The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972, October 23, 1914, Page 8, Image 8

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. Pnbliaber.
t'alrlthat rrrry ermine except 4r)
, aver? Bnndajr morning at Tbe Jwirnal Balld-
wroaawar anH Yaintilll ta ., romaoa. vr
kntarvd at tit puatofdc at furtlasd. Or
JUCPHOMtS Mala TI7S; Hum. A-VXtl.A
. lpartmmta rchfd by them mcmbCT. TeU
h mvmtr arhat Wl.artawt 70a) want.
, B-ntnt A kantnar Co.. Bninawtck Bhlt-
via mrtk Ara.. Krw Ton, 121s rww a
Mia IU1a. Oik-aro.
- BuiMtmntuMi trraa, by mall ar to eejr
3 00 I On - sooth...
Mar . . . : . .$2..V I On month...
..$ .23
.. 65
Om ar 7.30 I One month...
. Truly unhappy 1 the man
f who leaves undone what he can
- - . I - . v . . . 1.. . n
f "hot ur
jnderstand. Goethe.
F THE bill to revive the assem
bly should pass, there would
soon arise a demand for the
. repeal 01 me uirtrci primary.
With vigor. It would be pressed by
thoBe who believe In the assem
bly, and there are many such.
They would shriek and scream
about the "cost of the direct pri
mary;" and on that appeal they
would - be able to present a case
that superficially would te plausi
ble. "They would argue, and with
truth on their side, that there is
no need of both the assembly
and the ' direct primary. They
Would point out that a double sys
tem of nominating with recom
mendations by the assembly and
a mere referendum of the assem
bly nominations by the direct pri
mary would be a cumbersome and
Wholly unnecessary nominating
pYocesa. Presently, they would
.boldly claim that the referendum
Of tbe assembly nominations, in
stead of being done in the direct
primary could, as welt be done at
the election, and with that as their
appeal, they could plead abandon
ment of the primary as a means
Of, saving cost and woud be able
tio present a strong case.
-That there is some such pro
gram in view is beyond doubt, for
the reason that Dr. Withycombe,
-the Oregonian, and others, are' al
ready declaring that the direct
primary "costs too much," and for
the further reason that the Ore
gonian, in an unguarded moment,
aid of the present assembly bill
that it is "politically premature,"
while, the Salem Statesman said of
It "not yet ready for this."
- It is time for the people of this
state to realize that they are far
from secure in the possession of
their direct primary. There are
Strong men back of the pending
assembly bill, and thousands . of
.them. Money is being spent like
Water to secure its passage. Be
hind the bill are thousands of hon
est men who naturally prefer the
Convention metho'd to the direct
primary method, and many of
them are not only going to vote
for the assembly bill, but they are
working for its passage.
To this great influence is to be
added every old time politician,
every gangster, every rounder and
the great big interests that work
In secret and behind barred doors
through managing men for the
profit, the power and the privi
lege they so often get from govern
ment at the people's expense.
ll political discussion has been
I Put with moqe telling effect
.T than is the letter of H. H
Ward on this page.
; ;.V He has no personal acquaintance
with either Senator Chamberlain
- or Mr. Booth. He Is a Republican.
hut he argues,; and with great
force, that with hklf the world at
war. and with every people on the
planet brought under the Influ
ence of the awful conflict, this na
tion should present a united front
by giving a vote of confidence to
Its great peace president.
He says Republicans and Demo
crats should remember that they
?are Americans first, last and all
the time." He says that "as Amer
icans It is their duty to uphold
the president of the United States,
wnetner ne be.Democrat-or Repub
lican." He ' says "therefore, as
Americans, let us all give the" na
tional democracy a chance to con
tinue guiding us through the pres
ent world wide conditions of dis
iress." ii
-;' In his splendidly patriotic letter,
Mr. Ward has set a standard of
high citizenship that reflects honor
On him and is creditable to his
Mate. .
n,w uHLiUAia, alter suc
cessfully combatting the bu
bonic plague, now proposes
to adopt measures for insur
ing, the future. The health au-
: thorities plan a rat-proof city as
a permanent cure for the plague
V Proposed ordinances provide that
.all buildings which rest upon the
; ground shall have concrete floors
and every structure shall be
proofed : against rats. Other or
finances will abolish, -henhouses
lthin the city limits, except when
they are thoroughly rat-proofed:
make stringent - rulings . regarding
garbage, and subject shipping In
the ; harbor to binding regulations
intended to prevent rats from land
Wgt.rrom boats docked at , the
wharves. It is planned tlat boats
shall lie eight feet - from' the
wharves, have all hawsers fitted
with rat guards, and have a guard
at the' gangplanks whenever they
are lowered.
It is said that the methods de
cided upon are similar in many
respects to those followed ty the
federal government in athe eanal
lone, involving' engineering as well
as medical problems. The legisla
ture will be asked to pass' enabling
ects, and If this is done New Or
leans will undertake the task of
remodeling its building regulations,
affecting practically every struc
ture In the city.
But there is yet the question
whether property interests will per
mit the banishment of the rat. It
will cost money. Unless the New
Orleans dollar differs materially
from that sacred coin elsewhere,
there will be all sorts of obstacles
thrown in the way of a plagr.e
insured city.
N OREGON, ttfere are two prin
cipal candidates for governor.
They are Dr. Withycombe and
C. J. Smith.
It is from these two men that
the people will make their choice.
Either Dr. Withycombe will be
elected or C. J. Smith will be
There is a wide difference in
what these two candidates stand
for. There is a wide difference
in their ideas of government. One
is a conservative and the other a
progressive, and it seems as if all
the conservatives should vote for
the one and at', the progressives
support the other, so there might
be a verdict upon each candidacy
on its merits.
Anyway, there Is no three-cor
nered fight in the governorship.
No third candidate has sufficient
strength to make the race take on
even the semblance of a three
cornered fight. Either C. J. Smith
will be elected governor on a
platform of progress, or Dr. Withy
combe will be elected governor on
a standpat platform.
Votes thrown to other than one
of these two candidates will be
wasted. They will be votes cast
without the slightest hope that
they will exercise direct influence
on the result. They will be votes
cast without the slightest hope or
expectation of being thrown for a
successful candidate.
They will be votes thrown away,
and at a time when progressive
government and forward govern
ment in this state is on trial for
RADSTREET'S index numbers
showing commodity price
levels of October 1 are Bome
what reassuring to con
sumers. A sharp recession in
wholesale prices has taken place
since the war shot up the living
cost In August.
Breadstuffs and provisions have
declined since September 1, but
are not yet as low as on October
13, 1913. Fruits went up, but
are now lower than a year ago.
Textiles are markedly lower now
than then. So are metals and
building materials.
Chemicals and drugs, "owing to
our dependence on Germany for
many of them, have increased
about 40 per cent in price, though
they are lower now than in Au
gust and September. Livestock has
continued to rise, and hides and
leather are higher than a year ago.
Within two weeks of the out
break of the European war prices
shot up 13 per cent, reaching a
high record. Since then there has
been a steady decline, and the re
cession continues.
The comparisons relate only to
wholesale prices, but they indicate
a tendency which will sooner or
later be reflected by prices to the
consumers. Bradstreet s s a v s
wholesale prices are a trifle less
thaa at the same date two years
ago, but they are practically the
same as on October 1, 1913.
The sharp advances of August
were forced, but Bradstreet's says
it is one thing to jack up prices
and quite another to keep them
pegged at a certain level.
There is, however, no telling
what speculators in necessaries
might not have done in price
boosting had not President Wilson
appeared on the horizon with Ms
famous letter of protest and warn
ing. He served notice that all the
power of the presidential office
and all the machinery of the de
partment of justice would be em
ployed to protect the people against
extortions by bandits seeking to
rob the people by capitalizing
death, debt and devastation over
328 YES AND 330 YES
HE tldelands and waterfront
amendments 328 Yes and
330 Yes are not in the in
terest, proressionaily, of a
small committee Of lawyers of the
Multnomah County Bar Associa
tion. The committee of lawyers
opposes the measures.
It is quite natural, entirely to
be expected. These measures are
proposed in behalf of the great
bpdy of Oregon people who have
little use for attorneys Passage
of ballot ' numbers 328 Yes and
330 Yes will mean that legal con
troversy as to unused tldelands
will end. Passage of these meas
ures will also mean that producers,
not only In Portland, but through
out Oregon and the entire Colum
bia river basin will have a mar.
nty thai their products will not
dc handicapped by a restricted
market due to lack of cheap trans
portation facilities.
' The Oregon farmer is confronted
by - an issue of - dollars and cents.
The cost of transporting his prod
ucts is a determining factor In fix
ing the price he receives. Water
transportation reduces the cost of
carriage and Increases the price
tbe farmer receives. It is there
fore to the advantage of the Ore
gon agriculturist that his prod
ucts have - the opportunity of car
riage by water.
- Ships can carry Oregon's wheat.
hops, fruit and other products,
but ships-will not be loaded unless
Oregon has -ample docks, unham
pered by control by the railroads.
It is essential to the Oregon farm
er's greater prosperity that he
have free" access to cheap water
transportation. If he secures this
natural advantage it will be Im
material whether he ships by rail
or water, for water rates will
regulate rail rates.
The purpose of measures 328
Yes and 330 Yes is to confirm to-
the state in all Oregon cities along
navigable waters, the lands un
earned and held out of use under
a franchise 52 years old and to
prevent any legislature or court
from ever .giving the remnant of
these lands over to private monop
oly for exploiting the people and
absorbing unearned rewards from
the wages and salaries of workers
and producers.
OBODY denies that Mr. Booth
had a right to vote against
the direct primary in the
state senate. This is a free
It was within his power, as a
state senator, to oppose the direct
primary, and, as was the case, to
use his vote to kill the direct pri
mary. But, he must now admit
that his opposition to that meas
ure is one charge against his pres
ent candidacy that he has never ex
plained or attempted to explain.
Mr. Booth, as state senator, had
a right to vote against the people's
choice for senator under Statement
One, which he did. It was within
his power to refuse to let the peo
ple at that time select their own
senator and to vote for one of his
own choosing, which he did. But
he must admit that' by that act?
he gives the people at -the present
time the right to also exercise, as
he did then, their own free choice
in voting for a senator.
Mr. Booth, as state senator, had i
the power and had the right to
. , . . . ,
ivic agaiuaf t lie uui iu ia.s. uiiiuer-
lands (1907 Senate Journal, page
836). The bill was one that
Chamberlain as governor had rec
ommended. Many thousands of
acres of timber lands were escap
ing taxation because patents were
not recorded. The timber owners
were holding the, patents out of
record, and though privately
owned, great bodies of these valu
able lands were escaping taxation.
In voting against the bill, Mr.
Booth threw his influence to make
farmers, homeowners and the other
thousands of little taxpayers bear
... , , . 7. , .
ait iue uuruen oi taxation ana 10 :
lessen the tax burden of the South
ern Pacific, the Booth-Kelly Com
pany and other great holders of
timber. ' '
COMMITTEE of hieh-hrow
lawvera mnnM th nnn.r.
r r i'" ,
tisan judiciary measure. ;
But there is not one rea-1
. . . . . .
son why courts should remain in .
v '
mere is not one sound reason
why a judge should not be first an
American and after that a nartv
" . . . ... .
man instead of requiring that
to be eligible for the bench, he ;
must first be a party N man and !
after that an American citizen
i, i ,
The corporation lawyer nearly
always faces the past. He opposes
progress. His clients oppose prog-
reSB. " i
That is why they are 4 against
non-partisan courts.
salaries the legislative machine
at the 1913 session made a mess
of things which the supreme court.
after two decisions, has not yet
fully cleared up.
The machine insisted on having
a now InH crow'h f r nnrl o mow ,
dicial department, in Multnomah
county. Governor West tried to
prevent It, and sent in the lfollow-
ing veto message:
This bill undertakes to create an
additional circuit Judge In Multnomah
county,, send to , elevate the present
XJLSU111 Z alJ Pf."L0n;.
n v vji i . 1 1 1 . niiu to ill irugjiiuil III tVIlitW.
, .! .
says there ' no need for an In-
ith t ,(
ment in this matter. I return said bill
with my veto
But the bill went through. The
machine eritted its teeth anil
passed it over the veto. It even
, i i
; " , 'UVICtTV : ""uiuer oi!
circuit . Judges in1 the state from
20 to 31 at an added cost to the j
people of $44,000 a year. This !
bill, however, the governor also
vetoed and the machine Was never
able to master strength to pass it
over the veto. .
The wisdom of the governor's
veto -of the added judgeship in
Multnomah county has been con
firmed by the . Oregon Supreme
Court-, The ' attempt to transfer
the probate business to the newly
created judgeship was declared
unconstitutional in one . decision.
A second decision has just de-
IN ITS mad desire to create nerLT? 7 1 us taxpayers
after election? They are-gettinsr readv
offices, new office-holders, and now to leave here aid aruklnV
to raise salaries and make more than $400,000 of our money with them
clared that Judge Cleeton is not
the judge of the new department,
and that there is no new depart
ment. ;
In conformity with the decision
Judge Cleeton, who -was elected
county judge by the people and
then elected sixth circuit Judge in
Multnomah county by the legis
lative machine, went back, yester
day, to the county Judgeship and
things stand officially Just where
they stood when Governor West
tried to prevent the legislative
machine from making a farce' of
government and a mess of things
in Multnomah county.
But the muddle is not yet
cleared up. There will have to be
more court hearings, more briefs,
more lawyers and more decisions.
No wonder taxes are high.
Letters From the People
. . :
(Communications sent to Tbe Journal for
publication In this department should be writ
ten on only one aide of tbe paper, should not
exceed SU words in length and most be ac
companied by tbe name and address of tbe
sender. If tbe writer does not desire to
bare the name pobUsbed, be should so Ktate.)
"Discussion Is' the greatest lof ell reform
ers, it rationalizes everything it touches. It
rubs principles of all false sanctity and
throws tbeisfback on their reatonablenesa. If
tbejr bate to ruthlessly
crushes them eat of existence and set up Its
own conclusions , 1a their stead." Woodrow
' The Senatorial ' Situation.
Portland, Or., Oct 22. -To the Ed
itor of The Journal I am not person
ally acquainted with either Senator
Chamberlain or Mr. Booth, tbe Repub
lican candidate .for Mr. Chamberlain's
place, but a personal acquaintance
with these gentlemen is not necessary
for the point at Issue. In the old Mo
Klnley and Roosevelt days 1 knew a
number of United States senators and
I know something- about wnat is
needed of United States senators. I
am a Republican just so long- as the
Republican party stands for that
which is best. That party Is now undergoing-
disciplining- for Its past mis
deeds and it has not yet been suffic
iently disciplined to warrant the confi
dence of the nation.
The Democratic party is now in
power, both in the White House and in
congress. To take any part of that
power away from the Democratic
party. In times like these, when half
the civilized world is at war, would
be, to my mind, a great error. A Re
publican president with a Democratic
congress or a Democratic president
with a Republican congress doesn't go
President Wilson has been and is
making good. He has the confidence
of the country (which means Republi
cans and Democrats) in his stand qd
neutrality. Most Americans believe
he is using- his great power to the best
of his ability to keep this nation's
credit good at home and maintain Its
honor abroad. Why, then, handicap
President Wilson by tying his hands?
i-iet nim have a Democratic congress
for the time that he is in the White
,n,LtVet try call
upon him to make good. If hs Is as
popular two years from now as he is
now, nothing can prevent his re-election.
In fact, nothing should prevent
his re-election. He is making food
where others have failed.
Without iftany way attempting to
detract from Mr. Booth, It is my belief
that at this particular time, the Repub
licans and Democrats alike should re
member that they are Americans, first,
last and all the time, and that as
Americans It is their duty to uphold
the hands of the president of the
United States, whether he be Democrat
or Republican. The Republicans, tem
porarily at least, forfeited their rights
to the confidence of the America pub
lic, and the American public dlSDlaced
the Republican party and put the Dem
I. . 1 " " n'cicivi c, no
ocratic party In power,
Americans let us all give the national
Democracy a chance to continue euld
ln6 us through the present world-wide
conditions or distress. Do not put anj
enacnies on resident Wilson. Trust
him. Give him a free hand. Lt him
nave- congress with him. Return Sen
ator Chamberlain. H. H. WARD.
uus .ior uwgoii wet.
Fortland, Oct. 19. To the Editor of
in Journal Rnma i
a V-V UtC lltTl 1 II
Portland are greatly interested in the
"poor workingman" and the rlasa or
b.eer h.e ,s now fre to enjoy. But do
jtney Know that if their prohibition
.amendment carries they will be throw-
ing many or the "poor workinsrmen'
out of work entirely? if the liquor
busines.3 stopped, it win affect
every line or business. Nearly everv
6aioon In Portland has an eaUngTe
partment In connection, which gives
trade to the bakery, butcher shop, fish
market, grocery, laundry, soap works.
glass and china stores, ice, milk, print-
ers. gas and light and many more
With the Joss of the liquor men's
trado, business will decrease in all
llnea and employes will be laid off.
to tato ca of the w,l
the coming winter. What, will we do
, if thousands more are deprived of thir
W0J n.ext y.ear?
w nai ao me anti-saloon men or pro-
Ijet Oregon remain wet Let it be
run by the people who live and vo
Tank not by bunch of AnU-
I Saloon league agitators.
L. M. nbedham.
'"The South and Its Toddy."
j tnro;oSl-arrea0dtfa7rfh0e
j Oregonian's editorials, a number of
i which have appealed to me as being- so
I very Parsa and contemptible, suf-
I ot V'Txtremetbmer
.TorVe sou'th and Democrat ac
: mir.lsfation
I'Wll refer the Oregonian to facts:
T t ....... , , .
t is true that the south nroliif.i
more whiskey than beer (tax on whis-
fcc is $1.10 per gallon), but of the
i Jf1 output, just compare these
l1&ures and see: ut of a total of
2343 distilleries In 1911 the south had
about 308. and while the brewers are
very much more numerous m h
1 north' n doub he new adjustment
xuiu u': j.i uuHDiy own very eveniv
distributed throughout he United
States. But to refer to congress as
bebnR controlled by the south, and to
statu that th one obJect of these
dvuvuci it bvueicssiurn ' was rn nrssr
take care of the southern drinker to
the detriment of the rest of the coun
try. Is equal to accusing every, south
erner of being a traitor, f
Granting that the southern con
gressmen have shown a preference for
the south's Interests, has the Oregon
ian forgotten how the Republicans un
dertook to pass the "Force bill, that
would forever eliminate any possible
majority except the G, O. p.? in their
efforts to pass this bill,- they were
neither working for the north, south.
east nor west, but purely to eliminate-
white supremacy In the south.
a. I am not attempting to excuse the
. a
Worn out by long- series of ap-
.nt .. t - t . w 1
blunders were as the sands of the
ea, a hapless -high
school mistress de
clared her Intention
of writing to Flor
ence's mother.
Florence looked
her teacher In the
"Ma will be awful
I'm afraid She will, but It is my
duty to write to her, Florence."
"I don't know," said Florence,
doubtfully; "You see, mother always
does my French for me."
Grandma Johnny, I find' you have
taken more maple
sugar than I gave
Johnny T e s,
grandma, I've been
making believe there
was another little
boy spending the day
with me.
"It is a sad moment In life." said
Cynic,: "when you
find that love, glory,
haplness are not
worth . a cigar."
"It ' Is a sadder
moment still," said
his . friend, "when
you find that the
cigar itself is bad!"
Democratic congress for taking care of
the south's toddy, but will refer the
Oregonian to Pennsylvania, which had
In 1911 347 distilleries and 247 brew
eries. In regard to the southern states
going dry, the Oregonian states that
it is to- "keep the nigger from getting
drunk and going hopelessly into debt
at the white man's store." This state
ment is absolutely false and ridicu
lous, as any one should know that
whiskey has a most demoralising ef
fect on the negro, and has always in
cited him to commit crlmeof the most
heinous kind, and for this reason tho
south In many instances has voted
dry. But suppose the statement was
true, aS stated by the Oregonian,
would not the south be justified In
keeping whiskey from the negro? Aa
the negro is necessary to the produc
tion of the south's enormous crops. It
certainly behooves the southern plant
er to keep him in a normal state of
mind. Does the Oregonian realise or
know how large cotton plantations are
run, and that It Is necessary in many
cases to advance a year's supply to
the neero families with no security
Pbut their labor until the crop has been
cultivated and harvested ana mat in
many instances the -plantation will
have 300 negroes to probably six to 13
white people, and that 6 give these
negroes alcoholic drinks ' would Jeop
ardize his whole crop and probably
create criminal tendencies?
8. M. M.
Military Liability of Italians.
Portland, Oct. 19. To the Editor of
The Journal In The Journal of Oct
ober 16 there appeared a short article
headed, "Italians In the United States
Liable," which set forth that, owing
to the absence of an Italian-American
naturalization treaty, the state de
partment held native Italians liable
to military service in Italy, even
though naturalised In this country'
You will note that this dispatch
makes no reference to Italians in the
United States, as does the head line.
In fact, I believe that' you will find on
Investigating, that the state depart
ment referred only to native Italians,
naturalized as Americans, who are vis
iting their native land, and was issued
as a warning that In such instances
the American government was not in
a position to intervene.- The headline
of - this article has given the impres
sion In some quarters that the Italian
government can seise, for military
duty, native Italians resident In the
United States. If you find space
kindly correct this impression.
Mr. Hollis Challenges.
Portland, Oct. 22. To the Editor of
The Journal. Will Mrs. Dunlway,
Ella M, Finney, the Woman's Liberal
league, Mr, Bishop, or the Taxpayer's
and Wage Earner's leagues, or any
one 'boosting the organized liquor
traffic, tell me who are sponsors for
the glaring red signs we find all
over the city? If any of these will
furnish me with the original signa
tures of 100 persons engaged in le
gitimate businesses or professions in
the city of Portland, who support and
advocate the claims made in these
signs and statements. I will pay the
cost of advertising space In The
Journal and publish same together
with the names and addresses of 200
persons engaged in legitimate busi
nesses or professions who deny thej
c&ancf i Liuiia. j. 111s iisi musi reatcn me
by October 30, or earlier.
The saloon defenders have been
making mere excuses for the exist
ence of the liquor traffic, and have
not offered one single common sense
reason why It should exist.
Russia has banished the saloon from
the entire nation, according to latest
reports. Now it is time for America
to do likewise. W. S. HOLLIS.
"The Measures" at Church.
Portland, Oct 22. To the Editor of
The Journal M. C. Reed, pastor of e
Lincoln Street M. E. church. Inaugur
ated a new program at his church last
Snnilav niirht IT. n.
the measures on which we are to vote
at the coming election, and showed
the good and bad points of each one
as they appear to him. Then such
members as desired expressed their ;
viewsf and it was the sense of those company store. The company owned
present that we had had a very profit- ; the town. Foreigners worked In the
able and instructive evening. The mill and yard. These were the condl
pastor will next Sunday evening con- tions when I worked there for the
tinue his remarks along the same line. Southern Pacific railroad. 1
and all who are interested in these As for R. A. Booth's claims for the
measures are cordially invited to come big payroll, the camps are not running
out and meet with us. Every one pres- now. C. K.
ent Sunday seemed well pleased that
he had taken this matter up, and nu- ' An Opponent of Prohibition,
merous ones expressed the opinion Portland, Oct. 22. To the Editor of
that they had learned more about these The Journal Here are 10 reasons why
measures in the hour and a half In , r am opposed to prohibition:
which we were discussing them than i it has killed my business In Oregon
th ey had before in all the time spent City.
In reading them at home. If we are : it will throw 10,000 .people out of
going to vote intelligently on these ; work in Oregon.
measures we have got to study them
j and" we think this an excellent way
i v -
The Booth-Kelly Camps.
Newberg, Or., Oct 22. To the Ed
itor of Tbe Journal In answer to-the
letter under the caption, "The Booth
Kelly Service," by W. R. Blackburn, hr
reeard to bunkhonses. I would liko
him to show the electric lights in the It will Increase taxes, adds too
logging camps, some of which are many laws and takes liberty from the
from 5 to 10 .miles from Wendling. people. - ... CHAS. H. KINO. '
They were the only bunkhouses I ever .
saw for. which'a laborer had to pay'lfl Open Letter to Commissioner Daly,
if he did not work 24 hours, besides Portland, Oct. 22. To W. H. Daly,
hospital; fees. "Wages were the same Commissioner of Public Service Dear
as others of the Mohawk 'valley; The sir: Will you kindly answer the fol
men had to produce a ticket before be- lowing questions In The Oregon Jour
lng allowed , to 4jb to the dining room, nal's "Letters From the People?"' -Married
-men rented houses of, the Regarding the measure to be votad
company and had to buy everything at on October. 27 which provides "for
the company store. Farmers were not I establishing a minimum of 50 cents
allowed to peddle or sell except at the ' per month for water," will that meas-
The less a man talks the more he
?UPc.ej'a, comes to the man who does
not fear failure.
Being kind
may be a good investment.
' An Old haLphoinx v-l.
than , " m UW
..unMviwn a. mouse.
Sheen at lM,t' , .
all wool clothing nowadays.
frifLK on ot those galvanic
freaks that won'tjstay buried.
1w a woman does enjoy quarreling:
with a man who isn't quarrelsome!
Diplomacy la thn art nt o-.tMn..
you want without fighting for fa.
A lot of trnnhl. In thl. . .
to love, and a lot jnore to friendship.
i-9ne,ofin,,cry,,n'H need of the times
is a standardised slice of pumpkin pie.
For every fault we find in our neigh
bor we overlook a dosen or more in
When fighting the slide in Culebr
cut, the process Is to dig one's self out
Instead, of In.
Sometimes a man is considered ec
centric because he attends strictly to
his own business.
If a mean man Is wise he will move
out of the neighborhood Instead of try
ing to live it down.
Still it is little satisfaction to a hui
gry man to tell him that the per cap
ita circulation of money is $37.
Some men try to hide their light un
der a bushel, and some others try t
make trie world believe they are th
whole dynamo.
(Distributed by the North American
Civic League for Immigants, New
York Citiy.)
Never in the history of theworld
have there been so many unwilling'
deserters as the United States holds
at this moment.
"I'll never see France again," Hen
ry, the elevator boy, tells you gloom
ily. When the first and then the sec
ond call came, he saw, on the one
hand, his wife Just released from the
hospital, left with four children to
face the guns of a hard winter in
New York City on something over 33
a week from the French government;
on the other, the call to defend the
fatherland. He hasn't time to bal
ance loyalties on a philosophic basis;
his wife and children are here. In bit
ter need, and France is there.
The result is that the old folks In
France have a deserter son.
What is now his standing In France
and what Is the standing in their na
tive country of all the other "desert
ers," who for many reasons, varying
from Henry's to inability to secure
transportation, are not on the firing
line. '
"All a question of citizenship," the
average American wttl tell you. If
he's got his papers, he's all right, and
can go back to the old country as he
pleases. If he hasn't he'd better look
out for the penal colony. "
The situation Is not so simple. It
varies greatly with regard to the dif
ferent countries concerned.
In none of the foreign countries
does the fact that a man has taken
the first step toward naturalization
In America or "filed his declaration"
affect in any degree his obligations as
to military service or his standing in
his native country.
This Is not so strange. But the na
tive American will find more cause
for wonder in the fact that the fully
naturalized are not In all cases eman
cipated from their foreign obligations.
In other words, America citizenship is
not at par value the world over. When
we entitle a man to pin the stars and
stripes on his lapel, we think we have
presented the equivalent of that Clvis
Romanus sum which was a passport
over the civilized world. But - the
old country has reserved to Itself cer
tain rights carefully specified in the
The two considerations that most
often modify the effect of naturaliza
tion In the United States are wheth-
By John M. Osklson.
More than six weeks after the war
VwAtynM a Tlawlln j-kvnann n JK va-i 4ltai
! f." v"2 '" iV "rJrjT k. V
"d0,L h , iS V" GI"
dustrially by the draftingof the coun
try's workers to the army.
For instance the metal workers'
union reported 20 per. cent of its mem
bership in the field and an additional
12 per cent unemployed; half of th.e
wood workers are either in the army
or unemployed, and 4500 out of 12,000
bookbinders were out. A third of the
textile workers had been taken from
the mills.
Germany Is probably harder hit than
the other European countries. Eng
land ought to feel the drain to a much
lesser extent.
Now, America In the last 11 months
reported upon, sent to all European
countries over $1,396,000,000 of ex
ports. Germany took $328,000,000
worth of our foodstuffs, cotton, cop
per, etc., while England took nearly
$558,000,000. Frinc. wa, our next best
customer, taking $160)00,000 worth f
exports, and Holland followed with a
demand for $101,500,000 worth.
Thousands of foreign born people
reauire mild liquor.
It will destroy $900,000 In licenses.
It will destroy the hop Industry.
It has killed Salem, Or.
It produces hypocrites and sneaks.
' It -will, vacate 1000 buildings in
Portland. - .
It produces class hatred among tne
Grants Pass public library has Just
been enriched with 150 volumes newly
Brand new enterprises recently es
tablished in OreKon include an employ
ment agency at Astoria and a taxicab t
line atKugene. I
"Prairie City," says the Baker Her-
aid, "is becoming neted for Its hustl. ,
and the action to build a part of tho ,
Long Creek road is one of the best
moves It has made."
The Western Union has ordered re
sumption of building the line along the
Willamette Pacific ratlroad from tho
point where the work ceased several .
months ago, to Juapieton, wnicn win
be the terminus of trains for some
time to come.
Through the efforts of the executive
commitee of the Taxpayers' league the
county board of equilizatton has re- j
cent for the eity of Batfer, b-eving
that generally property was assessed
for more than Its true cash value.
That Marlon county Is well out of
debt and had a surplus or si9S,7is.43
on hand In the general fund on Octo
ber 1 to do business upon a strictly
cash basis is shown by the semi-annual
report of County Treasurer G. J.
October in Oregon is thus depicted
by the prose poet of the Dufur Dis
patch: "October, by many the best
liked month in the year, is now here.
It is a time when nature betrays Its
most beautiful colors to lovers yof
nature and when all the world should
look beautiful. Spend all your leisure
time in the country, roaming over the
woods and byways. There you will
see nature In all Its splendor, the
beauty of which no artist has been
: able to portray. It will be a pleasant
reminiscence to you during the long
cold winter days."
er a man has been naturalised with
the consent of his government not a
common occurrence and whether he
has completed his term of compulsory
service. i
A Frenchman naturalized here with
out the consent of his government be
tween the ages of 20 and 23 when he
is still subject to the three years' j
active army service and 10 years In j
the reserve, must respond to the war j
call. If he does not he Is liable to j
arrest at any time he may go back !
to France, no matter how old he may j
be. !
Naturalization frees a Belgian sub-
ject from military obligations, except
In the case of deserters and . the
world knows now that these are few!
A German naturalized here is lia
ble to. punishment upon his return to
Germany if he emigrated after h was
enrolled as a recruit, while in Bervlce '
or during leave of absence, after re
ceiving a call or proclamation, while
In the reserve, or after war had brok
en out. If he left Germany before he
was 17, and has been naturalized, he
cannot return to Germany except for
a visit without being liable to ex-
pulsion on the ground that he eml-1
grated to escape military service. j
A native of Austria-Hungary natu-1
rallzed in the United States Is liable !
to arrest and punishment under mill- I
tary laws only if he left during war .
or during service or after being en-'
rolled or summoned. Otherwise he '.
Is treated aa a citizen of the United ,
States. ' j
A Russian cannot ask the Imperial i
consent to change his citisenshiD un-!
less he has performed his service. If
he is naturalised in the United States
without Imperial consent and returns
to Russia he can be sent to Siberia.
In Servia change of nationality Is
recognized only if military service was
performed In full before leaving.
Between Italy and the United States
there is no naturalization treaty. An
Italian naturalized here without the i
consent of the Italian government Is
not thereby removed from his military
obligations, as manyo&turalized Ital
ians returning to Italy recently have
found out to their sorrow.
The climax is reached in, Turkey,
which refuses to recognize naturaliza
tion accomplished without the consent
of the Turkish government. And con
sent is given only on condition that
the applicant agrees never to return!
In this case the question of military
obligation Is promptly disposed of.
Italy, Belgium, and the Scandina
vian countries were good customers of
ours, too. Austria and Russl took
very little.
Outside of Europe we sold nearly a
billion dollars' worth of American
products. Canada took nearly a third
of it, and other North American coun
ties bought $180,000,000 more. To
South America we sold etriy $117,000,
000 worth.
Ifs no time to be pessimistic about
American export trade, in spite of the
gloomy atmosphere you find In the
banking houses of the nation. Europe
as a market has not gone to the bow
wows, and is hardly likely to.
Remember the huge Item of Ger
many's trade with South America, and
consider our own arlfling bill for goods
sold down there.
Remember the efforts of onr strong
business men and our most expert
enced bankers, with the cordial co
operation of the government, to open
up to the United States the markets
of the Latin-American as well as the
South American countries.
It will be interesting to watch ex
port figures during the next year!
lire. If adopted, reduce the present flat
rate of 75 cents per month, to houses
having bath and toilet, to 50 cents
per month? Will it reduce the pres
ent minimum" meter rate of 75 'cents
f nth to, 60 cents per month?
Will it make any change In the pres
ent rates to houses not having a bath
or a toilet ?1
Answers to the above questions wiil
greatly aid voters in passing upon measure. J. A. RANDALL
H5 Graham avenue.
Apple Day Effort Appreciated.
Portland, Oct. 22 To the Editor
of ThevJournal In the Issue of your
esteemed publication of October 18,
there appeared a drawing, "The Spirit
of Apple Day,"
This is not only typical of the spirit
of the day but is still more charac
teristic of the spirit back of The
Journal in furthering this worthy ob
ject. .
As chairman of the Apple 'Day com
mittee appointed by the Portland Com
mercial club, allow me to extend my
thanks personally and for the entire
community for the splendid coopera-'
Hrtn V.H1 a a-kaM ni a. f 1 . . ...
j vi i wigftiiiedwon nai given una
wr"- OEO. D. LEE.
George E. Chamberlain's Place.
The Dalles. Or . Oct. 22. To the Edi
tor of The Journal I have known
George E. Chamberlain for 3$ years.
I think I know him as well as any
man in the state. I served seveirt
years with him In a volunteer fire
company, and he was my lieutenant
For 12 years THE JOUR
NAL, has engaged in therjer
f ormance . of genuine commu
nity service.
Since 1902 when it ! was
founded THE JOURNAL ha
worked willingly and fougni
( fearlessly for what It believed j
to oe ngnt, ' -
.A comprehensive review of
what has been accomplished
for the public good will - We a
feature of THE SUNDAY
JOURNAL next Sunday, j j
This review recounts a series
of worth-while achievements,
wrought in the interest of J the
whole people. t4
Viscount Brycef
This authority on history and
politics has prepared -an answer
to General von BernhiVdi's
startling statements contained
in his volume. "Germany f and
the Next War." The Bfyce .
statement will appear in o4e- of
the news sections next Suitday.
West and Boot!
As previously announced,
will contain full and accurate
reports of the remarks made
by Governor West and IB. A.
Booth. Republican carujidate
for U. S. senator, in their" pub
lic discussion tonight oH the
question. "Where Did-d Mr.
Booth Get His Timber ?ft
In the Magazine
"Belgium, the Pawn oflWar,H
makes a striking page ol text
and photographs which i sets
forth people and places 14 this
game little kingdom. ;jj
That the future man wjll eat
less and sleep less is theiasser
tion made by Thomas Ai Edi
sonwhose page article in elab
oration of thi subject is most
interesting reading.
A selection of shortltories
that are being told, anjd car
toons of .timely interest fonsti
tute an attractive page cif mis
cellaneous features. H
Another installment pf "The
Trey O Hearts" sees the fig
ures in Louis Joseph I'Vance's
stirring"tory survive soibe ad
ditional thrillers. This jB rial is
nearing its conclusyri, which
promises to be full of action.
Pictorial Supplement
Four solid pages of iSV pho
tographs from the wa rone
show men of the rival :i armies
and places they have visited.
These pages from ueek to
week constitute the. be illus-'
trated review of the war? that is
published in the west. -A broad
assertion, but true. !3I
. I
Join the ranks of thg -many
s who are filing these; picture
pages each week for futdire ref
erence, lif .
Who would imagine that
the Christmas .spirit iqald be
aroused in mid-autumn?
THE JOURNAL'S campaign
for the Christmas fcHip for
the women and children of
the European war'l sone,
which closes todaf and
which is yielding resu&s even
beyond expectations improves
that Oregon' hearts Irjfcspond
readily to cries of distress
no matter ho'w distant. A
detailed story of ho Port
land and Oregon di their
part in supplying a Christmas
Ship cargo, will be t&td next
Complete in five ncWs sec
tions, magazine and factorial
supplement and cornjc sec
.tion 5 cents the cop& every
where, is!
The Ragtime Muse
Perverted Taste.
Elvira Is no pretty maid;
Her form is stout, her nose Is
4 stubby.
Her hair Is of a reddish shade.
But I should like to be her hubby.
Her verbs and nouns do- hot agree,
She's no ac-omplihments or money.
But she is lust the Kirl for roe
She thinks that all my Jokes are
. funny!
Elvira's laugh, like llvf bells,
RingM out JWhen 1 display my
wheezes. jji
No matter what 'I say, sfle tells v
Me that my wit her faiicy pleases.
And. greatest of. her bleSstd gifts
(She Is a girl my own- heart after).
She knows precisely when and lifts
Precisely then her voice in laughterl
This splendid girl I may not win;
From -her resolve T cannot shake her.
She's Uon to wed it in a sin.
A dismal, sighing undertaker"!
I asked her why she chose tbe bore
As noon aa I had heard the rumor.
She said: "His visage makes me
He always suits my sense of humor!
in the Indian war of tf is. George la
on the square. When ha knows he Is
right, no man or set of jmen can bluff
him. He will call them 'every time, .
Now T am not of the same political
faith as Mr. Chamberlain, but I know
when he says he will dp a'thlng he will
do It, or know the reason why. I do
not believe there Is ? man In the
state that ran fill tfc place In the
United States senate j? better than
George E. Chamberlain. " v
AH honest men look sillke to George,
whether h overballs onj broadcloth. '
v Jj. L. M'CARTNET. "