and 3 room furnished. Also sin gle sleeping rooms, steam heat, hot and cold water, electric lights, pri- vate phones, all free. Prices $10 to $25. E. 7th and Yamhill Bts. B-3401. THE CODY 431 E. Taylor St.. modern brick building; all outside rooms, steam heat, phone, light, furnished; rents very reasonable; thoroughly clean and under the personal manage- ment ot airs, tody. SIN'-ULE man. i:K-, good habits, good .". record Sh.iy IwonmMve, dynamos, mTtor. ctationarv boilers, wants' work, ;lt v or coirntiy.. E-JS7, .loiir'nal. 14 H ICK LA Kit who can do . ceu-inttt. carpvnter HitI plastering arid-general housfvr pah s h.'Jl., 119 E. -tlst st. M.SKKIi'.P 111. in wants any kind of , work, Mr. Milf"!. I'lione Marshall 4X5. - HOTEL FARREL. Knott and Missis sippi ave. Clean, - steam heated rooms, new furniture, new manage ment, reasonable rents. Phone Wood lawn 1128. MXs. Thos. Farrell. ROOMS AND JlOjKD 15 ROOA'i and board ; 'also table board ;. home cooking. 300 Jefferson st- SOOMS AND BO ASS. PKIVATE FAMILY 78 Vdl NO mail wants to oig potatoes on fihareK, will do any kind of work. 1 11 7 1 7 . A -1 I T . VV AN I'l-.D-wUh rut' Hai e vim cord wood you Address G-220, J"tirnal. Yi'l'NG German cook wants a Job as cook. .1. '4 204 Columbia st. HITlATIO -FEMALE SPLE'D11) home for couple of chil dren, 1 block frQ,rn school., Price reasonable Take Oregon. City car; get off at Oak Grove. Mrs. T. R. i elghner, Oak Grove. Or.; Box 111. 5 'R( )OM hlinalow moiirn u H'd clr-nti will eive lonir lease. -J12 tier month.! 2S9 Rnsiett st. ' Phone' Wdln. 1034. SHEFFIELD apartments. rOK KE.N ;!--One o-f Irv.ington's choice residences, all nfoderh conveniences. Phin East 14 90. THE IRIS Apartments, 3d and Mill sts.. will be completed October 1 ; rents from $1,7 up; 2, 3, 4 room, all modern improvements; largest heating plant in city; furnished or unfurnished. No charge tor coking gas. Broad- Mooe-RN' house.-663 Mississippi and Monroe, opposite Shaver school. Marp 13T.9, A -7931. A VEltY pleasant 5 room house, in good condition, close "in, E. Clay, bet. 7 Hi ' a'hd 8th. East 353. SEVERAL houses, unfurnished; ington. East 273. Irv- COME see and you will stay in at- (r-jftiua t-ifiri. unital.l for 1 or :! in private home with all modern con-! and E. Hoyt veuiences, board. East .''89 5. j FIVE $18 MOUERN 7 rooms and bath. close in. east side. Phone East 6155. FOR RENT 6 room house $18. 330 S. Broadway. 5 ROOM modern house $11. Corner 49th 1 block from M. V. car. ELEGANTLY furnished room with ex cellent table boarl in private family, close in. on west side; home privileges; price reasonable. 181 17th st. room modern bungalow. $20. 1187 E. Yamhill. Phone C-1905. NEW 6 places. room houses, furnace. fire Si 6.50 to $20. 862 E. Franklin. way S.. cor. Jefferson, easy walking distance; 3 or 4 rooms, with private baths, very reasonable rent, best ser vice, splendid arrangements, all uut side rooms, direct phones. ; DK, fat cow tor sale. 65 Brazee st. Call E. 66 75. POULTRY - A XD PIGEON'S 37 GOLDEN Silver Chinese pheasants; Mallard ducks, Japanese silkies; Or egon Bird & Pheasant Farm. Beaver ton, Or., R. No. 1. Berry, Hayden eouver car. Island. Ta' ke Van- BIG choice White Leghorn cockerels. Price reasonable. 1337 Burrage. Woodlawn 937. FOR SALE All kinds of pullets. 26 E. 15th St., between Ash and Pine. VV HEN you answer these Want Auk, mention The Journal. Marine & stationary Marine Hardware. Write for catalogue GAS POWER & SUPPLY CO.. 16S-172 Front St.. Portland, Oregon. A FIGHT on high prices. Why pay $5 to $10 for pair of elASKP3 u-hpn T run fit your eyes with first quality lenses in a gold filled frame as low as $1,507 C. W. Goodman, 191 Morrison St., near bridge. Satisfaction guaranteed. LOST AND FOUND HI EXPERT wrk lu dyeing, remodeling and restor ing plume 4 ! Moderate charges an prompt ser vice. T H fci PLU ME. 25 Morgan bldg. Main 4009. MME. DHEVKCS wno was for years PdfUand's most Bitted clairvoyant, is igemoiistratmg and teaching mind healing and mental suggestion. 405 GoodnoSigli building, opposite nostoffice. 4 ABOUT HAIR GOODS. Don t trilSt iml,IUru Tftlth ..--.nthlnno. let uh make tnem up. Ufa up. Wigs) toupea a soecialtv. 20 vre f.hvai & Ilanebut. 147 Broadwail nr. Moiria n. RHEUMATISM cured In fhree' to seveu treatments. HeadarhrianpnraliHii all inny. consultation THE following articles were found on GASOLINE AND OIL ENGINES. Jl.ight & Power company, and owners rtlieieof may claim same at the tirst and Alder street station: October 27 Marshall 5100 A-6131: VILLA ST. CLARA. 12th and Taylor. Modern, completely furnished apts. Walking distance. References. MODERN unfurnished 4 room apart ments, built in buffet, bookcases, Dutch kitchen, hot and cold water, private bath, gas range, 2 large clos ets, new brick building; 46th and Haw thorne ave.; rent $16.50. DOGS AND HOUSEHOLD PETS lO v Hb.V you answer these mention The Journal. YOUNG bulldog for sale. East. C675. Electric Motors Electric motors bought, sold, rented and repaired. Walker Electric Wk.. lo and Bu rnside. Main 5674 . rOR SALE New and t.econd hand carom and pocket billiard tables and bowling alleys and accessories, bar fix tures of all kinds, tasjr payments. The Brunswick-Balke-Colander Co.. 46-48 5th st. Main 769. A-1769. 'MUSICAL writers' separate 1 gas lamp. I parcel carrier. 1 box. 1 coil rupe, 1 valise, 1 basket, 1 shirt, 1 mrse, 1 suit case, 1 purse. 1 sample case. 1 pair gloves. 2 packages, 1 sweater. 1 raincoat. .1 book. 3 lunch boxes, 1 grip, I lunch box. 2 pairs gloves, 1 fish rod. POOR woman lost small black pocket-! book on loth st.. Tuesday morning; money and trunk keys will describe it. Reward. Leave at Journal office or phone Main 7414. LOST Lady's gold watch, Elgin. monogram A. S. M.. date Inside. June. 190b. ;.- reward: no questions, E. J. Mautz. 510 Henry bldg. Mar shall 1SH9. IAJ i Oct. ..o, on l Imnnari st., oe tween 24th and Guilds ave., wedding ring, engraved R. Y. to E. K. , return to oj9 Quimby st. or Journal, receive rewarn. Want A.13, I MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS," 'Type and "Household Goods" are classifications. All adver tisements of these goods are published . . i unuer ineir respective classifications. . . v. .j r. lllcill J V V 1 . FOR horses and . vehicles, dogs and household pets or poultry, read the ads under these respective headings. The Journal leads all other mediums in these classifications. COMPETENT, reliable woman desires positli-ii at once where she can go home nights. Addresit Mrs. A. Hohle, 248. Harrison st., or phone Marshall 520. MIDDLE aged woman, experienced, wants position as cook in boarding house or hotel, willing lo go out of town; reference. Main 7 728, or A-lf.17. FIRST CLASS washer and ironer wants work by the nay. Can do any kind of- work about the house. Main 717. A-1517. PLEASANT well heated room, good home cooking, in modern home, fur one or two; reasonable. 567 E. Moiri- 8QI1, P.OOM for two gentlemen with good board, furnace heat, 64 N. 16th, cor. Davis. NOV. first Desirable, modern rooms, with breakfasts, very reasonable, walking distance. Marshall 4766. WOMAN much in need of assistance askfi. only for work, if any kind. Good washer and ironer. A-1517, Main 717. OMN with lour small children to support must find work at once; wagea no object. Tabor 3469 or A- 1517. , WANTED Position as housekeeper in rooming house, hotel or work in camp- Room 1. T.i3 W. Park. A-5,;06. WANtT housekeeping or care of fur nished flat by responsible woman. 711 Kearney st. Marshall 4412. v niN you answer trieao w j,u AUtj, mention The Jdurnal. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS WEST SIDE ONE room with kitchenette, com pletely furnished, steam heat, run ning hot and cold water, phone in every room; 7 blocks from 6th and Morrison sts.; $16.60 and up. 291 Columbia st, corner 5th st. MODERN 6 room house 182 Mason St., cor. Kerby, $16. Woodlawn 1156. FIVE room house for rent. Inquire 336 e. 4utn st., in., near sandy. NEW two room unfurnished apart ment, gas range, disappearing bed, built in dresser, bath, $15, including heat, gas, light, water, telephone, 861 East Washington. East 3261. THE MARLBOROUGH. 21st and Flanders, offers you a mod ern 5 and 6 room home in Nob Hill dis trict with high class service, at mod- erate prices. Main ol6. A-26.16. AUTOMOBILES, motorcycles, launches or boats are separate classifications. A large listing can b found under these different headings. FURNITURE FOR SALE 83 IRUSES TOR RENT ADS . of furniture for tsale are pub lished in the Household Goods classi fication when house is not for rent. THE ORLANDO Cor. 20th and Wash ington sts., very desirable, elegantly furnished 3 room corner apartments. 42.50 and $40; every modern conven ience: references. Marshall 184. FURNISHED HOUSES 36 $15 FURNISHED, clean, cosy, 6 room, bath, chicken house, water paid, Mt. Scott car, get off 62d St., first house to right, north, No. 4320; adults. WELLESajEY COURT APTS., E 15th and Belmont, half block south or Morrison st. Furnished and unfur nished 2 and 3 room apts., rents rea sonable. New 4 story brick building. THE LUZERENE 2 room fur, apts.. modern brick, $20 mo. up. Mar. 463 1. '1WO room suites ana single rooms complete for H. K., steam heat, hot. cold wattr; $8 to $12 month. 245Jfc N. 17th st.. cor. Marshall. Mrshl. 4943. WAN1 ED f'osition as housekeeper for widower or bachelor bv middle sged lady. Rosle Olson, Lents, Or. FIRST CLASS colored laundress wants small bundles to take home. Wood lawn 3S10. LARGE, light, clean 2 room suites, furnished complete for housekeep ing. $7 and-$8 per month. 631 Thur man St.. near 20th. Phone Mar. 133S. THREE nicely furnished housekeeping rooms, private bath, big porch, base ment and yard, for $2.60 week. Peters, 15 N. 5th st. SMALL rooming house, furnished, or will sell furniture; nice home. Close in. 622 Delay st near Morris. Take L car. VERY sightly flat, five large, light. airy rooms, fine location, reasonable rent. Walking distance. Marshall 775. 618 Main, near King. COMPLETELY furnished 5 room mod ern house to responsible parties without children, close in. 6924 E. th st. S. : rent $17.50. Sellwood 778. UST FINISHED 5 ROOM MODERN FLAT $15 728 Missouri ave., near Fremont. Mississippi car. MODERN 4 room cottage lor house keeping, 462 Flint; take U car; no children. East 5571. C-2052. GERMAN girl wants work, good home, rhone Woodlawn 3590. ROYCREST, 12th and Yamhill, com fortable housekeeping rooms, all con veniences; NICE rooms, elevator, electric light, steam heat. bath, prices reasonable. Call 207 fr Second st.. corner Taylor. FOR KENT Furniture 7 room house. J3U. 816 Clackamas. Phone C-1458. Inquire 812 Wasco st. isiCELi iurnished b room house, rea sonable west side. Call 612 3d st, Main 8795. general house small family. ! COMPETENT stenographer and book keeper wlU take office work of any kind; phone Sellwood 2393. HOUSE work or nurse girtl. Miss Cook. ' Main 3539. Lady wishes housework, plain people, $4 week. K-39S. J.nirnal. A: GOOD girl wants work In er boarding house M a i n LADY' will care for , noons or evenings. TWO a hotel 1944. children afTer Main 1145. Hotel r women want ' work camp. R. 1. A-5306. COMPETENT woman wants any kind of day work. Phon East 6942. xOUNG woman wants by the work flay or hour. Call Main 8982 COOK and second maid wish situa tions; Y-102. Journal. I'OR KK.m .Nicely furnished 5 room house with bath. 466 Vancouver ave. A snap: look this up. Cambridge bldg.. furnished H. K. rooms. central, cheap, lba id, cor. Morr n. OILMAN hotel, 1st and Alder. Fur nish edILKJrinsIcheap1$lJ50wJc FURNISHED 5 room cottage in Sell wood; rent reasonable; for particu lars. phone Sellwood 992 or Main 6799 ; 8 ROOM well furnished house, with ! or without garage; hot water heat; -vi tci ill xi , iii lull, Cctsi Doao. HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS WEST SIDE PRIVATE FAMILY 73 $12 3 completely furnished corner suites. 2d floor, large, light, pleasant rooms, near fine school, nice neighbor hood, vard, wood, gas, stoves, phone, walking-distance. Marshall 3789. 134 Porter st. S61 TAYLOR, comfortable suites and single rooms., complete for house keepings s .NICELY furnished housekeeping rms., sleeping rooms; rent reasonable. 394 Jefferson st. 6-ROOM modern house, all furnished. nice yaru ana garage. 314 Sacra n.cnto. $12 Modern 3 room house, yard, ing distance, Woodlawn 1430. walk- FIVE room bungalow, best furniture. , : V, . . - . , : ...... i cu tigiiu petriy. Alain . Vi-ih.- you answer these Want Au, iiiiiif.n i ne journal. APARTMENTS 43 FURNISHED AND UNFURNISHED references. CHILDREN cared for by the' day week or month. Woodlawn 3238. Eastern- . Conservatory ' graduate wants piano pupils. Tabor 4144. COMPETENT stenographer, 4 years' . experience; wants position. East 1 243 SITUATION'S VANTED MALE AND jFEMALE 23 MAN and wife ' want at once. Man Is experienced In elevator work or farm work, but will take work 3f ny kind. .Wife a willing worker. lave references-. Sellwood 267. 361 Taylor -Comfortable rooms, close ' in, complete for housekeeping, rea- sonable. 472- MAIN One or two clean, well furnished housekeeping, sleeping porch, main kitchen. 0b N. 14th st,. Cleannicely furnished large ironi room wun Kitchenette, Tor housekeeping. MAN and wife neea work. Experi enced painter, but will do anything. wife can do day work of any kind. Mnrwhall 3850 or A-H17. POSITION wanted by young married couple on farm; man handy with horses. Phone Woodlawn 2087. DRESSMAKING 40 MRS. BLACK, expert dressmaker. Work reasonable. Marshall 5725. BUVWash. iTKST CLASS dressmaking, ladies' tailoring, reasonable. Tabor 1496. work guaranteed. - 'WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal, NURSES OO WANTED Position as nurse or com . panion and nurse, or, will take in vaild souti. Tabor 3430. MATERNITY nurse wants case; , . do light housework. Marshall will 2865. FURNISHED ROOMS 9 WEST SIDE Nicely furnished A DDHTT 2acday up :28fci Wash. St MDDUl I $1.00 wk. up koows. and apartments in modern ho i tel. 2.6o week ana up. 5S Ald-r i THE KING, iiti Jefferson, nicely fur. rooms, modern, central. 12 room -up, .HOTEL NORRIS. 533 Vi Alder, cheer ful outside rooms, modern, $2 wk. up NMIiT r furnished housekeeping rooms,' $2 per wk. 241 6th, cor. Main. KEN1LWORTH Hotel, 228 2d. Low rents.. 'Miss Stewart. Main 1182. $10, TWO housekeeping Johnson; adult s on 1 rooms. 513 TWO nicely furnished rooms, single or en suite housekeeping 51 th st. CLEAN, bright housekeeping rooms, single or en suite. 149 13th St. MORTON apts., cor. Washington and King sts.; 3 and 4 room furnished ana unrurnisned apts. .Best and chean est place in city, ..walking distance. J-iaill 1U5., A-11U5. - TrtE WASHINGTON. 689 Northrur. room fur. or unfair, apts., with bath ana an moaern conveniences; phone, ssieam neai, gas, electric ngnts, etc; "W" car to 21st & Northrup. M.437 THE DEZENDORF 208 16TH ST.. NEAR TAYLOR .Elegant 5 room furnished and unfur. nisned apts., also 3 room fur, apt. PENINSULA APTS.. Albina. near Kil lingsworth Concrete building, 2 and o . rooms. ,ii up. ienton. at. Johns ' Li cars. HOUSEKEEPING ROOMS EAST SIDE 48 NICE, furnished keeping suites worth ave.; low lawn 680. C-1387. J and 4 room house at 244 14 Killings rent. Phone Wood- 1.50 TO $2.76 week, furnished H. K. rooms, gaa, free heat, laundry, baths, rhone East 6039. 406 Vancouver ave. WHEN you answer these mention The Journal. Want A:ia, HOUSEKEEPING BOOMS EAST BIDE PSIVATE TAMIL Y 74 $14 Completely furnished H K. rooms. 2d floor; light, airy, large, fine sleeping porch, southwest expos ure; gas, wood, coal, electric lights, phone yard, walking distance. Sell wood 1109. 564 E. 6th. FORTNOMAH APARTMENTS Four rooms unturnished, hardwood floors, $20; $3 moving fee aliwed. 200 E. rsth. MEREDITH Modern, newly renovated 3 and 4 room apts., $18 up; good janitor service; warning aistance, rer- erences. 712 Wash., opp. 22d. M. 7134, NEW YORK APTS. E. 7th and Bel mont, furnished rooms, modern brick bldg., all outside apts., steam heat. iignis; personal management or owner. 3 room apartment, east side, com pletely furnished; all outside rooms. Private bath ana phone. $20. Phone B-1079. THE ALCO. E. Couch and Union ave.; walking distance, summer rates, new. moaern. 2 room apts., $18 to $.34. per month. 3 OR 4 rooms, furnished complete, elec tric lights, bath, gas, wood stoves, 5 blocks Broadway bridge. Phone East 1736. CLEAN sunny downstairs front 3 room suite, sink and bath. $18. light and phone included. E. 209. 425 E Ash THE ALBEMARLE 2. 3 room fur. apts. Steam heat, phone, bath, $20 to OKICKSTON. 448 11th. Strictly mod ern, low priced, two and" three room apartments, iviarsnaii ai 3 FURNISHED H. K. rooms for rent; sunny, clean, gas, bath, $10. Wood lawn 1093. HOUSEKEEPING rooms, 165 Monroe st. Phone evenings after 6:30 or Sundays. Woodlawn 622. THREE furnished H. K. rooms, strict ly modern, private bath. waukle t. Sellwood 85. 727 Mil- FURNISHED H. K. suites, liht, bath, sinks. $2 un. 267 Knott, near Wms. TWO furnished H. K. month. East 5336. rooms, $8 per TWO or more furnished housekeeping rooms. 640 E. Stark. East 3532. T-Hir. EVKI.TN APTS.. 267 N. 21st room apartment, all outside rooms, private baths and phone. Marshall 1323. JTILIAETTE APTS.. 2d and Montconv ery, modern 2 room apts., furnished or unturmsneo. reasonauie. 1LLIHEE APTS., 487 Taylor St., near 14th; modern 2-room furnished apartments, rent reasonable THE ORMONDE, modem 5 room front apt. tinl) r ianaers st. mam sa&i. THE PAGE Two lovely apta., with prices to suit tenant. g,ast a&bg AUTOMOBILES-ACCESSORIES USED CARS REBUILT, SOLD ON TERMS. CALL AND SEE FOR YOURSELF. MAXWELL roadster, 16 h. p.. 2 cylinder, 5 new tires, fully equipped, a snap at $200. WARREN roadster, all new tires, repainted and a beauty for perform ance and appearance, fully equipped with everything, at $500. MOLINE, 5 passenger touring car, oAl-Ec. All sizes at cost; safes re nothing like it offered for such a paired. Mosler Safe Co., 409 North small amount as $350. ! western Bank bldg. Main 7676. olAlPi Passe"Ser touring ( CHANCE for 2 sportsmen to take m- S1-,?iebus,Anand fully ec"ulPPea ln every I terest in fine duck lake. U-65. Jour detail. $500. naj BTJICK, 5. passenger touring car, ' fullv equipped, a dandy at $560. 'u SECOND hand and slightly used REGAL, 5 passenger, oversize tires j machines from $3 up. White Sewing and full equipment, will sell quick at Machine store. 243 Alder st. $b00. 2 BUICK 1500 lb. delivery trucks, choice $400. WE SELL THE BEST CARS FOR THE MONEY' OLD OR NEW. Howard Auto Co, BUICK DISTRIBUTORS, 14TH AND DAVIS STS. FOR RENT FLATS 13 16 NEW modern 6 room, furnace, flreDlace. linoleum. Dutch kitchen. gas range, heater. Key 840 E. Ankeny, 7 th st. , . LOOK, SNAP. 1914 CHEVROLET roadster, electric starter and lights, nearly new. $6 76. 1911 COLE roadster, just over hauled, only $475. SEVERAL OTHER GOOD BUYS, LIBERAL TERMS GIVEN DIAMOND house paints, strictly pure; made in Oregon, $1.65 galloon. Port lanrl 1'amt Co., 230 Front. Mar. 100. FOR ALE Curios, some choice 'pre historic among them, reasonable. 406 Harrison st. High class steieoptlcon, cost $102.60, 60 per cent off; swap for 2 No. 22 ri fles and ammunition. J - 4 0 1 , Journal. WILLIAM PEN N, a large, dark mat tese eat. strayed from 669 llalsey st. T his cat was a member of the family; $5 reward for return. Phone C-3156. REWARD Lost, one package contain ing two small ledgers, containing blScKsmith accts.. wrapping paper was pink. Return to Chas. Myers. Yamhill Or. fri Walter A. Hall, 363 Yamhill. RETIRED. hand pract tjloner, a lady wishes ta care for hiMreii bv hour, day or month at her hfime. lioi 1st l Hhone Main 7088, Djr? .ora Crown-T- Jl: ijJ'ltUTL'AL medium. Iliev. Virginia Rowe. Reudlnc. heafiThir dailv: iir. cies luesday and ridasi- evnimr .1 J CIQCK. i(l hin st. . .was e A-7116 MRS. STEVENS. 21 years Portland's renowned Dal mist n rlilrvnvnnt has her book "Palmlstrs Made Eauv."1 on sale 291 4 Morrison fit. MRS. M. a BARBER.Tjnedium. read-; ing! dailv 9 to 5: rifrelen Tuenriav and Friday svenings 8s o'clock. c- auiac notei. SPECIAL, 2 mo. only,. 18 Chiropractlo treatments. $10. l-3Tregular price. j-M. v.. o. nuarq, wi AUSKy nidg. MADAM OlJttA Teaches palm and card reading at 165 10th st. V EASTERN trained electric operator. facial and scalp treatments.- 125 6th St.. offlce'a. SPIRITUALiSMTRev. 2?t A7 Frlcecir: cles. Tues. 2 p. m.: Wed.. Sun. 8 p. m. Readings dally. 603 Stlfe St. Mar. 3360. LE.NhoNS in phrenology) and card rea3- ings. 23o 6th st. Phne Main 7548. LOST A small brown neck fur. be tween E. 10th and Broadway and Good Samaritan hospital. Return to Journal office and receive reward. LOST -Yesterday afternoon after 4:30. small brown purse with one $10 bill and one $5 cold piece. 1 Woodlawn 266. WHEN you answer iheae, iVVanl Aai, mention The Journal. PERSONAL GERMAN TP.AtNED NURSE Treat ments for rheumatism, lumbago, etc. Massage and'lbaths. 452 Salmon St., cor. 13th. Mar. 5033. Open Sundays. NATURAL hot air baths-25c, Thurs day, Friday, Saturday, at 1 p. m. Also Sunday 9 a. m. Take Montavilla car. 81 E. 28th Everett. East 446. niVflRPFQ Without notoriety UM '-'nvi-v; suitatiQn free. 202 Ger linger bids Con-Ger- Mar. 4368. 8 a. m. to 10 p. m CHIROPRACTIC, 121 4th. Chronlo cases; n treatments $10.-Others less free. Main ? Selling bldg. LAWYER r11 NOTICEf!" 2(1 GEVURTZ furniture store, 2uts 1st. Lowest cash pries in the city. $12.50 DROPHEAD sewing, machine with attachments. 152 Grand ave. FOUR ton ice making and refrigerat ing machine. Washington, 444 Wash. CHOICE rose bushes 25c, free delivery. Tabor 5790. Portland Rose Nursery. bAr'hS New and second hand, gains. 101 1st st. Main 3565. SWAP COLUMN 4 ROOM flats; rent $19 Corner 12th and College. and $21. $16, MODERN 4 room flat, walking d l s ta nee. t9U-4 e. Morrison. CLEAN 5 469 6th. room upper flat, key below, B-2032. Sellwood 1551. ROOM, clean, modern flat, in heart of city. Call Main 3288. SWELL 6 room modern lower flat, nice yard. 789 E. lammii. East o94s. HI.N you uiic: these mention The Journal. VY&lll AJS, FURNISHED FLATS 50 $18 NICELY furnished 4 room flat. bath, gas ana steel range, water heater, etc. 450 Rodney, walking dis tance. East 4866. I'OR RENT Flat of four rooms, gas. electric light, bath, hot and cold water, $12 month; partly furnished; 844 Tibbets st. Northwest Auto Co, BROADWAY AND COUCH ST. ' Main 3887 A-4959. 1912 CHALMERS "36." TOURING CAR TO TRADE. Extra fine Chalmers touring car, 5 pass., in A-l condition, equipped with oversize tires, bumper, etc. Cost $2375. Will trade for real estate, first mort- m J ern r V n ofrnt i T K I 1 n t Orl 1 A tl cur Af- ing. give full particulars. H-952. Jour- i STEEL range and kitchen cabinet for nal I sale or trade for building cement HAVE yur hair permanently waved. Guaranteed to last. Sanitary Beauty Parlors. 400 Dekum. Marshal 1702.' THE FUR SHOP. New orders, remodeling, best work, lowest prices. 717 Swetland bldg NOTICE TO HHHlKKa. Scaled bid will be relej br F. p Gun ning. Judge of Wasco cotiuMi. jt" bia offlr at the county eourtbnuBe, at fe Dalle, nr.. un til 7 i- m., of tbe second ijlay of Noffmler, nt which time and Id the cijTlre of the county Judge of V mco county. Oignn. thev will b publirally opened and read". jJThese bids obould bf addressed to Jurigx K.ljffc liuunlng. Tha DaJlea. Or., and called "l&ls for Kurnbblng the Manual Training Kii!pint for The lllf public schools. Tbene biris ,-(ioi:l be for each of tbe following items aepiutely or in total. 1 bsndsow. 1 single ' surf m er. 1 "band JoIdIpt, 1 us table, 1 mortlaer. i .oil. - tone grln'b-r, '1 l,trl,. vlitnAN 1 n a I. - -i .1 I un Tiilrr. 4 lathes, motor Lu.flting, and belting,: Letc, for shore. .Ij i. All machine complete lth parts, gears, etc. f. o. b. Tbe Dalles, h, and to b de livered in 'ihe llalle. Or. ptn" or before !e teuiber 10. 1914. All macb)!hs must b.- safe guarded with steel guards ift; ic-ompUanr-tt with tbe atate laws. Th right to ree-t any' or all bids or to accept any oir- all Items of any or all bids Is referred. Fei further lnft.rnia t'on communicate with Juqjj V. S. Gunning or Kuperinteudeat of Cityi 'Schools Irtiu B. Warner. The Dalles, Or. j (Signed) F.i&.i Gl'NXlSG. ' Judge of Wasco Connty.The Dulles. Or. DR. G. V. KETCH UM Women's mal adies and acute diseases of men. Wash. bldg.. 4th & Wash. Rm. 41. Ml. 44 t for sale or trade forHSORr,FS Lawyer of ?" iICars,i oom 53 San Marco hotel. ,VXP. iT? "Vi'i 6 .a-' w tree. 404 Rothchiid bldg. 28 W VJOI.IN outfit diamond. Roor Main 7954. WHAT have vou for 15 foot motor boat, cost $200? Phono Oak Grove, 1 60-W. MICHIGAN touring car, 40 H. P., self starter, electric lights and genera tor, fore doors, 5 passenger, 2 extra tires; overhauled one month ago; will consider city lot clear of incumbrance. 459 Morgan bldg. sidewalk. 5107 59th st. S. E. HOT BATHS AND MASSAGE. Magnetic healer." Main 8527, A-7271. 2084 3. Gentlemen's assistant. SPIRITUAL medium, Emelina Pear son; readings daily; circles Tuesday, Thursday eve. 431 Salmon. ex- vice asli. BALM of Figs remedy for diseases of women. 504 Davis St. Main 2393. PHEASANTS prepared for hats. 717 Swetland' Mdg. USE Bassett'a Native Herbs for rheu matism; CO tablets 2ac. All aruggiain. C, S. ENU1NEKR off..e, Portland. Or.,- Oc tober 27, 1B14. Mealed lrposal for fnr. nifhlng and delivering ahout,SOoO tons bltumln. wis coal for use on The j liuUes-l'clllo raoal iiKtrnctlon work will be WcelveiJ here until 11 a. m., NoTemuer 27, 19143 -and then publicly opened. Information on abpjicatloti. Jay J. Morrow, MaJ. Kng rs. f j '. o TIRES OREGON VULCANIZING CO. "V!ie Tire Shop," 350 Wasfhington st.. at 18th Marshall 379. Wc get your tires ready for THE WET STREETS. FOR RENT. Fine 4 room flat furnished; Irving- ton. East 273. $20 Completely furnished 4 room light, water ana phone. walking distance. East 3310. TWO modern furnished and unfur nished heated flats. 23d and Glisan. Main 1359, A-7931. ROOMS Heated flat, nicely fur nished. 109 E. 30th st. Tabor 5212. UP-TO-DATE, walking distance, 4 and 5 room flats, tree phone. East 3737. BARGAINS' IN USED AUTOS Large stock. Prices $300 to $750. OREGON ilOTOR CAR CO. Studebaker bldg. Corner Chapman and Alder. Portland Academy- Society Monday. November 2. lfffcf, at 3:30 p. m., tl.ere will be a sieclal nitotlng of the Port land Academy aoclety at Lijuld & Til ton Hank, for the purpose of voting yin. the adoption of Supplementary Articles of nfiirwporatlon. U. S. "ENUINEKR of f 'tf'ortland Or. Oe- tober 2S, 1914. ealed ijsroposs Is for eight strel swing bridges for DaCira-t'elH canal will be tecelved here until 11 aj in., December 7. 1P14. and thea publicly opjhed. Information Jl apHcaHon. Jay J. Marrow. MnJ. Kngrs. 7 I I Profession and Business Directory I I ACCORDION PLEATING K. STEPHAJi llemi-titching. accordion. Me and sunburst pleating; buttons covered; goods sponged. Scalloping. 33 Alder. M-93i3. ASSAYERS W E buy old gold, silver, platinum, or ore I samples. Pickering & Co., Assayera. oiu .MTnr!l l)IUi.. HiJ any w gm.i I Written guar antee with every spring. 26 N. 15th st. BLANK BOOK MAKERS DAVIS & HOLM AN. Iuc. 108 2d st. Blank book manufacturers; agents for Jones' Im proved iootte I-af Ledgers. See the new Eureka Ieaf. A-niK. Main 1H3 BUSINESS COLLEGES LINE'S BUSINESS COLLEGE. 5th Hoor. Til ford bldg.. Portland. Or. Phone Main 6QS3. CARPET CLEANING STOKES AND OFFICES 11 WILL share very desirable office in Pittock blk.. including phone, etc.. or will entertain ' proposition of very nominal rental from man bringing stenographer, sharing service. State line, address, etc. R-496, Journal. FOR RENT Fine large store located in the retail district on the west side. Will give a long lease with very attractive rent. W. J. Davie, 605 Corbett bldg. BRICK warehouse ln South Portland for rent, trackage, light and airy. On paved street, reasonable. Journal Publishing Co.. Broadway sind Yamhill DESK room or private office, stenog rapher; phone; very reasonable; 315 Stock Exchange bldg. FOR RENT HALLS 59 IINITFD fainting Auto Top Co. l-l Isinglass put In; prices reasonale; factory finished. 15th und Wash. Mar. 945. Lowlt & Alossman. LATE model 5 passenger Reo, $450; will take diamond or motorcycle. Oliver, 206 Alder st. AM looking for 5 passenger car; must ! CARPETS cleaned, refitting and laying. U. bo cheap for cash, by owner onlv. ! Packer. Tabor 1Q5. iudu corueu s?t. DANCING MR. aud MRS. HEATU'S school- fsncy. stage. social and all the latest dances taught; waits and two-step guaranteed ln 4 private lerona clsss Won snri 1 ri. eve.. 7 to VI S sembly after. 231V "Morrison, cor. 2d. Mar. .113 WHITING-IRELA He, One-Step. H Alisky bldg.. 3.1 5ST Dancing Academy. Mai- ation. I.rowuB dWf. ,Jil Morrlsmi. MalnHQIM. MUSIC SCHOOLS AND TEACHERS E. THIELHORN, violin teacher, pupil Sevclk. 207 Flledner bldg. A-41QQ. Marshall 162. T. E. LAWSON, piano studio. 42 Main 64T.9. Lesions. .W. IVi MorrUou. POPULAR MVSIC iiano guaranteed beginners In 10 lessons. Picture playing RAGTIME on 10 lessons. stratlon. Free Booklet Free demon- 501 Filers bldg. JOYCE BROS. Electric Cleaning works, nets rleaned and laid, refittine our clalty. East 440. B-l:: car- ape- 204 E. 19th st. N. CARPET WEAVING SLIGHTLY used tires, largest stock in Portland. $3 to $16. Fine repair lng. Tire Supply Co., 207 Madison. AUTO SPRINGSpIt.- Frank Lange. 228 Salmon. Main 181. ISO CASE F TMiilLE Plbsne Tabor 4158, Richmond Garage. NORTHWEST RIG CO.. rugs from old ear ners, rae rugs. canet riesniDg. bib. M CTK canea lor. r.ani B-im I'ENINSULA Rug Works Rag rug and car pet weaving. lr.lS Pstton ave. W ltn. 2185. CHIROPRATORS DR. M HAHON. -m 4th. 376 Williams av.. IS sdjustments $10. Patients get well. 25 H. P. 4 cycle roadster, first class condition, good tires, top, electric light. $195. 561 Hawthorne ave. COAL AND WOOD WANTED To buy scrap ruuber and metals. Highest cash prices paid. J Leve, 1S6 Columbia st. Alain 5198. 191i CHALMERS for 1640 Macadam road. sale, cheap. NFFR FARR and oak cordwood Also ; sawed to order. Prompt de- PHAI ELECTRIC MOTORS AND DYNAMOS SHEET METAL..WORX8 REPAIRING, tin aud gra;el roofs. Isl1. 310 First. Phon;MnJti 1424. Tt-- Jscok BEWTNQ MACHINES SEWI$r MACHINES AH niitkft'. new and aecotisl hand, for ale or rent. All prlct-s. Sowing Machine Em iKjrlum. 19d Third, near Tay lor. MalrkvMl. TAXIDERMISTS CHEAPEST and bei-t worM' ou cuaa Flnley. Urovllle. Cal. r. b. MOTORS, generatora bongbt, sld. rented and repaired. We do all kinds of repairing and rewinding; 11 work guaranteed II. M. II. Electric Co.. 31 N. 1st st. Phone Main 21u.. WE buy, sill, rent and exchange new 'and second hand motors, repair work a seetalty. Western Electric Work. 213 6th st. Mar. 096. FOUNDRY AND MACHIN3 SHOP PHOENIX Iron Work. East 3d und Haw thorne. General machine and foundry work. FURNITURE REPAIRING 421 HAWTHORNE, furniture repairers; 2) yrs. in Portland. Free delivery. East 3044. MESSENGERS Mt. Hood Fuel Co. Kir. oak. all kinds of East 6361 B-3516. coal. . Central Fuel Co and coal phone Main 1606. A-1106. 249 2d Small orders a specialty. THE Auditorium hall has some good nignts to rent. zo aa st. HOTELS 54 THE BARVIEW hotel, on Tillamook Beach, under new management, is open all the year. 211 Failing bldg Phone A- or M. 2029." W. A. Wise, prop. HORSES,, ETC 18 PUBLIC sale F'riday, Oct. 30, 10 a. m. consisting of 20 head of horses, ranging from 1000 to 1750 lbs.; age from 2 to 10 years; 6 good milk cows, 1 Jersey bull, 2 sucking colts, wagons, harness, buggies, farm implements and other articles too numerous to mention. Tigard, Or., at livery sta ble. H. R. Kuehne. DOWNTOWN apartments, newly ren ovated. Jaw ana up. jom Morrison. THE LAURETTE 1 unfurnished 3 room apartment; modern. 289 llthwt. I WHn,N yot Answer tneao v am Aua. ! MODERN steam heated apts., $16 up. I ui ou non xue journal. I BODKKN sieam ' Iieaieu ii., I Harrison Court;, 394 5th at. TEAM bays', well matched and gentle; are true to pull and will plow; 5 and 6 years old and no older; set good har ness and new low wheel, wide tire farm wagon, seat, box, all complete (Studebaker), at low .price, $235. Cheapest farm outfit in Oregon. Call and inspect it: At 129 N. 11th st. FORD roadster, good condition, $2t5. Phone East 1219. 369 Hawthorne ave. VHLN you answer these Want Ads, ! SLAB WOOD and COAL. Delivered to ny mention The Journal. I part of city. W. W. Swan- Eaat 2647 or E. 41WO MOTOKC YCLES-B1 jLES 55 1914 HAFiLEY" DAVIDSON twin, fully equipped; used 4 months; $225; leav ing town. Main 4348 or 275 N. 22d st 1914 TWIN Indian tandem, siren. Presto; must be sold. 561 Haw thorn ave. 1914 twin Excelsior, fully equipped, a bargain. 35 N, 3d. Phone Marshall .2822. 1913 45 H. P. National motorcycle. Presto tank, good as new. Price 6'. Call at 867 Corbett st. rJUf On East 303. LUIClbCII I UCI KjV, 282 Stark C-2303. 7l I F J K VERTS. MAIN bi7. CnarCOal FOOT OF CURRY STREET DRY rlab and box wood, cordwood and coal. Standard Wood Co.. East 2315. B-169.). WHEN you answer these wiut ads, mention Tbe Journal. COLLECTIONS I BUY account, bills, notes and Judgment of every name aud nature anywhere. For qr. ick results answer m-m. journal. OPEN accounts, notes, judgment oollectea. 7 H. P. twin Indian, fully equipped, -hi4 r5T km N'T Bank. M. 974 $100: terms. R. H. Blocker, Z2S 1st. I ' HOUSEHOLDfiOOtlS f or JE 65 WE buy, sell aud exchange new and second hand furniture of all kinds. Phone Marshall 4783. Bell Auction & Com. Cp., 191 Second street. CONTRACTING AND BUILDING loo LB. work horse, spring wagon; top buggy, harness, plow, incubator, brooder. 968 F3. Stark. WHEN you answer these Want Ada, mention The Journal. ... - . ROUND dining table, two chairs, large rociter, oil neater, oan dresser, couch. 363 3d St., apartment 112. Phone A-3098. COAL and gas range, latest -style, nearly new, cost $90; self for $25 each. Tabor 570. . - WHKN you answer tnese Want Ada, - mention The Journal. HO RACK) D. JONES JR. I BTJILD ANYTHING FROM SCREEN DOOE3 TO A HOTEL. TABOR 1764. EYE. EAR, N08E. THROAT, LTTNgg. Sr-ecialiat. Moderate price. Glae fltted. Dr. Y. V. Caweday, 617 Dekum bldg.. 84 Wn EDUCATIONAL DANCINO PROF. WAL WILSON'S WalU, bealution. One-step, two-step, schottischc; lessons 25c, morning, afternoon, eve.; guarantee to teach anybody who walks how to dance. 86 6th at., bet. Stark and Oak. 4 private lessons $2; 8 classes, l'bone Main 7637. MOTORCYCLES and bicycles. Phone Main 53. A-2153. HASTY MESSENGER CO. NATUROPATHIC PHYSICIANS DR. PHILLIPS Paralysis, nervoiM and chron ic diseases. fXH-o Orcgonlan bldg. M. 314Z. 06TRICH PLUME8 Hartnees Hume 8bop. cor. Park and Yam hill. Main liVOa. Ottrlcb. iira.!le. fancy feathers, remodeled, cleaned, dyed to niatco srmples. Work guaranteed. ' PAINTING, PAPERHANOLNQ, TTNTINO Suteliffe & Blled. best work lu 'painting, pa- pering. M. 1872. A-2ZK. 123 lltn St. WANTED work by day or contract by union painter, paper hanger. fnone t4o. PAINX1XU, Papering, TilfMng. $2.00 per room up. C. A. Barner, Marshau FATING C0XPAIE8 THE BARBER ASPHALT PlNO CO.. Port- lond office. 6116 Electric tntl 1dr. RUBBER STAMPS AND SEALS ALSO stencils, trade checks, brass signs. PACIFIC COAST BTAMP WORKS 231 Washington st. Main 710. A -27 10. TRANSFER AND STORAGE tJOISti EAST or j'. f'WMI N tr EST We Can Save inn Moneyrf Reduced rates on (ious;tso)d ;m,(I5-. Pianos, Automobllea, etc. Tliroujtlj; consolidated cara Insuring prompt delivery M -urful handling. noiea iuo luiurmttMill laaniwnea on reque. PACIFIC COAST FOHW.V&DINtl COMPANY. Phone Marsbil 2407. 201 Wllco Bnllilliig. I'arilniid. Oregon. C. O. Pick Transfer & fSioriige Co. Office and comraodloua 4 story brick wsreboosa with aepsrate Iron rooms Hjiid fireproof Vsult for valuables. ,N. W. cornrT 2d and Pine sta. Pianos and furniture morri "d parked for shipping. Special rates ilsde on goods, la through csrsj to' all dft$!atlc aoU foreiga point. Main f'il'i. A-llm. OIJIEN-ROK THaJ,S1KR CO. f New fireproof wareb'siae with aparaisi, rooms. We move and pKi household good and pianos and ship st r&uced rule. Aut vans and teams for ninvlsff. Fornarding aud distributing agaents. l-ree Jrjrackage. office n i , . . k , i, i . . ( I .. 1 . , " . OO, Oregon Transfer Coi Established n(u. Transfer and fornruUlng agents. Storage, free package. Office and storage 474 Glisan St. 13th and Oliaan. h Main 69. A-116. STOltAlTE MANNING WAREHOLSEc TRANSFER CO. 13TH AND EVEiit3TT STS. Let as move, pack tfblp your houehold gxda. Reduced frebrht t rates on eastent shipments. Throagh car. service. MAIN 7. A-2214. B AGO AGE Transfer BervitM Co. Main 120. A-1203. S2S Pine st. WHEN yon answer these rwsnt ads, TVr- Joomal. . II' i ' mentloa WALL PAPER MORGAN WALL PAP EI: i CO. 230 tietweea falmon and Idjfln. 2d au. WINDOW CLEANING EXPERT WINDOW- CRANING A-476X Main 6.127. 212 Ileary ifidu. 3 Manufacturers Jobbers Wholesalers " BREWERS BOTTLERS HENRY WEINHARD. 13th and Burnslde. DRY GOODS WHOLESALE Fleischner, Mayer & Co. PARK IMPLEMENTS ft VEHICLES R. M. Wade t Co., 322-32A Hawthorne are. GRAIN MERCHANTS M. H. HOUSER. TBoard of Trade hldg. PATNTi OIL AND GLASS PIONEER PAINT CO., IMi 1st at.. A-704.T. Uln 134. PAI3TT. OIL AND GLASS raSmukskn A CO. N. E. corner 2d and it ay lor "High Standard" paint. PIPE WOOtjUPIBB PORTLAND WOOD PI office near 24th and Y f Ef CO I Yr sta. Factory and Main S4XO. PLUMBING PIPE STEAM SUPPLIES M, L. KLINE ; S4-8tt-t7-8 !;FRO.Vr SJTKEET." ft ROPE AND BINDER TWLNB Portland Cordage Co.