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About The Oregon daily journal. (Portland, Or.) 1902-1972 | View Entire Issue (Oct. 10, 1914)
Tfcould there be any more lm portant news In the paper than 1 b contained i n the "help want ed" ads? fRain tonight !fn d tomorrow; Southerly winds; imldity 78. VOL. XIII. NO. 185. PORTLAND, OREGON, SATURDAY EVENING, OCTOBER 10, 1914 TWO SECTIONS 14 PAGES T3T?T,T? TXrr rSMTC OK TRAINS AND NEWS JTXXXVU T w VVHH.U. BTAVT1S TTTVP (!riITI Boston Wins Second K James Pitches Greatest Game .s Deal Doubles, Mann Scores Him T BY BRAVES' BIG RIGHT HANDER Only 24 Men Face Him in Eight Innings, While Plank Is Troubled All the Way, Losing in Ninth. THK SCORE. BOSTON NATIONALS. WO HITS GIVEN A K. R. h; to. a. e. Mann, rf .'. 0 z 0 0 0 Kvers, 2b 4 0 2 0 3 0 Cathrrs. If 0 -' 0 ft WhtUfl. f H n o 1 0 ') Krhrnidt, II) i o 1 J 10 Howdy, 2 0 0 1 0 Miii-Hm illr. hs Z 0 1 : 4 1 Heal. 3b. 4 1 1 '1 2 0 James, (i t 0 ft o o (l Total 33 1 7 LW 14 1 rH I liADKl.PH I A. AB. n. H. ro. A. K. Murphy, rf 3 0 n 2, 0 0 Oldrlnar. If 0 0 ft ft ft Col linn, 2 b 3 ft 1 : 2 0 Hakpr, 3b 3 ft ft 2 3 ft Mi Imifs, lb 3 ft 0 7 ft 1 Strunk, of, 3 ft ft 4 ft 0 Harrv. . 2 0 0 2 T ft Hrha'nK. i- :: ft l .". 2 .i Plank, p 2 ft ft 11 I 0 Wnlsh, 0 o o ft 0 ft Total i:, 0 t 27 13 J Batted for Plank In thr niiilh. Sl'OUK BY INNIMIS, Boston .ft ft ft 0 ft ft 0 0 11 IMt.M 1 o 1 2 I 0 ft 0 27 Philadelphia . . . . ft ft ft n ft ft ft ft ft ft Hits ft 0 ft 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 Sl'llMARY. Struck out by .lamex. 8; Plank, 6. HttHes on balls off Jamef, 3; Plank. 4. Two ban hitf, Schang', Deal. Double plays. Mranville to Schmidt. Sacrl flre hitB, Maranvllle. Stolen bases, lal, Parry. Hit "by pitched balls, Maranvllle. Passpd balls, Hehansr. .Jn nlnstn . pltr-hed by Plank. 9; runs: 1; httK, 7. Time of game 1 :6f. 1'mpires: Ulldebrand behind the bat, Kyron on baweH, Klein in left field, Dtneen In right field. lty Hal Sheridan. (Written for the 1 'nited .Prfss. Shibe Park, Philadelpliia, Oct. 10. In one of the most remarkable games In th history of world's fories, the Boston Braves Took their second Ban. a from the Athletics this afternoon. Their victory was due to the mas terly pitching of Bill James. He hell the plugging .Mackian forces to two hits, disposed of them in order up to the ninth inning, and with four men facing him in the. ninth, only 2S men took ' their places before him at the plat e. Kcldie Plank, the Gettysburg veteran, opposing James, pitched almost as bril liantly. Plank was touched for seven hits but he kept them widely scattered. It was Peal, the Braves' substitute third baseman, who, delivered the blow which really worked Plank's undoing. Five times previously during the two games Deal had opportunities to drive in Boston runs but failed ingloriously. Wo Longer WeaJtest Spot. He was regarded as the weaiost spot In the Braves' line-up. "With one out in the ninth, Oeal'drove a double to deep renter. He then stole third and scored on Mann's single. Thia hit was another tribute to the strate gy of Stallings, the miracle man. Fol lowing his usual srheme of switching his outfield for a left handed pitcher, Mailings sent Mann to right field in place of Moran. Hln move w;fs vindicated when Mann delivered the swat that drove In the winning run. The extent to which th; Athletic batters have been at tho mercy of the Braves' pitchers was shown by the fact that they huve made even hits in two days. Hehan.q; doubled in the sixth Inning1 today, but was immediately .out attempting to steal third. Collins beat out an In field hit to Kvers, which represents the entire efforts of the heretofore dreaded Mack artillery at the bat. It appeared for a moment in the ninth inning today that James was weakening after the masterful way in which he had handled the Athletics. He walked Barry. This whs his sec ond base on balls of the 'game, as he had passed Murphy, the first man up in the initial inning. After Schang fantied, Walsh also was walked, but a double play eliminated any chance of me Athletics tieing up the score. James whiffed eight of the Athletics' sluggers, putting Mclnnes, Strunk, Oldrin- and Schang on his list. Mc lnnes and Strunk fanned twice, and Oldring's fanning was his third of the series. James Whiffed Every Tim. Plank struck out ssix men. James, his opponent in this great pitcher's baUle, struck out every time he came to" the plate. Plank gave four bases on halls and it appeared for a time in the sixth inning that he was about to blow th game. He hit Schmidt with a slow one. "Butch" was not per mitted to take lis base and then flied to Murphy for the second out. Gowdy then walked, Plank apparently having lost control completely. He hit Mar anville and there were two men on bases. Deal again failed to come through, however, and forced Gowdy at third. ' One of the most remarkable plays ' of the game was pulled off by Barry and Mclnnes in the eighth inning Cathers hit a wicked roller straight toward second, which Barry came in for, stabbed JLt and,, by a lightning like throw, shot It to Mclnnes. It was tCuncluded uu I'aga Two, Column One) r. PACIFIC COAST BOY STARTLES EASTERN FANS fef X Is" 1 f'5- - ' vi .- - V VJ , ' NtWS StRVICE. 'Seattle Bill" James, who made the most auspicious entry with world series of any youngster in the history of baseball. ALLIES GAIN NORTH OF THE OISE, CLAIMS OFFICIAL STATEMENT r 11 i i . m .1 r -v i i run Utilization ot uavalry is Prohibited by Rough Na ture of Ground, (Hniteii Tress Teased Wire.) Paris, Oct. 10. "The Great Battle." as the struggle in northern France is now regularly referred to in all official communications, was progressing sat isfactorily, from the allies' standpoint, it was announced in the. Bordeaux war j office's usual statement, received here I at 3 o'clock this afternoon. Violent German attacks on the Fra co-British left had been repulsed was said, and north of the Oise gains were claimed for the allies at bcvcral points. In the extreme north fiehfinjr n-ns I icporiea still raging, tnougn not ex- j actly in the form of a general in- j rtagemcnt. owing to the broken char- ! acter of the country. The French were said to be advanc ing above St. Mihiel. The statement's text was as fol lows: "The great battle continues satis factorily. "We have maintained our positions ull along the line in the face of vigor ous attacks by the enemy, particular ly on our left, in the region of Arm entieres, Cassel and La Basse. "North of the Oise we have gained several advantageous positions. "The fullest utilization of our cavalry is impossible because of the rough nature of the ground. "Antwerp was taken yesterday, but no details of the city's occupation are available. "On our right, in the region of St. Mihiel, we have made progress. "Severe fighting progresses on the east Prussian frontier in which the Russians have had a measure of suc cess. They hold Lyck. "The .siege of Przemysl continues. the Russians having captured one the principal forts." Wine Makers Agree ! Queen of Belgium On Terms of Tax! m England, Report i j London. Oct. 10. That Queen Eliza Straight Tax of Six Cents On Wine j beth, of Belgium, arrived at Folke and 65 Cents on Brandy Agreed to i tone, England, from Dunkirk, France, By Ohio and California Growers. i Friday "iht was reported here on j seemingly good authority today. The Washington, Oct. 10. An agree- report was not officially confirmed, ment said to be satisfactory to Ohio j however. and California wine makers has been j presented to the senate finance com mittee. It proposes a straight tax of six cents per gallon on wine and in creases the tax on grape brandy and distilled spirits used in fortifying wines from three cents per gallon to 55 c-snts per gallon. Debate on the war tax measure will begin in the senate this afternoon. Game, 1-0 t; E ALASKAN BILL IS REJECTED BY SENATE Senator Myers Tells Senate No Alaskan Bill Will Pass the Present Congress, (United Pres Leawi Wre.) Washington, Oct. 10. The senate having rejected the conference report j on the Alaskan bill by a vote of 26 to 23, Senator Myers of the conference committee today told the upper house that no Alaskan bill would pass the present congress. m Hfr GONFERENC REPORT "".Mexico Tied Up by Carmen s. Strike Cabmen Join in and All Ask for 100 Per Cent More Fay, XUgnt Hour Bay and Union Recognition. Mexico City, Oct. 10 To the gen erally confused state of affairs in the Mexican capital there was added the lurtner complication today ot a prac tically complete tieup of transporta- ! tion as a result of the cabmen's and street railroad employes' strike. At such a time, a struggle of this sort was looked on as especially dan gerous and the local authorities were watching thev situation closely. The strikers want 100 per cent more pay, an eight hour , day and union recogni tion. The suggestion made at the Aguas Calientes conference between Villista and Carranzista representatives, of a commission form of government until order and constitutionalism can be re stored was generally regarded favor ably here. it was reported here today that mutinous constitutionists shot Major Aguayo. military commander at San ta Rosalia, robbed the custom house and put to sea Thursday, on the steam- ot I ship Korrigan III. ! EXPECT PORTUGUESE WAR Amsterdam, Oct.T 10. "It is an nounced from Berlin that Germany is expecting a declaration of war from Portugal," was the assertion to- iday of the semi-official Dutch news bureau. i 1W IS OF IK -4 Belgian City Surrenders to German General vorr Ved- eler Unconditionally After Bombardment for Two Days and Two Nights. BELGIAN ARMY GETS AWAY IN SAFETY Nearly All the Inhabitants Al so Left Before the Ger mans Took Possession; City Is Badly Wrecked by Shells During Siege. Tnifed l-fess Leased Wirc.l The Hague. Oct. 8. (Delayed by the censor) Antwerp sur rendered to the Germans at 'J 1. m. today. A white flag was hoisted on the cathedral spire and the bombardment ceased. Then Burgomaster de Vos and Alderman Louis Frank went to the Berchem gate and met General von Vedeler, to whom they unconditionally yielded up the city. Great Damage to City. London, Oct. 10. Antwerp has surrendered. The Germans have entered it. It is burning in many places. Two-thirds of the city has been wrecked by the bombardment. The Belgians hold only a few isolated forts of the inner ring. They were firing in a desultory manner at latest accounts. The Belgian legation here had not, indeed, received official notification of the surrender up to noon today and officials there said they doubted it. The- information, however, was from too many reliable sources and in too much detail to be seriously questioned. Before the city's fall two thirds of its population a.d practically the whole of its garrison had evacuated it. The burgomaster and military com mander had decided further sacrifices were useless. Surrender having been (Concluded on Page Two. Column Six) Postoffice Safe Is Robbed by Yeggs Daring Buj-glaxy Committed in Thick ly settled Residence District of Loa Angeles. Los Angeles, Oct. 10. Yeggmen dy namited the safe of a postoffice sub station in a thickly settled residence district of Los Angeles, early today, and escaped with stamps and negotia ble money orders worth $15,000, and $175 in coin. A police automobile patrol wagon on its way to tfre sub-station after the robbery, collided with a telephone pole and overturned. Several officers were bruised. The burglars entered the station by means of a key fashioned with the aid of a wax impression of the lock. Fin ger prints were left on the safe, which were photograplied- TT r'n "Mnf T7qttt "Ri rv j O J-J -'-L)f But Hand Is Vise Victim of CkkUowayc Bandshake, Says He Xiost a Finger and Sues for Heavy Damages. . Los Angeles, Oct. 10. C. B. Gallo way, 50, who is five feet and six inches tall and weighs 130 pounds, is defendant today in a suit for $3178.50, brought by G. W. Markham, who al leges that a crushing handshake by Galloway almost ended Yis life. "My hand was so badly crushed," Markham said, "that blood poisoning developed and I lost a finger." "Jack" Jeffries, brother of Jim Jef fries, and once a pugilist himself, tes tifying for Markham, said he once shook hands with Galloway, and that he would rather take a chance with a vise than try it again. Marse Henry; Will Call on President Xdttle Unpleasantness Was Forgotten, and Veteran Editor Resumes Hala tions of Friendliness. Washington, Oct. 10. President Wil son and Colonel Henry Watterson. ed itor of the Louisville Courier-Journal, have exchanged letters, and Watterson will call at the White House soon, it was learned here today. Recently Colo nel Watterson wrote the presid-mt, re gretting the latter's indisposition, and saying "disability" of the president would be a "national calamity." An other note of condolence was written by Colonel Watterson at the time of Mrs. Wilson's death. CONTROL WHITE FLAG WAS HOISTED ON THIS SPIRE , p U ' : A t v - K 1 .V ! ' 2 111 JL 1 i III : i . H i I , I r ViiSS Sffl?! I ii ? i-r i 7 III- M ' J 'TViVfi "-.-s z ii ' - 'yi p' ' 1 '- i yr, lli i,; vC'4i V'h y?' t!3"S .iglKjr,! , i, -i. i. , i ..trrL. ' - III Cathedral at Antwerp, from which structure was damaged by the Zeppelins, guns were mounted INNES AND HIS WIFE INDICTED ON CHARGE BY Charge of Conspiracy to 'Kill Is Also Laid Against For mer Portland Man, 'Special to The Jonrnal San Antonio, Texas, Oct. 10. Victor E. Innes and Mrs. Inne.s, his wife, were indicted jointly today by the grand jury on a charge of having mur dered Mrs. Eloise Nelms Dennis and Beatrice Nelms and on an additional charge of conspiracy to murder the two girlp. In all, four indictments were returned, despite the fact that the state admittedly is no nearer to proving the corpus delicti of the miss ing girls than it was a month ago. The habeas corpus hearing for Innes and his wife is set for next 1 hursday morning in the criminal court, at which time the state is expected to adduce whatever proof it has to substantiate the charges. The murder indictment recites that Irnes and Mrs. Innes "on or about (Concluded on Page Two, Column Six) Important German Town Is Captured Marggrabowa, 10 Miles Within Bast Prussian Border, and on Goldapp Lyck Bailroad Line, Is Taken. Petrograd, Oct. 10. Capture by the Russians of the German town of'Marg grabowa was announced by the war of fice today. The victory was an important one. Margrabowa is in east Prnssia. about 10 miles within the frontier and on the railroad connecting Goldapp and Lyck. Antwerp Forts Are Captured With City German War Office Announces Cap tore at Fortresses of the Belgium City as Well as Town Itself.' London, Oct. 10. "We are in entire control of the fortresses of Antwerp," said an official German war office statement received here tonight from Berlin via Amsterdam: This was taken as meaning that the outlying, isolated forts which still held out when the city surrendered had fyo capitulated. MURDER JURORS If a iv : -Ai -i 'i h -1 - ? ' .II the signal of surrender to. the Ciernians was flown. This notable artillery fire of the invaders. When the city was threatened by in the spire to protect the city from the flying terrors. Speaker Brings Wilson Message Clay . Tallman, Commissioner General Xiand Office, Chief Speaker at Demo cratic Meeting Tonight at Library. Clay Tallman. commissioner of the general land office at Washington, D. C, will be the principal speaker at the Democratic meeting to be held tonight in Library ball, in the Centra! library, at Tenth and Yamhill streets. Another speaker will be Walter M Pierce of La Grande, prominent Demo crat of eastern Oregon, and A. F. Fle- gel. Democratic candidate for con- j gre'ssman from the third district, will discuss the issues of the campaign. Richard W. Montague will preside. Arriving in Portland this morning, Mr. Tallman brings a message from the Wilson administration to the .peo ple of Oregon. His office is next in importance to members of the presi dent's cabinet, and is of immense im portance to the people of the west be ,.,, a.11 public land matters come within the jurisdiction of his depart ment. Mr. Tallman is a western man, familiar with the needs of the west He was appointed from Nevada, where he was a prominent mining lawyer. The meeting tonight will be held at 8 o'clock and everyone is invited to hear an able discussion of questions of interest to every voter. Speeder Sentenced To the RoGkpile Penalty Imposed on Han Who Drove Car Which Was Wrecked Causing Death of Three Men. Ross Cummings. driver of the auto which was wrecked, the accident re sulting in the death of three men on September 2S. was given 90 days on the rock pile this morning in the, mu nicipal court for reckless driving. The original charge against Cum mings was manslaughter, growing out of the coroner's inquest, but the grand Jury failed to look favorably upon this charge and recommended the ease be handled in the municipal court under k . 1,1-jilAn nf the traffic laws. The m i. ;n,1 i u in Ha flnnrl f Samaritan hospital with good chances of recovering. Cummings pleaded guilty. Active in the prosecution of the case was the "Safety First" movement, repre sented specially by H. P. Coffin. Cummings' parents live at Hood River. The mother was present in court this morning. After the sentence she was given permission to talk with the son. Bride Wears Overalls. Los Angeles, Oct. 10. Mrs. Rebec ca Blair Northrup, 18. a bride of a few months, was arrested while beau ing her way from Saw telle to Delmer with ber husband. She wore overalls. Gallant Russians Respue Baby From Bullet Swept Road Petrograd, Sept. 23. (By mall to New Yorkl The rescue of an 18 months old baby girl, crawling in a village street which was being swept by shrapnel fire, has won for three Russian artillerymen the cross of St. George, conferred on them by the czar. A Russian battery was retir ing near Iemberg when one of the gunners saw the baby crawling from the doorway of one of the houses right tn front of the guns. Without hesitat ing a moment he dismounted and rushed to pick up the child, which was crowing with delight at the sight of the gaU loping horses. Just as the gunner reached the Infant a shell burst over head. The Russian threw him self on the gTound and shielded the little one with his own body. A fragment of the shell struck him in the spine and prevented him arising. Two of his comrades sprang to his assistance and arried , him, with his little protege, to the battery amidst a storm of Aus trian bullets. FLEGEL NOW FORGING AHEAD STEADILY IN L E Democratic Gains Render Ad ministration Candidate's Election Certainty, Indications point strongly to the flection of A. F. Klecel as congress man from the third district, whien consists of Multnomah county alone. i""1" cnuses ore contributing to the success of his campaign. The strong disposition among the voters to uphold the administration of Presi dent Wilson is a large factor. Mr r legei s clean record in both public a.nd private life, is another. The weak ness of his opponents is still another. I he fight is four cornered. Klegel is the democratic nominee. '. N. Mc- i Concluded on Page Firr, Holmnn Klrei "Just arrived from Panama with 20 young talking parrots. For 'sale." Dogs and Household Pets. "To exchange Carpenter work for good horse and bug gy." Swap column. "Soda fountain for sale. Strictly modern fountain, with j German silver, mahogany and Alaska marble finish, CO feet long; can easily be converted into two fountains." For Sale, Miscellaneous. "For sale or trade, small grocery, strictly cash trade, equipped for delicatessen, situ ated on west Eide in apartment district; $S00 cash or will trade for stock and equipment on ranch." Business Chances. CONGRESSIONA RA Scotch Collie ani.20 Parrots 1 1 These items are published today,n The Journal ' Want Ads. The name of classification in which i&l appears follows each item. If you do not find just the article iyou are looking for insert a Want Ad of jour own. uj . q , . - - ' .!.' - ' - - - - - " - ' ' OIUSH OF mirvn unnT : blM G HU J I I BfOCie B! : OCDPCCIDC riLnuL nnc M Graphic Description of Bat tle If Wirballen, on North- eas Border of East Prus sia fas Witnessed by Uni tedPress Correspondent. TERRIBLE SLAUGHTER i0F ATTACKING ARMY Russians Charge Up to Ger ma Lines Only to Be Mofved Down by the Mur derous Fire of Kaiser's Machine Guns. r (Thaifollowing account of the battle of Wirballen, hy Karl H. Von Wicffand, manam; of the United Press Berlin bureau and the first foreign corre spondesi permitted on the Basso-Ger man fighting; line, is the initial eye witnei story from an American in the eastenpwar zone.) njjl Kti H. von Wiegand. Thd; Firing Line Near Wir ballcijtlvia The Hague and Lon- ion, fpct. x. At sunset tomgiu, ifter ur days til" constant fight ing, tA;e (ierman army holds its strategic, strongly entrenched posit rffli east of Wirballen. Asfil write this in the glare of a screened automobile headlight, several vards from the German ionainign notes oi a wiuicisi chords. For four days the sing ers lfive lain in cramped atti tude. jn muddy trenches unable -to nbve or stretch themselves exceftj under cover of darkness. Andjjsjtill they sing. 1 hcflicve they are on the eve of ajjgreat victory. I rfgw-hed the battii rield or w iruai Irn biffnre daylight, armwl with a pa per Spiled by the general tatf, and ac on3&nied by three officer?, who were Unsigned to chaperon me ana furniijme with technical information. WefltVaveled three ..days by uUmo- M h ijhid then our machine broke down - wtthigthree miles of; the right uigo the Gjrjnian position. We continued on foot i i Blood Against- Steel. Todlty I saw a wave of Russian Tleshr . snd tfiood dash against a wall of Ger man 'te-l. The wall stood. Itlvutets of bllcl trickled slowly back frwtt it. ' ' TotM 1 know why correspondents are nft wanted on the battle lines. De scriptions anil details of battles fought in thg jycar of our Lord 191t do not 'i makeffejice reading. . Wefijstruck the firing Hne at point near file extreme right of the German positfeli shortly before dayllgnt, and breakfasted with the officers com. mandpig the field battery. Supplies of ammunition brought up during the nightlwere being stowed, in the cals sons.jl !An artilleryman with a shovel wentljabout throwing loose soil over certajh dark, slippery spots by one of the gfutis. I saw shovels similarly em pfoeij! several times during the day. Delight revealed guns on the re versejjiide of the hill, their muzz'es ap parerstly pointing directly up the as-, cendgj-g slope. ' Sullenly there was a wird. tootb- (l'llaitludi on Pgl t'lTf. Column Three) 3?4 "fLjost Young Scotch Collie dogjf Lost and Found. "flor trade Five room house, motlrn, furnished, lot 50x100, 6 lfbcks from Hawthorne car, sidefalks, all clear of debt, valine $2350; want acreage on carfjne about 10 miles from Portland;, must be good land; wilf j assume small mortgage." Exchange, Real Estate. Hi ' 'poy, 18 years, wants work on Jarm. Is alone in the world ancfjl w&nts to make an honest liviift." " Situations, Male. 'Iillinery Trimmed or un- i trimmed, $1 to $100, for diam ond or anything 1 can use." Swj Column. Wanted A "bird dog pnppy. I ch&jr." Dogs and Household I e' . 1