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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 21, 1914)
if THE OREGON DAILY JOURNAL, PORTLAND, WEDNESDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 21, 1914. ROSES, MORE THAN ELECTRIC DISPLAY, TO FEATURETHE FESTIVAL ; wwwr aw, a aaug nier. PICKKRINQ To Mr. and Mrs. Norman Pick le "i'ht Tent- street, October 15, Entire City to Engage in Rose ""m- and Everett m. lJ 1 & to "uuu; Hinwrn, 118 North Bweasos street. Octo- G rowing Contests; Prizes j K p. . , , 614 Zoselawn avenne, October Id, a son. tn Rf AunrrlPn BEAMWKLL-To Mr. and Mrs. Albert A. IU UO nWaiUCUi Bramweii. 1677 Pacific street, October 8, I a daughter. FAIR TO LAST THREE DAYS Ttlrij Slogan Is Wasted-Uay Hold Festival Bong Contesf Band miti Hake Application. The 1915 Rose, Festival will be a three day festival. June 9, JO and 11. It will deal more In rosea than electric pageantry, according to a de cision reached by the Festival direc tors at a meeting: last night. The entire city, districted, win be engaged In rosegrowlng contests, snd prises will be awarded best parkings and home displays. Children will be given rose slips at school and asked to plant and culti vate them at home. It la desired that the rose Idea pre vail, that any stranger reaching Port land by any street shall proceed but short distance until he encounters rosea. &oses Are Requested. That people will be free with the roses la another hope of, the Festival directors. , They hope they will add to the success of a Rose .Festival of which the rose-ds the center by supply ing the flowers for .entertainments, parades, visiting parties and Indi viduals. Julius Meier. It is said, will direct the districting of the city for ros growlng contests. The Festival dates were set by the directors after consultation with ex pert rosngTowers,. who assured them there are nine chances out of ten the Portland roses will be at their boat Wednesday. Thursday and Friday. June 9. 10 and 11. If desirable, the Festival may be extended to include Saturday and Saturday evening, June 12. Festival Slogan Contest. A 1915 . Festival slogan is wanted. 2. Fred Larson,' director of publicity, thinks It should not be more than six r seven words, and that the area of competition should include the entire nation, also that the prize should be $60 or $100. Last year the Ad club conducted .the competition and award ed a prize of $25 for the slogan. S. C. Pier, director of music, - says many applications are being received from bandmasters who desire to enter the Festival competition. . It Is prob able a Festival song contest will bi held. Guilt Admitted; Released on Parole Bert Jtoach, Actor, Sentenced, la Case of Contributing to Delinquency of Minor Girl. Through the Influence Of his father and mother, who came from Minneap olis to be with him, Bert Roach, an actor, yesterday pleaded . guilty to a charge of contributing to the de linquency of a 14-year-old girl. He was sentenced to serve six months in the county .jail, and was paroled by Circuit Judge McGinn. Roach was Indicted last Saturday with Frank Arralanes and Robert Davis, ball players, and Joseph. Ber ger, a local diamond merchant, on charges -of contributing to the delin quency of the same 'girl, and on stat utory" charges- involving her. He" is to report each two weeks and to remain In Oregon. It 19 believed he will be a witness for the state in the othor trials. Judge McGinn intimated this morn ing that he was not in sympathy with inflicting heavy punishment in these cases or cases like them, saying that Investigation led him to believe thaE the girl in the' case, was entirely too free in calling upon the men and tele phoning to them to make the blame entirely , chargeable to the men. In effect Oct. L 1913. ALL PRE VIOL'S RATES CAh CELLED CHARGED ADVERTISEMENTS Dally or . Sunday, . 1H cents per ord per insertion. This charge Is for all classification, except ing "For Rent In Private Family," "Room and , Board tn private ramlly," -'Situation Wanted" and "Wanted to Rent" ads., which are 1)4 ernts per word tier Insertion. No ad charged f'ir less ihsn 15 cents. CASH ADVERTISEMENTS Itt eeats par word for all elsMlflcations, excepting "For Rant In Private Family.'' "Boom and Board In Private Family," "Situa tion Wanted" and "Wanted to Kent" sds which are 1 M cents per word. Consecutive Instrttnn of rash want ads.: 8 Insertions 'or the price of 9 7 Insertions for the price of 5 M.KETIXG NOTICES 41 WASHINGTON LOPGE. NO. 46,. A. F. AND A. M. Spe cial communication tomorrow ( Thursday) evening, 7 o'clock. Kast 8 th and Burnside. E. A degree. Visitors welcome. Order W. M. J. H. RICHMOND. Sec'y. MT. SCOTT Chapter, O. E. S. Regu lar communication first and third Wednesdays of every month. By order of W. M. MAUD K. CONNELL, Sec airMT itK'iUlAlt meeting tnis (Wednesday) evening. 5r k. 6th and Alder sts. Vis- iVJ nor- coraiany invneo. w iir tit n. T., vlr Vital Statistics marriages. Birtbs.Dtatbs MARRIAGE LICENSES Paul Henry Cochran, 8t Johns. 23, and Gladye Garvin, 8t Johna. 21. fchojl Endo. 2ttO Flanders street ' 90, and Tnm Tlsoka, 105 North Fourth street 30. Cbarles W. Wise, 6603 Seventy-seventh street, 8. BL, 22, and Lvdia E. Schmidt 8004 roster Road. 23. Willie D. Lewis, 509 Davis street 81. and Bertha McGuirs, 653 Hoyt street 28. rred W. Rinnan. 686 Wilson street, 25 and Ames Edith Crofts, 442 Kast Eighth street, T. Rowland French, 1 lifl Division street 27 aed Beatrice Carson. 174 Esst Fifteenth street! W. G, Smith & Co,? 2A Third floor, Morgan bldg. DRESS suits for rent, all sixes. Unique Tailoring Co, 809 Stark st ' BIRTHS at O RAN T Mr. and Mrsj John J. Moran, J.S 'twet October 13. a daughter. CJSLA60N To Mr. and Mrs. Barser Oislaaon. 1476 Kast Tent street North, October 4. a BIRTHS ( Continued) BAKKR To Mr. and Mrs. Andrew C. Bsker, r liu-secoua street. 8. K., October 3. son. SAG KB To Mr. and Mrs. Arthur O. Baser. Hint and Ulrica avenue, Beptember 28, a daughter. WiVlrTl Mr- n1 Mrs. Albert T. Willis, . wmbrtdSe- Orter 13, a daughter. AM A TO To Mr. and Mrs. O. 8. A ma to. 538 J2hientb traet October 12, a son. BABBITT To Mr. and Mrs. Albert . Bab bltt, 188 Kast Seventj-Sttcond street. North, J KLLIOTT To Mr. and Mrs. Oscar W. Elliott, im noaney aTenae, octooer 17, a Mi. VOELLER To Mr. and Mrs. Daniel H. Voel- ler, VflS East Taylor street. October 11, a daughter. tfTUBBS To Mr. and Mr. Emmett EL Stnbbs, 10a Riebej street, Lents, September 1, a son. KHAVENT To Mr. and Mrs. John Keaveny, 301 North Twenty-first street. October 14, a son. RNYDKR To Mr. and Mrs. Abraham Snyder, 05 Glenn avenue. September 19. a daughter. NASH To Mr. and Mrs. Norwood Kaab, 266 Stoat street, October 7, a son. DEATHS AND FUNERALS 75 CAKON In this city. October 20. at Eaat Twentv-seoond street. Northr - DeliHo Cason, aged 87 years, 8 months and 19 days, belored mother of Mrs. W. D. Hurlbnt Vir ginia Moir, Charles 8. Cason, Mrs. H. P. Lee and Kditb V. Malr. The funeral services will be held st the residence of her daughter, Mrs. 1L p. Lee 300 Bast Fifty -sixth street, corner Sast Taylor, at 2 p. m., Thursday. Friends invited. Interment Lone Fir cemetery. ROLAND In this city, October 21. Pearl Roland, sged 82 years, wife of Jeremiah Roland, of 4030 East Seventy-eighth street, 8. E. Funeral services will be held Saturday, October 24. at 10 o'clock a. m., at the resi dence establishment of J. P. Fin ley & Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends invited. In terment at Multnomah cemetery. Ai'LIN Samuel McKrlde ApLfh, at his late residence. 17 Kast Seventy-fourth street. North, beloved husband of Ada Aplin, father of Raleigh, Samuel and Llla, brother of John P. Aplin of Cove, Or., and Jennie Van Meter of Diller, Or. Remains at W. H. Hamilton's funeral chapel, East Eightieth and ttlisan awaiting shipment to Forest Grove. PFENNING Bit The funeral services of the late Carolina Pfennlpger win be held Thurs day, October 22, at 2:30 o'clock p. m., at the rt-tldeece establishment of J. P. Finley A Son, Montgomery at Fifth. Friends Invited. Inter ment at Lone Fir cemetery. FOWLER October 20, at his residence. 1567 Holland street, Woodlawn, George' C fowl er, aged 68 years. Funeral services will b held from A. R. ZeTler Co,'s earlora. 684 Wil liam's avenue, Thorsdax. October 22, it 2 p. m. means mvitea. cemetery. MATHEWS Whitfield D. Mathews, Portland . Sanitarium, October 17. 76 years; pnlmonary nemorrnsge. HYUB Beolsh F. Hyde, Madison Park Apart menta, October 18, 27 years; valvular heart aueaac. KKNTB Louise Bente, 600 Overton street, October 17, 52 years; carcinoma of breast. GRIFFIN WlnXred Griffin. Orlando Ar art- men ta. October 18. 7 years; fracture of skull elevator accident. PA RHAM Robert A. Parham, 729 Missis sippi avenue, October 17, 8 months; lobar pneumonia, SMITH "John G. Smith. 6221 forty-ninth street, s. k.. October 17, i years; puunoa erv tuberculosis. SULLIVAN Francis B. Sullivan. S2T West Park street. October 11, 65 years; valvular lesion of heart. PIEPER Barbara Fieper, 5219 FtortT-slxta avenue, 8. . 1. October 16, 30 years; tuber culosis. FARUM Stella. M. Farom, Hotel LaureL Oc tober 18. 48 years; tuberculosis. BERG Bertha B. Berg, St. Vincent's hospi tal, October 17, 54 years; acute pancreatitis. MARTIN & FORBES CO- florists. 347 . Wash. Main 269. A-1269. Flowers for all occasions artistically arranged. CLAUKU BROS., florists, fine flowers and floral designs. 287 Morrison st. MAX M. SMITH, florist. 141 Vi Ota st. in Helling Diag. Main yzio. CASKET sprays as low as? $1-50. Lubliner. florists, Portland hotel blk. FUNERAIj directors A splendid residence undertaking es tablishment, with private 'driveway. J. P. FINLEY & SON? Montgon"7 at Fifth. MR. EDWARD HOLMAN, the leading funeral director, 220 3d st.. corner Salmon. Lady assistant Phones A 1511. Main 607. F. S. Dunning, !nc, East 8lde Funeral Directors. Fast Alder et East 52. B-2525. 414 Dunning &McEntee ffodSSTS every det?il. 7th and Pine. Main 430. A-4558. Ln1y nsslstant. A R 7p Ipr C.n 592 wllUanis ve- Mi III Cliei VvUiEast. 1088. C-1088. 1.4idy attendant. Day and night service. WALTER C. KEN WORTHY, successor to A B. Hemstock. 1687 E. 13th Rellwood 71. B-1123. Lady assistant Chambers Co i and Kerby. Wood- lawn 3306, C-1133. Automobile hearse. R. T. ByrnesENastli?fi!.ac?i?4n,!tt PIPQHM RESIDENCE UND. xs Ui.iWWMM, 6133, A-Z235. 445 Mora. QlC M CQ Undertaking Co, Main 4152 OrL VV L.OA-2321. Cor. 3d and Clay. Momilnn 8th and Glisan. Fu nairilllOn neral services. Tabor 4313. PFARQHM Undertakera East 1080. I LrtnOUli 369-371 Russell St P. L. LERCH, leading east side under. taker. E. 11th & Clay. B-1888. E. 781. MONUMENTS PORTLAND MARBLE WKS. 264-266 4th st., opp. city hall. M. 8564. A-1516. YOU CAN'T BLAME GAtf4. rVBR TO HIT CRjom r y00 HEnT GrveoUACP T S H 1 om 1 i i I 1 e"T'.r -SC wu. 1 1 t-y, rr. t- yn -r i i j r a p h. a a uji mt v a Jbsr i- r .w ' "hh uw a mfi m : isa ; iPrWci ' ii ,k m 1 63 WELL Improved t acres to leas 1 to 3 years: good 6 room house; fruit will pay rent; good chance to keep chickens. Phone Tabor (418; or. write to George Avery, Lenta. Or. . FOB SALE HOUSES 61 $4000 Cash Value for $2550 Read See why such an of fer: Owner wants $1350 cash this week for his $4000 home and one acre at Capitol Hill. New bungalow and barn, sidewalks all the way. all cul tivated, fenced and lawn. Wants $1350 cash to put Into another proposition where he can make $3000 in a few days. You can assume $1200 on this place, runs 2Vs years yet. Buy this, resell and make $1000 in a short time. This acre and improvements cost $4000. Act today, as this offer is only good for this week. If you have the money get busy. Ask for Barr. Dorr E. Keasey & Co. 2nd Fir., Chamber of Com merce bldg. Big Snap Flat or Apartment House Site 2 corner lots, 61st and Hawthorne, 68 2-3x100. Ideal site for flat or aD&rt- ment house. Price S2600. Terms. $1600 cash, balance 2 or 3 years at 7 ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., 618-619 Yeon bldg. Main 481. $25 PER MONTH, which Includes ln- icibsi, ouya new live room oungaiow, with sleeping porch, bath, fire place, all built in conveniences, hard wood flrtnm. a Q fid olaMrtn fi.tnxA. anil window shades installed, one large well "guiTO room ior sewing or aouDle Dea room, full concrete basement with ce ment floor, stationary wash trays and wood hoist, cement sidewalks; near fmrwH St FOOT v 1 i - eAhAAla aKsi -H-. and park. Ready for occupancy Nov. lot- xr umiq Jjttst OOOI. SWELL BUNGALOW $100 CASH. 6 room new bungalow, fine fireplace, bookcase, beam ceiling, enamel Jjutch kitchen, extra large living and din ing room, doubly constructed, extra well finished, cement floor and laun dry trays, concrete porch, brick pil lars; a genoina bungalow, dose In on east side. Price & snap, $27 M; $100 cash and $15 per month. GRTJSSI & BOLDS. 326 Board of Trade bldg. Main T4S. MODERN bungalow. Hawthorne dis trict; furnace, fireplace, laundry; mahogany furniture, oak dining room suite, good pictures, silk window arapes, good rugs and linoleum kitchen and bedroom furniture. A few hun dred dollars will put you in possession of nice home. Call 710 Lewis bldg. fliarsnaii 4ZP0. a-7168. 5 ROOMS AND SLEEPING PORCH FOR ONLY $25 A MONTH. Which includes interest; handy to good car line, nas ail modern conveniences, such as fireplace in living room, buf fet in dining room. bath. Dutch kitch en, attic; sidewalks and curbs in and paid lor; light fixtures and blinds. Call me evenings. East 2670. (2000 New, modern, 6 room bungalow, hardwood floors, fireplace, beamed ceiling, uutcn Kitchen, electric fix tures, window shades, cement base ment, large attic; located on E. 13th st. near Ainsworth, dose to Wood lawn car; $500 cash or trade, "balance to suit. Taggart, 41$ Chamber of Commerce. $3000 Is the price of that new 5 room bungalow, on E. 71st, just north of Sandy road. If you are looking for an up-to-now home in a fine district at a very low price and easy terms, see uus. SCOTT-BEESLEY-DEANE COw zn-iz ADington Diag. FOR SALE or exchange, my $800 equity in 6 room modern house in Woodstock value $1800; 1 block from car, 4 blocks from school, 15 minutes' walk from Reed college; chicken house And run 20x50; will sell on terms or trade for vacant property; address U 72, Journal. LOOK 6 room strictly modern house, 100 feet from car, never occupied, everything right up to the minute, one of the finest equipped bathrooms in tne city; 1 win sell at a bargain; need money; quick action counts. Owner, A-831. Journal. FOR SALE Only $2000, 5 room bun galow, close in, modern plumbing and wiring, good basement, only three blocks to Hawthorne car. This home is going to be sold for $600 less than It was one year ago. Are you inter ested in this? Call owner. Tabor 1782. MOVING out of city; modern house, 5 rooms and attic; hot and cold water, electric lights and gas; 60x250; fine garden, fruit and berries; $2900; your own terms. Phone res. B-2111,' office, A-7500. 80x200 IN cultivation; 3 room house; $5 monthly; $650. 160x200; 4 room house; J8 monthly; $1050. A C Marsters, 202 Wilcox bldg. Main 3517. A-7340 Tabor 17T0. $1250 NEW 3 room house, lot 80x175, ail fenced and cultivated; also good chicken house 12x40. Terms, $10 per month. Akerson Gooch, 614 to took Ex change bldg. Main 6765. FOR SALE CHEAP! 5 room bungalow, new and up to date, only $1650, lot 45x125. This is a real home at the right price. 1 block from car. C-69S-. Journal. - LET US BUILD YOU A HOME. On your lot or ours; by your own plans or ours; pay us like rent THE OREGON HOME-BUILDERS, 1330 Northwestern Bank Bldg $50 BUYS my dandy little 3 room house, on 60x100 foot lot, with fruit trees and flowers. Will take victrola or diamond as first payment, balance easy terms. Sec owner, 612 Piatt bldg. Cheap, Clean, Convenient Attractive 4 room bungalow, full lot, $1000 value, for $800: very easy terms. Phone C-2517; or Q-12, Journal. 4 ROOM bungalow, one acre of ground; chicken houses and runs, city water. 10c car fare; $1500, $150 cash. 142 2d st, room 26. JEFF FOR THINKING TO LKASB 61 Brand new 6 room bungalow, only 1 block from car, in good residence dis trict; has all the desirable features you would expect in a well built home HARDWOOD FLOORS, PRESSED BRICK FIREPLACE. BUILT-IN BOOKCASES WITH BEVEL PLATE GLASS DOORS, BEAUTIEUL, WIDE AND VERY ATTRACTIVE BUFFET, rAnrjLED DINING ROOM, 3 NICE, LIGHT. AIRY BEDROOMS, SLEEPING PORCH. WELL EQUIPPED BATHROOM. WHITE ENAMELED DUTCH KITCHEN, ELECTRIC FIXTURES AND SHADES, BOYNTON FURNACE. Call on Owner, 1078 Haw thorne ave., or Phone Tabor 2608 BUNGALOW AND FURNITURE. $2900, $150 Down, Balance Like Rent, a coxy room oungaiow, located just one block from Hawthorne ave. car. Close In; completely furnished: all ready for occupancy; lot worth $2000 alone: "Teat sacrifice. See it today. Tomorrow may be too late; auto at your service. PEARSON & WILLOUGHBY. Main 3960. 828 Morgan bldg. il6 DOWN, $15 month buys lot and 2 room ceiled tent house, $576; bare lot cost me $650. Inquire 6S3 Liberty st. Woodlawn car. FOR SALE LOTS 16 -"NT TXT Cflv7T 1Z ?. T-ae a v. TVs vvi vuai wou iuiu a. - : Atf 4- v A-a, rQTtn. nnJ sir vsnllrd V-WVf BUWv JkiS- V AAA BMJ VOUGIis vVCUA-l paid; no incumbrance; 127. ft. front age; uo szo cash, j io month, buys a half fare. 15 minutes' ride, 5c fare; ideal for a home where you can raise all your vegetables, berries, fruit, eto which Is one way of solving the high cost of living. M. E. Lee, 605 Corbett bldg. QUARTER acre for $350, $10 down, $5 a month; best value in the city. This property is only 16 minutes car ride, 6c fare. City water piped in front of the property. M. K. Lee, 605 Corbett bldg. FINE view lot on the west slope of Mt Tabor, 62x160, fronting on 2 streets; will sell at one third valud. Must sell. A J. Farmer, 407 Stock Ex. WILL sell 2 lots at great sacrifice on E. Stark st, near 83d st C-9S9, Jour nal. ir"none Marshall 5896. A BARGAIN Lots in Willamette ad dition. A-2844. ALAMEDA Park lot for sale, reason able. Woodlawn 1229. FOR SALE AH improved, 100 by 100, by owner. R-491, Journal. CAPITOL HILL 50x100. $160 cash. Owner, Main 3603, room 34. ACREAGE 57 6 ACRES FOR 1250 $10 down and $5 per month buys 5 acres good logged-off land 1 mile from main line of railroad and town of 1000 nnnn! q tiin with tnn-rinv vto between Portland and Astoria. Land from $36 to $60 Der acre on these terms. Many 5 acre tracts to choose zrom. RTTT.T. 'RTriAT. rv 31S Railway Exchange bet Sd and 4th sts. on Stark. CHICKEN and fruit ranches near Port- lane; uresnam district, electrio sta tion mile. New subdivision. Sun shine Valley orchard tracts; best soil, free wood; elegant location. Prices only J75 to $150 per acre in small tracts; easy terms. Frank McFarland Realty Co.. St) 9 Yeon bldg.. Portland, Or. : Gibson. Half Acres Good soiL cltv water, rlns tn line, easy terms; will build to suit our. chaser. Phone Marshall 1585, or Sell wood 476. John H. Gibson. 'owner. 30 Acres $600 $1 fare from Portland, close school, station, splendid farm land; $100 cash. Claude Cole, 917 Board of Trade. HOMESTEAD, 120 acres, $150; also 160 acres at $225; A-l soiL no rocks, fine water; close to neighbors; fine ?lace for stock; close to sawmill; fine ishing and hunting; 663 East Mor rison, room 3. IMPROVED 20 acres, 2 miles north of Mt Angel; 40 rods to good school. G. W. Leap, Woodbufn, Or. R. F. D. No. 2. FOR SALE 5 acres cheap, by owner. JX-372. Journal. - FOR SALE FARMS 17 SMALL MOLLALA FARM. 20 acres, 5 acres in cultivation, 7 acres slashed, 8 acres second growth fir; fine loam soil, level, free of rock; 3 room house, chicken, house, wood shed, lumber on ground to build a barn; located 3 miles from Mollaia on county road. R. F. D., and phone in the house. Owner Is sick, and will sacri fice this fine little farm at the low price of $1500; $800 cash, two years on the balance at 7 per cent; no traxie. Call on Jos. C Gibson, 306 Gerlinger bldg., Portland, Or. 80 ACRES, 3 miles Woodlawn. Wash, graveled road, 15 acres in cultiva tion, good soil, ideal for dairy, 30 acres rood piling timber, 500 cords first growth fir. Particulars. Borders & T., Woodland. R. F. D. No. 1. box 18. Wash. 20 Acres, $100 Cash Down Splendid, level farm land, $1 fare from Portland, close school, station. Price $800. Claude Cole, 917 Board of Trad ft. 5 AND 10 acre tracts, beaverdam land, best farm and dairy section north west. We help you. Will furnish lumber, cattle. Very easy terms. This land selling fast Investigate now. 627 Corbett bldg. MUTT WAS OFF HIS FOB SALE HOUSES (Ooaittntied) 8300. CASH FOR SALE FARMS 17 (.Continued) sMt-S-yskjs-aa DAIRY FARM. This describes 80 all tilla ble, 30 acres In cultivation, some creek do t torn land; 4 room house, cement basement, large barn with silo, sep arator house, woodshed, 2 chicken houses and pigpen; span of horses with harness, 2 wagons, span of 3-year-old colts, 18 head of cattle, mostly cows in milk; 25 or 30 tons of hay, mowing machine, rake, plow, harrow, seeder, separator, crosscut saw and other smau tools; 2 fine creeks and good well; 2 acres of old family orchard and some berries; mile to good school, store. The price is $100 per acre, with everything included; $3000 cash. baL terms. JOS. C. GIBSON, 306 Ger- unger Ptag.. Portland. Or. STOCK, DAIRY. HOGS AND PRUNES 640 acres, $25 per acre. a mile from good town and railroad. Yamhill Co. This Is a forced sale and having carefully gone over the property, I be lieve any one posted on values would consider it fair value at $50. No section of the Willamette valley has any richer or higher grade soiL It is not steep, nor rough, nor a worthless hillside and if a consider able portion is in cultivation, cleared, ready for the plow and open pasture, is it not worth investigation? Can only talk to men with some cash. $10,000 can run 19 years at . GEO. E, WAGGONER, 8uo i eon bidg. FERTILE LEVEL OREGON LANDS. $12.50 per acre, 36 miles east of Portland and 165 miles south on right of way of Natron cutoff, S. P. Ry. Good for alfalfa, clover, bogs, turkeys, stock raising; no irrigation; 80 acres; $1000; terms $40 down. $20 monthly; 40 acres at half these fig ures; no interest on first 60 purchas ers. Price and terms framed for men who really want land. Demonstration farm and well driller on hand. Hunt er Land- Co.. 602 Title & Trust bldg. 205 ACRES, all clear, very best soil: 1 miles from thriving town and electrio and steam cars, with hour service to Portland, at only $65 per are, n,siaie property, and must De sold. Terms. BOID REALTY CO, 206 Alder St I HAVE some good Irrigated farms with fine Improvements, close to R. R to exchange for Portland prop erty or valley farms; no junk consid ered. Call and see me at the Mor rison, 271 Morrison st, cor. 4 th. Room 27. 40 ACRES, improved land; must be sola at once; nas Dun dings. Price $926. Call or write Coast Range Land co, 179 Madison st, Portland, Or. WHEN you answer these Want Ada- mention Tne journal. FOR RENT FARMS 14 I HAVE 4 acres of garden land at Garden Home, surveyed in 2 acre tracts, sidewalks, water piped. Will Sdll or rent all or part Come and see me at 263 6th st FARMS WANTED RENT OR BUY S8 WE want good farms, priced right, on reasonable terms. Write or call and see us. Chittenden & Neill, 310 Oak st. Portland. Or. WANTED To rent on shares, a good sized, inuy equipped farm, by a com petent and reliable party. 0-233, Jour nal. HOMESTEADS 47 HOMESTEADS near Portland; can lo cate in one day; level land, near R. R. town. Montague, 267 Oak. Room 21. EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE 24 WALLA WALLA WHEAT RANCH. 1500 acres, nearly ail in cultivation. producing fine crops yearly. New up- to-date improvements, waterworks. stocic and macninery, including bar vester; close to railway siding. All for S35 ner acre. 36000 cash reauired. Balance trade. Other good trades of ail sizes. R. F. FEEMSTER, 309 Ab ington bldg. FOR EXCHANGE or sale, nearly new bungalow, 4 rooms finished"5 downr stairs, room for 3 above; smay pay ment down, $20 or more per month; would take 5 passenger car $500 to $800. Ford preferred, as first pay ment Price $2350. T-247, Journal. WILL trade my $1000 cottage located In small country town for farm land. Must be-20 acres or over. For further particulars write Carl Bras tram, Cber ry Grove. Or. 6 ROOM house on corner, equity $1850, value $2800. Will consider unin cumbered lots or acreage or what have you? Call 1047 Hancock st Phone Tabor 4470. FOR EXCHANGE Cottage and lot or vacant lots for store, rooming house or restaurant Telephone owner, Main 1242. HAVE you a house and lot in Oakland, Berkeley or Alameda that you would trade for a house and lot in this city? FX-165, Journal. IF your real estate has value and you want to make a good exchange for other property, see us. Bell Real Es tate Co.. 318 Railway Exchange bldg. EXCHANGE For Portland home, fine 20 acre farm, new house, large new barn, orchard, good water: near Port- land. No agents. C-505, Jou rnai . TWO clear lots on west side, $3000: will exchange for modern 6 or 8 room bungalow on east side. A J. Farmer. 407 Stock Exchange. EXCHANGE clear lot growing Wash ington town, for what have you? U-79. Journal. WANTED To build residence or bun galow in exchange for good lot. Phone Tabor 5389. INCOME property for house with 2 orj more lots. Owner, 616 CommerciaTi street WESTSTDE house and other property for east side residence. 311 Alisky building. WANTED Rose City Park home in exchange for 120 acres 5 miles? Cam as. Wash. Owner, 1118 Yeon bldg. FOR EXCHANGE or sale, modern 6 room bungalow, 1 acre, suburban. M-2.15. Journal. IMPROVED, 5 acres, or trade.. Wolfstein, city limits: sell 205 Alifiky bldg SIX room house, unincumbered, grocery stock. Cot 118. for NUT EXCHANGE HEAL ESTATE 24 (Continued) CHEAP LAND. 160 acres, about 60 or 60 acres till able, 'balance good pasture the pasture land is in and along creek and is good pasture; land is all open pasture, being ourni over land; thousands or cords oi good wood, flume runs across land so wood can be flumed out; land adjoins good farms, part of land was cleared but mostly grown up with small brush; finest of springs; 8 miles from Washougal, plenty of fcutrange ad joining land. Price $30 per acre; owner will exchange for good city property. GEO. Y. MOODY CO, Washougal, Wash. Exchange Headquarters Snan of Perrheron mare- with colts, 6 Jersey cows, chickens, hogs, all implements, oats, nay and potatoes in; 1 mile to R R. in Columbia county. NeW bungalow and barn on 30 acres. Price $300 per acre; to trade for house and lot up to $2500, some cash, and terms on balance. (A 512). BRING IN YOUR TRADES; we are 'iKADKits. Over 2000 listings. 22 YEARS IN THIS BUSINESS. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO., 618-619 Yeon bldg. Main 48L READ THIS. -40 acres, 8 acres under plow, over 30 acres good level land, balance fin est of pasture; good spring, part of land that Is not under plow can be cleared for $15 per acre; land is 6 miles from Washougal. 3 miles from Mt Pleasant finest land, no rock. Price $2500; $1000 cash or good prop erty, long time on balance. GEO. Y. MOODY CO, Washougal, Wash. WE CAN SELL OR TRADE. If you wish to sell your real estate for cash or trade for other property, it will nay you to see us for uulck re sults. 19 years' successful business is our guarantee for a square deal. M'KENZIE & CO.. 615 Gerlinger bldg. Main 2801. ROOMING HOUSES 53 Chance of Lifetime 17 rooms, nicely furnished for house keeping, all rented; no work, fine cen tral location; $75 month profit; thii house must be sold; you will get' a bargain; don't delay; price reduced for quick sale; only $600 for all; some terms. Call 88 10th, near Stark. Bargain No, 2 11 room rooming house, steam heat. hot and cold water in rooms; will guarantee it to be cleanest place in city; cheap rent: located in White Temple district Price for all $280. Peters, 16 N. 6th st. 40 Rooms, $1600 Rent $100, extra good furniture clears $100 a month; $800 cash will handle this, or will trade for city property. Call 618 It eon bldg. 40 ROOMS, modern brick, hot and cold water every room, centrally located, rent $175; snap, $600 handles. 310 Stock Exchange. 20 ROOMS, central, all full, cheap rent nice furniture, housekeeping. good income; $600, terms. 310 StocK Exchange.- 12 ROOMS, newly decorated, rent $30 central, income $85; must sell; $300 takes It 310 Stock Ex c nasi ge. FOR RENT, with privilege of buying, rooming bouse, good business, As toria, Or centrally located. Write D. H. Welch, Astoria. Or. $100 Cash, Balance Terms 10 rooms, west side, cheap rent; brass beds, good carpets, worth $600; owner must sell. Price $300. $100 cash, balance monthly. Call 88 10th. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention rne jounai. BUSINESS CHANCES 20 WANTED A business partner; lady who has some money or property, and will Invest dollar for dollar in some business she is best prepared to i Dandle successfully, u-62. Journal. Pool Hail A-l west side location: 3 tables: han dles cigars and tobaccos; rent only $25 month; get price and terms on tnis at room 618 Yeon bldg. (C780) MANUFACTURER wants state mana gers to establish office and manage salesmen; liberal pay; $300 to $700 necessary; you handle own money. Secretary, 406 Fisher bldg., Chicago. FOR SALE 3 chair barber shop, do ing good business: other business cause for selling; price $800 cash; wood In for winter. W. E. Anderson, Box 295. Tillamook. Or. WANTED MAN to assist me and look after office during my absence; must have $160; money secured; reference required. B-827, Journal. 1000 Business Cards, 75c Ryder Ptg. Co.. S. W. cor. 3d Morrison FOR SALE or trade for an auto, stock of dry goods, worth about $600. 4517 64th st S. E. WILL trade for stock of furniture; give price and location. U-78, Jour nal. PARTNER wanted for a little repair shop; will pay you $100 to $15 month. Call room 329 Morgan bldg. MOVING picture theatre, willrent 3 months; called back east; option of buying. 333 Oak st CIGAR. CONFECTIONERY AND NEWS STAND CHEAP. INQUIRE 234 YAMHILL. FOR SALE Ice cream, confectionery, cigar and fruit store: other business property; farms; box 151. quilie. Or. $5 TO any one who can guarantee a steady position to woman of 44. with a familv. Call Wdln. 747. bet 8 and 6. WANTED Small retail business as working partnership that will in--ure living wagos. W-65, Journal. A FULLY equipped confectionary and restaurant for sale or trade; will stand closest examination. 1000 Business Cards, 75c Rom City Printcry, 3d and Taylor. GROCERY, valued at about $900, for quick sale. $4 SO. 427 Lumber Ex. WHEN you answer these Want Ads, mention The Journal. 20 A SUBSTANTIAL interest in oldest established high class mercantile in stition on Puget sound can be secured by a capable business man who can assume active part in management This business has made several for tunes and is capable of making many more; at least $20,000 cash and not to exceed $35,u00 required. Address prin cipals direct, care H. Erwin French, p. o. Box 190Z. Seattle, warn, Meat Markets Two A-l markets, located best part of east side; one in a tip-top residence district, and one in the business dis trict If looking- for something GILT EDGE, call 618 Yeon bldg. (C761-770) I HAVE a truck proposition to offer for the right kind of a man. I will put up twice as much money as you, and you manage and control it It will take at least $1500 of your money $2000 would be better. You will have to show me you have the real money before I will entertain you. I can show you and prove to you $4000 net prqfit a year. Answer at once. Y-92, Journal. Cigar Store Located best of Morrison st: rent only $60 per mo.: cash sales from $33 to $54 per day; fixtures A-l, including soda fountain; get price and terms at room 618 Yeon bldg. (C789) WANTEDPartner will small capital. as third party to Incorporate for manufacturing and marketing of new patented device to clean a wind shield on auto or streetcar while in motion. Best of references. Call or write 8. S. Si gel or A. W. Johnson, 383 Aider st Oitice phone Main 2183; residence Ta bor 530. Machine Shop One of the best equipped shops in the state; located in a town of 7000 popula tion; only one small competition; rent $25 month; get price and terms on this at room 618 Yeon bldg. (C740) MUST have responsible party to man age legitimate, prosperous business; can handle at home; make $50 week, with increase; small investment; or would take good car. Don't call unless you mean business. Alder hotel, room 402. 9 to 12 a. m.. 2 to 7 p. m. DO YOU WANT TO SELL YOUR BUSINESS AND SELL IT QUICKLY AND PROF. IT ABLY ? If so. call or phone us and we will tell you now. ASSOCIATED INVESTMENT CO. 618-619 Yeon bldg. Main 481. 26 li. K. rooms, rent $80; close in cor ner on Broadway, extra well fur nished and absolutely clean. Can prove $80 net profit per month. For anick sale only $1100. $460 bandies. Call 249 4th st EXCEPTIONALLY good opportunity to men willing to work and take active part in manufacturing plant; $350 re auired: money well secured: no ex Deri ence necessary. Call at plant, 246 Hol- iadav ave. Grocery, Sunnyside District Well euqlpped, splendid location, cheap rent, good business, good fix tures; auto delivery at invoice, (C 772.) inquire 618 leon bldg. GOOD ouening for a small dry roods store, with millinery and dress mak ing parlors In connection: very litlte capital necessary. Full information at 512 Piatt bidg. HONEST man as partner who can in vest $350 and willing to work 8 hours a day for $160 a month; must nave references; 303-4 Lumber Ex. change, 2d and Stark Restaurant Well located and doing about $15 a day business: rent onlv $20 month: price complete $450, or might trade for acreage, call 618 Yeon bldg. ('JV56) 37 TRANSIENT rooms, rent $100: lo rated In very best transient district: corner; all light sunny rooms. Owner clears over $200 per month. Price iu. i erms. tjau Z4 4tn- st CASH" store business; have opening ior energetic man; requires small in vestment and will nay you $30 week: you can try It before you invest one dollar. can room 329 Morgan bldg. MONEY TO LOAN 27 REAL ESTATE TO LOAN on improved real estate $500 $1000 From Prompt $1500 to Service $2000 8 $3004 TTARTMAN-THOMPSON BANK. LOANS on improved city property or for bulldin purposes; advance made s building progresses; liberal repay ment privileges; no commission. J. P. Lioscombe. 24 Stark st Maui 4430. WE have money to loan on your real estate; first mortgagee only. HAMMOND MORTGAGE COMPT, 423 Chamber of Commerce. Mortgage Loans L L. WHITE 701 Selling bldg. BUILDING LOANS on city and subur ban property; money advanced as work progresses. W. G. Beck. 316 Fail ing bldg. Main 3407. 6 TO 7 MTG. LOANS. Private funds, amounts $1000 and trn. Promt service, lair treatment A. K. HILL, 419 Henry bldg. MONEY to loan in amounts of $100 to $5000 on city property. A. li. Beii. 201 Gerlinger bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. Mortgaes bought and sold. John Karnonp. Railway Exchange bldg. MORTGAGE loans at current rates. - Real estate security. Apply room 202 Stock Exchange. 3d and YamhllL $100,000 on mortgages, city and farm property, fire Insurance. McKensle & Co.. Gerlinger bldg-. 2d and Alder. $200 TO $20,000 on improved and un improved real estate. BOID REALTY CO, 208 Alder St WHEN you answer these Want AOs, mention The Journal. MONEY TO LOAN ON REAL ESTATE. a. h. Harping. 8ia Cham, of com. $1000 to 7000 for city or farm loan,' Tabor 520. or C-665. Journal. $40,000 OR LKSS, FARRINGTON. 80 4th st. Board of Trade bldg. MONEY to loan. to 8 per cent W. H. Seitx & Co.. 310 Spalding bldg. MORTGAGE LOANS. C and 7 per cent Louis Salomon & Co. 229 Stark st BUSINESS CHANCES 27 PRIVATE FUNDS; ON HAND TO. LOAN. " $20,000 at 7&: 17000 at 7K: $1000 at 7; $2500 at ?; $1200 at iVel $800 AC 8; $500 at 8. 7, MCK KIVZ.I hi L IJ.. 515 Gerlinger Bldg. Main 2801. CASH paid for mortgages, notes, con re tea F. H. Lewis A Co- S Lewis bldg.- MONEY TO LOAN " 7 CHATTELS.!' SALARIES j 1MMKD1A1'S LOANS ON DIAMONDS OtND JEWELRT AT EASTEfvN RATlto - - We have one of : the finest retail jeyelry stores in tn city. A loan enr partment is conducted in coumction with same, making i uainesa STRICT LY confiukn liAi l Aosoiuteiy no signs designating 1 fan business dis nlaved in front of of ir store. All mer chandise pledged is ; held for a perioi oi seven xnontna, wpeuier or xoi in terest is paid when, due. We are U censed and have Vbeen established' since 1899. No connection with any. other loan establishments in this city. . A. Id. DELOVAmSE. JEWELERS,' 804 yvasnugton st. .WE MAKE t.OANS0 6 iiOUKy TiMiJ At Legalj riates We loan money on diamonds, planoev real estate, plain O.Hes or furniture rortiand loan uoi , (Liceni ed.) Room 206, Rc tcbild Bldg. Bet 4th and 6th o Washington St. $ $ $ STATE SECj R1TY CO. $ S $ " SALARY LOAho Ot PLAIN NOTES" , A n r . . . - CHEAPEST AND r ZCST PLACE -O -BORROW j MONEYv ABSOLUTELY i 0 SECURITt Business Strictly Confidential. -' ' STATE SKGcRlTY CO., $ $ $ 809 FAILING BLDG. $ $ $ - MONEY A ONCE. PRIVATE PLACE tp OBTAIN LOANS Diamonds, watch, m. Jewelry, etc. SEPARATE DEPTH FOR LADIPIS. BUSINESS STRICVLY CONFIDENT TIAL. ELBY CO. (Licensed). zo bumper ex. hii ; MONEY on chattels; bought Columbia Swetland. ; g-. 2d and Stark. notes and mtga.. Co. 20 t LOANS on real estate, diamonds, Jew- elry. Wm. Holt Hi, '.Washington bldg. MONEk' to loan on Ulamonds, Jewelry. S. W. King. 46 WftJhlngton bldg. WHEN you answer these Want Ads. mention i ne jour rhe Jour? ial. diamonds Jewelry, al. 141r8d st nea LOANS on strictly confidential. near Alder. loans Wanted 30 w n icu w.n Ai otwuiu i t. $5000 at 8; vafue $20,000 farm. $3500 at 8; value $12,000 farrri. ' ' $2500 at.8Vo; vafre $ 1 000 farm. $700 at 8; valjae $4000 farm. ' $12,-000 at 7; vilue $36,000. cltyl income, $600 per moath. . $550 at 8; valu $2000 farm. McKENZI C & CO., ? 615 Gerlinger BIMg. Main 2801. Wanted, $500f 8 Per Cent, Security; !$2200 HARTMAN-THOHPSON BANK. $250, $500, $X00. J1000 On vacant property at Wooritock. Moral risk excellent Underda$l, 301 Board of Trade. T WANTED. $5008 PER CENT. SECURITY, $2200. KARTMAN-THCfriPSON BANK. WANTED $300, H, security $2000, H ARTM AN-THO jl PSOX BANK. WHEN you answery these Want Ada, iii-imon i ne jourgiai. 4 FINANCIAL 31 IS HEREBY GIV:N Uiat I will of fer for sale for oft week from this date a note tor $&62.60, secured by Thn nr.r. anrl mrirlnlo-a r . roy office, 400 Chamber of Commerce wakken it;.. TiPpMAg, Executor. FIRST and second iffortffages, also 1si-ar nteMet In snMk vi - Oregon and Washington. H. EL Kobv T aimK.aas-m.n.n 1,1 J V STOCKS AN1 BONDS SMALL RANCH WANTED. I want a hog akl dairy ranch Of 80 to 100 acres, between Roseburg and implements. Will Sty $2000 cash and want time on balance. Your price -must be right Glfte full particulars in first letter. C-67. Journal. HELP WANTED MALE ' t WANTED Two thoroughly experi enced coat maker for women's cus tom tailoring. Appgy superintendent's office. 7th floor. 9fto 10 a. m. Lin , w WVfc W ajvi n,i two arrvuiuous young men. not over 82, withfl good address and education: those v&th selling experi ence preferred, to : represent one Of T ... 1 .4 .. I , .. .1 1 . : v. .... l ... tions in the capacity of salesman or manager. Good salary and pleasant occupation assured; if properly quail-, fled. Reply in ow i handwriting, B Six, journal. -si DON'T look for Work. There is bia demand for automobile drivers and repair men. Our ' expert instructor qualify yon in three to five weeks and assist in securing good positions. Bring: this ad. for one tree lesson. PACIFIC AUTO J& GAS ENOLNB BCifOOL, 288-288 11th st (Near Jefferson.) V, M. C A EMPLOYMENT DEPT. Record for year '19 H: Calls for men ........288S Positions filled -i...... ...1942 All young merf seeking employment are cordially invited to consult with, the secretary of -tae Employment De parxment. WANTED A roan J who needs a dollar "and is willing work if given aa opportunity to eanda nrood salary; casd weekly. Address Aapital City Nursery company, naiem. Uk. . Continued Vest rags) By "Bud". Fisheir MONEY TCllOxUf: REAL ESTATE