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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 16, 1914)
Ml 111 THE OREGON DAILY- JOURNAL, PORTLAND, FRIDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 16, 1914. 15 SCHOO L BOARD JO HAVE AN EXHIBIT AT F AN RANC1SC0 FAIR Half of Space Allotted Will Be Used; Plan Was; Pre viously Turned Down, - . BIBLE QUESTION SETTLED curing' of P.nay Donations to tne Chriitmaa gaip Fund Permitted Optional With Pupils. Acceptinr a proposal mad to it by AesUtant State Superintendent of Schools Carlton, the Portland school board at Ha meeting yesterday after noon took ona half of tb space al lotted for educational purposes In the Oregon state building at the Panaroa Pacifio exposition. . The board had previously refused to parttclData, b- lieTlng the conditions laid down by th exposition "commlMion were too exacting. The exhibit will be In form of an industrial work display of Port land school children, and will be cared for at San Francisco by the state. The question of Bible readings hi the schools has evidently been settled as far as the" board is concerned, as all communications on the subject from the Rev. U. K. Richardson were ordered to be placed on file. Conceding the Justice of a complaint made by a deputation of German speaking citizens, headed by C. J. Schnabel and Dr. P. W. Dammajsch, that lectures in a school building should not contain prejudlcjous or ob jectionable matter, a committee of the board was appointed to consult with Professor Raymond, now giving a series of lectures on "The Great European Powers," at the Lincoln High school, under the auspices of the Portland Educational association. Unless Professor Raymond promises to eliminate such portions of his talks as are objectionable to any class of citizenry, he will have to seek an other auditorium. The board yesterday granted per mission to women interested In the Christmas Ship movement to obtain pnny subscriptions from children in ' the schools. Mrs. I, Lesser Cohen and Mra F. W. Swanton, appearing before the board, promised that the sub scriptions would be entirely optional with the children. The board also directed that the exhibit shown at the estate fair at Salem be put on display at the Manu facturers and Land Products show, The following appointments were confirmed: H. K. Weed to be super visor of gardens. In place of Merrill O. Evans; Miss Mary Campbell, to be a teacher at the Bnckman school for the deaf; Mrs. A. A. Sanborn, to have charge of sewing in the high schools, at a salary of $1(00; Miss Anna Casey and Miss Anna R. Rogers to direct sewing in the grade schools. at salaries of $150 end 1140 per jnontn, respectively. BIG M 3TC s e FOR SATURDAY Save $25 worth of our Cadi Register Receipts and get $1 worth of Meat FREE! Again we have managed to procure for our customers choice meats at low prices. Come tomorrow ant) save! Eat Chicken i Sunday Again Tomorrow MAIS mm i - . The choicest of the best sugar cured Hams money can buy. n Again Tomorrow Your unrestricted choice of any steak in the house 8c i Sc cT'5)tr Ub. M 5iV uizj Ui- L Again Tomorrow Roast of PORK. Many other choice specials at this line" but for lack of space we can' BUTTER Newport Creamery Butter, roll 75c Valley Creamery Butter, roll 65c CANNED GOODS Minced Clams, can. . . 10c-15c-20c Canned Salmon, special, can 15c Supreme Condensed Milk, 2 cans for 15c market tomorrow -In fact every one of t give each the prominence it deserves. Choice Picnics, lb.. I2V2C Sugar cured Bacon Backs, lb. 18c Sugar cured Bacon Strips, lb. 12 V2C Soger cured Bacon, lb. 20c-22c-25c Cottage Hams, lb. 17c Compound, in5V.... 45c Compound, in lCft 85c Again Tomorrow Roast of VEAL C Lb the following hems is a real "head Choice Boiling Beef, lb.. . 10c Choice Pork Chops, lb.. .... . 15c Choice Pot Roasts, lb. . I2V2C Plenty of Fresh Eggs Always on Hand Poultry at Low Prices. Chickens 18c Pound Fish of an .kinds afresh every day. Our own home made Sausage. C3 TA AT A TFYVTLI r1. Married at Cornelius. r Cornelius,, ftrnJ Oct 1,6. -r- Henry fiohler and Dora Hermens "were mar ried in the Catholic church at Ver boort Thursday by Rev. Father LeMll ler. The'hst man was John Bohler, and the bridesmaid was Miss Nettle Hermna After a short wedding trip Mr. and Mra Sohier will reside at Ver-boort. Where Quality Reigns Supreme and the Price Is Always Low. CORNER FIRST AND SALMON 'Phone Ryan for Liquors Groceries Free Delivery " Ryan Grocery Co. Ninth and Davis Out of th. high rant dimtriot." 4 Green STA MPS With thia advertlsinieot and a trarehaae of 3 lba. Ardmore Oof tea for $U0 at our etore, or with six of the yellow UckPta jr1n by our salesmen. Thia ad redeemable Saturday, Oct. IT, and Monday, Oct. 10, enly. PoaitlTely do tmpa sent oat. Tn. ticket given by ear ealaaaaea can be exchanged any tine for a, H. Stamp. , eY 809 SAUSOBT ST. Between, Trout and Tint. KalnSSeS. CLOSE BAT. 6 ?. M. SSSSSSSSBSSSA iw IF STXFEBXOX TItOVM doesn't prove Itself AT' 1 bhv to be Just as superior and lost as econona aU leal as we Bay It Is. -We simply make the Costs You Nothing "I n?nin flat statement that Superior Floar is Su perior in quality to any other flour on. the market. , Coffee Special Tomorrow only Oar ref. 40o iTtmo Grade, FLOUR Still Reduced at the D. C. Burns Co. Superior Flour I Superior Flour Per. Bbl. $5.30 Per Sack $135 OVB. ornatr-Try a sack of Superior Flour, making: as many- bakings as yon wish. If you are not satisfied that it is better than any other flour you can buy, your money will be refunded. Tomatoes, Laurel Wreath brand, extra heavy pack, 2s per do, SI. OO Each . -lOe Ceylon Tea, regular 50 c; special 37H Gloss Starch. 1 lb packages, 3 pks for.lOa Wright's Silver Cream 204 per bottle, or 3 bottle for V......7I.5 Walnuts. California, good meats. 1&4 per lb or 3 lbs for ........SO Eastern Hams, per lb-. . ... .204 We will offer to 'the Dublie on Annla n&v. Oct. 20th, absolutely the best value in ap es mat nas ever been offered to the clt ens of Portland. .Phone us for prices. 3 lbs. for $1.00 -g Kain 616, A.1636 D. C. BURNS CO. THtanSS Between Salmon and T aylor, Portland, Oregon. One and one-half blocks South Public Market. BPECIAX, MATXi OBDEB S2TOVX0E. WHITE POB OATAAOOITE. Exfara Specials! Fresh Columbia River CI Salmon, lb. . . . S)(C 1 Special Blend Coffee lb. . . . . . . 6 lbs. Macaroni, Spaghetti. Vermicelli or Noodles . . S7e 25c German-American Coffee is a household word in those families that appreciate true economy. The high est quality at a minimum price, 30c9 3 pounds 85c Double Stamps With 50c Purchase AT " Stall 23 J The Yamhill Street Public Market is the only big lire mar ket in; the city giv ing j&tf Green Trading Stamps to their patrons. If yon have not as yet patronized this mammoth public market at the corner of Second and Yamhill, better come tomorrow. The follow ing specials will prevail Read this list carefully Remem ber 25 merchants under one roof. Z&C Green Trading Stamps Free With All Purchases v BTAXJU SO. Roast toeef, IK 12 V Roast Pork, lb. ...12H1E Roast Veal, lb 1 Legs uuaob. lb. i; aajtns. Best Sugar-oured lb. STAXXi r lYaatb Oohtmbia Rlrer Sal- lb 84 STAZA 8. FoTzr-day-old Eggs. 3 do.85t BVner Creamery Butter, roll V5 Oood Batter, roll .. ..60 Instead of butter. Jellies or Jans, for filling or frosting cakes, for flavoring tee cream, for making candies); regular 25c; special 3 . tox 254 WAM. IS. Roast Pork. lb. 1&4 Lean Pork Steak, lb We are still selling oar cbdlc steaks at Uo lb. BTSAZdC 3TL lerfe California Orape Fnrlt. eacn ac; special e zor.zoe BTAX&8 4 JUTO ft. Fresh frnlts and Teeretables. full line groceries. Free de livery ast and west aides. Telephone M. 6353. Wesson's Salad Oil SOef Skamokawa Butter. roZL.7& SOTS CEJTUST CSOOBkX Special Saturday i S lbs Tmpioco or Sae...25e$ lbs . MacaronL Spaghetti Vermicelli or Noodles. .254 Always Fresh roasted cof fees underprlcod. rTber really isnt a better place," Only tT. s. inspected meats sold nere. Double 8. & H. stamps wtta eacb iOe parcnasa. 23 AJTD 34. A Big Treat. Bear We have a larc fat bear to eat op Saturday. Corns early to avoio uta man. Roast Beef. lb. 124 Boiling Beef. lb. 94 Home Made Sausage Jb. 1.2 4 ' BtaU 1ft. Fresh killed poultry and fresh and aait flak of all kinds. Freak cooked Crabs. 1 totJ2&4 8TAT.T. aa. 2 lbs Peanut Bntter 21M Sanitary Batter (best) roll 754 XXtreka Creamery Butter. roll AIU Sam's Special Blend Cof- in. noss Diemi voxxee, special in. Mflk, cans ULL 14. las Coffees, lb. . . Foil line bakery goods; also Swedish Rye Bread and Bard STAT.T. IS. Snyder's Catsup, large tee " 204 Kilw&okis Summer SaSv sage, 1U ...54 ITALL S2. Monmoutb Butter, roQ.TB4 Clo-r-er Blossom Butter, roll, 104 36c size Honey, bottle 204 STAXA 1ft, W. C Special Batter, roll. 704 Delft brand Butter, rolL.604 Blue Ribbon Butter, rolL.754 Guaranteed SSggs, direct from . raDca. doav .....MS4 OTKS SJLTtTKDAT VTEHZBTOS it yg.ij , Satire quar. tsar Mock, Corner Second and Yamhill Streets WeSeU For Less Because We Buy for Less When you bay your supplies here, you sxe really buying from a wholesale house, selling at re tail Go over our prices and you wlQ find how our prices are uniformly lower. We are not 'price-cutters' but "price-redu c era." There is a vast difference, A price-cutting store, like any other, must make a profit or cease to exist, but in the advertising of special" sales and "leaders,' an attempt is made to create the im pression that superior buying power is the reason for these "stu pendous1' reductions, , In nearly every case, price-cutting or the offering of leaders is a deception. Stores practicing such methods sacrifice the profits on a few dozen sales, "charge it off to advertising." as a salve to conscience, and make up the loss on the sale of other things. Pay ing a cut price on one article and an overcharge on anothrr, makes neither purchase satisfactory or economical. "The steady price" stores. which give the public an all-year round level of prices, cannot meet such competition, as a role on leaders, but they save you more in the end. With ample capital, we buy in quantities for cash, take advan tage of quantity purchases and of the occasional special opportunity which' ready cash enables us to grasp, add a uniform profit, and by eliminating credit losses, cost of collections, house-to-house can vassers, and by scientific, econom ical management reduce our operating expenses to where the lowest prices can be offered, not once in a while, but all the time. Which plan is the best for ytm? Think it over. Try the People's plan and Judge results by the money you save at the end of each month, SUNNYSIDE STORE 994-996 Belmont fccoels veateatzy to many east Ida) pSjtroBA SPECIAL! CHICKEN SPRING OR HENS II Pound Chickens for every pnrpoee . frying jj boiling, roasting--fine. pxump Diras tor no more tnan you pay ftyf ordinary meat. String Beans in glass jars. Put up at home 2 pints 254 Celery Salt, in glass shaker 5e Cranberries, quart 104 Ginger Snaps, bbl. 204 Kellogg's Health Wheat Bis cuits pkg. 104 Campbell's Soups, all varieties, per dozen cans fl-OO Pure Flavoring Extracts, full 1-ox. bottles 3 bottles 254 Monarch Coffee , Per Lb. 20c A high - grade, carefully blended Coffee of abundant strength. Always fresh roast ed. Identical with most 25c and 30c grades. English Walnuts, extra huge-' 2 lbs. &4 Italian " Prunes, large, new crop -4b. 104 Picnic Rams lb. 13e Hams lb. ..204 Lane's Magic Cloth Cleaner for removing grease, pitch, varnish, etc., from silk or woolen fabrics. Bottle .. .54 Lipton's Yellow Label Tea Lb. ......... ...90f Sugar, 17 Lbs. for $1.00 Delivered free when pur chased together with $1.00 worth of other supplies. SACK SO.OO Snowflake Crackers Small pkg. 3 fog ..M..254 Large pkg 2Q4 Peerless Soda pkg, . . , . , 2Q4 Ya case 7&4 Easy JeQ (4 handsome glass dishes FREE) 4 pkgs, 254 JPeanut Butter lb, ..... .154 Cereals a rresn, constantly moving stock insures you clean, new goods. Roman Heal ......204 Shredded Wheat ..104 Uncle Sam , ..,..204 Quaker Oats .MMM104 2 pkgs. Violet Oats 25 3 pkgs. Violet Wheat 254 Cream of Wheat ....154 2 pkgs. Wheat Eats, 354 9-Ib. sack Corn Meal .35 sr. Canned Milk HOWfY MILK QQ CA Case'bi 4 dozen.. npOuV 2 cansMoUy Milk ........164 cansj Supreme 1B4 cans -'Marigold 184 cans? Carnation ......... 254 csnsi Pioneer Milk 254 Eagle iBxand .....15V Soaps, Cleaning Materials, Etc. Lighthouse Cleanser .&4 3 ..254 3 cans Borax 254 2 bara-Sapolio ,15aj 2 cans? Lye... ....ISi 2 can Chloride Lima 184 0 Ancfna Cleanser ........254 13 bara Elk Savon 254 8 barslSCLNT ....284 7 bars Dolden Star .......254 6 barsvSfels Naptha 254 o Darsrvrysxai wmre 6 bar Sunny Monday ....25 Gold Dust. Pearkne or Citma 204 Good tB room 204 Bxfrbank Potatoes I$l. 25 Sack. omestead Iff Brand Thejf: most for the least rOOAtLitm cavrcfullv mA fully oarantsd to be pure, eatrle AlstiXsMSk aaa J' - - - a. Salad leM Ki Catsup- for ....'.'..','.'.''.294 x-canui'iourter pint .4 - yt - S " Green ItO lives pint 254 Cocoajy,-lb. 154 ChocoUte. lb 28 art, r'i - . - - T. rrepafea Mustard, qt......Z54 Butter'Ofull roU 784 Coffeeyjlb 304 Corn gbid Cane Syrup, gaLB04 Hali-feallon 254 Cane $d Maple 8yTup, gaLfl HallleaUon 604 Molas s gallon BO4 rtajj-gaUon 254 PhnriP YnilP Orrir W are rpltn&i&y equipped 1 IIOIIC 1 OUr VSrUeiS to handle business over the phone and assure you of quick, efficient personal service in filling your orders and delivering them. We take phone orders Friday evenings untu 10 o'clock, f . Phones: Main 570Ojj A-6255. as st store PHONES Tabor 18 B-1215 I 1ST- ANO rfP eo. I tSSK II I II I I. . r, J F"o I I 1 II VII fill aT ti z 1 1 ' ' J DELIVERIES r SeOweed, i Tssedaye art Ts-azsaays. t Xss City ; Kara Parx, F Tremoat aat f Xats, M Woaeedys! i aad maayf snmtavtua. l'! aad Portlaodj Kicate, M Thursdays, Otbsr see. h tioas daily, g I mm m9 m Mail Urders does a large and growing mail order business and is novr preparing a completi price list and bttlie tin. SEND IN YOUR NAME FOB A FREE COP MONTHLY. It wiD save you money. Sogar 1 7 lbs. for $1 FANCY SUGAR CURED Hams 1 6 c lb, Roast Lamb. lb. 8c Pork Roast 1 Lb. Veal Roast r1?V2 Leg of Lamb J c Boiliiig Beef lb. Hamburger finp Sausage Meat J Ivt Fancy Sirloin Fancy Round lb. 16c 4 lbs Fancy Dried . Peaches ...... 25c 9 lb Sk. Corn Meal 30c 2 pkgs. Post Toas- ties ......... 15c V 4 P SPECIALS Good Dairy Butter 30c lb. Guaranteed Eggs 25c Dozen. WASHINGTON corner First And WASHINGTON ST. BEST Creamery feutter 2isa7c Roast Beef POUND SLOc Columbia River ! Salmon 5c and 7c lb. rlalibut, lb. 10c 1 FANCY -SHOW APPLES f $1.35 Box. IPOTATOES : 16 lbs. 25c i ? $Weet Potatoes 11 lbs. 25c JOURNAL WANT ADS BRING QUICK RESULTS as-.r- -